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Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1891, p. 2

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADIAN. A new religions order for women is short ly ;.. i,..- ..JH-II,- I in st. H. I,, i, i,,,,, i,, ,-. Winnipeg is looking arcimd xxitb a x u vx to securing an impiic sin-el Mil way -\-t<-in. Ihe Kamiim \\ii- ,uid lion U oiks, if \\iinU. ,r lit. n. l in,, xmg tin- n, I ol their machinery to Tomuio in- \t n M.I ill M, L. M. Dan ->.,i. assistaiil din-etoi of the ' .madlali lo-oln^-l -al Smxe>, ha* Ixwll I a fellow of the ll,.\al >,.. n-ty ,.| Kn.- Und. The exports of lixc stok from Ust W'.-k. tin opening ween of tile * J.lir>3 cattle and Kill .-In |> Th ompl Browr ua. now i*-itig riintliii teil l.y y 151 line uni Sn .Inluu Paiiin-efot.' Mill be a close Healing Ke-iion tliM year in rtelirin^ s . ('liniithcr Connolly , of ll.i/let'in Pa. , 1 10 year* of age, to prevent ln-i rein >\ a! to tin- aliiisbouse, set tin- to h'-r IM-I! . luthes atnl ImriiHil heitelf tu .1' < Ii J At the Int'-rn iti > i 'oin i-nl !> of the VOUIIL; M.-II - ('lnitiuii Auo.-iati<4i helil it K i --( iiy.a n -oliiti'in w,i-, ul'ipt.-il in I IMIIII- of rfusinu the I- itr .<? I*!U nil -Sill: ' Tile N. ^. 'i, '!<!,, . \Vallllli;t'ill - -|i'Mi<ii nt uiM 1 .- ih> opiniun of Mr. l.i-icl , of tieuDiiry il.-iui -tiiient, I., tin- ell.-. -t that i In- pn. ->-ii t outlli.u of Hold i- n.-ithei iinpre- , ' e.lente I nor DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE. Tkr Mr.. By j. M>kM\N I.IIIKXKK, y. ... - Kvery xvell-l.i, light-up Knglisb child i- supponi'd to lisp, befoie ile or she I- six or ex en y> it- olil " T-.x inkle. I w.niili-. Ill tie star. H...I I Voii'lei you me I nave litil* doubt that young pvO|>le is America have the same peculiarity , -tin. > I I, axe IM.-BII aske I to tell in Tit- Y'Ki'ti'- f '</ -P'.iniint gives tin opinion of .Mr. l.eicl , ot /". how ustionomei , ne en.lcax 01 ing to the treasury department, to the eil.-.-i 'hut n-p!ac the wonder, m.d 1 may add, the mystery concerning star Mtrm.-ture, by ,-er o tain knowledge. It may also be said thai, I'he ,- dleetoi -,,f ru-tou, , at I: .ilti.ougli astronomy is not being st ml led by X. Y., ha- I.e.-n n.toimed I.) th. treasury "' large a relative proportion of the popul,, " t;.V "l()f) -I. de|Mitnie,,t (liat eattle and -beep cannot l~ """ "" WIMrhr, ktlU the Mil ,,t tiiiding import.,! at Charlotte, N. V . . , th- .,1,-en- .- '"" '>""* '"' "' stars . event ly haxe ,.,,,-, o Ham, ton will tender a , o f H lttnU||l . >tllU , m ., I n o greatly ,, Teased, chiefly by th, aid .hm.-ntary Iwmpirt to Mr. A, lam ,,f the prism and the photographic plate, m, ex-M.IV, on Ins return from .lanmi Kate ro,.l, who enticed an Omaha travel- (hi , v< ,,,,.,, , )f ,,. eKtSo kTwrtt^Ji to 'T."" 'I, 1 '"'" M'"', ' """ "" " l > l' rk ",' whu I, I referred is of ,,uit. recent d ite ,s ,:. toll. Sumlay t Si Aii'lrew , M.iu., about ill lll'llall loimi'-. w.-i, liipti/e.l l.y llie Plyinootli Itrethren in tin- Re.l river. The bath was a very colii one. Mi. Nich'.Ua Kloo.1 havin in again after Comruiuioncr Hcn-h ner'it acalp. M. Ii i- HttaH... 111., Hi:- M- till III III H.t- ll I 111 . |. I e^ 1 , hax lieen sent lo penitentiary for 14 years. Ch.irlea Kuril, her hul>anil, wan Ii i^i"t for the tnurder. l|UltB Till i IIIKK ros-TKI.I.ATIi.\-. It is not generally know n how easy it is to get a sufficient knowledge of the chief | constellations to enjoy lo the full the magni- ficent picture presented to us : given notice that h<- will ask for an enquiry ea-e, m winch Sn William Cordon dimming ' " When in lieuxen the -'ar, alxmt 'he moon man during' and the Pi im-e of Wale figure, will come to ' oo * l.ltt.AT HRITUV. It ii expected that the Iwccurat loandal into the conduct of that gentlem the late election in Western Assinihoia. ' trial on June I. lU.-.h hritmhcKof thu Newfoundland I.egis The h-nleis ..f the mb of Anarchists who laturc have <loi i.|i-.l to endorse the action of on Max 1st had a fight ut ( bin h y with the the dclagattsto Kngland, and to carry into p< and soldiers have escaped from Paris, effect the pio|xmal>i made by them to the and are now in I. undo;. l spreading in Kiiglam'., and in . beautiful, w hen all Ihe win. I, are lanl. and the tmmea-untrile lieuvi n- llrral open to their l t. acd all (he British I'a, h.iin. nt ami I ...x eminent. Il is state.) that Piemicr Mercier bus not jet at'e.Mpt.-d to pl.u . .In- s|(i,lmo,ii<jo tyue beelosxjl on the Km. I|H. m markets, and if he nil'!- ihe p.eM-nt time unfavorable he will sh'.r'ly U-turn home und make another trip Kngland lat.-r in the 'I he IM--I way i* to liegin with the pole- star, and then, l.y using the simplest .-tat mail prccurulilf, gradually to work further and further away from it, until at length I the. onstellations which lie along both the |ii itor .ml the ecliptic become i|Uit faun liar. \Vhen tins knowledge has Sn Charles I up|H r i- to U-|iu-ted approximately ohtained, the ! lli<- House of ( 'oinn .on- .lone then are meinln-ni luid up with the dineaiiv. shortly by Im|H-iial federatiom.-t |H,litidan boiii of the moon and the in Kngland. ^ the stars from night to night, An explosion took place in the tin-hold ..' , mn-e of purest enjoyment. An increase in l;.|,ior license, t Monti. -al t |,c P.nti.-d, steamer Tancat x ill.-, nude, go- ing n-|iuirs at the d.y-do, k at Ncwpmt, wni'-h i. --nit.-. I in the death of .-i.'lil men and the injury of twenty-five others who were engaged in lepaiung the ship at the Mil e. Mi. i dad, tone is on the sick lint. He went to cl.nreh on Sunday an usual, hut in the afteinoon Ii- was -ei/ed with i -,<.-.,., 1-..1..I, I' Kdu, at,.,,, S.x ietv ,"";-' ''"v. ing Hts. Sir Andrew Clarke was N.w ll,,,,,sw,,k l,, a,gi.ed '"'"'"'. "'"I he avs the xeteran state.- Titu.forthel.neH. of. .editors ThelWl- ^V" "' r """' * ing liabilitn ... "jn,iiii he Western hopitel. T1 ' r ''""'" Kxhibitioi, in London was ilady .:! MM, .If ag, 1 "'";" 1 ;' 1 "" ******* ''>' psMMta, umong will afford a ha- caused a general rise in the pin. of I .,' i. . n will give a I'HMI cup tor nun |---.':i.n Ix-lwei n y i hts, the first race to take place at Toronto. \ !,.- Moniti-al r., .pin. n to tiie I'arnell delegated on Kinlay night, a sum ol fifteen him. 'red dollars wan snhm rilx-d. Til' I'mon I'/aptist Kdm ation Sixielx of On.- is afraid to say how many thousands of years ago were made the til ,t ..h.-.-i vatn.ns of -tai - of which we have any . itam know lelge, but ill all pi,,Kal.ilit\ they were made not le-.- than -even tiioii.-and years ago, by in K,'ypt, who n-|iiiied to know a very hot Ixvly, especially when we remem that us iu centre i< approached, the temperature must always increase. ARK AI.I -ru.s i.i\>. ma' >r? I havu said this much about the sun, be- causa It I OM.I I I I 01 . I I I IIKI I It - l.,llk. , l.r. .1 Wurh df Iflrr hr Sl.iil K . .1. I ih. A(r ..l .... Moltke did not .mite reach the years of is very naturallo ask whether all i VVnunH, who died in 1*77 at the age of tars are like tl' sun? It ined to be taught | over 9.', nor did he nuit e.|UJ Kmperor tl.e\ w.-re, but I, for one, do not think W illiam I., who lacked but thirteen days of this is .'.. Whem we .-on.e to examia* the ! 'mpleung hiii ii.ncty Hist year. Two yearn bodiM u iiicli -him- in the sky, ihote .11:11 put- hen of ijray light called > - well mwy nt the Urs tlini.-.el\-e, the prUm Ul that the light wlii. I. they send to us ago the .''. .//// the majority of , noting that Prussian field marshals is very dill'erenl from the light .-lent to u.t by thu sun, and In other stars tlie light ot whnli is exactly like sunlight. It i.- fair to suppose that if the light sent have bcenold men, "found plenty of example < also of aged Hughs), soldier- of celebrity, ;.i- -.-lit and past, inclodiug Sir Patrick lirar.t, who at that tirr.e was about S.1 yean old, with seventy years' sen-ice ; Lord N'.ipiei , then 79 : Wellington, who died at out in different, the body which semis it out "*'', after sixty-fhe years of service ; Lord must also be different in some wa> or an fiough, who lived to 'Ml, with eventy-Hve other. A great deiU 01 work recently done years of servi.-e : Sir .lolin Buraoyne, who -;... lliat piuliablv many star-., instead of entered the arinv at Hi and leached the age being like the sun, . 'ire built up as the comets "f *'> '" the French veterans) it cited an-, of enormous .-loud, 01 -warn.* of little M. -Million, at that time SI years old; l*>die>.. some of them, perhaps, no bigger < aiirolicrt, at that time so ; >oult. who died than grains of dust, the different i|iiautities at S'J, after sixty six years of service; aud i|Uallties of tiie li^H given out depend- I ironchy, who died at Si, and o on. To ing upon the motions of these little particles, ' these examples may be a-1 !ed that of the and the average distance between them. So longest lived of our more distinguished re when we have a great many of these little masses closely pi. ked togethei and moving rapidly, they will have an opportunity to volutionary soldiers, .Stark, who died at the age of nearly !M. Admiral Wallis of the British navy celebrated recently his hundredth birthday. But of course the interest on this point in i Moltke's career is, that the great work of ' his life was done after he had reached tii- age of Hii : and, indeed, until HO he was ! little known outside of Prussia. His su i prenie achievements were effected a', the age of 70 and 71 ; but no one ever i|tiettion- . . ed that he was in hi) full vigor as a strate- w hi, I, , hildren even of a larger growth have j gin at *,_ or that (; enually ' s ch ief relun.-.- would have been on luui. for planning and The idea, in its most general form, u that ,| 1Ivctll ^ |,er eampaigns, up to a very few the Indies winch shine ... space, whether V( . arg _, , j,,,^,! lie gave evidence of :e. comets, .tars, planet, or moon., all Ui8 bllltv ulltll hl , r g lgnat i on o f his strike one another, and thus produce light and heat in a greater degi ee than can happen in those other so-calied "stars," where the I dust is sparser, and the motion less rapid. HOXV SMI;- XUK ;OI:MKI>. This i- an ides which has lately been sug- ! gesled, and I refer to it here, l> -. aiisc it ap- I pears to make clear a great many points on '. start in t!,.- -.inn- way. l-'or the starting point, il is imagined that they all coiisi-t of the little paiti leto which I have referied, tar apait, an.l not in very rapid movement., take place u-twcen these par-. .. uni give rise to light as the striking of a Hint against a steel gives rise to light. The light at first is dim, because the . o'.li of chief of the general staff iu August, Ks-x, to do a.- ion; ;it- work, in supervision ind criticism, with his wonted vigor and preci- sion. Him H,- Niiikrr "Haaainl." sious are not numerous, but in tim-th.-httle jiarticles condense toward a centre which. The physicians M,,i.t.ei;re|,ttl,tala,ly ( . :i M l.y the K.K 1, Lord Mayor " You see how il is, my dear, ' he said, taking her soft hand, which had never done \ ery hard work, and patting it reassuringly, tain -tat- r,.,eal".xe ihe eastern I therefore, becomes brighter liecaime the par- i " I'n poor <>:ily a thousand a year, dear - liori/on. in order that tlu-ir morning sacrifice ' tn-les sre then nearer together, clashing to- i and wi- shall have tostruggle to get along t might IK- offered at the ptopcr tune, that is, | gether of(ener, and, therefore, developing a first - wrger amount of heat and light "I don't mind that in tl.e least," she In tin- waj we pass from w I. a' w.-,.-. in interriiptcd, stoutly , rubing her cheek oft- the heavens as patches of milk-white liifht ly against In., hand. exactly at sunii-e. Nowadays, such eye olisei x.tions have given place to others maile by i-lalmiate in- slruments. which enable us to observe stars, ha, l*en cut.,1 treatment. -. imtor Konlton him H.MI notice of mo lion tor an ,i.Mie-.- ... the 1,1 ...... u asking for Imperial aid towards the Hudson liay ,.,il w%y. an.l ihe Mar.|Uls of An incrcuw of the Hank of Kiiglai.d rate is likely to IH- m i i. in view of the ptoluble withdrawal of gold by Kus-ia, x\ l.o 11 angry over the Rothschild* refu-al to negotiate a loan. not only en the hori/.ui, but in any part of the | b!iieexpunse of heaven ; while by the in.. Teas- called than our sun to other Ixxlte" even hotter and wh-n the stage isrrach- ed in in. h we we specks of light merely. It is rumoured that the Dominion mem A """> ine.l I'.nter was commitud for l>er.-oiiieiiipliite a i-ani on the tn-.mii y thin trial in London, Kng.. \Vedneduy for at- session. de-iiniK to ha\e theii indemnilie tempting to SHIM, lie ajewtllet out of t'l" lu-'i awd to *! ..VMI. Knglish Ii,,|K-rial fed. -lationistk art* said to lie plea -i I will, tie unnoum einent that the Dunnnion'. ox ei iimeiit is . onsidering th, (ueition of a re.iu.-tlou in tin- (Kintal rate. The Newt.iiin.llaii.l <>xeinmcnl mtetiils making Am..:- .n fishing vensrls di-|xNiit i in -ash instead of IHHI.U. to pn-xeni - i f l.alt lo S|. Pierre Slli|liel on. Tii. .litb n-i i of i, pinion U-twe. n Mon> - il !:.< -t" k - i- and the steamship me* .11 lo the amount of spa. i- to, -nil i ontinin -. hut xx, II likely . i..l in | HIM-. Mi l.ila, K'lll.l. ol dill.-t o' m Mon t |. at on hi, x\ i \ , ' ' ' - nil X "- lie I- | .n. oil In. l'ie . Illliale .it I an. lib- Will pting lo i by lepre ed |iwei of teles, ojies the nuiiilier of stars ' ^,,1 deal with "stars" properly so-called, witlr.n ..ui k.-n h,i- l en increased from six [ we gets hot lx.dvwlii.-h increases in t,-m thousand, the nunilH-i w hi. h m ay I* *en in perature as all the little pirticles arrive at both heiniph. re- l,\ tlie nakwleye, to piob- the centie, until the motion of all of them dear?" .hi. ,K.,i ;.,!, has ^ to c .| lanKr a ,, heat, ami a hall of ' happily swindle ire-M-nt ing that he pomessed the philosophers -ton.-, capable ot transmuting into gold the baser metalk. Tin- .-oronei'- jn. y in the case of Lord llonglasMi-u.lete.l i \crd.ct on Wed .- .-iinplx tin, n iiiiimerablc mill ll.hnlti-lx lie .lie _ -ing o much ne in i.i.iy that the decea-ed commute I sun nle we see it we have .Uy . When by thee while suffering from lein|miacy insanity. moxement on its axis the sun basset i IS i.l.M.Ktl.. A sculling mat. h has been irranged for Inly 7 on tin- P.irramatta lirtwcun Mef -lanbury. ably about eighty million. o' i: -t N A -r XI;. Most yiung folk- now know that the dif- ference lietwecn night and day on ihi< planet ..( on, s arises simply from the fact, that among the iiinninerablc multitude of stars, the,, is one infinitely nearer to us than all th.- nst. Keing so much nearer to us, w lieu arlli's in the we-t, we have night : at which time we d.- IH-M.I for light upon the ni'.ie itistaut stars unless, iinl.-. -I. the moon i, shining. In the main, it is true t'.iat the enormous dit r c'ciii-c in the iiitensitx of the light that " And," he paused, graciously having al- lowed her interruption, " we ahull have t-> come down to strict economy. But if you can only manage as my mother loes we shall pull through nicely. Ami how does your mother nun 14-, he asked smiling hut not very -at the notion of the mother in Uw \apor result-, verj', very hot. cropping out already. As soon as the supply 'of heat ceases, the " 1 don't know . ieplic.1 the lover, radiant- maM begins to cool. Our un is such a cool- ly : " l.ut she always manages to have ing mass. The cooling goes on till at last a everything neat and ch.erful, and some- Ixxiy, such as our own earth, is formed, thing delicious to eat and she does it all This is why it is that the chemical compo- herself, you know ' So that we always get sition of tlie sun and earth are so similar. i along beautifully . and make both emU meet. It' this is wliai really happens, w? .-an vid father and I still ha\c plenty of spend easily explain the colors of all th. stars. i"g money. \ ou see when a woman u Kach stage of heat in a star has its own | always hiring hei Uundr\ work done, and s|>ecial color. It is true that sometime- v er\ her scrubbing and s-ove-bla. king done, &od naarly the MiUie color is pr.xlnced at two all that sort of tiling -why it just walksinto different stages of he it, butapart from this, ' a man'.- income, and takes his breath away." we know that very white stars are at the The youiu wmuan looked for a moment condition of then -'greatest heat, and that 1 as if her breath was also inclined tor a vaca- |i IK U-lieird tl, it the action of the Koth-. w- n-ceive 'tom the sun m tl.e one case, and yellow stars are cooler, though some are old, tiou ; but she wisely u.ncealed her dismay. . -h m eiuleav oui -mg to coei.-e i hi- 1 /u will ' : all tin- -tars set result in further h:u.Uhl|)* foi th.-.l.-w-. .h |X-i- I- n|i .11 ' A despitcli tioio '!okm. Japan, anin- i.i. Norw.ix. ,1^^ lh .,,,, (1 . i,.,, ).,. ll; ,,,|,. I,|MHI tiie life Mhi ( / next it, hbx .1 .1 ipain-.n . xi In. ,i!t.|. k e.iln, Witbs. -hup sword. I ,,.- 1 1, |i. , ,l.'|.-'"'l- iil-nn tr.ixelh,, though seriously wounded, tnot ' ll - 1 '"' 1 > "' " -ii-' in, ,-, its sir.e. and - ug wounded, is not ' "'" >''"- "'[" ' A fain, -ta, S >' .nt-minh U-lei th,,,, ,,(,.,, -d ... I- in,.:, x .Ung f il . x M, .x . I heiet.,,,-. l,c murh l.irg.-i t ha- that nf the I Ih.-l i, -l Una I Hiit of the r reni-li ( i . I ..-ill. exmes-l,,okethr.,,,J. ,,,,,.. , | |,.,| thll ,,. ' ' IU '" ' """ '"" s. .'Sight lake W |,,. u , ,| lit ,| I,.. ,..,,.,,, ,,,;. ,.ii Saturday. Dm- , named M at night in the other, ! some young : and that very Ted, but especi- and, lieing one of the stout hearted of Ihe fact that the sun is the stai | ally lil.xid r-,l. stars are tottering on the earth, she detern.n 1 to leal u a few things : star* are suns xerge of m\ i-ibilil\, having run through all f ilolm - mother, and so went to her fora intin.tely tenioxed. then. iiu loug M-it ti:,- n-\t ,'.iv. I'p-in tin- ter I'he ai' of light xt i- teeeive trom any' \\i.i.\r-i.i -rxi:-. niiiiation of this x i-;! m.c tii..-^ John to his blank am ,i -.-;,. eiii. i lit'l- contuiiin. his engagement ring, led l.y l ; .- -'.How .n.; letter : iarne-i him your mother man in-i I in ;-'ain i' '.. you. named Alpiii, from Quincy, d.--.. M i,- kill-d aii.l Hi .- pis-M ng. , , inline I. only one s.-i lou-ly. A I u s! lin- w.i- 1 1.- . .HIM-. The ( 'aliadwn I' . ih i.ulway is .i-king t |K,\\,I to ill, l -hllse SIlllM.llal \ ll xt!n, ii . pp.-ar, liiiu'li'ei to us he, aii-e it i- n. MI. -i . i nd a, a mat:.--. . ,[ fa, t it is known tint .,me faint -'.n i ixe a mm h lug.-! MR, i, w.-uli moie. than Siru.s, the j jj | |t - ,(al II, t he hi ixi n-. although t his | ,.|,|[,,j| n [itt-'i .-tai is three tim. , i -.- .n i. -r than our S.. far Meh.i^e. -..,.-,,- 1 tint the.|Un- t.lx of light gnen out b> a Mai de,*nds iiixm Usage. .. to sjieak." Hut this is not all. In lome OSMttersi although w* do not SM them a, double itars, ars reallv double The n' istsl inf. on fi-s-ed tin, l.i"di pud them torn-ale iliiot del ..n Max \\illnm .la- ones, an Amen in .-ili/.-n. The -tar nearest to the c.ith, Centiiuri, is n fc- i. -vf -lu-NiHac^ 3 ""''"" ttSsSti^x^Js . and lot pe.mi-s,..., 1-. .-ll surplus lands ...J ,.-._,.,. ( . h ....,_ ., IL> u .. _ Sl| . lu . ,| K)ll , lw . lot . ., Ur lltt , and this cans,-.- them f, vary their '* >o'">ve co,,,,-.,,-,l xoi, di.ln t know. We max imagine ,- -wan,, of ' " 1Kl , lll * T mother, a ig and light g,t ing lx,d,e--,,ng, -.,,,nd >'""-'- I bestassi MMfH, n hired another: and if the swarm, ,,-e not ilway. lrl '. 1 ' '""."'" l -eaiintiev. a mender and is g'lOil will at the pi in:.-. I- t the pun hale sod to de\ote tin of rolling sto. k. chaseofth- I'luhan I,,M,I K .I,I .- I-:.-, and a light i- not improliulil--. The linn* of tin- Hsii.ei.ildiiaie the hea\ UT. w lule thr l haili-.-ton IH the -witlei I as that : if, h'.wexei. we i-oiild view these Innlies at an ,-,|ii il ,li->tu,icr,Ceiitaun would appeal nearly twin- i, I, light as our nn, and Sirius forty I In- I i. -n. '. I ham'.irr of I>eputies h.- i. |i-i ied .1 propiKial to giant amne.ty (o tin- May day note,-. Kni|teroi William hat en-ate I anothe, TheUn. led >t, I,,, ,, Ch.rl.-lon ,- in outburst of astonishment l.y I,M ,,-, -h to la " ['. i ,.. ,|... .11 .I,.., I,,..!;.. Ibinn. in whi-h hrexpres-ed u \. b ^V ,, i '" ><llev I:, ,..x.,lapp.oxi,|,,l .In.-lhng. although they me called fixed -tars in ,,. omy iHioks, so 1 1, trom U-mg nxetl are all in Ih.- Cerman I.ei. h.tug was hurriedly , ,,,,,1 movn,,,,,!, and the rate in smue cases brought to a olos. M Saturda) ... p,,-xn.t mis , m, astonishment urn.- Bismarck taking hi- scat nnulth, ,,.,, ,.,, m ,,,i, n ,i t ,,. ) i la . An agiei-ioent h,i U-.n arrived at U-twe.-n tin Detroit S||.,.| Cii!w.i\ iu]..n\ ai. i H- < 1 1 ploy i e.-. H hell-by I lie men ale to Wolk ten hours |M-I d.n , with -eventnn et-ni- | boil, for d. ,\ . i - .in. I eight, e -Ills fill eon diictoi - Siginii ('uiie. the Italian < 'iiiiMil al N. Orleans, i. i- I...-H n-.alhd by Ills t io> i-l li lien-, MI III.INNI inini i - on -'.iil.e.i . .pply "1 .0:1 1 i" ii-iiiui. I I..- h .1 lei ..I Alton, Ml.-h., l- in a ! - ' . ii.....lln^ let: in the pla. .- Million- .f doll Thus, one ktar vehxjity of not txio hniidi .-.I mil. i .I -i-< ond. Thi aine disUime .part, ami tbere why they sould no: IH-, they times, sn to .-|H-ak, mterminglf, and then there will be more opportunity for flashings, ind therefore, more light will IH- ^iven out. ' The -tai will IH- wlnit is called a " xariable i st,u. an.l the waxing and waning of the ' light will IH- regular, if we are dealing with two swarms only, or irregular, if we arc dealii.g with n u. Not only so; the :wo -wain - xt hi, I siste.l of -equate |wrtic!es in the first :n stance will exentiully l>e -nine iiodies like the snn, and go on until Uxll haxc IH .- .me Ool'llg h '.lie-,, one of til, -III, [.-I haps, .-oolel patchei kitchen icn gardener, and a geneialslaxc torthe . ot live. She work.* trom fix i in tlie iiionnng until ten at night : and I almost wept when I kissed her hand, it was so hard and w tinkled, ami eon led in. I iinkisaed. VA hen I saw her poluhiug the stoxes, carry ing big buckets of water and great armful* of wood, often splitting the latter, I asked hei why, John didn't do such things for her. John' 1 she repeated, ' John '. 'and ihi- sat down with a [wrfeclly da/.ed look, as if I hada-tked why the an.' .-Is didn't come dowu and scrub for her. \Vh\ John said, in u trembling, hcu :ldcred wax Works in the uti-ce from nine until four er. Thru it may .-o happen *"." r Ixely will com/ N-t we,-:, !:.- '.' l llH k ' >"" k ".' w - III .lll.l.l I- lll.l ... I lii- ii-poi t of tl.,- Mini,!. ,.| i' s, and that lustra.) of IH-III, lixe I, they ,:i m n.oxcmutit. K i iunl ( ^how., that the iiiiinli.-t , [ i.ul including the t.oxi iiiment roii-, n- .1, -tll.ll opelatlon w i-. ,'i i Th.- ni.',lh,-l ill win III of duiniigc In.t mil.-, ol i ulw.ix i nil |,h t I, i, e-|H- i,te nt neliy I.,- I-,i, >t In, - now laginmii the ,,!,,, .,. . | :,.;{.,,, ,,f, l'J,;,.l>i eu- V mom, ni, ,,, h.ui In-en i-n-i-ted -Jll mile- ml.i - "t 'allxx i> IU iii-tllill -,p-:.itlMii The j .1 up capital amounted to 1700,070,444). TMK i.ii:nr oi Tin -r We now xi.iiu- t.. atiolher .|iu--ti,in. \\ lix i -. Ind.. lomark tin -, , niie of I - popiilalion .,! Hi,- I inie, I Slates. 'n x Illuine is .,.-1 ion- .|,i the,, b , 11 UIM out light c-iiiii- they are hot, and llottei than aim i,t -ny ih r.ul we ,u c not left H, nation. l!y the me of th whether near or distal, t, ' " thut i They i;.ve out hi;ht ! -' prem-nt time rl " ^'" "'K" " f "" " 1 ""' 1 raihi.yi ehild's wond.-i- as to what the at'an ,y Illiuneis seriously ill in New ".ounled lo *r.',U!t(il.\ and the,, work- \ ,..U Ti,e m-dnal attendant. ..y h. Il "'- W ' ''' "" ", &*1&. of th. iu are ig w can to O|l| 11,11 [II 1,111. tbt- , nay SO that .: i- - i-it.un the mule oui ku-'xt li-d^i- mi i, -list s, the inn. e the in u, -ty of the in \erse ol which each of u, f..:ini ap..i' will In-rfv.-aliHl. It -hould pli-is- \\K youth of America t-i id ile Alli-i n- in K > loin- moie M in -ill t ' ook, In n.'.i-t . .u i x tin- wood: it ., tu- 111111' .-nil., he m i! . : -iy the w iter : if Mie must mak-- butter, lie must .1! o n.ilk tin- cows V*a have allowsd your n, other to do e\.- \ lliinx. and all that JTOU I av of her 1.1 that she is an 'cxvi-llent manager.' I do , . : -M' h a reputation, mile. n,\ inrni'iii lime iKfinu Hum- i uj ...i nis rcvt t i i i _ > , . * of the woil.lput togeth-i. 10 bring ths facts ;' ; " ' *fjltbl ind, judging of star-life l~ tore us : and there l- little doubt that when the " Hem \ l>t i;..-i Menu. rial " is, what th. J]j i | will be tu lH-ttci kii'.wn. At p ti and Vork amount ol net earnings J 1 1, euiin-d I.',,ll."il jMsHi-ngers mid I7,!r.'s, II-.1I ton.- of freight. The total niimli-: ..t miles mi, by ti.un- was :;>,sl..i,:;vi II,,, ing the year n.ling June, Ix'.Ni, the !,, i union i |Klld out Jl ,li; s, I!,,", ,,, r n ne. i sulmidii-s to railways, and in the six months iH-tween that date and the .'(lit of suffering fron.oxei w,.i k ai liat he inn.,! take an almolutc i . st. The total gold e.p.,n, from New last wek a unl.,1 to -;.-."-Ji,li--1. Then- was a run on the Thii.l Nation. .1 Hank in Philadelphia on Saturday, but all demands xt. ,,- nn-i without trouble. The reei-iii ex pi , iiiiciits made by the iH-'cemlier last, $(iS.'l,(W'l moie. Cniti-.l States < iox eminent in nickel steel payments since I SS.'I amount plate armor have been favorable and satis- ' not including the.C. P. I! sulmidies, noi the laclory. I luring I In- p.i,t week thnre arrived m New Yolk ls,r,7 iiiiinigianl.s, the largest iiiiinU-i in seven days since last sinnin. i Over f I ,mt,il worth of pro|>erty was d. hlll u.,,, , ., lllll(jei , a L ,, r ,, lMl kimxx le.lge ' ar- l-kmg tbrough many gl IMCH d:kly. ,.f I,M .-l.r. like the sun leallMire. Such We shall then IH, face , f ice witb record t-s are masses of glow ing gas, the mater- ials of which are for th most part precise ly the samf an .hose of which our earth is built up ; the grent difference between such stars and the earth, at the present time, lieing thai tley are hot while the earth is cold. All the metals, or nearly all of them. " te meta or neary a o them, I he total which wo read of in books of chemistry, hax e to *.S. fJ4,li,l., iKjen found in the sun ; and it is quite uos- ti"\ed in the I'llt-lmix ' outlugration. I In \fa-aa.-hlisetts stale I ".an I of health iil.-i'l, lo the Canada Central, nor the subsidy to the i.iu.-lie. Cox eminent t n the line from Ottawa to t.liu bee. I 'l.iW.s .1C yeais, I I -II s, ..r , said to arc said commonly mil turtle lixe to have quite pos si hie that Home of the non-metals may exist in a part of the sun which we cannot get at by our methods of work. However this may lie, we may U- sure that the non-metals wit) be in the sun some day, and that when the sun is as cool as the earth, itschemital com- position will resemble our own essentially. The sun it so hot at present, thai its out. -i even longer life, but the greatest amount atmosphere, instead of lieing composed of ..-po,i |,d,.alhsfrom hydrophobia dining (>( ,, "ity is possessed by H-dies. A : cool oxygen and nitrogen and xxatci vapor. st yer, the highest nnml>er ever /e- the pas I Th. I'.ax si ,(,- x||,.,. Fastening "f N.w II. imp, hue. has Ix-cn w n . k. .1 The treasiiiy of the e>.mpan\ is depleted and f I 17. ""i i nun, i ..un. !. I i-'i Tin re m a growing uiipre.-sion in Wash Hilton that tlie result ol the negotiations Iron vapor nat m. lint om-e .-.tnl that as a fish had no j as happens with our own, i onus's of bright laturity there is nothir.g topicvent it In- 1 ing indetinitelx and glowing cont inu.illx . Ile cited, in proof, a pike in Kussia whose age is known to date b.i, k to the ).">th cen- tury In tin 1 Koyal a.|iiatinm at st Peters- burg, there are him, he. I, of fish tit it wen- put in . ,-- I *.l > y ears ago. ly shining hydrogen gas and i hii-lly . The iron is not solid, and it is not molten, but exists as iron steam, at perhaps a distance of two hundred thousand miles alnue the shining orb that we see and . ill the sun. This, I think, may IH- takon as ^ fair indication that the sun is, indeed, which cannot err, for tens of thousands of stars will haxt- told theit own story iu the language of light. from y .iu la. k ..t consideration for your motlu-l . I am ,|i.. ue not tlie man . 1 thought you w.-iv, nor one w hum I should i ai.- to marry. As tin- sou i- the husbaud i-, i- a safe and h ippy rule to fallow. " .So the letter closed, .nul John pundered, '-- 1, poiidcMiig yet Lnl rihr urslsv The announcement of the death of tin last of the Korgias might be thoughl matter at ions. of hislorical interest, if the person last I,.- u ' ing that ill-omened name had been other than what he was. Kx en as it is, one finds it deserving of more than a |>assing mention. The line begin with a Pope, and at the end of four hundred years ends in a street beggar in a small Herman town, near Salslmrg, his wife a washerwoman, and Inith in the last stages of institution. There is no blacker name on all the list of had men in the papal chair than that of Kodrigo Korgia, who in I I'l-J IH-. am.- l'n|ie Alexander VI Among detestable characters in history, there are few with so little t.. u-liexe die dark record u that of his natural son, Cesar Borgia, a man guilty of almost every kind of basu and cruel deed in the calendar of crime. Tlie t iniilx IMIIH- which has so long lietm iu history the synonym of baseness und cruelty now disappears from tlis roll of living human itx. trrsaa)\ Baler. Continental Kurope waits in a hushed ex pectancy of apprehension uix.n the result.-) of Russia s huge lal ami political oper Nolxxly dates break the general ht hysterical i|uaver His remark in sseldurf ipeech the other day about silence except the young Kaiser, and lu< voice seems lo an attcntix c listener to ham a sligiit hyste his Dusseldor his regret that he was not the sole custodian of the peace of Kurope han Ixjen much com inented upon. It is universally construed to signify that the Czar was the one who holds the balance in his hands, but perhaps that merely testifies to the general nervous- Kctwee.ii seven and eight hundred peti- tions have already been pie-ente.l to the House of Commons this session, and then- are doubtless more to come. Whatever may be the cause of the cxMaoi-dinary growth of tin- industry it is to be feared that its fruits will not liu ci unit leiiHurate therewith. Peti- tions make an excellent s'.urhng for pigeon- holes, and that is all.

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