SSHEBTOH ADVANCE, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"- ' PRINCIPLES, A 01 VOL. IX., NO 5!7. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1891. W. H. THDRSTON, EDITOR* Sellinir at Cost! from oir m/- <'nrrftp<i<lent. Between picnics and fishermen l-ji^euia is just now enjoying a lively time. On Mondav. lifttli, there were a great many people bere from all parts of the lorroundiag country. Every one seems to think there is no place to speud such a pleasant day at a Kui-enia. If we only had tho bene- fit of a railroad this place would soon ' become as tine a pleasure resort as is Our immense stock of Spectacals _ __. i _,_ -.4. THT~DQrn here and is fitting up his grist mill to and Eyeglasses to go at rirtoj. stan busm.^ a* * Mn possible. . We hope all who require anything in COST Look out for prices rext i ^ im, w ,u g ,v e mm a can : ^- / ^-^ K "' MV \V tllt-itn Wilann waa r week. Armstrong Bros. l-AlXTlVi. TRiuuixr,, HOK SHOEING, WOOL) WORK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWS, LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES' JOB WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. -, Our Waggons the Bt'st. LAND B01 Our Hit- -K-N iln- llesi STUAW CTTTKUS, iiowrus. Our Cutlers the Best. SCl'KKI.FUS. B1XDKRS. PLOWS Our Improved Harrow* the 1-lKXIf 1 HULLS. OANU PLOWS Best. MAY, 1891 Tho timo has come when old rubbers, old shoes, without sules, ud shoes terribly patched must be abandoned. During this month every one will be looking for something new iu the loot gear, we Imve also been look forward to this month and have purchased a first i-lass stock for this <l.-par'.- inent. Cooper and Smith, of Toronto, are our manufacturers, aud any one j who has woin their boots or shoes know they cannot be beat for durability. We have men's plow boots, men's line boots, men's long boots, and men's tine shoes. Hoys' coarw; boots for rough wear, boys' line boots for Sunday*, women's fine buttoned and laced boots in kid, dongola, polish calf and dull kid and caipet slippers. Misses' aud children's iu large varieties. B AND C CORSET IN ALL SIZES Come and examine our hat stock, it is complete in every branch. Mr. William Wilson was made very, happy last week, when a littU boy ar- rived at his home. It will just be in time to help 1 im at haying and har- vest. Mr. John \V. Armstrong is going around with a pretty high head. He [ was made very happy by the arrival ' of a sweet little girl at his house Mr. John Bcecrof: has a ewe which gavv birth to a lamb with only three legs. The curiosity died. Evangelist McLeash is holding special meetings iu the Orange Hull at this place. They are very well at- teudod. The people seem to take a ' deep i rite re si in them. Death has entered into the house- hold or Mr. Vugus Kennedy and re- moved by death his dear little daugh- ' ter, aged five years. The sorrowing parents have 'he sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. Mr. Gfo. Meldrum started last Wednesday for Colorado. George is a good, honest youug man All who knew him were sorry when he left this part of the country. He has the warmest wishes of every one for his aeMia in the new home. There was a large picnic from Markdale here on the 25th, accom- panied by tho brass baud. Quite a number also came from Fleshertiui, aud enjoyid a pleasant time. Every one seemed lii^hly pleased with the 1 day's eiijoynu nt. We hope they will often c 'tii<' :unl spend a day with us. Mr. Jake Williams was home to speud tho holiday with his friends li I' ne re are some very pretty girls at Kugenia,but Flesherton seems to hold the magnet. Is not that so Jake ' Mr. Joseph Cooey, of Toronto, is visitiii',' nt Mr.Jhn Williams'. Miss Fula r.nwerman was home spending the holiday with her father Kiigfiiia boys belonging to the base ball club played a game with the boys of the Mea^oid Uoad. Eugenia boys won the game. I wonder who the boy is that went off on Sunday to catch chubs, while his girl sat watching and waitiug for him? M-|nHr<- Friim KID, SILK, TAFFETA, LISLE d COTTON GLOVES Our print aud dress goods departments are full of every novelty in those lines. Come early and get a choice of pattern aud quality novel before shown jn FU-ghcrton. Headquarters for B and C Corsets. Shirtings anil pottonades, tweeds and pantit)L;s, cottons ami shirtiu^, towels aiul t iwellinx's, cmbiiodcries aud luces, lav/in tod muslins, at low prices and liili qualities. JPresh Groceries Always on Hand. MCDONALD & EVANS. \Ve are sorry to report the loss which Mr. John Ferguson had on Wednesday evening last. While working in the field about six o'clock on looking up he discovered his barn on tire and hastily ran to the scene but was too lute to save much. The barn and stable, together with a num- ber of farming implements, about SoC bushels of grain, a calf, his sum- in. is pork and 3 or 4 tons of hay were totally destroyed. The wiud at the time was blowing pretty strong from th south, which endangered other buildings in the neighborhood. Thos. Scott's barn yard and surround iii^-s were on fire in many places. The burnt shingles were carried a nee of - 2 J miles. The origin of the lire is supposed to be from burn- ing stumps 80 rods or more away. Building and contents were insured. Mis. K. 1'utts has been ill with an attack of inflammation of the lungs, but is f:ist improvi- Mi. John McFarlane has quite a curiosity in the shape of a colt with five feet. An rxtra foot projects at the foot lock of one of the legs. The extra foot is quite natural. Tho colt is quite smart and healthy. Many of our farmeis have disposed 1 of a number of their young cattle at a good price to Mr. (i. Robinson, who seems to be the most popular buyer. The delivery took place on Monday. Many of the hori s around have the distempct, hut hitely none of them have died with it. Mr. Jas. Moore has sonio very bad at present. Mr James I'otts has a !ar<_''- t, ra "o of first class in. i. in^a;,'i<l for the season, and inti m: - : a large number of buildings this sum. 21th of Mi; piissi d <>f i|i;i,'tly here. Nearly every one attended church, but on the 25th some took in the sports at SniKlminpton. some went fishing, and others, probabiy most of them, staved quietly at home. Say Nick, what takes another of our young men to Badjeros so often lately '.' Is it the Epworth League or is it you can tell me pri/atcly. C J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR, - FOE- Good Material, Good Fits and Best Workmanship, -AT- Lowest Reasonable . Prices. Aprlfliy Properties for Sale r. ( of Toronto, is visitmir ~ ' Mr. Ganon, of Toronto, is visiting his grandfather here. Mr. Joseph Strain, fr. La grippe has relaxec* his grip on Miss Jennie Nicholls ami she is again convalescent. The fine and favorable - weather with which wo have beou lavored this spring has enabled the farmers to complete their seeding op- erations much laili'T than u.saal. The area sown far exceeds that of previous years. The outlook for a bountiful harv. st will be niu.-li brightened if rain comes in a few days. Miss A. Johnson is sick with rheumatism. We Uust that she will be be better within a k ./ il.iys. The Victoria cheese factory com- menced operations on Monday, 18th lust. It is beni:,' hugely patronized. The trustees of school section No. 4. Artcmesia, sued Mr. Grahaui. of L'roton, the adjoining township, for a rate bill of 4.~>eu. per month on each child that sent to school. Mr. (iraham, at the court, showe 1 that he was raying i~,'M of a tax in section No. 4. Yet judgement was given against him, a.) the school law that "a noniebideiit should pay an average tux." The proce. may be all right in Mr. Graham's . but we think they are a little minima. i, an I wo take the liberty to ask why are not all treated alike '.' O'.hi-r families, occupying the same position in the s-'ctiou we understand, have not ever been asked for a rate bill. The weight ot justice is often laid on tho baek of innocence by tho guilty, and public office is often abused to settle family quarrels. "There are lots of things legally right that arc not morally right." Hiuibt'rley From mir cn I'lin-'-xiiiiiulrnt. Mr. F. Thurston, who has been away for some time, is home again for a few weeks visit. Ho looks well, and we are glad to have him wuh us again. Mr. Alfred Thurston, of Tho Ad- vance stalT, was in our village on Saturday last. We unlimited to say in our last correspondence that a couple of young ladies from Collingwood were in the village selling millinery goods. They did not succeed very well how- ever Miss Jenny Graham is in Meaford at present learning dressmaking, \\'e aro glad to know that Miss Anniu Stafford is able to be around again. Mr. W. II. Stewart sold 84 head of cattle to the Hawk broth - l:i week, also a car load to Mr. S. l.evex, of Toronto. Mr. Melvin Gilbert intends going to Montana shortly. t it r t: M i: x i \ Lou 165 and 100 3rd range X. E.. T A s )'. Artfini'Kia. liKi'ifri-v friuiif liiirn anil 'Iweilmx mi thu |>ruiiM : well fuuuetl and wntfioi Will lie wlil 'li'-nii. Lot I? i. lt x. W T * S. K . :<0 acre*. Nnw franii' l^.'llirit; MI.T....M. and outbuilding* \Vili bf Mjlil chuap ami <-i l-.'t ITU. Jii'l N h . T v s K . about 00 acrei. 'J> cleared, balance good hardwood buhli. Taiuj* of inivmi'iit nf v l.,.t ti :n i In. riCnn.. 100 acre*. Alnoanumhai of viiliuin lots with houttei* lliurtxm in I U-*b.urtoij . Villajje Pro|M-rn. s Several vary -tuBirablo vii;.^.- i'i"|rrti,' will be dlapoMd "I " < Hrownieu |ropTtv. IH prtt. 'liari . vu This lot contain** about ^J mlor- tablo reaidenoe I> - n. Any jieraon donirinij barinf in farm or village urnptirtv honM >iiiuiumrnte witb ' JOHN W AKMsrldiN' r'lmburtim. WILL SHOW F(m YOUR IN Sl'Ki'TION A Beautiful Assortment \ \l( 110 sll \l KU IKI .l /XKKVI JKHELKV Life' Fits (itli AMI TO $35. fids' FiM Uiida 10 AND UK.. $20 TO |S. \\.\l\- i:ANTsco\Ki;iN<i INCIDF.N. TAL I'.r.KAKAHF.S 2 lo 4 VKS. CLOCKS, IN NIL'KKL AND WAI H $1.50 TO s.r>n. Fine Repairing lially rUU'lided to. I'' I Bpection "t Cioodi, L'i iol -m-i r.iisiness Mi-lhi'.N inv A forent lire atartcil in tlio IIM' t'\ S.HU..II uf H.iveHnll, MUM. Sim.!.!) .liter 'UMiii mill li.w biirnrii nver ti-n sijiiari' mile* of territury. Tlio tire i still binn- ing. Alox. Clarke, n ynnui; farm T IUKI, near Drunili", went mt.i thu ....iU ..:, Sj\tunly muniiug ami linnselt' iu rhp m<l uiiH ^ rifle. Tlio ductora !To- iiiiini.-eil tho wmiiiil ;\ fatal MIH-. Tile wa< siiHjuct to deapniiilciH-y re- lcs. *T' 1 \\lSl(CS tO \. W. A. BROWN, from trmiblcs. MARKDALK.