THE WEEK'S NEWS f . CANADA. Mr Adam Brown is to be banqueted by his return i banou his fellow citizens of Hamilton on h: from .lam u, . .. Mayer Gram, of Victoria, B.C. , has invited President Harrison to viitit Victoria during Ins trip to the Pit itic. Mr. \V. Hill, of the Sandwich tih hatch- ery, has deposited in Krie, opposite I'ort Stanley, l,(Kl,()(Xi whitelish fry. October 1*2 has been fixed upon ai the date for the commencement of recipro -ity negotiations between the Canadian and United .States (lovermrenus. Admiral Sir Will, un Provo \Val!is, of the British navy, i 10U years old. He was born in Halifax, "N. S. An insane psssrng~r on an International tram HMMsi on to the platform it Oxford Junction, N. S. , and shot stauon agent M, Keen. The latter it badly wounded, but is likely to recover. Aid. George E. i.illespi.', of Toronto, died suddenly oo Saturday, of la grippe, at 1 Pasadena, Cal. , where he went a few w-ekg ago to bring home his wife, who has been ' Mrs Andrew Doll, of Herman, Neb., who ad lately been released from an insane asylum as cured, crushed her two children's brains out with an axe ami t ic-n suicided by drinking concentrated lye. At Kenton, Ohio, UK) disguised men went to th county jail 8t 'J o'clock yesterday morning and took out William lives, who murdered Kdward II. n per. a policeman, on March l.'l. and h.iiig mm to a tree. Thomas Beard, a Santa Fe railroad e-n- ploy, while pausing over the bridge betv.. . n North South Argentine, Mo., t In- night .cached iliove his head nnd ,-i.ughl bold of an electric light wire. He died in- stantly. Al (Joshen, Intl., on Sunday last AUea Snyder fell on the floor in a stupor, when a horde of rats attacked him. tearing off the flesh anil iimtil .ting his lace terribly, from the effects of which he died. Snyder was a wealthy miser, but lived wretchedly. At a meeting of the Plnnimers' Copper ware Association of the I'mii-d Mates, Held at Philadelphia, a great trust or combine was formed for the purpose of raising thu pi ices of their wares, winch have recently been depressed by over production. A .-ording to statistics just made public 1~>-,4I.'I persons emigrated from the British Isles to tin- United States m IVKi, while vagabonds ; flour bus been sellii.g at _'_' cents per pound, and many peopl* who at- tempted to get ctway frnm the infected dis- trict have died on the way. Reports from Mumpur ab< w lhat IJeut. QMAt with his little band <>i ><.->ikhas in- rlictcd two severe defeats on tile Maiiipuris, killing the unsiirpiii'.: raiih. Tin- "U-l.iiiow fee! inclined to "settle. ' Then iu.-1's letter stated tint CommisMiniui iji mi. i id the oilier Rnglishmen weie kill' .1 i <s nise of atrocious ciimlnet on the purl .'I ' \'..e British force, which is most likely a 'ie. WILL LIE IN ONE SHAYS. _ f TT, ,c^*.o,lllj HIC l.u.llu <>l .11. Love <ind Death Achieve a victory \ie: ;%:.., ,,,a h.,i piercer the disguise of 1. . ... 1 1. . *!!_ _ f relative* at Moscow, craving money 'or her I burial. It seenu 'hat the family in Russia had !>'.,i ned tin- facts legaiding the hiring of M. Over Poverty. ltab>. I .1 'iigh '.he cour!. -y of the authorities, *> lovers will lie buried in tiie sauio gi i sauic grave. TUe A tin 1 1 Age. It was the day express tram on one of (h. great trunk lines ot railway :n the Middle [ States, tilled as usual with tlip, ..^h , gers. They sat for the 11101,1 ;. och absorbed m hix own thoii-ht.-. I'he-" wern two j;rcat railways magnate.-, on tin n way Ui Vevv York, u> consult about , "deal :"::, ere wen- commercial travel',' with then canvas valises Inside them ; tin w-re mi .nuers gluiicn a over ih, i: ,|ote-l.....k.s, r, ading the papci .-, city, d.'/iug : tiieie wav.i richly dressed, supi-rci- lioiiK-lo iikmg woman, who. with her child and maid, sat .. little 11, i' :.,.,n : he the former subaltern. The pension was witiidr.iwn to force Mine, de Fisher into tlie ',<',ne and lile.ik Ipthe 'ulillect It'll. Uoinanitr tflnry of Rus.lau I'rlde Tbal Is re.lln l';ir . lonlliliil Iteuulleil In I'brlr Olil I a* a Prrluilr lo a Itciihle Traicrdr. \ !' tm.-h frnm I'.iris says: A stri'ige, I The adult age is the period of physical rom.nti. -i,,r v s to-day t'ho topic ot ""I ! nntuni . h...,i i.i u,e Russian .-"lony Here, a tale o! whu-h blade an : ' ,011, on, tin 11 ; ,ml at last tnnmph- in i. !,:. 'lie hero and iieroine of which have li-tvvei-ii t'.em veiy little ot the youth or Iwaulv it uo ntturally am., i,,te I with " loves young dream. \nioni; the noble I ,: Musc.'W are the lie Markoifs. iry ii^'o they were represent- ed liy tlie r'i.nior de Miukoi!', who, with his | llg Wile in,; line I., aulltnl dilUgiilfl .-, spending the winter there for her health. , O|l | y .,., -,,,, The Board of Management of the Domes- I Brn.sii Isles tic and Foreign Missions of the Church of year England in Canada will hold its next meeting pj^ ,,.,, ^ , in Montreal in October. . jail at Kansas City on Wednesday nighl The well known evangelists, Messrs with the intention of lynching "William Crossley and Hunter, are eon, services at Vancouver, B. C., and are meet- ing with great success. A company has been organised in Mont- w.-ie .-haltering, giddy cho>d-^ii!. .-in " Crated from the to British America in the same nmrdcied his mistress, plucky guard scared tin iv w o'd ne_ro aunty," amhuileup at the Iwck . :.i...te,l. ,h,l,i,y ,i|,i man > ..... 11- ing ot whiskry. riles.'ji .,'|,!e. ^.il lieied out the ripe fruit for bud and llower have iir, 'ii ic pr.'pu.i i.,n. It is the periotl of n. -bn- , i-ien'.s. ne i, lily tissues are con- s'.lnl I'e-l. and In- ditlcrcnt organs fully dcv. ',.ped ::i .-,. and I unction. But '.lie adult ,.ge nas its own peculiar drawU'cks and jwriU. Kven of those per- sons vvh<> , me to it the best of pros- pects, tin - native vigor preserved by a virtuo- . aim \rell-gtiarded youth, there iv who do nut live out half their .lays, or who prepare lor themselves a feeble and pamliil oi ~<(e. One peril wine . Vscis atlult life is inor- dinate or inisdirecu ' ambition. The re- ur'ed by m.ny 'admirer* ""lied .invvholcsoine I'c-venshness is well aiid i'ioh.-.-.i i . .,; p-iieuis. Ii. r life ..pp.-.,: Venn, lihed in the case of the professional ; 'ii-a.-uons, P"liti'':a:i. 1'iie nient.,1 and physical strain .'ddeil lustre to tin -. . >i ,... ml circlesof that "I rill: liAI-iillTKIls U.VTK1SA was the youngest anil most lovely. Feted 1>V her fi ;en.l . ami \1 ' . \. who One well armed them off. Curing a tire at Kingston, Pa., Thursday, real for the purpose of building rolling nulls ok pi ,,-e between the firemen and a for the manufacture of brass and copper ' wire, rods, etc. Dr. Wdliam G. Cox has been found guilty at Detroit of criminal malpractice in the case of Bertha Coultis, of Leamington, On*., and sentenced to one year's imprisonment besides a tine of $500. The new paMsangersteamer City of Detroit, which went ai-m-md a few days ago near Amherstburg, bos bee; ,nd towed to the Detroit dry docks for lepuirs. She i* not much injured. A Quebec despatch says an American company, having a capital <>: $ftK,.iMn,, will work the petroleum springs of I iospe. The company's place of business will be at St. Paul, .Minn. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. ha* issued in London t21, 000,000 of mortgage bonds on its Minneapolis and Sault line. Several dead were found in the Lachine canal at Montreal when the water was let off on Monday. Bisl.op Racine, of Sherbrooke, has issued a maadtmrnt on behalf of the colonization societies ami against emigration to the t 1.1 ;cd States At the appro* -h'.in; se'iio'i >! 'tin- Domin- ion House, a bill will ' introduced teviving the motius vivendi arrangement in . OUT- with the Atlantic fisheries. Kcfcrring to the N'cwfo-.indlaii 1 t the London Timftt advises the islanders to make friends with Canada and aiualgniiate tli" itit' i-csU of the pr<.vinos. I'he veterans of the 7th Battalion <>. don are preparing to celebrate the i"it h anniversary of the Fenian raid of June. TheC. P. R. and the Dominion Coal pany have guaranteed to the Munito'oa I Inv- ernmeut that when the ^ouris branch railway is complete I, coal will be furnished for $4 per ton. The London Timr* believes the Newfound- land delegates will !>e heard at the liar of large crowd ot rough*. Tint police had to tie art tin tirem, 'ii. The chanU of the town assisted tiie police. The result was about forty persons injured, of whom two or three will probably die. La grippe hi- , .vised extraordinary mcr- tality in, _ , i ;1 West Virginia. Alexander 1 . who murdered I J. J. Meadow** M Blue field, W. Va.. last Tuesday nig t, '... . l,e n taken from iail at Priiicctoi', Me , .'.iiity. and I A man i;i New York named Wil- helm, who a victim c,f la grippe, threw himself tiom tl.e top 'I.;, r ol u h . a- storey tenement to the liaewalk on Monday <uid killed himself. A despatch troin lilai kfoot, Idaho, says tw ,i:iiuowu white immigrants have been killed by Indians. An uprising is feared and business is suspended unl the citi.-ens are up in arms. Count Lewenhaup . who was marne.' to Miss Bayai.l on the -nd mst. at ton. Delaware, died , n Monday of nia.i/nai't typiiuid fever. He had )>een m,i. I he last two ,.r tlirce weeks. Reports from Inc ,uitlu"-n I Colorado ,,! t" :iie ;fe, ' s tha: '.I," l'-.i.HIIS have lost n.-iulv ..11 :htir stock ny '"'.ivy snowstorm^. Many thousands of animals ' haveners. John Tarkall. while '.. mpurarily insane from the > reels of la yrippe. blew ins head otfwr i . rapids, Iowa, 1 on Sin,, lav. lull CM . ..- > nilesfromChcboygan, i ,llip < ollespie were chop- vii-n -lames' axe slipped and cut him : badly, J"hn *cir <, ^.-, iu-ip, :onl when be ; return, '.I with i party, tumid a pack ol v. . .; . - >> Ins In other's bones. Assistant SecicU.ry ^paldnn; I .us iniorinvd a X-vv York correspondent 'nat sermons imported ln;in Knglaiid an, I printed in periodical* arc not considered as ciilul",! to free entry as pcii'Mliiuls, but are pro lo the tan.:,. . i vvhote cradle all the 1 "" idem to holly ont.-sted elections, the of all cla*',"liod m> mtercoiir.<eT : they look. ^<i h D to haw '.vutched and 'alternate liopeii-d de.-pair. the unseasonable ed askance and indifferently at each other endowed her :th remarkal..e gifts. Yet, ' lBl>or '""' ''M'osujp, ail tend to break down Hie train, with a shriek and a jar, came at the !i,.id of n.-i , ..reer, Mile, de ''"'" ivll<l gg "' ''"". Those who to a full stop in the midst of the mountain. Markotl' met with a : nent that have vvatched public .-vents for any consid- r,.r a few minutes the oassen gers sat uiidis- embittered he. existence ..nd tue-.-d her life Arable lenirtli of lime have seen many strong inrlied. \vt!i the , -aim t'aith of : the American -:ose. Ktr:tm, naturally of r.n men killed by such excitements, labors and in the [lower ol urticiaU to set all thirii;* -t-' disposition, Imd 'oved ind lov-d 'lisf,p|M>:iitinents. righ. As the tram conti-aied statioha; ,ut 'lie youth w' she iesired to , Su " "'ore di.ngeious, because mora III-W-VIT, one inaii after .mother went ..-r.' II:.K< happy wiis oniy .-..dry sub- jj c " r '' l ". v ''Ugtged in, are the undue aiubi- I'hey leturned wuh tidings that al.i.du'o 'It.'i:;. Lie'm. ArmiL-M). who, though of tionn of the business world. Men who an hod given way, and Unit tiie u nn would be gentle birth, iiad neiiner money nor intluence i .or twelve or ritteen iiours. *ie ,,-nitn to open for him the gates of pro- was a general outcry of annoyance ' mot :,m , well, so fur an the ami vexation. It was near noon, everyone tva!i, 'nn, .> her.lreain was .-oncerned , have vvsnlod lunclieon. Kach man insisted that kept ,ier |>erference Ins business was urgent and , ould not ., BCRBT BVKS TKUM ITS OBJEtT. Flndo d delayed. One littT. more or less 'midlv. ould not oe woman For a few miuut<-s. Mailmtf, however, had quite eagei to be rich take upon themselvt.* inix-ssvit anxieties, and submit to ruinonsl] close confinement. At the mime tune tliel have many temptations to high living, au.\ tl.e rctulls are seen in the great number oi the picked men of the race who die sudden* ly of apoplexy or heart failure. In short, the darner ,.| the adult age, enpeciallv in the ti.ial cunditions ' the every face was clouded, ;nd the ear was tilled other designs for his daughter and naturally with a babel of angry voices. Presently objected lo allowing the gem of his family luult ' r wlmh a large part of the race now somabody imtieed the motlu r crying ove'r ,'asket to be ensii, :n, d in a .settaii; in uo way I ' ive - ' etoess. This excess, or over- her -luld. and s|iokc to her. j worthy of its rare brilliancy. In due time 't'muuitton, it may l*> of the brain, thestoin- "Oh, my Iwby '.'' nil,- sobbed. "It is | poor K.itrtmi \v.\s wooed and wedded l>y lac ''- the animal passions ; or it may run to sick, and I hoped to get home in an hoar 1 Colonel de Fisher, a member of the C/ar I aim.scments, or even to gymnastic sports. I think it is dying 1" ' personal .ntaff and occupying one of the most | Whatever direction it takes, the end i* There was a startled silence. Then an imp irtaut posts iu tiie Imperial household. ' rly 'lie same premature cnfeeblement elderly gentleman at tha back of the car Heic the young dame o! Moscow took her " r '' came forward. "1 am a physicians," he place and in theCourt festivities was remark - said. " Let me sec the child. '' ed by all as a most valued accession. Fora It m dangerously ill. and in need of; time the constant round of gaiety and her active treatment. 1'lie haughty woman naturally high spirits seemed to have clfac- who had hitherto H. Id herself aloof was the ed all traces of her early sorrows from Kat- lirst to s.|>eak ; she had a box of mustard rum's mind, plasters in her satchel, and she tore up her li:n liandk'Hvlnef for bandage.*. The old nej;ro woman .jiiiftly \ient out, kindled a lii.' on tin- roadside, and heated some \\atcr BIT Ari'EAn.\Nl-ES WERE PWEITIVK. W hen some ten years had elapsed Colonel de Fisher, who was still the C/ar s favored ometliiiig should be said, also, of those whose lives ore shortened by domestic labors and worries. The rearing of child- ren, the care of the sick, the conduct of the household, the pressure of social duties, the den amis of fashion, tiie endless attempt to make a scanty income go as far as possible these arc among the causes which bring naturally strong women too early to the servant and had seen several olive hranchv* spring tip about his board, was suddenly at- to give the child a hot bath. M' man knelt and chafed its feet ; an other n: .,rit with shawls. The tacked by a malignant disease, to which he I can . n " porter brought pillows ; a Hi-brew drummer succumbed after a brief dlness. His widow ?"__.', left with Iter children and a handsome fortune, ,le,-ide,l to remove to Paris the better to educate them. Perhaps she was influenced by the fact lhat Lieutenant medicine, ma'am." Armigolf had resigned from the army on UK- mid fora miniito and learning of Katrma's marnaue and gone to produced from his bag a bottle of laudanum, for which the doctor expressed a wish, and even the pom-drunkard it the back of the car urged his tiaxk of brandy on thi mot her. ng He looked at lh< The moral is obvious. Hard work is not | to be avoided ; perhaps it ii best that it cannot be : but those who wish for health life should aim to live as far as possible -.imply and naturally, and especially to avoid rivalry and worry. tnrne I .xwiiy. " I'm a poor loafer," he said, thel'Yench capital to gain s precarious liveli- " but 1 km feel fortlic baby as much as any hood by giving lessons in languages and of you." fencing. Arrived ~ II Itl.Liil.r. his imperial Emprror Hunan'* SUmi>le. I'wple who imagine that Majetty passes all his time in _ _ new-born sons, meditating on tin i. . fencing. "Arrived in Paris, Mine, de Fisher of Prince Bismarck, and .(Uarrelliug vvith In the course of three or four hour* the at once took up the social position to which | Conn von \S i dersre are very mi: chilli n is i.lieved, and tell itito a sweet her antecedent., m St. Petersburg entitled I taken. He likes his fun also. . sleep. But lieforu that time tlie passenircn her and she was abie, in a few years, to see There is a certain music lull in Berlin where ,r li.ul >'! b .vemc it* nurses and kins- her ,iiini;hter comfortably settled in life and tne Bmperor ehjuys adventures worthy of toil; When it vi ivs , , lit of danger, and lying her sons stai ted m remunerative careers the Calipii Haroun Al Katclud. Whether til.' Knglish House of Coiiimons, but ,t is p'rly dill laid- at the rate of _'."> per cent, ad not likely that they will be able to change i valorem as printed matter under the Act of the Government's intended line of policy. n ~'~ t '" ' gcr, an, I lying calmly in Us mm her 's arms, they went In the grassy bank by the snl of the river, and improvised i pi, -inc. Some, | -I;. i, ii >id found .. tal'lll- house remunerative careers. Ill T K.VKN I.N EXII.K KATHINA was not destined to be happy. Before she had attained her liftielh birthday her child' l-NITKD STATM. The New York Assembly bos (tassed a bill milking ( iuo.l Friday a legal holiday. Chicago hod a million dollar fire on Sun- day. In the Nebraska election.'!, held on Tues- day, the Australian plan of voting was adopted with very great success. The New Orleans grand jury is at present actively investigating the lynching of the Italians in the parish prison. -. v.-ral Buiialo capitalist* arc interested I A "I* 01 " 1 " l)le ^ lal " yl't -Mr. Parnull in a scheme for building a tunnel un j er i admits privately that Mi, Homt Rule cause Niagara river between Fort Krie and Buffalo llM ' M ' tM1 throw " b l:k l * c " ' v vean> - October \tn-l. ..... i"* in* 11 iim* ti'itiin nil ill- iiivwnv . 111-1 ii r or two. ,.,%. .,nd brought bread ami r< " '""' ''""' ''"'I !>''' fortune been dissipated ' . I:REAT BIUTAIS 'i""''l' the >pe. uritions of an executor in ""* ^he w,.s then, elortil roduc- It is stated that the Msp|uisof l~u:sdov\n, wishes to retire from the India vieeroyaltv Lady /.clland and Miss Ralfour Have IM.-CII visiting Aclnll Island, where they were warmly welcomed by tin- people. The prospects for the trans-All, intic < at!" trade for the oinin,- season are very bright. Advices have been re, ,;., I m ^inml of a t success for the British forces near immiafewol't, ..... , , ,, V 'rs opened satchels an.i |.r ,dm . d some damtv . The .I,-.* ,a,i potted .-luckeii : a . ..i..... mm ister. otMOM! a farmer l"ves m N "SCMW w ho. tor the as but ., little - vt ' il " < - b:ive alhwcd her a pension - ,t was hii.lcd around, was al,,md:,nce of g-xid-will. her ten -. Tli.-v la'.krd. :..l,i stories, and one or two , ed lo llN ,l ; '' ''' '" t!l> ' "''' e ".V "t depvniling on l"ves m N "SCMW w ho. tor the past - of M.(HN) ' I '<"" '--.,!,, the family estate. On ill>'ttance,,,K,r Mine, de rishcr has mau of course, compelled Iii Kansas the ether day Mr-. Mary F. Cut ton ami Mrs. Jessie McCormick were !ected police judges. I). E. Kiinbsll, ticket agent for the North- western road, shot and killed himself Thar*. ditv morning in a Turkish buth room at Omaha. The late P. T. Baruum leaves an estate wo, th $5,000,000, which he W.picaths to his legal heirs. The annual report of the Chicago, Bur- lington ami Quiucy railroad shows a deficit . .T>. President Hasrisou has issued his usual anuaul proclamation regarding the killing of sed in t'cliring sea. The steamship Thames brought a cargo of coffee from H.-u/il to Xew York on Wednes- day which WM valued at feOO.'.'l.'i. i apt. Lear and 13 deputies have been arretted at Moun* Pleasant, Pa., in connec- tion with the shooting of coke strikers lost week. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Preuss, aged 73 and 71 years respectively, have been suffo- . , . I by , < ial gas at their home in Waukesha, .13111. Mrs. .l.ihn L. Sullivan, wile of tlu pugil- ist, will be publicly baptised Sunday at Providence, K. I., under the auspices of the Salvation Aimy, of which she is a leading member. The I'nited States Navy Department hs ni.ide.irr.ingements with the Dupont Powder Company for the establixhinent of a plant for the manufacture of gun cotton and smokeless powder for naval use. The convention of miners and operators at I'HiHb-.ii'u came to an end without composing tl.e lifferunces of the two classes, am! a big is iu prospect on May 1. The McHalc Hill, which prohil'itM the wearing of tightsjon thu stageandcompels the wearing of at least a short skirt , has passed the Minnesota Senate, Three children ol I mas Mun, e were Italian ciiHtoins receipts for March a reduction of $9.0UC),(JOO compaied has been thrown back twenty je.u-, It is said that Loi .1 Kandolph Churchill won i'35,iJWO by backing Niintliorpc, tl.c win- ner of the City and Suburban hai.dn-.ip. The I inn . think it tlie resolution pass- ed by the Imperial llon-e , i Commons , , n deinnin^ the Indian opiiini Hall,, was a " spasm of cheap puritamsm. ' IN ,;KNP.KAI. Th, show witii the same month in I89U. A reward of '2U,(MKI florins has been paid by the Bulgarian <>o\ eminent to the man who was instrumental in the captni" of the murderers of Minister IMtchefT. Cerman garrisons on the eastern fi out i,r are to be strengthened on account of the massing of troops in that direction by Rus- sia. Grand Duke Michaelovitch has got him- self into trouble with the Oar by secretly marrying the daughter of tho Duke of Nasssau. Returns from the Japanese Customs De- partment for 1S90 show falling oil in exports of |13,. r iOO,000, and an increase of imports of who hud ;ji,,l voi -es sang. When, late in tb* evening, the engine pulled and whistled, and the conductor shouted, "All aUwrd '." a company of rovv.'.ed into the ear, and when they parted, a few hours later, it was vvit'i m .ny heurty hand-shakes and a gener,: "i wmhe*. " \Vha! g'Mxl, kindly folks they all were;" xcful little mother. " But I be- :i it hu'i not been for my ick lby ! to retrench largely virtually retire from t he social sphere in which she formerly lived. Such was the status of affaire when one day last October Mme. do Fisher was at once shocked and delighted by meeting, while taking her daily walk in the Champs Klysces, with Lieutenant Annigott', whom she had not seen since he bade her adieu i <T lll'.loP.K IIKIt MARKlAci:. She bad not at lirst noticed the old man, who passed, looked after and then followed her. but, being al last attracted by his in- Kixlnn.te, she retraced her steps and once she had taken a good look at him, was not long in recalling the beloved features. But how they would never have found each other out We toiget that pain and sick- ness are keys to unlock t.. e ill-arts 0, men toward ,-.! ii "Ilier. The li.iiipv, prosperous much Kadnetui iinnijlcd with the iov tit recoa- man rare I v knows of tho depth of tenderness nition ' Ivatnna* ncantv in., DSJOMBM a which ics in his brother s bosom, ready to thing of the post, while the ev-Lient, nani s clothnm betrayed the last stage of the shabby genteel. But Kati ilia was eipial to tlieoccaHion. She detci mined that f er lover should share her crust, if she could not, for fear of her family, m.ike him legally her Inisband. She at once hired M Mcliver rolllr litlilrrn. "Thank you, Charlie," said Mrs. Blown, as her little son handed her a paper he was .1 to bring. " II .mk you, Bridget," said the little fel- low, a few hours after, as he received a glass of water from bis nurse. Well, Mrs. Brown, you have the best the C'alipii he is re< 'oguizcd or not 1 uunot say, as his Majestv it- m adept in the art of " making up." However, policemen, detectives, and others are far too wise to express suspicions in case they have some idea thuy are in the pres. IP e of the Lord of i ,, i many. It is uon- lidfiitlv vanl lii tt tho other day, in thu guise of a Hebrew peddler, his Majesty wandered through tho haunts of the Jewish commun- ity in Inn capital and discussed with a num- ber of working Israelites ttie .ouditiou of their race in his own dominions and the etfe, t <[ tin- harsh measures recently promul- gated against them in Russia. On another o, c.uion tlie Kmperor is said to have passed many hours of the night wandering among the saloons used by sailors ..nd 'Miimon soldiers, arguing and inviting crif.i ism on tlie life i f a private in his army or an \. B. seaman in his navy. All thasw things doubtless assist the young sovereign in his endeavors to act as the lather of his people : but occasionally the fact that he is a young man bursts upon him, and he is apt to join in vigorous dancing, and play high jinks generally, as enthusiastically as the latest da. k ashore. Then, in the middle of a can-can or a schoppcn, comes the memory. Mi bin dcr Kaiser, ' and his temporary boon companions are surprised to see their new comrade suddenly draw hiinsi If up, turn on his heel and leave tho place followed by n couple of, till that moment, supposed- to-be drunken chums. i the name he hud assumed ,>n coming to Paris) as a mon-of all-work and to see that IIIK M'AUTMKVTS WKRK KEPT IN OMDF.R. The Lieutenant, although at first refusing mannered children lever saw, "said a neigh ( to accept the bounty, was finally forced, by " ' Tho family of the late Prince Napoleon ', have decided not to publish the politnal purl of his will, which calls his son, Princ Victor, a rebel and a traitor. There is considerable excitement at Bari, Italy, over the trial of members of the Mali. Vita S, ciety, which appears to be very much . like the Matin. Massowah advices say the inhabitants of the interior of Abyssinia have risen in rebel- lion, and that plague and famine are rife in lhat country. A sensation has been caused in St. Peters- burg by the suicide of a Hussar olticer. who is supposed to have been connected with the plot to kill the C*ar. The Au.lralian federation convention 'n. v. N. S. W.. on Wednesday sft"i , 'ho constitution (i real en- playing with a can f glyceime , \V ..-dimc ton yesterday and an c \ plosion took i m-beiii Chili. ,i\.iugto TW were blown lo atoms and iheolhei will hcr*vo!u: is lo be appalling. All likelvdi.- sorts of atrocities are being perpetrated by bor. " I should be thankful if mine wore a sheer necessity, to agree to Mme. de Fish politetomeasyoiirsarototheservants. You cr ' 8 ,,1 R , 18 . Hut even had this not been so spend half so much time on your t | 1( , prospect oi daily intercourse with his children 'sclotln sos I do, and yet eve,\ one ,,i,| love vtould probably have overcome all i... IK-, them, they are so well-behaved." I scruples. The. Autumn and Winter thus "We always try to treat our children I pM .d peacefully and happily for the re- politely, ''was the quiet reply. milled iovms, mid up to a week ago all at This was the whole secret. When I hear j \ ul seemed to betoken ft calm if not joyous parents Crumbling about the ilUiimnners of ,,|,| ;lieii in!, lie, i. I ilways wish to ask, "Have' you always treated them with politeness?" Many p.u en i" who al o polite and polished in their manners toward the world at large, arc perfect boors inside the home-circle. If a stran r "tl'-i the slight, M. service, he is gratefully < nank, ,1 : but \ !,. < er i,;inembers to thus reward tlie little tireless feet that are travelling all day long, up itairs and down, on co unt less errands for somebody? I' Moiilti be policy for parents 'o treat their children politely for the saKu of obtaining n he, i ml 'dwdicnco, if for no other rea- son. The costless use of an "If you please," and " I thank you," now and then, will go S.i\ io "n, ".lohn, shut that door," and. with a m-owl, ho will move slowly to- ward it. ami shut it with n bang. The next I iolm, will you shut the door, ' nnd lie will hswtsn with a pi to ,lo \ ,,m hitiding. ONK PATAl. MtlllNlNd, however, an ominous-looking package ar- rived from Moscow. It contained letters from Mine, de Fisher's relatives to the effect that it wa their desire that in- should up hei little establishnioiH in the ilb.'urg St. Honr>' and i el ire to . home for old ladies of the upper elans. They also added that the pension of S.IKKI francs W'liM IH' diKcoiitiiiued. Thus in a inomciit , n.mhied all the hopes of the at last iiniled, all die happiness that had come, it liitf, to these wearied heart*. In this KI UODIKS WIIRF. mt;>i> fN IT F.D BY A 'ORB. At Mme. de Fisher's residence the |K>li,n found a uddrenscd to her implacabl* The Mrarn..!ia( Prcjrrl :US) Vean Old. \ Mexican _: nileinan laUly gave a bit of curious histoi y v\itii !-^:.rd '., the propu-cd Nicaragua Canal. lies*nl tliat in the early days of the Spaiiish occupulion there was talk of a , anal across the i.-tlunus, and a Spanish explorer unsaid <><.nn.nt in l.Vil iiidi.atrd iieNucaragua route a< the most fci.sible lirlviecu the twofoas. The Spanish (iovnnment did not (it the time give the matter attention, but ;n I7M. de-inng (pin ker cominunication betw.en tiie ,..ean, sent out an '>iti. < r named ' nuke a survey of t hi ee iitferent routes, and atnong them thut thro.iK x ''' ported in tav.n of the lattii, nut - could not not i:i:m'tho Munis :or. oust rnct ion. In 1>. B 'his n., ',v an Kiigiii-hinan named llui'.-v, who was MnployM by :li. . . ua, ^.uii lii 1851 by Col. c ''in- pony which proposed to undertake the canal. Nothing ' nine of it, but in l7.'l an olin-iT of the Unit - 'i',v> made the survevs which resulted in tli route l>y thecom|>any which is now engaged on tho work of the canal. A writer in one of the New Yoik p p -s Buys that, until very la'.eiv n, t like ;ha European system of tipping e\i r ted in the States, but that now tips are as ;'. , x- tortcd in the health or pleasure ICMM'S. :,nd m.iny othei places, as ever they v\,ie in Tx>nuon or Paris. II, idd And what is lamentable, we get mithint; ',11. valiut to the I'', .tope.,. ''irn. W o pay t h toll and get uiore kicks than courtesy for tu "