EX-MFEB8 FREDERICK'S Vint to Pwii Drive* the Fnoofc News paper* Wild. BERLIN PAPEB8 ALSO AfGBY A Peril cable says : De Kouieae and ten other member* of th* Patriotic League end a letter to tbe prc** in wbioh the' say : Oar object ha* been achieved. Tbi check to the Prussian i* complete and French dignity i* saved. The further demonstration which we judged to be necessary would now or'.y detract from tbe great spirit of patriotic pride that ba* jail nited all Frenchmen. It therefore behoove* n* to abstain from inch demon Iration. In an interview, L\ E Roulede declared the whole agttallon agait HI Erapr*** Frederick was due to the fact tbat tbe Empre** bad abondoned ber neogmto lo receive foreign ambassadors and visit Versaille*. M. Renacb, one at the few journalist* who bave oonrage lo resist tb* De Ronledist torrent, write* in tbe Rrpubli<jur t'rtaitaitf in admiration of Ihe foibeaiauoe, courtesy and tact of the Parisians under the painful ordeal of th prolongation ol the vi*it of ex Empress Frederick. He say* : " The fact that on no (ingle ccoauon bave we departed from the old law of polilene**, amply ocmpen*at* for Ihe bitterness of the memories cruelly forced on us daring the last few day*. Tbn* far Ih* behavior of the public jnitifie* Renaoh'* eulogy, but tbe newipaper* are running riot in their remark*. ClemeDOe*n'* paper, La Jutner, a the mol violent. J>t Jour aays : " Oar army is ready, our armament is complete, and oar reserve* are thoroughly trained. " Regret bas been expressed in many quarters that the Prince of Wales did not also oome to Parir, as bis well-known tact wonld have been nnful in avoiding onnleaianln***. Kmpre** Frederick ber- elf has remained very calm and bas expressed herself a* pleated with the courtesy that ba* been invariably accorded ber by the public. Tbe n Ka'aerin ba* no femr of an untoward incident marring her visit and bas thn* far made no change in her u tpnliors or movement*. BMU.IH, Feb. '27 Tbe Post declare* that tbe rtfniel of the French artist* to exhibit their work* in tbe Art Exhibition to be held in tbi* city, mull bave other than temporary conicquenoe*. Germany, the paper i*yr, will man lain a reserved attitude, but the incident will evidently bring the reoeeiity for a ilroggle nearer. Tbe Krnich Cbaviniets mam follow np their victory in order not to lose it* trail, a* il i* impossible to compel the nation in keep tb* iword drawn always. Tbe weapon wonld have been lowered loug ago bat for Rania. Tbe Taghlatt declare* that Count Von Jf antler, the German Ambasvador al Paris, in a long conference with M. Hibol, tbe French Minister of Foreign Affairs, pave notice that this wonld be Germany's final attempt to conciliate France. Ptuih, Empress Frederick ol Germany left Peri* thil morning. No aopleasant incident marked ber departure The gravity of the situation, however, oan be judged from the fact thai, acting under advio* from hii;h quarter*, tbe Empre** changed the line of her route for fi-ar of being inialled by that portion of the popn l*oe wh'ch had gradually worked itself into a fever heat of rsgn over tbe prewnce ol the Imperial vilitor iu Pari*. It wa* pnb holy announced y.Hlorday evening and again thi* merging that tbe Em press Frederick intended to leavi this oily for Oalai* at 11 30 a. m., bul on the lungetlion* referred to she left the Oermtn Embasiy two boar earlier, and entering a carriage was drivxi rapidly to th* Oar Du Nord, where ihi entered the train, whioh left that depo for Boulogne. Ihe Emprt**, hovivir will uol embtrk for England at that port but will proceed from lhe>re lo Calais where a royal yacht i* awiliog her arrival In (pile if the precaution* taken severe hundred people gathered about ih.- Oar Du Nord and watched tbe movements of ih Empres* with considerable interrat. Tb crowd, contrary to general expectation WM civil and qm- i, the majority of th men present taking off their bat* a* tb Empress paased. There were no insult in one* of any disoiiplion. u'phur water, bnl neceiiily compelled us, nd in the course of time we liked il. On be ninth day our last food was gone. We vere iurroanded by water and debri*. I bought I wonld go on a little exploring xpedition. I wa* mighty lucky. 1 found dinner pail. Tbere waa not much in il, ul what there wai we lived on for two ayi. Then I wa* almoil too weak to go D a foraging expedition A* a last resori e had lo kill Ibe rat*, and they, like our elves, were half naived and desperate. bey wonld attack a* boldly, and we had o tight them off. 1 killed three or four a ay. We had no hesitancy in eating their g*. It we* good food. We wonld oer- ainly bave starved bad we not bad tbe at*. We reiolved lo die together rather an eat each other." Dr. Doolittle says the men will all eoover their usual health. Mill A Dead Hotel -keeper's Aslia* Pi-altered ,.... Liberty's Ton h. A New York despatch say* : A com mitt** of four from the Hlaten Ulan Hohnltzan corn*, appointed to carry on tb* rei|ue*t of llenrv Mnyer, proprietor o tbe Puck Uotel al I'l. Richmond, that hi ashes be scattered to tbe wind* from th top of tb* itatn* of Liberty on Bedloe' Island, fulfilled their miwion today Wben the top of tbe pedestal was reaohix by tbe committee th* melal urn cnntsmin the ashes of Meyer wa* opened, and eao nilteeman put a portion of the con , which weighed about four pound* a paper bag. The delegation the climbed the itairoaie leading to tbe crow of Ihe itatoe, where a brief addren wa* mad* by the matter of ceremonies, aft* whioh th* four ooramilleemen, each hold ing one of Ito begs containing the ashe* I hi* right hand, pronounced Iheee word* to gether : " Here goes the last of Puck Meyer Happy day*," and then scattered the ash to to* wind*. The ceremony wai con olnded by the opening of two bottle* champagne, and the drinking to Ih memory of " Pock " Meyer. r..r Killed IB Hallway Wreck. A Richmond, Ind , despatch says : O tb* Richmond divition of the Pan Hand railway, at Hagsritown, tbi* afternoon, train wa* coming down a *teep grad when th* framework of Ibe engin* i charge of W. W. Bartlett, engines and Noah Dunn, firemen, broke an derailed t very oar. Tb* oar* caught nr bat tbe fir* wa* quickly extinguished. Th day coach and parlor oar Eugenia, tb smoking compartment of which oontatnet all the killed, rolled ov*r twloe down a ilx le*n foot embankment The engine bel h* rail*. Th* accident resulted in th death of four person*, two nior* being pro atally injured, and twenty other* men o I*** .wrely hort. M***r*. Dillon and O'Brien are still the prieoc infirmary, bnt not confined KJ4JHTCBH UAWN MVUMBBII. Terrible < on Bstu. A WUkteberre despatch says : Tb* five rimers who w*r* entombed ia tb* mm* at Juaniville for eighteen day* wm brought to tbe surface yesterday morning^ AU were unconscious with tbe exception of aUtutoowilz, who, by th* aid of an in preier, was interviewed by a reporter Ue said : " I never gev* np bop* thai we would all be rescued alive, although my companion* did. They recalled WM lns.iii is in whioh men perished. Isaid, Let u* pray to God ; He will help a*,' B3d we aid BO. For the flrit eight day* we ivec on tbe content* of our dinner pail*. We bad them pretty well filled with pork, bread and ohe**e. Tbe irl day I MM, Now, a* there is bope of being rescued, we will ration our food/ II wa* agreed, and w* got together in the corner of tbe breast. Tbe cold wa* inu*e ; w* bad to keep rowded and hug each other to keep arm. At first we could not drink ike A CHILIAN HATTI.V. \NUAf, MOMOER* LYNCHED. urr]i Cerrlble BoMlt of <*- I I . . II I " I I. W I.. A Defiance, -O. deipaloh **v* : Boil- neil wae largely eaipended here yesterday nd Uil night. The street* were alive witb ecoiied people. LiMt Saturday Superin- tendent lluiltr, of the pablio eobcoli, delected J. H Mall, janitor of Ibe Central building, walrhmg him through a bole in tbe ceiling. A war of wordi entaed, and Moll went before tbe School Board on Hcuday and made charge* g*inet Botlrr and three of the lady teacher*. He named a time at which be hud men Butler eareei Iheee teacher* during one afternoon. Win Wyant, the assistant janitor, aorro- borated the itory. Tbe teetimony at first looked *o strong that the enpertn tendent narrowly escaped violenoe, and tbe ladle* were oetraoizid. On Moo- day night and Tuesday an investigation wae mtde and it was discovered tbat at the time named by tbe janitor* Bailer was several miles away. The indignant citizens warned Mall and Wyant to leave town, bat they did not, and on Tuesday night an armed mob went to Mull's house. They claim they did not see Mall, bat yesterday morning bis body was found between the irai-ks in the Wabash Railroad yard. His throat was out from ear to ear, ami two deep cuts entered the breast. He had been horribly mangled by the can. A knife was found by the body. Wyant Is also min- ing, and there if a rumor tbat bii body is in tbe canal. The discovery has created the wildest excitement. Mall bad many friends, and thev declare they wi*J have Bailer's life. Friends of all parlies are armed. ir.l PlfjhtlDC nil Mniillirni I'm. |IH- I ..r, I K II. . Hal*. An Iqoiqne despatch say* : On the 15th nst. a battle wai fought on tbe Pampa al iilor**. The Government wai defeated loss of about 600 men. On tbe Itilh iniqiiH surrendered to Ihe fleet. A riot, he lame right, caused by an incendiary mob, wai quelled by the fleet and the oreign residents. One hundred and seventy- ve of thn mob were killed and wounded n tbe 17ili the opposition party (offered check on tbe Pampa, near Huar*. On be 1-nh Iqinque wa* surprised by the emnant of ihe Government trcop* defeated n the Pampa. There wai hard figating rom morning till evening in tbe town, tbe ppoiition holding the Inlendencia and iring from tbe fleet to protect the luten ancia and to cover the landing of tbe marine*. Tbe business part of tb* town w*i red bv th* inoendiarie* the came evening 'I i I.Miihl'in. of the Warspitr, landed under fire to arrange an armisiioi ai d to ake on hoard any of the remaining women nd ohildren from the town. An armistice . ai diolarr<l till noon ft the TO'h.and was rranged by tbe mediation of Admiral lotham. On tho afternoon of tbe '.''Mi be Government troops were sarrenrered loth* fleet by Col. Solo, who hai foaght alUntly. 1 be town is now in poiseiwu.ii >f the tWt. N > foreign residents wore tilled. Tbe women and children are mostly living in the ships in the harbor, all tbe men remait ingat their oltioes. Th* loipilal i* fall. It i* probed* there will w a decisive battle north of I'isagua poon Much lost of life and damage to proni rtv las t. i-ii avoided by the aotinn taken by lin MINK VICTIM*,. Another Death Subscriptions to J Id the hulli-rri - Vnmln*; In. A Spring Hill. N. 8., despatch says : The death of 11. Nash, another of the Spring Hill victim*, add* a widow and three more children to the lilt, making a total of 55 widow* ami lii l orphans. Tbe inscription book for tbe intferer* from tbe Spring Hill disaster was opened in Montreal yesterday, and in the course of few minute* the sum of $3,400 was sub- scribed. The subscription* to tbe relief fond are spontaneous and timely. Many think tbat instead of S 70 000 thn sum of * 100, 000 should have been akked for to provide againit the deititotion and hardship which matt follow. The amount now subscribed i* only M'2.000. Tbe victims of the disaster who came on! of No. 2 slope nnoonioioiis from the effttols of after damp remember nothing. They did not bear the explosion, and the only thitg they know ii waking op in their home* alwr being restored to oonsoiou*- ne<*. A St. John, N. .. deipatch *ay* : The directors if the 1'rott-stani Orphan Asylum here mtt yesterday and agreed to take lutu the institution an many children of tbe Hpring Mill S':IT rers a* ooo'd re sroomruo ii"l. They will be abl to take 20, and a li'tti r to tbai iff not wa* forwarded to Ma> or Hall. MAXIM or m i m HAM. Oompllml from the Pprs ol M. Tel uaebe, Private secretary to Ibe Prince. Pradenee in a woman should be an nitinot, not t virtue. What I bav* been taught I have forgot- ten; what I know I bave goeesed. Tbe love of glory oan only create a hero , be contempt of it creates a gieel man. Theologians reaemble dog*, tbat gnaw arga bone* for the lake of very little meat. A rich man dispisea thoaa who lltier lim too much, and bates those who ao not latter him al all. Life, to a young man, is like a new so- uamtsnoe, of whom he grow* diigngted as be advance* in year*. If you wish to appear sgreeable in society on most cor sent to be tangbt many things which yon know already. Both erudition and sg> icollore ought be encouraged by Government ; wit nd manufacture* will come of them- elves. Tbe reputation of a man is like his r.adow gigantic wben it precedes him, nd pigmy in its proportions wben il ollows. There are two things to which w* never row accustomed the ravage* of time and be in justice of our fellow-men. Tbere are many vices whioh do not de- prive a* cf friend* ; there are many virtues which prevent car taevingany. The error* cf great men and Ihe good eeds of reprobate* should not be reckoned n our estimates of their respective char iCter*. O who cannot feel friendship ii alike noapable of love. Let a woman beware of he man who own* tbat be loves no one bat herself. To succeed in tbe world it i* much more toeetary to posies* the penetration to lUoover who i* a fool than to discover who 1 a clever man. The bold defiinoe of a woman i* the certain sign of her shame. When ihe has mo* mated to Wash, it is beoaate she ha* oo mnch to blutb for. It i* sometimes quite inongh for a man o feign ignorance of that which he know*, gain tbe reputation of knowing that of which he is ignorant. A great capitalist ia like a vast lake, upon vhose bosom ships oa>n navigate, bnt which 1 naeles* to tbe country, beeaaee no stream isues thence to fertili/j the land. That sovereign ha* a little mind who lei'kd to go down to posterity by mean* of great public boildiug*. It i* to ODD rile to masons and bricklayer* tb* task of writing listory. Human life is like a game of ches* ach piece bold* it* place upon ilia obe*a ward king, queen, bishop ant pawn Death come*, tbe game i* up, and all are thrown, without distinction, pell mell into the lame bag. he Knitlish Admiral on tbe 31*1. juiet to-day. All is TIIOHMK.K IN TH* nill- I In llliiiiill Wllii lni|ii rnnliKli il MHII..I - II. II..... Ill, Iu .1 .. I. A Buffalo drsnetah says : Harry J. I i ITU. r. who is the son of well-to do par- enl* n siding her*, I* confronted wilh the double charge of grand laroeny and bigamy. Last fall a **iiaiioo wa* created here by Ibe slory ihat Hurry Hamlin, ion of the hurst' owner, 0. J. Hamlin, had doped wilh a nh.ip girl. The story waa denied, and later it wa* learned thai a young man named Thorner bad been impersonating Mr. Uamlin, and had induced pretty, black eyed Mend* Wecoott lo marry him. They went to Niagara Fall*, where Ihety were secretly married. The following morning Ihe young girl'* mother appeared on the scene, and subsequently lha real fact* in the .-ee leak-d out. Thorner tied to Oanada where he hsa been ever since. Miti* Wesoott obtained a divorce, and sinoe then Ihe cfnoers have been looking for Tborner. He i* a common ineak ihief and a clever one. He obtained hotel board, ololhing, and ran several bar account* while he impersonated Mr. Uamlin here. He resemble* young Hamlin and passed for him in many place*. Thimer is a married man, and an action for bigamy ha* In i n brought against him. I.st night he ventured lo leave Canadian coil and wa* arrested here to day. A UAL LOWS HOKKOK. A Dying vtnr.iri.-r Tortnrnl l Death by Iliiualliis; r if. M' i.ii> rv A Washington, Pa., despatch says West, colored, condemned lo be hanged to day for Ihe murder nf the Crouch family, attempted to oommit saioido tbis morning by culling hi* throat with a piece of ratty iron, while hi* death walche* were changing. He became onoonioious from the ><> of blood. Phytioian* were unable 10 reetore oonsoiouvnni*. I'p to 'i 30 p. m., when he was hanged, hi* condition had uol ireally changed. Ue wai (trapped In noani and oairied lo the toaffold. At 'J 33 the trap was ipiung and Ihe rope broke The murderer wa* in terrible di*tress, ami 11 look fun rann to hold him, though manacled. At 240 the rope wai itrnig np again, and thi* nm il wa* inooesfui Al 'I 4ri Wi HI was pronounced dead. Thi hanging and Ihe horrible occurrence* con ueoled with it created great excitement. Anollirl'Hpal|ii Lie. Winnipeg t'rer I'ren : " John, where have you been till tbis time of night," said a Koa* street woman to ber bo*band a* he strayed in about '1 p. m. on Sunday momiog." Ota, I've been at the political meeting.' aid John. " That'* anothir campaign lie," said Mr*. John, " for I know you've been down town shooting craps sinoe dark. You oan't fool ra* with your political meeting yarn." A Ulabolliml Aot. A Berlin nable *ay ; (treat eioitement prevails in Naremburg over a military out- rage. A sergeant of the Uerman army named Brunfeldl compelled a private soldier, whom he aocaaed of neglecting to keep himself clean, to Hand in a semi nude condition under a pamp. The man wa* not in robust health, and eipotnre to the chilly torrent of water caused bis death almost immediately. The people who witnessed the outrage loudly denounced il, and a riot for some time appeared im- minent. The affair I* being investigated by Hrunfeldt's superiors. At Ihe It Itrnalional League masting at Buffalo to-morrow It will be decided whether Jersey Oily or Worcester get* Ihe vacancy. Jersey City i* tbe favored town. DAN \ ill I'.i IT T n. .. i .1 1 . ' Your By M Mid ii , , . a Little Fun. A trick that i* going the round* nil now to measure by the eye Ihe distance to whioh yon mnsl push away tbe central one of three *ilvr dollar* side by side, their circumference* touching. *o Ihat tb distance from the lower edge of the centra ooin, *o removud, iball be equal to the di* tanoe apart of the outer edge* of the two other ooini. Yon will probably do as ever; one else does put the coin* lide by (id and IIHHM the middle one upward along tbe table until you think you have done a rasl thing by (iMhing il *o far. When yon measure you will find oat. It's an ol< |iervr*ity of the eye. I.nrnfim Mr Journal. Oiltls In pooaa. Hpoon* are no longer alike. Tbat i* to say Ihe treatment is the same, bnt tb design* run to Mt* and head*, olaw* flower*, band and device* of varion* klndi adorn tbe handle*. The apoelle ipoon have many admirer*, tbe bead* of tbi twelve diioiple* ornamenting the handle* whi.ih are supposed to be copied from authentic portrait*. Then there are Ten mm. man, Bhakeipearian and Dioken spoon* In ssls nf twelve, representing mtle and female characters. Tbe roya spoon* are copied from kings ami queen of the eighteen oenlnry, and th* salon spoon*, lu. ih are made to order, portray rim wit* and bt-autie* of the Frenol noblesse.- .NVw York If arid. J H. Kawell, a member of the Toronto Hioyole (Hub, who ha* been spending i holiday In Cincinnati, has sent for hi bioyole, and intends riding via Chicago home, in all nearly 1 000 mile*. Word comes from Brlliih Columbia that cases of leprosy are being discovered araoni the Chinese there, and that Ihe loathsomi disease i* being communicated to Ihe In dians. A Government investigation i* atkrd for. Mrs. Tinkle- We ought to deny ourselves something in this penitential leaaon. Wba saorinoe will yon make, John ? Mr. T - You know how I lov* to go to church Well, I hav* resolved to (iv* It up. Extreme BfoTclllee. Nile green, gold and latin lampti for dr* from*. Watioau green satin brocaded with small gold palm*. Oold enameled buttoni to wear with gold pauwmenlerie*. Plamron* of geld laoe above a masculine looking vest of velvet. Light sbadee of " doable cord " bengaline for reception toilets. Black and cream rhallies having small wi re smbroldered in colon. New bracelet* of several chain*, in each of whioh i* set a pearl or other gem. Tailor made oloth j%okel* decorated wilh passementerie eel wuh mutation Hone*. Peiticnat* of lalt/ia !. trimmed witb three rr.rtlm or a rose quilling on the edge. Black surah having single and triple lots, the latter in pink turquoise and lavender. A handsome pearl gray cloth honie jacket triiniir.il with silver braid and a veal of pink crap*. />ry (lwU Kconomitt. ..MI....... I tti i ii ii,| llantvr. On Saturday afterooun Coroner Johnson, of Toronto, lu-1,1 an injaeit at tbe morgue on Ihe body of the female infant found strangled in the yard in rear of L)r. Rich ardson's residence, St. Jieepb street. After sevoral witnesses had been examined the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against some party unknown. Later in the evening Detective Black arrested ao Knglish girl, '10 years of ag*, named Harah K, \, whrse parents reeide in Pavisville She acknowledged that *be was the mother of the dead obild, and also contested to having strangled il. She gave tbe detec- tive Ihe name of her seducer, and he we* taken to pclioe headquarter*, bat wa* not detained, there being DO criminal charge thai oonld be brought against him. Tbe girl wa* employed a* a *rvanto*i Teranlay tree!, bol gave birth to her child at the Lying in hospital. Tbe little one was nearly three week* old wben Ihe unnatural mother, to bide ber ibaine, strangled it. Sbe i* beld on a charge of infanticide. Woman's I'aheippy Lot. Mis* WUIard is rigbt. 80 long a* a father can will to another his child, born or an born, without it* mother 1 * consent -can giv* it away to a Chinaman, to a brothel- keeper, or one living in a foreign land, a* is the cause in some Hates -so long as a child of ssven i* in some ilate* al the absolute mercy of Ibs brutal reviaher so far a* legal protection i* concerned, and long as women are sold into the most damnable slavery and kept thsre by force, It i* certainly nl thai good women abonld get together and lay what they think about it. There are a good many womon who don't know how bad the law* are affecting them. There are tome iniqaitie* Miss Willard has referred to three of them - whioh only need the fullest exfoiare to be iwepl away. Brooklyn Timfi. i ni nr i.. Woiueu, Troy Prra : 1'reaobinK, as well a* pray ing and paying, will not be denied to Ihe Melbolist womsn of tb* near future. God has i i*'ii many cf them piety, learning and eloquence, and there i* no reason why they should be arbitrarily winded from the pulpit. President Kramer, cf the American As- gooiation, was in oonferenoe all Saturday with Frank Kliot, of Ihe Athletic*; Ed. Sullivan, of the Washington, and Von dsr Abe, of Hi. Louis, revising the aisooiation'i constitution so a* to omit tbe National agreement. all rtferenoe to H\MV .UNO t.am Whtek Lrarm the Tonor Idea to HlMet Kilting * < <-<>mpaoliiinu to the Ha- tla Box Mat lh Propriety of HOB* at the Whopper* Is Qatlond. It i*n't at ail likely Ihat wben Pope wrote the oouplet > Behold tbe child, by natnre's kindly law, Pie**ed with a rattle, liekled with a i raw-- IB entertained the shgbtcet impression that it wa* wrong for the child to have a rattlnbox. For centnriee a ratt'ebox was to be almost a necessity in every nlly appointed nnrtery, bnt there an in- dications that it ha* paited the age i f it* greatest popularity, and tbat its noiiy reign i* tcon to be ended. The advanced nought of the present i* looking more closely than ha* ever been done before into he influence H of the nursery Ti edneatiriD forms the oomssnn mird ; Jut as the twig is benttha urea'i inclined. r'roebl, the Unions German tlocofoniit od founder of the kindergarten system taoiiht that Ihe training of tbe obila's life- ork ihoaM brum the narsery Tbere should be blocks for the child to baild witb, clay with whioh to model, materials for Minting, and mnaioand song, and exercise* n m pas a red and rhythmical motion. The lursery inrroundints ibonld teach the first eeeon in tbe child'* education. Il ha* been dicoovered that in this important work the Daisy, discordant rattle can be of no benefit, and it should be discarded along with th* larmony destroying drnm and (brill whittle. The wish that nothing may inter- 'ere with tbe true development of tbe child'* sense of music and art should be inbordinate to the wish that the obild may bave high and scrupulously correct impres- lion* of truth. Beauty n irith. truth n beauty that i* all Ve know on ear- h. and all re need to know. ilh tbi* thooght in mind let a* glance mtc the well thumbed volume of "Mother Uooae'*) Melodte*," to be found in any nureery, and *ee if we can find therein tbe early and lasting association* responsible !or in a oh of Ihe world's exaggeration and nntrnlb. *ay* a writer in tbe Chicago Here is tbe well known story of Mother Goose heraelf : Tbere was an old woman who went np ia a MM Bevonty imei as hush as the moon i'vrn Mlie. wa* ^01114 I couldo't b it auk It, For m liar baud ..'.o carried a bruoui. "Oli I woman, old woman, nld woman !" quotb 1. "Oh wkmher. oh wbither. oh whitberso hicb " "To l.rtiHh tbe cnbweiMi from tbe sky ; Ai .1 1 will com* keek again by and by." And wholesale hyperbole ' Any child would deserve and no doubt receive pun- ishment if it attempted such a miirep- rewntalion of fact* of it* own invention. Yet children are encouraged to repeat tbi* ready made whopper ol a *iory. Tbe child tbat i* taught to believe the old woman went up " seventy time* a* high a* tbe moon " in after yean no doubt become* Ihe fisherman who almost land* th* Ash that weigh all the way from 40 to 400 pounds and see* tbe lea serpent* many hundred feel in length. There i* a grave insptoion that many of the newspaper reporter* of to-day discovered how to make a column article out of a ten line item by a close p*rns*l of Mother Qooae'i melodies in Ihe nurai-ry day*. Then then i* another jingle Ihat doesn't adhere closely to fact* lli-\ ,li. I '.'.. 1, .Idle. 1 hi' .-t an J Uie DiLJIi-, The cow ]utn i>**.l .'IT tbo moon . Thu little ill IK lauKbwl To SM such spurt. ADI! Ilia Jisb rau after th spoon These line* abound in improbabilities and impossibilities, a* do the follow ing : There was a man nf Mir town. \iul In- *n wouilrnuii wise ; Be uuii'Ml mtn a lirtiulilu liut.li An J crtoll-d om Imtb biH ryes ; . bfrn tie saw tun ves WITH nut. With ail tus uiii^tit ami miuu l( JIIUJINHl IU'.< Mini llrr t.lii.li Aul scratcbod 'eui tu again. Dir-kerv. dicker?, dar*. 1 IK. |.iM rU up tu ih* air . Tl man lit bri.wli soou brouxbt lnul ito.fO l>u ki-ry. Jictvry. dare. II ^Kl>*<lv.|'iiiilly. my hlark hen, sh av eMgs fur Kelicleuiwii , n -uiueN f ik'tit and * MIII'.IUUMI two, K>i-'iy. I'UKltniy. uiy l.lack liu. If sn -h a ben aver really elided she is now simply a thing of history, a* Ibe hen of Ihe preavut age doesn't lay ten egg* to one day. Shu prefer* rather to lay one egg in ten day*. Th* story of old Mother Hubbard and htr wonderful dog, tboagh very dear to juvenile minds, will bardly bear Ihe calcium light of Iruih. A dog Uiai oonlsl laugh, stand en his head, smoke a pip*, feed a oat, dano* a jig, spin, read tbe new*, rida a goat, eto., deserves much more than the bone which be did not get, because " th* cupboard wa* bar*." Why did not hi* mistress Moore an engage men! for him to perform at the museom or with the oircas ? Her* i* a piece of horl iightednets that can scarcely be explained away, except on tbe hppo- thesis that the dog ooald not perform the trick* as advertised, and Ibe old woman knew ii. Then there i* the story of Little Bo Peep, who found that her sheep bad left their tail* behind 'em," and later on pied th* tails " side by tide, all hung on a tree to dry." Tbe ohild with sufficient gullibility to believe all that will grow ap to be Ihe victim of green good* men and agent* of patent potato bug exterminator*. Add to the untrntbfnlneit of " Mother Ooost'i Meiloriies" inch tale* a* "Jack, tbe Qiant- Killer," "Little K*d Riding- hood," and other* of similar character found in many nurseries, and you have an infant'* library of tiolion warranted to make a romancer of a ohild tbat even may bave had a natural predisposition to tell th* truth. N\I I H MIH MUTHBIW-IM-LAW. *.N Harbor fur I <n Wluwe u Are Wed. A wealthy Austrian woman hai just founded in Vienna an asylum for motbtre- in law. Tbe building, not yet completed, ie to be big enough to accommodate 600 guests, and th* iustilntuin will serv* a* a pit aianl refuge (or ladies whose company i* nol agreeable lo th* ungrateful men who have walked oil wilh their daughters More than one bait of Ih* number of apartment* in the aiylum have already been bespoken. A German professor ha* written a brochure, showing that inability to agree with one'a tnolhsr-ln-law is a oerlain proof of intellectual progrta*. Chicago Newt. Kx King Milan is a resident of Pari*. having taken a house on tb* avenue of tb* Hi-is de Boulogne. He i* v*ry noponnUr in I'ariisooieiy.