THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. Ii published Faou TH OrrirB Xtrrtt, Fl'^'rlon, Out. TKHMB Olr BCBSCllil'TlOH: HI per annum when pal i strictly lo advanca 150 per annum wheu Dot to psi-1. AIlVF.HTIMNCi KA 1T> Oat column. I year, eaO , bait col., do., tf! quarter c>l do., tl.Y Tranlcnt advertumnenK rhariit-l at 111* rale f (lets porline for nrt IM..-IIIOI, and Sets. per Jin* eectl Subsequent insertion W. H THURSTON. K'litor urul Proprietor TllK UK FUND MATTER. We were pleased with Dr. Lander km a remarks in the Commons on Thursday last, regarding the refund of railway bonuses, as reported in the Hansard, the question having been brought up on a motion of Mr. We II. .Hen's. During the course of his iwuiarks the Dr. -iuJ . "The county from which I come has a perfect right to a it-fund of some portion of lliu jailwav LxjmirKg which it has granted. Tin- people of that county have not oulv very largely built railway* for tht-raielTcs, but they have contributed by taxation to the building of railways all through the Dominion, without li&Tiiig hud any public money for railways expended there." Dr. Lan- deiain also shows that the county of Grey lias uvt-r had "a single public building erected, or a single dollar x- I'tniUil by the government on rail- m. I believe it is the same with llii r'Min ty of Hriice, and 1 know that vi'i-y littli-. if any, public money has I" . ii i \IN ndtd in North Wellington. Hut thine sections have contributed largely to building local roads else- where, and 1 think the time has come when their claiiuu should be con- sidered." While we are pleased to see the Dr. championing the cause of the county iu this matter, and believing in tl justice of our claim for some corapen- anon, we would like to note that, al- though never having received any aid in the jimmier mentioned, vo have in many othr ways. Largo sum* of government money have been expend id on our harbors. Our posta.1 ser- vice has received minute attention and all our demands na-t in that line, EO that our country ia well served in that reipcct. The government has not been oblivion* lo the welfato of this county, even if they have not ex- ] ci dcd money on railways or public buildings. \Vlnle we .do not believe that this county will ever have a rcfuud of any > f tilt money, they have the satisfac- tion of knowing that the withholding of this money can b3 used as a set off to any preposterous claims which other provinces might advance for the imiMili iiitHui of parliament. The agitation which has taken place on tint matter will not he fruitless, even if not successful in the object ainiod ut, aixl th discussion in parliament was a titling one to place the matter on record. confidence by moving an adjournment. After pchea by members of the cabinet and many of the opposition the qaeition was put and Mr. I, an 1 1 IT'S motion defeated by a vote of 103 to 88, or a majority of twenty. There were cloven pairs. If it be true that Mr. Chaplcau has been prevailed on to enter the Uovuru- uieiit on condition of rtceiving the portfolio of his choice, after thu close of the session, it is clear that the withdrawal of Sir Hector Langevin is involved. His prospective withdrawal will greatly simplify the problem for tl.e government leaders. Sir John Macdunald'e original plan of choos- ing ministers with particular refer- ence lo localities, so as to preserve a kind of balance of provincial power in the cabinet, has long since been lost sight of, or found impracticable, to a large extent. Yet it is obvious that beyond certain limits, local considera- tions cannot safely be disregarded. Everyone sees that it would never do to have both tho j^rout spending de- partments of tho administration in the hands of representatives of (Que- bec. This consideration no doubt ex- plains why Mr. Chapleau's ambition cannot be gratified at once. The rt'tnor that Sir Hector will, at the close of the session, retire to a position of dignified rc;t as Lieutenant-Gover- uor of (Quebec has HO much verisimili- tude that we may pretty safely assume its correctness. This is, of course, on the assumption that the investigation now going on in the Committee on I'nvihges and Elections lea/es him with unsullied reputation. Hix retire- mi in will make ruurn for an Ontario I i |T( si Illative ill the inipnitant J >t purtnieiil of Public Works. In the meantime the Government will incur ihe reproach of bfiii'.,' very partial iu its distribution of oflicca. seeing that Ontario, the most populous and by fur the 1 richest and potentially moil intliieiilial UK ml>r of the Confeder- ation, is butfe'bly represented in the Cabinet M now constituted. If it be true thai it has been decided that Sii John Thompson shall b the uominal as well as virtual leader of tho Government in the Commons, it in likely that the best arrangement possible under the circumstances has been made. Of course the teat of l line, alone can determine tho prowess of Ihc new AdnnnitilraUoa. Il is not easy to see, howe-ver, why it should not succeed in guiding the work of the session to a satisfactory ending. The severest trial of ils strength will couiu during the recesg, when its stability will be effected mainly by the results of tho bye -elections', and the success or failure of the Washing- ton conference. [Week. When lUbj wu dck. w f *Ttt>*r OuMrHv WlMB slw WM a i v .1,1 *,. OTtod for (Mori*. WtMn sh h,. ..I,. Mlw. .h. ohuc *o Ontario. Wki *> kid < UMrra *tM > UMDS OuWrte Matters at Ottawa are swimming ,.fi^ nnmewhat caliuly. There has Ui;ii uo divi*Mu taken since the for- UMsliott of the new government, winch consist! of all thu old members iu their old positions. The Tarte-Mc- (lidcvv caac before the special com- raittoe is receiving much attention. Michael J. Connolly, the recalcitrant bookkeeper, was brought before the Daj of the house and requpstcd to ex- plain his conduct in refining to give up posHeiigiun of the books. He apolo- gized and gave up Ihe key to his big chain bound li unk. No evilenoo has yet been produced c nuiecUng Sn lluotoi Langevin in any wy with any "shad.y" traiisacliuu, ajthongh the McCiroevy's do uot show. up. ip any too enviable a light. * biuce writing the above Mr. Lauriei UM brought ou his motion of waut of Ii Administrators' Notice. In the Matter ol ih. EMate ot < h;u I. v M, l. HimninvDrTpaiwd Tilt- i-n-ilil'irx of Cliaili- McDoiiuall Willfaina. lair of thu village of Maxwell, in Uio county ef drey, ami province of Ontario, deceased, who diuu on or about the 31st day of March, 1101, and all others having claims attaiuit liU estate, are Jim by notified to send bv post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned adminis- trators of the estate, and uffert* of the ai I de- ooaaed at corni r ef Vonga ami ColborM M ri , t Toronto, or to J. W. Frost, solicitor, Owen Bound, on or before Friday, the ITtb 'lay uf July, 1H01, their Christian names and surname*. addrefMin ami description, the full paitlmlara of their claims, a ill ttem.Mit -f thrtir aroounta. and the. natnrt- of th.. ,.,'in :t!,^ if any i held ly them ; aud in default tliorvof. and Inuuuiliatelv after the said ITtli <la> of July, the BMU of the aaid Charles Mdiouuatl Williams, deceased. will be distributed sinoim-t the parties entitled thereto, having repaid only toclaiiiis of which notice shall have neon given as above required, am) this notir*. l>eing given under the pro- visions of the revised statutes of Ontario, chap 110, sec. 3. the administrators will uot be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any iieraon of whose claim notice shall uot have been received, by them or the raid solicitor at the'tiuie of HIII-II distribution. Toronto. June H, 1D01. THE Ton -UFO (iENiiut. TacrrCo , A.lmiul.trators J. W. PBOST, Owen Sound, Solicitor. jnellSt Administratrix' Notice. In i In- Mailer of '..<>. John The ereilltors of (,, ,,i j,. John Stewart, late of Hl.-hlpi'f V D HllJ Ci.UNty Of . of untaiio. dorease'l. who ill,., I on or tlictlrht i|a\ of May. 1*1. and all othvrs having claiiuM annioKt bis estate are DOiiAvXl to send by post prejpeJd, or otb urwme deliver to tho !iu<lripiud a Iniinintra tin ..f tin- i'IT.--t- of thf rai<l .In-, a-i-l at the Town!iip ol Vitfiwm, in tli*) 4\>unty of (irev. or to J \V I t. tJwen r*iuml, on or Kridai. th' ITtli .lay of July, thsir Chris- tian nuim< an I .iirimni.-* n t ii an I i- - ciiption. tin* full partic iilarn of tlit-ir claluia. a htateiut'iit of their accounts, and the nature of thu securities ilf ant lic-lil l>v ttu-iii . ami in de- fault thereof, and Iniine'liati-K afti-r tin- aaid l?'li 'lay of July, tbeaatsf th i<l (leorge John Htimart. dcceaaud, will be il^ti ihiitn.1 ainotiM tlM parti,- * t*iitit)*-<l llji-:et<>. havintf re i;ar<l only to clailiK of whicli notR-e -hull nave IMMMI ((tvetl as alwve requiri-d. Arul till- i nitlrr t '. i- ' ih reviaeil Btatuweof Uotariu t-loip 110, sec. >B, tbeadnla islratrll will not I.- liable for t.,. ai'l assets ol any part tlii-i, ,f to tin \ ! >n of wlio" I'likiin shall not have been receivad ! her or her said solicitor nt the time of 'i, h <litiiti'.i i ' II I \ AXN SI K\\ U: I rieiberlon.JoBelT.un. idmlnMrmtrix l" J \V runs I. (Solicitor. Notice to Debtors All partie-ii.'ln !, I t.. tl. late William Wood, .if Kn'-lo ' ton Station, in- flecuaneil. are n"|iiiif.l to jn% tlh ii MII I in.lfliti- lnt* Ini n itxli- atxly without f mi 1 1- 1 -I i. i t.i rlinr|i>tti'\\ I. I. < in rlt. un.lei thr W 1 1 1 of tho >ald deaed. KlfiherlKii I. I'm I7tll. 1SU1. i II Mil. "I I I Ullllll. R. M l.M I. lHjune3t itiii I in'it'T I Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. For s ; ,i,. by M. Rlrhnnlneii * Co- Nothing No Good Or to quick to relief * Clark'i Light- ning l.ilillllrlif . It Will in few hi,, menu, whan token aocordhiK to direc- tions, cure cram))*, colic, iliarrlm i, dyi- pepeia, heart Inn n, lick hetdach, lour atruac)i, itiaimi, wind in the bowels, and H internal pain*. It ii an ever ready help at every hoar nf the day nr niuht, and a. bottle thnuli! be in every cupboard. Fur aale by all ilrnggula ; price fifty cenU. Be sum you get Clark'i Light- ning Liniment Clark Chemical .Cu. , Toronto, Nw York, Executors' Notice. In (lie H.iii. i oi ih. Esiair oT Win Hood. lrrras-il The creditors of William \Vo n |. late of the Village of Floehorton. iu th County of i..i-. an I Province of Ontario, de- ceased, who died on or about tho tf4th day of Apiil, 1NUI. and all otbers having claim M a^ai n *t Inn estate, an- hrii I, . u<> line I toseml l>v |',,t prepaid, or otherwise <! liver to tin. iiii'l.'iMKnnl i-sMitori* of the estate ami effects of the said deceased at Klesherton Hlalion.or to. I \V F:oat. solicitor. Owen Hiiuud. on or l..f ,ir- tlo, Ktli .lay of July, IXJI, their rln iitian Datum alul HIII nami.ft, addresses aud I'lion, tlut full partlrtilars of their claims, a statement of tli.'ir a.-i oiintH. aii.l the nature ,.( UI.-IM-. -iiritii-anf am i held liv them, ami In default tlit rcof. and immediately after thn aaid ITtli .lav ofJiily.tlieanaetaof the (aid William Wood, 4weeaeed, will 1 e .li-tnlmted among the pai tii'Si.ntitli:.! threto, having rutfard only to rlalinsof which Mitli-H shall hsve been given aa ahovi* requlreil, aud this notnr leinf( ^iven un- der tki. provisions of the revised statutes of On- tario.,')iap. 110. aeo. 3ft, theeiecutora will uot be liable for the aaid assets or all v part thereof to any pernon of whoffeclaini notlrn ahallnnt have l'on i a. .-ivt-il l.\ UH n. or the- said aolicitor at the tlinaof KIII hdi-li il,uti.,|i Kleshei ton. June. 17th, litu ('IKHI.OIIK Mo, u. R llrGii.i., Kierutiil Riecntor J W Fuosr. solicitor, Owen Hound. New Carriage &'. Blacksmith Shop. Tb undefslgneo! bn ! to acquaint th public with th fart that they bate opened up anew carriage arid blac!moih shop in Hleslierton, where efer.rtbins iu out Hue wJI be aUendrj l<> In a prompt manner and good workmanship guaruuleetl. \\V make a specialty at Mail Contract. SEALED TENDERS r i ifin -ml will I-, i, i . tv< .I at Ottawa until noun on h u IHV, l?th July. 180I, for the ounvey- aiu-e of Her Majesty'* klaili, on a proponed contract for four yuan., 3 timus }>r weak each way, hetwtHMi Fleithertoti and Vamleleur, from th tut October in if Tlit conveyance to be niftile In a vtthtolt) or ott.arw.M. Printml noii,-v r't'itniniiitt fi.rtliri iiifurtiiHtiou a* to condition* f l>iu|>oel ooutrftrt may In) nemi ami blank forma of tender may obtained at the I'.mt ( 'tin-it* i.f Kletuortou au>l \ t.u<.elmr. and at thin office. H. 0. HoDkirk. Post Olll. r I n .)>" I o r Tost Office Inspector's office, Btratford, 4tt June, 11. ll)uoa!Un. Notice ! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN. Will you klndiy call and settle ' ther Ii v cash or fiote ' to get all aid liuslueas ntraigliteiied lettle your account either by cash or fiote. at ones. a \ am anxion are ..sent out this week We shall try not t rusort to extreme measures uut i' you have hat time to respon-l For conv*m. ,iob ot our ens tomvrs luUlenittut can be ma-lo at office , (too Mitchell, banker. J K MiioltK, Plesherton Neit door to Division Court Offlce Farm to Lease The tiuderslxned desires to lease for a te of years lo a KOO| tenant, Ins farui coimistlng o UUacri'H, beniK lot 10 and II. 4th N. n. R.. lid acres clnarud and iindoi cultivation, well fenc and anpplie.1 with water, i never falling wel at the house (I. od fianm liouai. on prvuiise contalnfoaa first clase cellar. Young nrchar Fair outbull.liiM* l'"s than one mile froi FlcsherUtn station, and t a mile from aohoo house. For terms, r'c. applt U> THOMAS McARTHUR, augU tlvsbertoo Station HORSESHOEING. ofess to hare a mechanic wbo i(ie entire satisfaction erery time. Spi-cll tmn to tender or contracted feet. Interfering positively prevented. WOODWOKKING n all lt brancbei. Wagons, baggie*, democratu made to order. \V believe wa can work up a f ood buaineei in Flenhcrton by fair and square dealing null careful workmanship, and solicit the public to tt utir merits iu our various lines. si/or ori'osirE fi itMit /.*; w.\ itKitoous, in WRITTEN & BLAIR. ARDINE OIL fakes the lead for all machine purposes. Why use poor oil that will injure your machinery when you can get the Celebrated Lardine ? I* IS C I A L. T I K S : Cutting, oils Cylinder, Lardine, Eureka, Wool, Spindle, Bolt Arctic, Solars, Harness Oils, &c. All guaranteed to suit or no sale. McCOLL BROS. & Co. - Toronto. FOB SALE IJY F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherf on. NOTICE! To The Public : It. P.'dlar wial.fd t,' inform th I ' Kli-Klici ton nd tin) surrounding country hat he ban luuvt-J.. tuii will \>u now (uuud BLOCK, fbr oroiicl ilimr from the post office, where will In- glad In >< all lu.s olu customeri am) as luBny iu,, re as like to cume. I have utiw a largv Htuck of tun t>*r One Flour, Shorts, Bran. Etc. AND A UOoU LINK OF A BE NOT* Pur- ** pi'-'.ivo MtMli- iue. lli< 7 are a <LOOD liCIUKKH. ToM( ari'l lUtcos- THI rron, a* they I ply in a condensed nn thu substance* tually needed to en- -urius : . . i- "!;, .. I . and WiT- v Hi. . !>, or from iiiAii ) Hi U')BB in I : OD, and also c an t BuiLI> TV the Hi JOD an.t STSTEII. wh.-u broken down by overwork, menial worry. diaeaae. lirsessn anj iodiacre- tious. They tiava a irn! A'rnoei on sLRTvrmol itli tiieu and woum. lnit i.i -IT vi'j< i .i corrtcting all t' \MTUI and MtlVJIMHMb Wbo flii'lJ hit mnteJ fac- dull or fr.ilintf. or EVERY MAN Ms physical powurs a*ejpn& asMIld iko those I'ILLS. They will ranorebu lojt cuuruiea, both Iroc^ries. LenioDS & Oranges i <b ' r>ic lan< ' i "" jtal tf tHT WUHsIrS 'otistantly ou liaiiil. All knuls of Canoed tiHxis, o.iinir:il. Coniiinal, (null un Kluar, lulled \Vlifal. Kto. EHIJI tuLrn a casU. K'i< l -FO R Plaints - Summer Gardens. We bavo DO on hand an enormous stock of abbage, Cauliflower, Celery, and Tomato Plants planting. Holding plants of many kind* Fluwur ,>laut in abundance, Cut Flowers and Bouquets For home decoration Our stock of roea* uperb. For anything in the Burnt line call at the JAS. BEECROPT, Proprietor PW BONO PUBLICO. 1-aOTB ALL TBINOH, OLI> FAtT THAT OOOD." If you want a good, easy working, durable substantial, ornamental, well painted pump one that will uot be a continual source uf annoyance, expense aud vtotatioii of spirit, get one of Artley'a noted pumps and you will De aappy as far aa the pump Is responsible. 1 .-iiaiantee atlsfactloii in every instance or Forfeit the price of the putnn. 1 submit for reference toe names of some of the pai ties who are using my pumps. In Maik.lalf .1 W Sproule; W. N. Haktt, 7'. (t deep; O. W Hutle.lge ; Harkdale school. In Artomosia.- Wm Wright : Tliorp Wrlgbt ; Jarvis Henry ; Johnston Culllns, 30 ft. . B. Davis ; Jsuius Johnston ; Urs. Medley ; Mm Staitil'ori-kii-. 43 ft. , John I'ortvous, two pumps M and U ft. : Thus. Lever , Mr. Wbttten ; Noble Lawreaea. In Ruphrasla.- J. Overland ; Kobt. Dunlop ; J u.Nlinaii, Mi M.-Nailv , San. Harvey; J. J. C'hM-rv , .1 Mi- \ithiir ; John Pickering, 56 ft. ; Now Kutflan.1 school. In Olenelg. Sam. Hastle ; E. Norrls ; Mr. Furneaux. In Holland Wm Norton ; J. Blalney ; J. Montgomery . Mr I.ouKhoed , Mrs. Moore, 88 ft. At EiigtiDia - U J Williamson. 90 ft.; Joalah (Vx>pr, 54 ft ; Jas. Oe>non ; J W. Benaoii lamusMcOee; (leo. Muldruui . Dan. MoMulleu; Mr. I .!.- 1 BO ft. In Osprey. James Madden ; Kobt. Colquett, 60 ft. At llerkley - Mitchell Bros. : Duke Abbey. M ft . Win Love ; K. Watts ; J.Crawford. JKKHtKY AHTI.KV, Mfgr.. Markdale. take them They cura all sup- and n i .^n!ariti-, wbich inevitably eotail slcknuss v*hen ueglectud. VnilHfi IIC II should take these PILLS. TUUnU HCH They will cure the re- sults uf youthful bad habita, aud sUuuethco tli i system. YOUNG WOMEN majio liieni regular. Fnr aale hy all druggists, or will bo sent I receipt of price (MV. per boi), by addreeaing WILLIAMS' MED. CO. SOCIETIES. SONS OF TKMJ'KHXNCi: Tlii socletT niet-t* ID Dr. Chrictot- B Hall var> WtxIeAit- <lay eveniDK at tl p.m. ViMling bretUt-ru invited lu.urauco ia cuuuectiou ROYAL TEMPLARS OK TKMPKHANCE. HtHiular (Vuucil nioi t evt-ry TiU'Ktlay even- Inn In Hprouls's block at H y.ui K*loct dere tnmiranci-i meets niouthly, thw WudnesUay preceding the *Jud of each month. PRINCK ARTHUR t.omi NO :vw. A. r. * A H., raeot in tin- Mawioiu Hull. HUain t block. Flesharton uvi v Krh'ny on or Imfrmlfce fulluiooh. W J bcllauiy.W.'al.; 11 J- bproule Tenders Waiiie 4 .. Tenders will bo received by the trustees of school section No 9 , Arteuitmla, for the erection of a picket fence aronn-l UK, h >1 ji - ,i; r, u. Al- so for painting school lions* inside ami outside, tenders to be Tu by July 6th. The loweat or any tender not necessarily arce|it<l For full par- ticulars apply to J Hit Kl.lNU, Soc Treas. Maiwell.JuuelC, IW1 Uaiwell P. O, Bull for Service. The undersigned have purchaaoil a secon I auiiual for service on lot -u-l 1' & H. R. He Is a splendid grade animal, aiut theturiua will bit TJcents. payable Jan. 1. 1W. K. *J. XlcdlU'THKR Came Astray. ty. p*v expe BOBT. tiAMP Came to the premises of tho undersigned, lot 17S, 1st con., K. T. A 8. K , on Tuesday. June 0, one mare colt 3 yearn old. The owavr is requested to provi- property, pay ezuen* aud take the animal away. | junell:it Mrs. Philipps-O||>OMit- Metho- dint ( liuri-h. I l< >li i ii.n. Drens and mantle iiiakjnniu all its branches Boys aud girls suits attended to promptly and atlafactlon guaranteed, ilentlmn-n's suiti inade up iu good style, wheu cloth i brought ready out. April il $30001 ' T : A I I ...A,.i.k, i.. I....ST - ad wriu, i,o who, , IU vwr ,,|i'. ,,, ,n, !.! H* hull , i.u i mm fan, tlnl in,,i W* lr**lr taugl. i, run i LkM. ! r from Mcb itl.i H. t or ., , >.t i I lvd wkb .,.,|il"jn,.l t. i , iMraMk H'.MItW *o. m>4< ky Joks B. >t work (.r M. h.d*, muck. bl w* MA M > rm l 6o<l ,,..1 i,,, K. m*f ! ih Issss yneslaaly -111 ! IU. BUrt, ,,<! Hoik MkM. ft. I HfM. rt, 7*u .iminMir f all > i'r Inn, .or l| ar. m.'nxuu Afil *o work. Alii.,,.w <*rt 1*7 ai all rr .My v, ,rk.r W IU.I *u, ft.rril.l,,M ...,,u.. ( IAIILT. ankUILT IssMl rAaftlCULAB* IUKS. ItliM iv., leiTUie. KT |Mft Mnv. giv rAaftlCU maeos