MR. ESHOLT'S YOUNG WIFE. F.Y T. W. SPEIGHT. date ; all I want to know i* the method by which you purpose arriving at the reejnlt in question, without doubling your hona fides in tlie least, you will allow me to hint thai there is nothing to hinder you between now ami the twenty fourth from starting for Paris, or New York, or Timbiiotoo, in which case what, may I ask, would Ix the value of CIIAl'TKR X. | which ha* brought me hero. Perhapi, Mr. ( the liltle bill which my firm, wisely or uu- Wilmot was just Mr. Ksholt's ' Burrell, you will kindly is.-ertain whether wisely, have taken upon themselves to dm- room with a number of letter* and other I ilr - *holl will favour me. wilu an inter- j count ? " documente in hi* hand, wheua servant came j view." As he (poke he to >k out his w.t.-h Wilmot abruptly pushed back his chair and glanced al it. | Mid began u> pace the room like a man in a lO". Ml. !! <arlo Iu br Clewed Foreicr iirml iianibllnx riarr Hrr. .l> TIT-BITS. After the On the IHlh of April, 1892, the great! " I everything reversed in tho ! gambling establishment at Monaco will close 8 1 *"... P*l ' ** Jimmieboy. its do .rs forever. Un that day ihe agree- nt l*t ween the government of the prin Yea everything," aaid papa. "Then I'm glad I'm not a liking-glass to t.-ll him tht there wu a genlleui m it Ihe doi>r who desired particularly l >>.;> ik with him. went at naoe, thinlmig it w* probably a messenger froi i Mi Kru her i but the person he found waitmi; in the entrance hall was a total stranger to him. He wisan under-sir.ed, drk complexion. -I. dapp r looking man, sp|i i fiitiy about thir'.y year* old. He had ke-n bright- glancing eyes, an insinuating in iniu-r, ui-l n soft -lei ky voice. He wore n snii of mourn- ing, new and very shiny, with two large j*t studs showing prominently on the ample bc-som of hi* shirt. Wilnrit bit Ins lip as he went forw >rd, a* if to keep down /me in- ward OKI tit in. " Yon .in- Mr. Wilni'ii Hurrell, I pre- sume?" Ha;. I Ihe strange-, serming to take him in at a glance from lu-a 1 t.i foot. "That it my name," answered Wilnvit sillily. " A* I have called on a prii ato matter of some importance, I had hrtu-r. ncrliap*. hegin t y introdncinij myself," wen- mi the oilier, aa he extracted a card from hiirase and p esenled it with a smile anils little bow. Wilmot took it. and read thereon a . In- Ind in i.-r beard before ; "Mr. .Id Vampy." " V..ii any you have called to < me on a private matter," he .1 I, his eyes war. I.T- ing from the '-ml to the ilr.ini.- r's face and thru I -ack arain. He wa* evidcnily III at ease aliout something " Precisely. I e you *re Imsy " - with a jrliii'-e allhe l'-lter--" but live minutes will e.tli--i- fur me to aay all I li . t, say." A'lera n urn. -it's hesitation. Wilmot s-ud : " ( '-i-ne this w-i\, Mr. V.impy :" and with that he led th- way lowinlsihr study. Mr Vampy foil >w.> ! with a reiuai k or twiat.> tin m- '! ii state of the weather, to which ill. -ill. i i b irdly i>!S]mniii-il. A*'X>ii*i thy w i -mm ind thc di or hnt, the lit! . prec intioiiary measuie already describ- ed t'-'ik pi in-, H(I-I- which the two men sit di.ivn i' t ! e ' ibl", facing each other. T > A.M.I <. I'i.iinj: tin-rein the dark against her wi!l. l! ' ..n was one that filled her rh di- -n v There rs* no wiy but -lirn -. -tudy. Should she, or hon' her presume known? But how in rit fur being there ? how ex- plain -.din! come fnrwu'd t the moment \'> ; - i >' irli'ri and aniioniicr It- i Hit >. i. > In!" she was askiof herself these ] '.' two ;n-n " '> speak, and she re-ojniwd 'hit the nt forn-tii-at hid ;' i'\ W-.lh her without it, slie must prf.jrc* stav u hen- she was till the interview sh'iuld cum' in an end. " Ai your tinu- is valuable, and mine, Ixrhapv scar.-i-U- less.i. " l-t.'an Mr.Va npy, " I u ' it l.y Iwatiii^' uliont lh- bus), liici ii y, as I takeil, i* not merely i! i. Mil. hut that of business >- > 11. 1 ' -i 'n my possession " :in>l Ic 1 pro- di I a bu'kv pocket-book a* he spoke "a, certain slip ! :n;i-r IB - ne vour miniature, linn ' md that of Mr I'.. it!'.-h o!i ..n the o-h.-'. It is, in fact, a bill, drawa al two months' date, for th MIIII of two li..i .I'-.-'i a-nl lif'v pounds, and will fall due a ',- nii'hl from to-day. In all probability. e il.i. unii-nl in i|Uel:in'" M V.itnpy held tip a slip of pi|iir Iwtwcen inli and tr j.-r -11 he spoke. If '''.lino- IliiiTcH's fai-e hul bsen pile it was ashen now. !{<< mouth w>ik li a strsiiL-" nervous twitching Foe s .v T-i'nei,t all power of speech svrni.'d ''.int him Mr Vampy pi" '.ack the 1 k.-t liook and i|iiift ly waited. A- ' ,-'h i\ ilino' i-p.Ae "TI.C lull yon hoi ! was giv-n on tlie .1 -t i. t miderstand- it sh'iiiM In- .1 , i.'.ed at drnmiit, and not l- ' I to .h u^;e ha. ..Is in any way." n nl respecting what 1 have nn int. inn.. I em," replied Mi. V npy in I'M ijuiel way ;" but in luii>n ss eircum- stan . limes alter c.ties, and as a in it- ! i t the hill has C,,M, int.. my people's ha.i Is :n the o- im u y course of ouch trans- action*." Again there was a. brief silence. seemed to lie weighing every word in hi* mind before giving u' tcrancs to it. ' Kron pratitinc: such to be the case, Mr. Vampy altbo'iv,h, mind you, H gross hn-ach of con t I n.einiist have been iiunniiiied some, wl.i u in order to make such a thing p isnibln tin- bill docs not fall due for a f.irtnMi', consequently you will pardon my saying -. I fail iii some degree to gather the pnr port "f your call upon me this evening A peculiar smile wrinkled the corves of V Vampy's month and peered out of the corners ot hie eye*. It w.n not a pleasant smile, and Wilmot's mainiw soemed lo turn tn n e as he saw it. " The reason of my i sit, Mr. Hnrrell, is n., l far to serk. My people have hail a pre- vious acquaintance with the sign at lire of Mr. I nit, who, as you are doubtless nware, HI lies a very hold Muff sort i, f b 1 V.w . lingnlar to say, our cashier he i* one of the m.nt suspicious nfm trials -is not altngclhvr satisfied with th* endorsement of the lull I i.|. owed yon just now. Ho say* t!iat it differ* IB two or three small but very recogniiablc [articular* from Mr. Kiholt'* usual signa and that when that gentleman wrote it. if write it he did, he muit either h in- born ill or -shall we say slightly " niel low," nr in fact anything you please except in hi* ordinary bnsimtss mood. Such beinp the Mate of the case, my firm hvc deputed me to wait upon yon, nr upon Mr K-h',lt, or both of you with the view of satisfying that most suspicious of cashiers that the en- dorsement in ipiestion i* really that of lln- per*on it purports to lie. I hope I have made myself clearly understood?" < If n surety he had done that, a* Wilmot acknowledged to himself with an inwari! 'uver, " Pray, Mr. Vampy," h contrived to lay presently, " may I inquire tho name of the nun you so ably represent t" " That is a detail, Mr. Kurrell, which at this stage nf the affair 1 grieve <o sty I am not at liberty to enlighten you on I called at your Water Street olli.e TM-. afternoon," ho conUnued, " and was inform- ed Uial I (hould find you hero, I was H'O i. .Id tint Mr. Kabul! w.i* ill., ly, . ver, he i* not too ill tn sec me f..i I, alt a minute, so as to enable ins to satisfy my de with regard to the little, matter uieiii iiviwveii inu ir'vTiiiiieiiL oi me LJIIII- . , . j* . \ , > irl L. cipality and the world famed hell of .\foute boy. observed Jimmieboy don t think Carlo expires, and there i. not the remotest Id like to haves* elephant rule around a chance of iu being renewed. It wa, the elKM "* on '"* "houlders. iu being ren knowledge of the present ruler'* determin Wilni. .t fck IM nearly all hunted stiinnla (trait from which he sees no way of escape, j ed attitude in the matter which ha* alone are said lo fcc-l when bronchi to bay. He "Come, come, Mr. Hurrell," said Mr. , prevented the French government from could not turn an I ren. 1 liisloe, much as he i Vampy in a tone of mild l>anter ; " * '* - ' w.. il.t have liked to do *o, but he could at I not the slightest necctsity for least act him at defiince and dare him to put yourself about. A do his worst. Like many other man. In- information i* all I ask no ^ difficulty^ in your affording dcn< Carnot have repeatedly buen urged to adopt, not only by popular sentiment, but also by nearly every one of the great mon- archies of Ihe Old World. Russia., I ieiminy, Italy, and <Jreat Britain have been par- ii n Meeting, this ticnlarly pressing in their applications to fortunes and set ' the Paris government to put a'stop to the ('.up -, now, Mr. scandal ; aud it may safely be averred that Queen Victoria would never have conde- scended to pay such marked and attention during her recent day attiroue to there's j availing itself of its position a* suzerain you to power lo lake immediate steps toward the little confidential | suppression of this plague-spot of Kurope for, which there steps which both President tin-vysnd Presi- was only a con-ird up to a certain point ; can lie i-i.i ii'iw tin: i he worst, had to lie diced, mo. May I lie allowed to liint lliat poa- , adopt, not only by popular sentiment, but now that no door of retreat seemed left open sihly there'* a bit of hor-ie-fledli at the also by nearly every one of the great mou- to him. hi. nervn braced themselves | bottom of your little ililKculties that like b.n Is of steel. Leaning tor- j perhaps you are look in-/ forward eh? ward, with hi* elbow < on the table, [ to the Croxton Autun and looking his visb.r straight in the ' day week, to recoup your eye*, he said in a cold hard voice that you on your legs agiin? _. , was not withoul a touch of defiance in it : . Burrell, confide in me make a olo in breast " What should you s.iy. Mr. Vampy, or of it." whatever your name may be, if I were to "You'xehit the right nail on the) head, tell you the endorsement on that bill Vampy !" exclaimed Wilinnl in one of those ; the Prince and rrincess of Monaco had she was not written by Mr. Kobert Ksholt ?" ' sudden bursts of conlid--ii.- to which das- j not received satisfactory assurance conoern- " I slioul.l suv that you would li- telling ' jwrate men sometime* give \ray. " I've laid ! ing tne appr.*chmg close of the gambling me nothing moro than I had a very ktroiig j siiteen to one on /Vr//,Vi//-- for the Crox- j palace at Monte Carlo. Ou the occasion ot suspicion of already." j ton Cup ; and if she pulls it off, I shall be | her former tay* in the soulh of France the sank Iwk in hi* chair aud (tared ' able to i|- the slate clean and have a clear strict aud stern old lady had indiguairlv ut the other, ai not knowing what to say ' next. Mr. Vampy's irritating smile one" m ire cn-pt ovor his lace. "I wi-|i f\- -i.-llfs- stired before 1 c-nlereil this h..-> c," he went on, " i'iat Mr. Ksholt s prn h. I m-\ . i writ- ten in his name on the bauk of the bill in my |K> " " In that . i . ir, may I ask once more lo whal I am indebted for the honour of this interview ? I presume your only ob ject in coming here was to inform Mr He is More Comfortable Nov. " I am indeed grieved to hear that r poor husband naa gone to a better yon world"!" " Thank ye, ir ; but, poor dear ! it's jtut as well. This 'ere cold climate never suited hi* complaint." . biiifc .vii. l B..-I il ui.i in.ijr 11011 IIIUI^UWM .j . . , i refuaed the bouquets and baskets of flowers * A Feithered Alarmist. 1 Mr. Carter, I'm 'mo*t afeard we won't ' wake up at four in the mornin,' so I've had K i: ridge bring up our old rooster t' tie t' | the leg o' yer lied. He giuerally begin* t' crow Txmt that time in the mornin'.an'* pnrty sure l' wake up folks wol hain't used t' hc-irm 'IID." Where to Begin. He (despondently). " My dear, we really must economue. Now wbat can we get tin in. into the b-irgain." " Urai o, Mr. Hurrell, bravo ' \Vhen a man sent to her by the late Prince Charles III., takes to ruling acros* country, he should whereas thi* spring she not only received ride boldly or not at all. I hope with all ; the reigning Prince and Princess at Urasse my heart /'.,-< i>h't'. will show the other* a with all th-s honor* due to sovereigns, but | clean pair of lieeln -all the more because I even went so far as to send, first, herambas- happen to hive a couple of t.vers on her ; sailor, the Karl Lytton, and a day later her | myself, so that you and I lu.y lie sai I to ; daughter, Princess Uealiics, wilh Prince 1 row in the sa-ne lx>at. Still, there are un- ; BatteuherK. to return the visit at Monte -r!uinti.- mall things i-mndane, not ex ceptmg hort- -racing, and I am .lire you are 'ar too astut* an individual not to have at Kiholt .f >our clever di*.-ov<-ry; why, then, j le l tw " Uring* to your lx>w in the little you should have M>n;;!it this n'rcliininkry in K lne >"" re "" w I*?"* Supposing for a moment l t rr*ti>h"M docs nut come iu fint li;t then?" The inoinenlary elation which had ehown itself in Wilnn.t s eye* a minute nr two he- fore had now died out ag .in ; hi* ia. |> r on the same dull ashen )ui it hid worn etrlier in the interview. He had rcaumed you should have preliminary ia terview with me, I am at a IUM to understand. Mr. Ksholt is up-sUin, and altbung'. fir from well, I have no doubt be will ir- on a n.atter which so . -rm the intcrvita of lioth of you Shall I ring for a *rrrant, Mr. Vampy, t<> Uike up your card ? ' Carlo. Prince Albert, whoae marriage a couple of years a^o with the enormously wealthy widow the Duchessc de Richelieu, a daugh- ter of the New Orleans and Parisian banker Heine, has enabled him to dispense with the SMJO.OOO annually contributed toward the civil list of the sovereign of Monaco by the man igcment of the Monte Carlo Casino, has already notified the latter that he has no in- .She. " I really don't know, Frank, unless its your appetite. " Hade Some Difference. " Yes,"*hemarmuretl, " I loved him. He was not worthy of me, but I felt I could not give him up. So my parent* took me aero** the IICIMII." "Did that make any difference in your fee-lings ?" "Ye*. Tiie second day out I felt as if I could give up everything." And she changed the subject. He half ro- from his chair as lie uske 1 the lust <|ucsliuu. his seat, and was nrrvoutly tearing a sheet "I admire your i.npi-tuosity, Mr. Bur- ' " f P*Pr into nnniiu- shri-U. ill," anowerc.'l the nth. r in bioleek evenly j mentor two he wild, but with* . lulited tones, "allhongh. rnd-r the cir- y* ' ronl lhc tabl ; rell. 1 ni'i 4 Celaj in The Proceedings. Mrs. Slimson (lo lillleWillie Sliinson.who ha* been taking in th- ball gainer. "So tenlion of renewing the leasr, and accord- i that's where you have been, is it ? You just in^li M., and his tw.i brothers in-law, wait till your father gets horn*, young man, , " Prinje " lloland Bonaparte aud Prmje a ,,,l |, c w ni give you a gootl trouncing '." '_ Constantino K.K|/.II oile, who are the princi- i Willie ( -onrt.lcntly). ' " He won't be home out raisin that ahould e hai al .-h>rehi)lder* of the Casino company, Jre,ly perfected their arrangements rations to Andorra, the Krauco- their auspice* yet awhile. He staid for the U*t inning. " Royal Oculist.. " I s.e the Prince of I! iv ina, being a ikil- m.itii r very ditlerunl from ihe one you have imputed to me." A great thr.ib of hope seeuied U> vibrate thr.iiigh every nerve in XVilnnt's ; he half caught bis breath for mo,n,nt : then he . fc ~- ha , juft j snl in a faint voice: " do on, sir, if you : __ , , V/ll'iVl VHCal wuauor'i.w i L Cercle des Etrangers ful ul>'. treats the poor among his sub- _ i, i.,.Ur r ., : j*cU without chare. \\ hat a contrast t* V :iu;iy's silky ' There wai no luply. wa* still ln-ini! torn awaiting your answer, d'Anilorra (the Stancurs t'lnb of Andorni - - ha. been successfully floated at Paris, and "> conduct cf the Prince of Wales ! plea " I Dresume, Mr. liurrell, that when Iho little document to which our conversation refers was first launched on an un ipprecia- tivo world, there was some likhli.i.> I of its liemg duly honoured when it should fall .In.-'" " Kvery likelihood, Mr. Vampy a likeli- I." l which u as strong to day as it was six ago. " " am glad to your sake, Mi. Hurrell Wiirnot drewm hi. breath and *et hi. teeth hard for a moment : then he .aid, in slow .iilleii tone*, still without looking up: . "We havr a b, - settling day at the orhoe on the twi'iity-loiirth. " I un.ler,taiMl. The bill will I* met by you out of ih- day'* proceeds. H Wilmo- n The sheet of paper no ]am lhmn f(>ny Ihoujwni |l00 .hares have n i already been diiiiosed of at aheavy premium. 1 All the plans f .r the new building al An- dorra have U-e.i pei : '. those who are ac<|uaintc>d wilh the French Km- ra it may be of i:i- . -! to Karn that the now theatre designed .-or Andorra i an exact re- production of tin.- thealre on the Jelly al Nice It was not until after much hesitation that the syndicate- owning the Monte Carlo Casi- no concession decided upon Audorra a* the And afur that- But that u a matter ' Kene "' thelr f " tllre "Peratiou^ They had which concern* votirwlf alone. So long as my P'eviously cn.'civored to sejure an aln-lm-- h**r it v..v !,,|, f,.r people can rely on having Iheirnioncv. they pliw- for iheir roulette, their t rente ciqua- Jurrell s..pp...,ii,g. in l,., r uothiiiK to do with any thing further, rante, and their ronge-ol-uoir tables in sever- thlcas I merely say- our tirin A s it happens. I have some acquaint.iiice ' olher f rt ' Kurope including \ ald'U. should*, e their way to all tin- I ill t,. wl ,|, t(l( . fntsrior working of Mr. Ksholt's lll<> -P'l*l of the little principality of that and to allow of your lieing %ble t-o maturity in iheir own binds itnd j O flice : but I had no idea,' Mr Burrell, ithont nri'otiating it fiirthet. it miy be | you | ie |,l a position in it sulhcienliy on a.-eepte.| a. ,. (art tint it w..-,ll be met in ' ilue cmirse en it* preeentati'in on the t went', fourth ?" That may ho accepted a. an nii'louliied fact, Mr. V.iinpy," hi iepl.c'1, but with just a (had: of hrsiUtlon, which .lid escape, the other's notioe. " That i* to say, Mr. Kurrell, so far as ne .nay accept u-a thing as a t.u-t in a world in which p:iiii*ory notes play such tipirtant part.' Mr. Va-npy ch ickled I.; -chtensti-in : Marino, thetiny republic in northern Italy ; at Saxmw-les lUms ; at Aix-iS*-liaiiis : and even at Helgrade and t,, well, t et a liability 'like theone we s '" ' Everywhere, however, theiroverlurei have Uen di*c-u**ing, without running the w<j * rjwtl. ">J **ter Uiacuasuig Uw riiml risk of any immediate unpleixsant oonw- "u rit. of Tangier and Andorra, they finally .,,ie,,ces to yo..relf ' decided in favor of the latUr. i ,.. -The rpan.t,n ,. .imple enough. answer,. I \\ilmol. still su lenly, for at no tiuiewa. he one u. -land boing catechised Andorra has been an independent republic ^ t , of ,., Uirlema nei wnOj fi the a ' t]mrA the r i K |,u. privileges, and .. tnu valley, and sovereignties of to himself, and then rrMimi-.! more Kh 'It is mwiy j clerk and cashier. Mr. KimU undertakes r. the In a I tho gem nil Yes ; but you must admit that the Kng- ish Pruice is Joing a good deal to open the yus of Uis luturc subjects." Her Wrkn ss. O woman, in our hours i Uncertain, coy, and hard to pie When pain and anguish wring the brow, Then none so cheaply pleased as thou 1 We've only to submit lo ttike Hut rhubarb tea and anti ache. And gizzard oil and ipecac. And porous plaster* on the back, A tlaxseed poultice, catnip tea, And Quackem's pet discovery. Hot water bag*, and sweats besido, Aud camphur nasally applied, And castor oil and vateline, Aud coals with feather* burnt between, And soothing syrup, paregoric, ( 'old- water cloths, and drinks caloric, And all the housewife's category ' I'i* then we see her in her glory, Needing, to make her bliss complete. Hut nuit4ird plaster* on our feet. loberly : " So far, so (lurfino. Mr. Ili'l s^u\re miles, andthcpr.pulalion numlwrs IINI.U timki It i* governed by a council of H'nroll, while i.tnate.l by every desire 1.1 cmtlii. t then business on purely pliilan llirnpic ptincipli s. find tbemsehe* under the I 'irtunnt- in-- cssity of dicing as their' ,. ijiii'-onr- !.' ^'ou will scir.rly, there- j [ore, IK- snrpn-e.l -it my askirg you whst I re. urn you would l> prrriired lo inak" in, iiisiib-ration of tb- <--r> i.-.- juit hinted at by me ?" Wilmot in-ns-.t-nml his pir.-hc.l lips with In. longniv 'I'll. -i he mid : " Will yon tell nut wbat leturn it is in my power to make?" I will. The bill | hold i* f,,r tho sum of twn Irindreil and fifty pounds. You shall give mo a snppli ment.iry .bwn-nent merely your o n note of band tor a further i-um ' of on. liniidred, in ikinif in nil three bundled ind fifty, wh-.cti .imniint you will !MI in a i Million to meut tins day fortnight --rh?" Wilmot Cm tell s..i hi* teeth hard .n I I- n.-hi'd In* hunds. He w.vs -.. utt. i -|\ taken l bat he nee led a few moments to re- i liinnelt. ll'it thi! brain works nimbly , in t 1 e i; CIISMI of our liven. "If I um iu a jmsition to meet twn hundred and fifty pound* on the I went) fourth, I shall he in a po-ition to meet .mother hundred," bn said to himself. " Should I not lie ina position li -,-t cither, then one pie^e of piper will | bo just of a. much or as little value ns the i other." Mr. Vampy had picked up a h ink and was glancing oiei thn title -pn^e. I'roscntly he said : " Well, Mr. lluri.-ll. what lay you ? 1 1 , inii accept our pi.,p mition 7" I accept it. . . . ... . . IIHHII IPHF, il ia uovvi iir.i ujr WHU^II meat of tho '>"'"". w ^ >'" " lweD(y . fl>ur nu-mb^r., elected for four y on 'iiirv duties are rlivide-1 between invsclf . , ' . , " . ordinary duties are divided between myself and another clerk. far," Hut have into the he " N'otMinif oonld be clearer so answered Mr. Vampy blandly, supposing and we uiv.iys to suppose a great deal in matters supposing Mr. Ksholt should lie well !_;'. v- return to business earlier than the twenty-fourth, and Mr. Kim'.-i were to resume his ordinary functions what then ? <" It seonii l Mi. linn-ell, that there i* still a little screw loose somewhere just a possibility, in fact, that your house of i- 11 .Is may come tumbling about your ear* at the last moment. " The best laid scheme* ol ini.-e and men" - you know the rest. And in such a case, what would IH-C..IO.- of my p. or little bill? Have you nothing fuither to sii<<i;cl. Mr Hurrell?" "N ,'>iniir " It was indeed a house cards that be had 1. mil for himself; he re- cognised fact now, in tin- pitiless light thrown on it by hi* visitor, as he had never had the coinage tn rocognue it IH-I.T... "It seems to mo," said Mr. Vampy, after a pause, during which he hail been Hoflly t:ip|,'n^ on the table with the nail, of his ham), " thai there is ,.nc way, and A Mislit Marriage License. " I got a license here, day In-fore yester- day, "aaid a mail lo a clerk in the Vital Statistics Otltcc. "That docyment gave permission of the ]>oopl of this sovereign Stale for the nulling in wedlock of Jeremiah Sassafras and Annabel McJuukin." "Yes." " I paid fifty cents for that license in good hard cash. " " Well, what of it?" " Annal'c Mc.lnnkin won't hue me." " That's bail. Wont back on her pro- mise, did she ? " ,.- " Not exactly, sir. You nee she hadn't .tin-kings, red garter,, py kiM*-breeche., , .^ J me broad scarlet *ah, black cloak, Catalan cap, r ., ,.,,._ ,... , i and a gig.iiiiic tilack cockt-d hat perched on tup of the cap. They t.iku their oath of DessM by laying their left hand on the sacred " Hook of the Vailey" the />i(/e- Hum and the /'..'. i-.r in which the history, four hea.U nf families in each pariah. The council . ',-. t a first and second s\ mlic, or mayor, to protide and lo wield Ihe exe- culne power. Tlie costume of these l wo itif-mtaries i* ot a character to strike we ' : "-- - ,rt* of those who miy eventually public for the purpose of the traditions, tin laws, aifl the custom* of I the ancient republic are h.iprlmwly jumbled Uigether. The pn::.iti\e character ot tne people may lie estimate I l.\- t'io fact thai . the salary and allowances of the first syndic tin ,li',: m.ixistrate of the republic amount to il.e nia^nilicent bum of sixty pesetas, or about twelve dollar*, per an- num. I .,r a l.lrl . ., mill. . Iron!. If you wear a fluffy lung, you want your alcohol lamp you ..n. only, bj me.ins cf which saj pcop'c will If you wear laced shoes, you want a ! be able to in ike the;:i*iilves absolutely sure pairs of shoe-strings. of their money, and you at the same time If you varnish or polish your shoes, you have ..tie tnorechiincc I'nirded youof pulling want a nuw l>ottle of blacking. yourself together and ..f running straight for the future. " Wilmot looked up, and the eyes of thn If you are inclined to lunbum, you want i.i,n,l. On tin- vipp Kiti.ui that , hi do *o, I In infill -A i tb me a little form ' duly drawn up, i. lnib 1 will prusuntly you to H[ti\ your aignatuce. H"fore prcssive a pot of strawberry cream or some cold cream. If you are fond of reading, you want your favorite liook*. A. if in answer to it', Mi V..mpy U;ined If you ever e pins, you want a block of ' ,rw,ud i little W.,N ,in 1 - ii.1 111 n low im- black ones and paper of white ones. tw.i ni'Mi mat. Wilmot's eye* asked the i|uestioii bis lips were piwerleas m ask. e' il'il Mi. K- in It must ../ lie If you area good girl and mend your ing so, Imw.-i ci, I miiht ask you to lie well enough to go back tn business by the clothes, you want nome spools of thread, ..~l. ft. ...I. .1.1.. .1 -. _.._>!. " I -..iii i...... 1 ] ..-^ vi, III- tllllllliln llll.l HIIIIIII lull.. L'.I ' 1 enough Ui enlighten me as to tb means y.i i propose to adopt, or the source from which you propose deriving the funds to enable, you to n:eet yniir engagements on thc day ill qiic;inn. If Wilmot IM.) I.eeii si.i^jicreil Iwfurp, ho was doubly so now. He nt.ired at t be little m.ui in black as if he only half comprehend- ed hi* iii'-itirng. Mr. V.unpy Iwikt-il at his for the. .econe time. " P.irdon, me," annl \\'il::iot at length, a little sillily, " but you a'-o Becking to impiiiv into pin ite matU-rs which concern myself " Pardon mo, Mr. liurrcll, but n not our inifAieu of a private and . i, inin n- ihii.n, hout ' When yon comii tn ilmk the matter "MI yon will re .igni-ii- I .uu asking ot \>M nntlnng nnreai.', mil, le. N on hue proinmeil t<, miii i certain engagement by a oertam twenty-fourth. (TO UK Ini .L .' i ,, n ..ii .n. I your needles, your thimble and some but ton*. If you make yourself iweet with infant- powder and a puff, you want a sealed pack- 1 age of powder. A novel plan for extinguishing a church ' If you use bnnnel pin* to fasten on your .'.ei.t lii-t-n hit npt-n in Molbourno, An*, hat, you want a dozen of them, li-.ili.i. Tim church committee in vestry, { If you are inclined to be ill tempered and as the case may be divide the total debt petulaul, you want unlimited patience, among themselves, and each :nan insures his If you arc incline 1 lo be careless and in- life for the amount that falls to hi* share, considerate, you want a very 7 large package The policies are transferred to the church, ' of energy and friendliness.' and the annual payments on them are made. And if you are lacking in politeness, then out of tho collections. Then, of course, as you waul to remember that surely the who tin meniliers of committee" drop off," the' claim, to be a Christian, must, before everyt sums insured on their 1 'ves drop in, and later, tiling else, !M> gentle in her manners. [7'Ae when the only survivor dies the last install- t.'idi Home Journal. mini of the church debt is paid. ^ London consumed in April, 111)1, an aver- Thc forest area of the United State* u ago of s. U'_', Hi.'t gallon* ol water a day more . i . 1 _. . I u I ^al IRflU_~ . : . !:_. a. ill orw\ citimaud al 481 > 7B4,. l iUg acres. I tlian it did in April, U90. why il.a you get a license ? " " It was tnis way. I loved her, and wanted to nmrry her ; and I thought if I got a licunse, and took il to her, she'd tee I meant business, and would come to time." " And itdidn'i work? ' N'o, sir. I showed her the big seal of the State, and told her that the oyea of the whole commonwealth, through the duly qualified ollicers, wete upon her, and thit her duly was lo obey the mandate of the law. " "Whal lid she nay to that?" " She only Uu^hed. " "That's very sail" "Sail's uo name for it, sir ; and I want to know what'* lobe done." " I don't see any remedy." " Is a weak girl with rod hair lo defy the authority of the Stutt ': " " That's about the way of it. " "Can't you send an officer to impress upon her tho dignity of the commonwealth, and to make her understand that the docy- mcuts isaueil by thi* otfice art* not to be rifled with?" " No." " Well, I suppose I can ijet my money back, cau't I ? '' " No." " Here's tho licence just as it was h -n I took it away fi om here, not a bit the worse for wear. " "We can't take it back, sir, or refund the fee." " Aud you can't compel the ^irl to marry me after issuing that license and charging me good money for it ?" " No." " Then that settles it. Tho government of the present day in a hollow mockery. Henceforth I um an anarchist of thc redded redness. You henr me, insolent minion of a supine and powerless Slate ! 1 go, but I return ! The day of vengeance drew* nigh, sir. Beware ! You shall hear from me again, and when you hear me IremMt ! " And .I.TCiiiiah Snasafras was gone. [Har|H.-r'ii Bazar. Tho president of the Bank of Manitoba reports thai iustilutiou iu a flourishing con, dition.