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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1891, p. 6

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THE WEEK'S NEWS OUUMa*. Mi. II. 1. D*M '>, a St. Kiulache pirish <-r, wa rlrowneci ro -t-nlly. Kirg*too is j;ointj to name a_ park after tin- lit. r.i-', anl ni ty p imiCly motisjoisntto him in iL An IueUn>ler named U illi l>n waaiwvpt oer the gunwale of a ste.imer in Ijike Win- nipeg on Wednesday, anil wai drown. 1 The murder of a wonwn t n farm near Woodland*, \Un . by .1 M>'in ; Kn;<li!niuui, the prp f. ;/ of the victim s brother-in-law, is announced in a duspat.-l. from Mar.|uettc. The body found in a well .John M< -Malion fell into a inin- .' An- thracite, Western Territories of Caua<li. on Wednesday, falling '-':>> Ho wa> ' to Calgary, an<l lh doctors think !: live, although he has several honca broken. At a inri-ting f tin- .-ommitte* of the Western Ki>o0..ill, i. < M in To- ronto on Sat u Hay, it was decided not t.. end a Canadian team to rjigland and S ,-..t lam) this full, fixtures for which had already been made. The latest crop report* state that the recent rains have in many ililrie,ts len of ini-st unable value Hay was too far in- jured to he saved, l>ut the ecrval crops show miu-h improvement. A Niagara Falls depttoh sy that* l*osa Cinnamon at Toronto lakes contractetn land Chine** in New York and htu Ix-en doing a Urge Miiu.vlin^ bimnetw. The method is to brin.' tin-?. i in Ma V.i n .liver, and_get I IK- in In counting $70,000,000 in the treasury vault at Washington it discrepancy of Imt one dollar was discovered. The venerable Col. Whitney, of Dixon, III., who celebrated his hundredth birthday last January, nnd who was a Mason since Ihl7, -lied mi Friday. The d i-mi^h tin the neighborhood otNecnah Win., i4he womt ererexperienced. Hardly .mylhii.;' will be r .tine I ibis year. A wealthy but eccentric cithcii of Oyster l:.y. L I., named John Van Oott; spent several d.iv Iniildniga platform from H'H.-II to bang huuwll Tin: Unit.'.) StuTi't .fithorities complain of the n.-i y citonsive nmuggling operations of the Canadians along the north went iMiund- ary lino. James L. Rd wants, a New Vork actor, was found dead iu his bed at Chicago yes- tcnltty morning. He had taken an over- dose of morphine. In a .In. I with knives at l'iekns' Mills, A I*. , on Wednesday, Robert Stockton, an extensive planter, had his jugular cut by \Vdliatn Martin, a prominent mill owner. Martin was wounded. It is rumored I'retidrnt Harruon mi dt-t-nled to appoint ex < iovernor ( IiiU-i t Notwithstanding the fact that hn whis- key trust has secured control of the Schiit'Mt .11. d i .tlumet distilleries, its troubles have not ceased. A syndicate with 9-2.Vi.mH . npiul has perfected plans for the construe- tinn of a mammoth anti-trust diutillery at In a special cable interview with a Bul- garian statesman, he says that Russia, when K)II> makes a big '-o>r/<. will not be satisfied with (' .ii"!;intiiio|.le, tin- will demand the ' 'in. -lies as we.!. Ho does not think glio will be ready for hghting for RIM! In r yvur. In. "..-man* recently raptured by the l.rig.inds, and relraseil a few days ago, httvearriveil at I)ielen. Ranker I'afa IIMI diod in .'onscqiience of Wounds inllicted by the brigands. 'i> M i ; - LE-rrreu. A. Pierce, of North Dtk'it.i. States lepiescn'ative to Chii..v Tin* expert accountant* e-i,'i.;- 1 m in- vMtiguling the affairs of ex-C'ity Treasurer UirlsU-y, of Philadelphia, have found that mii-appropriated I t.'p.iitlO, and the end is not yet. A desp.iteli from Denver says t lie name of v. Samuel Small has lx*cn dropped irom |p- membership rill of the M. K. church, llr '-I ;..,. i . M, klnz i n. li Will v.i hr I....... ,.l I post. The fact is well known that serious trouble exists between the King of Italy and Mene- lek, the new King of Abyssinia, over an article in the treaty concluded some time -twcen the two countries. The green lok, which has juttlieen published in Rome, an ii.lvrenliiig letter written by ticketed onthrnngh slcepersfrum TI iron to to ! l*'nse of alleged shortage in his accounts N ^ p.rk, via the Krie llyer, which erussen j 5I> president of the Methodist University at the bridge at a.m. The Celestials tucked Ugdi-ii, L'lali. as I'm! .1 the. King of Abyssinia to Kn.ij Humbert in which he give* his side of the case. It was united thai the Italian translation of the treaty wriilenin Abyssinian should bean exact equivalent of the original. The Abys- sinian text of article IT of this said ; "His Majesty, the King of Abyssinia, may, if ho wishes, avail himself of the good ollices nf the Italian Ciovernmeni. in regulat- ing his relationship with other powers." The Italian translation, however, has it : His Majely, the King of Ahyssinia, con in tlirir lierths, escape detection at t-liu frontier. Two Chinamen were nabhed yes- terday and that's how the ctt escaped. The Dominion Messenger Pigeon Associa- tion rrporte that loft i nr" fast Iwcouiin^ established all over tin- lloiiiinion, anil i b it an entire chain of lofts connecting Vtli'.r Isle, on the Atlai'tn-, with Sauna, OnU, is now almost completed. <;MAT i:nn nv Sir Mr ha. I Hi. U licach Iwlieves that the p_fiuing of a law t > exclude Jew* from Kng htiid would tolircat Britain. The Primitive Methoilut Conference at N'irthiinpl'iri has pa>3o I a resolution cenxur- inn the 1'rini-e of Wales f<T his ionnectinn with ill lutocarat >c imlal. The Irish I.ind lull wai read a third t m.r in the Knglish HOUM; f Commons, Mr. !. bo.ichere s amendment for its rejection being lost by > to {Mi votes. The Princess o! WVies lin starlrd a sub- S'Tiptiou aniongthe wives of army otlioi rs for the benefit of Mr~. iliiniwiKxl in recog- niti >n of her IMTO;. >n-l'i' t during the re- trouble in Maiiipnr. Sir Kdward Stanhnpf, Knglinh Se < i of State for War, aiil in the House of (. ui, i .IK, in rt-^aid to the baccarat, he had !< n aull>ori/>-d to4y that the I'riueo of Wales, an rovn ni^ In- t- lion, admit Uid that In . nnim.ttrd an error of judgment. There ha lieen an outbreak of pl-uro- I . .Huong .-itttle at York, Kng. The Authorities h\e ordfrwl 'JOO head to be kill.-.!. The operation <( the Crimes Act has ceased in the counties m Ireland promised | reury lialfour. The Mnr|iiH of Ixm.londerry has offered his tenanti the option nf ii.-.|iiiriii,' ili-n hi.ldin.'H ii|HHi reasonable terms. Owin to thp dnllni'in in trade ^il.diiii \'. -I. in. plate workers hive been locked out fen the month . f July. I. .n. I'. u bill strik'-Tn resolved on Friday to K. in thr- employers' offer of twaive IIOUM' work p -r il ty ni I a nligiit incrra"iii wag<. I : \iill !> j. .iii..-i| to-day. In reply to a Juwnh iwlition l/ml Salis- bury promises to esMtjlt the Turkish an,- bauador to aaceiinn w n II-T lirituh in Mm u.e woulil indiii-- tin niltui t-j consent to .lews settling in I'.-ileiiine. The name of Sir William (Inrdon ('HIM IIIIIIK', under the date of June 1(1, was re- mm.-.! fn mi the Us* of officers in the army, as her Majesty has no further occasion for his -i rvn . s. i IIP KritKh steamer lj\lt<- llm> n, Ironi I.r. ;poi| for Montreal, has Ixjcn sighted in latitude S3 north, longitude .'14 went, pru cccding under sail, her cngniui being out oj <pnli r It is stated that the defalcation of .fuliea llsrmbaetier, the Sp%nish American agp'i.t of the New York I.iic Imiuraiice Compuny, amounts to nearly .|,(XI.<MI Merzlocher Ird ik very fast life. Kcsidef indulging ill Ux k speculation he s<|iiandered > great deal of money mi winr, women and horses. Pi I'lident Harrison has caused to be pre- sented a gold waleli nnd nn-.lal to th" cap- tain and gohl watches and chains to the first third nllicp.TH p.f tl'.e l!i it i h : m, r Allen Shaw for rescuing tl.c ctew of the Klcctric Light Die vrip|' is utill epidcmicin the Magda- len i*!iiiip|*. There is no liihing, and tl.c factotuit haxe Ipreu I. ~- .1. In II--P.-II-.' t > the |>r'>tests of the foreign di|.: .i.i.iti. IP (u it IVkinthe l''.ni- peror of Clium n . . i--n-d the Chinese au thoritn'n u> pi-pii-.-L di fureigoeraand top'in ish the native* ; 'in tin) rtoeot riots. An inn i -I.'. |it">p'ilot on "he Jewuli hap. IH-I-II prdrred to be Imriied by th>- entire .oiMin.ttecof the C'/AI-'S nrilp Mi .i-vr-, ind in...) iK-rsonn tl.ii.X if the i.t pu'.n-y is continuml liiimon beings will s H.K ntp-p't .t fa'.-. The eiupt'i'ii nf Mount Yi-n\ ..u continues and tin- tl HIII.L- Uv.t uow thr item to reach th<- ulisp M.i 1 Tin p u '.n-ipleraldi agitation ainong t he nativen of som' oitin ^.'nnu li M itl. a vn-w to misruling Malieloa and putting Mnttafa on the The balsncc sheet of the UqoidMOH ppf the Rurings shows that house to IH li.ilil.. for J-'T.OdO/KlO witti dMet of C.M,S7.-),UX). A bill fr the sale of Portuguese cnlnnn.i basj been presented to th i Cliamli r o: I v puties. Arnoll White, Hiron HirK-h's agent, has wired the Kolhuchilds from Kietl that the reports of tlM whole**!-- etiugi .it IP.II of Itn, M44ii .lew t.> Kugl .ni'l .ire Km III tremors, s>metim of terrifying violent p, i initiniie in t lie Verona I Italy) I >is- trift, (lit- p-ompletc dcstru lip.n p.f til.' I..WII. K ill Ki. lit r li 11 lieen arrostol on a N'I-W N...U iiiitiiii-i 111 llu.i' ^..,, 1-iing wantwi ! .. i .l>'.;i.^ the Anglo (ieinian Rank of a quarter ><f a million marks. M. KilFel, the daring civil enginfr \rho -in i in- 1 the tower in l'rn whi'-h Iwais his name, ho just obtained permission to build a rail load up the Jun^frau to his dwelling. Two brokers on the. R/rliu ISoerse were ii.ii-.l on \\p-linsday for starting false riimoiirs in reganl to the health of tin- Kinperor with the object nf depressing the funds. At Buenos Ayres on \\V-duesilay ((old closed at :<01 per cunt, pn HIM iin. 'Hi , . ., Kent* to avail himself of the good offices of the Italian (iovurumont, Ac." The Italian version was the treity as it was signed in Kome by Kin^.' Hiiinln-rt and the envoys of King Menelek. When i'ene- lek became aware -if this falsification ho wrote the letter to King Humbert which appears in the green book. Here are some extracts : "1 wish to call your attention to article I'loi t lie treaty of Ucciali, in which it is ulipulated that the texts of the treaty in our two languages shall exactly agree. Rut article 17 says tint I consent to avail my- t.-lf of the good ottices of Italy, Ac. Rut I have not .- ii.entep| to surrender to Italy my |H, v...| to treat independently witli Kuropean goveriimfiiVt in the affairs I have with those nations. Wln-n < .unit Anlonelli drew up tin* treaty with me- I told him th*'. lh. treaty mutt IH- plainly expremtvd in thin matter. He replied : If you desire it, s 1. 1 iiny avid yourself of our assistance ; if I.P>:. you are free to dispense with our es i-iyour reltttions withth.-r |wwers.' 1 p. .-.lied : ' On thivt basis I make a treaty w>;li Italy.' " I have not accented up to this tim any lion, and I tell you to-day that 1 am : man t" ;i<-< e|it kilch a pr-.j). *al, and sl'.iuld not !) the u, in to ask me to accept it I Impp now that for the honor of your fum '., you will Imve the error which ap- pears in article 17, corrected, and that you will point out this error to the friendly |i.,v i -i T.P ii mi you have communicate. 1 the t.. IP 111 Him liiv I I uiirc u. uii:j uwua VI," I 000,(JO) borrowed money tn Mr. Arthur Wil- 1 ' on, at wl.ote honor the c<:lel>raUd games of ' gol dalilOl INST cunt, premium. Tin Sen- It is said the Prince of Wttlci owes fl,- ate has passed a hill suapihding gold pay- ' mcnts for six weeks. The llrigtinli who, on June I, captured baccarat were played. MTtnl atisMfMt Ml a tr.un near Tcherss- Mr. (iladstoi.e is eonlim- I io In* I..-.I hy koi Rr<l1 earned them to the mountains, in, ui.lisposition, which in said U) be of sueh . *> tlie y *'' k "l )l ll11 "<y ' ia) nature that Inn physiuians have not , WM P" c| . * rtj rfeting toward the HUk A terrible accid.-ut .. mi red on a Swi*s railway on Friday. An excursion train broke , in- ir which I through a bridge >ind sixty persons were killed outright, while) hundreds were li.nily injured. The decision to pc-iHecute M. de U-sseps and the sUfMlonM the I'unama Cunal Com pany is regarded in Paris us it weak measure, and it is thought will complete the ruin of the enterprise. The Caar of Russia will celebrate his sil- ver wnldiiii' m >i Nuvemlier, in a moderate fashion, near Copenhagen,. Immediately theieaflor, if ho visited, h-- will visit Km peror William in IU*rlinnr Potsdam. It is asserted that the French Govern ment's demand that the. I >.ar make a'definite declaration as to t hi- attitude he would as- sume in the event of a t'ranco-derinan war i called to attend him. Sir William t. or Ion Ciiinmiiij; mid his bride i. 'lived a most enrdial welcome upon their arrifal Hi Ki.rren, burgh Altyre, the hnronot's estate, is situ ated. The Irish bishops, finding that the cost of iimintaining iiiuiibeis of Parliament is a heavy (i.inx drain, are working to secure the return of wealthier candidate* at the n cut g. -in ml election, who will form the iim-lrus of a new Catholic party. The strike of the London i-arpenu-id has lx-e.ii in prourem for six weeks. The employ- ers are importing men from I termany to take the places ofthe strikers, and are likely to obtain a full working l-i. I MTU) STATES. Four personv were, drowued at I :.>, 111., Siiinl iy, l.y the ia|kiiaing of a FMKIA M> I M :t 1 1 AIM. The Kpread ..f The fzar't A>lbr>rllr Shew* la I he i:\hlbllluaal No.row. That Russia has become a great Asiatic Power is strikingly shown by the (Vn'.r.-.l Asian Exhibition at Moicow, which is at- tracting more ollicial ami general public in- terest than auy affair of the kind ever before held in Russia. Its object seems to be to show to Russia and the world how complete- ly the Groat White Czar has become the lord of those regions which only a generation ago were the home of a hundred various tribes. \o circumstance has lieen omitted which would lend to this exhibition attrac- tion and impreswveness. The edifice in wlii. I. it is held is significant. No modern structure temporarily prepared for the oc- casion would have been fitting. Instead one of the most notable huiMinps in the Kmpire wasdevoted to the pnrprae. Thisis the great Historical Museum of Moscow, a building which embodies within itself the whole record of the Kussian people. Beginning at the earliest times, when Muscovy was the home of u few WANDERI.Vi. HEATIIKS- TKII'.m, this museum tells the story of evolution to the present day ; its chronologically arrang- ed halls relating, one afler another, the chapters of nation's progress. So com- plete is this record that it includes even a memorial of the late Czar, Alexander II. and also various reminders of the latest phases of the revolulionary spirit in " Young Rus- sia." V. ithin the limits of this display may be fpiund a repetition, in epitome, of all that Rus- sia hu done in her eastern provinces. Here, fp r example, is the recoid of ( .-neral A mien- kolTs work. Here an* models of his rail- road Imilding across the desert, of his suc- cessful fortifications against the inroads of the shifting sands. Here are illustrations of i I.e in inner iii which he bridged the Oxus and other rivers, wh->n bridge -building ma- terials were at hand. Kvery step in the progress ot Russian conquest is thus shown with marvellous exactitude in chronological order. There is also an elaborate display of the character of the native inhabitants of those regions, the manners, customs and indus- tries. Here are numerous life-like nv*!cls of specimens of various tribes, all the way from the I'ntls to the Afghan frontier. A gen- eration ago these tribes were all indepen- dent. rOHHTAXTl-V rllillTINii among themselves, their principal industry confined to trading in nl&ves. Now they all acknowledge the supreme sovereignty of the Russian Czar : under the benign sway of the knout and the bayonet, ]>eacc prevails among them, and ihc induslrial conditions of a willed state of society are be<.'innirjg to appear. The display of their arts and manufactures comprises both ancient and modern productions. It is surprising to noli. how many arts have long been known to the tribes of Turkestan, arts which civil- i/.-i Kurope might envy. Here, for example, the weaving of rugs and carpets is practised with a taste and skill scarcely approxu. elsewhere. The dimensions of dome of these excite admiration at the size of the looms that must have been required for the weav King of Medicines A Cure "Attnogt tfCrvtcuiou*." " Wlien I w:u M years <>( age I had a severe attack of rhetmud- ni, and after I recovered had to go on crutr'i. ^ O \ year later, scrofula, In tlio funu of white swellings, appeared on various part* of my body, and fur 11 years I was an Invalid, being confined to my bed t years. In that time ton or eleven sores ap- peared and broke, causing me great pain and uttering. I feared I never should get well. Early In 1886 I went to Chicago to visit a sister but was confined to my bed most of the tine I was there. In July I read a book, ' A Day with a Circus.' lu which were statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparllla. I was so Im- pressed with the success of this medicine that I decided to try It. To my great gratification the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel better and In a short time I was up and out of doors. I continued to take Hood's Sar- saparilla for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went to work for 111* Flint & Walling Mf(j. Co., and since then HAVE MOT LOST A SINGLE DAT on account of sickness. I believe the disease Is expelled from my system, I always feel well, am In good spirits and liave a good appetite. I am now 2" years of age and can walk an well as any one, except that one limb Is a little shorter Uian the other, owing to the loss of bone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the king of medicines." WILLIAM A., 9 N. Railroad St., Kendallville, Lud. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold bjr all dnigg!u. fl; tixforflS. Prepared only by C. I HOOD A CO.. Apotbeeariai. Lowell. Mail. JOO Doses One Dollar Wl.i'.-'.er degree of civilization the King i'ii< "' '"-' fabrics, as well as at the artistic .f Abyssinia i.i.iy have atUim-.l, it wilj l'i!ily of lh- workmen lliat could produce 'nutted that this is a manly j "' results in tint, pattern nnd texture. k does not propose to tacri- 1 Then there are finer fabrics in wool, co'.ton ' and ilk. There are cunningly wrought articles of silver, gold and copper ; weapons and armor that put tili:im<- the lineal work of mediaeval Kurope. There is also a vast array nf pottery thai rivals the choicest pro diicta of Japan. '1 lie rapid march in civili/ation in lute years has produced Dome tc.-niingly incon- gruous results. Whowould dream, ill reading probably IMS ad IritiT. Menelek docs not propose lice his self-respect and rights as a ruler .mil the mere tool of Italy. There ia 110 nrcspeet now that Italy will succeed in en- Ion-ing h-r interpretation of the treaty. \\ h.-n >' unit Antonelli returned t.*>i.oi IP coax the King to submit to the treaty as il was signed at Kome he met with a very cold reception. The King re- fiiH d to see him at all for some days, and finally granted him .in interview only to up- braid him in liittei l.n.i;ii:\.'i. and to com- mand him ne\ ei again to net foot in his territory, lie 1 li > es Antonelli betrayed him, nnd it is evident that the Count's ns It.ily'a MIII.I 11 at an end. ili i- - nip .1 in Abyc- Firdausi, of the wines of Shiraz being pi,. up in glass bottles stopped with common corks FASTK-.Hl> IX WITH WIM.K, and bearing a printed l.i!-<-l \ .-t - now ihe case. So the ladies nf the liu-.-m. in tVntral Asia adorn themselves with cos- metics imported from London and Parix, Not n. < .i-i hearing the names uf inanufuctiii era that arc An unpleiHint surprise was that which ''>" toevery Kuropcan and American /nr,i II. v ,lc..-iibci in an article on *>' "'"'' lo "8 " <vl11 be ll< -' for <- > other 1'jikiino life. A young seal hunter, it ap- 1 ""tern unions are ad,. p;.-d tline, and the beooniB engaged to tho daughter | velld *'" l>e ll-t ailde a1 " 1 ll " - fair d.tiigh ,'.f a rich neighbor, hu"t was unable toolitain j '" " f ln<! K '-*' wil1 be Sl> " "' lm ' worl l a< the consent of her parent* to a speedy mar- ' re thclr *' i>rs, is a matter of con- jecture long. m. . , At the [in-sent pace it canuol It tween tl.- rik of ice on which the yppiin.' sealer had erected his hut, and the hy the L-old had larger floe which was pre-empted parents of his sweet-heart, the broken an impassable crevsase sonic bun- dred feet or more in depth, and twenty in width. Save lor n single jutting fragment, thick enough to bear little more than The oixani/eil (-ppM-rmnent of the new ItMsttauoasiaii Pruvincu has been placed uudcr the npu-m- . omiiiand of (.. Kuropatkin. He i one of the most dintin gu.shed olliccrs in tho Asiatic service of the Czar, which he entered in iMiUat the age of eighleen, and in win.!, he !i n lieen eni; iged - Where the Fault Lay. lie was a n an who put all the faults of his children on hi^ wife ; they got their bod qualities fn in her. " That fellow, John," he complained one evening, "staying outevery night till twelve and one o'clock. He don't tike alter me, that s certain. " " No, I guess not," sighed the poor wo- man. " It's all from me. He gets it from the habit I used to have of sitting up for y.iti after we were married." "German Syrup" Here is an incident from the South Mississippi, written in April, 1890, just after the Grippe had visited that country. "lam a farmer, oue of those who have to rise early and work late. At the beginning of last Winter i was on a trip to the City of Vicksburg, Miss, .where I got well drenched in a shower of raiu. I went home and was soon after seized with a dry, hacking cough. This grew worse every^day, until I had to seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon who has since died, and he told me to ^eta bottle of Boschce's German Syrtip. Meantime my cough grew worse and worse and then the Grippe came along and I caught that also very severely. My condition then compelled me to do something. I got two bottles of German Syrup. I began u^itij; them, and before taking much of the second bottle, I was entirely clear of the Cough that had hung to me so long, the Grippe, and all its bad effects. I felt tip-top and have felt that way ever since." l'KTKRj.BiuALS,Jr. ) Cayuga, Hines Co.. Miss. * "his own weight",' his home was eompli-i.-lv Almost ever eim-e. He first distinguished ; .-lit o-l from the world about him. Tin's ''"elf at the capture of -Samarkand. He practical isolation umpired him. ** Skobt-lcfrs chief lieutenant in the Kho- ! He Iwgan storing up in his huinlei|ii.-irters **"' **' '" 'l'ich he was seriously oil, blubber, and other delicacies sullicient wounded. It was he who led the Kussian for the support of two persons for at leau Kmbassy to Koshgai and made iho treaty six months. He ha.1 nwlved to ste:il his with Vakoob Ue. Ir. tho war willi Turkey bride, and knew that if he gained his ice he was SkobelefTa chief of staff, and greatly | t<, learn Whit Caused t..e l-'i.p i o A little girl was coiiuin^ !.;. l CMon , and poring in a pu//.!-l wy ever the map of Af i ica. "Dear me," said -\er mother, "when I was at school , all the map was white, except round the coast, and we hud only it few names has only obtained the vaguest re-, The OddlMlowV of Chicago propose to committing Kussia U. nothing. *-* Despatches from Moumbique aonoun.-. thai great excitement prevails tin ir owing to the fact that l!hief (lonveia, with 4,(KK) followers, has revolted ugstinst Portuguese authonty in la"or of a British protectorate. Numerous meetings of the. Socialists are being held throughout Prunsia to protest against the retention of the eorn duties Imt they persist in diHtiirbing l.ihearl meetings having the tame object. Thu S. imputti who took an active part in the 1 1- -nut Manipnr ontt.rcak him Ut-n found guilty of rebelling against the Kiupress of India and of ahattmg the: nuuwa<:re nf(!h reel fi,ooo,<m The agreement fni a closed season in the Ilehring Sea haa Uenigned in Washington by the rupresc'ntatives of the FlritiHh and I IHU..I >uu-, liovernii.ents. Keportsf mm Southeastern Kans ixn.iy that the wheat, corn am! oat crops will ' tmye.l throughout a large section owing to an overflow from the Kud Itivrr and its tributaries. While playing with matches, two children at Kcalona, O. , set fire to it barn and were burwd IP . death. The ( <>lorad Mctli.idistaonfsranaB has de- cided t.i i.lnut oin.:n ss isy M i.-ri.. ^mitliof Pa., < ipionttLlod BUI. : Ir ',,y sUrvaLMSI SB ...... .r th ati. .,-. ith her and broke down the bridge, 'lislinguishwJ himself they wrc safe from trouble or purnuit i..i AT I-I.BVSA the wmU'i season, or until the wanner ;in .| ,-lsewhere. At tho ckc of that war he weather of the summer moved the loebergs waj Ina j c he4 j of the Asiatic section oi the o closer contact. By that tune, ho hoped ^nural staff. When war with Chin* seem- tbe opposition of the parents would give e ,i imminent in Kuldja, he was sent thither way to pardon and reconciliation. , ( , rK anbe and command all tho Russian 'I he Ksknnos sleep on a raised nowl>ank ((m .,. ] | SSO he led a column across the .none side of the iglooor ic-house. Kn desert from Khivit to aid Sknt-vlelf at (leok cased in their sealskin mghtbg, with a -i' epei , m i personally led the assault i nge, protecting hood over the he ul and t |,e Turkoman fortili. alum. For aoe, they are M utimfortahleas their natures ^.^ in thi , mmpjig,, |.,, WM made a major rc-.iuire. general, anil has ever since been the chief lh* youth waited outside the girl s home p - in. til he thought that all within were as- leep ; then creeping through the narrow entrance, he made his way toward tho young woman. He seized the long l.ig like mass in which her form wan encased, bore it triumphantly Herons the narrow bridge to his stronghold, and before pursuit was Oh , y es, " said the child, " it's all through I hat horrid man Stanley." i U hanged The Jewish f Quint.. u, ha* been condemned all foreiijrners hi m*im l*~ir* .,,.1 panoeatispn is extending to Hniwia, especially to (ier- . pnssihlo, witn his axe cut down the ice bridge and was safe. Not those knolt down lioside her, and dragged back the hoo^l to catch a glimpse of her face. He had stolon his intended father-in-law ! waiting to hear the objuratiuns of on the other side of the abys>i, he The great i.n-al Casiea. American game, Baseball, iu ilu- Slates, and the greitt Knglish game, Cricket, in the Dominion, are in full career, and it is apropos to consider what a colebrat- ed pitcher says: Mr. Louis Rush, 4U Preston 8t., Itetroit, Mich.. U. S. A., writes : " lu pitching ball I sprained my arm ; two ap- plications of HI. Jacobs Oil cured me." If vim at to > resnty for rhe next day, try Russian authority on all matters |>crtaininx to Central Asia, both military and civil. It must be confessed that the French ex- hibilion at Moscow is not altogether a SUCCOHS. It won unfortunate that it was .r- ranged to take place at the siune t ; iiic as the Central Asian cxliihition. And then there was either a most serious mimmih r t.u.d ing or some delihvratc misrepresentation on the part of the Kussion (lovcrn i ment. Krenchmen were given to understand j that their exhibition would lie held under Inij.erial patronage, and that the (iovern ; n lent >vould not only otlicially recognize it, j but that the Kniperor and Kmpress would visit it in state*. It is uow confessed that, there never \vit4 iiny thought ol the, Ooveru- j mcnl giving u official lecognition. It is be- lieved that ItuHHiau agents promoted these : delusions in France for tho sake of facilitat- ing the sale of Russian securities in the French money market. CURES PERMANENTLY (irippe awe|>t over the Chinese empire in February Uat and hundreds of thooiiasila of IT is TKE

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