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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1891, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS I me thousand Hebrews have left Corfu as a result of the recent persecutions. La grippe is alarmingly prevalent at For- tune Bay and adjacent poiuts in Newfound- land. The Newfoundland delegates are again to be heard before the bar of the House of Lords. A terrible yellow fever scourge is said to prevail in Brazil. Hundreds wre dead and dying at Santos. Terrible misery exist* among the refugee Jews who are passing through Berlin on their way from Russia. The chief of the Russian Holy Synod has submit ted an ordinance forbidding the Jew* to observe their Sabbath. The conflicting accounts of the Anglo l I I I I III . t I I l I'UIM I has I!.-, n Tnuchl l iln- linrrwllrk Mare III- >inin trar. The Russian Crown Prinoe. lo whom the eyes of the world have been drawn by the I I K. > r..u - i;l ll \ I iii-minx Balllr WKncs.rd l it *Up -. 'i r i i- iii .:n,,ii , i is. .m. training with which, iu hU ninth year, he came into their hand*. TheCawewitch ha CAXADUS. It i* reported fourteen Chinamen crossed the St. Lawrence from Canada, near M. Vincent, into the L'nited States on Monday night. Norman Duroche, who wa* arrested at Cornwall iu connection with the theft of the late Mr. Purcell'sbody, ha* been acquitted. No trace of the body has been found. Rev. T. W. Campbell of Toronto was elected Bishop of the R. K. Church, with jurisdiction over the whole Dominion, at the meeting of the Canadian >ynod of the church on Monday. Diphtheria i* prevalent throughout the counties of Grey and Bruce. The Lady Stanley Institute for Trained Nurse* was opened in Ottawa on Thursday by Lord and Lady Stanley. The Government fishery inspector, Mr Kerr, yesterday deposited :MO,IJOU salmon trout in Lake Ontario, near Hamilton. l' SITED >TTK>. ' The demand for gold in New York for ex- port i* subsiding. lock will be signalized by special acts The opium ring at San Francisco ,s .aid to clemency towar 3. the convicts of Siberia. A ,, Jt ., .,.; o ,; vll ,., , , anlll) . have robbed the government of *l,-Jl,UUU { C holer* has appeared among India pil- ' v i tcD| director of the second Russian military school was entrusted with his education. Classical languages were uxclud- Passengers going up the San Juan River to the interior of Nicaragua see many strange iir u r w., t.niiuu That rat IhrTi-li-xraph. "In the summer o: 1-M. said a som- posilor, ' I was running a paper in a little) kdkwoosJi town m Poiinaylvania. Tho recent attempt at assassination in Japan, is sights along the shore* lined wita alligators, j paper wa* not so metropolitan in its make- probably the best educated man of his years and through water filled with sharks, but up but that I was at,!.- t,. ,!.i all : lie work in the world. For thirteen years the most seldom witness a finer bailie-royal than one myself wi ill the exception of the priming, celebrated instructors in the empire have | that took place between a young bull and i Publication ilays 1 called in the service* of done their all to develop the elementary an alligator. A int of prairie land or savannah came a half-witted fellr-w, who under my instruc- tion, had developed into .n. expert' roller. I .... .....j.. ,, !,,,. iuov-<jwn,i;a im down through the dense tropical jungle, the wa* tiie only man wnhui a radius of twenty labored as uiuu-itriously to learn an they unpenetrable tangle of trees and vines i>ffer- miles who knew Imw to set type, aud if I have to leach. He has, moreover, got an ing an opoortunity for the nerds of wild hail fallen sick the paper would not have amazingly minute and accurate knowledge cuttle to .Ii ink that was not ignored. The ome >ut until I wa* well again. Nat.irallyl of lilt geography ot ihe great laud of the hat. its of the herd had evidently been care- am not a superstitious man, Imt an incident Romanoffs, for, since he has been old fully studied by a wily old alligator, a* he occurred while I had charge of that paper enough to observe for himself, he has ac- lay day after day in the mud. licking his in- which I oa/uat explain, t.i.l, until it is ex- Ins father an-.i mother on all sect-lad-r: . -!i.,pa and dreaming of a dainty pL.m.-d, I shall oeheve that anythiiiu' n pos- ' ;licate veal. The steamer was lied siblc in the way of ghosts, spooks, .vn. tha, . . , .bank w , en the "gaiter's ' oppor- i , Me. There are .->.IKII prisoners in Russia await- ! re*pon r.-umng was to have been tu:nty arrived. " II was the nioining of June !>. Iliad ing suitable weather for their transportation Ins journey through Uie tast, and especially A .-alf had strayed unnoticed from the locked up my fm .:it iiefore *o thai to Siberia through Asiatic >il)ria. herd towards the water. An ugly black nose I could Iwgiii prmtin, ; curly u. th- morning. The subscriptions to the Irish National , '? |, lh 1 e ^^ Czarewlti;h * "'"> year bis father appeared al>ove the water, followed by a I was pulling the old levjr promptly at 7. League durinJ "the past fortnight amounted decide-that he mu*t have eight years drill wicked twinklinu eye and a long scaly body, and at ! the local list wa., in the Post to only Oil. f .^l"**,!^!*?!* ."^7* ^I'f' 11 * ;-'* lis 'u raw-l up the low liank, and the | .-tti.-e. soon after the delivery hud Ixsgun The arrival of the Czarewitch at Vladi Portuguese trouble in South Africa lead to ] their longer tours in Kuropean Russia. The mual of delica the belief that there were two engagements. ' crowniugofallthiscareful preparalion for the up lo the ban ivo . i '" t" 1 " months of a high school and the ugly saurian ran with astonishing rapidit v ' one .,i the mcrch,. hamlet a very u of , first ihree terms of an American college, for its prey. A snout and an ill-directed ultimate friend came into :. ^ land four years drill in higher sciences, shot alarmed ihe calf. There was a bn: " '.i..w did yo -., . -om. , '.. i.-ath n*VG roOLHr'l Lilt w'j * ei uiiicii i. *-*i v* fw^r^^t'^w . ;i -* ami * t on a ca: go of opium which they succeeded in grinis on the island of Kamaian, on the west smuggling in. j coast of Arabia. Secretary Blaine ha* so far recoveied from George FrancisTrain has arrived at Voko his severe attack of indigestion and gout that hama on his trip around the world. he will go to Bar Harbour next week to fully recuperate. A contractor of Parkersburg, W. V*. has received a letter from Braxton County, say- ing 190 Italians and 70 negroes working on a railroad got into a tight and eight Italians were killed. The train which left Bangor, Me., for St. John last night, was set upon just beyond i A[1 K .nglish statistician estimates the Knrield by four men, who tired several shots. wor |,i- 8 i,,,I eu iednes at $130,000,000,000, and would doubtless have robbed the mails ,.. . . The Mampuris who killed Chief Commis- j winner 'Juinton have confessed, and have I been senlenced to death. A private letter from the City of Mexico, wntlen May 1'J by a well informed business eason to believe the quietly given aid to ihe Chilian insurgents. Fever is raging among the officers and tailors of the British fleet stationed at Malta. estimates oawl. t,,,w. -i i-l i,y the whole herd, the call of your l-i other so soon''' said he. iTliere running tr antic-ally from and the whole herd was no telegraph station within fifteen towards the water ti.-nd. Then both sides miles). .",i, tin- aliuator sinking closer towards " ' What do you mean ':' sai.i I i ground, the cows standing with ears " 'Mean V said he. Vou ought to know- had the engineer away. Two variety performers named Leonard and Gilmore quarrelled last night at Seattle, Wash., over a woman, aud agreed to right a duet They retired to a room and began (lashing each other with knives. Leonard tell with eight terrible gashes .u the body and soon died. Mis May Shilton, a school teacher of Lin- coln county, Va.. wa*ca|isizeil, along with three others, while out in a boat the other day. The brave young woman was the only one of the party able to swim, and she res cued the others, swimming to shore with two men and her female companion. Because Bishop Bonaciun, of Lincoln, Neb., denied Patrick Kgau, the Irish agita- tor, the privileges of a communicant, the J on u's, Utter refused to pay a *> subscription to upen The Pope has ordered that all newspapers commenting on lu latest encyclical shall be sent to him. The Bra/ilian Government his decided that m future all customs duties must be paid in gold. The Rothschilds will send t'l.UOU.Omi in bullion from London to Russia to-day. A .Munich banker has committed suicide at Monte t ,'arlo I.T.-.HIV of losses at the naming tables. His is the sixth suicide there since May 1. Tiie Governor* proclamation asking the observance of the holiday in honor of the Vueen's Birthday was disregarded at St. stituted the elements of physics, mineralogy erect, their big brown eyes filled wituaston- whal is in your own paper. Ha~ve you for Iwtany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, isinnent and fear. Another instant and u,- men tha; you heard this morning that your . ._, and biology. German, French, and Knglisn cows and calves moved slowly off to one side, i.PHher is dead ' Have you f,,rgotten "that man, says there ismuch reason to l>elieve the i were Uught to him with the thoroughness ever keeping iheir heads to the foe, and a you sel up a nolice of it an hour or twu Mexican authorities are quietly given aid to tne Ru"n linguist. The lower course young bull alone remained facing the ago ?' was further extended to include a detailed enemy. "' Are you crazy ?' said I. ' I swear that study of Russian literature anil Russian The young guardian ot the herd slowly I do uot know what yon an- driving at.' political history. The duration of the high- advanced to the attack, hi* magnificent eyes " At this juncture he opened the damp ercourse was extended to rive years even- shining with ihe light of battle, his tail sheet that I had so recently printed and tually. All the great military sciences were switching nervously, and his head tossing folded, and pmn'-d me to the following item comprised in the course. Civil government, like a swordsman practising his finest at the bottom uf tha column >{ the the theory of taxation, andpolitical economy thrusts. It looked for a moment as though local page : were emptied whole upon the Czarewitch s the allic/itur would retreat. Then a vibra- " ' John .lone', oro'iiei it William Jones, mental digestion. To til this wan added a tion ran through hi* scales, Ihe huge moulh was killed at Peona, 111. ., k this careful and comprehensive drill u: juris- opened, ins gurgling threat was answer .-- 1 Im- prudence, as taught at ihe great German ; a defiant Iwllow, and with incretiitahli universities. Between N andlyxi, the swtftm-s on the part of llh the combatants last two years of hiii course, he wan a mem- met. ber of the Imperial Council and the Com- The cruel rows of te^'h closed on the leg mute of Minister*, and took active part in of the bull near the body, stripping muscle the work of both bodies, so as to acquaint and smew from the Uuie, while the polished himself intimately M iih legislation and ad- horn sank deep into the alligator's breast. ministration. A .|ii:.k withdrawal on the part of both Betides the Russian lours supplementary lightning like turn of the head, and ihe to his school Irainnig. the Czarewitch siw a olher hor.i of the bull impaled his enemy. A good bit of western Europe before he tu:. red great shudder ran ovel the body of the morning My breath was fairly taken away from The merchant was right. Tl.ere was Ihe notice of my biotiier's Math m my own paper, and I had not set it up nor hea it. ' You are right.' said I. but this is the) tirst that I have known of it. If there ever all business place* being the buiMiu fumf of St. Theresa's cathe.l, ,1 ' halyards of the flagstaff Judge Tibbetl, hai just decided that M .nfal l.uildin^at -t. John's. Nri 1., Kgan must pay up. ' were cut .'i.d an attempt was made to burn hit face eastward. He was at the 1'nnsh alligator, ami liie blood gushed forth .1* l.e ..-nurl repeatedly. He appeared as the !. ear- roared in his rage and pain. For all instant er of a nigh Government '"n.:! ...... n at both feet rested as they were, and then the llerlin and Vienna, and he represented his saurian with a last desperate effort whirled father at the funeral of Kmperor William I. himself on the impaling horn, striku of Germany. 'bull on the side with terrific force, the The journey through Asia was the Czare- I crash ol "liie blow echoing .lon^ ihe rive" witch's plan for the last three or four years . N" ribs or muscles could wuhst tnd the as- of his educational .-'"i; s.-. I'l.e-il.i -. of it, s*ult. Tin- lirave v -onin; l.t-m tell upon his a* stated by In in. was' . K out ot join', i in.- which he might later utilize to the glory of final effort to move The street railway strike alt liand tUpi.l-. ,!,,wn the royal stand and flagtaff on the Ins throne and tin- of the Rus- L>"k Km-aid* the Mich., which was inaugurated M a> IO, as- sumed a new phase, and some violence is re- p-.rted. There is said to be a reign of law lesstie** iu . Klathead country, .Montana. The city treasurer of Philadelphia has irrested on a charge of eiube/^.ing over thirty-nine thousand dollars. Rev. Jeremiah Holmes, pastor of the Campbellite church at Duquoin, Ills., has r^ .Hill' house. sian people. It is said the Pope will send hi* labour encyclical to Kmperor William, with an autograph letter asking the Emperor's as- sistance 4 oul ihe Papal it leas. The Italian Government ha. given an V1CT ., al .,,. r| order to the Armsttongs, of Kngland, for , mt , |lt {u ' rt h e r declivny down eight -n-ton *uns and :t) smaller guns and ,., U1 ,|,,i.. ; \, 111* held, one 1.. 11-1:14 -stricken henl, tnd look m the 's-aiititul brow -r rjn >ut forever. A ..-ry of sympathy ami i wa* a mystery this is it.' " I went over to the form I* There was the three-line item. The moment I saw tbs type 1 waa inon- an. t/.-d than ever It was tny liniiher, wi.o, like me. had leen bred to the printer's trade. I could tell Ins work from that of i Thousand. He was a marvellously even spacer and ha carried in* taste so far that he always put, Ices space . ma, " I!'" ' , tho lucked form ' V> item had li.-.-:i M), -n .nit. Ves. there was notne more ..! rnv l>io!iier-t work. I'o ,'uin till- spa.'.-, 1. ,i.i, ,l,|.i i ,.., an.l t .. He wa* a great stickler for ....! :..,,k page, and was very : i.sti Imus t< f> where se fioin til- . i'.ls he pulled his lca<ls. It -.truck me right away glanced :: m the a: mm .-.I ha.-K "I the alii- lha: Ihe iioliceof the leath would not have Apparently tne Amenta..- Kepub I tor M ha feeb , y 8 , ul|k b^^ jnt<) Ul|) lweu w ,,,,, n| have W or,e ,,,to details reached th* boltom of its financial dltfical- wat) .. itii the execrations of all . mitrailleuses. A despatch from Paris says thenei;otii r. n. .1- which it the witne***)*). deil thecish payment of itsguar t and ihe payment >! us interest account for Ijeen arrested for making counterfoil com. ti.-ns in progress there with the v.ew of rais- three yeais: all the provincial and mini " A Buffalo manufacturer of lin gjods i* ing a new Quebec loan have been fruitless, as j>al governments are in default ; lh. N t' "i. |' Mlnli-r ! S' K Ihe isolation of life in the about to eitiMnh works at Fort Krie. Out. owing to the cheapness of Canaiiau natura gas for fuel and light. \ despatch from Washington IIM the French banker* are noC satisfied with the guarantee*. Tin- .Vor'A '.'. mi'iti <!n-.>iir, of Berlin, say* the expulsion of ex Queen Natalie from that the'recenl Irial of the dynamite cruiser Servia will not affect international poliii. s. Vesuvius was uot a success. a* Russia will not interfere. The Dunkard conference at Dayton re- Brigands, near Suebiaco, Italy, have solved that members of that church should murdered the mother of Signor Segna, who destroy all signs ou their farms that forbid was formerly secretary of the papal nuncia hunting. ture at Madrid. al and l'ro m.'ial IJanlis. i*-> tlf leading rinaui.-ial of the count i y. have . ,,{fi\ p.ivm.'ii! to dep.isitois'v. luHltill ixl distant parii more, hut for the fact that my !<i <\ m-r did not wish t" ren." T N \ matter nor tny lead which could not lie spared a* well as not " though utterly skeptical about super- iiat.iral v isilaliong, from lhal uiuineiit I Iwlievetl that mv brother s .Inienibotiied soul nad made its :t . had entered my othce m th early dawn, had set up the notice at his death and put it in the ' rorin.' Late that afternoon a despatch came to Two men in the vicinity of Olivet, South Dakota, last week captured thirty youm< wolves, for which they received 90 in bounties. Nicholas working in Harlem Gaulrapp, arlem, Jit a young German ied from fear of hydro- phobia. The dog which bit him showed, no symptom* of the disease. The Hessian fly has appeared amng wheat in the vicinity of Jacksonville, I'll., and is causing great alarm among farmers. A terrific hailstorm passed through Madi- son, Delaware, Randolph and V.-ninllinii counties, Indiana, Friday night, doing im- mense damage to crop* and fruit. The boycott of the labor unions agninsl certain lumber dealers in New York hat been declared off a victory for the Lumber IValern' Association. A forest fire started in the northwest sec- tion of Haverhill, Mats., Sunday afternoon and has burned over ten square mile* of territory. Lucy McKeegan, daughter of Judge i . i IM. . . i .... A terrible tornado passed three miles north- Outside in,.- pfiuiiMil.-i ..[' Avai'Ui there are hardly any rood.-., and. even if they existed, r r _, -n.ivv and '.. f w-niid i '-rr.l. r i iiern nnpa-ssable. mouths: and the Hypothetic .1 v Mnktt Out in sea - . pavement. Buenos Ayres has.lefaulted in the payment through which it is often iBBMltol* tor* -n t h. . :(.-. ; that William Jones" was killed at of interest upon the cedillas, which are a ste . l: , [ the long Peona, 111, at five iiormnu ' . t^etl Ix.n. Is issued by that bank to s winter mouths tile littlo hamlets lie sur- _ sum of over $SK>,IM>.III>O to the owners of rounded by the great snow blanket, an.l cut I ! .i real estate, the interest and sinking fund O ff from communication from all mankind being furnished out of the money paid bv aav.? those who inhabit their little settle- the borrowers to the bank, and the province niellt . Should ihe store of provisions run 1 iw . ihe situation is perilous, for there is of Bueno* Ayres guaranteeing the Iwn Is This last transaction may be regarded as no poMibility of getting supplies unles* a typical of Argentine finance, rieva* 1 .. i ea< i "openg i n tho ice and allows a steam - omit Von Moltke's career strikingly illus- '.rated the juinulutive power of work and growth. He was sixty-six years old when the war with Austria gave him his rint great opportunity of revealing to the world what elf i* without money, and the Provuv ' , olllo O f the men go out over the frozen sea '"remosl of modern leaders. What he icoom cial Government -annot pay the interest on to niwt , ne vessel, and carry home food to plW>ed in the bi let months of a live warfare east of Mexico, Mo .on a recent afternoun near ,,, tt j,, r ny of the borrowers of Ihese *.'W,- er lo gel along the coast ; or, if she t>e not he was, and seveiitv years old when the Bean creek. Fifteen houses in that vicinity uu),000 are in default, ihe bank it- ice-bound at too great a distance, perhaps l"r*nco-i;erinan war matle him one uf tho were destroyed, ten or twelve persons were killed and an equal number fatally injured. At the house of Farmer Duffy, Joon Dorger and family were living, James Dorger, aged ii. was killed outright, Li//.ie Dorger's skull was crushed, and a large piece of timber penetrated her side. She soon died. \l Dorger wa* crushed to death by falling tiniUis. and Mi Dorgei -was fatally ,.-.. .......-,, B - ,. t ,...,.. ..- t ~. U u, .. v, . . Ihehoiue was swept away. Nothing ha.s thc compame , have re- ,. .; Trinity lfci\ . forty shillings had gN*lifa. Like the fayou* old EnglUh (U*J. its own debt, to say nothing of the interest their familiee. Should the ship fail to .-.. in. , on these special morlgagc Jxju.N The the pople :ir sometimes .Inven to etltheir iou;s. of w hi. -ii several are usually kept m order to draw holm- w.iod from the forest on - ;reat is the difficulty of .-oinmuu is during winter that a clergymai lates that on .me ...-. .isicn, at near to ihe trouble does not stop here. The company which was liiiildini; the W*vtt-work* hii> tailed, therilrod companies are M.-I i eml>arra**ed, and as t'ie proMii.-i.t'. g..v.-in infill* are bankrupt the guann.tivs which was not due to my -IM.I.-I. tn.i spl.Midid lila/mgout of genius ; il wasaimpl} thedis- cloeure of the toil of th>- patient yearn into which he had poured the lirfluso s'ream of -I t In) wan waa the flowering .f tho I'.n^ . -.1 hidden ^t . w tii. ^ . . v\ l U-t-n hea.d ..t Mr. Duffy, and it is suppose.) , governments re worthless. In a word, the W .;. M , !,...,, l,..i. , l twenty live w- his body w-as .arned away by the cyclone. [Argentine Republic a-s i govei iiinenl. an i in> |M; ,| :, t ).,,, UN eyance of single let Louis, Christian science. Mexico, Mo., was visited by a cyclone on Wednesday afternoon, and about a . In/en persons were killed and an immense amount of property was destroyed. Very severe storms were also experienced in Illinois. President Marsh, who is out ou bail charged with falsifying the return, of th* Keystone National Bank of Philadelphia, has disappeared. His disappearance creat- ed a sensation. , KKVl BRITAIN. The decree of divorce obtained by I 'apt. (I Shea from his wife, on a -count of adultery with Mr. Parnell, wa* yesterday mode abso- lute. Lieut. Grant, for his gallant defence of an entrenched position in Mainpur, has been decorated wilh the Victoria Cross, aud pro- moted to the rank of major. >ix thousand tailors iu London have nruck. There were :2ti* deaths from inriuenaa in London last week. Ten miners were fatally crushed and many others injured in the Pont-y-Pridd nlliei \ . Wales, by a blast bringing down a portion of the roof. Owing to influenza and the tedium of tho Irish land bill, only aboul -V per cent, uf the members of the British House of Com mons were present at the reopening. During the Prince of Wale*' recent visit to the Islington horse show he wa* vocifer otuit only of the hours that shine: W'- lorget the h ,:..- hidden 'r-.m v lew. Yet these are by far the nnt : tant hiuirs in our lives, since ihcy are tho hours lhal determine what we mil Thi- . . ofgovernment ihe vast indebtedness ot rn.- up from Halifax in , tmaU wood- v i. w that win. h i man n.t.s already practic- mplished. ' .n-a' bat It-l.-i.) they .ii.- fuiiglil ; w. ;i n t:i .rough preparation, in keen i. . n orn , of" capital" destroys the .'I'eixhV'niiles orThe"ice'on"men : s"bc.-*! V " P lete ma f [ ' ' ' fatally injured, t aleb>orriswasl>adlyaiidhis judgment of so robust a people n * Ku^ North Vinci i. an Uev icw. I ce " is won hy the san.e far-euig * I - I . If : I I. _ !.'!.. .1 1 L: - I 1 . W , . _ _ . _ . (. .... ..II. .. . 1 , ,. . The Duffy lrn was hors'.-s killed. At William Stranlwrg's house, Wm. Yoetranger and family wen- visiting. The house was swept bodily away. William Yosltangor was killed, his wife was badly injured, and his little girl fatally hurt. William Str.tul.erg was also fatally injured. At the house of Ed. Norris, Gertrude Flet- cher was instantly killed, K. B. Norris was , vagt accumulation the Argentine people, have suspend.-.! p. ,.| to the city by a cross-country ,,i'i.. .and then t.r.?i^n cre.i \\--i,- .,,,: ,, i. e-bound the are lefl entirely out in ihe , i.l.l. Then- i- direct steamer* frtm Kngland do not touch even a fear lhal throiigMsomf violent . -i \ ..indland, but the mails are brought ''' ofgovernment the vast indebtedness of the up from Halifax ilk tyBOktU woodi Argentines may t>e repudiate. 1 Ihe st..iv ,. p., ,<ly built for facing the ice : but even of the borrowings of the Argentines in L m ;[,,,, N ,. s ,,;l ..-aiinoi always manage to get in, , Ion reads like a romance : i'. shows how a ta4 oiau* hore to b* carried ashore seven wife seriously hurt. \\ illie r letchei and his sister Kate were killed and their bodies tei - ,. ullc M re a< ribly mangled. At the same place Mrs. [( Argent ii a h, and makes them the prey to delusions ullc M re a<lily as more mercurial race*. ines have practically built Vrastdfailker Walrv " Emily SaaT, agetl 60, was fatally hurt, and themselves up at the expense of the F.nglish : Mrs. Norris, mother of K. B. Norris, wan , tnc y have made vast improvements, lavished i killed. F G. Norris was l<adlv hurl. The , llone y on the muterial development of the ' house of Valentino F.idle caught fire and was deslioye ' The inmates Kail vacated the house and notxxly was hurt. The house of T. B Hall was blown down, but the family escapetL A horse at the place was carried a half mile and dashed dead on the ground. Boston Kunkel's house was swept away and Mr. Kunkel wa* killed. Farmers Rogers and Crane were also killed. Sever- al farm hands near the Kunkel and Rogers' farms are also believed to been killed. Joaeph Kendall's aud barn were blown down. Komi ill narrowly escaped. James 1'illar.l s house was blown down. A mowing machine WIIM carried 100 yards and torn to shreds. A telligence and the -ami.- piovidenl energy. The man w ho waits to .lo his work when tho hour of tlu- great opportunity .-mnes, never rinds the occasion. Opportunities are far more matter of discernment than of exler- al arrangement. Thev a:" coming to us I h.. I'l.-ie. r ..t I'.. I_;T i.l. i,.i.s been placed upon the telired list owing to the Servian (., i vein me.. 1 s di>ap|iioval "f tile manner in -. . . which 1,'ueen Natalie's Republic in every direction, and left their uu( cretlitor* to pay the bills. . The numerous heresy trial* in the L'nited ' ready is the man w ho recogni/.es t he oppor- State* are furnishing tho preachers of thai tunny and uses it. It does not long delay country who are vet untried with plenty ot when his preparations are complete. In the material for their sermons and addresses, silence of the soil the seed is germinated; Speaking to the Congregational Associatum of New York the other right, Rev. Dr. large iron boiler, weighing 1,200 pounds, was broken to piece*. A calf was carried nveV a quarter of a mile, Several horse* were killed and _'."' chicken* wore plucked clean. The a | cyclone pssoil on to the east, passing Rush Hill, one mile north, carrying destru. -I..M everywhere. There i* no doubt there wa* great destruction of property and IOM of life further east. Great trees were torn up or blown down. The scene at these places is On Tuesday last the 1'rince visited the horso show at the Royal Agricultural hall. Islington, accompanied by two of his daugh- ters. The same day the accouchm. i his eldest daughter, the Duchess of Fife, was.tnnoii:i. e.l, and consequently the Prince ho u i and hU daughters, upon entering ihe royal imiiliuoiisly WH- from the aii.lic.uco assomM--.! had siiliBiiled t voice m the gal- lei v vv.i, heard to yell. " I '* for Qrandfather Wale*. " A renewed burnt of -'.'...vtcd tin-, rem.n k, which the Ptince lauglungly acknowledged b> i,' ami bowing teslhe heeriug people. The health"! MiePrm.-e of Wales cause* earned ,. <)nl i nua ify i b, lt W e do not ve them, or we are not ready for them. The man who is in tho quiet of the study the book in written ; in the hush of the library the know-lodge is Rainsfor.i -|-.-,,. -trongly of the prevailing acquired : in the seclusion ..f the studio the malady, which he described a* " ecclesias tical T > .d the Rev. Dr. Parkhurst, of the Madison square Presbyterian church, .It-tending I 'r. Ui iggH, said in his sermon ously cheered and greeted as Wales. Grandfather K. B. Merry was holding nis baby in his arm* when the cyclone struck. Merry horrible. in his ar was dashed against the house and the baby waa carried many yards and dashed against a tree. Merry's family was scattered in great picture is painted. It is only when the work is .Imie thai the world tees it, and recognition comes, and fame spread* its wing. All thi' .- worthy, lasting, and on Suu.lav oveuiug : " When a recent original in the man intedatet the discloeure rote WI -vtery, in.licat of tn- others. The vv n .. |,i. ing that "in- -f i>ur niiinl>er would have a panfoi great living il from pretty soon to stand up to the -. when no one knows but our isiical rock, the moment the vuto had selvc,,, tn.i ,hut(.,l. And .-very i olaro.l I saw one of the oldest and m. m ought U> live M if tome day the curtain aintliest 11 'linkup, and he were lo stand bytei v .mil- with a smile that well on forth is the central figure <n Irama, ..... . . . and intimate | toward si \ inches in length. He M i saint, ' with all eye* upon him. Kveiv man ought friends. Th* malady fiom which the Pr.ace Slltleie.l - >' ely in I V.HI I .- leip|.eiired in a different nuarier, and thi* fact is looked upon a* one of great significance. In spite of his precarioii* state of health, th* Prince continue* hi* viiite lo the theatre* and at- tends numerous balU and other entertain men Is, but iho heir-apparent I* carefully guarded while thus enjoying himself, and every direction. The cyclone was 300 yard* j every care is taken to prevent him from wide and twelve miles long. suffering too much fatigue. if there i* on* IB Oar Presbytery, Imt tin-re to live, that is. with t piofoun.i ..-me of was the same spirit in that smile thai was resp.uiMlulitv . and with a noble thought of in th* satisfied face* of the old inquisitors, his own possibilities. F.gotiam is n ignorant who used to toast heretics over slow fin-s Ix-hcf m one's -,clf : faith m a sublime trust and tickle their flesh with hot pincers. It is that God has something noble to reveal a .-..111111.1-11111 that I have no ethical or through .-very human life, and something psychological solution for. But it i* a fact, noble to .tccomphsh by every human hand, and the Church is steadily against, the man To live in that belief is to keep ourselves who dares express original convictions, and pure, to make ourselves strong, and to pro- takes what seems to it a holy satisfaction pareourselvesforthc greatest responsibilities in teeing him squirm for it, and the aoblett deeds.

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