FLESHERTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, J\ 01 VOL. TK, NO 518. u'LESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1891. W.H.THURSTON, D ' .1 Trrril *> upbuilt To tltf Edtt.,,- of Tl.f A' Sellina at Cost! ^' Our immense stock of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to go at FIEST COST. Look out for prices rext week. Armstrong 15ros. liv- I am mom TKIMM -< wuon woitK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN. LL'MUKK, I.ATH. SHINGLE81 JOU WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. OK'KHt.VND BOI.I.KUS B1NDKHS, PLOWS Our Waggons ili- Best. Our BugKieN i In- It. ^i ur 4 mi. r^ ih. Brst Our Imprux'il Harrows th<* Brst. STUAW CUTTKKS, SCl'KKt.KHS. I'L KNI1' DKILLR, GANG P1XJW8 JUNE 1801 THE PROBABILITIES for this month are : A rushing business in every line ot merchandise ; large quantities of Butter and Eggs marketed ; heaps of Dry Goods changing hands every day. \Ve are not old residents in Flesherton, but by honest dealing, close prices and good judgement in selection oi goods, are steadily gaining the con- fidence of the public and the liberal patronage of the same. Thii month the farmer should lay in A Good Stock of Groceries for the basy time. We are offering as an induce- ment a genuine [apan Tea at 25Cts., and a liberal reduction to any one buying a quantity. Sugars we arc selling without a living profit. Currants, Raisins, Rice, Canned Goods, Spices, Etc., always on hand. Our Hats are Going But .ve still have a good selection in plain and fancy straw, soft and stifl felt, and will sell them cheaper than ever. Cheap lines in Shirtings, Cottonades, Cottons, Prints, Dress Goods, Lawns, Muslins, Embroideries, Etc. Boot and Shoe Department Full in every line. Call and see us early and the proba- bilities will be : Before the end of June you will be satisfied that the cash store on the hill is the place to do your trading. Highest Pries for Farm Poduce Sin, I notice iu last v. Ivnuet.- an i -i^iied \V. " Chr>tiM'. which. I presume. In? in- l for a reply to my letter, but lOt attempt to fat.- : mem thorny eontained. lint hun^ ll >lv va%i|!!!s!inl he t'alU buck : TUIlu' i ilnx of w ;i -I. in".!: : . i Vi-ry low t\ . h, i'liii' 1 . anil - that I i rnployed wilier 1 . . his' in.striictK.iii I state tiiat I am tin' au- thor, and when I make an assertion no person of my acquaintance for u moment doubu the veracity of it. I feel quite capable of meeting W. S. Christ! subject with I'fM or on the platform, so lout; a* it not iiitt rfi i 'viili solt'ie^n-ct aud moral staiulinu*. save and except the medical profession, aud sh..ul.i nis I put forth to make a in-; prove fn'ilc. by the time furty years old I may uke a notion of tudjing medicine. Tiien, I presume, the -,'oixl old Methodist church would to my a.-Mstm:ce also, and MM able me iu a |n.cuuiary way through .i inly to get a sufficient insight into 1 the medical profession to come out a' full derived annihilator of the lnunaii| race. He says that iu re reading Uint I'orujii of his let tar which coiiiained tl:c term "traitor" that it was ''In- tended t.o apply to any person. Here ul8 to iuterprvt his own letter. How could the last act of his munici- pal life apply to any person but au ex-conncilloi of the past year? Ah. youug Jacob is altogether too sh;ir[< for old 1. -tune ! He made a Je8| effort to extricate Inmielf b it is get ting deeper m the mire as lie ad- vanct's. He also insinuate-) that 1 solicited the suffrage* of the elector- ate on doubtful lines. Tbat is a false- hood, and 1 defy him to give one in- stance. It is singular that one of the electors should raise any oujec lion when the candidates thetuaelve* were- pleased to know that the cam- paign was conducted so honorably. "Of course the candidates were all gentlemen." The very idea of W. S. Chrtstoe accusing any man ot cau- vassii-g on lioniitfiil lines and statin;; be never did so ! How preposterous' How did he get the position iu the first place '.' My usurpation. How has he held it up until he resigned ? By not leaving a -tone unturned, re- gardless of principle. I am iu poses sinn of a copy of one of In* campaign letters wlich would make a person with an ounce of self respect blush with shame to have 'o father it. Hi.* comment ou Mr. Richardson was 1111 called for iu replying to me. Mr. K. is au acknowledged gentleman, and has prove 1 himself as such, and a* such I treated him during theumnici pal campaign and received the sa:ue treatment from him in return. I no- tice also that \V. S. Ghristoe when lie is old aud strickeu in years has be- come fatuous iu the production oi twins. I saw by The Advance of last Oct. tbat he hud brought forth a pair of bouuciog boys, and last week lie brought forth another pair of sons. Any oue of them is head and should- ers above their father. If this was a reality he might justly feel proud. No doubt he would receive congratu- lations from all aides, but strange to say those worthy son* ignore th re- laMonship, deny the affinity aud con- sider it beneath their dignity to call him papa. Hut it is not a reality and it is well ordered so, for oue Chrigtoc in the history of a township is calami- tous. Now, I challenge W. S. Chris- toe to point and prove one instance where I lacked ability or oue instance where I acted dishonorable, either iu the election of deputy retves or in any other particular during my luuricipal career. Let him accept this challenge if he dare, aud cease his misrepresent iug, misleading insinuations which be has practised no long that it has be- come part and oarcel of his nature, to the rn'.itv ex- lusion of qualities and which arc only found ii to which ho is au uttu r itmngMr. To tins article I will subscribe a the base insinuations \Y. S. Christot- s corrupt mind can surest, or bis pliant 'mill draw from < of his brain, cannot staiu. JOHN' to has C. J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR, FOR /' ,i ' 1 >i ' luvi.- ;i C'Ji.i maku through your column -. It . . M ui ,1 un.'ii H allowhi;,' in- titles : t) i.,, m . This i.i contrary to !;iw, ;i,i'i I trust thu drawing of hii at- > the fact will pruvent i tin nance of tlie evil. NIX. Juno 4, '91. Good Material, Good Fits and Best Workmanship, -AT - Lowest Reasonable Prices, Oil/" OWn ''./I' /.I/will''- Mr. Kc'utor, we don't think that tlit> controversy now going on between Dr. Chrism.?, the treasurer, and the ex councilman. is very edifying or use- ful to the readers of Tlio Ad/anco. The township ia satisfied with its nt treasurer, who lima served the public faithfully and honestly, and held Lis reputation beyond question for a number of years, and it i.s not necessary now that a red line should be drawn through good figures to ,'ia: it'v a.i .id Ulan iu Ins second do- ta^i-. who sees lit to act as a party bUndfibuii. Aud if the Dr. thinks il-at there is uot a farmer in tin; -ip .n. ih i|iial.:ied and popular enough to till the reeve 9 chair, ho id badly deluded. It was uot the l'r~. mtl'i.-nce nor the present reeve's popularity that caused him to be elected. The oppo- sition killed themselves. Had r.ol-i.-nl and McArtlr.u- lut't the field to Wright and worked tor him, he would | iiave been elected by a large majority, i or, if vV'rieht aud McArthur had left , tiie tifld to Holand and worked for him. lie would have been elected by a Ur-,"' majority. The lints are getting loyal, Mr. Kditor. On Suuday, May 24th, Mr*. Goo. llu'clunsoii presented her liege j lord with a "baby boy. " Mrs. John Kuddick. who has suf- fered stverly for the past few months with a cancer, ia sufficiently recovered to be able to be around a^ain. The cancer was removed by a salve until.' for that purpose, aud though very painful, we understand that the operation was most successful. Mr. John Spicu , of Ditndulk. is busily engaged with the stone work of Mr. Christy Johnston s barn. We loii'l understand what the township of Ospnty is thinking about in the Town Hall matter. Osprey township should ha\u its Town Hall, and it should be situated as near ih centre of the township ao possible, and then t he electors woiilil know where to meet the township fathers aud the township fathers would likely know where to tind their books on the days that the council meets. They would uot be like the Egyptian gods, carried from place to place to suit the wor shipper. Mr. Matthew Leech, our popular harness maker, is doing a rattling business in that liue. Miss K. Johustoa is still iu the hands of thu rheumatism. The horse distemper that has been very prevalent in this locality recently, has been a very severe type, anil has takeu some nue animals as its prey. Mrs. Sandy Acheson, who has been suffering with lagrippe, has recovered. loo much fine weather without Hue rain makes the farmers some- Personally w.iat gloomy, but we trust that rain spec-lion will come ere this appears iu print. Properties /or Sale 4 R T E * K S 1 1 Lot Ifu HIM i"; irl r.uu:.. :, 1 T V - Arteln- ". frnini- I'tii ri mi. I .wi'Din,; on thu fri-nii*!'- , wi-11 :'-iirul itml n.i. \\,11 I ,.- MiUI.-hfitii Lol IT". 1-c s W ' frmiii- nvi-ii'iiu tlii-ti-i'ii, mud uulbui. Will IH* -M.I 1 <:hi-n|> - l.nl 17(1. Jllil N K . T .v s. It., almut '.) . i-ii-ftr**!. Imi* itniWouU liilhi. ! ut im> itU'iit i-^v .. Tiun . . o(vil)o lnt wllh liou~ 1- littlioi tun Svurl vury >iiirble villas" !-'"|irrti.i- ,'OMJll uf, ill,,. .' -ill i .1 klli'M" lir-'w? 'ilarly \.>.m'.. lltllln lH ' .ll"! tblu rewldelico l* trH:t. \n\ i>r~oii u n- HI fmrin or Tilliugo pi operty -Ii JOHN \V \K.M > . in 'N' WILL SHOW FOR SPECT10N YOUR IN Beautiful Assortment HIM I KU tlti %M i.i U ICll JEMELKV I.IM N h.,::' $18 TO $35. Ii:,: H :;:;::. 5. II ir: 10 AND 14K.. -2>) TO S: J .S WAI! HANTS COVKK1NC. 1NC1DKN- TAL BiiKAK. \fiKS 2 IX; 4 YKS. CLOCKS, IN NICKEL $1.50 AND WALNUT. TO $8.i. Fine attended of Goods, !'UX-H u<l Business Method* K.-r<r- Sturtinx On journey, place a buttle of Chrlt's Lightning Liniment in your satchel V few drop* in wi.Ur will pievunt uckn. vi or PKIII (nun chaoue of water. It I.H in'i ter than iipiriii or bitter* .-u a Htiinulint. Miners mid lumbermen hoiiM nlwny bo [ provided with it. All dru^isu acll it : price fifty cent!. If the drux'^ist has imi, got it, auk him to n<:l it for vmi. It will| pay y n t" wait. Claik Cla-ini/iil C . Tor 'lit '. New V\>ik. t, AA^- VV l tO S AV. A. BMWN, Jev/cllcr MA UK DALE.