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Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1891, p. 11

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LAST HOURS MADE EASY, of n nt Hi;- It.-. l ll.-. in a Woman s Presence. The . -11.11:; -... i- !, Belle lm uiicil >ue 'lure llrluk t,i l liuinuuuue in laeU .lerrliniit t'.-nrs Ihe l.\|n-e of Iky Ins] us i|.i.-li i. iif Living- I Irj.lll-lrr rlv III. Ill l>. Ill lll.U. " 1 hiivu wiliiessed many curious death- lx>d scenes," said Mrs. .Idainiette Holm i, I nurse employed at the Toron- was after dark. I shall never forget that niijht. U had lieen sultry all day. 1'lie sky Mack, with lowering clouds, and as 1 " " ||1VI '" '"!" ll "' " Ullo "."\ "'.T 1 ''" by a servant the mad warn lighted by viv HOI s|s IN /I l I I -.Ml. Ill- > I .ink LilO-lUg Ilil-Ill-. c. .11.1 M .oil. II Hull. I I h. in The Xulti wiiinan in the architect m.l by a servant the mad was lighted l>y vivid I ' (lashes of light i, in- that almost blinded us. ' bniWer of ihe /ulu house, and the style of " They had darkened the window* of thu sickroom, hut (he occasion flashes |wnc architecture is known ill the colonies as " wattleand daub. " It looks like an exaggcr- ll.l- this [1C to h.wpital. ' 1 am now forty years of ae " l(i """ f>rted up n bed to a sitting (ws- and have lieen a nnrs,. lor twenty years, ""''' J ll!>t doulded up like a galvanized thonifh I have hoen in this country only Corpse twitching in e\ery ur.i.scle. ' What s that ' l:o asked, th tluath-iat- tie MI his throat. ten. " A few years ago I wan , -ailed into a very anst.H-ratic family. This family m very rich " ' "'S 1 "' to explain that it was a thin trateil even there. 1 went straight to the ated Iwolnvi-, loi Uxlside and took up the wiilisred wrist. At culianty, that it can not grasp the idea of first I thought the patient was already dead, ; anything that is not round or elliptical in iu pulse was JM weak aud irregular and the fonn. There arc no squares in nature. To o 'ceble Uut close attention tor , build her house, the woman tra, -s a circle on the ground fourteen feet in diameter, .md getting a number ot long, limber branches, .ck" tliem tirnily into tin- ground and then bends the tops over and ties them with fiber obtained from the numerous creepers, or " monkey ropes." Then she l wiues thicker creepers in and out of these sticks, all round the circle of spaces about twelve inches upait. aud then taking wattle {a kind of course grass or reed), -he thatches the edilice, leaving a small hole the top for a chimney, aud another hole i nionient om'Micwl me he was still alive. A minute later 1 sai.i to thu terrilied daugh- ter : * He's ijonc and so it .seeim-.l. "At that instant there was a terrible hunt of tliuii'lei . It rocked the solid old .ountiv nunsion on its fouiidationi>. The Shi- "So she mirriedforloic, did she'" He " Yes ; love of money." The law-breaker may not bout himself an early riser, but he is quite apt to be up be- fore the judge. " (iivo me charge of the choir," remarked the del il, "aud 1 care not who occupies the pulpit. " retires won't lie, but give the figures to one who knoMshnw tousethem to i and he'll do the rc.-t Lottie --" IHI = , do ships have yard (Jus "I lieline they I", l^ttie." Lottie " How perfectly lovely '." A boy whose leg was recently repaired by grat'tiii^ some -m from a dog complains now that Ins shin oarks easily. .Snooker "I bought these three-dollar trousers in a tit of economy. " Hunker (nur- veyingthe garment! -" 1 don't sec the lit." " Talk about striking a tender chord," soli AGRICULTURAL.. Heifer Oalves N'o one will deny that to have oad milk- ers we must raise good heifer calves, anil 1 wish to note a few things iu this icgsad that I have found of practical service to me. First, the calf |iaddock is one of the things to do away with. Why ' liecause as long as you are feeding skimmed milk the call should I* confined in a small shed with a chauee to o\<>rctein U.. < v.nd where the ,ow* are out ou gins. My practkv is lo take til* calf as anon as dropped and feed it the new milk of its dam for three or four days ; then commence on sweet skim milk tor one or two weeks ; then gradually "U to UiK . k ^ m]k when most dairymen turn the calf into the paddock and it is just this period (hat is ntical in tin- call's life. An atta:k of "scouis"at tins time i sure to make a runt" or .-minted cow. The cause u that grass aud curdled milk do not work well to- li|in/.eti the trump at llir WOodpU* ; " this II three feet square for a door. In front of this , iWre cold at an entertainment. Instead '''''"" <>mv in an Knglish hospital a ...,..- .it ' t.ii;ing can- of herself she went ilnmt a cult and langi-ious -;n -i. ;l ..|M-ralion Wii u.iial every night in evening dress. Whin '"'"K pci'oinied on a man who had lieen I arrived at the house I found herlv.- c :n i " '!> injured in an a. -.idem, lie was a :mi-Mticcnt room practically it the point ..I powerful young man and it times . wo al.l.- , death with pneniiioiiiu. tint physicians > ' were In oonsaiution. The taunlv was itxing unite smooth. This she I picaii- >I1 .in-! ;he ground Minnie the hut, | d lieaU it carefully until it is i|iuti- haul | ' T.-icher " How would you describe II- my VIII. ot Kiigland ' " ' Student 'I roold c describe him as a professional wid,,w- Qsdisd attendants were unable io hold him still. 1 was called in to assist. The IIM- tenibly frightened. The girl was very love- mem I touched his hand he glanced at me ly. " i pneumonia is i- ,-n disease and aimeaimgly and grasped mine. Krom that she hud -nit lieen in bed mm.- tlrtn two days. iment he bore '!- pain unflincl I found her wandering in her mind, -die 1 had turned his face away tron: seemed to half comprehend what I was, for * * my cheek again she turned her dark eyes on me a moment "caiv.-ly murmured again .lining ihe whole ^ , anil free from ,-ia. ks. This tlinir a jood will scour twice a day, with smooth stones, until it i like a pn ll I mai ble. and inquired " ' iVill I he able to go to the ball? " ' Hall I Mercy, child.' said I, trying to soothe her. ' don't think about balls. After ii while " " ' King for champagne '' she unified nn ''''" pel i.msly. I'm going to dress tor the ball. I must go Shu tried to hum a wait/, then time. " When all was over, he placed both of his great inns u-oiimi me ami p .I'-lllly lo hl Ixisom klssoti me oil '. l.e lips. When they disengaged his arms he was de nl S , .,,.,. ..,.,. ........ ,, ., ,. , .,.,. HudilenlynxcUim...!: I lu,,,, <m . (ham ,,. , , lmil , ..... nlll ., ( er Bring ohampagne ! It warms the ..... , ____ L . , t .. h tiieplace is ne ir the diior ami i- sim. p'y a ring of this day lo confine the embers n 'lie place. The oilier ueccssarie* found in a hut an- a bundle of spear shafts, sonic i several bunches of mil- (he --oof. Grouped around the walls .in- tin -In.--- iiin-i , k -pecics ot jars, the native beet iars. ami open ins tor holdim; grim. Of oourse the lens,- \\., , I smoke, n-in^. 'he root, millet, and tobacco will and long" finger* ' ol u haug :n every di- n : bin ' In- r|,. ir will IH- clean enough ti . ami aa I. mi; as that is so the socia M'- ' -! .heXlllllls -allstit I Mi. Cabb "I hear M,-. I'uld :- toniuve." Mrs. IJabli " Ves ~hc moves evety six month) since she got her new fur- niture." The IK-SI ihiiiK about the ^*\ old times, middlings or ,>at meal, which islst. These never -hould U 1 mixed with the milk but put in the Uittom of the bucket liter the milk has lieen drunk. It u not natural for a calf to drink ^inin any more than fora cow to do it. he milk t'mm MX to eight months with i he -rain miion increased to what tl.. of th .P,.,) u -rowing until is that they h ticket. * rtuu ; l>*''ext spring. The full calf his the ioLii<Aiiii^->ii(at<-[|iiij'(ri.a(il.uillv>V**L. . . . * ^ .. The past can't conic back if it wants to , v, i ' '.ou,-d and fed dm so bail. A w-oiuii || that she isaltogether out of -0,-ictv so long as she gets an in- vitation ev.-ry year to a lashioiiahlc. t pagnc heart 1 so ! My heart is gutting cold ' Bring more champagne " N.ilur.-il (.a- n I in i. , . . , . druvea team al , av ami all mgiit. 9w<-aru " >he choked and i; urged and her voice , ,. tin- moott learl ill and original .aihsall '.I time He was the Her I "i ' 1 he doctors, were, at her side in a mo- , ., , had to watch. His foul laiiL'.iagc tur \Vhen M.I, ural gas was first . inplo\, I toi mo ment. It was evident her youi.g life was fast ebbing. The still iilant was brought Kising on her elbow she grasped the fiesh'y opened Kittle from the '.ray ami U-l haxl time to recover 1 1 oni our astonishment pouietl its sparkling contents down her throat. Her eyes shone like stars. "'Champ- , but the word was nei or tini-hed. " She Hung the Inittie (pun her, sank into tho soft pillows and expired. I hadn been there ten minutes." " There was a rich old merchant over in fhirly tilth -:i"t whom I was called upon to attend. lie had spent a lifetime in the accumulation of considerable wealth and in his old age went -ilra. ghi from IIIM counting- house to Ins bed. iie could scnMely IH- brought to realise thai his slay on earth was short. His largo family was very an.x ion- -mil ruling his future, inn coiiln- him '" consider the '(iieslion. The family doctor told me Ins cae was hopeless and in- truded me to impress this tact on Ins maul, which was inclined lo.ianls business in i 'i 11 nil I IIIIIL;*. Hisdiiuc,li l or 'net me ill tin- library ami took me up to tin. su k room. She was a richly dressed autl \ i-i-y lovely lady. " ' That is the way you Sjieiid my n i said he liom the lied a* soon as Wfciinc toi - ward. He paid no attention i nn '.list look ai ' hai ores* !" IVar me ' Never nnn.i, p don l talk of such things now. I'M i:nl fix your mind on more serious i lungs, M,.U This is the nurse.' " ' Nuise T nurse '' I don't want any mirsu. She .an t IH) more, serious than this tiling of throwing away haul .ainc.l n,,,i . "' While he had :-eslsml every .ittetnpl to prepare hnn '.u ,,, it h, a day or '.wo later he was a little reslhits ami lay eyeing me loi a long time. He smidciily spoU " 'So I'm going to diu, am I J" Ill- was deep and ha: -h and s nindcd as I it . aim- from tho grave. I a -i irtled nlmost out of my usual golf-possession, Inn finally managed to tell him as gently a ;, that his linn- on ..nth Wii very sh,,rt Hi- de,,!. If he had any thing on his mind he'd >l. I'hillpof belter act sjoeordingly. "' Well, I 's|K>se I might an well ready to go,' he grnwlod, as if it bored him. ' Hring 'em in. referring to ins family " I hurriedly siimmonc,! Ins wifo ami children. He feebly 1 1 n d i<> i iii-e. himself, but -a\i- it up. Then ihem an ex - it i in.-, I It ,t me ,,ii their mode ,,r In ing, II.- i. n, n. hd iJiein that he had vioi*.-,l , ilv and lati to leal e tSi-lil a , ,,iii jit-li-.u-e, and ho ho|n-.l l hey wouldn't w isie it -i tons In ing. They ought to ,ni,. : \pensos and i.-f "ini on certain ma", s ol ,li, - ,. I'lioiigb he .-.s tenibly exhausted whe-i lie l'n:-'i t .l, In-w an -.1 them aside abrupt "' Ko ". ' iid m the oiher !y 'bin i"ii II' 1 1 ami iill mgiit. sii- n 'n. r Uio healing duellings, several years ago. er \u-es f"i .id-ipting it to stoics ami gratis lacy fairly ring ll , and the am .mil of gts con- !::i..n_;ii iin iiai-1. llcha.i;i: >lv former siime-i was , ..i icspoiidinglyexlravaganl. Tht U enjoy etl torturing the | t,t, nan end of the |II|H- -from half an >n,h to all aged, lor he would -wing Ins right arm on inch was rim into the si,.v,- .1 g rate, a Ingii ni :,.- act ot snapping a wni|i, a, I I lie p-i tornted irtin bin tier was tilted uimn il oinpaiiying '.he motion witii curses it i igin angles, and the cavity lillis.1 with and d-momial laughter. He secnn-d to In' iiroken tire brick, slag from tile glass fur nil. u; on put tin.: in fit- ml, cntlinr. a i nai-es, i..,,i ;,:i,,l,s,,| piocelam, lulls of lire- car oil. or bringing blood in some way. and when he imagined he bail made an ."|HVI- ally skilful stroke of this kind he would laugh ami curst 1 . Il was ton ihie. Hetinat iiiill'moiieot these lieu lull pu-" | I IH-IH-VI- that is the only case in ill nil ex- lay, or oilier substances that would radiate a great deal of heat. jilenllv the biU ol bioken brick Were ii Inlewashod, as vvi-ic the '.ail. md side ill- f hey were- artistically dtine in waU-lcolois, i hit gas flames nelliiel smoking tin- one no: -1.1 MIII.; cl the other. a time tire-clay was moulded nit nn pellencn III whn 'i I could feel no human pny in which I wassali-licd , oe a nun .ml was almosl if not '|Ulli' slad ''lilt t.iiii.n- of logs oi wool, the cut ends of my patient was.i.,,,1. nd knots and theliaik 1:1, ll, I knew a oase where a ;ei:ini. . .1 ~..ule.| gentleman in N. \ nrk lay sick with .pi had U. n . i in. .11 ab >i:i town io,l ha,, ol friends. When be was < mimiced ' could live ii" 'ongei I'e -ailed some of this,' nil. -ailed loi ;''isi", m.nle IM -h person till up with him 'for the last tiiiin,' and lightly wnMiig Ins own lincei ol whiske\ il., v.- his head, cried : " ' well, I my i 1 , I've had mini i -."! tune with y 'll : hern's lor the pn 'n:n drink by " ami he died its he had convivial man of the itoild." iiiH- i In ived, a Illl I i>l'l-. > ,1V. :i IIIBI I. able ( hnnars In "is l - . - 1 . an. I n Ii. Tr> HnM Or. ill rr, I The (-'aspiiin s,. i lii-s,ijoi-. in.- wilii muss on it iK-mg iniitiit.'d so - ly that th. i . ly lie told from the :. .il bi r. -den tunes. These imitation logs wei.- placed on laig '.iii-- liidno'is. md wl.t ii the flam. - he illusion was iph It- to i In Ju. ni. I 'o the SeUSe.'t In ling. t'Mi, I'oi while om- sitlt- likuiti- I, t! s used to be | said oi i N nipis i' . . ,i -n . ihe lin-pl.icts ,.; our gr indfai I (till iihoui a year a^u ll "ill.- t-,1 lhal the sniri ; iminis|nng 1' .j-i ,.k" upon coi.lllloMMIIgs to tlil,|,ini\ ,'y him- tl.iini- IMiguishing at the Imti.uu of ih. a in !' ,ii, .- b i i IH-CII i I'llel w.rc luutllie I that pipes !iad >-aued the shor'i.-. . and ih ". right. A. I, I ,1 \i s the wealiifl i , MO met ..... !i\ the ga con: p i-ii. vers IIIM- " should MiHlrad of t l- low the level of tho lilack SOA. ami is ih,- greatest body oi wai.-i ia 'he w,.: I in.. Mow thcsc.i 1- --.I Ii is rwnarkabl, m.i I'urn gasby motet isy ing so much only for (his fad, but for the changes thai ""1'oui.iinni.g i, I 'hoy pleased. :I.M'C .- mre.i in its level, \IH.III the 'ii-t ' ; '" IWtuUd the iK-onoimc stage of natural century <M out i i llife -s no ,lt,,ibi that h.-lnelol tho sea sto., d ciktlni Invent,. a its to work, in above its present hori/ou, Mid of c.n.i .,-, 'he .narkei w.i.silo..|ed witliallsorl.-.o(,i- spn-a.1 on r a va.tly inoi.- axteoMve n.i "" jetUng the largest amount of heal from (linn it present. The Russian Ueo a rainimom consumption of ga* I h, sociely has print, d a IraattM, writtl n by N ! '<" ~ "''"" " : ;ll >' invplaceshiiilt to, , a i ,c i' lllgCS Since Ihe .-ally [>.u , of t be ( 'hrin- tilth eia a _;. ll.-ral ami 41. i, ill ll decline of the level of the sea has taken pi i.e. In tho eighteenth century, h IMCVCI, there appei en; ntiiiy them h:is been a tall, bill SIM. e Isii,',, judging Irom locent ohs.-i -line si-nic the leiel IIKS been hlgllcl . I. lent. Sokolol, a naval oilicci. whii-- woikmg in the ('as th it- .Mm, -ii .nil, md ihc lln.i.itsof chimneys stopped up- i i. ' -m-tal in it.-i - 's i:h icllecling snr- < ,i mgeil on scientific principles \\.-re iiiadi- to .el into the lire- to han- IH-IMI a lew ')H)i lods wJien the 'places, imlil a ln tlmt formerly re,|ini-ed 1'roni the beginnillgol the pres- (''"'" '.""' hnndreil Iti one hundred and titty ii., m ,-onld N' made (o do the th ;i consumption of but 'K ' II- It! lecluied the iv...t in: In- same way. Ore i, i thu meiulHtrs ol Ins limn: , after the rest Inul g. out I: 'us \oung son. I holu my linger .m ;;-.,- ,;,| man's pulse. It was :l: ..ering. "'C'nnyou pray, no suu.ieniy :vske,l the \ man. " \ cs, father,' sohhed tho lad, his Illlll, .si bil! -I 111,;. " Well, then, preach up,' was tho hoarse i. pi\ I he boy tell' -pon Ins knees by the lv.1- ,,,,,,. side and tit (en -I a lew choking words, while , ] ( the old man rested !us haml -.1)1011 ! i;s ,-,.u 's head. In half a imnuti- 'he old -iiciclianl set " Widely di I- i.nt, nirae, "vv.t a i as,. | wa.s , alle.l uii.-n to c'telld we, . 1 was in Km;laiid. It wns iha'ofan The fishing vussol owners, if > ai mouth ild man, it,, a i ich .-, .mil, s,|nn,-. \{ v have teh ^i.iphctl I he \linisr.-i o- l-'ishei n-s :t :;,, M !-,,,., , against thu ouirageous action lion ill ,.\er thu country ., ,t iiaving .>! New loiimiland in rtifnsing bait to lived a recklcs-t lite, .>! ' i'eni a : mdnig t_'a:iaditin vessels, ami |KHiitihg out that Ian llo id, an atheist and even a u-ri. u t) his , half of Sew loundlaml'd t atch of co. 1 fish family. In fact ho had driven 'i, in out ' is taken in Canadian wafers at Lab . 'lie by one, mil ,, f,. ally ladoi. md t hat t he. ( 'anadian with Ins seriants, a !'. gr i\ i-cla- used as a !>ost> of supply by tliousitnds of tifli en feel. When tin- pine of gas was rais- .1 i |. n cents I i titleen cents per tiion- sand feet in Pittsburgh last winter, thou- and., oi i -, .iioiiuc sj and -loves wen- sold din.llg t!u- lirst co'nl spoil, line ,'i the . he.i|K-si in. I mosl cheerful de- miw ill us- is an adaptation of asbuslos to lire ha, k, and latliatine ,,ntace. A he n \ . u.l!io,u,i, iietl * it b i>* si,,*, is |ici loratoU vi lib ros ol bol. s, Horn it m, M an suspeli.l- od fringe- of skt ,11 a-bcstos. much becomes loiin.l sub ig.-d biuhlmgs vihicli ha.l-.lo-.Hl mcandcsi-ent in the flame, and gives forth a Mdn land Unify VSW1 U-f.-ie. and he leaulifiil. scinlillalin K glow winch mi|ui-li> mention* ft skying of the I'.-i-i.u.' that lh :" ll llr '"'luij to the apaitmeut, and at ... i 1.11 alleinat.-ly eieiy tlmlv ' - iu. I iinc;rs , on-idcrablc v. \|r I'lnlipot has male a special I'.ul by !ar the most ccoiionncal thmgis a study of thu whole ,|iicst : ,.,,. Imputing -mall she, t n .M, Mole, noi much largei than int.. '(he causes of these .ha: I, lie " ''*"'dk bat. This ,. lined with . opm-r, . ,a,,,;v ,! tnflnenoes at work, such "'"' *"u<'tiiii.-s tilled with asbestos fibre, as wind di>vi:>:; the wa'.i i towauls plan ic^.oii Irom IM! . Ists. c die ted much iiiloim itit'o He ion. nl that in thu pu-sii't iv nl i. -. ' lie level had s: -athly fallen, just as ill IMC -isi ..iiluiy it has i i-eii, <-ansing great appieliension among the in liabitants ot an ininidat ion and -iven rile j t i file In-Ill'! Ih |M-uodlcal van., I, .n- (tin teen v, I., -i. n, while in Hi., i, in I Till and I 717 certain '""' ls ''"""* 'cled with the supply pi| o> coasts, i.-mpeii.i'iri. -I tho air causing in means ,,| uum how, ... that it can IH) set in nne. mnporaliou and oonssquenl fall 'he muhlle of tin, r.H.n. ot near the wall, as i-vel, and in winter cold producing a l isu m level. Ilivers, rain, and eai lhi|iiakos are also among the active agencies, causing lluctu.i ..... i- horn from day to da) . MI, tut', to month anil may b. ,>, -it ,.,!. One such .stoie, coiiMinnng no inoie -ii-. than in ..1.1111.11 1 ai-and burner. will heat a medium .1. . .1 I.MIII to a comloi table temperature, and reduce. ga -hills to pro|M>rtions coiiespomlingly comfoiinhle. itllamleis. Minister of I alon i'liig a risky |.laee i, " , , I. Km a single tlmigi-.i. i M i.l -fnk lo Him, and shti was afraid to s.ij "i do any cinmeiit is urging thing. INxir girl, she didn't know what to dian its prohibition, lias sent a delegate to had been sent for, aod came UD Irom :: with I'rcnner Whitoway And ban also The New Yoik Tiw - saj i I hat it may l>e said of Itanium, as truly as u ivns said of i .ai nek, that hi.tleath has "eclipsed the guiics ol nations and diminished tho public IQsok of harmlejl pleasure." Ho was the pi in, ; shoii men, ami (hough he was -omc- . inn .> styled the prince of humbuus, that wax iin -luii.Ue neitlii i fan nor ade,|imte. i.u,t there is |t was his "spccml Innuil that from the be- I'npl t i has telegraphed back ihat th. Qoi N' wlouiitlland to w ith- l-on.lon. The old IB ui ^ :ng his last i(>n m ,1 V oi theie up from -u bo.Moul pia , which to>' ginning of his oarssr nntil the end ot it he lie ]ieople who went to see hid "great- ' ' ut vi. j ih of their nion.iy," ami u i- .,, in rulli ,.. o .1 that the boast was jiisiitied. Hy successive generations of IK-IS Mr. Itanium, ll is needless to say. Me in the hands of the Imperial has lux n it-pi-i i*lly \encraled, and all his [ Ciovornmuut (works along with him. I uu surprised at t'harleys squandering talk." \li-s Lovell i just engaged) "(Hi. Heoige ' > ei .ire good enough to cat. ' Mr. 1 ' "h ' Don t s|-ik so loud ' llruno's just outside the window." m.; tin .old wealh. i. ,is it is ready to weau at _;rass time and there is no danger of its getting into the grass paddock I tore :|R- milk ration is 'ken off Muring the tirst winter if you hare small nem : :f not. i few lieets, pumpkins, or mv vegetable will help to so much money on a phonograph.' " Well, make them lu-althi. and if healthy I hey are I'm not He always did liki to hear himself sure to make -. .wth dutir winter. See that they .Iriok heirlily "( water al all limes especially m the winter. If the water yo-i _;ive \our cow has ice in il do not ,itrci <tto i In ,-alie.,. Warm it tliem dunk with your own eyes. \ trust the chore bov or hired man iiltout watering calves. They do not ee the |>.int. W.-,'k. " Well, how an. things in 1 'lave they named any new pie Ami" lie yet':" Weinman " \'o-o. Kill I heard a man there ask for a I'latosoup. " Mrs. Kingo There ' 1 knew it. Those moths hay,- ayl ,a yolll dless sinl and , lien a hole nghl through your p,- " I'll I iet they wen- leinale moths." rner- XVhv did vou take your ly ' ,.n rom^h.KilV" <;, " The> iiiiug liini for my business trim,; U) '"" niinmg him tor my Imsiniss trying him that sixteen ounces make a pound. ' ~-hf " Von never hear of women cashiers liiigoi riiuning of! with then employ ei's money." He "Not otii-n ; b.u when it does happen they take (he emp: ci M.iiinnis II, ,v, i- :t, Mr. '.lung, that you can make monev when you si-11 yoin gtnids ,t , .1-1 .linn,; "1'ecausel puys my goots he- low CtWt." 1'hc incidental i xpence o! pieseiilittion at court in l-Iugland is naui to be ib.ul live hundreii dolUis. In tlnsc un-.try a man who i- picsfiiti-d t i,mrl >'an friipienlly ;, for three dollars and coats. If i-ieryonu knew w > ic thought aU'in , nery one ilsetlit .iily fiien.l a man would haie would In- the !itt'c < i tlUcss < ,|og that never dies and lelnse* to IH- given away. Minnie "How kind it w.i-tot Mi. Yah- sley in. lam. with each of those ii' I'lil-iby gitli! He has the spirit of., gentleman. Mamie "Yes; he is a genu- ine knight ot the middle ages, so to speak.' , He ardently " I love you " -<lic n-.iln- jilueiilly " 1 know ii lie "I cannot livewilhout you She " I know it. He 1 viani \ Ot loi my lie " Slir " 1 know H. " lie \\ell s| ., 1 'no- il. " Mis. iVi.-il'i "Canyon wash'" Matilda Snowl'.ii i is -.111.1 i km wash, if it has Tii. ;,. m cook*" " If it has ter IH-, obcour.e I kin cxxik. " " Aie you hon- " You l-t I'se honest, if 1 has (ur '. " Ollico Hoy iwilh high literary aud or- atorical ambiti.Mi) "Mi Dragg, may 1 ask you lo maintain ymii eye on my lunch basket a few niiiiin nt" Old Kmploye "iVitHin- ly." Otlice lk>> -" Thanks. 1 will H- taliate." Ar yoii good it figures'" said the manager of the hotel. " I hue ii.innd my W. K. WIN,.. Kicking Oow. The bei i ever I saw, is simply a strap *-ith a buckle on one eii,l and plenty of holes punchi-d in the other. Wrap il noiind the oppiwiti- leg of the n-frac- ut, ilraw -nt, and buckle around the other leu. With the lev- thus fastened closely tiwdier it will Iv imiiovsible for her to ki her feet in the p.til. yi-t she stands perfectly natural. < Iftin the most simple mtthods are most effect u Tl-.e device has been in " u ."ir litrn and 1 can c.'-' '' il. Can rrctimmentl it in bn-i.king vouna b.-ifrrs as sin>. - n ,. to the ir.dkii' ai^uinenl. I.K l'i Tn.E. Mr. C. I. imp. Him Stand the cow with her left side against a vi all Snap a hull ring in her nos<- and tie her head up. ('.'' Same as given by Mr. Tulthv N '. ' a : wo ineh hole in (he wall hack of (h. Ji as her flank, (ake a pole long enough to reach from ibe wall lo the in tn;er. nut onr end in the hole, press Mfeavs use her gen; I v and she w ill soon stand wi these helps. Mr. > S Mavm. Mass., says : Make a strapol'sullicicnt length to go aimindthrcow, 'ct it come fin ward to 'he nd-lei. !-- up to it, bring up tier hvi 'kick aft of h.-i hip b.,nes and buckle it tight, md v.-n will ': iv e no trouble to milk your urn while the -n ip -s on tight. .tlcalh lor htilel ac IOUDU, the applic Hit tor a |K>sition. " Mow *" " I m-iei st-.nin-d anvlliing bu . i.ll't.m and niuldph. .::" \ iti- paraphrase : b>ve is a charnier of .such w ins - me mien Thai (o IH- worshipped needs b u i to he Ml II . Hut seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first havu doubts, then warfare., then . - I ha\c witln'rawn from ouah aniatnah acting club," -aid Willie Washington. Wliy '' ' " I couldn't stand it at any longnh, r know. I was cawsl tor the villain ami Mi-s l'cp|erton was the heroine, and she was (o say: 'Villain, do xoiiah worst. ' That was easy." " Y a-a-s ; hut Mi-s lVp|M-iton wouldn't re|K>at the word*. In- stead, she said I had alieady done as Iwdly as any one could reasonably expect." Lersomt come from l 'hu ago with reference to the attack .1 ,np|.e, Irom winch that ciU is now siilhiiiiK to such aiiaUimmg c\ n The mcdual men say that the filth oftluicit) is ic-jionsible for the epidemic. One ot them says: "Them are the -|iuue miles of Chicago where and alleys have not IH-CII , leaned since last fall, where a ^.u bage wacgon is iinknow n, w In i, ' md the ] xi> ing delect lie m wholli inlini;. It is in such places that not onl\ giipp, . Hit pneumonia, rhiiiiinaliMu, ,liphi hei i i, and lyphoiil fovei reap then richcM lianest. !' is from such locil'.ties thai the oitnly hospi- tal, the intiriiiary, and i it 11 ..iher piiblio Charity is glutted with app'iK.iu,.- t..i re- i*f. Onc-loiirlli of then sickness is tn ite.l ;>y charities, and one third of tlmsu who lio aiming them are buried ai thu public ux- .> far as learned but two ot the Xi-w ill leans victim- w. ,e not naturalized American in/ens, snd they wen- fugitives from justice m Italy, the one s murderer, :he other i Imidit ami thug. Whether the conUMilions of the Itaii n i ioici iniicnt be based ii|>on sound principles ol international law or not such ii determination "1 th.- status >[ the victim should rentier, the I'hiladelphi* AV- ,">>< is ot opinion, any claim for damages alwurd. There ant forty -eight firms in great llri- tain that during the past two years h*v- itlopli-d the profit sharing principle. they gne their employees t in nleiui m addition to their wage*. The dilticulty that has IH-CII ex|>erienceu ill adopting this meth- od has muall) been thai while an enterprise pays |>iotitiible dividendsall gin's well, hut when it becomes necessary to <livule the inn den of losses there is friction A large Ml tliuta, Ini in., -M: tin In l!rookl\n has ,y iiilro<liii-<'il l he prolil sh irmg s\.slem. Kmploices \\lio ha-. !t-, iin . for asDecined time, ami >i , hed a |iioliciency winch xiai i nn; OIK- 01 more slmies of :-to. k n,l of Directors ma> decide. Ai the nd >! 'en .-signed shuie "i -hai.s j.,- to the holder, and are his to hold or sell, as he inivseulit. During the probation*! i per- toil tho interest |^id is only six per cent.. Kill .iltei that it is a pro rata share of all the prolits. Mi . t'.n 'nug's n-poriN on the il of IV.NI shows that ITs/.i-JI imiin-i.i'iis reaihcilt'anadian |H)i-ts last yeai ; bin thai the ailud si-uleis ;n Canada inn 7","TT. The ai rivals are tew.i '% i.n.u .thousand ]HT annum than n c have had toi hit- \ .MIS. ''in largest mlliix WAS in IMS, when we received I S3.(i'.'4. (if the new comers I;!. HI 7 .ne IC|M ted '" liait- gnne t.. Manitoba an, 1 ih. N, ., il--W , si. llui il is not i|iiiir ,. -11,1111 :h-ii the I.-,'M7 Miiiopeaiis. llw immigrants past I'oit \ilhul were ...iinte.l, .unlit -laiuls to rca ' imp'ilanl peittMl 'i. ..f them an- l ana.iians seiknii; homes in the West, \\hcn tin- now -istein, , ilinler which -in p-i h. ' :o acliial s,-l llns III the \\ . -1 ali-1 - , p, i n, ni lo tho families, omt - .c U- . .it io ' a large iiillux : ilia; I-, pron.lel Illlei immigrants do no( regara tb< . "inns as A sii<cesiion thai there an -i i-U.ti toln- the hot, k- do n.'l '-ell. Km i m : port* -J tlietiirmci delek'ates, whltil I: c ;i\ favourable, and noi 'injnslly to. sliould niiiove any 'pl'rchcii.iioiu n tht SCOISV

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