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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1891, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS OAIfADKN. Potatoes and hy promise to yield abun- dantly in New Hrunswi. U. A nieeting was held on Monday night to organise a Highland regiment 111 Toronto. Mr. John I. Davidson was unanimously chosen aa commander. The largest r.ulry engine in the world ' ism w Ix-i-ig built at Kingston for the <'hig necto Marine Transport Railway Company. It will weigh one hundred tons. I iere is now in the bonded warehouses iu Walkerville nearly 4,450,000 gallons of proof spirits, which will bring a duty of over $6,0110,000. North wast crop prospects are the most favorable ever given. Another gootl vein of natural gas has been struck at Medicine Hat. "Tho Baroness Mscdonald of Karnsclitfe " is now Lady Macdonald's title. ' r, p prospects iu the maritime provinces are excellent. \ Newfoundland despatch says that over 50 lobster factories have been closed under the local Coercion Act on the French shore. The customs returns of Montreal for the past year were 89,065,487, sn increase of f-Jo.HI I over the preceding year. Northwest Mounted Police captured 180 gallons contraband whisky at Regina recent- y- Count Mercier has received 300 decora- tions and titles from tbe pope to be distri- buted am mg papal /.ouaves iu Canada. A special from London states that Sir Roller- Oille.pie has resignel his position j H ction on th Board of Directors of tnelirand Trunk railway. railway lit ig int. havinu been exhumed by onier of the Knglish Home Secretary, as there is u suspicion he cumin t-<l suicide. He was insured for over five million dollar). CMTKt) sTATK-f. The United .States Iron Association will visit Canada :n August. The great Saen.'errest at Newark. N .1 . olowid ou Tuesday with a parade of lingers. Eighteen Mormon missionaries suited from New York Monday to spend two years try- ' ing to se-ure converts in Kngkiid, Ire 'mil, v-ntlai.d and (Jermany. Vice- President Hannibal Hunlin died suddenly at Danger, Me., on Saturday night. Pnnee < .forge of lireece sailed from New York for Kurope on Saturday morning. The Standard Oil Trust is said to have got control of the retail trade in all Europe. The number of immigrants to the I'nited States from Irt-Jn tu IS'.NI wus l.l.ii-tl.iiM, half of whom were Iiriii<h subjects, includ- ingl.2SO.000 from Canada and Newfound- laud. There arc 3,iK) t (XH) Roman Catholics in the United Slate*. The crop reports from the Northern Stales are very satisfa>-tor>. In ISNH ! ei were'i 1 ,WI8 pupils' names registered in '.lie United Stales; 18UO the numb.-r was I J,.)92, 7'J 1 . Prof. Herman Kolliuger died in a squalid In.t in San Joss, C'al., on Monday. He was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. John Ptirdsh-y, ex-city treasurer of Phila- delphia, haa been sentenced to fifteen years' solitary confinement for embezzlement. A terntic hurricane pused over large i! ( and Missouri on Monday an. I . mis. .1 an immense amount of I'estrnc lion to th crops. Capt. Luther Martin committed sui ide | Henry t A. lams, for many years t reasur- offthe Ceorgian ooast on Monday night at er of the relief fund for disabled I'nn the spot where hi* wife took her own life in a similar manner a few years ago. A Hamilton miller. Mr. R. R. Morgan, says, judging from indication, in the district between the Ambitious City and St. Cath- arines, the crrji of wheat in Ontario this year will be one of the finest ever reaped. To a deputation from the Agricultural ministers, has lieen arreited in New York charged with a deficit of $17,700. Uradslre.-t's reports li.i'.'IT failures in he I'niii-d -v.i es during the past six months, an increase of 571 as compared with the total of the first half of Is-.n.. T'.venty thousand pounds of tea were and Arts Assoeiatioiiof Ontaii... Mr. Carling "nplied inlo the hay at San Fracnisco on said the other day that lift thought the Gov , s :u:-d.iy through the breikmg loose of a eminent would make a grant to enable Canada to make a creditable showing of live stock and agricultural implements at the World's Fair in Chicago. The Board of ItcgunU of Victoria College have decided not to move the institution to Toronto till the completion of the now build- ing in the Queen's park, Toronto, in 1393. The sum of $1,1100 was donated to the college by Rev. Dr. Fawcett, of Chicago, for an annual prize for an oration on some aspect of Methodism. A public meeting o.' citizens was held in the Toronto city hall last week, the M.i. r in the chair, to consider the proposition to erect a monument to commemorate the me- mory of the late Premier. A large commit- tee was appointed to deal with the project. According to BradstreeU' report, there were IHMi failures in Canada during the past six months, with liabilities amounting to $8, 702,789, as compared with MM failures for the corresponding half of the previous year, with J7,J4..'iOH liabilities. There was very little difference in the assets forthe two periods. OBKAT BRITAIN. At a banquet in honor of Emperor William at Windsor Castlenn Monday night a water pipe bunt and deluged the hill Con- siderable excitement was caused by tbe in- cident. The Emperor of tierinany hai presented freight The New York Life Insurance Company have entered a suit against the New York Times for libel, claiming $1,000,000 dam age*. A despatch from Calla-.ray, Nebraska 4 ssys a hail storm in that vicinity on Thurs- day night swept a path from five to ten miles wide completely destroying all grow- ing crops. An officer of the health department of Chicago claims to have discovered that the flesh ot" broken down. emaciated and diseased horses is being made into sausage meat and sold in the poorer .(darters of tii.- city. At Waketield, Mich.. Col, H. s. Benja- min, discoverer of the (logebic iron range, and formerly known an the iron king when his wealth reached millions took the pocr debtor's oath the other day to avoid going to jail the (,'ueeii with a life-si/v oil painting ot himself in the unit Tin of a British admiral, standing on the bridge of a vessel. The picture is set in a gold frame. M ( ilaiUtone is said to ha* e advised the Three women, in Atlinta, I la., have be- come the talk of the city for their plucky work in extinguishing a tire. It was on the roof, and, while one them got a Udder and p! i.-e.l it in position, the other tw hunted up hoe* and hatchets, and they all then m. united the ladder and fought the flames. When the tire engines reached the scene there was nothing for them to do. iv IIKSKRAL. Knglaiid has annexed Sabuten Island, which is claimed by the .Spaniards. \\.uiicnare employed as hot) carriers in Austria, and gel twenty cents a day for ' heir labours. Africa i now completely encircled by sub l*tince of Wales lo apologize to the House marine cables, which make jp altogether a of Commons, and his influence was largely length of I 7, (no miles \ <- - -; f IIM-M'UIII toprevent illicit gi/ed to the House of Commons. The Irish Land Bill has pa-se.l the c.uii- initteeof the Lords. \Viiiiam Hen;y lilidslone, eUltst K rof the great statesman, i. dead, aged 51. Mr. Gladstone, who has liven taking hot nit water IwUhs at Lowes toft, is reported to be steadily improving. On Monday morning 3,500 additional Clyde iron men struck against the proposed reduction of wages. The Baptist Association of Knglaud have passed a resolution condemnatory of the re- cent baccarat revelations. A s--i of the signatures 'if the signers of the U. S. Declaration of Inilefcmlence was Mild for 84,'JOO m London the other day. Kxtensivc operations have been Kegun to the liiver Severn and tiitli. with the Midlands, making an outlet for that tratlic to the Bristol channel. Several fights have occurred in Carlcw, Ireland, between Parnellites and nnti- Parnellites. Sticks and stones were freely ii'.-. I. and several persons were mjuicd. A cable despatch stale* that permission ha* been obtained by the Imperial Ketlera turn 1/eague to erect a monument in St. Paul's cathedral to the late Sir John A. Mne.l.'iiald. \S lnle tbe British warship Cordelia was lining her heavy guns .ifftheconst f Sy.ln.-y. N.S. \V., at target practice, -\ breeeh loader traihc in alcohol among tishermen. From -Md to. 1 ;. 1 ;! i.niulics of .lews are arriv- ing in Palestine ca.-h week, and they are entirely destitute. The Pope has refused the petition 01 the Poles 111 the United States for the appoint nient nt a Polish bishop. The Russian rye crop will be bad, ami there will be no surplus for export. It is reportuil that Russia is buying supplies in America. The drought iu Madras continues, and no crops cuii be raised in the province before February. The land is scorched, and famine ! >ils. A letter trom Sierra Leone says the sup- pression of the slave tra.'c in West Africa has increased the Jcrncity of the warlike tribes and revived cannibalism. It is stated that the retirement of Prince Bismarck was decided upon by Kmperor William, in.) that thu old Kmperor also selected lien, von Caprivi a* his successor. The <;. it eminent of Persia h.i. nrohibited the i \|Mirtatmn of corn from that country. Tin- .pops in the southern provinces have been destroyed by locust*. A party of armed Bm-rs invaded M.i-diona- land the other day, but wi-ic .mickly driven bock by the troops ot iht* British South African Company. The return, of the pensioned veterans who fought under ill. gi.-it \ i|.ole<iii, who burst, killing two lieutenants and four sea- ] nO w rect-m- *:<' a year, put their number at i I U. instead of IN'', as in I MI The Irish Roman Catholic bishop), at a meeting held in Dublin on Wednesday, re- affirmed their former declaration that Mr. IViinell was unfit to be the leader of the Irish people. The HtcHiior Dunholme, from Mid- Ilex boro' for Rio Janeiro, eolhdetl with the steamer Kinloch off IKiver on Monday in. TII ing and sank iu two minute*. Seven teen |>asseiigei's and new arc missing. Ten thousand Nationalists marched iu procession on Sunday from Castlemartyr to Killeagh, Ireland, and unveiled a memorial .Tons on the grave of Timothy Daly the rVman. In the Imperial House of Commons last week Mr. Cmachcu said the iiovenuneiit wa-i willing to advance I'JTHI.OOO to Bri- tish Columbia to promote the euiigratiuu of desirable families from the Highland* of < ,.- \i:i.l (> I'.ntish Columbia. The remains of James M. Henry, the well '.iinvni tiu&ucial aguut and old-time Erie The public libraries of all Kurope put to- gether contain about -21,0110,000 volumes : those of the I'nited States contain about Notwithstanding that starvation is so t. nilile in parts of Russia, owing to crop failure, that parente are advertising their children for sale, the authorities insist ii|>on collecting taxes, a failure being punished by ing. The auciet ies for the protection of animals inSwedon, Norway anil Denmark havopeti Imncd 1 1n' Queen of Italy to exert her influ- ence in protecting the northern birds which migrate to Italy in winter and are killed ih. ie in vast numbers. The marriage between Princess Louise of Svhlcswig Holstcin and prince Aribert of An'i.ilt was celebrated ou Tuesday at St. George's chapel, WiiuUor CaatU, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Tbe Queen and the Kmperor and Kmpress .; (leruiaay were y i -Men i at the ceremony. UF.KOIM. h. I ,, M.I i, -i ,,f .! I l:lu II. ,,i. . IIY Kll'.l. Ml , KI.I.1NM, On the north shore |>crior, net very far from I'rinee Arthur's Lind'n-, was a large gran. to rock, about tw. my square yards in area, which stood directly in thu line of steamer* and coasters (Kissing up and down the lake. It stood only a few feet above the water level, and as eit ten ships had struck against it on dark night* and in thick weather, g'ling almost immediately to the bottom, the Dominion t; .lee , lei to build a lighthouse upon it. The building was made of stout oak timber and the whole structure was se- cured to heavy stringers, vhiuh were bolted and fastened to the rock a* firmly aa archi- tectural -kill could devise. The lop of thu lantern waa made of heavy sheets ol copper riveted firmly toother; the liars were of hummered steel and the pines, which were diamond shaped, were f.f g;.isa nearly ha.f an inch think. Tbe light w is a revolving 'e.i-a:ul -white, flashing once a rr.inute, aim the machinery WHS built o: steel, brass, and . Sweuish iron, the whole weighing eight or ten tons, stood ou the top Hour of the tower. part of the coast where the island lay was so dangerous and the sea ran so high over the rocks in a gale that the uovenimeui sought long for a keeper and could find one with courage enough to undertake so perilous a duty. But at last Joshua Aleot t accepted the government's oiler, taking wiih him his daughter tlypuy, who was just sixteen years old, and all his worldly g n U. out to ths desolate rock. The hghuious..- lay about three-. iiiiirters of a mile trom the shore, but there weie not many day in winter that a small boat could land at tin- rock, (iypsy Aleot t and her father move 1 there in August when the weather was calm, nevertheless when tlie wind rose at night during the first month's residence there and the sea whooped and boomed about the of the tower, the father and daughter trembled with dread. One day late iu September the light keep er and his daughter got into their little bunt and rowed to the nearest settlement. The father hail aomu business to do a couple of miles distant in the settlement, and a* they hauled the boat up the dock he said to his daughter. Now, Cypsy, 1 shall be back in a couple of hours, so do not be far from here when I get back. We can not trust the weather, and it isn't looking very well now. ' Then h hurried away, and liypsy ran olf to visit some cf her friends. She. visited three cr four houses during the next hour and then the skies grew dark. Great armies) of clouds gathered to windward and trooped across the heavens, and n;> 'he lake the storm hid .struck the wnter, turmn blue, drow-v s ;r!'ice into racing u ii te caps. When tJyp-sy noti -ed this she started up uid exclaimed "Oh, the storm is rising and papa can not get back before it is too rough to cross to tlie lighthouse. I will row over alme. -... ii--.iiie come ind help me to launch the Imat." Her friends advised her to remain until her father came, but she said that it was going to be a wild night and the lamps must be lighted. Three or four of the villagers followed her down to the ilnck, but when they reached there the wind was whistling and shrieking and the lake Iw'w-eu the shore ami the island had Iv en already roused by the wind. One of the villager* said : " My ui 1 1 \" r b.'at can't live ti reach tin- island now : loiik at t ise white cup*. Bet- ter wait until your father come, bovk." " But it will be worse soon ; I want to _>' off at once ; will not one of you,"; appealmgly it the group, " row across with me, four oars are so much .picker than two?" But no one i cs| onded to her reinie-:. and two of them were moving' :iway home- ward, when Gypsy cried out ;a -innately : " I suppose you will help me launch my boat ':" Still they made no sign tn assist her, in. I. rnniriiK impetuously at the, she gave it a strong push, sent it down the spruce ways and into the boiling surf. " Look here, girl,*' shouted the man in the p.irty, "no skiff can live out in that sea now : wait for your father. " 1 I . and by the time papa comes it will IK- to go over ; I j must IK- there to light the lights, ' and say- ing this she pushed the "IF with her I pole, then sat u [Mm the thwi:-. .1 -.! her | st-ulls, and rowc.l ,mt int.i the angry water. She made a very brave picture with tin- drift of spray driving over her like a rain storm, her hair lossened in the wind like a dark Any. The waves rolled so as to strike i the boat on the side, so whenever she saw a billow larger than the rest she pulled her little sk,:r around to meet it head on, and I lie tiny cockle in- muted the roiring crest like a Mater fowl. She had had much ex p.-rieii- -e m rowing on the lake in smonlh aa well as pretty rough her, so now in the teeth of this fierce gale she handled the oars with a sure, sturdy grip and tin- boat responded to every pressure of her \\ rist The fishermen stood together al>aslied ON they saw the brave girl move further in. I further out through the roaring storm and drift. They felt ashamed of themselves for their cowardice for refusing to go in the boat wiUi this young lion hearted girl ; but they shuddered as they saw thu great while- topped billows rolling toward the little boat and every minute threatening to swamp it. As for Cypsy she had no fear, though the foam swept over herTxwit in a constant si ream, ami it was half full of water. Any faltering of her nerves would now be fatal, and she kept constantly watching the seas which every minute were growing more furi- ous, and swinging her skill' around to meet them head-to. The sun had set and m the gloom which began to gather over the noisy water she could see the rock and the light- house not far away looming darkly through the spray. Two or three more shipment* of water over the low iiuarter and then the girl was in the shelter of the rock. inriuging lightly from the bow and carry- ing the painter with her she ran up to the windlass and drew her boat high out of the water and secured it as firmly a* she could. The sea had already commenced to boom against the rock and at each shock columns of spray were flung up to half the heightof the tower on the windward side. The evening w is made so dark by the storm that Cypsy knew the light should be lighted at once ; moreover she could just see about a half mile to windward a ship whose course lay along by the island. She tripped lightly up the tower, the wind shrieking oy thelmild ing, and in a few minutes the ruddy light gleamed out upon tbe sea. Then a* the darkness deepened t ho ship, showing her j has developed into a beautiful lights, p*.ed safely by the ledge under , mi^ed and helcved by ever close reeled sail* and < iypsy felt iitr.-.elt all alone iu t .- m .1st of this wilderness of rag- ing sea. When the great iron weight was wound up and the lantern panes wiped, she set tlie fans ol the balance wheel to regulate the rc'-ol'ltion uf the llashe* and went down to the liaseiiient of the tower. There .In- laid upon the table some cold lake fowl, bread and bii'.ier ; mid then brewed herself a pot of fr:i.-i i T. ,- .:!'.. A* we know she was brave, so she did not mind the pros woman, ad- , everyone for her bet i iism. The Dominion Government, In recognition of the brave conduct of the young girl, set- tled upon her a pension of 81,000 a year for life. I ll_l . 1.1 , .' .|l. II , .,.!. Tbe returns of the census for England and Waics have been so far made up aa to indi- cate that those countries had on the day of enumeration about -^1,000,000 inhabitants, ,, , pect oi having to stay alone all nighton this ! The completed revised figures will not, it is rock, but the se:* grew nior*- lumultuou f given out, materially change the total. everv T..imeia in,! tin, wind howled^ louder . Assuming forthe purpose of comparison that and louder. Before supper was ended she knew the maddened waters had burst over the rock and were striking the tower, for she could feul it quiver. She .-.i; there for near- ly two hours reading a book, but the fury of the g ile increased constantly and the j ing began in Croat Britain. Th tower shook so violently under the pounding | of the thundering sea that she grew alarm.- i and, elosin;,' her book, took her brass lamp and went up to the lantern to look out to sea. Sin- ,t,,.,,i upon the trimming path or grated iron foot way and ran around inside the population statistics will uot be materi- ally changed by the revision, the gain in the ast decade has been 3,025,561, or 11.64 per cent. This is a small decade rate of gain, in fact the smallest recorded since census tak- sc'-ond rate of census was taken in 18 11 and the increase was 14..'U( per ceut, notwithstand- ing that England was carry-ing on gieat wars by sea. Between 1811 and 1S-J1 there were yaars of great depression and distress;, and yet 'Je gain in population was 18.06 the ...nt. rn. The piercing light .hinmg upon i p er C eiit. The nearest approach to the last sea revealed such a Ute of tumult that j Ueendc rate was that recorded for the decade heart almost stopped beating. The elo,,iug with enumeration day 1861. which d and foamed and smoked one I waa n.9.1 p,, r cent . During the decade after another, moving in rnks tow ml the little rock like some terrible a. my. As each one struck it flung up it* long nuns of cold, whit..- spray, a* if grabbing at the tower, tii -n it recoiled backward, like a runner w 10 retreats before making a spring, and t up agam each time going higher and drawing nearer to the top of thu tower. Hour after hour she sat there, spell- bound just closed tliere has been a decline of the marriage rale. In 1881 it was 15. j per i thousand ; iu 1H89 1 1.7. The decline of the pray, as if grabbing at the tower, t marriage rate during the last thirty years is of comment among British sociologists. In IS.Vt it waa 17.!) per thousand. In the past fifteen years the oirth-rate ho* fallen from .'Hi. .'tin 1876 to J9.7in I -'.HI. In I S90 the excess of birth* with terror, and the raving ocean seemed ' over ,leatii m England and Wales was but ' constantly to rise higherrand to draw near- 3O8,-_>67 agam.t an average for the preced- ertoher. irds driven from their nook by j mg fly, years of 306,013. In addition to the gale rose upon the murky tempest, flying | th e8e ^UK* for ,i ow incite, emigration toward the streaming light, strik- has donhtless had a very considerable in- lantern with sharp blows and falling fl ue nce, which it could not exert in the early Uekward stunned or dead. Other birds yea rs of the century when England was flew more cautiously toward the lantern and giriled about by wars. England and Wales came pe. ring through the pane with wild, must be filling up fast, for while their a. affrighted eyes, gently fluttering their wing.. She li id not now the courage to go down to the i'.i<eineiit. but remained there on the trimming path actually foscinatvd by the rampant sea. Higher and higher rose the wave* till now they began to surge against the waist of the tower, and hogsheads of is the same, their population what it .is in 1801. times M.I. tt 11 I .-. for lt.,lli, r-. Avoid bathing within two hours after a meal. Avoid bathing when exhausted by fatigue vuv >l"l '! IMC vuw*.-l. Mill* in 'Itnul .., . I f . water were flung agaiust the lantern. Under | or f rom *"? other oaulK> - some of these onsets the building .(Uivered from top to bottom, and soineiiines fairly i -eel.-d. The machinery of steel and brass clattered under a heavy shock, and under the smaller ones rang like a number of little bells. She atoo.i there with her face white as one of the foamy waves, her bands against tbe heavy steel bars, looking sea- ward, and not moving except when she turned to trim a lamp or empty the burnt oil from a brimming nave-all. She remain- ed in the lantern till probably an hour be- on- dawn: then the gale swelled into great- er fury, and the storm went howling and Avoid bathing when the body is cooling aftsr perspiration. Avoid bathing altogether in the open air if after having been a abort time in the water it causes i> sense of chillne-w and numbness of the hands and feet. Bathe when the body is warm, provided no time is lost in getting into the water. Avoid chilling he body by sitting or standing undressed on the banks or in boat* after having been in t he water. Avoid remaining too long in the water; leave the water immediately if there is the slightest feeling of dullness. The vigorous and strong may bathe early in the morning on an empty stomach. The young and those who are weak had better Ix-llowing past, as if ten thousand condemn- ."! <pints ILL* 'mist l.iose and weut floating by on the hurricane. The swells grew longer and seemed to roll hat"ii'e"tw : o or thTee Tour \tter~a from the very l-ottom, and they ran nimbly \ Mnt time for , uch u fro m two or three hours in. I noiselessly up the rock, up the tower, I fn. r breakfast. and Hung their cold, white arms with a Those who are subject to attacks of giddi- swishy yet thunderous sound ..-.iinplefcely nesa <)r f a i ntnc! , 8j ^a those who suffer from around the lantern, almost throwing the ; pl p it t , ou w ,a otherrensc of discomfort at heavy machinery trom its place at every | t h e heart, should not bathe, sally. Then as she still gazed to windward | ^ out into the gray drift she uttered " a great cry. "Oh, i "..I delivi r me." f:>r she saw a mighty wave towering nearly twice as high as any of the rest, rolling, foaming, and storming at it. crest, moving toward the rock. As it drew nearer it grew larger, and when it had readied within twenty foot of the liuht -h.nise >t *cei:icd as if the whole lake had gathered itself up for one onslaught upon the lock. She had very little time to wait, forthe a*-?ul invader combed and curled several feet above her head, and then fell - uii Thine* .rii. Did you ever actually ace things grow T In these spring and summer days you often see a tree with buds just ready to explode ilk.- |H>pcorn, and, like corn, change sudden- ly to manse* u' unify white. You walk by it and it is still corn. When you return it haa popped. But did you actually ever see the explosion, or better yet, see the growth when there was no alarm to call your atten- tion lo the change ? ask. the New York Tri- bune. Well, lie down some day beside anvthini* hapt'eicii : um ine cum IUKO -i m ::-rrr - - SSfgaSf SSrS It had broken away close at the base, the sharply now, for ifyou do not you may turn posts breaking "If 'Hurt . and leaving part of your wandering eyes back U> find the green the floor still fastened to the rock. The up- laborer pushing at the door without your |>er part of the tower being heavy owing to having seen him come. .Soon he will throw t he m.i.-hiiiery and the heavy met*lwork to buck the cover on its hin?cs ami stand there the linleni when it fell over into the sea f or the tirU time in the sunlight an inch tbe top sank perpendicularly into the water, above the ground. All this done may be. the base remaining uppermost, and two of ev en in an hour. Few things grow faster the floor beams still lay across it with some thaii the gladiolus, of the H- o ing. As for the brave girl, she never knew how it came t<> pass, but in some providential way she floated upward from the lantern to the base, and when consciousness returned, found herself in the midst of tlto wild sea with a large twain at her elbow. This she at once t*i/od with both aims, holding firm- ly, and stooping her head when a great wave cam- break i in: ..verthe top. if the wreck At the base of the tower there happened to te I', i >. r(. .1 t iii. m. A very peculiar case of perverted vision has been presented to Or. K. W. Bnckley, au oculist of thin city, writes a York cor- i respondent of the Philadelphia /'.--. A ! little girl of ten years, the daughter of one 'of this city's most respected . m.'cii-, was discovered by her school teacher to lie un- [ able to read her reading exercise unless the coil oTweight rope, such a. i.'usuallv kept !? k WM 1 "' 1 ' 1 "P 8 ^" The U '^ he u r - these hghthont;.,. and when th- towi-r M,s. B,-er. ,mmed,.tely communicated the fV-t to her parents, and they became very mu.-h worried. The oculist waa called in and an examina- tion mode of the child's eyes. Thay were found to be entirely normal. The only con- clusion arrived at was that the strange freak of vision was the result ot a habit of trvmg ,.,,,. in these lighth tumbled over this remained upon ita hook upon the wall. The girl espied it, ami put- ting a coil of it around her waist she fasten- ed it with two half hit. -lies, and then secured the bight to a stout broken timber alxwe her. Then she lay across the beam smitten by the cruel billows, pmving for the dawn. The constant pounding of the waters upon he, ,,dv ,,,an to.npe.y her ,,,1 ,,,a k e her , g^JSZSZZZTJCZ Tt insensible to pain. I hen she lay scarcely ' earini! what fate befell her ; but through to read with the book pages in an unnatural some years ago her numb sense, she knew the storm was abating. The tower drifted far out into the lake and when the sun roso touching the sub- siding waves with yellow gold her father and her anxious folk, on the shore saw the base of t ho tower bobbing up run! down in the waves. Just as soon at it was smooth enough they launched a couple of boats and wont out to tow the wreck to shore, the tat her broken- heartod at what he naturally belie ved to be thedest ruction of hi. daughter, the tisheiinen orrowing over the fate of the brave young girl : but think of their joy as they nnared the wreck to see her lying fastened to the timber at the base of the lower, her hair floating in the water and raising her arm as she espied them. They unlashed her, t-oi.k her into the, boat, and rowed swiftly to shore again. She could not speak on the way and was partly un- conscious, but after they had swathed her in blankets and forced a draught of brandy down her throat she revived and told t hem the tembic story of her experience. The government .lid not build another lighthouse upon the rock, and it remains to this dav a menace to ships, while < l MM time the child in writing nun, hers upon a shite always made them upside dm n. and a.-, it was never observed or corrected she gradually drifted into the habit of reading tin- same way. The only moans of cure possible is to U-aeh the child everything over again, as though she never know anything l>etore. This will be carefully done, and a cure of this really phenomena! cane i. anxiously looked for in the near future. T* Br I .IK iin Faded ink People having valued documents locked away in safes and secretaries are often out of temper and out of pocket at discovering that the writing thereon has laded almost completely when th'Mr use becomes import- ant. It is very easy in these cases to restore the color to the ink l>y purchasing a little solution of ammonium sulphide and liathing tin- paper thcrtiin, or tracing over the letters with a camel s hair brush dipped in the fluid. If this re-oedy fails, gallic or tanio acid will generally Sing out the words no matter if they be oot^vletely illegible at first. After applying etMier solution the document*) should be careuSJy rinsed and dried.

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