AGRICULTURAL, Northern Agriculture. It is won, luff u I thai growth is made l>y planu uniler the long loailmied li^ht of ihe Ari-tie sninmrr, notwithstanding the sun attains no iiion aimvethe hnri/on. The light, such a.< it t. is almost c-mstaut for W*ks together, OJ '1 1 i< '-.mauley nuke* up, in great part, for ; -hm tness of the season. It, ia to be k.-p in uuiul, also, that th.- g >'vtli of vegetation in not wholly de- put, dent upon the he'.t ray* of the sun. This Itecomiia evident (nun tho fact that wheat, for example, will grow in oil that, even in midsummer, i not thawed more Frankliind has stated so well in his letter regarding the mulity of these lumbs, I may ;.ld i i.,t I lii! Knglish press Lave been load in their praises Since these lambs have pleased tiio people of well, I have no hesitation in saying we can give thi in ta.-nlia m thu lutun- whi ', will pleuv them even better. Tb*e IMIUM ware {mil. '.in not so gjoil as this uountrv in furnish. NB. AMD WsW. KUW4KU. " Mrs. Ho wser," bewail Mr. Bowser a* he oamo downstairs the other morning, "is this iniii.,1' run n i sytom or is uvutyluing cxpt-'ti-d ti ink.- oare "t it-u-lf ?" ' \Vltat Jo you mau?' she aske I. " I mean that I liavo been looking for a tniiL; the last 'hour ml i half wo will come lo mi understanding, and you can |irb:ilily <ukc the niton train for your inulher's in Detroit. Koh!n-l. I 'hindered ! Bui I nee throiigli Hand know my duty !" t - Ip a Kirtf" lu O|il.Tluir Kuxt.-niil I hurrhrn. FHEAKOFACYCLDNB, A Railroad Train TiiriMMl 'om. |ilrl.-|\ Round. \ r ,, A "Inm" , - . - - ***wsv M| in 11 vi* uau w vm v Olii/l/ > i IV than a foot lielow the surface. The limits i Britain. Without waiting to givedetaiU in of cultivation toward the pole are noticed m oni! of Mr. Vincent's books of travel. In Siberia, agriculture ceases at sixty de- grees of north latitude, but in Norway oats ripen under sixty-nine decrees, rye a half degree, and barley a whalo degree further north. In Fiumark the summer htat is in tense, and daylight is continuous for ten weeks. The rapid growth of \-egeta; i m iiiFinmark is almost incredible. During ihe short taw- nier crops arc sown, ripened jn<l h irv.-steil. It has l>een found by experiment thai in latitude sixty-five degrees north, barley will grow two and one. half inches, and peas three inches in the twenty-four hours for several consecutive days, iiarley is har-eitcd in ten weeks after living sown. At H;unvrfeii, in latitude seventy de- grees aud forty minutes north, the grass grows underneath the snow, and hay is made in a month after the snow has left the fields. Here the Scotch tir flourishes \ .^ur oual}, sometimes reaching an altitude of eighty feet. But a little further cast in this i M . am'.* oi mposing the shipment were '' <l>"t nothing ! the -ortis to lie found'" purchased ;,y Mr. St irey, tae farm fun-man " * ' dou>t '"" <>'' ">"' i" t"e in tne month ut Septrmlier last. They wne 1 "' u i 8 * ! - ought in the counties of Linark ud Carlo ' presume not! I presume the two linn- miim.i. T, personal ami m-i.-iili .rly, m ihi i ion. i. ul bniLiglit thency to this farm, where '. ' P*' ' bought m Uetroit the day be- several tnuncsaiid in tin in. Ming-home, say they were shorn and pa-lured fora titii,' on '"' 'e left have all been ,h. .-! up by the the Ai/;,:if M>,*iMy. ' hey kneweaci al or sold to t!,- r-i,"i!in If there's a ' worse-run house than ours in America I'd like to see it t" " \\'hy, Mr. Bowser, you only brough< - ...... ,. ''""I" "'"" boe strings, and you Ukcd two These lambs received no .ore attention of tluise lo lie up your pip is Will I I ml rape. They were thon fed in s)i,.,ls until the end of April, when they were ahipp <! .u *n the small country \i' ' ij,'" 1 .'' all the mh*l> it nun we le brought lugttbei m the clow* ' hey i and thin letter, I may say Unit tho tiimuciul peet ,,i the venture i* r ulisfocti.ry .. thiin ran lj yiven by any farmer who has \Ve!l, wneni's the other* ,, ,, for fee nng l.uiib* in winter. As 1 ! ' '"" !l '" uv ""Y l>avo lo>t will bn shown iu my next letter there are no m " vl ,?8 id unpackmi;. mysteries about thir t" ling, n^r is there anything*!] theilii.'hteat len .mpiii- ited. '"' lr '"K ls They were fed on food suuh aa any farmer V!llll: '..ay grow, in almusl any pail of Ihe Domin- ion. It in t.> In- hopsd that our firmcrs will .jive this nutter th.; afeiiuon which its im- piirtiiiiiij demands. There are, Don't !. ni. >t it in the Iraiat. While a is as big as a iinim...! ..-. ttie loas of it silo* i waul nf svst.'in. a i tnilv dieonr..j;iii.;. Have you got a piece .l'.1 iilll! II! till! 111. " I 1 don't think so," she stammered. other's most private affairs and experiences 'the birth of a child, espousals, sickness, social or ci:i-s distinctions existed in any I'l.ii 1 " Hid I'lU'o were smcli, for the "seal- nn; .it .'it'll congregation waa a melhod of "digniiying rap*rior*" the nMnUMl fami- il in Iy and Individual in th.- pie inei i-ould intro- duce lii i, w nts i.ui woes in the public So tin' miiu.ilri-, us he mounted the had in In-, hind one or many " bill* " ur " noti-.i " inuircd by individual* or same latitude, in winter, mercury and even brandy frequently freeze in the open air. A Norwegim scientist has Ix-eu engaged for thirty years in making experiments to determine the ellects to the midnight sun, | muiit. great poksibilities conne-ted with the future of this trade. It may yet Iraoome one of tin- important industries of Canada. 1 g'i further, and say timl it is likely to he. ".10 of the must nnpor aut nnliiMrie of the eoiintry ; nay, it is almost ti Mm :o ' .ini- iieotonrmuitinipiirtanliiidustries, ana i ask the tanners of all Canada to note this facl, and to weigh it well. If eacli lar- I this province were to fatten but six lambs a ye ir fur this market he would get a i'Xti iva- in.,. '.111114 the oi-caaion or circu- iji.' Hirully, iindcr whicli the yii::u hi/.in^ prayera of tin- whole congrrjj. 1 . :.ia \\ ,-ie ileir<;d. Instances were not iin.;sii.>l in which, if there were " IVobdbly not ! IVohibly g me l.i join ''" ':^'. I must have MiiiU'lhing to tie up my .iboe with, however, and I will Alter breakfasl, when ready lo go out, he instant, would relre.-h lux thought of them. m in y Mich |apers, the minister after rexl- iiigtbeni .tlmi.i, woulil pin them to the pul- pit ii- 1 .:.!!!. and, 'Micnin^' his c^es for an slid by unc, and then franiB ;i fitting inter- or petition. A purposed journey or ' Mr . Bowser, I hope you will take I his _ j ( ,__._ heart. Carelessness iu a wife is a a r.-tiiin, 'the Jxperieuc'e 'of'a'niisfortune or ''"" trait." ' diiaU>r. the birth,,: a, -liild, serious or pro- V.i i are just as careless as I am '." ted. N'.i, ma'am! No ini'ain ! I she pro- i illness, bereavement, and tho various Wul-U Him II Uilln un lu Brlli- All old driver, known as Panhandle, Un toij in perfect good faith the otln-i lay the ' following extraordinary ailvi-ntm. " U'hou 1 was pulling p.usengcr out ou i the K. P. it waa my proud boast that in the 1 throe years I had been ou the run I had j never Iwen late. I always got over the road i accord ng to the time-card without icgard to woUiimlb, wrecks, and sich in tact, I was building up a world-heating rivord, until a cyi'liine one day laid me out i scandalous thai 1 resigned aa aoon aal got to the i-ud of tin i .in. Yea, sir, in three minutes the rec- ord I hatl been three v..r.- . Imililin was smashed so tine that a search warrant i-'iui I:, t a loc.itcil where il stood. And what made it .so ageravatiu' waa thai I hod to double thirty-six miloiol roadtiiai I couldn't turn in mileage for. Von see, we left >fclnm at 'J p. ni., with the Deliver express. \V'e ^ot to liroukville and then toKlleworlli right on time. Our no.xt stop was at Oakley. It had been pretty cloudy all afternoon, and about two miles out of Kllsworih 1 noticed a cloud, blacker'n midnight, that seemed to rise up out o' the prairie about a mile away on the ni,'hl-hand side ol the truck. It blossomed out at the top and started obliquely toward the track and in the direction we were go- wit h a roar that sends a cold chill down . dispensations <>i providence, devoutly re- my Itack when I think of it to this day. I guide. !, would l.i -the burden of these peti- ' 9 * that it would cross the road about a This woul.l brinir auuuallv into tho !*"' 1 u.r t , ... IIOIIF.. There certainly was something help- . >"ile ahead aud just about the time we got fid and tuiuhiui; m theac usages in close t here. Right there I made the mistake of communities, in which no one waa a slnin^- er iu life or to all the rest. Of ^ .....,, 'tit on the street to-day you dunng the Scandinavian summers, on the j country more than tflO.tXIU.OO" 'ni British 1<oacr iuve a policeman 150 with you. If wheat and other grain crops. The conclu- money -a larger ainounl lii.m is now obtain- |" ( . y""'!' "osf your purse or be robbed of , pen<l,'d upun the gift* of the minister, his pulled her open to head off the cyclone. hmce oi iuid phrases, his delicacy. "Jim Doolittlo was tirin' for me then. hail course much, very much, if not all, of tho ntiu'-n and grace of such intercessions .If. "'V bfu. I should have stopped and let that slemwinder go on ; but I remembered that " would make us late at Oakley, surer'n if we did, so, thinkin' of my record, I sion he reaches is t'mt wheat, corn aud other seeds impj: tj.i from a winn- er clime, when cultivated under this unin- u-rmittent sunlight, become hardier aa well ra larger, and are better able to reaiat ex- cessive cold. The colors of these grains are also gradually changed to a richer aud dark er hue. The*; arc not the only varialiona that plants undergo by exposure to . i nijiht and day sun. Wil.i .mil cultivated fruits, ripen- ed in nnr'hern hinds, have a much livelier aroma and flavor t ban the same fruit* grown under more southern kiea. That ia parti- cularly observable iu the -null fruits that are *o grateful in the early part of the warm season. The experiment* of this Norwegian scien- tist derive double interest from thu n>.-ent inquiries of Doctor Siemens, illustrating ihu power of the electric li^lit when applied t plants and vegetables lo <|ui -ken ami in- vigorate their growth. The two investiga- tion*, though entirely independent, have led to the **>nie scientific result. Oampbeltown Uis-awU Meat Case. A Mr. Duncan Perrilt of t;ias;'.>w win -i as follows to the M til Trial . ./.mnitU : DKAKSIK, In n nlm^ > er your .Amr/io/ of the Kith inst. I tin i you thcni uive an arcoiint of the tiiberculosiii case tried in thn Central Police Court, (ilasgow, liefori' Sti|K)ii.liary lieinmcl, who, afii'i iiru.u- the evidence, iin]HiiUMl a tine of t'JO or two mniitr*' imprisonmont. This l>eini; the Hrt <,- tried under tlie new Public 11 ill !i Act pttsse:! for Glasgow, it i* but right a few comment* on the case should be ma le Tin- carcase of beef in question was in Cttmpbellown, a town in Argyllshire, a long way distant from (ilaagow.und entire- ly mil of the jurisdiction of lilasqow, by your cloak. \Viieii Mr. ed for our export of chcev- from the w Dominion. Thec-Si ' s wo:ihl .iriae ' . ime up to .uncheon uu..-t.i.n, i, lin, m, nt. uml ilii-mty of mamior Jim i omes over ou my side a-id lookn at that iu connection with the 'nnxuiri .if th.' the house with a smile on hi and -pe.-.-h, Ins saying just enouzh, and ai . nlfinwiudiT a minute. 'Dan,' he say*, down- 'I'-or-imit in his hand, and tim.'s Ins :-,.sorve in utterance. There were heirtcd like, it'* pretty hard line* for a possibilities of infelicity and blundering, teller that -i gonu tlinnigh throe !iad-cud lambs, and thiae would relate lo the lack of uid the I *aid : hipping 1.,'coiiiiiiodiition. \ntwiilislatiding, | . I poseibilities of infelicity and blundering, feller that's gnnu through throe head-cud u is .-ert.iiiily true that I hi re aiu iplcndtd I ... ' !o '"" 1 a "f. walking off with this mat: and of*, lartje rejigo in failures of tiiste and coihsn.ii- ami two s|ll9 oi ;lu gup to get in re!vri'iice to ibis trade. ' '"- v '""'. takc " ' ll0 ''"ge out of UK- M-uiment. The ri>k w.vs ol ,111111 ilily, i.-- 't'>ne up in a low-down cyclone.' .luat ihen They [ see! Mr. Uowser, Iso killeil well, dressing li^'. UM. each. Our fanners should have no trouble in raising lambs which wcMil.l dress 7."> to SO tn " lk y u "" "' wel1 . l>ut owser, I want t<i sit down were in the ministry occasionally, and not ( along so nice and iiuiet that I made up my wit h you some day ami Imvu :i long talk. I iiijt . jiieiitly. men 'of IT nitric ways, of mind that 1 had been dreaming about thu and your knowie !ge of the Ibs. oaeh when one ycarld, andof a.,n I'it v I '" J'" 1 ^ 11 ^". '"'' > our kno tlic very best. The alderman speak - n :he w " r .'' " " I ' Vl ' r y I''"'""'' ready aal. ami good prices obtained for li "," w " vc ' r > ' '" laml>* ofth) Shropsl-iri- and H.i:i, - KL ! oa-Mcully quened .'.ii' ii li. lent . quaint speech, aonielimes very literal and ovi'ilratik mil it expressions p. am, whose include or suggent hing '" she sar- opinions, on matters to be borne up in .prayer. Such a ease LIU hi'iitirMcd .=. . .... >.., ...-, . ...V..L. ,^.o.. . lolded to us, m which a husband tniifihl relief from the Oxford Down and the Southdown. If ' ail* and assmm-d th- trial ami exhaustion ,,t t.-iiiiinnaii nuali.i tin- who louffas they are average in iiu-ilily Aid. b'rankland has certainly informed well the tii^k i'i-i'.Mi,'d inm. II" has let the people of Kii^land knnw tlir<Mi-li ihe .'V't'iculttiral prc-s that mir : .> sup- ply them with mutton u.|uul t > thai ^rowu upon the varied hurbiae of their mountain*, and in unlimited supply in the near future. For o lining lie is di-serving of ihe thank* of the farmers o: nil ' in ,1 1. Yours, etc., TllnMA^ Sll V\\ . Ontario Agricultural Colkge, Ciui-l:>h, .Jane II, I v.l I. I'M -llilll-. " 1'retty soon we pulled up at i -laiii.n, null 1 got down to oil round, when Jerry HUke, the conductor, comes bustling up with his time-card in one hand and hi* watch in the oilier. " ' l>ui, iys hi', ' what town s this?" " ' ^'hy, it's Oakley, of course,' says I, without lookin up. " of courav, iniiHt be :' say* Jerry. " Wo good price .......... of th; Shropshire and ....... .-..,!, - - breeds. Along with ihcfe may lie merit oned I, " ' l! >%% , str ' ' replied, as he iouludown If "" '''""' "iider Ins.'.. al laiU and as ihesirea belong to one or other of th.-e '"^ ; v " r ' IU " litude. "there are pro.nbly wile m .1 prolia-ti-d u:nl mqH'Icss malady breeils the lamlis may Iw of any grade, so ; O ." u " r l ' U " n ' ,J Jo ", 1 , ktlow ' ! ''"" ' : ''X -endm,' up a "bill" ,,n *veral su. :u tu know it all, ami I don't say ymi Sun. lays. Perhaps tin- t::imtcr also shared l:n-iw n t lung *aat*rvf Tin- bo* .and u ho ; in:h,, weariucsv f these reuvatcd call.- un his . 'I'"' at Oakley al .'i:"ti, anil it's ju.-t .I:'H)A .does mil. however, know forty times aj intrr i -.-.nm, well luiowmg the cerUmly of nw. ''here can't Iw no doubt .liout it I. em' 1 mm ii us his wife, \vouliilw considered a thr :m.ieiiiliii;; iwue. So he framed 'ins .Oakley. Bui I'll Ixi blowe.l if 1 ever knowed st :.-li ( of a man. Did you go out this morn- : petition " that the L'lrd. if il sceme.l IJIKU! to Wore that Oakley waa so much like Klla- !11 U him. would i use her up, urthat she might w.i'h. I did." iriiKivi-d." " I riited my eyes and there was 1 U is your bonr- 1 taken off ymr A . the inoruwrioiis, mtereat in- . ' .No, sir !" called in Dr. (Mini' n of that town to examine the carcaxc, who i for human food. <:ulemiieil itn.i being unlit A-Uing thr !( fmJi-i what he was going to do with it. lie replied that Iwing dissatisfied with their diiciiinn, h.- was going to aend it up to (!loagow to gut it inspected there. It appears the Superin- tendent and Dr. Gordon I'oiiHciitcd to this, for they allowed him to do so. Immediately after they must have taken a rcmon. ! conaciencc, for they at once telegrapcd to the (-recnock authorities to sei/e it, but they refused ta interfere. They then t.-le- graphed to Ihe sanitary authorities in Glas- gow to do so, which they did, and who protecutedthedcfender, getting a conviction against hi'i . This is all very well. The punishment meted out lo the defender may or may not have been right enough. \\ hat I wish to comment upon and protest againat ia the authorities of I'ampbcltown allowing thi* saini- carcuc to leave their hands after being cixcd by them and cundvinned, and getting Glasgow to do then dirty work in proaecut- M. 'liu defender, und uanning t'ic fair fame of Olaigow to be blaated through it. In the vent of the defender not paying his Hue he would have been detained for two mont' sat the City's expense. In my opinion there is too much laxity displayed in other towns by tho authorities C.A . nun;; them in not being conversant with their powers, and whenever they make a mistake through a display of ignorance in. I red tape, apprise our official* of il, and get till-in to do what should have liven done by themselves, and ihimave themselves u great amount of trouble. Lambs for the British Market. To the Klitor of The Kmiiirr. SIR, Your issue of the 7th inst. contains a letter fiom Alderman Krankland regarding the Iambs which were shipped from this college farm in the month of May. In that letter thealdcrman mentiona that he expects me to supplement his letter with another, explaining tho methods of feuding by which " the lambs were brought to so high a state of perfection. " To do this will afford me very much pleasure, and with your conbur- renco, Mr. Kditor, I promise you a letter very shortly giving this information, ami also a summary of the financial statement relating to the transaction. I may mention further that a bulletin will lie put in thu hard* of the Department of Agriculture about a month hence, giving full detail* of tho whole transaction in all its phaaas. In the meantime I desire to say that I am greatly pleased with the more important fea- tures relating 'o thi* venture. I never did feel so much conoern regarding tho price that would bo paid for tho lambs, aa regard- ing their i<-.p.ahilftjr in tho t'.ngliah mar- Itet. This matter I regard aa forever set at rest. In additjeu to what Alderman Agticuituial Notes. The statement made in ihe British House .'I Cum.:. .nt by Mr. Chaplin, Minister of A^rn u r.-gnr:! txi ihe recent deten- tion ul i ' ' isl.ri.'llv as '' ; c:i:'.h' \.ure luii'le I about m ion on Mav '.'t. i.n.'t from the .steamship Huron and .'<0tffri in thesteamship Mongolian, and placed in the same shed, l.'pon in>|i. t ion une bv'.iKl was found badly all'ectuil with some lufiii of lung disease. Th Klls- worth' over the waiting-room door in letters You telegraphed next day to tho dc|> irtnu-nl that he had detained iho cattle, in.! -.'ill the ' lungs for examination to Ixindon. L'puii the 2lith the day afterwards tho were examined, and the animals \M-I. , leased almiit noon on Ihe samu day, that ia to aay, after being detained for .s h:mr.s. All cattle coming from free countries, of which Canada is one, arc dctum-d by the ordera which liavu been in force for many years, for not leas th m 1*2 hours for iuspec lion, and very comimmly for 'J4. Some of the cattle were branded, bul that would Iw no guarantee against disease, and sporadic disease can be distinguished by expert* from pleuro pncuinunin. The Minister rcgarda the question a* so serious that it ought uot lobe decided except after thu most careful inquiry. A moth or butterfly in said to have be- come so troubli'some ami denliuctive in a fote*t in Kav iria that it was necessary to destroy it. Children were employed to collect the caterpillars and were paid so much pr bucketful. This was found ex- pensive and ineffective, no enormous ilv- papun* were tried. These also had no ap- preciable result. Finally, it is said, an electric search light in connection tvilh a blowing fan was designed. The insects are attracted by the light and tlv near the lantern ; they an: then drawn into the auc- tion pipe by the air draught and carried to a sort of mill win. Ii mix s i hem with a little tlour. The resulting compound ia then useil for poultry food. A new industry has sprung up in Ger- many. The young leaves of the wild straw- berry are picket!, carefully dried, and uaed instead of Chinese tea, which they are said to approach very closely iu llavor. An ad- dition of young bramble and woodruff leaves is said to add to the flavor. One remedy to prevent squirrels, mice and birds (hiding planted corn, is to harrow the giound immediately after planting to cover the planter tracks, and then to scatter corn about the border of the fielda and in tho vicinity of tho aquirrelholcs as soon as tho corn begin* to como up. Tho wool clip in Auiralia this year ia the largest in tho history of the colonies and will reach 8100,000,000 in value. There wiJl be '20,000,000 buahols of wheat for ox- port. The colonies generally are said to favor trade with the United States. Fences are tho costliest item of so-called farm improvement*, involving an unproduc- tive capital of i7UO,OOD,(KN) in this couniry. They occupy tho best land, because of a. "Lucky very lucky! coiiiir.ttiilati'd. i don't" " Mr. Itowier, where 1 !* your watch?" she interrupted. " My watch, Mrs. IWsr my watch is great Scott !" dropped his hand to timl i|. . ha.n, bu: il was mil there. Ho felt for the watch, but it was ' Did yon leave it at the jeweller's T" she asked, as be stood wit'i open muulli i ul , tared it li. i " Jewellui s Nil ' Its gnlin I I've lout il ' I've been robbed :" he shouted, as he dum .1 Ul.llllll. " Itcin't lie. Keel in all your iiockuU." " l'uckc..s ' IV'Ueu ! Do you 'S|MISC I carry my watch m my ei "it-tail pocket : 1 tell you I've been robU-d!" " \\uil, iii.ii't lukx on so ; your wallcl is -itf, isn'l it ':" I i-^.ine '" he gaspeil, a* ho put hi* hand up " walcli and wallet both gone "' " Vuu must havo been robbed in .some crowd,'' sin- .^ucjKi'Mfd. " Robbed : Crowd '. Koblxxl ! Of c.niise I've been roblwil V he shouted, as he pi in. ed almut. "lilt th -.1 iiit'"rn,il eat !!' ihat lounge and lemmo lay down, for I'm so weak I can t stand up ! Where's Mint cam phor V She ran for the bottle as he Hopped dow n, and for thu next Ihrcc minutes he had his nose in the opening. " Vou ..n^lil lo go to the police at once,' she finally said. i. "me ! <i-gone'."he gasped. " Hut how could you have bi;en robbed?' "Idunno! Hold the bottle a little high er.'' " You are no careful, yon know. " "Yes." " V'iu never mislay anything or forget any thu. g." " No." " And never lose anything much worldly wisdom. "Oh '. my head !" " I can't make it out. I am thai I might lose a shoestring here trom Detroit, but you " " Don't talk to me : Over $oXIU gone !" " A woman tried to steal my relicule in Buffalo and I had her arrested, but it seems thai you " " tiono : tiono '" he groaned. " Haven't you no idea of when it was taken V she persisted. " \o I" " Well, I am sorry, but this will be a great lesson to you. You will be more " "Mrs. Bowser!" he interrupted as he suddenly -at up, " I see through it all now. It's as plain aa daylight '" " What do you mean?" " I thought it neccxsary this morning to give yon a little advice. I felt it lo be my July aa a husband. This is your way of gelling oven !" " \Vliy, Mr. Bowser !" " Don't why Mr. Bowser me ! It's as plain as that chair over thorn !" " How could I rob you or tell any one else to ?" she demanded. " Never you mind ! I see it all ! Its all right, Mrs. Bowser all right ! Just let go thin camphor bottle and take a seat in tho other room '. A husband will boar a great deal from the woman he loves, but when crowded too far he turns at bay. I have MIL'. '"I imp. linn! . 'in'i'iiis in a rural com- afoot high. I got right up and pulled out :nt v Mounl timl ih.'ir way int<i the pray- fnr the nexi town without saying a word. - >: the sauuluary. S'lnetiinvs the minis- T..e next stop ought to have IM . n at Lin- 1 on t.iine ur private rebuke or : wood, but the lown we gul to looked enough centtuv, would tin- \eiitnieofiiisinuat- il in hi* p.-ayer rather than in his ser- in inn. hke Krookvillo to lieits twin brotlu i. Jerry tuttered up to the engine s.. pale that a snow- drift would have looked like a heap of char- niai bi'Mde him. "'Dan,' says he, 'I'll never touch .mil'iici .imp of whisky so long's I live, so lgi UK- 41 . KIU*. " Sh h!' say* ' and have so so careless in moving cumulated richness near and beneath them, turned. Aa soon as I feel a little bit bettor Applet a-plenty in June are not a new Sh h !' say* I, ' go liack lo the Imggage lliinijin l.onili.u. Kinjlish |n"i|ili! hair laU.-n cu and don't say notlun'. I'm with >uti <n li.. in Canada to a large extant Ukioa loi t' |.iedge.' and oil We _;IKS auin. ha ing such fruit on the table, and Iho liking " We ought to have got lo Wallace, i.ut .WIIIL;. 'I'l.i! Iiixury is within the reai'ii after a lixely spin of twenty mini, o! lamilis* who ore far from beina w ilthv. pulled in: > ->,ilina, righ: where we Htartud T!IO demimil is supplied pniui|iilly by AHM :rom an hour and twenty niinuti-s Imfore. tialia, and 'lui fruit growers "i .01:1, i-\ Thu . nil'in t be no soil of alxjut -pl;i)'iin a line untcrpiisi- .iv.-i it. The it, ! u out comes the ti.unmaMci toaniingat ' I'l'i'' 1 i|H- .ilil ' 'iiris'm '.s,.in 1 ihi- Tii.iiitli and wants to know by the timi! .t r. ho.< t lie Knglish nm \<ul H hiankcly bliuik-biank-hlunl; we meant by i"- noli inn- ' m MumjK-t i! ten with t!i. lion ic lay m^; out the exprci* two uni: s. You see, supply, ii'-r with the rapidly growing quail- hi' ihoughl wo hadn't suit.-d on tin i un tity that sends. alien thr fact wns wo hod got over thnty-fcix miles of road when that blamed y -l-ine took up the wlnile, t .inetl it uid tor end. and set it hack on the rails again, and there we hail started on the back track without ever Bliii|iin' a turn. Ami thai wosu t all. The MMgajs, ami s, and postal tellers had I!IIUI|K d out tiiiiil and trmrk itH though We * t f' ' ' ^ straight ahead : and tin- Ur.ikies hail hustled oil way passenger" al the same stat urns they id th.Me WM.SJ mi of in .1 stiga- tions. in. I ilamut(e suits, and The article in The Nineteenth Century " From Allx-ii Nyan/'i to Indian Ocean" is! by Lieut. W. >'. 't.iiis, a t in.idian whose conduct won high pi. I.HI sftimi Mr. Stanley. It is characterised, like his former article, , by modesty and good sense, iw well as instinctive teadiig. He makes , . , i on wthv lituwciiu.'i s i Mm iiil-eresuiig oliservatmin on ihe pres- 1 \* ,,,, ,,. once of black wnmeii in caravans. It in a , t . reat mistake, he says, lo unppoie tint block women hinder t h- rapid marching of " . .1 ...m .11 Vfnca ; tliy are of immense help tithi men. and iionseqiicntly K. tin leader of a.u uxpedition. 1'licy carry ihe cooking pots anu food enough to last I hem- selves and their husbands six or right days. Mim (Mover Again. Vixen "I am almiwl positive Fred prepare the meals, wash the clothes and get the camp ready, besides onli \eiung all with their pleasant 'hatter and singing. L' usually they lire tho equals of the in. n n marching ability, lie remarks also that in a single day's march the Xan/ihari would louve most (Englishmen In-hind, but after that his foet would become tender and the white man would putui him. U lieihcr Sergius .Stvpiiak the Nihilist can Iw relied upon to tin mull American read- ers with an impartial account of the Czar's drillings with bis Jewish subjects ia a ques- tion. But there can be no doubt that Step i i,.l, is well acquainted with tho condition of the Jewish people in the centres of Ituaaiau population, anil from that point of view it is interesting to know what he has to Hay oi the subject. Some writers would havo the I his offer insultingly V Hath way intcndd proposing to me to night, mamma." Mis. Vixen : " What make* you think so, my dear:' Miss Vixen : "He ncted sV mysterious whrn I met him on the sin-el tln.s iimming. ' Mrs. Vixen : " Mysterious ' II. m "Mits Vixen : " Why, when 1 met him he blushed and stammered like a silly school- girl, and finally him u-d out that he would like to see mo alone this evening. He inaket me xerj ennui.'' Mrs. Vixen : " Well do you intend to see him''" Miss Vixen: " Oh, yes, I'll see him. Uut you mark my words, if he proposes to me to-night he' 1 ! never propose to another girl if he lives to Iw UK)." Mrs. Vixon : " I hope you won ' decline readers of Kngliah, French and American newspapers, believe that the Jews are iu a largo measure themselves responsible for the persecution which is being carried uul against them. >t4-pnmk removes that iniprea- sion at all events. Instead of the majority of Hebrews amassing riches by the practice of usury, he tells us thai moot ol them live in extreme poverty, while tho " paternal liovcrnmenl" never interferes but to goad them into niter despair by pretty tyranny extortions, and so forth. .Htepniak, strange- ly enough, Hikes the ground that thu truly patriotic Russian, who i* nothing if not pillar of the Greek church, oppose* tho pre- sent anti-Semitic policy. He would makt tho Government alone responsible aud re- deem the reputation of hiscoiiulry-meii from the shamo of carrying oil a religious preseou- tion. Miss Vixen : " No, I'll accept him.' 1 Multiplication Table for All. The (iamblcr s Won times one ia won. The Tobacconiit's Chew times one i* chew. The Slave's Free times one is free. The Society Leader's Fore times one is for.'. I'lie Musician's Fife times one is tife. Tim Invalid's Sicks time one is sicks. Thu Kdligionist's Seven times one heaven. Tin- Cannibal's Ate times one is ate The Herman's Noin times one is nein. Tho Hoofer's- Tin times one is tin. The Baker's Loven times une t,- leven. The Fairies' Tw'elf times one U tw'elf. is