THE PLESHERTON ADVANCi. ft A \Kl\G OFt'rVE OJ GEO. MITCHELL, A |nral binkiiiK buaiuem tr*oo*rt Draft* isaued anrt chciuex eauhrtd at uimal raVm Mon always available for lotfitluiatt! bunine.ii ntarpriae. Grrica two Ators norts of Richardson ft Oo's. DR. SINCLAIR, M. D.. M. A., L. C. P, S. 0., M. C. P. S. M. SPECIALIST- TORONTO. Jonathan Rucha>rt. Ltatowell. says : 'After pefcidiuii all uiv mouey and propurt> V) no -par- pas* oil uioilicfcl men. f<ir wbat thuy termed a hopeless case of consumption. Dr. Sinclair cured ma." Mrs. Marv Furlong, Wondhouse, "Whau all other* failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of an W. McDonald. Ln.kc8.olJ. says ."Dr. Sinclair cured ma of catarrh. ' Oeo. Bowml. Wrtb. eaw : "Dr. Sinclair vored uiof heart disease and dropsy, wlieu all others fai. I Dlssasee c f private nature brought on by tolly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. Consultation I i DR. SINCLAIR WILL BE AT WUH>!I IM '* lloifl. FlcshtTton, Wrdnrduv. June illh. i ; ; 'P-M/I uill be r\iir.ji-'ir >it the fftir ,,f /". p<r liiut fur fach insertion. A rfilitr.tiuH will bt *ntdc IJH fmtri'.cU fur WO linn ur ovtr. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of tho Fast Week < ;ir-fnllN nlle. I for the Curi*u.s. Court will be held in Fleslier tou uu Wednesday. -lili lust. Two ear loads of |>Uti>t wanted. Hottest price in cash. R. Cok, Flush erton station. J. W. Armjtmiux, K*j., was tn Attend conference la it weuk owing tu ill neu. He hu uuw recovered. We understand the Omn^o '"dyes of thus iliatrict will celebrate the l.'tli uf July in Klehert*.n. The two temperance bodies of this town will unite in hoMiii}? a union picnic at Eugenia mi TUursUay, 18th mst. Centra drey Farmers' Institute pur- jjose holding a picnic at Kiuibcrly on (he '.'4th UK Flay* liav been flying at half mast in town this week iu honor of the dead premier Mr. Jas. McMicken is the a^ent for -lyru-ulturttl implement* and repairs in i-'Ushertoii. Head his advcru.-H-nifiit elsewhere. Mr. France* I'rust. who lives Rear Ku- Ketiu, lost a valuable Durham bull the ther day. Mr. I'rent had unly pur- chased the animal a few week* ago, and its death is a serious low to him. A tjardcii party will be held at tlio residonce of Jas. AsliJown, Fleiherton station, on the ereinugof June 24th. A time is ei[iected. Come nn, come Mr. Richard Pudlar ha> rumovtid tj J^roule' block, \<rhere suitable premises have buen titled up to accommodate his growing business. Set? hi* adver- tisement next wock. As will bo sevn by advertisemrnt on tlus page. Dr. Sinclair, the uolod upecia- I t. will be at Miuishaw's hotel on Wed- nesday, June 24th, to handle any OitKeMlt cases which may b placed in his hands. Sar*j)arilla beK>ii)(K to ths ainilax of plants, and is fmiuil very Keneral over tho American continent ; but tlie variety that it richest in medicinal properties is the Honduras root, of which Uie famous Ayer's Sareaparilla is mode. We direct attention to Mr. McNea's adreitiseroeut elsewhere in thi* issue Mr. McNea is a steady youtii; tnun doserv- invof patroiiagu and jenLni-ily anxious to win fur himself a t(ood buaineH repu- tation. We trust he will meet with en tire success. Peruse his announcement. A box of Ayer'n Pills has aved many lit of sicliiiess. When a remedy J.'f* Mot liappcu to be within rench, people nre liable to neglect slight ailiiiuntji, and, 4>f c*um., if scrinus illness fulluws they hai' to suffer the C"nsoi[ucnccs. "A stitch in time laves nine" i)nr y-pimi; friend, \\\.<. Latimer, who was waii Dr. hert* f'>r some time and lias of latu been in Ti.i"nti>, i.i now a fu'l fledwevl |>!iarm:tciit, liavini; successfully yw- ( hi.i exxuiinatioii in Torwnto last weok. A.<o!'.-if liis many friends wo fcrl joyful at liii HUOCVM. This is to certify that 1 have purchased the rin'.it to use Cru'oli J piitviit fencu on niy finiii friiin Mi. DP an, tho :>>ri'iit, and (hat after having used it I am well satm- tii'd Hi i ewitli :iinl leconiiiiviKl its use Ui my fe'l'nv fanners. Arthur Ji-linston, Mr. J.-liii Fisher tnp]>cd his co^iy of Tlio Advance last week, lli- lliinkit the prizefight not i'p..iti-il c.-rrccl ly, ami to.>U tli^t nn"h.'il of pri.t i-slin^'. 4l K K<'lii-:a! rulu John i.s :i pfcity *i|'l:tro bul I . >'l .1 foi'!ili not. tliiit tiino. The Advance let him down mightily easy, for which ho omjlit t.i be thankful rather i tlii'iwise. Father'n-v, Iho L'>-nial yming V'ii>-t lit t'ie IIK;I l,.il>.- ilMixc. wa.t a teller at Tim Adi.mce otUce 0)1 Monday. He is an enor^etio Wurkf r and has tw.. churches under construction on his charge, one at Dundalk and une at Dur- ham. The annual picnic at Irish Lake will, he informed iu, take place on June 25th. l.B. Lucas, harristor, l :r - has ^10, (XX) | private t'unil.i to lundon farm ort(ja<!P within thu next fuw months at lowest corrt'ut nites. No cotnmisii- io:is, no delays, uxpcnacs low. Apply nt ottice in Markdulu during the week or at Dundalk uttice on Saturdays. At the drart of jtattona made by the Metho'bit conference stationing com- mittee, in (ewion at Ee lin the past week, no material clmuijo was made in this district. Rev. Mr. Watts, Eugenia, j^oes to Ce-larvdle. and a young man named Thouipton w:i3 t down fur his place, but it was thought a change would be made iu this reapect. Walter's Falls, one '. be *..-nt. \Ve >{o to press too early to learn thu tinal I'eiiult, TtM Fleslu-rtuii Advance last week save a very incorrect report of tri law 'lolegat.'S to confereiico for Markdale district. Jfarkdalc Standard. ^'jrry to hear it. Will you kindly specify, so that we may take the coiu- plaiut to Rev. Mr. T.PIII{, who furnished the report, fur explanation. Or perhaps the Standard would prefer a "privileges and election committee of investigation to discover the cause of said errors ? It is a serious matter, and shoold be in- quired iati uii mediately ! Mount Forest will have a grand pal* jay on July 1st and 2nd, embracing Band Tournament, Horse lUces, Acrobat Keats, Athletic Game*, ScoUish Bagpipe ' '<>ni|>etitinn, Scotch and Irish Dancing, Lacrosse and Foot- ball Matches, and outer Sports. < MI the evening of the first day there will be a Grand Promen- id* Concert and a tii.o dutylay of Fire- Works. The prizes amount to (1,800. Uttduced rates will be given on the rail- ways. Our inaidu pages are exccedinuly in- teresting this week, The article on "" lieai iu t!m ('jieat Xortli'' is one which. w are ur our aader* will appreciate. Other matters are crisp and newsy. For Sale. House and lot for sale in the village uf IHesherton. Lot contains 4j i i - Small rouiili cast house on premises, aUo good ercr-Howing well. Just the prop- erty for a retired farmer to invest in. For particulars as to price aud terms apply at The Advance office. A Losing Speculation. A y!>un_< man who resides in Flesher- to went tisl.m,' one day last week and succeeded in catching live dojien trout. Ho tnul.-<l <>tf the hxl. for a cl.".'aud hitch ed it behind the rig in which he was rid- ing. On the way home the rii; passed mi urie side of a tree while the dog decided to take thu other. The young man is now minus lioth risik and dog aud tells the yarn at his own u.xpenso. Personal. Mr. Austin Ms*okMnv4 returned last week from a three months' visit to Main toba. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Evans are visiting friends in OWIMI Sound this weak. Mr. Evans is acting on '.he grand jury. Mr. Jas. Keater is attending the petit- jury in Owen Sound thin week. l Mr. J. rViTii, of Swinion Park, was in town on Tuesday aud gave The Advance a pleasant call. II. -h. lion Station. By or mitt Srynrter. are Hill coining in. Tlireo car loali have been ibippod tbislaat wock by Cook and Mattbewson. Mr. W. J. Wn.lhworth. of Toronto, ip up to ftpen.l a fow wek with frieuds to recruit aftur hi* loH( lllMBS. We are |il*ad to we Urn. Burnett around one* more. (UT her ilinoM. MUM McFarlanu Uft this waek to upend a tow w0k with her friends in Meaford. Hricoville not ri.l of a numbor of pigs last vek by a buyer from tha station. Why not |pti'p*ti-. \oiir own town, and buy up some of tkoae iig tbat Lave been such a nuisance to our atreeU fur HO loug ? 1 would just lika to know wbat wu keep apouud for. Mr. OinoliA baa bii now reildaoo* about complete. Tliu RIJV Mr. Tf>ng* will proacb on Snndav uioruiui; atbalf paatten. Tlio norftOTbulonging to Mr. Sprra, of Fever- >ban>. ran away going down t!io Orane Hall Hill, and mau a comploto mnash. The driver w> I'itchwlout but was not hurt \Vu wnlaninn tlio merry now ueighlmra who hav come to our town in tho past fow i 4, M-iii-i;i ( oiiiK-il Artemesia council met on Monday, 1st inst., as a court of revision. All tin- iiii!in!iers were present and after being duly Hworn huninoss of the day was en- ti'ied upon. Mr. J. H. Stuart politioncd to hnve the nninr i f IM-CI. McKarland entered up- on the loll in place of himself. Mr. \V. I! I >yson desired t have hi.n sons entered UJPOII the roll as joint owners iipst<M<l of fanners .VMS. l>r. .J. (. Mutton re 'd tp bo entered on the roll of l*.i| fr EJ 2, Kinross st. S., Prici-villr. l'i Christoo ilcsiteJ to have- ci-itnin of his I'lcinises assesncd to S;unni'l lYd!r in- stead ol to .Messrs. I'eteli iV Mitchell. The nl'ovea| peals were all granted liy the court, and upon no tiui thu :< uivnt roll for 1891 as ainemled l>y tin- court wad made theMandin:* asisps.Mnont fur thu township for the cunvnt. Court arose und Council went into sos sion, the reeve in the chair. C"inniunicntioiiK were read from : Mr. 8. Daiuude, tlecliui:';; oftSce a* roud over- seer : from Mr. C. C. James, Priceville, ro coininutatioii of statute labor ; from Snmuel Henderson asking to be allowed to purchase original road allowance at 14 and 15. 1st T. 48. R. petition trom Mr. J. I. Graham and a number of others re diyiation at lot 22, con, 13 ; and a petition from ratepayers of Priueville op- posed to the council's action at last meet- ing rescinding the bylaw commuting statute labor. Account* wero read from John Rutherford, for printing and sta- tionery, IH.75 ; and from Mrs. Thomp. son, bread for Mrs. Hanley, S4. The accounts of Mr. Rutherford and Mra. Thompson were upon, iiiolmn, passed. Moved by Messrs. Kcils and Thump. son, that the reeve, deputy reeves and councillors of this municipality bo and are hereby appointed a road and hridire committee for the current year, 1H!M, to make and improve roads and bridges within the limits of this municipality. fm , I J Carried. Moved by Messrs. Sharp and McMiI- arl, tbst tha coramjai-'ners for each ward be paid the following amuuuta : Ward No. 1, Donald McMillan, f 10 ; No. > Thos. Kells, llri ; No. .1, Wm. Sharp, $22.40 ; No. 4, Geo. Thompson, fl(i. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Kells and Sharp, that the reeve be and is hereby requested to order twelve road scrapers from Win , Strain at prices set forth in his leader, viz., $8.25 per scraper, to be delivered at Flesherton free of any other charge Carried. Moved by Messrs. Kells and Sharp, that the reeve and mover be a committee to examine the deviation mentioned in thu petition of J. I. Graham and others, hkewizo '.he Javiati.,n applied for by M, Williams, and report at the next meeting of Council. Cairied. Moved by Messrs. Sharp and McMil- lan, tbat Win. McLoughrey be paid eighty dollars, be/ini( salary as assessor fur 1801, also live dollars for postage and stationery, total $H6, and that the reeve issue his order for the same, t'.ir'! i. rVlaw JJo. 474. forming new road division of lots 34 to 45 iu the third rane, S. D. R., aud appointing Richard Hunrrave as overseer, was passed iu open council. Messrs. Jan. Nelson, Samuel Thomp- son. Charles Lvonx. Win. Ludlow, Sam- uel \Vrii-ht and K. * A. Nelson, have entered into an agreement to clear ob- structions from it resin which runs across lot* 18*5 to 1!K) 2nd S. D. R. S.UMMEB - ' In order to supply our increased busines, we have a very laige supply of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. In Men'* wear Fine seamless to heavy plow boota. lu Ladies' wear Polish calf, kid, dongola aud prunella. Children's in great variety. Nearly all new goods and best makers. Prices as low as reason will admit of. Custom work and repairing (sewed or pegged I promptly attended to. Good work and best material used it Any .juaniity uf eggs taken iu exchange. CLAYTON'S, Flesh er ton, I I VSprry < -y cuimcil mot n a court of revision on June 1st iu the Oisngo Hall Maxwell. sMBsl* ii.'nige \Vrighton mill property, reduced |10iM) ; John ntt.vp.ell, Angiu Cameron, Huijh I.aiuont. usse^ament mistained. Geu. I.u.-li appealed tn have lot 13, Wullingtou St., tVvershaiu, HSHVKM'd to him al owner iustcnd of < IP .p. \Vhitttoak. AsseMuiunt sustained. \Vin. McLeiuiu, asaeBsmvnt BUS] taiiiml. .his. 'I'liompHOii, east half lot 14, I'.'ii I I, rotlucnl }HH). A, large amount of uiti-nitiiius aud corrections were ordered, and the mil cooflrmed. Cuiincil met for general business after Court of Revision. Minutes of last meeting : cud mid signed. < iiiiuinuications nd from The Ailrance Offlcu, bill J1.43, advt. of court of ruvision. Petition from Angus Cameron and 3li oluers re gravelling valley road. Prom Co. treasur- er, arrears of taxes, lot S, 28. D. R.. Prom Williams' estate. Maxwell, bill $1.,V), |(OI!H furnished to indigent in 188ft. Petition from residents of Maxwell, asking privilege to do statute labor building sidewalks in Maxwell. The reeve's order was isHued on the treaunrer for the following amount* ? Ad- vance office, } 1.43 ; Samuel Taylor, salary as assessor, 980 ; Postage, 12 ; Thos. Scott. exprrss, X5 cents ; members of Assessment Committee, clerk sud asiieiwor included , 3'2 each ; Joseph Blown t2, auistiug surveyor on deviation, con, 14. The clerk was iustraeted to notify the ooiMiiy treasurer to erase arrears uf taxes against lot 5, OOD. 3, S. D. R., the parties having produced receipt that taxes were pniil. The bill of Williams' estate, re indigent, was laid orer for further oonsideration. James Potts wan allowed to penorm days statute hbor for lot 75. oon 2, .N.U.K.. and the treasurer instructed to receive the taxes on said W less on receipt from path- master. Thu sum ol $100 was spprnpriated to each of tli* divisions uf ibia townahip for roads, aud ill:, following parties ire oommisiours to expend the same : Div. No, 1, Wm. J. Monnifban ; Div. No. 3, Thos. Gamey ; Uiv. N.i. :t. IV K. Preston; Div. No. 4, Jostph brown ; Div. Nn. .1. Joseph Taylor. A special grant of 5.'1'JT> wag made to re- pair r'j.ulu and bridges in tho township, to be divided as follows : I'iv. No. 1, Dun- d.ilk road. 575 ; No. '2, bridge over Beaver river mi 'Oih nirte road, |7."i ; No. :t. for towuliue Artemusia and Osprey. f50 ; No. 4, Valley liou.l. J5<l ; east end of gravel road >:'> . No. 5. townline Mehtncthon aud 0prey weht. :ti)tli sideroad SAt'. The rcHidtiuia ol Maxwiill are allowi.i to do their statute labor liuilJiug sidewalks iu abovcp naiiiod village. The mutter of (joo Lush Aud township of Osprey re lot 17, \\VlliiiKton st.. Kevvridiam. Wf> laid over till next meeting of council. Cuiincil adjourned to inett iu the Orange hall, liadjcroa, .Iniv Oth next. 4'haii|r<>s. \ 9oU| i .j'osuii', in.iy onu(t the p. is.'iuiiin -tcids in the blood to clog its i-iii nliitinii. Tin* is Uh'-iiniati.->iu. I'Liik'H I .riiinv' Liniment will stop the |i;iin at .p||p . It should lie taken Ixitli inunially mil uxtrinally if the at tact is sever.-, :uoi It atford.i instaipt ri'lief. If the pain ap- pears ;igam, it sluuilil l>e met wmh the Hjune treatment, until a cum is -l|. rt.-.l. This wondorfnl |n-fpariiiion lias wp.iknl Home ri'inutkaliiu cures nmoii'^ Rliciiin.ii , -,-I-H. \Vli.-n- ouc! tried, itis:ilwa\* ii*<nl after. S .id liy all dr>it;gists ; price fifty c-nt^. <"'lark <!(., Toronto, N^w York. II.-H i li. Brt'ath Is tainted by catarrh it is an evidence that the disease has proitressed to thu throat, perhaps to the larynx, and the bronchial tubes. Those are only station* on 'lie road to the lunits. When catarrh has progressed and attacked the lungs, there can be only oue result consump- tion and death. Clark's Catarrh Cure will arrest the disease at any point hufura thu lungs aro seriously affected. It costs 50 cents of diuggisu, or sent to any address on receipt of price. Chirk Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. THE MARKET! FLESHERTON. Ciirefullu Corrected Each U'eek Flour ~ Wfcto 6 9S Fall Wheat to 'J6 Hpring WUcat 95 099 Harluy 56 M W 1'ua-i 1TO 70 Butter II 14 V.w. freli 10 0.0 . uua U 90 ') 1'ork S 00 S 00 Hav per ton t 00 600 Hides S 00 300 Hbwpskina SO 1 00 (letta. 000 Turkoys 10 10 Chlokans per pair 030 'JO Duc-ksparpr 000 M Waul .. ... W 2(1 Cards. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. , Co. GUKY. SOUIETIE8. SONS OF TKMI'KBANCE. This aooiotv meets in l)r Oinptoa'a Hall vry WW|IIH- day pjtuuiUK at 4 IP. in. Vlmting bretbem inviUil. InMirance iu connection ROVAL TKMPLAB8 OK TKMPEBANCK.- Hi^tilni- Council msNits every Tnaaday HVHU Ing in Sprout* block at H p.m. H-lmt iiogro iinsiirnucui im>u nionthly. the Wednesday aciHliuit lb 'iiu.l of Mob uioutb. nlllNCB ARTHCR T.ODOB N'V ra. \ F A I A. M., moat In th Maxunn: Hun strain liiiick. Fl!liHrt*in, nvcrv Kni'av on >r liufortt tb full inoou. W. J. UallauiT, W.'li.. K J- Bproul* 8tron<r Plants -FO R- Summer Gardens. We have now on liaud an eiiormunii Mock of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, and Tomato Plants For spring pltiniin^ l^-.iiiijii; plKiiU of niai)> kiuilH. Fluwur plant** m nbiiinlauco. Cut Flowers aud Bouquets Kut lnpiiio .l:iprntioii Our -itm-k of roues is Kii|irllj. KOI mi', tiling in tin' IliPllsl'll liua call at thu ni VISION COURT CLKRK.COMMISRIONr Is '-'111 M K., (' piivBviuuxir, &O. Aimt for purr):*-* UUl sale of IU...IH. k|>|ii for C I.. I mil K 1' II. i -i Soci.-ty. Muuey to Loan . n tin- inuxt i-caMinaMu torinn. IHHUKII *>r M A11HI.\(. i LICKNHE8 No T.UU Ht'IiLIC. MONEY TO LOAN, The undersigned has a largo amount of money to loan at tit <>; on town or farm propertv. H. DA.VlCDE, Plpshertou. W. J. BBLLAMT Twp. Clerk, Aiicmoaia. Conveyancer. Insurance agent, tic. DeetU, mortgages, leases, etc . prepared and properly executed. Insurance aflucled in tirst class oomoauies, Money to lend at lowest raUi. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. 4 3., Out. Physician, surgeon. etc., Flesherten. Office .Strain' J block. Henideuce .Miinaliaw's hotel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO Markdslo. Out. Office Manly 's dru^ store. T. S. Sproule. M. I)., Etc. Aiigus M. D.. Etc., lute of Tottenham. Oat. Dr. Ego will be found at tin Mark'lale HOUHO at night. J.P. OTTEWELL, Veterinsrv Surgeon, c Graduate of Ontari > VetcriurC()II'.ig e. Rr-Riiieuoii- First do-jr south of Letoli'H ;.nlur shop. KUsherlon. J.P. MARSHALL, L. D. S.. M. I>. S , UMitisl. Visit. dale the 1st and :ird \Vodnesda.v of each month. Flenhurtou Each trip on the day following. J. W. FROST, BarrUU-r. Solicitor, Conveyancer. Etc. Kli-hlii-rUin offlce Next toe port office. Sproule's builiiing, on Thursdays. Owou Soiin-l office Krost'i building. P. McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Umco over M' S. u laud's store, Markdale. Money to Loan. JAS- BEECROFT, I'rwprirtor Admiui strators' Notice. In l h<- Mailer ol th> Estate ot Charles Writ. U illinnis.l-cea*Ml The oreiiitort p.f l Inn l.-s M.-tJoimall \\ illmins. latu of tho villnuonf Mnxwi-ll, iu tlui ruuiity of "J i mtiiiip). li . i iih.'.l. who diud on or iihout tlie list .!H . of March. ljl,ii|p| all others having claims) again .. HI ...I i.i .,-n.t IPV post. pn.-|iniil. .11 ofthe)TwlM dsjUver to ill.- unii.-isii;ii,..| ti.i,nniii*- i t in. l ciFri'is ..i thu MIL I .In- sssssM at pomrr ef Tonga and c .;IP..IH.- .treat. Toronto, or to I \\ KioM, suln-ii.,r. (Jwen l .-f KM, 'ay, tho lOih .hiv of July. 1M)1, their obrtstls .. ^unmn...;-. addresses 'i-. i 1.: ' ]! :.>n. tin* ftill paiti..ul.n^ of tlip'h i-liimm. it ni!i-iii. -IP: .1 tln;i n, , mint an. I tim iintiii-u IP! ,,| |,y 'lidii ,111,1 iniiii,,, l Kith .in. . f July, tho aseta of the usi.l Charlee MoDounall Willi'aiiirt, .loiiio(l.will ..PIPIC-I tllO p. Pill, -K I'lltltllKl - linll hu v.- 1.. . n -i van us allot.. .... . pro. t HP... i-linji. . i :it.p!- wii; ( I t 1-- . n,!^ iti-pii iit].'i> sha.l) -i..t hu vr li'l--.| ,., !!,. ,,,.i ill in., inn.- ..| -dp IP ,h M ihutioii. Wl ' Ailniiuistraton*. J. \v CHOST, Owen 8onnd, Solloltor. jnii:a Sn.pff Mult**.-' .'IP n.M.lra4 . ... r.,t. \..i.,, r... n,,.{ .1 '' Soirn '" "f.r MM. l" > i...p|h T. < .*'! I.P- w. - i.r. *i> r.u', ^..H.i.r In..,. * to IIIK.hj All^.. >.,! .-..,, I,. ,w n.l i!mt P .>!,. I pin wort in .(vtra lime .... Hit m..n. f *llNr Pink<io<*>i 'nf 'hem. iranAwmMlwAil. rri>.ulM *^-. r .* <.!>- ttSOl'ol II,, UU. V .,, R. J. Sproule, POS'i'MASTKa, FleBherlon.Coininiimion- er in It. R., Licenced Auctioneer, Con veyftiicer, AppniiKi-r aud Money Lender, lleul Kstato ami lusiirnnnu Ac'iit. De.d>, Moi tnn^rx, Lou i s inl W.lls drawn up aii.i Valuation), made on bhor'esl uotlne. An tiou Sules uUuiiilnl lo in nny pnrvottli* t .'omit v. iluiiey to 1'inn at lowest rated of int.icst. C'olli rtions attended to willi promptm-tis nrnl .le-pnlcii. C'hnrym low. Agent {or the I'onnuinn S transship Company. Cheap tkkpls fnnn 1 !i .>ln-rtou to Liverpool. Glasgow, London or nnv of tli Britji.h- arts. Purlit-s intending to viit Ki>|;lni), Scotliuul (pf I.-.-l.iud, will please auk rut's hf>- forr- pi rclrmiig their tickit^'lso^lier*. Stray Cattle. . . uUuut MH^ - '. n .1 with fl hum. Hn'iiu. P- i. -. -:i to their shureiiUuiii-, uill he thm.kt iMv .- by I. I UIM.I \\ls.lN. l.iuly hiinl. P < Unu Mill Flesherton Livery Stables. l>. t 1 O ION. Proprietor. T-'ir-' ' vi-ln.|p for ^iVll *t roi-*on -' '. N .)-;. .nit* 1 V"Mhv hotel i <-! ^..ti.ii,,,,!! pal