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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1891, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS caMADa. John C'ibb was burned in hi. Two-third, of the wheat in the Province of Manitoba ha* been marketed. It is said that the School of Mounted In fan try al Winnipeg will be closed. Nomination will take place in Algoma on April Isth and polling on May I'rt n \ ..- hardware factory has I en opened in (Quebec gnuu < lyineut to some .V) hands. Four diuen new doctors have re.eue-1 their degree* froui M^HH Medical College in Montreal Two hunter* who returned to Winnipeg the other day reported that they bad been treed for tao days by li wolvee, Manitoba is likely to draw many settlers f i -jin the Dakota* this Mason, owing to the hard time* in the latter State-. It u understood that the Minuter of Justice i- preparing bill* |nvid:!ig for in creasing the saUrie* of the UaVinion jndfM, Dominion Cabinet M:ui>t>-rs, iml their deputies. '1 - Winnipeg and Duluth railway will j apply to the Dominion r^i-liainent for a ' charter lo construct a road from Winnipeg to the international boundary .n a south- easterly direction. According to t;ie ' !' Rajw.iy l.^:.d De partment .tatistics, the volume of umiiigra- tiou to Manitoba during but month - an increase of seventy-live per cent over that for February last year. During the pa-st |Oarter '.here were .Viti failures in Canada against "V-i for the orre .ponding quarter last year, tnd JlK' :n < 'n tario against 3l>j. Traffic Manager Olds, ->f th- Pa-itk- railway, calculates tie North West crop of wheat moved for export t million bushel*. The annual i-po.'t f >:r I harlea Tujiper, as High Coramiui mer, ihuwsihai tiie eini- gralion from i. I'.Mtiin ;o Canada dur- ing 1S90 was 31,au, a* against :.*.>:, in " 3 y ~" "* hu grmndfather Order* have Ijeea issued to begin ihe en- listment of Indians m the regular anny They will I* paid the same a* the white, aud uegroe*. ge Washington M'>s* was hangesl at Wilktabarre, Pa., on Monday, for the mur- der of his wife. MOM walked to the gallows with a smile. Negotiations arc >n I'mled State* authoritie. foot between the -in-l Mexican ' .-Mei amen t for a commercial treaty lietwsen h- lao countries. At Ci-and Rapi-ls. Mi.-h . Mias -lulia ded- dard suol Dexter \Ve*u-<>tt for $lu,<JU) f-.r bi ea.ii of promise. The jury awaide<l fhe plaintiff iix cent*. Mis* Maiy Chrntinau. of Linrs. Ohio, wan attacked with grippe on Monday, began to HEALTH. Simple Health Eiercaea. At a rurea: meeting oi \ woman > club. , broken hone and a day t enough. Longer work than thi* fteali from tome other organ. If it i* the heart, it will give out Ifit u> the .tomaoh. H will not digest the food. It one ha. a furnuhed where a paper :ues and Gymnas- wiil not unite. eae < , rawk. too hard, the bone when pdupie .vvreat or seventeen BurdetM 'outts has just re- gyranssium that she established car* ago for 'he ni^hl schools .u PKIMI. M1-..II .o and ha* continued ever since The girl i* now dying. It is estimated that JU.UUM bushels of spring wheat will be required to supply those with seed whomo*t urgently need it iu Kansas, where great distress prevail-*. Rev. Father Craft sajn there will be an- other outbreak among the Indian* at Pine Ridge if the management i* not transferred M we U j Ivpartu.'iit It i. reported that Mr. Van Home and T gH the Vaii.lerb.lts have reached an agreement ', which gives ihe C P. K. a direct connection with N'ew York eitv The total number of deaths in New York State during February wu S, 704, an increase of 1,-U over the average for the same mouth for the past SIT rears. A bill ha* been passed by the Delaware legislature providing that tramp* and the meml..-1-s gave her felluw member, the ike strain ->n their svitem benefit of an experience of her own. It wa* her habit, she tah), when walking, to take as few inhalu-.innsinBffumble and hold them to the la.-t iccoevl. " I -'.raw a deep breath, walking v-i v rapidly when I tilled in- lung*. >n-l 1 Uu nut take another until I have rea -:n |un' in the blo< k Ky practice I iwn abl- with perhaps three Uahaia . i m- through a long bio. k. The n-suli is exactly as .f I had been running harJ. ily bioed tingle* all over me, and 1 seem to have brought every nerve and muscle into active play. In thi* way a *hort walk, if only to the elevat- ear a block away of condensed exer- ed station or to catch givat me a great -Inai cise." A second member of the club supplement- ed this with the case of a well known phy 1 i'l "b^th'wten Kluul W * ..loiiae Dauuet wts simply a ewnuny, inin unsj^ieaMiiil by any re- llirHHis :. This ouiisriuii wa* jy taw bride's wuii. in obedianee te the in;uactiuas lala.i-4 (. br la* L..1 .ris>. Beaapartr*. , lf aer vmo ^ Smt ^ n to refuse ever to sutler rtua-riosi act ike *rm4 . ifcr a. as*. ,,nestly intervention to anv importan- act ' the man wh.), -nn.-e . :, of Loui* A bell thai turm*d a part j Napoleon, th- I'rin-v Imperial, iu an which Napoleon I jswried froni Switwr'and .sfrican jungle, ha* been .. -.-d as the new haag. in a school-house at Paterton, t the umily fonnde i - . New Jersey. It is mad* of silver and up- N ip-.l-.jn. This man wa* not really entitled Pr, and is supposed to be several hundred by seniority to the distinguished place which year* old. wa* accorded to him. In reality the place j The legal ad Mikado >i Japan to an Amen an sJtfaVaV ifcs grand- i* Henry W. Deniaon whofortnerly lived in ot Prince Jerome Bonaparte and his New Hampshire, but has been a resident tt Baltimore wife, Miss Pattison. Prince Jer- Japan for twenty-three vear*. onie, one time King o> W^'phalia, wa* in America when a young man. and named an American lailv Th-r* wen children ot M * mvolununly " on h The iaia Lord Albenutrie w-j* linuwn a* the father of tne British House of Lords, for he wa* iu oldest meuiber He waa an inti- mate irieii-i >: tiie Duke of Wellington, aud ^ ashington an amiable and accomplnhed was trie last of a group who always attended u who really is th head of the the Duke* annual Waterloo banquet Bonaparte. He, however, is on tent I -illy taken by -he British Par- Mara, and doe* :iot iiani-u' 'or '.be. pur.ha*e an -I preservation of TU . V n * uunlers Bill Of aimsell to contest the claim* of others | Arae Hathaway > cottage and Wihncute to the empty honor of heading the pretence* .Cottage, the home of Shakeapcar- > mother, at Strati--.* ^.d to iiave ma- terially disarranged the plans uf certain American speculator*, who wanted to '.rana- , of a dethroned dynasty When Prince Jer nine deserted his American wile al the com- mand ot ins el :er brother, who then --.-in.--: , . The intellectual wurker need* plenty of tu hold all of 'h- arfair* of Knrop.- .11 liie fer the relic* acroas the Atlantic ' bond* shall be compelled to work*, eight hoars a ilay for " - light, digestible food, such as tish, poultry, ; eggs, game, fruit and the succulent vegeta- Iblee. A cuu ui some warn ilrmk should be * . m can . , .hould be done until after breakfu.- As the digestive ortran* .: early in tiie dav. a tecoud bv.i; i\ i-ut dige.n ble meal can be eaten at ii.>n. if an hour's rest intervenes before continued labor or i anil vana- i . . r , ; on uubli-- 1 Ul " 11 IIUt '*' ort -' ' isl (J. or as won as it , be prepared, and positively no work sh< hollow ot his iiand. he marrieu I'nuct Fredenca Catherine, of Wurtemlnirg, .tnd was made King of Westphalia. The son of this marriage. Napuleon Joseph Charle* I'aul Bonaparte, the man who has just MO. iiorne in Trieste :n IV-*-' During the i - -.. .... time of the third Napoleon he wa* known u ,e Allan >tea,,:,h,p ..,,,,^ny h..p As the digwtivc orgajsj .re mo. active 1'rmce Jerome, out .i . . of the Km Atlantic liner, o the early ,n tl,e day. a *d hearty but digest, p,re and the death of Lou,. Napoleon . son -Use^iptouipein.andaisexpertsd ble BeaK-an be eaten at n.-ni. if an hour's he hi d been known as Prince Napoleon, will put them on the .St. L..,e,,oe rout. ^ t ime rveie bi.-f.irc continued labor or ^^j He WM a man oi uievrkeu Ability, but so The Department of Ju.t.c. a: \\ aal.m^tou ' Tbe^ftemoon w-rk shou,l W Ugh,. , . ^.TftSa*r5!t*!L"S*5 ha* received the return < tska \ha part of th* usue panes! oi;t of door*. A i ^ . _ ' i._La, 1. .: I . I.. n _ trui Court to the writ issued by the >up light, Jiges'iMe nightfall, and ti creation or social Handing his theatrical appearance* at van * ou. tune* of public turmoil, he never sue loilow aoout , -._. ..J ... > .1 1 1. i .... u fer I Injudicious feeding u one i tin most re-in-n' mistake* of beginuen :u [. raising, and one that gives r:v: !< much ill sncoM*. Heiu that ace t'j much fed take on fai, lay soft eggs or cease to Uy ui> . get -vetish. and are a read} prey tu all sorts of chicken disease* There >hu . fed only t- ::. i: as will be aaten eagerly and no more. A* *<on as the lem- tnce to food i* niamf*ted ihe supply should becutsh''! 1 . uieal all food left 'ineaten sbouid be cleared away. reme l' wrt u, the caa. of th. K-booMr -Say- , n.-ghtfair an.l ti-e evening U levoted to re- ""{* .i.Sftl.*! T^ ' 'u' 1 ff.""" 1 /" 11 ' ^-.wn f-wl. diou'.d be fed only twice a day i t morning au.l evening. The drst ice ilioveof the ie*on t > <'t place in ;.. t. Lawrence at Montreal ou M<mday night, and the ice has coniiueace<l '. move otfT An ear.;, ipc^ing i: narigation is ex- pevted. A special tram over the Caaadian I'acib' 1 rail" i, receuily brought int.' M unreal 48U inimiKrauU, the greater u'naU-r : whom are liuunil forN\'->' .n Ont^-io. < >n.kduui North Wen, aud Kntirh < A new society, entitled the' 1 .\o> lation of I iiiadian Invent'ir*,' was organ! St. 1 i.omas on M.>n<iT ni/lit. It .. inu-!i'i'<n to form blanches in the arton to ii' a:id L-itie*. and to have an annual i- a:o In i .tn.! Fair. food should i ^ un t . , \* Special care ' - . . fail- ward. Henr\ M. Stanley has abandoned his lee- lunng lour in Texas on account of hostile r .ML His alleged desertion from the 'elate ai my U given as tne reason of the hostility. IXCKNKKAI- x i 'he Italian ex Premier, dance ot milk used, with eggs, fruit and fre*l nfsnisls that there will IM* a European wsr , veijstable* andaalad*. the rule o: ihe Uonapartes. Ue changed hi* oar , \'. noon th) . dirfe^nt strain* ar turned e o e onapare*. e cange i* . p)^,. th) . dirfe^nt strain* ar turned political creed as readily he changed hi* j out Mpmn u.iu their erci*ing g; clothe*, ami no one ever knew exactly what wht . t . ,, .. hrowu up ^j dependence cuuld be placed upon him. In ;'.-arance he very much reaembled heap forth* hidden luwd. and They scratch into thi. be taken to insure the tiret Napoleon, but he was fat, and Be- t h e j r muscle* whiie doing it. Th* food \Uslic .. T . W'Xil *-...; 1 wrs are foi i >ru*r" m w.>l. I 'jueen hxs *rneJ safely at Grasse. where she was g % iieirt) welean.e. She is in excellent h Th-- British i> -.\ernnient ha- . .-epsrd Presidenl ll..i : i~.>n s .iniUit.ou to :ak* *rt in the U orld Fair in I hicago. Mr. Sealou announced at Slig.< the uaawr day that Miciiael l<avm w... iike|> tu be a member of the proposed Labor Cwinni*- sion Inrl GfanviB* died yeslerd iv afternoon. He u is '<, years oi age l.<>i<l K.'scbery succeeds Kail i.raiit ilr, deceased, u Liberal leader m the House.! I. -i .'. I'l'- Canjuiiau 1'ac-iric steamer Kmprevs of Japan yosleidav leamrd a mile on the Clyde at the ial oi I'J knou au hour. >.ie then proceedetl on her trial inp ->l ."*.) iiiii.'s He. ivy snowsioi in* were experienced the other day in the u -tiiern porlion of C.reat Britain and iu the North Kant Dv|>arluient of France. The New York .Sun is making airaage- meir - paper in I. Kng Mi Tinuna.1 P. o'C.'iiuor, the Home Rule meuiber of Parliament, will IK' edilor an- 1 general manager. The opinion prevails iu neu'.ial giouud* in Lon. ion that Mr. Parnell is I'-. in Ireland, and that in his struggle f->i |*>li ascendancy th* priests wiH pro\.- t.w strong for him. A London despatch say* : The 1'n- Wales will probably be uiade chairman iiid the Marquis of Lome vice -president f th* royal coinmiuion having m charge England's mteieai at the Chicago fait. Nev,cliations ate now ui progress by wlucli It is hoped to form a company, ui. which the Naval i ->nl: i.ctiou* and Armament Cesa- l>*n>. "' lUrrow 111 Fui ues* piti.le<i over by the Marquis of Harliugu>u.aud tlie Allen Line i ompany, will be ihe chief promoters, the ol>)ct being to place tlnce or four very fast steaiueii on the Atlantic service, by win Ii it is hoped lo secure the tratfac Iw- tween Knglaud and Chicago and tlw North- We,, place t year. The winter wheat crop in the south of A Poss: ble Ca ;* oil' very uupr.'iiiiing, an. I -.mall farm I His a mistake to sal. 411 er*are in a hoiH-lesscxindition. i perform-.! in haste The Rujxiaii pre* thiok* that t, .- -x.en: e\-:n with the brst .if teeth, and due l.m\- K.ilgaiian nmr-l-i -.hows theneoen- 'ore of the salivary -. '"t* * ::h 'he food < IK. wen to enf-'i.-e tke : canawt take place Wket "d ll-'i l.n { iusaVsju;>tely nishe-1 nie .: -.- i .HSMMI-M.IOI m writes fiom "ilHieiJ solid tuaterialsrfaB .s up in- ad |' lh 'T" > seiartd al ti.e exhibition the Wet ' IIW *' ' "" *"* - ' in the , . . which gre.: \ imp. .lea. -t ' *** *"'"* ' * .^ i gether prevent. ihVpMaW !'*- ' -- VVK.r,k.. hua, lue pa-' -si SO.- I pl-nty of pure air and light : strung nieou ranker described Ulin a* a genuine Napoleon furnished grown should be of a kind and drink* should lie avouicd, and abun i-d iu German greaae. to make muacle winmut loo much tal *>!, tie visited Krancv for the first time in MS, * , . i there with hi* i father li. lM- - i:ne pr<mn:i I b*bre the French people u an advocate and instiga.i'i .; ;he .-voiutiuu which dethroned > Loois Pli.hppe. Tins li:._ t ...ihed, he wa* eit-cted i IVnn'v f->m Cornea totlw in my c*e. i* particularly designed to produce egg*. Th<- greater variety of food . i- >uj; iiuxlum is found for producing --gg material and '->r making healthy. '.r"ng bodies. Three sack* uf wheat, two *ack ti Hroken corn, ., sack.-t of oat*. naJ. of orun- -IWkV.) ^ftil, . .* V W^^^^v %/ V*V. VFMV -U I1T4 orhswa* . !. onebnshel ->t br.** elecu .trtmenl of the l.egi- --iibly. Kr.Mn LJOW har-.ol, one fa btuhel of sa - half M ''a*r;> ron starvatioa and l'.\*lin N . - ecu airmati ui Paris charge.! w.i inveigling aytt-yrae men int-j marrvui^ her !>y ad>ertuiug herself as a wealthy The Paris ' . M . J psp-i - '..ins the i-lra of coni| - a IM-I uui.ii> or leintunal nature lut Fiance's rights in Newfoundland. V in Nice says tnat a tegular press humau is maintained at Monte Carlo b\ and iu tii* intereatoi the gambling eatab- lisiiments at that place, and lhat most of the a of large winnings and people brv.tii- .e hauk are sent . <.y thi* bureau for .ipoeof attrwcliii^ wealthy tourists from Ku rope and \M The movement of Fii.-isn troofM OB tlie l.nman and Austria: ir->ntier and lite alii sncm between Russia and France are caumg luch alarm to the meinben of the I>, an-l while the orh--i.! nf Germany has been vkame 1 not to lake any nolle* of th* wai rumours, t'.e leeliug of uueasmea* in . ip a ci of lhat organ, i.- Wheu the pi-acti.-v of eai : mi. kly and the . M .1 itfi|>repureti liabltual Ihe d!gei*ti\c OCMUU i --'idere*! incapable of performing It. proper i'ln. n-n-. F.ilher a much larger iuanti*\ of fool than : lie iieceMuiv .MaavnaU .' ..-. .. -lition* i* require.1. ~tem utTers from lack uruhuient. 1'he matter may seem a autali one, Imt it u nut so. Just a* a man may go on for years with .lefective teeth. imperfectly irttasticntma hi* food an-l won.ler- ing why he sntTsr* from indige*tion, so a _ __ ___ N ipo. ;-toi the position of Minis mi\-d T -w Mad He !i*l hardly reach- poet before h* <|uit . to take part in some legislation pending uu the body of which he wa* s member For leaving hi* post - out. IK - i IW - -e.i lie now became the leader ; w e vireme Republican party, an 1 was huiei . Wiween nun an*i Ix'iua Napuivoo - It nevei i-i.-ii Wheu Louis Nai- established himself as Kniperur. Prince e took a srat in the Senate and Coun- . w :'h the ri^bt of .ittcceasion in nue 'he Finperor should nvl have s son. In llie ( ruiieau war he uau a .... i...iud, blithe i:-l :,; > e u|> in tune at er.i.ei Ink *l rBtcftsBe neeu joiled *nd ccoptMHl tine, is time* a week. In < nick up worm* and -at. .. '.usecls, ti>e ui*>at is not necessary. -.i plan is '-. hang i jf abba^e ai the hemieiy. -u.<t high ! - w ill afford v:.u*e nent and - at a tuiie it-s.des bsuig a good ad- ilet n may lial-itually live under an affliction erman or Alma. At in* reiiueet he wa* f hurried dinners au>l endure "lie couse- , relieved. His enemies accused bun of now- en t loss of health without knowing why I anlice, and he wa* given the a:- k;: . " I'lon-Plon," which .tuck to him through life. KingUke acquit* hiu. . ..geof penoualo^ >v. lie wax not ton. 1 -; righting, for in ISril thi- d Aumal cl - 'Ion ' " he i* not well or how easilv the -.-ause'of hi* illness might be iemeUu.-i .. Medical Cla*- of the flart. N - > ' --an iJra ot treating ihe 1>!o " heart when it is disea*-.l f:oui .verwork u ! '" IV ' !I h< ' '*- ! ""l "me to slop the bad food and give guod !--o.i. Natme will then remove from the blood- stieam the physical cat.. s of olietruclion, and ihe hearl will conic ' .MI iu i - an-l * rexloie.1, suitpiy b*.-auae it lias no utore tlian it* nernal work t.. '-.. Thia Us prm- Lent-.,., sno who a few year* a^o n ciple of ur - 'ein.e foreign nat sown brother, the > ', from the'eye. an.! eye gets well of Aina-leus. I'.y the w ' ualuie willalwa>v c lire if she ha* a wan name.1 a* the heait the Kin")"-.. - very IHI.-UM-. l'i:--/' - publishes a story to the I hat in i MWi I'-in,.- liismnr.'k'coniinis -...-n.-.i Prince .Na|wleon to UN before Kinper- - oi Louis Ns|vieuu a axheuie for the alliance c ' >w>ce - of Prnssii an-i F' nice, which was to dine ti,e Slave, bac-k lo their Steppe*, humiliate re * * v<? > 'J<'-> >-' / the blood haj (ii-eat Hritam and .trip her oPher colonies I J" **** J " lb- *"**" } ** l >': U * ^P' 1 ' ,ake lul> . >,,,. an.! t he .V-andina vian | Ul ''" whll ' h . *? ' ' : *',' , " ' ln dl ; aineter. ot the nuni m IIK|\ emoveu an . iMitinto onestr*i.-b' line, it in sctimat e.l that this line would reach round ihe gloks: uailii I.OWniilee, itiseleetr tnat it w i II take force to proje. water through such ' a tube, and that u w M lak* more fon-* to t sinhisein Now. if the heart pro Monnal blued tbruugh ihu tube, it is also clear that it won).! h.ive to work hard \ (or KnianaeL He wa* nut . , - .i>aud. aud lie and his . . ;ore his -leath. There hree children uck . - , :. ere wen? 1'riiic* Victor. Pnnce Loui*, and Prinoes* '< * - ra.i. Haw . curryeosnb ell*> Kv en on the seashore not j:ie person in a thousan 1 knows ihe e*sv - scale - 1 hi* -s perhaps lee. remarkable beca.i** tb* idea wa* suggested bv a yoiu,^ ?a\i :i.- H- '.o risri uid, iKuig >re of Lake Cham plain, had ;>l*ut> ot dan. Wheu they were .augh' 'Me> had to be cleaned. It i* DO fun to take the " pin feathers" from atwo-puund yei.ow per- h. Thev are a lif.le '.han any M . ever i, jf thoir ,-lo:hes (hie i.> DI\ \ iii>< Tieii-1 had made a : >ig haul and, i had tu 'w > . ' ri*h " picked." Th* knif did not work well, the spiue >|UI, ountiie* generally satellites alliance. This i. repetition, tut there is need ' -->' *& tn e "' .(ine-v - ! 111 this, but for several year, he ha* aaserled his ilghl to the succession, an-l -low and again has ;-; inifi -.toes k - 'lie U<i v|m. iJ. How wi-uld a work - . - :i tiie Iwuu i minute* he had i -e ration It. worked. The soaloacain* jd as r* ^ 'aket fu - - >' >r< .-.^i .<> quickly The currycomi. n-ver MX t '.o in- '.i\vf ti -elLer -. it among . :i fishing-tackle. N of X 1.MISl. April S ^Two or three . . His l*sior]*,bly w.a aePreaideut e^ryt>ouy m that pat- jf th* ounlry know* fthe KxpuMlioinn 1VC. ' He snowed gtea: '; '' "' every xecu He visited this -.luiriv during the civil war He met Mr. Lincoln in Washintiton. and then, with tiie French Mmistei went the lines totheLou- te.lei.tie In IMK>, al ihe un\ of a si > N .p-'li-ou ! - V ifcle A .sen^ni speech, tnd )" - ei toproje.<abnoriallv tldck I'l.Kid. and soi "'Wridic*. :epuMi-an idea*. He loiug would grow bgi-r. The srv* ot buke.1 by his. nsin tiie Kmntror. and threw Dr H-iwanl Crosby die.1 in New Y-wk on Monday A heavy fall of snow took Virginia on Thursday mght. Dr. \V. IV i, cull y. of Chicago, cUuus to have diacovered tin; grippe microbe. si,"W has in the pact few days fallen very heavily in Nebraska, Colorado and New Mex- - Striker* in the lVunylv,ii,. i cok<- i-egion deatrovetl K'veral coke ovens .ml othoi- pro- perly recentlj Mis* Ax- Cfytnn. an actreea. h%* complet- ed . !i-.m San Francisco tu Nr.v ^ ork and - - .'.' in bet*. At S in I.e*ndr, Cl. . I Au-l-i^c-u while tiMiiix.iariU insaiiv out his left leg and hi* left Viind oft' with i t>roadav Tl.c Cnite.l Sute* consul at Si .loiiu's. Nrid.. icpoiu lhat Ainenctfl) tislung vessels will get their Irtit free there thi. <eeon Kaitm de Fav, Italian minister at W.wh ington. has urvwiuted letters uf iec*>ll, owing to the New Orleans affair. !..-> i h irlt-K A. Johnaon. arrtiird I'nited Sta'e* army officer, who served in the Mexi- can ami civil war-t. suicided by shooting on Monday at New Haven. Conn He was ii.< year* old, and a descendant of John Qniucy Adam*. David Jefferson William', of Saratoga 14*. N. Y. ta 101 vears old. Hi* Hi . VMIK, Ha.. nulus west of Hiawimm- on the mountaii .liM.ling HiAWimre and Krasslvwn. on lot of l.ui.l N... ST. h, Ui* teventtenUt dis trict and first section, ai.d ou the we-t ..f the mountain, Mr Hamilton ..f Vtbeii*. m (..i.. m tinning fer oor-ndum. \ estei day , the heart are automatic, and do their work, "P "'* public eniploymauU, mclu he found tlial his supply of water, witii in their way as the nerve, of the head to I l're>i.leuc> -iithe K\|-r -n >: ls<r A which he lined to wash hi* eoriindnm. ha.1 their*. They apfiear to know when there tne establishment of the pun-eiit republ-i, in ,-ase.l to flow >ne of his workmen wa-s de- is obstruction t-, the circulation, and they , Fr .11---, Prince Napoleon a i-epte.1 it appar make the heart beat haidei When I was a me.!i< -.1 student a snake was hrnght t-> be kille.l It wa* in a deep glas* jai. and a stream of carbonic acid gas was turned un. In a few minutes it was dead All the gas wa.s not used, bin was t.:rned on io the hack of n-y livid : oun the skin was a livid lead color, wa* devoid of feeling. pai ,il\ /.-.I No this g.vs large- , o**" U O* 1> -.rm. .1 111 th- stomSA-h be<xime absorhetl semi diplomatic lature. and in the -.nUrest through the heart sac-, and the ' "' Krsnce. Prince*. ( lothilde was with him Probably thawa. sowith Secretary | when he die-", and at the last he accepte.1 \\ in-lorn. He hail eaten and then he >|ke. The force used in speaking was taken from the workof digeotion * that the bio.*' tVr- mented, or he may hav c heea drinking car- ISMIIC u'til water, ami ihe.tomach was full of carbonic acid gas. tisher . I handy M his ; pole. 1 1 ie-m :- . >1 toal* leaving th N scale eacap.-.- . I th* ritpidiiy wi: -i wiucn it .^u be -lone is 1 ing ast slushing :.> >n. - alw\ ued a kmfefor that purpose. IV. u t the curryoomb tli uext time -ish uave to be cleaned in the house. patched to rind out the cause. Hi- -{iiickly re' ui tied aud said that the mountain w i sinking Soon the alarm sprea>l, aud par ti* started to solve the mystery. They soon found that a very large nssure was opening m the earth m the *hape of a senucii'-le, and large tree* were falling in e\ery direction. Tbe amouiil of bind en coni|m.s.M^l was i bout foity acre* Hy <-\ aiiiining clowly. they fouiu! that other Us .sine.- cie <-|K-ing on the soulhwest and nortlii-t, croeaing ihe n.-'nniain The opeuuig in some place* is as much a- six feet *:<1-- ut. I the ilopth is unknown. k 1 1 i-.i b.t -. , i. . . , ...i . i.i Measl*. must recent ntfi. lal report upon the subject of mortality from snake* aud wild beait* iu India contain* the grave uifonna- tion lhat in spite of the large and increasing sum* spent in reward* for the animal* kille.l fatalities increase at an alarming rate. There is reason, in fact, to believe that the offer of these rewards he* in *ome one** stiuiulatd the breeding of snake*. Taken a* a whole, therefore, thi* report would seem to indicate that the reward iy*tem ban failed to accomplish its purpose. It i* now suggested that the cover round about the village*, which afford* lodging for snakes, should It- destroyed, .uid district officer* au- to be instructed Mare that thi* is done. In the y. .11 I v*.x J.'I.Umi person*, ss well as TH. (Mill cat lie, met their death through srvako- aiid wild )>ea*u of various kind* in India. euily w itnoiit reserv*. but bin nuinerousmani - made the world *ii*pevl that he was <|iiietl> waiting an cppurtunity to re-estab- lish the empire. InKStfthe re*oluti.<ii of the Chambers of IVpntte* banishing the head, of families which have ! signed com- pelled him to seek an a.-ylmn He never returned to France, liut it has been suntfe.ted lhat !KS % isil to Rome was of >k-> but he the minis;.. uioiis of the Chuich tn ta-crl ! II.-.MI-. . If th* wive* of ->ur employers wr^* ' the trouble lo mature a ullle ioei domeatic !r- i en -inpl->v>^l !>-. huabands. suvs.Mr K.>km T** /.aJi-'// >mf J tnrual, this worl.i w.-uld be a far brighter one for many t hard w- irked woman who bune* her truuMe in her heart, and wipe* away the ouly outward : lace of it with ,ier apron I know of an employer whu*v wife interested herself in th live, of the people in Ins store so thai MI* ascertained the birth- davs ol tiieir n.liiren. and even --.i-i >; . iss. It wn* Jone so quietly -.o sweetly luat nou suspected her Kul now on each f active day im:pe. nut now ou eacn fwtive Jay in titty ".Id fainilie* ihre come* The abandonment of f inns in New njeasa*! resMatSMsM. 1' >* nevci ihe land ha* become so important thai Vermont ,, but aiwa> - -..i.-.mng that is ust .... and Hampshire have undertaken to coloni/e uae .KI in that family at that time. K^-ry I n- n- e it i<x<i*pused their abandoned laud, and pro-perou* Mas- , lx mo ulhs ihose hiubands rin-i a ir into the heart sa\- -uid .lenlh followed I aachuselt* ha-, ma.1* the inattei th* subjtvt ' i e ,ence .n their salai-v envelope*. At knew a doctor .who knew K-tter) to die* f of a special investigation 1>\ its Bureau of ', Thanksgiving a splendid bird goes to each _ from eating food huh ne knew would fer- Labor Statistic*. The Maamcliuaott* re- meiit. siniply hei-aiiw h- preferred the ta.te port, juat .ubnutted. aims to sh-. '.h: the of his viand* to then pathological effects. I evil has no* assnnted *uou pi \tport ions a* i* H ei* not alone : *u\on& mankind live* to generally aeiuiued. An abandoned fa:m rat and does eat to live, just so long will ; is .termed as one which has no: o sudden death fmm weak hearts occur. ! abandoned by it* owner, but has abfc'lu'ely Secretary Win. lorn luad treatment, but it gon* out of cultivation. Kven land which was neutralised In . !- clooe alUenlion to WHS formerly tilled and is uow used as biisiueac and po*ibl\ )<v the late financial, world-wide panic, in ln--h people looked to go\ernment for relief fur th* evil* brought on by speculation IVpl forgot that it is work to live that oii-'b penon lias a limit- ed amount of xtynann> "ergy to ex|wnd in doing life work. l'*u hour* ut bmau work ' lion dollars. woodland is not included in the area which lias been abandoned . Nevertheless, taking lite State a* a whole, there ire l.lrtl aheo- lutelv deaerteil fauns. -: which supplied with building*. The value of >he*e farm* is a little over on* mil goes if the house* m the employer, nan.- . he hand of '.he wife is visi- ble None -if th* women whose paths this 'ii- woman ha* o pleasantly smoothed has ,. s ,. r ,0,1! hei f-i -hem she ;s like an in- visible tngel of goodness, but many are the vleut pr>ers that go up in those fifty home* for* her gentle consideration for .iihers. The last difficulty ;n th* wav of th* "_' are \iistro tJerman treaty ha* own remo\rd by i.eiuiauy consenting to the Iran tion of duties on Avstro Huuga , . I and limb*/

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