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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1891, p. 4

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h n FLESMERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. < pibhthud livery Kaon TUB Ornri ..' /--Aim Strut. - flnkfrian, On*. TKHMi O* SfHSi IlIi'TION. I pii annum when paid Irictly la a-lranc* l.M I"' annum whvu uo( <> parl. AUVKlirt.ilNti lUTI'i On* ruluinu. 1 >i'i..'J. half col. do., K I] iartf*l M! .|.i . I 13. r .... ill a 'IvurnacintiotK cliau-i-.l at th* rato - * : i" i . . for ftnit iniwrti'.ii auil .k-t. pur Mnetach iiilmxim-nt iint'rtliiN. W. II. THURSTON, and Proprietor AMONG THE ISLANDS. Cool Die- ..i..- - Fish. Scenery, Ojibway. This people are descendants of die noble Hiawatha, ami it you liatvii to their conversation you will recognise many words made familiar tn tin.- studeut tlirough Longfellow')) In .uitifnl legend. The Indian retains Ins language, but lie has lost his identity. Ilu Gitche Munito ii a for- gotten god ; his traditions arc becom- ing but a misty memory f the loir.' past. There are muny traditions and fl nilc even in couneclioii with the l"'.i:iuful Maoitoulin which have never been collated. These should i I'lini i.-.l with care by some of our liu-rary men. Where are our Cana- dian poeU that they litre not niado use of some of the material lying around loose in this bouie of poetica 1 ft-rvor ? We wonder that more Wil- liuni Wilfred CampbulU have not i ;.-. n up. iVi li;i|..< Mr. Campbell will himself shortly find occasion to still better usu his clever pen in that lirection. Hut we have dwelt too long upon this question. Our excuse be that our iatereat it warm. The Ailvaiico ve la*t wet-k a few C'bscrvatiotia en the Indian* of tin- Mai:ituiili.i but did not complete Hiutc all it had to say. \Ve will now describe an Indian Lome thai ap- |iBrc<l t'> bo r.| -il of nil on tin .\atinii. Ilr who shall hir--:ift. I i knovsu a* Commodore HOIKS, .HI i the writer. \. -ii> d geviTul of these The Indiuliii dwell in H, snailur e \uctly to thofle i f our fon fatiidn wln-ii they cntcn.l . i. lin iiun i I our forests. '! lio VMoivnm or tepee is nut to be found. lU ]>l;ici IK t'llirli I'V the whit,. i:iin - lii^ bvUdiog. HOUHU I .i-[.!'..' :i I .lulili-U-d li> III.. -I M[MilWS i a tliii:^: l( marvel lit \\iiiiiliifiil licunseofits filthy pirfi-ciiun. At our first |d:ico of ?ull e i-onld not ilicidr ti) rios the llnesliold. hilt )>itnply gn/' ! 111 honor through the door while ih<- Coiiimwl.irc, rrh.> had n ni,aM lint; of the- Oiibway lan^uaR* and actul :<s inteiptvtir, invented an i xcnse for ( iur jin-neiicc at that pur- iictilm pliicc. Inside \v:is an uld .. 'Vi . M \. i nl I . ' in liou of s, a ini^e bun. lie <{ filthy look- ing rags in tin- '( iitn- of the that WB.R about all. Th*. -isti-d cf a crone anywhere from forty to a himilied nnd liliy years old f'V il in ini|His.sible to ^'1111^1' an It -liau wniiian's n^i- al'i . -'.. ailivi H it r oity\, nn Iniliun 1- \ i i^lil or nine uiota^''' asleep on tlie r.iyt ; a }(illi|o :,,..,. il . ... ,1 ill i;;ui'ly but i.utv r >I'H .<. a i' -| . .i.o.|> on the old ejnnt-'il lop. S'lrh \v;u thu .- of tlii 1 - i. . , bare, Lleah ill! ly l ..iiid i'. Cl'ij .1. Wr (Miild not lit. in ...ill. ii|. ..i llie il'ixvnfull of t . ludiai', for it i - ; ' .1 -.o i-illy u .. I .I'.'.vnf.ill for the uhongnife limn lii flic and ra.-y I'.iu-.-it life t" i... ii -111111,1 U i.l nvili/.ation. Win 'I I' .1'. lilt li ft no in- uns of lind- linhan is nn .st..i.-ii I i I r.yiniiii Mr'siilnian, who . illuii. n.-li -kulfl t.ililJn. At ti;e IH \t plllCl. nf I'.lll. llu\Vr\rl. '.luii^-i W' i'i- 'in a suliievvoat mipnived tihtn, Mi'iii^li very l.u Ii u [c-ifect. . Indian ftliner wa'i at h Jue heio, ' to hi- i|iut,' iniln-.!i low. ili- w is, \\n jndgiiil, a i.t .vly uurMd nni!'. nnd IIIH intln r i-oinrly HI|IKIW IP a; a window eOgagtd in scwii).; Ii.ijjruiit hay which she Hi Illy I'u Hied Ililo tin hliape (if a i 1. li.i:.ket. \\ e i iidi .i\. in d lo (il'eiiM I \vlnretlil.S lie.ultlfill mini iiili< A- lint did not succeed. One i n-. ilitol it wub sti\vn and culti . 1 ly the Indians thdinsolve?, I'll e. l!..i! it ;':.w Wild, bltt that only .in Indian cmild find it, owiu^ to 1 1 n fact that il nd- i wax not distinct until it Ii i I l.i i n di ltd. This HC mil hou"r v. an built of neatly hown lo^, i,. I irai Riiriiiimded hy nbout four . i ol i.. \vly eli .in d l.iiid mi wlnel' .N tli 111 ifilin.;; ei i|i n| col II, |ii) I -as, etc. '1 In |.',iuv hud mi .ui of :omfoll and liupj. incus about il iiinl (lip lionso in^ulu was ipiitc -Iran mid oiiln 1). In ull tlimii i. ;. . i - i- \v-0:. !inii to tin- :-.-n. ial rillo. Afu i niiikiug a i:<m|iln of pnrcliBH. s of an nlilfi \ upli we <|e I .H 'i I \n Indian school np|..i>itc Mm itiiiMining m pn ni'li d IIM i by an liidi.iu ich 10! misln'M. It. being llin 1 I'i'liiy leiison tin -. l.oul \VUM OtMi'd nnil .- could ;iot pay il a visit. \ia 1 nniMi |, id (lie |i,,M,|\|-| of III illg n Wo-i II, <T Oil Oil- Imiil With til.- inn M cf ili -school mid fuiiiul Jin an iiiudlixnil pcmon. Hlie \ny neatly and was quite white l,ini.(Hl. We i-.ui vi-lli-d ul linn. Oiinoflhe Jfiuit fuiheiH, howover, a <xiiied IIR that she HUD n full Id, ml, , I linlian. Tlio language Kp,>l,i'n by lie-i lunliy remnants of hy gone tUyn is tl u MAMTOl'LIM. Olrdlad by Huron i tlir.'l.l.iii^- an.l thunder, Out nn the drift and rift of It* l>lu U'alli-U bjr uJiala from lh wuil<l auu.h>r. l*i Iroui all hat* anil |>aanlon and wooler. l.irlh the iaU uf th* Manlton Hrrr wiier* lb* aurfa nf tho great I-ako IrauipU Thundering tiiiw worn oavvrim through, Itoalint; un rock coat ajf*<l ftii'l atr|tl*. Kar*th thv Maiutou init-walltMl tin|>l. with fotal in 1 i'M.>lv<l with blu. Grey ci au bttlB*nta, waro-l anil brnkan. KI-I-I. t lira* t>a*Mii fur agio tn <-om* . N. v.-i a wt--li r.l brri- U |K.kuli. Sver a miKl* aiin or token, r i nni I....-U that aro 1-1 tiui.liu li|> that art dnuib i >n I v th* mi u fod ri.Uth orer. Maikii/u thr a*aaon> wiili (rack of Dante . OliU II... wil I fowl float ftll'l l:..Tf r. Fl<-l> ..I , ion. in. b"i< -,- nit.- WHIM cover S|-. i-s.iii *|iacet without a nauir Sti.-t' hi", "f raaiu an.l wilil lake mca'low. lt.-ach.-4 that brn.l to itin.-li.-i- of HIK w >i! t M'.rii aii'l uvi- n, ml nil MIC ail'l Mint-low . \Vll<l dm...- "f -in*, i ,,ii far lu*'luw. Kli!t<* i.f whit* va|>-ir r>un kiaaod an.l furled V.-ar inr ar the * onward I >i ift inn it Hath out hi.ri. aloii* . Karthai'l. tti niuti. an.l tho **rth ini-ta tun- wari StaiwarU lliedayt, and tho night* bloom .lawn mi 1. 1 , \v-,-| .-i 1)1* fun-tit, th* Uiachn make moan Far from the worl.l. ami it* j'-i-.n fli*tinff. Sritli -I'lint of n...,.i-l> an I KiilltiniH of .tar. sln.i>. unto ahor* *arh Mioil*tb grtiiiif. Wf..- .. tin. only won U tlictlirf . U.I.I I.,. In, ,- That thiulii from tli.- i,i>.|ilnr.| laka alar. \\ \V 1-AUI-liKI.I. Tlio Manitoiiliu inland is 'JO miles in I. -until and froiii :i to '2C unit-- in width. In-ill"; cut niio by man; bayit and ii:leU. Us inUrior is studded with iinull lakes and rivorg which contii.utu a verituOlu |>aradiiiu foi' tin- s|n 1-111:111 There :un but tint-.- t.nviis of any i:ii(>ortaiice on tliu nl.ind -(i-iru Hay, at tlio western i.l. I.iUlu Current and &!aiiiloT&u ing, at tlio i iiii. Ci.ii i' May captured unity building hy vote of the |H>[>ulaco some time ii'-'i. and this lias iMXrii il a boom and (ncHti^o, but it l.ick.i th country nrotinil it and fjtii nuvof beCOUlo K 1 i! . pliii-i-. Then- is u lar^-e amount h 'ojd fanning land on tin' island, hut there in also much thul is tony nnd poor. It isdesln.i I Ui he moro nf ft };ra/iie; e mntry than 11 ,-1:1111 r.ii~in r M.iuiiiu .uiino, \vhi-io MI- i inded u I u- r a thiitet-n ln.iir run fioiu llwi-n Sound, hits rvidnntly HPeii iis in-st diiNs. U is I., luiifully and In .I'llhfully located (in a liii{h blntT on thu went .-nil- of Miiiiitowan iii;lmy. Its buildiii'.'-, \vlnoli i\ro all "! I'lali.i-. hav.- ii Inld 1,,-rU-d Imik about t'ntiii whioli is not very ui> putl/.iui{. Two new I'lil ;h e.i-,1 blockil arc, linwexer. nnw bi-in^ i-rei'icd.whirli will add niiieh to thu ap|M-araii<v -.1 tho place. There is a^e ainnttiit of biiitiiii-M.s diino in M iiiit'uv.iiiin -. iiottvilliHtaiulino. 'I'hern lire I'M nt class stiiren, two ImleU, llm-. ehuicht'8, l(K-k-ii[i i stun. . factory, two blacksmith khop.-i, 11 nn niK null, ete Suvurul uf thu biisiiii--s liter) of Miliiltiitt-liiiu ; e iinc from th. i .iiiily nf (irey, and :-onie iVoin the lownslnp of A i lemexia. AIIIHIL; we inix'ht nil nti ui Mr. ('i)niirll. blacksmith, anil Mr. I-WKIISOM, liotd Lei-prr. Iii Mr. I-', wo found an old lid.lillMLJ house fiiiind of fmrli'i n \. i -, itX 1 '- Mr. I'Vr^iiM)ii is a Him of thu ex Hi-hool iimpi-et'.r f n South (in\ llu ko.'ps a first ehi's home, Bet* n KO .id table, and in iiltentivo to guests. Thoi.1- who httNi! ih-eanion to yi.iit ManilowaiiiiiK Hhoiild hunt him tip. This should ba ihc HtarliiiK point for tourmts wl.o (Tt<iro to "do" tho island, (iood livery il^s can ba He ; i fj at very roMOIUVDM figures. A dlivo of three niil.iH I.) '.ho wektwaid will linn;; you to ono of tlio movl m mrtntio lakt'ii in tho world Lako M.lllll'lll some '/(It) |, i-t Kb'ITO till) Irx.l of Lhko Huron, 20 milu. Inn.; mid from two lo nin. i mile*: witlc Liiko Miiintou, or Spirit Lake, in Haul to havo don veil its name from thu In duns, tiwiii^' to u peculiar booming Komid which is said to lo bo heard ut intervals in its drplhs. I'stuml in <|uiiy f.iii,. I to voiify ill.- truth of tins, and wu 1-11111.- to th conclusion that tho is a mylli. It is, at all vents, u lovely shei-l of water, and thv In nardoileil li\i bjOv lieving it thu abode of Gitche Manito. Thiii lake supplies salmon, whitetisli, pike, black bass, perch, etc., but the Canadian (io\ has prohibited net fishing for a term of three yeara. The black bass tiahiii"; is magnilicieut, four, five and nii-poundem bimig .[int couiinon on its western shore. On the eastern shore they are somewhat smaller but very plentifull One of the most enjoyable fishing episodes uf our life was spent one afternoon on the waters of Manitoti. Still farther westward are. lakes Miiidemoya. Kagawong, and num- berless smaller lakes, all filled with the gauiey and toothsome black bass. There are several small rivers on the island which are well etockod with speckled trout, but \ve lei them alone, we could get tiout nearer home. Tht Advance did not bun.; home any fish stories, but it did bring home a nice little box of fresh black baas for the staff. Hass are, barring trout, the finest fuh in our inland waters, Of larger game the island is plen- tifully stocked with beat, fo\es*Mbbils and grouse. In our next Idler we will dial with the iiovth shore of the (ifirgian Hay and its innumerable islands, but be- fore leaving tie- Manilonlhi wo wish lo nay that in our humlilc- estimation there is no sportsman s paradise in Ontario which em dm. . i ii th island Unelf. He is a poor tool of a man indeed who cannot tint' excitom- nt and the most acute |d.Msur-' in play- ing a five-pound hlacl; his-;, in draw- ing m a ten-pound pike or even in nailing over the spttrkinii; waters of these pretty inland lakes, nearly every one of which has a or boals on i to shore which may i itlmr borrowed or hired. And what is llu re in tin. physicians' |bflMOOMM that is in. n. pie^nant wilh hl'.--givilig qnalilirs than the iiiM'or tine,' air of nature's brewnu- .un .1 i .< - lak'jd, rocks ami rivers? \Vnav e mid lie ii >i. -iii > \Vi> w mid adviD any of our readeis who can at all do S3 to take a draft of llns > Imr. ' head nf lire at,.ck were from Clicaley station in throe days. Tin- llruce I It-raid will di..;i an iiie tin* week. Till! SUolb'.ir.u- K.-oiiomiat ilitto. Cipt. Mi-Mi.-liti^. of th.. Wellatid bat t.illion, "on tin- I'rin. v "f Wales' |'n i- nt I'.wlry mi Sa'.unUy, mid U- rvnui the |.r >prirtr .>f a fold in .in 1 I'lim. The tnl uf tin- p.-:iti.>n a^uint th re- turn of Mr. A. Flan, |d,. II na M.IM'.for Alumna, IIM ri-suli.-d in the IM-III^ aiiaiaiiied in hit mnt. All the charge* were found to 1m New Carriage &! Blacksmith Shop. The un.lrriiiKned heg learn t.. acquaint th pal. lie with the [MI tint UK** havs opeajJ op a new carriage an-l blackaiuith nhop in Klirii<-ri..ii. where everything in oar line will te atten i. .1 : > in a prompt tu-tnner au-l K<*l workuiauahip X'm. - MJt<-J. \Ve luak.- i tt of II O R 8 E 8 H E I N Gr. A iliatroikini! fatality li.i|ipi-iiril iirnr Wi.irtoii uii l-'n.liy form ui. A cottage oecu|>ied I'V n family nnim-d Sheldon (.!. tiro while tin' ni.'t! i-r w:w out in t\\r far- den lid Mid) two rial. Ill n in tli.- linue, tin- yi>iiiii>t* of two'.liviiii: aali'i-ji ".jintain Tin- u'it ymr old i>irl w nuioLc > iiun^ fiMiu ii|.-i.uri ant) ran to rail her motlit-r I'll. n> Mil Slu-ld, in could n-ncli tin- Ii"ii'e the tl<incs had pioi;ri-a*<l too far to a. ; i,,il the little IIIIP, nnil the m..ili.-r mid U. is wvre oliliyrd to ntninl liflplruly I y while tlio awifl tl.iiiiiH r.'in|.li'lc<l l! r tv>rk Mr. Sheldon i< away woikin^ 1.11 tin- M.iuitoulin |ii. S. Fleshorton Station Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Sawing donu day. of all kiniU for alo. J. K M O O K I I'mprii'tor. MM Ulh Tiinh-i \\ iiilml. iw.. IIW Tlioma* < h :nn for S.ilo i'llM)) i-.. or Saw I AuJ Drofoai to hare a m*clia>iie trim t'irea entire natUheti >ii ewir time. Special attn tion to tender r contracted feet. Iutrrf.-n: preveuttfJ. W O O D W O B K I N G In all itf lirancliei. Wai<ont. I>ni0|iea. democrat* i a.le t.i orl-'r. \\' I- !' wa cm work up a anod bitaiut-M in Flc-hertou by fair .11. 1 -'I'liro .Intling anil r.ueful workmanship, ,i 1 oli< it the public to t -st ..ur ni"i it^ in < ur Tarioat linen. .snot' oi'i'nsiri: rt iiviri in: ir.i/a /;oovv _ WHITTEN & BLAIR A Fact worth knowing : S I LARDIFE MACHINE OIL IS THE IIKST Lrr.RICATINt; oil. IN <'VN*,DA. ,,\"i'i-i{ :-: Oir< (il'AKAXTKED TO Do I'.KITKK. AND IS <'\r..\l'i;i; 1 li.vN i \F.i.O\Y. MA1>K ONLY IIV McCOLL BEOS. & CO, Toronto. l>y nil lending dealer* tlur.n c '],.uU t!ic country. All , dl, or' .1. i u ho iiu'1 tin in rToim, . .. i>im, )n> ni brnkrn down inMii t i' -r work, re ulting in muuy uf ti. I . >.u,: yuiptoiu>; .lfprcsi.ui, pimt.ilir. i>lil ((., loss of vitality. In** of iir > ui 1'nl ilreami, -H nl >i|{hl. ||. i.,;i n of ibe lifnrt, nniwionn, luck t>! <.u in the k ! n '\ . ln-a<liicln-.)'H"l' !l - ' 'hi- face or l. u >l\ , itching r 1' IM-H.-II. -u about the scro- tuiii. ullllK' uf til" or ( ;n, ill/., i. kefure tlx' ff. fMti i 1:111 "f ihi 1.1 I'jr Ilil* Ulld i-Ufli ! ''-liln >-. ilrpmits in the urine, lo** of uill |.. rr, trnderiim f U aeolp and npiiii . weak ami ttatbv luuaclra, deaire to -I. p. l.iiiun- l<i l<* r. lfl \.\ 1.1, , |i . .oiintipation. (iiillneaa cf lirarini;. Inai of Tiiiee, drain- f'-i -.-lr. ri.-. i ,>'(! i'u\ uf l,in)>*r. Hiinki'ii !. i-iirrouudrd with i.rAiics i I'.i i r . oily l.<. kinn i-Liii. etc., are all jrvptonu of MTTOBI debility that lead to liHnnilT nnd tlcalli i:nl. -< rimil. Tli upriuff or vital force IMVUI . lout il ti'imion tery fiui.-tii.ii waitt'a in roiiM-qiieuc.-. ThoM *lio lin.'ii^-h iki-.- r.'iiniiiUrd in iiiiiurinre ma> ! jii-ru.i .it> itl> .-iin-il. St-nii vour d- dress few- IMHH on n'l .li-.-ie pivuliar tn nmn. Viln-^M.V I.I IK1N . .VI Kr.-nt M K., Toronto. (In. 11 - -nit fr> f.(lf'l Hi-Kit uMe.vse, the hTini<toinof )ncti arc fnint r'pi-IU, purple IIP . iiiinilinwiK. p.ili'it.i. lion, akip liealn. li"t '! i-ln < ruli .-( Maod t.. tin. lint.1. .lull | .kin in the hi-nrt witli -tron^,'. rapid mi'l i r n|(ulk>r, tlu> *.'. I heart brut .pii. -HIT tlnin the firat, pain about t):i- IT. itl.i'iii-. fit . I-HII p'-nitivvly lie run -I pnv, S M I i r l-.>..k. .Vl.livn M V. 1,1'BHS, ;>4l K, .-.,[ Sti*l Kal. Tiu onto. Out F.irm to Lease. Thr -:niL' or :i; ^,i . I i:t .t .!' . ? *;* I ,- - trail - Kl*b > -iii. ,'i T!l\l vs VI XKTHCK. n.'irJ Flih*it..u ktatioa rl.M f 1 In *>* . . k..- , . . >k (*! '*m II for i>i eh tTMai.ff * t4..t > *, t>,. r *k 4*>v*j> r l -.. -" - . . , iMlit.N -r. * - .. e. , , . . .. . .--j.1 IN*,*,. !>,,,,, ..b U.-t k .,.sr. -i . f -a.J.. .3 . a^T U*t *%,,,,, W* ( 'vn !> to* ik* MM . .**m*>.iM.l UMh * vflUK. Ho .iMWMpim t* ril bfensaMW ** -I'Bl r A 4'0.. AtClVTA. lilJIt. SOCIETIES. S> UF Tl:.Ml'l;K\Ml Thin nvlcty ln<H-t iii 1 H ' \ W ..inn! at t i- in Vi-itniic In. th InHtirniirv lu i-oiui Ro\ Al. TKW'I.V> l-K II. M:-: i l-v Itt'tnUr ( inn ill K|.ri'tili. -l.l"ik at H pin s,-l, . t .I,-,.-..., tn.'iii lil\ . th,- \\.-liimilay :.lll. PltlNcr \i:rii'-i: LODOI 10 v F. . V l . -. th* U Hi-.; I. strain* ii.n i. I.K.I . .\ -i \u .iiimin. \\ M.I: .1 Ayer's Hair Vigor IS tin- "Ideal II iir-drrmlDR. It r<- torea the color to gray hair ; promoton a freah and vlgoroua iirowtb ; pnrents thr formation of dandruff; make* t ho hair soft and silken; aud impart! a dell- rate but lasting per fume. Si-vernl month* 'ago my hair ei'in- i'.. ni-ej falling out. and In a few week* my hfsil waaliin^t i i,. I I tried many r-mislii-s. butthry did nn vootl. I Anal- ly houcht a UntUi of Ayer Hulr Vi({..r. and, after imiu; only H part uf the oon- tnu, my head niu roverwl with a heavy ifruwtli of l.nir. I recommend your preparation as the b*it In the world. T. Mini- 1 iv . Sharon tJrove. Ky. " I havn uwl Ayor'a Hair Vlfror for a numtM'r ii* ri<an, aod ItliunlwayiiHlvnn mr iatiidn lion. It i< n oxrllnt driw- \og, |vvi-nu thi' liuir from turnlnu graj, In-iiiri'* lu viuorom erowtli, and keepa thn walp EatS ami clvan." - Mary A. Jaekmui. >.ilein. Mass. "I tiara naed Ay.-r'n Hnlr Vlaor for promoting tlm Rro\vth of the hair, and think It n'i...iii:ili-d. For reatoring the hair to Ita in u-nial eolor, and for adroaa- lag, Itrannot beaurnaiwed." Mra.Ctoo. IM K.-v .-r. K.itoii lia|>ida. Mich. "Ayer'a Hair Vi<ir U a moit cxrel- l.-nt . |tni.uii.ii fur tho hair. I irwak of It from my (in-n pi|ierlnoe. It* n*i> promotxi tlio gro\-ih of new hair and makfs It (jliwxv u "d ft. The Vlffor la aloo a euro for dandruff." J. W. Howen, aVIIUir " Kuqnlrur." M.- Arthur, Ohio. "I Imvo u-.. --I Vv.-r'-t Hair Vlfior for the pant two yeara, and found It all It ! rriirrifiitnl to hn. It reUirM the natu- ral . ..lor to uray hair, oauaa the hair to grow (roily, and kcopa U soft ami pliant." Mra.'M. V. Day, i'uhoes, N. Y. " My f.i' h.-r. at nliont the aae of lift v . lout nil tlm hair (r. 'in the top of hH homl. After LIU' month's trial of Ayer'f Hair Vigor the hair l",:an coming, and, in tlir,-,- inoiiilin. ho had a Mnn gn>wth of hair of the natural color." I*. J. Culleu, Saratoga Springx. N. Y. Ayer's Hair Vigor, riiraatn IT Dr. J. a Ayer & Co.. LoweM, MaM. Bold by DrvmrUl. ami r.rfuaMl*. is| Ciiureli. I leslier'on. toptly an. 1 _'' ' Ult Iprllfll . *.,,,, .. ta,,M. VMnK. - - -i I .4.r. ' r an I #.,.. rei<,i .. , . . "HI . W1H-U1 . I ... I, I.I, IV - broken Kal)o. The "bont-s " in the li. Si C. corset arc made of it warranted for a too. i It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. lor SaK- l>> H. Ki'li:inisiH [< Af^Aftfl li V 4 1 1 ' M y> J U U USr t \ut i .. .rt.k rr- .v- ,; :: var 7 SSStt "~" 1 .!. ,* *rkt fymi, t. >..! r ..,i.i*,t WH. " Maw . . t..t OI ll>. K.u ,.,,K^u,t rM t. f. AJtCltW. Era . *o ..... "~" 1 .!... I .Ml, tM .!... I, . * I , " .... I I...,, bill i.i,* *rkt fymi, t. I, *.ly UI, B I,I >..! r .., "'"

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