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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infant* and Children. ssa." IL i AacejBm. M I> . IH few (Met* tV BtMMr, . T Tni AV* OwrAjrv. r Harvar Mrs**, M. T. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYSPILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purity the Blood, correct sll Disorders of Liver, (Stomach, liltln'^H, xnd Doweln. Tbeylnvtnr*4^n-lre*tore to health IJeuilltatedronetitutiou*. aiid ate invaluable ID com- lilainulnciJeutal tu Female* i/f all >XM For Children aud tli *. -1 they ait pricvlw THE OINTMENT aa iarallibl* retneoy for lla.l I.ei. Bad Breau. Old Woundt, Koru* and Ulcer*. It I* famout for Uoutand lthuu>atiiiu. Kur disorder* of the C'Uo.t It IIM ao equl For SO III-: 7V/AVA77, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS welling!, sad all Skin niea*r It ha* no rival, aud for contracted and ill IT JolnU it set* Ilk* a charm. II tuaf&cttiro'l only at I'rofmaor HOLLOWAI'S Estaliliihmrat. 7K. > . Oxford -i i . . : ( i.i i < .-.:;.:. Oxford Ntrrrt >. Londn, sud are sold at Is. lid.,t*.9d., *>. 6d.. llr.efc. and Sfe. each |ln or Pot. and may bt had of !) M ' i.-ni* Vendor! tbroutrliiMit the World. ptt~ Purchutfrt ikoitlii l""k I' 'If I*')* I <m Ih' l'nl\ ami I'.nsn. Ij tht ud-lren it not 555, Ojfuril Stri't, L-<^lnn, tli'v nrt */mrivU. 3HBAP - STOEE. A :-: Full :-: Stock -o r Crnrei irs. ooott, A// Tinware, <3'' Central Merchandise, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. l-IHSTi:r,AHS 1LOUHA I K ALWAYS ON HAND. Don't Forget ! I'ut come aud give ill a call, est price pid fur Farm Produce. FUANK C, BRUCE, F E V E R M H i M SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody I THE OOBJUL TYPE WRITES. lli.uvn,, OIIKLLTYPKUKI TKR will 7Srlirili'|l'r>, i.l;il*|5 (..I tlif Sinulr * ji>c Ottrll, H.II r.mii i lo ,1. l.olti-r w ik tliiui any m. i. -1,11.1 initde. It cotuLinrk MIMIIJ< irv wuli nriuHii.iTT, -riii'.i'-Ki i" i:in IN, wt,ir liiiipiT with- out r, t i>f 11 | iu thiin aiiT oth' r mar It IMP H-. ii. ink i .Lit. i. n lo bothrr tli >']N-iat<'r. It is MiT, -i i. -i !.ti.. 1 I it I |- rf. 1 1 and ail.ti't' d tu all kiuda of trpv writ lup. Like a printing preim. It |i|.> In.,, hnr|>. rlfitn, li'glhlr IUiillllM'ri|il. '1 %M. nr tin ciipi>> run I 'i inadc at ono writing Anv li^i hi pi rtnii can heroins lui i . n i< i in two .in;,. V. i- i. IT. i $|.OOO t<> Hiii I.|H>I!|. or win. in 11 . < iii>- oiL n( tin- Don Me H. l>,ili|i< A^.nls PI ..-a wanted. I iii.liii-' mint* tu Pt-ul I- 01 I'll iinphlel giving lujorsciurcts, Ac. li;i.l. TVI'E UKITKK < .. Wk4>7Mli ATS < IIM .K.O ILL. To i.-Nir., Canadian Thl^iles. Tbe method which we find inoet effec- tive in getting rid of thistles is to put plenty of work on the land at the pniper time. We often hear of som patent way of killing them, but tliio I know for a certainty, that the cleanest farms in Ontario are thoee on which the cultiv- ation IH moet thorough. In this partic- ular section, where fall wheat in grown only to a very limited extent, many of oar best fanners have, in a large inea sum. given up sumraer-fsllowiiig, and rely mainly for keeping their farms clean and free from weeds on thorough fall work ing and growing hoed crops. Tli system followed is to plough over tbe stubble with a thin furrow using double furrow plough* for the purpnea as soon as poeaibU after harvest, or even during harvest, as soon as the field is ready and time emi be spaied, the object aimed at being to bring any seeds which may be lyiirg on the surface, into favoiable con- dition for germinating. Then again, if time can be s|>ared, grve Miothur ilun I'l'iujliinir.a. litile deeper the second trine. Where manure is applied in the fall it is drawn .. n all. T the first ploughing and covered in lightly, the object aiiued at always lieing, as tirxt mentioned, t>> gut as many seeds as possible to ger- minate, and in this way, if there are see: Is in the manure possessing vitality, miuy of them are dettroyed. By this system a great deal ia done in the way of cleaning the land, for nut only are many ae -da got rid of , but by no other modi of cuiture can the growing weeds be more effectively destroyed, especially the Canada thistle. Later in the season, the land n plomjhed' deeply and left in good shape for spring seeding Then again, a,s already said, the cultivation -( hoed crop* ia relied on a good deal for keeping down aud getting rid of thistles. On very iimiiy of our best managed farn a, es|>eciiilly on those where stock- raiting or dairying ia made a specialty, tlie various hovd crops are eilcnsivfiy k:r< wn. One <>f the great advantage* of cleanni'.' the land in this way in that, i while the we.'ds are being destroyed, j the crop, wlifciever it in.iy he. Corn r>ot ' r l| .*. is liiii.ij ^feutl> WiieStnl t the MUM- truie by thtr eitra coltiratinii. llnnerrr, pei)ra(>s there ia nu war in which nearljr every noxitms w**d can be mote (linD)Uglily gut rid of than l.y a judicious system of partial soiling. and, ni-xt to ili.iinii (. would at the same time du u. unicli towards raising the average yield <if tin. farms of this country. I am led to sjwak in this way truiii the antnifactnry rvsult which I havu found to f. -lion my own practice, and I'.IHII olxervutioii when jinl^iii^ prize in n < for -linn nine or ten yean in every parl of this province. [Jo/in / // i.i 7A. ''.,,../'' in /.n* .^t'il. ini,l /-'iirrii ft, m it'll fur I/KM'. For OMT ifl> Vtar- MIH WitutlDw't ^iHtthlntt Syrup h*n hi-en moil l>> uiilliiiiis of iTinthi-m fm thi'ir i hli h. n while .: If ih .1 11 !> I t nmiit aii'l liruk.-ii <f > our t.t l>y e, hied cli. HTi'l i'i\in,' wuii pain i.f -h ..-ii'i at oni i. i Uittli'uf "Mr- Wfoslow's Hootblni, ayrap" I,.r tiM'thniit It oillnln-ve tlif |. r lull,. hiiflnritr iiuiutxliKt* I v I i'. i.-l uii -ii it,uiot)ier tharu U uu Iiil-t.ik. about It. It run- Pmr rbosx rsnjsjtw the stxmaeb and UiweU cure* Wind Oolle, aoftens tbe Uusas, rcnlucon inftain- niAtiun, anil KIVPK tono auJ IIM.MKV to thu wliolu "Vfteii: ilr^ \\i:i>lo\vs ?".. .tf n..' Syru|i' for obildnn t tlnm; I, |iln:i^ut to tin t.Kti- mrl n tbe) prssertptioD of OSM of tbe olduHt aud bet fxnialu plivulctaiu ami uurHe> in the I nit.- i Htatm. 1'ricc ii cuiitu * Imttle s,,l,l by all dmolsts tbroufboul tha world. Ho inre sad auk fur Mr. U'l nlrw' Soothing Syrii|i" Tb*i:n l.-ri(cn<1h. iUrtv.1 *. now minufa. iur> ami rfi|.lrint >lin|. Ill K lnlilM. wnere y-"i c%n ^t jour mpair* dou<l uu ftborl builoe *! ou rviuiooable turms. tarriagr TrlmmliiK. Rrpulrlnc. anil ereiytlilnf In the rarrinnii making liue UlT m call. k*tilictli.n nuar*utuoJ. Shop over McTavish't lilack- Binlth Shop. K. T. Hamilton. nssbertou.Jan 81.1MI. KICKER S Should call on JOB. Smitl), Flesliortoii, aiid secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kinds with the beat of workmanship (or those who are not KICKERS. A.11 Mea voting, I'M. nr iniilillc aged, who fiutl tin in n-lvt nrrviuM, weak andexhaiutcd, w)io arc lirokeu down from OXOCMUS or urer work, re- sulting in many of the (oliowiux Hyinptoms: iiUl ilc|irensiii, |irrroi:tur0 nlj ngv, IUKH of vitality. Ins* of rnemnry. bad druams, mfM of sig'.it, (ial|>ita'in of tbe heart, emissions, \, ', of energy, pain in tbe kid- neys, headuahe, pimple* on the face or body, itdiiug or peculiar krusation abuut the Mro- turn, wasting of tho organs, <lizziucsn,iipi>ckii before the eyes, twitching of tbe munoles, eye lids and elsewhere, hailifalnens, deposit* in the urine, loss of will power, trixleruefn of the scalp and spine, weak and llabhv iDutelrs, dtiire to uleep, failure to be rmtii >y sleep, oonslipaliun, dullness of hearing, oss of voice, drjirv for Solitude, rxcitabiiitv of tjmper, sunken ores surrounded uitii LBAI>KK ctncLi, oily looking ikin, ete ,are all yniptoms of nervous dehility that iesd to insanity and death uulvs* cured. The riiiR or vi'.il force navun; lost iU tension every funrtioii wane* in consequence. Those who through slni-.i aoronaitted in iunorsuc* init.v !>< jicnnt.iently onrnd. Bond jour ad- dreu for book on all diseases pculiar to man. Address M. V. UJliON. 50 Front St K , Toronto, On. Books sent free sealril Heart diseaae, tbc tymptomsof which are faint r-pi-IU, purple lips, nuinbuemi, palpita- tino, skip heats, hot flanbes, r\i-li of bli><l to the bead, dull pain in the limit with beats strong, rspid snd IrregnUr, the kpeo heart beat quieter than the first, pain about the breastbone, etc., can positively be cured. NocnrP, no pay. Send for book. Addrors If. V. I.I BON, 50 Front Street East, Tor- onto, Out. D. YlVTiuish, HiiRSEHHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MaDDfaeturlnRof Wawons. Rlelfh*. nu>gi<"< Democrats, Et<v Horie fthnelng protnr-ilv at tended to Spoclal attention gUenlo contracted er tender feet. and Plow fhftlng con- ulnitily AII i.itr own Curretp<iri. Mr. and Mrs. Watts were very much surprised on Tuesday evening of last week, when A lar^e company of people, numbering about siity, ar rived at their house, at Eugenia. The ladies were thoughtful, and provided uomething substantial to support the inner man. Before sup|>er waa served Mr. James Williams, ou behalf of all present, presented Mr. and Mrs. Watts with some small tokens of esMm, among them an address got np in a pretty frame, and a pnrse for Mrs. Watts. Mr. Watts returned thanks to tbe people m a very affectionate address. Mrs. Watts returned her tlianke in her kind and gentlo way which pleated every one present. Alter the presentation the ladies who lia'i the arrangement of the affair, us- sistcd by some of the gentlemen pres* cnt, passed around a splendid supper, as there were so many it was impos- sible to neat them at tables, lluth young aud old declared they had never spent a more pleasant time. The evening being fine the young people enjoyed llx-niselves in outdoor games, while the older ones pasted the time in a real sociable manner in- doors. What made it more ociabl' 1 , every denomination was represented, which Allowed that Mr. Watts was esteemed and beloved by every one. (^uito a number of Kimbevley people were present, also some from Halern. Mr. watts will be long remembered by tl>e peoole of Eugenia for thu work he has done among them. By his hard work both the church and the -). il at the cliurch were put in its present creditable appearance. Every one wishes him and hid wife and family a long and prosperous life wherever they may go. AI1I1UKSS ! Rrrnr-nil and very dear eir It is with pUaxur* that we tmtet you kern thin evening, although w aru all *lncwrir sorr* at your rt-nitival from amoi>K"l "*- \Vo have wituixuMxl with 'litliiilit your Ul. >. -i aninii^Mt ue a* a faithful, <tvot<*l, aud efflcient iiiinivtar of Chrint, an.*, we fell it our duty In tine humble way to *how our estimation of them You have, ae a goodeoldior of Ore eroa, (oiulit iimu fully tbe battle of the Lord, and bravel> tained your |*Mrlioii and eie:utd your duties as a h.-ralil of salvation to us. Tu whatever de- partment of your lalx>n wo turn we aro cusv vinued that you av iiurxued it with tlm ut- iiioetililiiiuntM- In tho prnatblng of the Word you tiave tM'eti innrtt t-arne,4t, tntl we can all : \ I. that you have broken the llr'ut of Life witli faithriilnuM. Iu your vifiUtlonii you have niaiutaiiK-*! liko dilliioucu. \Vhi-r. v t -r tW-kneitii lia niadu iu way there yoa hnvo bein. ta-l by Miiirholycouiicil, and hvaveuly a'lnni:utlon* you have admiiKtorel aoolUiug vl.^. . l<> tho niliul racked by nuftYriwKi 1 alul ii'. ...! by dis- ea**, Taahavein rcalitv wef>t with tlio* who weeu. aod rejoiced ith tboee who ii.| re- joice." Ity your kiuiltv I. . im^ iti> 1 iM>lriielx>n xou have ecore<l a |*I.<K .;:.:.* I'lnce in oar liuaru. aud U l to vour uxi->t earn. t labors an 1 the bit-Brink; of (Jo I tint > owo tli J pre* tut :ipi-aianci- ut our chu..!i iuio in. uu; p- i a in a u.ixi- n'.ili! con- dltlen. H) j%ui nwii now compare our cl.onli with wllii-h .rau i>v >.ti . tl.i.- tl.i.- <-'i:^reL- \> i<>r l f.i.- lf in our heart* ,>M'. nUi! to n be ble- -n-t'i all 1 .(.- ' DII Iniii tu-aiKy aud coipfoit, fi tlon trwi' you I.i- Mi- \Vattn.hernaiiieilralliivT hy ue. Khe ha euebriae<l herM 1.'. lier tlnillioiii . anil wu r-un . i *lared as a comfort to you and ii-et her. We think a K..I Kreat**t bleulng a pattor can Ini win toul* for * liri : - I Wiat ' Ik of M. ir fii'nily ,- nre all truly sotry 1 llow. 'I. .11 fi Ii-::-, I'l ttl'l I |-t l>l tll!9 Mll.ll! \: I: II ' I 'natter win niav ! I'ln-fl in tlit tin- c. IA l. 1 -..ay you U i-^ i, .- I you 'i .-I all ' '-' H i>areJ * wuii a -mi !' * l.oai t : Partr.l fiLrnili may meet again Whan tlm r.t ...... "i ui- .1 e I'* t. An. I Uu .p.. it fn-.l (ro n p ilu . . Parted '> rU i-f ii.itur. fi i f ( i . 'U '.. I U .r !| in. i * '.;.!. r: uo*V \\ ill cturual frl 'im tin- nicm'' ' lli- ruver- iTil.l II \VuU>. ul l.ll^nliu Illl- . June Iu. "Like Magic," THE effect ptoilured by Ayer"* Cherry 1 I'ectoriU. Colds, Coughs, Croup, and Sore Throat are, iu most cues, im- ni.-iliati'ly relieved by the use of tljn wonderful remedy. It strengthens the vocal organs, allay* Irritation, and pre- I vents the iuruatls ol Consuniptlon; in every stage of that dread disease, Aver'a Cherry Peo- lateral relieves cough- ^.\ag and Induces I refreshing rest. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my family for thirty years and have always found It the best NMW Hf croup, to which cotnplalut my children have been subject." Capt. U. Carley, Brooklyn, N. V. "From an experience of over thirty years In the safe of proprietary raedl- i uir*, I fel Justified in recommending Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ono of the best recommendations of the Pertoral Is the enduring quality of its popularity. It being more salable now than it was twenty-five years ago, when I to great success was considered mai vtlous. 1 R. 8. Drako. M. !>., Buliot, liaim. 11 My little sUtnr, four years of age, was so 111 from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large experience, pronounced It use- leas to give her any more medicine ; saying that he had done all it w as pos- sible to do, and we must prepare fur the worst. As a last resort, we ili-tui-mlned to try Ayer's Cherry Port oral, and I can truly say, with the most happy results. After taking a few doeea she Heemed to breathe easier, ami, within a wuek, was out of danger. We continue^ giving the Pectoral until satlsllml ah* wu entire)* well. This has given me unbounded faith In the preparation, and I recommend It confidently to my rustomurs." C. O. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. For Colds and Coughs, take Ay&r's Cherry Pectoral, Dr. J. C. Ayer * Co., Lowell, Mais. Werta S a botUe. MONEYI l n -'-* . . uk " ' uv " <" *i * ' ** '""'. '" JH" W ftratth -h T > *; U i Can Suit You ? but they give sati -.faction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. titd.i j * Ittd.anrl Hrtnft WOttrlw fal ><! i ** > !>? M*e|'t.**n tie arnhitj frvsn ! Iu ftO (*< Mf > k an J ) * a>4a sta won afl*)t a Illll* tjlMeHMMel. W* Ml* rv*B)lli yarn Ik* Msi- b,.7*M*nt aal M*Mh .. . Mo ec* to ftltlsi tMr. fwil rM I'Rl i: A iV . aiaiT*, 14I Many have tried me and answer in the affirmative. Then, if others a>e well suited why not come to me and get Your Pants your coats and vests made in the best of style, the quickest trme and for the least money. I will never wear cut the patience of my customers by false promises. Bring on the cloth for Your Coats and have it cut while you wait. Suits which I makeup way not br strong as cast iron, F. A. BAKER, AKMSTHOXG'S ULOCK. Fleshertou Ill Posit iou FOK- -AND- Posit/on is Everything. (.' Is fully equipped with re-. quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to da and pictures to gel taken on the sae day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer,

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