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Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1891, p. 7

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MR ESHOLTS YOUNG WIFEfe BY T. W. SPEIGHT. CHAl'IKK IV. ton ike next day but one. Meanwhile, he wculd airanire to have ever> thing in readi- fur their reception, nod woulil IICNW I<>! IIICII L (JVC |Jll</ll , iUl* wvui't bUIIIC ." > Inms.-ii at the time appointed and sec them J>wljr aroe the landing stage, " this diy safely to the end or i heir :ihort journey . trtmglit I will either propose to A.-n.--, or Robert Eaholt at this tune wa thirty '''"' ""' express tram and I. n- .ii 1 lie ne k < -:t K.tholt at this tune wan thirty years old. He win tall and ini.line.1 t-i IB- thin, and hud a very slight ot the aftcinoonof tin- day following that ol ."-.-gK> Myer's visit ti Tydd Mreet, stopped at the door of Mrs. trakv s house, sn.l presently the landlady in person appear td before Miss (iranbj-, holding a vibiting- card^ingcily with a thumb and finger and a , nierofher apron, for she had been in- I the shoulders. He had a thin face and Died m the middle of her breadmaking. ' a prominent clear-cut nose. All the line.s ,,f 1 - > M aria took the card w ondermgly, and his mouth and chill spoke of firmness and read the name, " Mr. Koltert Kshol t ," aloud. determination of will ; but his eyes, of the me :"she exclaimed, dropping darkest brown, rarely lost the kindly look aid as though it were re I hot ; "how which was natural Io them, and lent a soft- has -:e found us out, I wnnder, and what ness to his expression it would otherwise heart, be it ever io slightly, and th.. J ulty, if it ! one, will quioltly vanish. what would .(.met think and say T " 1' was the moat awkward i|uestiou of all one which brought him, as it were, to a 'lea. . Hi- was still turning the p-iint over in his iniiiil, considei,-.. .! in).,, , I. :!,,,. nt poii.tsof M-W, when til.- Com:- win: iiiav," lie .saul as he walkc I . .*' caii he have come fort Dear, dear, and I 1 this shabby gown on! Agnes, my a keen clear-headed man of business, wh.. >'. -.-, not a sy liable alwut the shirt-making." knew his own mind and had the courage of i was all in a duller, arranging her curls (us ..pinions. Few laces were lietter known and nor lace collar before the diUKy glass on ( liange than that of I'.oU-rt K-holt. iie chimney-piece. Now, Mrs. | Mr. rjholt'a visit passed like a freshening Snake, 1 think you may show the gentleman bree/e iver the parched lives of our ID, please," she said with a litlle gasp. ladies. Next day, Agnes fell decidedly Iwt i .eii was Mr. Ksholt ii.-hered into the ter than she had done sin. dingy sitting room, and coming forward, | of her illness. .She wan in shoo* hands with Mix* Maria. " My dear of spirits, and could talk, nlji-anby," heexclaimed, " how happy it Mr. Kbolt's kindness an.. ....cnun, -u.. , f makes me to see you again after no long a how she should enjoy herself at the seaside, i ' Just Ihe same as of old, I see. It Mr. Ksholt was there to the minute, and - have been only yesterday that I saw saw them safely across the water and duly yoii last, instead of fourteen long years ago. " installed in Sy ringa Cottage. It was small, Then turning to the white-faced invalid : but tastefully furnished, and had a p Io not remember me. Miss Agnes, 1 outlook across th mouth of the Mersey. I v : but I have by no means forgotten The housekeeper and u girl were there to wait upon them; and by some magic of which they were not cognisant, the) found their table furnished in a to H Inch thej' had lieen s* rangers sin. e \i l.ianby s death, with all thi-M- little deb M temptin,' '.. in ..-n u. i - favidio'.s take tiie , -\PM-S train andlm-al; tin- n. my passion by Hying southwar I for a week or two after the wa!lows. " True tohUself -made promise, Mr. Ksholt let matters go on as usual for another fortnight, ig neither by word nor sign tliat 111. I. as love or marriage had any pla-c in ,oughts. On the day tixed by himself he sought an interview with Miss l.ninln tobl her th-it he was desirous of marrying have lacked. His whole Itearing was that of I ller """' ""' wished to have her ..-oiiM-nt to i - -c i---: -.1 I mention the matter to Agnes. MI.-.S Mai-n could hardly have Keen more surprised had the proposal been about to be made to herself. Sin- held Mr. Esholt in the greatest respect, somewhat in awe ol 'him as well, two * l ' lllt ' ier Con8e "' *a readily given, though she could not help shedding a few tears as I I'll - III \ I Ml Tkr fair T .. u. I.H Nlzui-l l ..p.-/ K i I....I III. 1 ,,,. r,,i lf.iiiiiiili.iii It is now fully a ,|iiart<-r of a century since a merciful dispensation of 1' so clouded the Empress i mind that, sue was -|in 4i-:ef when ,:ei : o\ al Ii is *ndwas slaughtered m Mexico. | Pornearl) i 41-1. .-rai ion tin- widow of the nut.. i '.mate MaMimlian has remained in igtioi nice ,t iiU fate. But slowly, and by ' almost imperceptible degrees, her'miud has I be. nine (Untied, and slie is dive more in the ' eiii.iyine:. ol her fa -hit ie.. Looking liifX -.--.ugh tiie long years of . lark neat, ! that sad Mexican business in which she played the part of a heroine seems to her, .m. It is well that it fa M. I i a. i.,t t, is not an old woman. She is hardly t"i, ,n:d something in her future may jet conipei; her for he, bitter past. Hut the same daj that her recovery was aniiouuced also brought the intelligence that Qeaenl Miguel Lop*/, had been bitlei. by a m id dog and w:u under Ihe Pasteur treat- ment. This Lope/ was -he 1 1 list ed officer who be- trayed Maximilian to Ins bloodthirsty cue- | lines the wretch whose evil work caused ' 1 lie last time I saw you was when you "t much higher than this table. It was .nfiaiiieil my brother Richard ou to the vicarage. - You are s aware, Miss tiranby, thai 1 lo.-t my ouie years ago. He was <-nc of aiitr- ol. lest friends, Misn Allies : they wt-r. .t, dlege together, for Richard was originally nilemied for the ISar. Mr. U mil rate would !. fitting for this false friend, who sold his Unefactor" It is -a' be will be cured. He. will snap and snarl and foam at the mouth like a i ibid hound. He will rare in bis -ins of iii.iiueal fn-n/.y. H will ma.i eiiiiviil-niiis imi ,j lt . mosttouchingletter.after . wrote me .'h. which 1 have to this day, and strun.ent had gone, oiieanioi,- ways keep. But, aa I was (ay ing, my olhir cherished objects, al the and 1 the vicarage fourteen 1 was but a young fellow then, ilicnard's hair was turning gray. -L>o .o w, my dear young lady, that you were ra'.:ier fond of me at that time, and many a r.. p we had together? I knew you ngaiu fr ID a moment, for all you have grown up, and months past. ha.snotueailysomuchcolourmyourcheeks Mi.-w Ksholt being still from home. as you bad in thoee days. '' ! kept on talking with a view of g the ladies time to recover from the nervous perturbation into which his une\ pectod visit hail evidently thrown them H. now drew up a ohair, and sat down with the air cf one who was determined to make him- self at home. ' .''ray, Mr. Kaliolt." said Miss Maria, " if \ \i-ntureto put such a i pies t ion, by what means did you discover our humble ratreat ?" gruoiis to lii-ni- this 4iave middle-. iu'd man I world discoursing in such win- to a girl like herself. It waa as t! M'I .'e, especially whcncomiiigiinexpec'e i '""- l.-nlv burst ly. There, too. 'they found .. w.-l! ril'-d ' B ie enowi of centuries and re bookcase, and, what to A.;' v. > riore Agnes sat like one sp-'dbouiul when Mr. Ksholt told her in a few brief im- passioned words how deeply he loved her. Frost-bound, rigid as i statue, she sat, even after those words had ceased : while he stood before her, his elliow on I nil flesll m the chimney-piece, waiting tor her aii ; wild I !v. en in the midst of ami | Tl:; .. x , t| . Hi-may, u struck hei as somewhat im-m- I,,,,*., ^ . 1M th( . .thu.low-.iinw descending upon >i,m, h arlotta comes on, ,- :i-oie int.iilie lighi ot day. .ii'ieni'ly U-uiu; one- 'in- must charming woman ':, it Ii i.- woni a .low n since Kut'eme In Ii- , it, f \ "> ~.uwu ->*o> D r...k;' oie in ntr liaopics tin- hery heart at work I--1 -,w ; r - DtaeoUing View, h;ht. i:,.i ,h ,A,,w. youthtnl imagination Mi Ksholt seemed t:u tll .. N lna k e ,,.,1,1,. older than he really wan. ' precious than all else, a piano Her own in rib- ,'iil '^'' '"'h' 1 ' 1 changed his balance from one ! ener since her arrival in Liverpool he '""' l " 'he oth.-r. and without thinking what ha.1 felt like a stranger in a thtrstv land for '"'" - > - i.. He had ' want of it. To-day, as si touched tin- key, !"" ,' ; "' lU t*J** * "' llu "- v \-''" >s - '' , -igly with "her liners, she could - "* I " IM "' 1 ^ Uttblts kept the uppci hurnl ol scarcely restrain her tears. But for al! that. '"'" " l '" " a tll ' le ''" l"''^""'- The he felt happier than she bad felt for several """'"'"- slight it w.i,, brought A, ties back to actualities and lu-l|ted to steady her thoughts. " I ctnnot answer you at on..-, Mr. Ksholt." she faltered. the loneliness of his bachelor establishment seemed to strike Mr*Kh dt in a way it h id never done before duringin.s sisier's absences, so he asked premission to visit the Ladies occasionally, a permission which they wen- only too happy to aci or. I. S u on Saturday afternoon he left his oth'i e earlier than usual and found himself at >yi inga I 'ottage soon after two o'jlock. The ladies were out soineH here on the sands, he was lold, so he I must have time to think o\er what you have said. You have surprised me so much that I scar.-ly kr.ow how to e \ pi ess mvselt. My in:it shall write ' you." And so, like a pale ghiwt, slic rtilted trom the room. In her heart she though, she knew ipute well what her decision would be, but just then she could not find courage to pu*. it into words. All the following week Mr. Ksholt was more assiduous at bus'ne-.s than usual, and \aiuru! iiuiiii-r. "It may l>e worth while, now i.'ii t ,1k about I'.usaia'.s pi ':." said the army olhcer, "to i tiie fact tliat KiiHsiamt are naturnl fight. -ts l>oyou recall tin- war stones w Inch am,. a M-iili-.igiiiiioneof our magazines ' Herethe King of Medicines I I .! |/IM<|Mt If .,. I. ,!/,. ' " When I was I I ;, .,.( , ,,.....,,. att.iek i>( rheumatism, ami all. i I i.-.-,, i to go oil erillehes. A y.MI lalei . scrofula, in the form nf white swelling. ,|I|HMI i on various pails ol my |HM|V .ml tor 11* I was an in\ IB-IMS; . -.iiiiin-.l to my i-.| o -. Ill that tune ten or eleven soies i|i- IHMII il ami hi oke. e.uiMiig IMC |ium aud iillciing. 1 leareil I uevei -.imiuii -4,-! well. " l-Jaily lu I**! I went to < hi.-.ii;o I . VIMI a sister, lint was eouthieil to my ,,,-i| moil of tlio Illllf I was tln-ir. In .Inly I r. -ail .1 Imok. A Dftf WttkaClreUS,' 111 WUlCll Were stall-::: ol cures !> Hood's. S.irsaparilUi. I wassoiin. |ire-sc<l w Mil the sill-cess ol tills nil-ill. ;n,' ([tit I .leciiled to try it. To my great i>raliO>- I ! sort's S<BIII decreased, anil I IM-K.III to feel belter unit in a -liort time I was up .uid out of doors. I continued io t ike Hon.r- - sapanlla foi aliout a year. when, IIUYIIIS; i^- I si\ iHittlcs. I hail In-come so fully n-li-asi-il li-oiii the disease I hut I went to work lor Uio Flint & Walling Ml- Co.. anil -in.-.- thi-:i IIAVK Nlll LOST A SIMil.l-i UAV on aeroiini M| siekiics*. I believe the disease is e\| H 'Ueil iroin my system. I always IVH well, am in ^IM| spirits anil have a good appetite. I am now -'7 years of aye anil ran walk as w.-'l as iay one. except that one limb is a little shorter than the oilier, owmi; to tin- .- .1 bone. and Ihe sores formerly ou my riglit leg. To !uy Irlend.s my recovery M-.-IMS'si nnraeiiliiiis. uml 1 think Hood's!! i is the kins; of iiiedic'iiit-s." WM.I.HM A. l.i mi, -.1 N. ItuilroaU St.. Kemlallville, Ind. Hood's Saruaparilla * .1.1 1> v all druxgUu by r I inn >:> a i n ., vi... IOO Doses One ...-.! Dollar went in search of them. He saw them in Ihe distance, Agnes seated in a donkey I ", re s ' lent u a ,"' 1 Mli -l>Horbed in manner : " h, lhats a secret," answered Mr. Ksholt chaise, and Miss Maria walking bv her side olll >' * he " bl8 le " en wel ' c I'rou^ht in -a. -h a Uugh, which I am bound under He slood for a moment or Iwo to contem- '""ruing he turned them slowly over ore l,y n.y peanssud peualtie* Dol to divulge plate the picture, and then went forward to "."* " h * U n P ln 8. l" dn-adu.g t., rind 1 1 allow nie, wilh all n-specl, to remark meet them. The crisp salt air and the sun think it was due to the friendship shine, combined, it may I*, with Mr Ksholl's sudden ap|>eat ance, had called an evaiiesoent wild rose tint into Agnes a pal- lid cheeks Mr. Ksholt w is struck will, rathe that winch seemed so long i lias existed for so man) years I* i the two families to have informed me longagothal you were in L.i\erpm>l. instead oui!owingnietoinakethodt8co\erj Ihrough her lov vliness for loveliness ralher than ann>hr..|..nn.l ' beauty was the term to ajiply to her as he another channel. ' "Mr. Ksholl. sir. 'replied the spinster, -UK painfully, "you must be aw are thai in. I n,_\,eli an- no longer in the hail not been struck be fore. The ladies rec> ued lum with unaffected pleasure, and came at last, a tiny billet in Miss<irandb\ 's crooked, i: ;ular lund, .-oiita:tini. l.ii: thr-e lines an invitation to tea for the follow- ing afternoon. Mr. Ksholt - proposal t.. A opened the old wound afresh, wlnc-i was beginning to heal o\e. si.. startled to find how .leu to her li.-irt tiie image of Wilmot Burrell still remained. It Phe ( iovernment of Italy will revenge, it - self upon Mr. Klame by withhoidi:i. h*,|,liue ,,r tuec/arsarmy audthelove for . small grant needed . mak-in Italian ex - ;^iiiin-w.-i,-showiiiiimostconvmciiiuw,,ys. I,,!,,, , lt the fort hcuiiung World's V air at In the p.,p,., ..,, the Russian army the ,t..i \ Chicago. Italian re,eiitui -nt would seem to was retold ot an order given to Russian reui- extend even to < hnstopher Columbus, the n- -.take some hills then in possession discoverer of Amen, a. tot - tne Kuuim ! Miiui- of the enemy. The regiments started with try has withdrawn in like manner , j a rush, aiid thrice the order tor ret, -a! H ,., ^,'. 411[ ,,,at had IM-.-II promised for the Cjlum- 1 given. But by some misunderstanding one bus celebration it < .em, a i.-', nent failed to receive the orders. When it w\s learned that this regiment v the wiiole Russian army received onlt-i advance and to take 'the h.-igh:-. W oen Ihe sun roee llie next morning it wa covered that the one missing regiment bad , taken the heights, licked its -iwn arua .." t lie one side and the enemy on the |. That's the Kusainn idea of tight iiij.' "August Flower T!i,s same war article," the speaker added, " tells of another ni'^ht attack. The Ss^^jstasa: ; were m contusion, but they st<x>d s- ill anil With Dyspepsia. flowed tiiemsehes to b- shot down until ine it was chronic. doctors tOiJ I had a fullness they could form. And how do \ou supp.,.se after eating and a heavy load in the they all wandered alwut together till Miss , pos.tion that we wen- in t wo years ago Man* declared that Agnes had been oul ' een ' <1 llk '> think ot n.a:-rying "ir worldly . in umstanccs are now omte long enough. Then tliey went in- 1 "" t!l " 1 Tne ima,;e w a- overthrown. ' i. \\ i- t n ought ii ,,,il> due doors and had a cosy up of tea," alter which ' ''' |l .' hut in hei \4ii.-s played for a sh'irt time, and then Mr. Ksholt rose to go. ! --ed him to igaia HS PIMM i- ri-l he was glad to promise thai It-- would ,! A m tilth pis-d awiy. and found Mi. Kll "' U ' ' ' "" ' Uy'ba're'a'nd lie' - I the dUcipline which he under to oanelre* net in press our iudigem m, 'in-e ot tliiMt- who lia.l known us under ha] jiiur circiitiMUnei's. " " .-'ic ' MisjlM-ajibj I .am philoaophy nt all. is a friendship Ibat will not help to ward oil the 'II fortune? lint I will lift ure you :s subject sonic other day, and - ivi-rtim/ yon, Itinst, to a belief in a creed. Km -the piciti-nt it is ;'. that I II.IM- found yon, and \. .u may icly u|,,.i, u that I shall' not readily lose 1 >"<i again. 1 have lieen iiit.'.rn. .. or by wlinni matters not, that M -- \. s lias U-en Midered Io s|tcnd a ni'inrh beailtl-ill .- . t she re-pcct.-d, liked, looked up to witb gu-ii,h reverence! but U ilinoi, -il.. : -!,. In-, .-d. liuriiiiig tears I of loveaud shame w-ii.-ri-d ii.-r pillow and again itter Mr. I'.-liolt's di-.-la. U hetiier sin- m i.-i n-il him or not. the future iUl wa- d.ner The man ot i!,e liisi ; t c mv ~ s tom-lcll -i-o f ,-d, ?!!^L!5L!??SS: earn man Hading his pusili-ni b\ the nu-li of the preceding man s rule Tin- tiist --.ii,|ii\ i, nee i'i line, thi-s< id 'oiined in way, and so the v ,y the ila-h of ^iiii|iowili>r ill the blackness ot n.i;lil I'liiml its [lo.sition. When day light tin- w!i-!i- army w;t> --.-n to In retch- the plain in a hac i.-. tin.- a> :t di.-iwi- v.ith a ruli-. Thf Cussiaii i> , iiatur- w,-ek. The fascmar ion grew upon him. and i^,T without ^ne', ".'>' ','-': siTuhght VT.,' ,'.'- '-" him a siiiwrl. t,gh:- N > 1,. oeuld no. resist ,t ,1 ma;, be that he ,',,,,. IMth w , 1 ,,. | , ,,'; mward V o Ui.^lm " en the path winch led inward into : madf m, .-tin,, to do s,, It was ,omelhmg a ,,d unknown future. ,ew to him and be , led whe,, , thought Sup^.Mngshe w,-r, , , refiue Mr Ksholt. "< '-''>, s!,e a'.d he, aunt ,,...1.1 no Linger continue In'sthm, 'his n e l ve'',wli J .'', c"'"^ '" "' t" ' H'e m-ipien, , of those kmdnessesal '*' " ] ^ luw !mi n l.i which lui'l lnt h*'t '" "veil put ilow i: n, the direct,,,,,,,, th,. ottage. while |,j k , ,l le ,,,. ut lh e w hicl, had ilius iKfn < U i rri'U I it HIM* in I L in.inf h i i i - t \ w Liitr mwt V VI LUV II ifnuniuij wuiull liw .;r,,ht,,,,,or X're.ettabb:;, EFjft3U? t ?S3+2 !! "-!*>*" '"!- an!, ,, of her health : and judging from her liX'tn, 1 can wU believe such lolte the cose. N'ow. listen, please. I have a collage at N Krighton ready furnished, with a I . m charge of it. It was bought t.-l itpfortheuse of my sister, who dl\ T,,... . M,,,,' weeks' liicri- cvcij MCI. At present, however, sin- is in N . '.i Devon, and ibr colt..,- ,. .-mpty. if you and Mi,s Agnes will go aiid ip yi'iir aUuli- there for so long a period i chouse KI -t,> you rc truly and i\ H. -Iconic to do so, . ind you w : dl IM.- \ lunch into the iiargiun.' s Maiia's ringers l-giin to twitch and Ie. and lor ,i moiiieiil or two she was) to utter a w,,rd. Then she said : it. while thank, ly foi MUM m.,.. ,,!(,., , | ;,, e'lli-d to .,. iialll,,- nn.i -ity ot deeliiiin;, it. Neither ins large clock visible thence and note the ii ; iiolT dow lapse of lime. The ladies were quite a eager to sec him as lie wa* Io hasten to ':, i. He OLt-tipied their thoughts and n,<m.,|!olise,l tlvir . oim-i vit ;on m a way which could not but ha.e llaUeied him bail he been aware of it. while l-,s more (tower- ful mind dominated :heii> ami culm ed their lives tar more than they suspected. The aiitvnni dus grew shmlei, and Indi-e<l, th., rliing -oio...n .,. -Jie i Cottage had ot late. a> she knew, been a , source of silent won > t " Mis- Marn, ami it was only for the sake of her, Agues's. health lhat they had not 1 1^1-1 then day to a close some time ago. Now they , must (H-rt'on fall l.a K in: tliat hard woik- ,ng, po' .-rty-stri- ken life frmn which, by but still Mr. Kslutlt wo.d I not bear ot the leaving New Brighton. Whenever Mts* Maria vent, -..1 ' . Lioach the subject, he put In-.- down in a i|iiick pei'.-niptory wav wl . 1 Muttered her ilterw.ird*, and mad J, poverty Mr Kluilt' kindness, they had been teui- |.orrily rescued. (TO t-.i i o\ TIM - it . Tan it -, lli.-i.raa Jnr>. i 'r-- -en t men t made by the I .r.u... .1 ,11 \ | to Judge Roee, at :,,e , -ins. - o: tiie Ue!lo\ille Assi/es. t lie other day, l iki-s inuig ^'-.Mi.l 111 supp ul ot the view that thi Hiii-d Jury -xstt-m ! i- outlived it usefulness and should gne place to some bet tel agency for the accomplishment of its purpose. The sumiiiing up of tiie defects m the iysteni 1.4 certainly forx-ible. Admitting th. tem is venerable through ag. . an.i w is in forme! tunes adapted to secure the end in Mew, the Presentment claims that r not now perform the lunctions oiigm.ioyi perta.ning t-. it, and that th" -|.e, ia! tun. :'..n which still remain-' Io it, that of pi-- i Itiuiiii.A ni.|iirst, could lie lietter iK-rtormi-il ,.- nrli.-i a,o ncv. It proceeds a-1 follows: Not only bit counsel but t. . led hiin- . -' t iiiuld think of putting oil-selves such an obligation to an\ "Mis Cruiby," ,i.l M i . ' |->l,,.|t moiv A ie--i ii i:.' pa|iei tells the 't , In-.:-, pi e.sent it tin- i bout aneldeil-, luan w!-.o !-ad ' I ' "i|uiry. while ax to ,-v i.l.-i, her ahnid to ,,- per>olie who, according to 'iieir tlle l ""-' >; l'- ut persons coiiipo.-;n^ the iMand thing for at least a week to come. Mi, owi always in the right, and wl without pro! still asfrequentae at Br*t;oeitbei , pi i:igm.-.h wluit is or is not ntrictl> legal wind n< n- went het kept him away. He \\ a . evideu. e. An innocent p. mis In- regarded by iNith lii:,- with a feeling of The poor man was never allowed to make Bnd- lixek t, -,,'ndship I feelUtg which hll ever] an\ stuten -. : without ha\ ing it instantly 1: 'u- -ntler more by the harm thus 1:1 b> lu.s tccontte but in " "> aclnal guilt, ould denial, I suffered fre- quently from a Water Brash 01 clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have :'.i ? terrible pains ofsWiud Col: : At such times I would try tobcic'.i ,:i'i could not. I was working thca : '>r Thomas Me Henry, Druggist, Irwin and \Vestern Ave., . City, Pa., in whose employ been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, aud al'ter using just one bottle for two weeks, wa.s en- tirely relieved of all the trouble. L can now eat things I dared not touch, before. I would like to refer you to Mr McHenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi- cine. I live with my wife and family at & James St., Allegheny City, Pa Signed, JOHN D. Cox. * G. G. CREEX, Sole. Manufacturer, Woodbury. New Jersey, L. S. A- Tlu- I'rinoi- Kilw i-.'i ! . ; '.olw : d.eii aba. k .it a n-cei.t le'.iablf estimate that, their propMBi .unel will i-'wl from $10,- HI.IHKI t . >l l.i'im.i -Hi. Iii the ^tatf paper .,,. on til,- at l Ittaw i. w n that , uiada oouM oonttncl ,!ii- t,.mn-l without adding a >ci,l t< hei ami, ,ai .-cost ,".IKHI.I.fHi ,- ' II- o ' 'i'lii-n- ween llu it i i .. - ..-I-: , - - U is ab- l ;. Ihan he hail yet aj-oktn, ly necessary, so I am jriven to ini.-l . 1, that your ule.e ^.onld have th. fit of the sea-air. The means of obtaining whit she rd|uiru arc placed within son? IK) you tccl yourself jiMified allow nieteask. ill refusing thorn- means, and t| u -rt-. " by retarding your niece's recover r, and all for a slight ipiesli f obligation, a* you choose to term if: Had your brother ami mine been now alive, do y ou think that L""" 6 if T W " h ""I 1 ** 1 / " hi " WAy home St.ntifliitir na- l,o f, ....... I ~f ^_- Sli. li.i.l . - n:ied -ii'-h a habit of out, atin tnii! him, that. a. w.,rda:i. I action lea them tobvheie was re- .ti'il. Nothing in his nixx-ch 01 n beyond that : bn- all correcting and 'ie hadU-ei, tniiueiito Leal what- coidinx loth* tmy. she one day made .1 e\cr ., elings it did not suit him to s |,,,w on mwtake win. 1 fferiiig husband a the snrfa.-e. He won- a ,oa*k habitually in dial,.-.- t . l.'U'h at ln-t. --, and it had U-come so far a .*,-,, ml ])o v ,n lei.ieiniH-r, my dear," ho said in nature with him to do so that he often for- ! a relro*pective in.n.d, "the letter case em- broidered with pearl beads tllat yon ma.le for me with your own hands, when we be- One wet Minday evening after his usual MOM MMMMl It wm worn out years axo. iniel farewell, M i . Ksholl held deeper com- , but I can slill si'e it \ , ry plainly '. On one -..-, , i,. il with himself on his wayside theie wis embroiilered a beauliful .r,, of then, would ha?e hesitated to ' h '" e >> , tan(1 " 1 1 "e" the funnel of . |.- sii.-h a Ugatelle l the hands of the ntem !" er ' buttoned up m his waterproof and \\lulc the memory ,,f then t,iend.<hip 9l " kl " hl c 's r ' h pondeied deeply a is with u., d not, 1 beg, stand ., .uc-h tnfl ; n<>1 " e ' llou ' 'I" 8 "," "- " I ' acci.ledly in love with this girl, he said to himself, " and h*\e lien fiom that runt Sntiiril,iy when saw her on the samls.'" and clear-headed himself in a mailer about Mr. Ksho.t turned to Ag^c^'with a smile. WhKh!>OI " il "- V " lt -'" r " lf -deceive.!. ' ' \\ hat say you ? " he asked. the i-videin-e I here is no record on which a finding kept ol n observances." Nliss Oranln wss silent, if not convinced. Her mental peilurbatinn was great. At , h she said : " I will lave f lty niecc to j**" v * Jooido the question for herself. " He wa,i to i I which so in then- was butterfly, and " The luittertlv wason the other snle !" interupteil hi* wile, m her most decided toue. And she always complained that Mr. I'lideiteld "was foiidof telling stories without any point." whenever he referred to this conversation afterward. " Oh, an for me, no one but myself knows how I long to get outf these close Stirling rooms," she replied, lookirg out wearily across the hot street. "1 want to sit on theiamUand watch the waves and to feel Ihe cool aea-breexe. Were I to say other- i-. I sh<tul I not be sjicakiiig the truth. Don t be angry, Aunt Maria, hut I feel as I should never get well while I remain (hut up here." Mr. Ksholl had won the day. So, before he went, it was agreed that the la lies should cross the river to New question is, Shall I propose to her or shall his ability to do the latter. The Kuglish census return* arc thowin the tendency of Ihe tinu> to leave the agri t cultural districts ami flock into the cities I have no reason to believe her heart is | and towns. In Northamptonshire there hat touched in the least, so that at present it is lieen an average reduction of 'JU per cent. - i|Uestion which conceins myself alone, in the |topuliition,>f tin-agricultural ,)i and an increase in the manufacturing dis- tricts of from 30 to .">!> pur ueni. Sev-nl of the larger village,, have more than d.mVe All the villages and small IOHII.H in South Lincolnshire allow reduced population* m compared with Hs|. ll.mtou, bowuvei. keeps up, having been !>.. '!;((> m I !, and I must go abroad shorlly on businete. \\ h\ not make that my weddu-.g trip also ? or else tke the opportunity to break through .n -hunted web as harmlessly as may ! ' But why not marry her, pm\ id.-il , always that she would nave me, which seems somewhat problematical? For thing, there is a great dis ) but let me ouly succeed in touching "her one {iieiitly it cannot be known w lu t true Hdl was found on iiiit >-\ i.iein-e. or the , bill ignored for want of evidence. No -,- can m any , ,ise ,.i m n \ inannei IK had against the (irand .'my for ajuicon duct in making an indictment or in refusing to make nn indictment. Il is msw.-i -ah'.- to no authority, not even to that of public opinion Tkr < >i i ^ - in I. iiiui., After the morning sermon I gave tin- ' N tiees" and then announced the number of the by unit tltesmig. The. ougrcgatlon hadopene. i then hymn lxt<iks. Seeing one of the deacons comingtowardsthe pulpit I waited with open book. He reminded me that I hud forgotten to give a notice of the ladies' meeting. I then stated to the congregation that I had for- gotten to give such notice, announced the niiinlwr of the hymn again, and proceeded to read it. The feeling of the congregation not to say my own may lie imagined w hen I read the first line of the hymn " bold, what* thoughtless wret< I, was I." [Honuleti. Keview. GREATREMEUY DIAMOND VERA CUBA ' now. Tlle iigrieultin il ,1 Norfolk also show decrc RII;..IS .1 I \,,..,i. r. Those most exposeil to the rigor of a i ui i dian winter sutler most with what cannot be wel' iMinb'd, bin can l>ee<'i tamly and pro.-npt | ^i. .l.tcobs I III. ind biles. If neglected, they sometimes cause the loss of a limb, but th.- cured, as stated. 1 CURES DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION :i.'t i<et Diamond VI.TI (.' ira from your Druggist, send 250. (or sample CANADIAN DEPOT 44 and 46 Lombard St. TORONTO. - - ONT

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