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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, AO1 MEN.' VOL. IX., NO 515. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1891. W. H. THURSTON, ETCR Rings, Rings, Rngs. Armstrong B ros. Are now shoeing the largest and best stock ot Diamond, Gem Engagements, 10 K and 18 K Plain Wedding King.-;, ever shown here and at prices th?t cannot be equalled except by spot cash buying, which is the secret of our cheap selling. We also carry an ex- tensive line ot New Haven Walnut 8 day, 24 hour and Imitation Marble Clocks with fine l-'/ench works. Nickel Timers from $1.00 ap to 3.00. We are still selling such watches as Waltham, Elgin, Columbus, Springfield, Illinois, St. Thomas, Hartford, and New Haven watches at our greatly reduced prices. Fine Watch, Clock, and Jewelry repairing our Specialty. Our Facilities for Ftoe Work are unexcelled. ARMSTRONG BROS. Swintou Park. l-'riim our mrn ('irr-.syi..M./.-;i "House-defining time !" Whew ! our blood runs cold at the very thought ; eoliler than the victuals we have to swallow. What a jumbleii- tip tuiubled-d iwu appearance a fel- low's domicile has during this semi- annual i biennial in some cases) scrub- bing and whitewashing ueriod ! What a pretty (?) picture the lady of the house is, with her sooty nose, white- washed chin and tangled hair. Kveiy benedict is a henpecked biped during the renovating process, and well for him if he weathers tins "spring stir" in the fair sex without having the crown of his new "straw atack" bat- tered in with a stove pipe. The principal of the Academy wasl a busy man last week. The names' of twelve new pupils were added to the register in one day. The attend- ance is now averaging about 50. Mr. Gilks died a few days ago. (jilks is also very low. We notice a fine shanty erectad by Archie Feniusou in which to hoard the men while building his house und barn, eight of whom are expected oil Monday. Kobbie Ferguson, on opening his beehives, found the bees were all dead. A , >ter has been received from Alex. ItiiKsei!, staling that he had ar- rived safely in Washington territory. Mr. John Douglass met with quite a loss lately. Mis. Douglass had gore out to the sugar bush to make some vinegar, and on leaving she scattered the coals to put out the lire. Th leaves caught tire, and it resulted in burning about twenty corda of stove wood. Archie McKachnie and family ore going to move to Dromorr. Mrs. C. Cuvanagh and Mrs. Fitz- nerald are residing in Mrs. Alex Mc- Donald's vacant house while their C. J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR, FOR Good Material, Good Fits and Best Workmanship, AT Reasonable Prices. That .vu, ^SHORING, WOOD WOltK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMUEH. LATH, MHNliM S- JOli WOKK Mrs. Knox, who was taken ill very! husbands are gono to Montana to seek suddenly lately, is, we are glad to! a home in that far oil' land, state, able t.' r. M-.ine her uuual dntie-. Some mischievous boys amused themselves the other evening by Uk ing Mr. I.. . ki -s eall'and hiding it in a milk Knough, boys. Mr. A. Ferguson ha* moved to the glen and Mr. James Knox has moved to his ''Colorado" farm in Artemesia. Mr. Lou Frooke has invested bran new buggy. "Good !" Arbor day was duly observed n a FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. S LAN I) KOLLKKS KOWBM, 'KKS. 1'I.OWS. Our Hatfuons the Best. Our BiiKuicK tin- Best Our fullers the Best Our Improved Harrows the Best. STKAW CL'TTKHS. SCUKFLEKK. TL'KNIl' UKILI.S. GANG 1'LUXVS MAY, 1891 The time has come when old rubbers, old shoes, without soles, and shoes trrribly patched must, be abandoned. During this month every one will be looking for something now in the foot gear, we have also been looking forward to tliij month and have purchased a first class stock for this depart meut. Cooper and Smith, of Toronto, are our manufacturers, and any one who has \voin their boots or shoes know they cannot be beat for durability. We have wen's plow boots, men's tine boots, men's long boots, and men's fine siloes. Hoys' coarse boots for rough wear, boys' tine boots for Sundays, women's fine buttoned and laced boots iu kid, dougola, polish calf and dull kid and carput slippers. Misses' aud children's in large varieties. B AP G CORSET IN ALL SIZES Come and cxamiue our hat stock, it is complete in every branch KID, SILK, TAFFETA, LISLE & COTTON GLOVES Our print and dress goods departments are full of every novelty in those lines. Come early and get a choice of pattern aud quality never before shown in Flcshertou. Headquarters for B and C Corsets. Shirtings and cottonadoa, tweeds and pantings, cottons aud shirtings. towels aud towellings, embiioderies and laces, lawns aud muslins, at low prices aud high qualities. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand. MCDONALD & EVANS. i>\ the principal and students of the Acadeim . Miss ilu.shand, of Pricvville, ws visiting at Mr. Joseph Kichardsun's ! lately. The usual quarterly meeting of the Methodist church for '.Ins circuit wu - held at the 1'roton appointment on i Sunday, the 3rd iust. The very cold and wintry weather of last week hail the eflect of bring"'-.: into requisition our winter aupiii-,-1 i'. r those days. Miss Uella F, rgusuu, of Toronto, is visiting at her brother's, Mr. Dougal Ferguson. The masons are busy building the stone foundation for Mr. John Hich- ardson'p new liarn, which promises to be the finest structure of its kind in the township. Mr. Richardson doesn't believe in doing anything b\ halves, as he possesses also the liuest farm house in i'roton. The contractors for Mr. A. i sou's new house are nearly through with the brick work. In a short time S. I", and vicinity will occupy a po- sition secuud to none in the county with regard to handsome residences and commodious barns. Mr. A Leeke lias secured work in the gravel pit near F I caber ton station. \Ve are glad to hear that Mrs. Stone (nee Miss Kat.e Kichardson) and her husband are doing well in their home in B. C. As Mr. Blakestou was driving to his school the olhor day a dog jumped over a ftneo on to the road and frightened t,he horse, which kicked an 1 broke one of the shafts of the cart. W. B. keeps bis weather oye open for canines now. DiKn. On Friday morning, the 8th iust., Mrs. Henry Fowler, daughter of Mr. William Ki:os. The deceased, who was very ill for along time, leaves a youug family to mourn their loss. lh afflicted husband and friends have our deepest sympathies iu their sore bereavement. The funeral took place on Saturday, a largo number of friends following the remains to then- last resting place iu the Methodist grave yard. Properties for Sale t It T C U K * I A. i. 'i H 3rd n . i r ,. s K u ... . i .in tin- IMVIIIIKCS, wull 1,-ui-utl an. I ..!-. Will In- -Mi-l |-|lt>H|>. ' . S. II.. 50 Heron. Iniinf th.-i tin i i. .lit . . i iuhh. Turmu nt J.M' "' ill.. 100 acrus. Aisi. nninluT Ne WHAT '.\1 HK.Ut. . lilt Deans .nid Hin;li .lecided to prove that twice one is not always two. That, somebody else intends to do llkett That Hector McDonald is coming bom.) to see old ti lends. That lleury Milin-r, while plowing it lield, found a watch which hu two or three years ago. li wai not Village !*ro|M-r;ios buiily rusted. ' 'ii rp. . \f rt 1 -,| 1>t ' I hat Mrs. bowler will not survive many days. She has beon sick for a . loug tin. e. ... .m,. have ma.l, &mrfal bvoc among the fruit trees in this part. I 1 ', w orchards do not -how many girdled trunks, as an evidence >!' the l.iiniin.' among the in now llopevllle. From <mr uwn Spring has come again and all things begin to look bright and life- like under its invigorating influence Even man and beast, seem to have caught the infection and with renewed energy plow in hopo and sow in hope of a harvest by and by, while the weaker vessels make the dust and soap-suds fly in anxious cudwavor to get house cleaning done. Maud Irons has gouc to Toronto again. t The two-year old sou of Mrs. and /'. "in '><ir mi n ' ! nl. Si'. HIIIL; is l<i 1 in this neighborhood, A ','ood shower ut' rain would be weleom.- .1: \>i- Mr. \Viiliiini bri!s has put i. nrat pick"! Ifii. -r uoiiiid !ns pr> on Inkeriij-i \ IW*, belongiiiu' to M i\ S,uu u-1 in. i. i:, i'l :i him!) with tivi' li-gs, all wi-11 form, d. 'I'he extra, leg grows out the tY"n: It is iloui;: .is wi.'ll as tin- ilii.-r liinibs. Mr. Kn|ah I'anl v, -1-1 inade verv happy a short tim.- ago by tin' arrival of a little gil at iiis house. It is not one of Dr. I'-arnanlo s importations. so they are all lioi'i.; tln-ir best to :liu ill ar . imlinMabi' posiublo, Mr. F. T. Carr had a luifipy sur- prise <nie moniing la.^t wei.'U when a little boy ami girl ;u rived at house. Althougii without a tack of clothing, every one of the family is doing tin-ir bust, to make the little strangers eomf.irtaliie. Mr. Carr says the Haw mill runs I). than ever since they arrived. Mr. Urodio has In .MI around taking the census. 1'ity he nail not waited for another month or two, tho popu- lation is increasing so t Mr. James Williams, who 1m . in . n very sick for some time, is on the w ay to recovi r> . Mr. Duckett has had another hip; tire. Ho is making hav.ti: ot tho stones around tins pm-t, ot Hie rountry. The tishurmeii are out now on tli(; war path. There ar.j sunn- big lish stjries told. Mr. Jake Williams, of K!i.-siiei-i<Mi. has been homo spending his \ with his father at, Ivig' ma. .1 ',. a general favorite with every one. :i>i,l all his niiniei-iiiu- t'l ;i:i.| i i|Uiiintances wore very glad to him amongst them again. Mrs. Hadley has been very poorly for some lime. She lias -..n, ka lu-r sister's, Mrs. Thiirs'-.n. ;, \. for ft short visit. Her many fri.-ml-< hope sh will soon be restored to her nsiiiil health an.l be able to bo around at home again. \VII.L SHOW KOH JPECTIOJi YOUU IN Beautiful Assortment w vr< <.h>t;KAL *ILYI:KH IKI: LIM>. MONEY mrtnih .,>. i-rn- ! *i - n i ^ > * tm|itll -i. n, ,.:. , . <. . . ll, .,.!. ^, Ilif , i !. lht> e.rk . (ll ,, . thr ,k Law:' Fine (ioii tt'&ick, 71 H TO Wo. fe' Filled lltiu:: 10 AM) UK., SIN To 8:;s. \VAi: BANTS COVEBING INC1DKV TA1. r.KF.AKACF.S '1 TO I VUS. . CLOCKS, IN iEL 81.50 AM> \\ALNUT TO 88.50. Fino $ Repairing i iiti iiile.l to. Close iii- sp. . i iiMMls, I'l it-en and I'. . . . \l. in. uls invited. \Visi.cs to Sll AV. A. MAKKDALE.

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