THE LAST MAN AND WOMAN. A vjrui.hic Story of the Extinction of the Human Baoe. ffcr ..,. i .1 llnlllc of cieiici .> ill. ih. [ In >llalilc < ruw.lKl In Ilir I ,,iiul4r li> i k. < Irr. rHAPTKK I. Tln'cntli liiul been inliiii iteil lor .ih.uit twenty two iiiilliun years, ami i a viuil his- tory bad been iliv.ilccl into six progiessivu periods. Tin- primordial age, or foniuiuon of tliu lirst organisms :niiisoriii. /.oopny tc-. echinodermata, crustaceans, molluscs a wurlil of the deal iui-1 iluinli and almost blind . Imd taken lint less tlriii ten million years to go through iU ditlciciit phases. | 1 lie primary ago ilish, insects, more perfect . .rate senses, i iiiliineiilury plunti, ' foresus ot horse- tails and of tree fern*) him -hi-ii occ-upicil more ihun six iinlliuii , years. Tim secondary age (suuriaUB, rep- j tiles, birds, forests of eonifcrip and of ; cyc.kil.ccici in order to accomplish iU work, require. I two million throe hundred thou- sand years. The tertiary age (ina.nmifers, monkeys, superior plants, Howe, fruiU, ami seasons) had lasted half a imlllou years. Tin' primitive age. the tun- of national I'ivisioiii, of harlwrisin, aud of militarism hail rilled about three hundred thousand yean. ,uid the sixth age. that nf intellectual iniin.iiiuy, had reigned lur nearly two mill- ion years. l>uriii!> that long succession of centuries the earth ha<l grown older mid the sun had bee. >mc colder. Ill the iM'giiiiiing of the ages the terrestrial globe wan entirely covered by the waters of the ocean. I 'pin-avals caused lands, then vast continents, loemergc ; | the surface of evaporation diminished in j L-MI ut : the atmosphere was saturated with , leso npor and could not well preserve the, heat received from tl.e .1111 ; -.o that a gradual decrease of tcmpciaiun- w vs brought ibout. During the (irsl human aye three- jtuirteis of the glolie were still covered liy water and the temperature remained high. Hut iron, century to i-entnry :i portion 't the ram water penetrated through the soil to the deep rocks and returned no more to ihe "cc.iti, the quantity of water diminiiih- . ed, i In level of the sea was lowered, aud the , Kreen of atmospheric vapor atTordcd only an insulin-lent protection to the nocturnal ra- .liaiion. There roitilted a slow, century- | ong decrease in temperature, aud then a pi'-ading of the ice, which at first covered nly the high mountains and the polar egions, but little by little invaded the teni- wrate regiona and insensibly lowered the ine of perpetual snow. On the other hand, the sun, the source of .11 light and all heat, radiating perpetually without an instant of cessation, in ihe entrc of cold obscure, and empty space, ilowly lost the ilontic power which caused he earth to live. Of an electric and almost >lnish white, saturated with incandescent jydiogeu, during the geological periods vhich witnessed the ap|>arance of terres- trial life, it gradually assumed that da/vling irhiteness, to acquire the oilor, perhaps u ( > pereutly warmer, of glittering gold and such was its real color during the first three Imndi-ed thousand years of human hist.u v It then became yellower and even reddish, onsllllinii; Its hydlogen, "xldl.lllg itself, nelitl!i/.nig itself. This slow transportation >f its photosphere, the increase of its spots, .he diminution of its protul>vrauluruplii>ns, xvught nlHmt a correlative decrease in the iinission of its heat. In consequence of those various causes the ein-sirnil tem|K-rature hnd. from cei.t ux to tentury. In-come lower. The ge. gr aphical ispcct of the globe had mctaino, phoved itself, he sea hikv-mg limes taken the mace if the land, and vice versa, and the . xtrnt if I he sea having considerably diminished, mil lieen reduced to less than a quarii-i it that it was at the advent of humanity The asous which hail begun in the tertiary age 1*4! pci|H'tuated themselvc. tin.. ugh the eni uries, hut with i decreasing intensity or the summer heat. Climates insensibly ippi'Ntched each other near the equator: the ;lacial /ones (boreal and austral) inexorably urced lisck the temperate /ones tu the pl.t. . 'f t he ancient torrid /.onu. Warm valleysan.l quatorial regions alnne were habitable . thu i si was frozen. Krom century to century humanity had mined forms of eiquisitc beauty, nnl no onger worked materially. A network of 'lrcln. 'il\ covi'lfil lilt globe, prodlli ing :lt -,ll .til that wan needed. It was then a in: lied lace, entirely deferent from the rude in 1 heterogeneous races that tied character- ted the lira! period. Douhtlt ss the alwolute quality dreamed of by the poets liad nut been attained, and there were still snpi uul inferior beings, seekers and mdillei, nt, active in. I inactive men, Init there wi-ie no mole scandalous unfortunates nor irrcim-di able miseries. Alniut the year 2,200,UOU after Jesus C'hrist the last great foous of human civili- /ation shone in the centre >! equatorial Africa, in the brilliant city of Sundown. which had alieady been several times nu.Mil again from its ashes. It was more than a hundn.l thoiisauii \i-.irn -i:n-e the S|iots where l*aris, l..mdoii, Home, Vienna, uul Nrw \ oik had Htood were tuiiii I iH'iioath tin 1 ice. The capital of this .instm i.r i, i public hail atlKineil tlic la-t limits of a MIVIIII.MI. m.i Milupt nuns . i\ ih/^ition. Leaving far Itchind it the < hildinh niniiHeineiits of ! Itabylon, of Home, and of I'aria, it had throw n itself heart and MHI! into the most lAqm.iite reriiicments of pleasure and en .i>\ mi-ill : uid the results of progress, the i. III.-M iiienlii of science, art, an.! industry li.k'i, .iiiiing -e\i'i kl .-enliinrv. hi .-n applied to raising nil the joys of life to their maxi- mum of intensity. KUvtiicity. perfumes, iniiMi , kept the senses in a suite of over- I'vitcmcnt, so that under thu brilliant light if en. li, uiluig nights. ,k.i U'lii -ath the \rilr.l InulowH of the day, the nervous system oul.l no longer find a nioinent'^ lest, and ili. their twenty tittii year men and wo in i. dropped dead to total c\>i kii <tion. I'ir. living the increasing coldness ot lin- plain I and the approa. li "I etei uinlii. they h.kd early niaintann d about tlieinscUi's i \\.n in .kii.l oxjgt iii/i'd ainiipln re, milder Mid more e\i if.iig than thu old bree/.cs from the Moods and prairies, had lived more rapid- and lushed more rashly in the inevitable end. Tho elegance of costumes, the lie.uity of forms, had gradually risen to in nm i lection in coiiHeqiicnc-) of a pass- ional Hclection, which seemed t.> have no other object than immediate happiness. \Vi\i s no lunger became mothers unloM by ic.-ident. IU sides, mime of thn lower classoi klniie remained in condition to -rtako '.ho duties of motherhood, fashion bating ionic lime been able Vo suppress t he tiuot's- ity MI the upper gixial sph. i- AGRICULTURAL. Farming in Spain. p.ti tineiit that fanning in Spain is in a primitive state. I' is cut wkh a small it aping hook and threshed as m the limo of the L'auan. by tramping it out with Then it was.-, -en the women of the lower classes were tin' tirsl to It-el tbe deadly effects of invading .-.'Id, :iml the day came when it w.i- ,1 t|,i;; ..!( the blind I'loyment of pleasure ,> woman ws a iiiuihcr or cuulti Utuuuiu uuu. They uoloiig- -ued the inconvenience* of maternity, winch had so long been left to tbe inferior women, and they reigned in all the splendor of their unblemished beauty. It was only when a law was passed that the entire for lurne ot the republic would lie giv first woman who would give bii that they understood the irren. of the misfortune that had hell mhabiunu of Uie earth. San ,, ^ ^w-inlZi, uln,,.": )o,,btles the end would not have long , h t|la , ,, ,, move(1 ^^ ,' :1 delayed its coming, stenh/ed -ml being ihejfbaak, hem c!oi waid .iica|utblu of feeding its child- ren, lint they were deluding themselves ^. with the thought that perhaps by some in- Might Oultlvatlon. gellli.i.s ,,,,-,. .,,,4 It would U lie possible I ln I),,. , v ..,,; , ,.- Iesm , ,. l)U11 , Vi Cali . to put olf the fatal |-i ,od, to gam tune : and ,,, r , llx ,, Ui ,d r ,;,i,, ,,| mel , mav I,,. plum who knows, they said, it MM ,-iiiiiate may ,., Kliipl . vlm . 8 al ,,,,,1,, i>v llu , u . ni ^ , ht . not improve aud the sun sun:,, on the mi- The vineyard I u, :,e miested with A SENSATIONAL TRIAL, such smbll quantity that they are not profit- ' while a cow giving .'< tier cent, milk may lie one of the most profitable on the turm. It doe< in.' matter wiiethur the millk is of rich The I'hiladelnti k [..,!., ,- says -Consul wmedinin quality o long as the toulamouat A \vELL-KNOWN ENGLISHMAN SDED Twrnn-writm from r.vli, , the l*taW t*- 1 - ^ H~i * **~.v *us.iry. A, FOR MEUAUH OF that faiimiut m Soain i, in a ' must give a large ai.ioi.nt of butter fat for the year if the is to it-turn any profits for lei. I MM keep. 1 U.I, ml> >prrl >n far or Blurkuiall. \Vithtlie methods for testing milk now Tho ovcnt ..; '. -' >,,\, t l, A t proved of l>efore the public then- is no reason why the m "*' , m }*; rc t 1 "i the soeisl and political a multitude of huge lirei'.Ks which are darting and moving m cvei v tueotioB It of milk iiiul haviTtDe factory mak* a test I K"ro|ie and Amenta as a literary ma, fora sin ill tec. A factory using the 15t> orejsch of promise of marriaje. This suit U cock test could well afford to make the fat the '*'lt "f "> "t extitu.rtlmaiy determination* for its patrons for five cents <""' piracies that bai i come within the cogniza,.. 'jiglish Itut unb-s 'vi-n . ,t the fattest u C: " ;rl - N one who knows Mr. llurhVrt, only , me, it - ,vo ii,i;,,s which must 1* multi- ""' :* ac^ujunti-U with his plca-a,: 1 . domes- plici together tn get the trr.e result, we may tie relations with a charming and .- do the cow rank injustice. To gel the other "''. would consider the charge of this out- in- dairyman must weigh the milk cast woman and her paramour in any other from In, ,-ow*. To do this k spring balance ''g nt 'hail that of tbe ridiculous, if de*- an I*- piir.-his.d :,, r j. dollar or two and peration of the conspirators had not driven is i-1-iiined that the -e'.ting of the stakes lul "*: !1 P "' "' -lairv barn, and themilk ceji tu" << ''">(? ! '" " r t- , can IN- done mii. .v md accurately |H> "'<-'^'e,l t hertoii daiiyYor " if this seems ..The woman Kllis charges that she met Mr. rendered irremed- : by ' fortunate planet. Hut tcciim ii.ti.oii-. regrets, sorrows, re- proaches, accusations, despair all were , now superfluous. Life had IM-CII, i. not dried ',_ _ , t ^., .. u^u, ,- up at iu source, at least rendered irremed- |, x . ... '.. ... ,^ Than Vn \"rnadlay J '- ' '- Oi) """ 'a'"" 1 if the mifk be weighed once "'"""ert in an omrabus u, the fall of 1887, lably unfruitful. A special ciumrtus ot 'the ujth*. thai - vt,,,k is accomplished by a week, .md ..n the same day always, and and that In- followed her home and made the Medical .U the men in tin- ., tine mnnlier of hours and ' ''ireful record made. her acquaiuUnce, telling her that lus name adimy produced no satisfactory result. ;|,at a iar -e amount ,,f time i* sivvd ' One ' A heet ,.! 'brown inaiulla piper can lw *<" Wilfred Murray. She says that ...i They disputed violently, each n,e.lH-r Un.g ^^ of aw work from nine o'clock , the ; nile ' 1 *'h a lead pencil in a few minutes May H, of the following year, he proposed accused by Ins neighlxir of iiaviug lent bun- in.irmri :. vtiicn > het tacketl upon .1 Writ with a hole at the marriage to her. Her paramour, Jackson, self to the spreading ot that insane iahi"ii; ruin-. top, which caj, be hung upon a nail close by ""'' ' :I the lowest of vulgar adventurers. .up- _' the scales. I nned or nu-ii- ports her assertion that HnrlU'i t often tall- . bered, and the iimoi'i-.t ..: milk set ill the ed 0:1 her at her home :n Kensington, and Luropes Wheat Shortage, oppropriate place with \-ery little trouble. 1 that improper rela'ions existed between The l.omi.c, -,,i-.lnnl recently pubiiihed kllow lll l many will sy that this is too them. The same Jackson has ten form! a review of the agricultural outlook, -u the mucl ' trouble, Imi notiiing U too much to admit that at the same time be aud tho they nearly came to blows ; as the issue ut the meeting the ''rctnlcnt of the Academy and tlie dm f of the pi.ilectois were even compelled to .jiicnch tbeir mutual anger by a duel witli swords, and more than a year was spent in physiological anil political dis- ,.o ur e of which it tv i -hikt the steady use trouble which helps a man about hn busi- woman w, ic living together is husband and cussion. without result. ,, ,., . .., , , M , 10 , )f ,, u . grftah '"" *'j- , liui a youth, the hint of thai race, young tanner, ai'nbng that wheat will probably Nothing will ..pu, the dairyman's eyes : Mr. Hurlbert s explanation is that hu one Omeg.-ir, Ixirn in the lower ranks of society, ' , ( .,, c h ti, t , j,, u |, t . sl price m manv vein, the more than weighing the milk and having time secretary. Willie 1 Murray, is the per came with his mother, already advanced in pnin-i|Ml , ausi -of tl.c rse being the failure these analyses msdc. Nine times nut of ten, son who had tin intrigue, and that the let- age, and a rare survivor of the mother*, and ,,t tureen crops. The wheat > rt>p ot l'i an. -e ilft " 8ucn " an < - "tiiii>atio, there will lie ters to Miss Kills, which were said to be in before! he iissembli-d representatives recalled MH \ Russia accurding to tho Standard, ate soraeciws for -ah- at any price to tbe local the master's handwriting, were really from the nnprovideiiLV of the govenioni, stigma- lined the public immorality, pmnu-tl out to them ihe much Iwlnw the nvi-nik.'e: " The deficiency will be at leant -M.iHKi.niKI tiuarters, .u cold gsjswy folly of which the innun mid frost have almost destroyed the nicew.uithu victim, and deinamled that , French crops . Herm any. HoUaud and el the lot constructed electric Costal made i al! fllrnlsh imul In Kou- *tockbu\-r Kx)>t>iiinent Station Uulletiu. the pen of the man. Tliis might he prove<t v enough if Murray were at hand, but Spring I liu>u:,ll< i < i-n , 'Dies with a peculiar welcome ... ki'iii" aniurnisii pessimist reports. In Ixou- tats year, particularly in Knrope, twoM in the ..overnmen, workshopsshoultl be put lnallia ,,,,, _, aecrrosetl wheat aies, ami of the severity '.f the winter that preced at his disposal. He engage, to conduct an ln i ni | u , ihero has Iwen a IMH! wheat season. ' it. The American winter was not imfav. this year, {ui-iicularly in KIIIU|N,>, because letl and all the strong men cuei the land of n. tlew away to dis- (TO UK 01NTI1 NEU.) I -in-ill^ < iini u.. CM, such a commotion under '.he ground When March called. " H.I there ' bo !" Such spreading of rootlets farand ivido. Such whispering to and fro ! And, " Are you ready v " the -MIOW .Imp asked ; " 'Tis time to start you know." " Almost, my dear," the Willow replied. " I'll follow as soon .is you go." Then " Ha ! ha ' ha ! "a chorus came Of laughlei soft and low, From the millions of tlowcn under the ground Yes, iiiiltuini, beginning to grow. " I'll promise blossonm," theCrocuK said, " \\ hen I hear the bluebirds Milk;. ' ..Hi from Mr. Hurllwrt's sight a vear and a half sgo, aud although search ha lieeii made for linn he is not to be found. Of i-ourse thrre is any amount of evidence brought forward to prove the woman's charge, including a jounu.l covering the per- utricle he alleges. There is nothing in ihe journal, however, that might ceed the product.,-,, ,-ompnted. Whatever] Kveu in the south of Italy, as f a r M ' l ''*v '".-en,w,i up, n,,r ,s there aught iu migimude of .Wncan cro, may Naples. , bey had what would pass for a , ^ m ' ' 1. it will , U ,u.t,c,e,,t to c'lver the winter,,, New .Jersey, for there were deep '>' wn>boit.d. On the ...ntntiy. the let- l..iii>pr.kii tleticit, thnscumpelliug an exten- snows, 'itc/ing nights, and many of them. sive tlraft upon the reserves for the third -southern France shared no Wter. At year in succession. The increased home ' Autiin, two hundred aud thirty miles south- consumption, the decreased wheat ana east of Paris, U fro/e .luring fifty eight expedition over tin- whole of the equatorial Tho OI1 , l . )1 , p| , tl(>n ,. Huugiirv . where there able to either health or cn,ovn : enl. but in ione which still remame,! habitable an.l to , iri . ,.,.,. Ilr ,,., |H . rls . |, ul lt : ,'. kllll0!%t , x . rtam ; most l)f tht . Kuroueau couiitri the cold w. see whether any human groups still .-\.sted ,| lfct ,,, W( , rM -, .,.. ,,,., wil | ,. x . o f extraor.lir.arv coutinuaiice aiul ,, verity. on any spot. The proposition i eceivetl with cntlni siasm, a real aerial flotilla was constructed, Vml iti kighl thereafter. " N-kicmsns cried, " My silver mid gold I'll bring. " And ere they are dulled," .mother . " " owing to the .preatl of jiopulatioii, and re- course to sclent i tic tillage in order to repair the waste of first settler*, thus increasing the cost of production, must inevitably re- move ihe American farmer's formidable coni|tetiiiuui markets, and allow the Kuglish farrier tti look forward to pros|ierou future." The Dehorning of Oattle. ^IK, Will you kindly grant me space in "liimns to appeal to the farmers of i WcsUirn Ontario not to sanction or cucoui - age the liailurons praction of dehorning cattle. That it is gross, and in most cases uiinrvessary, . rnolty, I would refer the reader to evidence given m a celebrated successive nights, aud a deep snow remained on the ground as long Many league* of country roads were abandoned, country streams were frozen aud lost to view, and the horse-oar were generally ',.nd up. Strangest of all, wolves cvnc down from the mi, mi-, aud were s4i-u on ters offered in evidence are not only of so vile a nature that not one of Mr. Hurlbert's friends can possibly lielieve that he wrote them, i'tit "Wilfrid Murray's" use of the Kngbsh language is ot such H nature that it would ' .MIL <: the question for a man ot Mr. llurlliert'* culture even to imitate it. \ .:n sp, .n.itiit saw Mr. aud .Mrs. Hurl- bait at their l,o>e in Devere (iardens the other eveiuiig Mrs. Hurlbert had only just airivetl fun ^he would have been buv mi >u ii vtkiii.". IMHI irvsrv BOTH KII ^c ri ti , , . , . . mgliuin the street, of the ,,tv prowling ' '"''' 1 '' '" ""!<>' -nng the week hut aU-ut in quest of ,,,n,.ib,ngtoea"t. Ml ' " ,'; U '" " li , "' "P^l ^ l ., .. ' Iwfore July. \\ hen it was set down \t Na.icv. also. wlv wen- .see,, , tbe surburU. where th.rtern ..f them were kill- Mar-eilU-s w-u wit out Her to, isn ^. "" " \ ' Ulc ,,, l>r uuule for fold mtft UuU , |vr ,, ll:llllllll wrAthtT, *o tltat of dchormng trul , Kngland , IHHU. IImvrl ' rr " tl 1 I1 1 l1 -'""rdinary winter w.-aib, , All the , vnlence ,,OM,|,;, ""'" lf " rlttl> l> ' , . .. . IH.UI s.des. with the result that the High U'e 1-rencb .ov,,nmei,t as usual Court ot Justice decided that it was m- I''!?'.*- '" """ " the ,H,,pe who . . ..uallHed.ruel.y and m,,,tb,-s,,,pped. \t -"" ".., their ordinary shelter. My Hyacinth 1*11. shall ring." t | le Uml . Kied, nek List, veicr,, Jx surgeon. ">- tl "' ** And the \ n.lcl only murmured. " I'm here,", aid, s|wkiii|{ of om animals "that bail been delioined : " l''n\ And sweet grew the air of spring. The, i. " Ha ' ha ' ha '" a chorus ennui Of laughter soft and low. Krom the millions of flowers under ground Yes, million*. Ifgtnning to grow. the () tho pretty, Inav.- things' through the , oldest days, Imprisoned in walls of brown. They never lost heart, though the blast shrieked loud. And the sleet and the bail came down : Hut |MtienUy etch wrought her beautiful t-e*led dress Or fashioned her Ivcantitnl crown. And now they lire coining to brighten the world, Still shadowed bx winter's frown : Ail 1 well max I hey cheerily lungb, "Ha' ha '" In a chorus soft and low. The millions of the llowert hid under the ground, ^ es, witln>n*. livgininiig to grow. were sick .uul much shniiikt . Tin v hud IK-IK dehorned cloae mln their heatls. lln- ige m two years was a bad age for tbe o|H-ttiiniii to lie per- formed, liccausu there is more flush and conaei|uently more vascular tissue round the base of the horn than previously. I'lu- operation was most nu-i. I have been all my life attending to cattle, but hate never seen the m .--sity lor dehorning The coarser thu breed of t ho annual the -oarser are the horns, and by it-mot ing the horns the natural coanieneHk of the animal is con- from the buyer. In fact it gave neither advantage to the public nor the aiiiiiial, bill only the ..wm-r. I'rof. Wallet , pun cipal ol the Koyal \'eler,nary t'ollege at lOdinburgli, for many years, said " Iv. . ix tiNiih of the saw, as it tears through tin- sltnctnre, cause* ext IVi's, ilent ' 'iin..l htd tbe happy idea of i u, veil ing tiilhisiu-soineiit tut- 1 n^i-v .tcnt i-diliivs ot tbe rei'-nt Kxbibitton, i>.ti ticuiar- ly the I'alavf ! the l-'me Arts, vvii.iii pi . isobrilliant a st-eiiediiriiuillif s'i,,,mer - '. Tbe immense inter, t was dn ided into two portions by a plank pa, tition. t>e ' for men, L.l the othe, for women. A large "" '^^? iiundwr of suites and e\tem|N.n/rd tire .^i.'" 1 ,^'."". ..'.'. i.."\ .'"?'.' places were -it up, which milh'cetl to i cutler the tempi-mime something m,.ie thin en ' datable, The President Inniselt -n nocturnal visits to tbe building, when the mm a- s were sound asleep II|KH, tlu-n -iraw tn-ds, and i-uvt-lii|K-d ill rough but sulli, u m cuv . i ings. riirs.eiu-, dimly lighted by twenty lamps, was descrilivd ;ts IK in- |ie.-uli&rly impres- sive, the whole of the vast tloo, iH-ing cover- July. fur last Monday he a' once telegraphed for ln~ u ife. tthtktc testimony would disprove Miss Kllis's stalemeuls, but, al- though -lie -tailed at mice for Ijoudon, she tit-: ' 'n nne to appear in i-ourt. Mi. HuilK-it .says that in view of the lacl that tbe.linlge iiatl not concluded Ins -Uit'.ining up ' was unable to say anything -.! .in tin- ase, but that when the verdict .if th* jury was brought in he should hate v ^it -at deal to say, anil would IN? prepared to say it. Mrs. Hnrlliert WAS not bound by tins contention. " It is monstrous," she said." that the I'.iuii-i. laws air such that an infamous wo- rn in 'ike tins pUinutl is able to bring into touri such a charge against a man like my huiband. If I nuild only have reached Loinlon in tune I could have proved aliliis -barges, ipuacy in Sep. icmlKi, I V V. On the .">th of that month w ml to Lord North in Oxfordshire, and lemameil there until the Kith. On tin- day of our return 1 re .-ei veil a letter address- ed 'o me in a strange handwriting. It was handed to me just is we arose in the morn- 11. This idler contained two enclosures. One w.i* a lettt, pin |K, i ling to be written by Mr. Hurlbert to tint woman, and the othe, was .k letter addressed to Mr Hml- bi'i-t. I lined this to linn in Ins dressing -{Hai|Kir' Young 1'eople. 4'a>r> for Women ljoi\. r-. The \ pel H-II. r of an Knglish 'iiiluc |i.unts nut out) tiel I ol usefulitiTss tor the nianv wo- men who are iH'ginning the ice .it t he law. He was .ailed upon to .hvtdc .w* to the value of some gowns, and be m|iected them to i.-citain vilii-ther they were p:ii]n,|y inadi* and titled. Hut what .> |HMI and in- sullicient jinlge a man must U- ol such mat tors' If a woman had ., n the cminst -I ag. ,m i the die.-sniaker, will, what skill would she have criticised the manner in which they were made And if a woman had liceu the judge, a MM^'H- gliuit c would have tnahled her to reml. i k more |H i judgment than a long and a c.netnl IIIS|H'C- tiou liy a iiieinlH'i of the .sleiner sex. ' The I'nited ^t.t' n-iis ic'iiin-i slitiw coin Iu .ivelj that tin- n.-i;,.. population in what is known on ihe "black IM-!I" in tbe South is not holding ,1s ,MII. Th,., U-lt contains tifteen-sixtei nt h- ! tli.-.-ntirc color- ed popnhktion of the connlrx. \ ordingto the census of ISSOthe m -i. . s ;ppi-ared toln' "ic, easing at it much gie.ilci -rite than tin, vklutis, but this Wat due, it u s.ud now. to in the c.-nsits of I37ii. A.-, or.!,. mcntalist, but the words of a man -pe, ntllv |iikiilied by years of stiiilt itntl inv cs;igal,on to s|Hk on such a fuhjrci. Knrthei. he saj : " I'ln- (Mill cunsed by .-ntting the s nailitc tissue is like cutting through the .piick of a man's finger, and this intense pun is iin-v tuKV when the horn is ut 'lose to tbe skill. 'I'lie ti|w of the horns .-.n, lie 1*1 noted tu pn vent hutting, and I have uv i-r known it CIUK- of tipping in fad as a remedy for butting dmiig mv long . xjier ni .Sc'itlami. I'lie N'ationnl I ougress i>l \ .'lei IL .vi v -inrgetins inkssed k i.-oluiiun i^ tii, ii..,,. ,,-,-.' I'rni. Mi-c'aul, prin- ,-ipal oi tin- 1 "i.-^.'.v Veterinary CoQege, en ,omg I'viilence. " IVli. lin- ing," he said. ' caused evil e torture. It ditl not U'uclit the animiil. It was gross . i licit y toil-move 1)41- hoi in. SnppnrAtion vt,t.s .1 sign ot pain, atitl Ilit-ii there was in tliimiiiiklinn." I'rof. Collins, of the Kntal I'-illege i.I \etfllll.ilt sill' ;e,i|is, .-aid that dt-hnrning vis.s cbie:l t practised to . <>n the age of the rattle and gel more mom-v tor 1 1, cm. room. It was written from Intel >n lUndeaux, anil the wilier said that unless Mr. llnrllwrt was I .-d to semi i-JIKI at once by draft mure - ot the same sort as the one purport- ing 10 hate lieen written li\ Mr. Hlillnrt w, ndd IK- sent to me. He was directed lo address his icplvio Sancho, N'nnf/, I', -tc ile.siitnli .m.i KtudeaiiN. " This i on, niiinication proves this black- ^'! n ^ .'> "!!; ll : m :.:: ;l11 ' ..: i . l . w r.. 1 "..; 1 . 1 ... 1 , 1 : : -.i jatj ... ;,. u*. i,, , h e ti ( P ice the letter alleged to hate IK-III wn ten by soup caldrons, and two or three cart-loads of soup bow Is made of galvanized mm. 1-ai.rlpix-. A writer in t recent number of the Mnii- fnlltf'""i. ut Ntw ^.llk, bus destiihed tin- . - , a,nipulse About Testtni; Milk. The value "i a cow t.n bury pnr| .It |M nds up.,n s> v t ml t.;, :iii-. the t ,, mo- 1 important ot -a Imi, at.- i he .|antitv m.i i|,mlity "I the milk. We li.iv c some ,-ovvs .it tins stali. MI that ^ivc milk which contains iiKui! .'! |K-i ce.nv Int. Such must giv. ibout thirty-three pounds of milk in niak'- a pound of butter. \\ . dm ktycase. 'I hough the repirali( are nsiiuily , egnlni u|io,i the first of the aitiick. H is not theiefore to tie neg let-led, l.inguoi iindlu-a.i.u bcaii-cx|K)rienced oi, tin i . uul and thud day : vtl ib on or be- lie foui 1 biUyaleiupciiiluii- of the iKxly HHI degrees l-'abrenlit it i- monlj t ed, will, inlt use pain in tbe head and li:tck, lironchn-pnemiuini.i and i lei idtd pneinoni.t following a little later. Sometimes, howevi i. the. iliSfiiselK'gms wuh t he second ol thud slage .tnd develop-, toe others later. The investigations of the vtiitt-ism '.be '' - <i _;o lo show that "grippe" is apparently a disease of ilroxidation from ,-au-e- .-xuin.kl to the body t and tlutt 11 v.uics with barometric condition ot the air bic.ithe.l md ntniospiit , ic conditiun*. w,i M.. H,, ^ , i.,,,,,!,,,, .. ,u t ,,i s.,,,. and on that day we vvttc Uul, at Lord Ninths place in Oxfordshire. Then MIC t> -tilled in court that she did not know that M'. Iliu. l>cit was i married man nnl, I I v.>; and \rl Ibis veiv letter vvntttn in INV.I. vt.c, diluted to Mrs. \V. M. Hurltierl .it "in home in Southwell (..ndrns. Ibis woinkn also .eslllied that Mr. Hurlln-rt prop-.-ed marriage 10 !HI on May li, Ks7. () that day Mr. llnrllvcit joined me in I'rris, we went on together to Florence, so hat it is impossible that he was in Uondou at that time. I an, aide to prove her le.-ti nioiiN false in a score ,it similar instances. " i an, very much snrpi ied that the .Ins- vi iv d ami w iiould ii.iv.- consitleied tin- -iiiularity li'twien the liaiiilttriting "t Ml. Iliirlheit imi - i kablc. li, I' tllcv .vi legged man i bandicipped in mud's niinu'irs.'that have just IH-U, pubbsli- life's joiiiney ; it is ditticnlt for !nm 'o walk ,-tl, the snmlaiilx of !us M.ntiux s hand- In the way be sltoultl go ^ writing, Pwrejr, to that oi Talleyraiid u Onoof the linif- |iea tun .ngiit lo bo """'''' ""' ' ''--'""""'/'''>'* -nrt to lov i xvl.ell V.lll ll- The analysis of the rag your neighbor "le liniM's with h V >:.|st.|{ . ... havo otlnis that run .", |HM cent, tat, in the . CIISIIH just tnken tin n- wt-u- ';.":'ti,iKl w tin li a.-i- ' vvi n: \ p .iiiiitU will make a pound xvhc'e voter- u 'e.|u,i,,l to Ibe olored inhabitants in the blaok bolt, ae ooin oi butter Alii i giv ing milk several months jdatte of their liirth n-i;i-ii : n.. rin- colored MH-SI ii, ii'.ivf -.Mim times run up to ; i,,i nit. fat, in which case alioul fourteen |>"iiinls of milk will make one of butter. With thi* knowledge of tlic amount of fat n, milk we have only to .;.' to tbe reconlsof milking lo lean, the standing of each <ow. 1 i ui a.^ tin 1 1 aiicr that the .'i pel cut. cows would have gone long ago bad vi.- not wished to keep then, lor the purpose of f their milk that uws did not pus- pared with li, I l-.'.UNI in l.ssc. elemo, it iiu rcased during t lie decade at. th rate ol I.'I.'.XI pel ,, -nt. The white |x>pn!a- lion niiinlifi., ,wt against i:i,."i.'itl,- IHKI iu Ivsil ; that is, it h.k* incre.isetl at the rale "I '.'I. ii7 pel tt'i,i.,oi nearly t w u-u as nspidly as the colored popnlation, In IHSII 'In- I'l.ip,., i imi ot while to ptusons ot color in these States was in the relation "i IINI.OUO to 11. IS.">. - Dining iht: |> tleia.le." say., slmlx ing some fe.itnit - the tcnsus coiiimissioni , , " the , olon d i ace the milk from the .>Un ha.siur. held its ..n i,.i-nsi thu white in a onij it. iv short tune ago that I ' writing of l.lrlittll, .eci.-iait -o tl.e I dike of Wellington, was so much like that I'll \\fllington Inniselt ..mid not lell the ditlt-i. in. . Only i slio, t ! nne ,11,0 I M:. Hnrlbert'sbook* tlm; Out ot IT-,.'>."'.'i K'n packed m.i stm-ctl f,.t a IOIIL; time, tud II, M.IT'J wer.v a Irttt-r tell "Ul. 1 picked it tin, and to my it tin, a to Mr. -i -.-. 10^,1011 v* hi ic I ho ' Innate and c. unlit ions an , I tlo not wish In l>c unuiTiluotl n.-i i imnting of all these which the , ..iinliv . ill. .1 .!.-., the thul * In in lies! milk is alWAM the oheapeM, i;,:h in, Ik, Uul in best suited to il.-. detelu(illR-u . I Holllf ' "W s ill -,v e . at I lie pi i v nli I >vi|.- : . native \niei Kan .MI;.- i..i ,'i.lll name m pi ise it was atbliessul to Mr. negrot-s. I If tin- ss .^n Uu u votei in w I -uppo-e 1 to U- bis own liimiwut- .'{.',!H>1 were tie, imiiis. A. ill lo the.-e l.llll ,ng. I w omirii .1 w lit he should have l.-t-n A usl nans and dJJ Svt ~>, and the 1-ital tic, wi ilnig '" luin-i it. vd opi ncdthc let it r. It man-speaking clcmtiil .is u (.resented 'ot ;>4, w, is trom \\ilttid Muri.n. vviittcu at the '.C.Hi totel's nut of 171, .".>.'!, "l alKUIt ;n , Met,o|i"',tllll Club in \\ Tht .cut. of the till. ile. The lii-u htm, voters was the first time I knew tint '>- writing ,, nilH'.r IU, .'<.'(.": the ICnglis),, \\elsh, vi.,1 vi ks so much like my hb Si-otch ,.:isi, u. ' -. u, ,1111.11 I.UI-. IMllCt t.lK.Ctill I tt,-i.- : ill H.. In r..:. . IK,., me '" said old V ,1 thi'l'iuiadiiin, l,:U.V III.- s w ,.,| egl \oi-wegiaii4. ui.l vvn, 'i,,i'> n ungiv ."I i.novi ' iniAiis ., . but.foi tl>e hie of me, ' i>mlir