AGRICULTURAL. Spry tb.8 Fruit Tree* To destroy the larva of the ..idling moth, the canker worm and tin- cm. .,1m, use one pound of Ixmilon purple to 'JUU gallons of water, or a smaller quantity in like propoi | " tion. r'or the larva of the codling moth , ^~ pray inatreea abcot the time the '' " cheaper and mere esuljr prepared nml ap- i.lied. Mich lieing the raw. it would pro- bably lie i;,'st lo use it. Planting Pea A writer in the London (-aiden urges the importance of giving more room to some "en vegetables, among others lo garden ci .Ily of th largest varieties. In Ii "il they will grow itn.iigly and >ee axn e e o , ,.,, ,,,, ,, wi] gr ,,w 8l ,,, 11Ky , falling. Itepeat in ten .layi or two , \ inuuh frp ,. ]y an j K , ve B l,, U ger succession week*. Mi green may U- used instead of 1>f Wl .|, Ix.ii.loi, purple- in the immo proportions. I used upon poach tree*, not m-jre than eight thal| if K , (lWI1 lB j c k|, K ,. t |,,. r . A pint of sound needs ihould ! , . 110 , 1K |, tl) u | ulll a double drill ninety feet ounces of thearsemte to JUOgallons of water ,,,, |K , The CX|M rim-nt of trying both ways should be used, as the foliage is more sus js eaj)j | y , rjc< | Wo suppose the same dil ceptible to injury from the lie.tinent """ f,. ,,.,,. W( ,,,|,| re sult is with corn, which if that of other fruit trees. sown in thick drills will give but few -mall earn ; or with asparagus, the modern mod.- . f [a the Use of Arsemtea Dangerous. setting the plants four or live feet apart \Vr havealways urged due caution in the ' growing larger and liner "talks and moic ,,f BK of the many chemical compound* -n line, t icidcs that have reiently been intro- duce*! in connection with praying (nut tree*, etc., but we certainly cannot agree nith tho*c who would let the crop go, and enemies prevail, rather than uae which might, perhaps, prove injurious l,y w. it-lit, than in cro't led bodi with the plant* nun- inchea uaunder, an some till i . to i Tardy t ,i_. .nn . 1 1. 1' eminent politic .il economist who de- In.ed mnrdei .M " a ululary check to over ourselves. Referring more particularly to | M >|iulation " was certainly an advanced the line of th arsemtfs, I'ain green an I ihc.uisl in Ins own wuy, and so, too, was London purple, we have no doubt that many . ,,,i famous nrgeon who spoke of the liattle persons are deterred from spraying thtir ,,f Waterloo as " a colossal exan.plo of nn- orchards or fruit trees by the idea that tb-- , ,-niilir dissection." But both tin: adtnir- practire is dangcroui, and thut those who used fie fruit might lie poi* n -d. This objection has lcn if I xan. ed by people an excuse tor |>ermitting their a'nlc. men have t>een thrown into the shade by a humbler professor of the same Mcho.d. who ligurcd in an adventure l.i-tell no lr,* person than Sir Walter Scott. I lining one of the great novelist's journey.) hri.ii.- i tin- north ofr'ngland he waa attack- ed by a slight indisposition while halting at currant and gooselierry bushes to be literally stripped of foliage, for they used hcllibore, even in the Hinall proportion required, some one might eatja snmll village near the Scottish holder, the fruit and get poisoned. Muv *( "ay | and sei.l out his servant in ijuestof a do< tur. right here, that it has been proved - i and .The man soon returned, and usliered m a -tout elderly person, in whom Sir Waller again that in regard to perrons usm r , -pray- ed fruit there is absolutely no damp r at all. Paris green or London purple may lie wifely ued upon fruit up to within four we. ks of picking, and if not used later than that, the wind and rain will bar* removed all trace of the poison before the fruit is used. V.t withstanding) the immense amount of Paris green, London purple, and similar JKILSOIIOUS insecticides that ha Ix-vn lined and the various wayi, many uf tl careles* ways, in which th very poor and are used, we i-ccogniied to his no small surprise, a former servant of disown. " Why, John," cued he, " i- this really you ?" "A it's me, Sir Walter," answered the vis- itor ; " and I'm varra glad to see ye again. I hae gotten some o' thac [those] story IXM ks o' yours yet, and they're jtat grand ! Whiles [sometimes] I canna sleep, and tin n I imt tak' one o' yon (looks o' yours, and then : i.l a wee bit, and, wow ' I'm fast aslrvp i' live minutes ?' 'Well.' said Scott, have yet to learn of the first instance of a person being seriously poisoned from their use fnr this purpose. The benefit* of spray- ing are too great to be abandoned at so small an occasion for fear. Evererfena. May is a good month for transplanting evergrcun, and in preferred by some plant- an. Whatever time ischosen, stress should be laiil upon the impoitan.-.. of keeping roots moist nil the time they are out of the ground. This in really the IM.IIII secict of - m transplanting < -ver^n -ens ami is more <-.M-ntiul with tin m fian in the fuse of any other nursery stock. Leaf-Blight and Powderly Mil Jew. MI r. T. imlloway. Chief of the hni sion of Veifeia'di! I'athology, iH-partment of .It i., Washington, has issued a pimp t realm- nt of nursery stock For leaf -Might and p-iw.lery mildew. liord* UK m:\tnrcaiid the ammoniacal solution are tlie only fungicides now used in tin- work. In the nursery our usual plan of :.. tking these fungKiib-" IB as follows : I,.- i.i u\ M i vri i.i- Dissolve 1'Jpounds (.1 |. , ^tiered Miipuate of copper or blue- stuiicjii l.'ior'Jll gallon* of water, using a halflni rel or lull for the purpufic. In an- -iimlar veMsel make a milk of lime by; up N pounds of either unslaked or s- -lakrd lime in I'Jor 12 gallons of water. I tip- ni'lU of limn is ready mix it with |iptr solution in the following manner : I M '. |iur tho copper solution into a barrel having a capacity ot at least 4i> gallons ; then slowly odd the whitewash, pouring this through a nir :u of coarse sacking, in order to remove bits of stone, wood, eti 1 . Finally, . _ fill the barrel with water, stir thoroughly i members of a learned profession, skilled laughing good- humoredly at this rather doubtful com- pliment, " I'm very gild that any book of mine can do so much good. Hut, tell me, John, bow came my man to brina you here? I sent him out lo fetch me M doc- tor. " " Weel," replied John with quiet dig- nity, " 1 m yi I' am ji-t the doctor here." Sir Walter was thunderstruck, as well he might be, knowing as he did that John was as ignorant of medicine as of Chinese. " I should hardly have thought, of you turning doctor, John," said he at length. " I 'my what drugs do you use ? ' " 1 hae jist twa o' them, Sir Walter cal only and lodomy" (calomel and laii.lan-iin " liut, my good John," cried Scott, shud- dering involuntarily at the idea of such a |>li*rmu< OIHI ui in Hiich hands, "with drugs like those do you never happen to ahem I to kill any one?" "Kill?" echoed John, with a vindictive energy to which no words can do justice. " Kill the Knglishcn * It will be lang ere I can mak' up for Flodden !" - [David Ker, in the Editor's Drawer of Harper's Mag a/ine. w Jrw are Trralrd In Bn.-lu. Let us suppose i innnity subjected part of our own corn- to the legal restrictions Mlnil Mkall Our Uan K hler, x|uil> T To every thoughtful mother comes sooner or later, the above question. If our daugh ter's school days must I* limited, let her study practical things. If she cannot have a college course, let her not fritter away what time she may have on algebra and the high- er mathematics, the languages and abstract science, but insist on her In-coining a good reader, an accurate speller, and a fair pen- man ; for here lie* the foundation of all after education. Let this U- followed by a th. Tough knowledge of practical arithmetic, language, grammar, geography, giving due attention to physical geography, history and civil government, physiology and hy- gi .-, Ixituny and rhetoric. In many of our country schools civil gov- ernment, physical gengrnpliy, and hotanyare not taught, but if parents will combine HIII! insist m it they will soon U- added to the course. It seems to us to I* M important to lie familiar with its history, hencr civil I'oxriiiinrnt should always follow the study of United States Inn lory. Physical gi i,_-i.i|,li y and Ixitany aic IK-.IU tifnl studies, important to all, but if there be one clats which would lie benefited hy them more than another, it certainly is the country people they whose lives an- spent amid the gloiies of nature and the beauties of her Flora, but who, alas ! oftentimes " having eyts see not," on account of lack of (mining aloi.g these lines. Ily all means let these studies IM- added to the dis'.rict school course, so that our girls and Imys may have, opened up I*- fore them some of the wonders and beauties of this grand old earth. The lives of farmer*' wives and daughters arc neteiutarily somewhat isolated, and much time is spent without companionship, other than their own families. How im- portant, then, that they be vented in all things around them. New beauty seems added to a sunset if we understand sonic thing of clo'id information ; while one's ter- ror of a storm is lost if wo know something of its causes, and, a* we watch the oncom- ing clouds, we con but be impressed with tin- L" indt-iir awful though it be nt their app nee. The stone at our feet takes on a new significance if we are able to classify it, and a knowledge of botany will make even a weed interesting. All this know- ledge will enable us to look beyond nature to nature's <>od, and let. h ns thst if He gave such thought ar.d care to the IPSMT creations how much more then doei He rare for us, the children of His own image, His last and best creation Alongwithher school course or immediate- ly after, let every girl in whose soul there is an atom of music be given as good a musical education as the family puree will allow. If she has any taste or talent for painting, try and indulge her in this also, for the house will he brightened by her work : and she inaile happier by Ix ing able to gratify tier taste. Kxerything conducive to the happiness of onr ohildrcn makes them more contented with home and surroundings, and willing to freedom on the spend their lives in happy farm. TI.AK Kiioxx illc, Iowa. I.AK.A S. i . . ..n , or s . i ui .-.i - 1 , |, Dr. Talcott, Medical Superintendent of the Middlet'iwn (N. Y.) Insane Asylnm, in a late report, make* some valuable sugges- tions upon the subject ot sleep and sleeplefs- ncw. Neither tongue nor pen con too em- phatically warn against the dangers which arise from loss of sleep. "It the goddess of sleep fails to renponu when we appeal to her for tender and soothing caresses, ' writes the Doctor, " then, indeed, we arc not only which now obtain in Russia with regard lo hrae<l in heart, but broken in brain, and the Jew. Our laws on the subject would ' "I*** ]*<krupt "> *><> n<l "ind. The then read somewhat as follows : All Jews ch ? d , Plf the delicate fringings born IrfthTunite'd Su^s""ex'cept"t'li'e" StatcTof they swell and guard the brain from all di. Virginia, North Carolina. South Carolina, turbances: but when these sentinels ot th. (Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, unless i ill the United States .hall be regarded f b]o * ve " w ' wh i cn PrJ ect ,' nto ln - , l>r l iens. No Jews shall dwell in any part At " lgh l. ftl " under favorable condi tic an. I .i|iply as directed below. AMMONIACAI. Sol.fTioM. --In an ordinary water pail dissolve ft ounces o'carlxmatc of ' | aJtisans technical i..|'|ri 111 .'I pint n of aijua ammonia a strength of 2(1 per .-.'lit. When cornplutc- ly ili-nolv^d, pour the fluid into a barrel holding 4."i gallons, and fill the latter with water. If desiruble the concentrated solution may be prepared in advance and taken into tin- held inlhiitorin. When this plan is fol- lowed the li.junl should U- kept in tightly corked jugs. In using the nolution pre- pared in this way it will only lie necessary to measure nut .'t pints, pour thin into a barrel, and till the latter with water. Arri.B IWnKuv MII.IIKW. Tin- most serioun injury to the seeding, caused by this disease, is the l'*s of it* foliage. To prevent this, and tbcr'liy insure good work- ing itock for bud*, spray the seedlings with the ammoniacal Holutinn, first when the leaves are about lialfgmwn nnd there after a', intervals of twelve days. Kullowing thii plan, three sprayings will usually be made Ix-forr bm Iding, and at least two after thin operation, making five in all. It is teld.mi thnt powdery mildew prove* serious to budded or grafted stock with the excep- holding school, certificates from or members of brain are enfeebled by too great toil, pliysi 111->um, .lln.fw.IIOT Mill* 1.1 HM.IM.1UUI, UUIVO* II- . . V X they arc graduate* of some SUU, university, ^ ' llM ll * mental weariness, they Jail to -"- do their work and the antagonist of sleep entors. In the brains of patients who have died insane, there has been found marked disease of these vessels. One f the most etlicicnl treatments for _ ,,_. , ,,., 'leeplemness is massage. This treatment is haiM"u7"ri'ent 1 iamT^\7f|w-ty- AlTJ'Jws described in full HI the Superintendent's shall pay specisl taxes in connection with re P rt - The free and indiscriminate use of -.IK services. No synagogue may be *" < one of the most opened without the permission of the 1'resi- b W" c ul 1 1 ? f ">"> ^hey arn dent of the I'mi.-,! States, and no public l'"iKipollv used by the overworked, tho prayers may lie held in any other place thin worrying and discontented. Carlylo says. a synagogue. When more than ten Jews Horace of life ha* l*conie intense; the chamber of commerce who pay |.">OO a year for that privilege. No Jew shall hold any government or municipal olticc. No .lew wish to meet together for consultation for discussion they must obtain permission from the municipal authorities. Married Jews who become converted to Christianity are ipno/nrto divorced on conversion; but tin- wife, if she remains a Jcwvsx, may not marry again. All Jews attaining the age ' of rc(o rlw!1 * W'"\ '"' r"Vt"t ll(% ,, of twenty years shall servo lixe years in the '" ml for '>="> "'"' f. , ruHvc sleep, active army and thu teen yuars in the reserve, ' runners are treading on each other's heels; woi; to him who stops to tie his shoe stung*." Dr. Talrott augeesU a in these words : '* National decay can bo averted only by a general reform in our methods of living, and forem., -i m the line Imt no Jew may lie an officer or oven an officer's servant. No Jew shall servo in the navy." Such a condition of affairs on is laws alTeeting Jews is so impotuihte, so in The I ..nun. . ..r I inn Illrs. There wero once four Ilica, and oa it I; ed they were hungry ne morning. '1 he n|i ui a s i image of singularly aii I peli/ing appearance and made a hearty mea ; emu nvahle, in tins country and to us, that I but hn speedily die.l of Intestinal mllamina we, can scarcely imagine it to exist any where else. And yet there is_ no wagg^Uon in such a paraphraae. Ph. Jew to-day BusaU is hedged around by a set of restnc- ticmi as whiiusicitl and as onciiRive as any icmi as wiiusicit an as onciiRive as any- .... quantity of alum t contained. Ihu third tliini! i evisod bv the fanatics of the middle . rl ryis sj Iriuffi ?sit t-SsSa-Ss l v convu -d .ramo and he .. v u uly Jews are both heretic* and aliens in Russian eyes. [P. O. Hubert, Jr., in tile l-'i-l.Mll tion of ci rtain particularly susceptible varieties. In such cases practically the same line of treatment recommended for the seedlings may Ix- followed. PtAH l.r.Ar Hi.iiiiiT.- Nearly all varieties of | .n art- suliject to this diseae, xtln.-li attacks the voiing and tender seedling, as ,,,, lllllr .. well aa old fruit-l*>arlng treri. In tin- nursery the seedlings must lx< proti-i i.-.l, otherwise tlie leaves will drop by the first of July, and it will lie next to nn|x>milile to work the clocks. IWginning then with the eedlings, we won'd iei nmnicn.! thai iln-x ben|ira\o I with ihr I'.. I.--- x mix'nn m t when tin- '!> is half rrown, and there- '"" ' .;.:.> nowdery W a,,|,,,,g f,, r ny Crap's thatmightbethrown | T'"'" ," >m ' ew, .1 In atment to him. Tb KuesU IMMIIU xrry hunary - l ' ' ' """""K '*'" i themselves, an.1 not very ehariuble. the I '"^* to ' tion, for the sausage wo* adulterated with aniline. Thu HCCOIII! fly lircakf.iste I upon Hour, and forthwith Mii-ciunlicil to contrac- tion of thn stuiii .eh.' <. IIIL; to the inordinate InimlnM. Dax. Ai . .n v.nt in Krance, twenty poor ,!.- xi ii .<ci ved with ailinnerataieriuiu . i v day. . i,., .,,!. r. In. in i-v.i A dog belonging to the j ^^^ is Iramo and tin- gho*t, a victim of chalk adulteration. Seeing which tlie fourth to him- i If, "Tho Hixiner it's over the sooner to sleep," alighting upon a moistened she. t ( p.iper, exhilnting tho counterfeit pixscnt m. -lit 1. 1 dcath'a head and the inscription, ." Applying the tip of hut to this device he drank to his i i.n. i M was always present, at this meal, t :. ... t ~. L .i..._.j_u. u-.u 1. I heart s content, growing more vigorous and heerful at every expectant of his end. " "1-P ' P"*'l-ry walebing for any sc^ra,,, lhatmight bethrown ' " miM. ...... .1 In atment '.. Quests U-imi x TV hnnorv 1 ' ' at every molltnfu1 ' although after tii.- I making six in !. . M ,\ v . a . an,! not vrr char iuble ' , expe. tant of his end. Itnt he did not die. " " - - Vowth i p 'rxj di,. hui, "mo A tL 1 3; tl,.' IM i v n th- eontr \7 h . e throvo ""' rr 1 filt ,- .tarti, l* K mth. , n. '"akingiix ' ,,.,, ^ wou|( , f|ijll ,,., vl . , k ,. M A5rach ^ ' ; -ver .the _fly poison was sxlulterated. .pplicati...,- dil ...owing period. I r spprol , ( . ( , e(1 , ). , .,', a l-ll, and his iNalioual Stockman. Auih.,..ld . !,,,g astho tree RurTwa, delivered I i!,i....<h a small , .i*. lands in tl" .'I. r !,i -ii the orchsrdikt, if '" I with it, niil follow H -UM. ... ;. ,1. I'l I M. < 'lIH.Ill AMI I o|n .n:ng. MI ttiat n.-M -gixer nor r.- eiv.-r e.ii.l.l - , , ii .,|H. i (In-- day (||. ,1,,^ waited till all . - - \..l, when h.- l.>k Twlre Their N:\lurui >!/.- h'or I'Jyearit, Mr. K.lvxar.l Kx.tns, forme employed by l>avey .V Moore, glass m uin I.! -.1 lli.niHT. the rupi in hit itli ami rang the Ix-ll. fad urert, London, Kng. , siillcred from the I In-, lire.-tions for treating peai leif Might The li ick siicree.ied *nd *ui repented n-xl KLI -it form of rheumatism. He was treated day with the same success. At length I lie at inlirmariBs, but wasalway* discharge-d as nook, finding that twenty mie port inns wore mriirahlc. HIH legs and hands were swollen doled out mt >ad of twenty, detenmneil to ' Hm I on- -iii- thief; and U last 'ie was wai. be. I aii'l ! I 'f I. tin* whnn the monks hrd , tlicy rcw.u led thn dog's iiigenu light an applicable to all of lliesti disanes. While, howeve.r, the Hordeaux mixtuie has certain- ly given the best resralU in troaling the lost named diiwsse in the nursery, it is i|iiet . | wli.tli.T for the plum, rd -T ry and qnn .e tlir ammimiacal solution will n >t wsr a* well. We have never \*-r\\ blo ity by allowing him to ring the bell every in.'-iia) .litfeipnc". o far an ( day, and a men of broken victuals was rn.-.l, Iwtween thnte jtre- lienceforth regularly served out lo him IB I'm ainnniaia. a.1 solntion m Uaj tarm. fern ys>n>i.. to twice their natural lire. He could not walk : the pain drove him almoit frantic, and he felt a* if hot irons were passing through Ins hone*. The first application of St. .lac. .Im I III relieved him, ana continuing its use the swelling left his limbs ; in a week he could walk, all pain had vanished asul he went to work. TIT BITS. The Modern Ily. " Will yoa walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly " Well, hardly," said theimtect, as he wink- ed the other eyo- " Your parlor nan an entrance, but of exits it is shy, So I'll stay outside in safty and remain a little fly." They All Do That. Mrs. Brook" My hushand keeps account of every drink he takes." Mrs. Bank " Are you sure?" Mrs. Brook "Oh, >es; the dear fellow says he never gets one that he doesn't put it down !" Excellent "Why, Johnny, how is this?" Willie is crying very hard and says you've been iK-iimg him ami pulling him all around the yard." ' ' Well, mamma, I should think I hod good cause." " Cray, what was that?" " \Vhy he said that he liked you a great leal better I did ; and I liked you two years before he was ever thought of.'' And He nonlndn't Tell. Young Wife (with innocent pride) "I n..ide this pudding myself, Harold. Young Husband (consolingly) "Never mind, Imogene. Nobody will ever know it but me." Which? A beautiful young lady and her once iieautiful mother were walking down the street together when they met two gentle- men whom tb mother kuew. " Mow much your daughter resembles ui, ' exclaimed one. ' ' How closely you resemble your daugh- .er," exclaimed the other. Now which of these two gentlemen do .on think were invited home to tea ? Needlecs Fright Little Brother--! say, sis, there's a mouse n the room. Hi* Sister (jumping on a choir) Oh, hor- rors ! Whtra ? II. ilber Right there, near the rug. Sinter -Oh, dear ! What shall I do ? I can't see him." Brother ( walking away) Of course yon couldn't. He's inside the cat. No Place Like Home. tVhy does) the man with haggard face, And slow and weary feet. Roam vacantly around the town And skulk about the street ! ( in. -- when iiis daily task waa done, He hastened to his home ; But now it seems his only joy, Afar away to roam. Once all the happineas he knew He found lieneath his roof. Pray what has made this sorry cliango? Why keeps he now aloof? Oh, pity this mwt w retched man, W hose wife's got --oh, how sad '. Her annual fit for cleaning house. And got it extra bad. A Family Bereavement. An industrious n-tic went into his stable one spring morning and discovered his favorite mule in the agonies of death, be having overfed himself the night previous. " Here's a state of things," exclaimed the disgustrd peasant. "All winter long you do nothing but feed and feed at my expense, and when spring comcx, and it in time for doing a little plowing, y-m get out of it by giving up thu ghost." The dying mule raised up his bead, and said in a feeble voice : " Sin, , you are such an ass, you should regard my death at a family bereavement," after which his spirit took its flight. Sanitary Intelligence. Teache. -You must not come to school any more, Tommy, until your mother has recovered from the small-poll. Tommy There ain't a bit of danger. SI c ain't ,""ing to give me the small-pox. " Why, how is that V " She s my stepmother. She never gi She s my itepniothr me anything." never gives Explaining the Item. C'lient " You have an item in your hill : " Advic, January ,$.-." That was a day before I retained you." 1. 1 yer " I know it. But don't you re- iiicml.ei the Stli I t'lld you yiiu'd better let me take the c >_-c for you. " " Client " S Lawyer " Well, that's advice." What Kept Him Down. " Ki ve years ago that s.c.Iy 111*11 wh<>just| tin ned the comer was one, of the most pros- ' pcnnm juuug dentists in the city " "What's tlie matter with him now' Drink ?" "Drink' No. He married into a family of thirteen duiigliters. " " I see. It w.vs an unlucky mmilx-r. " 11 Unlucky r Well, yes, 'Hi* ^tcrn-in- law are all unin irried and he ha* to do their dental work tor nothing." Abnormal Weather. Patient Doctor, I've got a sore throat and a pi:n in my chest, and my head aches as if it would split. l>oct..r Y..II needn't pay any attention to those symptomx. as they indicate a normal condition. If during trie present aboniin- aide weather a man feel* perfectly well he i" not healthy but I can euro him. Makes a Difference. Bjoiux What will you take for that hone of yours, Kjeiikms? Bjenkins Two hundred and fifty dollars. "Two hundred and fifty dollar!! Why, man, you told me hi t week thnt you were disgusted with him and would sell him for fifty dollars. " " Yf, 1 know 1 did ; I have found a nan now who wants him. " Dyspepsia InUntf Suffering for 8 years lie- ttored to Perfect Health. Intense Few jiec.|:lc havn suffered more severely (rum dyspepsia tl..m Mr. K. A. McMuh.m, a well known grocer of Htaunton, Va. He says: " Before 1878 I was In excellent healtb, welgu- Ing over 200 pounds. In that year an ailment developed Into acute dyspepsia, and soon I waa reduced to 163 jmunds, suffering burning sensations In the stomach, I ali'it.itiou of the heart, nausea, and Indigestion. I could not sleep* lost all heart In my work, hod flu of melancholia, and for dajs at a time I would have welcomed i|.- itli. I became morose, sullen and irritable, and fur eight years life wu a burden. 1 tried many )ihyslclaj and many remedies. One day a workman employed by me suggested that I take jsv mm Hood's Barsapa >? llff QMn flf riU * > " It had Oil) HI IV cured hi, wife of *" < ^ '"^ dyspep- sia. I did so, and before taking the whole of a bottle I began to feel like a new man. The terrible pains to which I had been subjected, ceased, the palpitation of tlie heart subsided, my stomach herame caster, nausea disap- peared, and my entire system began to tone up. With returning strength came activity of mind and tiody. Before the fifth Uittle waa taken I bad regained my former weight and natural condition. I am today well and I ascribe It to taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sana, pan JU do not be Induced to buy any ot&er. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold liy ill druggists, f 1 ; six for J3. Prepared onlj by C. I. BOOD * CO., Apotbeeartes, Lowell, Mat IOO Doses One Dollar 8 Years The Stimului of Poverty. Some one once said to Simon Cameron Your son Don has hid fine advantages." Yes," responded the canny politician, he has had more than his father, but there is one supreme advantage that he ha* never enjoyed the stimulus of poverty and hard- ships." Here is something to think about. For the post fifteen years v/e. have been teaching young people. At first we were "German Syrup A Throat and Lung Specialty. Those who have not used Boschee's Ger- man Syrup for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Langs can hard- ly appreciate what a truly wonder-- ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear- ing, strength-gathering and recover- ing are unknown joys. For Ger- man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee's German Syrup is a discox r ery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr- hage, voice failure, weakness, slip- ping down hill, where doctors and medicine and advice hive been swal- lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet ii you take it. 0> gristly .l:.ipoed to p;iy those who had to practice self-denial and to wrestle for on education. Hut '<'ir f.^lni^j have under- gone a complete change. N .thing is so good for a boy as to lex rn to bear the yoke in hi* youth. If he hat a liU>r of real manhood In him he will he helpd aid strengthened by the difticullies iti>t beset him. We should save.nir pity for th.ise whose paths ore ma-!c too smooth and iv by the inconsider- ate vllcelion of unwise parent*. SUacobs CURES PERMANENTLY umatism CIATICA M IT is THE BEST: