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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOI VOL. IX., NO 521. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1891. W. H. TEDR8TOK, .ETCR I ARMSTRONG BROS. ARMSTRONG BROS, sell watches to suit their customers and themselves. We hare proof that our sales suit our customers by our evei increasing trade. Onr Watch sales dur- ing the past month havo been the largest in the past twelve months. This, no doubt, li the result of the perfect satisfaction they are giving, and the low price at whicii we sell. We study our customers' interest, and by spot cash buying are able to offer some wonderful bargains. We carry in stock a complete line of the finest American Watches, together with a magnificent stock of Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- plated Ware, and Spectacles. We keep no ap- prentices, and personally attcud to all Watch, Cluck and Jewelry repairing. ARMSTRONG BROS. From our own Vorrttpondent. The recent shower* liavu done much to help the appearance of the crops in this part. Farmers have been bnsy putting in i their turnips during tho last week, and 1 think that owing to appearance of a short crop of hay a much larger amount of roots havo been put m. Mrs. Geo. E. King, from Wiugham, ' is visiting her mauy old frieuds here at pteseut. Mrs. King's husband for- I merly taught school here for a 1111111- , her of years, but is now keeping store at Wingham ami is doing a good : business, and we are pleased to bay ' his health is much improved. i Mr. Malcolm Me In tyre, with his wife and family, have returned from Nbwberry, where Malcolm has been engaged during the winter, he reports i work being scarce up there now. Rev. Mr. Johiistiu from Maple Val- | ley occupied the pulpit hore ou Sun- day evening. Park. From i CorretponJntt. TIUMMNG, KSIIOBINO, WOOL) WOIIK FIRST PRI W H EUE V ER SHOWN. LUMliKIt. LATH, SHINGLES: JOB WOIIK. and much-ii^J^; had the effect of prospects of the FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESH EUTON, ONT. DK'KULAXD ROLLERS MOWKKS. BINDF.U8. PLOWS. Our WUK^OIIS lh<- Best. Our BugKirs lh* Ui^t Our i'ultvrs tli' B't. Our liupro ><! Harrows lh- STUAW CUTTKR8, TUKNll' DB1LLS. OANU PLOWS JUNE 1801 THE PROBABILITIES for this month are : A rushing business in every line of merchandise ; large quantities of Butter and Eggs marketed ; heaps of Dry Goods changing hands every day. We are not old residents in Flesherton, but by honest dealing, close prices and good judgement in selection of goods, are steadily gaining the con- fidence of the public and the liberal patronage of the same. This month the farmer should lay in 4 Good Stock of Groceries for the basy time. We are offering as an induce- ment a genuine fapan Tea at 25cts., and a liberal reduction to any one buying a quantity. Sugars we a re selling without a living profit. Currants, Raisins, Rice, Canned Goods, Spices, Etc., always on hand. Our Hats are Going But .ve still have a good selection in plain and fancy straw, soft and stiff felt, and will sell them cheaper than ever. Cheap lines in Shirtings, Cottonades, Cottons, Prints, Dress Goods, Lawns, Muslins, Embroideries, Etc. Boot and Shoe Department Full in every line. Call and see us early and the proba- bilities will be : Before the end of June you will be satisfied that the cash store on the hill is the place to do your trading. flighest Pyioe for X"arm Poduce ie i n . rains of last week brightening thu tumor. The annual combined picnic of Swamp Collect) ami Hillside Academy student H and tlirii friends will hu held iii Mr. Black's grove on Friday afternoon, tbe ^Uth inst. A good is in preparation and a tune in r\[>. cu <1. The orangemen, of Proton, will culc- bratu thu "glorious twelfth" in Hope- viMe this yeur. A number of lodges are expected to aiiund. Wo uniii-r- stand that tin- ll>|>uvillites are muk ing extensive piqianitiong for the > caMou, which I'j'iuiisus to be a suc- cess. Councillor IMin-k let several road jobs lately along the .seventh sidcr>;ul, which \viu builly in need of repair. Thu road-work is done in tins vicii.- ity for this year. I'allnnastur* are no doubt glud that thu heavy respon- sibility of their uliiix' is over for an- other term. A serioiiH runaway occurred in S. I', Ia>t week rusnltiug in smashing u liuot: I into kindling wood, of a com- paratively new buggy. Aa Mr. airl Mrs. Duncan McMillan were driving briskly past the store, their horse, frightened at some object. suddenly curved into the ditch com- pletely overturning tli uuggy. The now thoroughly scared animal dashed down the road at a terrific rate drag- I'in^ thu fore-wheels which had be- come dutached from the vehicle. We arc L-linl to state thai Mr. and Mrs. McMillan escaped with a few bnn^us. although they wuro thrown violently to tho ground underneath the rig. I The hoi 30 came to a standstill at the post otfico with a remnant of the shafts. An itiiierant ventriloquist struck our burg last week and rakd in a number of superfluous, but hard- earned dimes from our rising genur ation. In oonucction with the fore- going lather an amusing episode took place, via. Two sturdy young yeomen gallantly paid the entrance fee for the same lady, not knowingly, of course. The Methodist Sunday school of S. P. purpose holding a picnic on the tith of J nlv. If the preparation of a guod program is a nrilurioii of success, we can bespeak a splendid time at this forthcoming social gathering. Mr. William Knox paid a business visit to Howick las'. week. W. K. is a hustler. Miss Jenny Kinnoll is re- siding in Duiidulk and learning the dressmaking. Miss Lily liingham, who has been staying with her grandmother the greater part of this year, returned home last week. Lily made many friends during her stay here, and her departure is much regretted, especially by her school mates of Hillside Acad- emy. Miss Bella Ferguson spent & few days of laet week visiting at Mr, li. Blikestonu's, 0. D. B. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Osprey, spent a few days of last week visiting at Mrs. Hardy's. We were pleased to see the jovial face of our old friend, J. J. Maher, of Dundalk, in town last week. J. J. was buying fat cattle. Proton from our .' i /i < orretpoiulent. Mr. Editor, as you hare not heard from P, S. for a long time, we feel it necessary that we should, as other people in the surrounding vicinity, en- deavor to maintain our coimi<uuica- tious, not that we are tormented with abundance of news, but that it may be acknowledged that wo are not entirely "upacheless." Crops in this neighborhood, though retarded by drouth, are very promis- ing. The frequent showers that pre- vailed during last week refreshed them considerably. Mr. Phillip I Human, late of this place, who has been laboring in the vicinity of Oraiigeville for some time, paid us a living visit one day last week. Ho looks well, and ruports business flourishing in that part. Lockhart A Sheirson sMrivu a brickyard in tliiu place, in which they are doing a rushing business. Having secured the services of a pro- fessional, qualities them to do first class work. The trustees of No. 4 school have furnished the new school house with a bull. This we know by thu inimical jargons that prevail from that diix-c- lion. Miss Lillie BoyI, of Crerniore, cap- tain in the Salvation Army, being ob- structed in hur work by her imperfect hi-iiltli iiinl iibsi-iicu of voice, is at present visiting hur many friends in tins part. Tib a gloomy wind that don't irradiate some heart, isn't u,\ '.' Miss Gallagher, of Toronto, is the guest of hur aunt, Mrs. Sherson. Mr. It. C. expert vciitnlo qilibt, MOOUHMHsd by Ins two tallun;; ('.oils, Joe and Jerry, held an enter- tainment of a vcryaniusiug natnru in thu hall, IhurMtiiy, the ISlh inst. Jerry|is]soiii':\vliut.of Irish descent, and creates oiniluss amusement. Mr. Puarco isapinp'iitly a gentluinan, am! is thoroughly devoted to his pro let - sio n. The former officers of tins place, Capt. Warder and Lieut. I>rewer,have left the 3GOth corps, with better pros pects in view. There will be a garden party at the residence of Mr. K. J. Carsnn in con- nection with the Union Sabbath School of this place o.i Fiiday after- noon, the 26th inst. A large crowd is expected. Come one, come all. Flcxbert'jii Station. By our <<ioi Rrporttr. The p. tain notion is almost, over. Since April, nix thousand bunlieU tiaxo IMIHII -ilnppeil by Conk & Mathesoii. Nmty fivn thousand bushel* of grain havo beun kinppuil tlii sea*on by S. Me- Cullou;h. Mr. .hiiiirs and W.McMillen,have been mitin/ friends in Huron. Mrs. McIuuuH anil daughter, left on Monday for Mauitob*, where she intends A|>i<iidiui! fuw weeks with parent*. Mr. \\..l. Wadsworlh returned to the city on Friday, looking much improved III hualtii. Two sheep, belonging to A. Cullen, wero worried by tings on Friday The old hnrae thc has been around, and disturbing pegple* mat at night has jjniie on a visit this week. May his visit be lung. Mr. Touge will preach on Sabbath afUiinoon at three o'cbiplt. >.. The C. P. K. (teamen have resumed their trips to Port Arthur, and the cit- izens of that town trie mpllirtucj. C01SUMFTIOM CUBED. >iioM nh> MriHii, itttirud from practice, hav Ing had placed in bin hand* by mi Et In im miimioiiary tho formula of a "jmule 'vogetitblu remedy fV the apuedy auu poi ruaneut cure of UoDMtmpitoD. Itioiirhitlt. Ca'arrh, Aithnia and all throat and I. nun Affections, alto a poeitlve nii.l i n.ln-al ciir.t for Nervous Dohillty and all Nervou* oomplalnU, IUir having |.td it wuedorful curative power* iii Ihoimauds ol cases, ban felt It bit cluty to niaku it known to ln ultomiH fellown. Actuate.) by thin mo'.tvn and a diMlre to relieve human Hiifferhifi, I will end free of charge, to all wliodetlre it. thin recipe, in German, French or Kngllib, witli full lirM-.t u.iii for preparing and tialng. Sent by mail by addrewlng with itamp, naming thin paper. W. A. NoTM, IflU PwriM<lock, HochM- ter, N. T. lyMai JC'JI C. J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR, -FB- Good Material, Good Fits and Best Workmanship, AT Lowest Reasonable Prices, Aprieiy Properties for Safe 1 H 4 R T B M B 14 I A. Lot! 165 uid 1 3rd range N. K.. T. A S. H . Aru>iiu>i, 100 acrei. f ruu l>rn aud Dwelling on ilio minium* ; well tuuced and wavered. \V!11 iH.-iol.lrhuali. l...t 17". M s W , T. .v S. B.. 30 acres. New frauio dwelling thereon, and outbuilding*. Will be Mild < lu'Hii anil nu tiiuu. Lot 171.. -Jn.l VI-:..T. A- S. It., about <JO acres, M cluanxl, balance good liartlwood buili. Tamil of pavnifiit I, .t .1 , n >)i, 1:1 Con., 100 acres. A lnoa number of village lots with huiuuv tlivroun in I Ir-liurtou. Villaite 1'r.i|M-r!-s Sevi>rnl very U -Irnblo villur propcrtlo* will ho .ii-n . . i <. mi,, of which, known a* Uia Hrnwnluo pni|Njrt>. ig particularly valualili', I'ln- lot , mticiii . "alxnit *1 iicren. A .-nntor- tablu rt'>iiUMii'(i in . i. ' ti<il tlii i Any inn-ion IIMIIIIK li'iiioiiH III farm or villaaeiiraixirt) lu'iilil . c.nin.ijtiu ..u- null JOHN \V. AltMSillOM-. Hr. ui ton, WILL SHOW FOR YOUU IN- SPECTION A Beautiful Assortment 1 is W.4T4 HKS SILYKRWARE A.\I .i M li V! JKWELKY L1XKS. Li:;:;' Fiss Goli Wilek, $18 TO $35. Cut:' FiM 11 iii:: 10 AND UK., $20 TO $88. WAlt- HANTS COVKUINO INCIDEN- TAL BREAKAGES -i TO 4 YBS. CLOCKS, IN NICKEL AND WALNUT. $1.50 TO $6.50. Fine $ Repairing Personally attended to. Close in- of Good*, Prices aud Mctliuds iiivitc-l. Wi^es to W. A. BROWN, Jeweller, MARK DALE,

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