SHERTON ADVANC H TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR." "PRINCIPLES, XOI ME.Y.' VOL. IX., NO 525. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. W. H. THDRSTON, E : - c R * ETCR ARMSTRONG- BROS. Osprry < oum-il. O=proy Council met at Badjero s on Monday" July 6, 1891. Members all ARMSlliONG BROS, sell watches to suit their customers and themselvrs. We have proof that our sale* suit our customers by onr evi-i ncn ;{{ trade. Oar Watch sales dur- ing the past month have boeu the largest in the past twelve month*. This, no doubt, is tho result of the perfect satisfaction tliey are giving, and the low pi-ici) at which we sell. We study our customers' interest, and by spot cash buying are able to offer some wonderful bargains. W<. carry V m stock a complete line of the lines'. American Watches. n-uhor with a magnificent stock of Clocks, Jt-w.lry, Silver- plated Ware, and Spectacles. We keep no ap- I'mnices, an.l personally attend to all Watch, Clock aud Jewelry ming, Lambton Co., where she was ten-lime school. Mr. R. C. Evans and Mr. Fli^g, of London, are expectod to spend a while in this part shortly. Haying will noon be commencing, it will not be hard to Communications received from John Rutherford . bill 118.18, for municipal stationery ; from County Treasurer axes on lau'ds occnpied i throu f h WIth lt - aa th it: 1V>1 . i' mion LumJas. Baleinan ^ and 10 others asking for grant of money to open a watercourse opposite lots 23. Con. A. The Reeve's order was issued on the treasurer for the following: John Rutherford. $1*.13, stationery; Milk Warms in Canada The For Balance of and August Look for \Bar gains in Ordered Clothing from C. J. Leitch,Merchant Tailor. Douald McLean, 13 00. refund of sy Hatch and Begin to Spin Mere aa Early as ID Italy. It will be interetuii! for Canadians to know that silk worms hatch ami Sei;m to NO CHARGE for Cut- spin in this country as i*arly as they d in Italy. By the kindneiu of Mr. Mich- ael Bauo.the Empire had an opportunity uf seemu the silk worm at work. Mr. Basso last fall imported one quarter of an 1 ounce of silk ARMSTKO3SIG- BROS. lAISTISli TRfMUINn. 11' . WOOD WOttK FIRST PRIZE \V 11 KHEVER S H <>\VN. I.I MHKK. 1 \TH, SHIMi' ' JOB WORK uls. The cl. rk was instructed to write to FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard's Carriage Works, FLESHEUTOX. ONT. DICK'S I.ASD UOL1.EUS MOW lt> -t Our Our ftugKir* the our Cutler* ilir Our Improved Harrow H ! Best. statuo labor on lot 6. con 3, S. D. U . Encch isilley.f2.00 for postage stamps to clerk. The petition of Jas. Bate- man and others was referred to the commissioner of Div. No. 4. D. K. I'reslou waa appointed a "" "" la " Prwaone.quaner 01 .n Aprloly commissioner to superintend the ! ounce <>f lllt w " rin oue half uf building of a bruUjre over the Beaver i whlcn he hatched out thi spring, and he liver. 1:1 ill M.n\vll. | has attended them thruujjh their several' iXi Lush was tendered 125.00 sleeps till now he. has a great many in s-- ! hi* claim re lot 17. thousand cocoons under way, and thouv ; Well. !>t. \V.. Feversham. ands and thousands of worms ready t" The clerk wag iustrtictfd to notify ^mmence spinning. The stages through , bat* c. Mel), \viiii ; whlcll tha lilk worm . Uiev cannot entertain that u , n fc h abflut h bill tor roods furnished in lH6 to 111- size of a small pinheaa, contains thu j wiirm. which Hatches of its own aco>rd Mr. Gilhiand, survey. .r.askiug him to "bout the K.tU f May. after which the end in report of deviation roac' j wori " ' f J for seven .>r ei-ht dsys across lot SO and 31, con. 14. to villev the leaf of the mulberry treo, which is! rood. its natural to. d. At the end of that Council adjoiinieil to meet a; FcV- tune the wonn takes a deep of -.'4 Jhours ersharn on \ngust IJth next. ,, r ,. a ,,j a urlll5; j t , shed* it HaxwHl skin, after the manner uf snake*. It takes four sleeps f 24 hours and fire ' ' .<,'"'.. times feeding for sercn or uht dsys, ,n- rams have brightened ' . llwUll ,. - , iu , km tlma lt ^ the prnux'Cib for tlie farmers hi .. , . At the end of the tiftli feeding >mi it Most otiheui have commenced hay- , ._ , ha* to be "bushed - that is.^iven a bush Behave succeeded iu getting "r sonu-thing wuu brashes m '..nh u, suit-walk, which adds much to the ap ' b " 1 '" "P'" th " coeoon. It spins rery pearance of the place as well a* to , industriously for from . iju to ten days, tlu- comfort of the people. ' when tho cocoon is ready for market and Mr. McKimiess, who has for the is sold to the manufacturer. The tirst | thnm tho manufacturer does is to kill the Purchased FROM US, Properties for Sale : t R T E M E S I 1 I."- M , :: :rI .tr<\ maun v I: T T -4a. ISSSMfes. frame tiarn and >IM .* preini^rti . well ffi.i.-i u; ill !>.- . , .. ' mni" -iim-eon. an 1 out -i I n.-up ami -n tunv a^'C u - \ it i. - in lillas*- CfTTEBS, l-i liNIT DKII.I.S. i, (St.; PLOWS last that 1 months be>en ovetseeiii:; iht I r lr W UIl . } Donald & Evans Summer Goods are complete. \Ve have on hand a large assortment of Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Lawns, Swiss Checks, Skirting Embroideries, and '1 rimmings in Laces, Embroideries, Etc. 20 Ibs. Light "Sugar for $1.00 ! \Ve have lull lines in Cottonades at iSc., 2oc., 22C., J5C., jSc., 300. and 320, per yard. The best value ever offered. of the late C. McD. ' Wl , rill , llg ide to prevent it f mm eatinv: its NV Hums, has gone home for a short W1> . (lllt whlch w ., al( , lleitn)y , h jilk ilt ! it would act on th silk rcry much u if Jlr. J. Little, druxxist, of Torooto, spent a short time with his brother. '"" ^w . ,h arp Unife aero* a pooU Mr. Jolmstuti Little. ' " p "" 1 ol thn!>ti Tlle cocoons are then his I The Misses Church, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. Phillips. &lis iHiikely, of Toronto, spent a few days with her sisterJJrs. J.Litile. The Misses Kernaghan, who hate beou irachnii; school nesr Parry Sound, are spvuding then: vacation with hit nds hers. Mr-;. McCallnm, of Waterloo, is the guest of Mr. F.dward McCalluin. Mr. l>. Kuglish, who has spent sotue three years iu this place, has gone from our midst. Dave was highly respected by all. Ho takes with him tho best wighesof his many that if the people of thii friends, kuew it they could make Mis. William Horton has gone to Dundilk, where she will remain for some time. placed iu boiling water and stirred with a brush, to which the ends of the silk atUch thomselres and are then attached lo a bobbin and the cocoon i then un- wound as fast as the bobbin can be moved. Those cocwnis which are wanted for egg* for the next crop are kept with the worm alive. At the proper time the worm, in the form . :' a butterfly .emerxfs j and in a few days begins to lay the c^_-> which are kept till next seaaon. Mr. Baaaoi* certainly very enthusias- tic about his family of worms, and sny* country 'lily more out of , WILL SHOW FOP. YOUR 8PECT10N A Beautiful 1 > His MI.VKKWtKF. JI:HKI.KY 1M) silk worms in the six wi-ck* which ihey require attention, than off a whole crop U says that i-onld 16 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for \Vchavefulllines in Shirtings at loc , I2}c. and 140. Heavy weights and fast colors. A genuine Japan Tea for 25c. per Ib. We have full lines in Tweeds, Worsteds and Pant- ings, at 350., 500., 6oc., '"'SC., 850., $1.00, ^1.25 to !? 1.75 per yard. Fine patterns and choice goods. Fresh canned goods always on hand. We have full lines in Hoots and Shoes. A fine lace Dongola lor ladies at 1.15 a pair; buttoned, at $1.35; dull kidil. at $1.40. Misses and childien's cheap and durable. Men's Boots in great varieties, FEESlf GROCERIES. of tiats and potatoes Ihe Methodists mund having their thrM Tl>ars ft <rn . Bt an n tiiil garden party sometime be- . '-rkedup, which would not only tn-een hayiug and harvest, hut have not decided on the day yet. thc MlllI "" J of in '" I cause it to b* tent here fur silks which II o|>. i ll- uow c.nne from Italy. Mr. Basso seeuis as fend of hi* silk worms ;IA if they wen- children. He rucks them tip. liaiul). them and admires thu beautiful cream v yellow color, which is shown when tlu-y are rea<ly to spin. He thinks that any TO - fes 1 F;^:: IU: swidii.K of money abroad, but "would: 10 AN.' 1 1J . K ".*-' 1 T l> $: .'' S . N .\ ' From our ount CurrfSfmnJcnt. Our iniiet village was elu-ered by a wedding last Tuesday. Mr. Qias. SteTeuson, who lias occasionally rt- sided here during the last few yean, HANTS C)Vl-:i:'No TAL r-UEAKAUKS '2 TO 4 vi;s. CLOCKS, wan united in marriage to a lady of i fanner or anyone vlso coultl make more I'nceville vicinity. Quite a number i money ^ )es trouble than could be of guests assombled for tlm occasion made from bee for the sama trouble. 13 utte "Wanted. at the ri'si li/iuv of Mr. D. K. Me Arthur, where tho ceremony was. per- formed. "McOinty jr." has got himself in- to trouble over a little item which, whether real or imaginary, was better not to Hud lU way into public print. Hut it is a pity that one should have to wear a black eye aod a marred vis- age for what may only have been in- tended for a jcke. Jas. Kuirtl. while working at statute labor, had one of his tiugers badly biUu by a horse. The bone was ftpbukered, and a part of the finger l.a< to coin* off. Gilbert McArthnr. of Mich, is visit- ing old friends) here. Mary UcMilUq is home from Wyo- Mr. Uasao say* that the industry of silk- ^rowihif ha* grown to large proportions iu California, and he cnnn. t see why we could not make it worth wliilo here. H was tried once before herr.but the parties failed because they tried to feed worms on lettuce. Mr. lUsso concluded : " I wonder they did not f<!4 them mo- uses ! " {TUe Eiure. Sckeiiker Jt Rothaermael's hardware store at Milverton. Ont. , waa S on Sunday night. A suspect was tured at Newton with soino of the xUilen good* razors aud jaokkuive*--iii i; , ewion, and he wa* 'committed to Strat- ford for trial. IS NICK 1.1. $1.30 AM' \VA! TO $.S.;.i). Fine * Fepairin Busiues-.- Micsl Wislies u All! cap W. A. BROWN, MARKUALK.