THE WEEK'S NEWS OaHADA. The Canadian Pacific roundhouse at the Sault was burned on Sunday night. Premier Mcrcjer, who delayed his journey to Europe on account of the elections, will sail from Xew York next Saturday. The Manitoba Local Legislature reopened on Tuesday. It is stated Mr. Joseph Martin will re enter provincial politics. There was sot a single case for trial at the Brandon, Man. , Spring Assizes. Mr. James Carroll, editor and proprietor of The Quebec Daily Telegraph, died sud- denly on Snnday night. Dunne last week there were 30 failures in Canada, against 37 for the corresponding week last year. Ex Aid. LanrentandMr. Archibald Cas- ila, a prominent merchant, died suddenly in Montreal last week. Two voters in Kingston, who caught cold in going to the polls, have since dieoL A cavalryman in Quebec has been sent to jail for a year for stealing 15 cents from a comrade. Constable Herron of the Mounted Police was found on the prairie near Leth bridge, N. \V T., frosen to death. The straits and waters off Cape Flattery, B. (.'. , are reported alive with seals, and the sealing schooners are reaping a harvest. It U reported that English and American capitalists have purchased the Porcupine, Badger and West End silver mines, near Port Arthur, for 910,000,000. Mr. H. R Spotton, of the Barrie Col- legiate Institne, has been appointed head- master of the new Harbord street Collegiate Institute in Toronto. A bloc of old wooden buildings in the Chinese quarter of Victoria. B. (.'. , has been burned by order of the city council to make room for new buildings. The tire method of removnl wiu adopted to prevent d ujjwr of sicklies* rroin tilth. Grace Vance, who was born and educated in Toronto, left home on the advent of a step- mother four years ago when she was six teen, and went to Detroit, wh-re she committed a theft for which she was sent to the reforma- tory. On hrr release she went to Buttalo, and was yesterday sentenced to rive years' imprisonment for another theft committed there. Geu. K IP i uniii F. Butler, in on inter- view the other day. assumed a warlike tone towards Canada. He says as thii Dominion cannot be acquired as agift nor by purchase, t .M to be conquered, and that it is a rich pi i/i- worth war to obtain. UREAT BRITAIN. Terrible weather prevails in the North of England, the snow bcmg in many places from six to fifteen inches deep. A (ilasgow despatch says a liquidator has been appointed to take charge of the State line of steamers. The bishop of Down has issued a letter which practically amounts to the excom- municalimi of any Catholics who support Parnell. Sir Charles I 'like lias been invited by the council of the Liberal! of the Forest of I Van to be a candidate for Parliament there, and has accepted the invitation. Mr. Parnell has decided toform a political fund, in addition to the fund for evicted tenants, to w'uch Americans will have the privilege of contributing. The first number of the \ationcU /V>., the new daily paper devoted to the interest! of the McCarthy faction of the Irish Parlia- mentary party, :ir oH in Dublin on Sat- urday. There was an unusually large and brilliant attendance at the Queen's drawing room in London on Saturday, due to the presence of Kn pirns Frederick. The Prince and Prin- ces* of Wales were present. It is reported in London official circles that the British Government has conclusive proof tiiat Gen. Boulanger and his supporters are responsible for the opinion manifested in Paris againat ex- Empress Frederick. Mr. Parnell, in his address at Clerkeu well on Wednesday evening, promised for him- self and hi* colleagues to second every at- tompt on the part of the labouring classes to better their condition. Viscount Woltner, member fo. retersfield, suggested in the House of Commons the other evening that the Government appoint a coiuniUsion to report upon scientific meth- ods of mitigating the fogs which prevail in London. At the London Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday evsning Lord Salisbury deliver- ed an important speech, in which he con- gratulated those present on the improved aspect of commerce, and said that hostile tariffs and the excess of protection were the only clouds visible. VNITBD STATES. Jsy Gould was fined 92SO in New York last week, as a delinquent juror. Trains were delayed in Minnesota owing to the blizzard of Monday. l.i'iinanl Jerome of Xew York, father-in law of Lord Randolph Churchill, died in London last week. The clothing manufacturer! of Rochester, N V., ordnred a lockout on Saturday, which will affeoc JO.OIX) person!. The Philadelphia City hall, which ii not yet ouipleted, has so far cost over fourteen million dollars. The northern part of Xew York state has hail i'J days of continuous sleighing this winter. The 3 1 aft Congress of the United States completed it business and its existence last week. AChippeway Indian, known as Old Chip, has just died at South Bend, Ind. , aged 105 years. Benjamin H. Paddock, Episcopal bishop of the diocese of Massachusetts, died last week in Boston. Friendsof the late Secretary Windom have raised a fund of 950,000 for Mrs. Windom. Jacob Soheele, a Bridgeport, Ct, murder- er, has starved 11 dayi and declares he will cheat the hangman. Mrs. 0. 0. Hansen, of Pelican Rapids, Minn., hanged her infant on the hinge of a iV . lite" drove a nail above the door and h % .. ,1 Imrwlf to it with a stout cord. No >wn for the crime. it <,f the I'niied State* Agriculture shows that a comparatively small proportion of the wheat and corn cropi of last season now remain in fanners' hands LOVE TO DEATH. Ths bill adopting ths Canadian ballot iyi- .. in- f r> i. D.'l tem has passed the South Dakota Legists- ' TOily and (jTime 01 a t renCD 11.111- way Magnate etrelxrf ! sn ASBewr Wttft Hi. Wife's < ..u-iit. Be Besens le slsirelei elsmes' Ura efs rrearsi Jr Partly KxeeJS* able Beeasne Is Wa>Me r rcsse4l latfisl. The latest cause oelebru in the criminal courts in Parii ii that of M. Joseph lUbot, a ger.Ueinaii of good social positiiui, educa- tion and fair busiuesi Handing, who, in tnre and become a law with the Governor's approval. At the Brayton Ives sale, in New York the other day the famous Gutteuberg Bible was sold toj. W. Ellsworth, of Chicago, for 97,400 a volume, or $U,SOO for the two volumes. The sunn filSJBiii in of the winter raged in several of the Napth western States on Satur- day night and qtraday. Many serums, cases of trichinoiii and four . of lheM advanU ^ e8 ^ to nave deaths have resulted from the eating of ^ uUer , b , 6 ^ reeJB H t ^ tlie fluK . loa . bologna sausage near .da Grove. Iowa. , ,,, of , Q but unprincip . e ,, woman . M The bodies of seven victim! of the re- | Ribot has beer well known for years as I man say nothing. I cent storm in Montana have been found, a competent official of the Chumin de Fer semblance will and it is feared that many others are yet to ,| u .\( u |i whose railway to Lyons and Mar- ] your mouth, be discovered. , aeiUcs constitutes one of the principal Strong opposition to the reciprocity treaty ; through routes of travel in Fr -nee. In 1875 with the United States has developed in the tried railway manager was united in Brazil, and the ratification of the treaty is the binds of matrimony with Mile. Guil doubtful. I lumou, the niece of the deputy representing McMullen, the seventeen-year old ! the Prtinent .lu Rhone. The bride was I... been on trial in Buffalo charg- n nniable laxly, but was MOT AT ALL I* LOVB with the man who led her to the altar, neither had M. Ribot any real affection for his future wife. The mutch waa entirely one of the kind known as " marriaffrs de convenance," in which almost every other consideration except love enters. In the present oaid the fact that Mine. Ribot was If you don't want people to look always on the dark side of life give them an ooua- iooal peep at the other side. Tommy" Paw, what is 'fame'?" Mr. Figg " Fame, my son, is souMthing a man makes iin uey out of after he is dead." "Before we were married," said she, " his displays of affection were positively overdone." And now t" "They are very rare. " If you have found some one who knu how to scratch your back just where it itches you have come pretty near finding affinity. If you are told that you resemble a great It may be that ths the moment you open THE DEADLY CENTIPEDE. All Admit it to be ths Mont Eepulsive of An agricultural editor says that the bee* article he ever saw on milk was cream- Some city people think that it mint try widely copied. A. "I hear that you are going to marry ...,,..,,.,,., .,,.-... a willow with $10,1100.'' B. "Yoi girl who has been on trial in Butfalo charg- ed with throwing two children off a high railway bridge, one of whom died from her injuries was acquitted the other day on the ground of being insane at the time. At Cincinnati Isidore H. Frsunthel and Ernest Sallinger, students at the Hebrew Union College, committed suicide in their boarding house the other day. There was an agreement that they should die at their . , ... _ ._ , ., w*..,^ u * . - . - ! own hands. I have largely decided the railway manager's | mlad ** ' * U lf d(MHia l Mrs. M. P. Smith, aged 87, of Flushing j choice-. But, even wealth could not insure | He is wedded to his art," said Hicks, a widow with 910.IKJO.'' B. " You hae got tilings mixed. I am going to marry 910,000 with a widow." Milioent " What do you think, Masxi ? Mr. Bulltish has proposed'^ to me." Maud ' Well, I always thought that he'd marry anybody who would take him." ' One thing I ought to tell yon before yon make up your mind to marry my daughter ; possessed of a very handsome fortune may * ts all day at the piano." "Oh,Jdon1 ... I mind that at all if she dosxen Mich., has been endeavoring to starve her- self to death, being tired of life. The old lady fasted for 31 days and was then pre- vailed upon to take nourishment, but may yet die. The late Mr. Jonathan Scoville, ex-mayor of Buffalo, has left 93,000 to the Roman Catholic Church Society ot Lskeville, On- tario. The deceased gentleman left $;;,IK)0, OOtt to churches, charities and educational institution a. Mm. < Maria, a native of California, claims that she was twelve yean of ape at the time of the building of the Carmel Mission in 177'.', which would make her 1 30 years old at the present time. An organization to be known as Knights of Reciprocity hcs been formed in Kansas, and shows signs of sproiuhug to a large ex- tent. It is meant as a counter-irritant to the Farmers' Alliance. The Methodist Episcopal conference of Philadelphia by a vote of 12" to 9H decided against admitting women delegates to the electoral and general conferences of the ' church. Congressman John L. Mitchell, of Mil- waukee, is said to be the wealthiest member of the incoming House of Represent itivea. His fortune is estimated at *P>.xi. >NI. The l'n i ted States Treasury Department has decided that so much of the telephone , cable passing through the tunnel connecting Saruia and Port Huron as is brought within , the limits of the United States will be sub- ject to duty. It is understood that Secretary of the Treasury Foster has determined upon the withdrawal of the United States Customs i.rti.ers now stationed at various points throughout Canada for the purpose of bond- ing goods in transit through the United St.ltes. The Emerald branch of the Irish Land League in Louisville, Ky., declare that they will not subscribe funds for either of the contending huh parties, and recommend all lir. inches of the League in the United States, ' Canada, and Australia to follow their ex- ample. IK US.NBRAU A Rome despatch says the condition of the pope's health u causing much anxiety. Ex-Empress Kugenie is reported to be in very bad condition physically and little more than a wreck mentally. Seven Turkish students have arrived in Berlin to study agriculture at the expense of the Sultan. A native chief has massacred 278 people in Madagascar, with atrocious cruelties. The Belgian Labour Council has invited all foreign labour associations to attend a Workmen's Congress to be held in Brussels next August. The German Government narrowly escap- ed defeat on the motion for an increased naval vote. The Reichstag in opposed to the Emperor's idea of making Germany a great naval nation. On Wednesday the Australian Federation Convention met in Sydney, when the scheme proposing a Federal Parliament composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and free trade throughout the federation, wa taken into consideration. It is said the truest ion of war with Ger- many is a livetossicin French Ministerial circles. M. de Preycinet and M. ( '. uixtaus are reported in favour of fighting at the earliest possible moment, while President Cam- t and M. Ribot advocate peace. The alarming news has been received from Turkish Atmenia of the attack by a Mo- hammedan mob upon ths British Consulate. The Christian population is said to be in a condition of gieat alarm as a result of the freuuent and unchecked Kurdish raids. Instead of wintering at Corfu, si was her original intention, it is very likely that the Kmpieia of Austria will go to the West In- dies in a few weeks, in which case she will Srobably cruise ou this side of the Atlantic uring the greater portion of next year. The decision of Prince Bismarck to again in i politics causes considerable agitation in < lei many. Dr. Berlin of Nantes, France, claims to have succeeded well in the use of goat's blood as a cure for consumption. Russian and French Ministers at Cairo protest against the Anglo-Italian judicial commission to reform administration of Egyptian affairs. The Paris Temps says the negotiations be- tween France and England un the New- foundland question have resulted in an agreement, which will be submitted to the French and English Parliament at the end of the week. (luring ths month of December last the I not ahiae in London, one dsy. Dur- i .ji 'uc entire year 1890, out of a possible 4k.M hours, when the sun should or might have been visible, it, as a fact, wan visible only 1092 hours and these were mainly in the afternoon. happiness, and there was very little of that article in the Ribot household before the arrival of Mile. Ew.lda Uillac, Mm. Ribot's lovely young cousin, aged twenty, who came up from the provinces to finish her education as a painter in the art schools of Paris, and Hill loss afterwards. Mile. Dillac was a very clever woman who never denied herself the slightest gratification from fear of the possible consequences, and when she discovered, as she soon did, tht M. Ribot was epris with her fair face, the wss not deterred from carrying on ths amour by the fact that her would-be lover was THB HUHBAtD OF BKH HKI.ATIVB. Of course, the billing and ><>iiig of the lovers could not be earned on openly under the very eyes of the woman they were en- gaged in deceiving, and thus resort was had to uilletsdoux. These tender missives, now in the hands of the police, are filled with passion of the most passionate variety, and it la difficult to decide whether the vows sworn by the erring spouse; or those repeated by the too responsive maid, were the most ardent. Certain it is that the guilty pair had entered upon a path that could have but one ending shame and crime. Although roses bloomed at the outset, and the lovers were for a time lost in a fool's paradise ol their own creation, M. Ribot at least noon awoke to the consciousness that he was PLAYING TUB PART OK A SOOHXDRKL. But this revelation, at whatever period in ths tragedy it was made, came too late. He had gone too far and the same evil indueuce that nad prompted his tint departure from the path of duty kept him from following any nobler promptings. From being a per"- son of average amiability, M. Ribot'i demeanor towards his wife changed rapidly for the worse. The servants frequently beard him curse her and on several occasions they were present when Mine. Ribotoharged him with ill-treatment and even with trying to poison her. Matters were goiug on in this unhappy manner when, four weeks ago, the servant* were NBABJ.Y FKIOBTBNBD OUT Or T11KIK WITS by strange noises m their master's room in the inidi.le of the night. These were so uuiiiual and M. Ribot'i temper had lately been so bed that they were afraid to venture to ascertain the cause without help. Summoning some of the tenants on the other flats they finally burst into the room, where they found the furniture thrown about in great disorder, while on the bed lay M. and Mme. Ribot. THB LATTBH W AH DBAD, her lifeles body being bathed in a pool of blood that gushed from nearly a dozen stabs, apparently indicted by a sharp knife, while M. Ribot was half fainting, his mouth being gagiii'il and his hands ai:d feet tied. The police were, of course, at once summoned. Si. liiln.t was liberated, his wife's corpse prepared for burial and the case placed in the hands of several of M < Boron's best de- tectives. They naturally applied first to M. Ribot himself for information, but after hearing it did not consider that they were greatly enlightened. THK FACTS AUCURDINO TO THB M ASTIR of the house were these : M. Ribot was awakened from a deep sleep by Mine. Ri- bot, who occupied a separate couch, calling his name. Just as he was about to rush bo her assistance he was seized, bound and gagged as he was found by two ruffians, whose faces were blackened with soot. What happened to his wife he could not say, as he at once became unconscious. As this pleasing fairy ulc, evidently extracted from one of M. BoUgobcy's romances:, was not thought to sufficiently resemble the truth, the detectives proceeded on their own theories and soon discovered that these re- markable robbers had failed to secure a lame sum of money in the room, or in fact anything else of value. THBY A1SO I'NBAKTUKUTHB DETAILS of the Uillac amour, the inculpating letter! already referred to, and all the possible in- centives that could have influenced the rail- way maiager in putting his wife out of ths way. As the reeult M. Ribot wtis arrested, tried and sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, with hard labor, despite his plea of " Not Guilty. " The leniency of the sentence waa due to the extraordinary finding by the jury that the murder was done " without premeditation." The /rwA Farming World calls cautionary attention to the dangers of barbed wire. I baa become a very common fencing material but an Fngjiah County Court decision may have the effect of checking its use. An oc- cupier in mending a t-ap used barbed wire. His neighbour turned out a valuable horse on the other lide of the fence, with the result that she waa found with a serious lacerated wound. The judge held a very strong opin- ion. He found that the wire caused the wound, that the fact of the wire being three feet within the defendant's boundary was uo justification, and awarded the plaintiff 21 and caste. apropos of Sketchy, the artist. " You're wrong. He Days too much attention to his art to lie wedded to it. He is engaged to it," said Mrs. Hicks, scornfully. There is one thing about yon, d'Auber, that I can't understand," said Schumble. " What is that, old fellow :" " That with your unequaled taste in art you should have such a large collection of your own pic- tures." An eye to the future. " I don't see how you can be pleased at the idea of your brother marrying her She'i so fast and harum- scarum. She'll never make a good wife. " ' ' ( )h but She'll make auch a delightful chape rone.' Mrs. Porkly "I of ten wonder how peo- ple manage to understand each other in France." Mrs. Gotham " How abeurb." Mrs. Porkly" T don't think it absurd at all Both my daughters speak French and they can t understand each other." Somebody has computed that if thirty- two million people should clasp hands th.-y could reach round theearth. When a young man U in love he does not need to have tnoi < than one person clasp his hand to be able to reach round all the earth contains for him. Countryman (buying new suit of clothes) " Pears to me, mister, that these pan'a- looni are too short. " Lioweimtem " Vy, my friend I, dot vos our special style for sur- burban residents. You don d haf to roll dhose clodhings up and loox like von oi dhose silly dudes. Mrs. DeVisite" Good afternoon. Miss Blank ! Is your mother at home * M Ns Blank "No. She has gone to Mrs. De- Mugg'l progressive conversation party By the way, what aor'. of a party is that, Mrs. DeVisite'" Mrs. DeVisite " It is one at which the conversation begins with art, sci- ence and literature and progresses very rapidly to fashion, gossip and servants. IT WA* *t POLK**. HI* Wcaeerrull} iBlrllta'vaiBee; eeevrreej the lo.i < om- it wss dark, and down a retired street in Paris a man rode along on horseback. Sud- denly the horse stopped as if frightened. Then a man roee from the pavement in the middle of the street and jumped to one side with a cry. The rider was angry and ex- claimed : " Are you drunk, man, that you lie about in the middle of a dark street to pet yourself run over ?" " You might better lend a poor fellow a hand than scold in that way," exclaimed the other. " 1 had 300 franks in gold in this bag, carrying it to pay a bill for m master, and the bag has broken and it is lost over the street. If you have some matches they will do me more good than your curses." " It's no easy task to find lost money ou a night like this," said the rider, dismount- ing. " I have no matches, but perhaps I ca-i help you. Have you any of the pieces left?" " Only one," replied the unfortunate fel- low with a sob. " Give it to me," said the other. The poor man hesi'ated, but the stranger repeated the words in % tone of authority, and the lit coin was handed to him. The stranger whist led and a great Span- ish mastiff stood beside him. He held the coin to the dog's nose, and leaning to the rough pavement said : " Kind them." Tne dog sniffed the gold-piece and began the search. One, two, three, he began bringing in the coins and dropping them into his master's hand, while the poor servant stood by in ailent wonder. Thirteen times he returned with a 20 franc uiecc. Then, after a long search, he came l>ack empty, with a grunt that seemed to y : " Thre are no more." " We are yet lacking one piece," said the stranger. " Are you sure there were just 300 francs?" Sure as sure can be, air," the servant replied. Then look in the bag again. There must M one left there." The man looked, and lure enough found the last gold piece still then-. Oh, lir !" he exclaimed, as the stranger sprang into his saddle, "you are my de- liverer. Tell me your name that my mas- ter may know whoh.wdone such a service." " I have done nothing, " said the stranger. "Tell your master that the one who helped you was a very good and intelligent dog by ths name of Joie. " It was some yearsiifUM ward, when France had seen troubled lime., and the royal my all family ' no more, that the master -IU WrlsTtn ~ esMl t-r.mtlmi a*- Dae f.r Black AsU. Who can look upuua centipede without shrinking with horror and exclaiming that t is one of the most repulsive of insects ' Its body is divided into numerous segment* of the same length and thickness each bess* furnished with a pair of legs, which end in". sharp- pointed claw, backed by three xiiiallw ones, each capable of inflictinp a painful in- flammatory wound. luhead is ornamented with two short antenna), composed of men joints, illuminated by two granulated eyes, formed by ths junction of numerous smaller ones. Its month 11 overlapped by a pair ol strong forceps, or hooks, which have open- ings beneath their points, through which when it bites a poisonous fluid is injectes after the manner of ths fang of the d catty dealing rattlesnake. An irritable ienr follow! the bite, accompanied by delirimav and if the patient is of an excitable hahA amputation or excision of the bitten part be- comes necessary or death ensues. Fre- quently death is the result, despite all renv The centipede is telling the incident to a party of friends, one of whom bad been employed in the palace. "Joie! Joie !" he exHmiiioil "There never WM but one dog of name and there never waa it more n mnrkalilc and faithful dog than li . !! "J" ' ' '"'" panicd Ml mailer when h. . .1 :M disguise about the city.' 1 " Who won hi* master ?" they .*'! nuked. The reply wai briel : "The Kmnrn-r Napoleon." OUUHYOROC8 IK ITS AJ-I-XTTTXa, and steals about in search of victims anU i ood only in the night. There are two varieties of the largest kind, those nearly white inhab- iting the ground, those of a light chocolats brown frequenting tne decayed bark of lav eased trees, or that attached to fallen timbeft The inhabitants of temperate climates an practically free from these dreaded in^-cttj, tnd are thus compensated, in a degree at least, for the loss of ths baUmy airsi tnd tropical splendors of more Southern climes. A variety of the centipede, however, exists in the North, called " Thousand legs," which fortunately remain! always insi^nin- cant in size. They are to be more frequently found in regions famous for tne accumn I ioa of lumber, particularly about saw mills, and are oocasiouallY met with in the nob loam erf decaying trees. In the West Indiei and hi the countries bordering on the " Spanish main " the centipede is the greatest pest en countered. Ths utmost vigilance is neces- sary to keep them from entering houses and finding their way into beds and clothing. Generally in tropical countries \ermin ac- cumulates in immense numbers every two or three yean. Scorpions, centipedes, mice, spiders, snakes teem up from floors, arbon and gardens. UTB 1BOOMK9 CITBBARABLS But suddenly a little black ant lapse. m e advance guard of an invincible army. Human inmates fly from their homes and Lhs little an u m countless numbers cower the locality. There can be witnessed ths fluttering of the roaches can be heard ths squeaking of the mice and rate ; the serpents come uoiling in death agony from their bid- ing places ; every creeping thirg in the vi- cinity is undergoing martyrdom. The ants are everywhere ; not a nook or crevice es- capes them. In a few hours the work of extermination is completed ; commencing their work at night, belom morning dawns they have taken their departure leaving bs- luud nothing but the wrecks ot their victims, ORIdUf AND UBOWTU Of THK CBHTTrtDB The centipede is hatched from an egg, and comes forth a perfect insect ; sad what is most remarkable, the young is the subject of great care on the part of the maternal parent, being fostered by her long after they are able to take care of hemselves. When first us' erd into doing they have bat six legs, thoir additional feet, as well ae ths rinia to which they are attached, becoming developed as they advance in age, one ring and one pa r of feet marking the passage of a year. The centipeie lives longer, and continue* to increase in strength more : hai any other naect ; t survives through many generations. Th s fact, an I its peculiar organization, inakea the centipede reinark- alTe among all the varied races of ii; life. esperele Vtgttt with Ba.dJIs. Detail* have been received of the killing of Uemetrio J&uregue and a band of six robbers in the slate of Jalisco, Mexico. The band had for months past terrorised th* people in the district, committing murders, alxluctions, and robberies. It having re- cently been learned that Jaaregui intended to make a raid upon the Elearuzo Plantation a company of infantry was sent to watch him. Hardly had the troops arrived when the bandits were discovered entering the owner's residence. The troops thereupon immediately surrounded the house, and sharp firing began, and was continued throughout the night. At daylight, the toldier entered the bouse and a desecrate encounter ensued, all the bandits being ii i illy killed except Jauregni. The latter 6e.l to an attic, being followed by two soldiers, on* of whom he succeeded in killing ; ihe other tired through the door, hitting .laun-^ui who fell at last. The soldier then sum- ied in the door and found Jauregui crouching behind a bed, having in each hand a revolver, nearly all the chamben of which he discharg- ed, and was then exhausted. The soldier now made a rush to despatch .Jauregui, who, however, did not expire until he had ones more raised himself and shot and killed the soldier. In the fight with the bandits four soldiers, including Lieutenant Gomez, were killed, and eleven wounded, some of them mortally. A few mouths ago a convention of head- masters of the great public schools of I'. tig- land was held in Oxford to discuasthe ojiiet- lion of making Greek an optional subject in the curriculum of universities. While ou a vote it was found that a majority favored the retention of the Greek as a compulsory study, a large minority thought it better not to do so, urging that instead of ancient Greek, it would be better to take the motion Hellenic language. In a commercial s. nss there can be no doubt of the value of moilers. languages, and this is regarded as import- ant both in England and this country : hill yet to give up the ancient language v be to deprive scholars of the granJes: ature extant. Still the movement in of optional studies of ancient language n schools is growing. Many eminent men id- vocate it. The headmasters of such f.-i schools as Kton, Harrow and Rugby are fav- orable t,o modifications. A more thorough study of French, Herman, Italian .n.l Span- ish il urged as a lubstilntt- foi Greek and Latin, and there fteemn ' in- 'iule doubt that before many yen:* tongues will be rr legated to thorn: HI. . \u*!i to be. come classical sohttW* tor ri. UtratitM