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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRL'TH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JV 02 MEJV." VOL. IX., NO 506. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 1891. W. H. THURSTON, EDITCP* PROPRiETCR Great Discount Sale 20 PER CENT." FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS On watches, cbcks, jewelry, s'lverware and spectacles. Such value as we are giving was never offered here beioie Remember we paid spot cash for every dollar's .v ir'h ot goods that we are offering at the greatly reduced prices. Our jewelry is of the finest quality ami our watches and ba||ot glK)i ,'..; L clocks of the best make. A magnificent stock ot jjwitii ttrlntyre. From our iin I'urrtffmtultut. The election is now past and most of our prominent politicians havo quieted down to their natural self once more. The great political ques- tions of the day Imve been thoroughly discussed at thin place, both by Messrs. C'laik, lluil.e, Graham and other prominent speakers mid u!so hy local imitators, and cousequenily every ihniir was in preparaliou for the con- test to be decided on polling day, and the result was a large vote was. taken in the division, nearly every available vote was got out. The poll stood us follows : Sproule 65, Clark 58, one So, what me and my wife Flom. we'll do, put we'll pretend to rauk* pelirve one day that w* wati both the two of UH in a quarrfl apont the ilnt ami Candi Tory- iti-s, '.VIH-II be came home to tbe table- iliiint-r am wans naitural he would stood up for his motbei.Diy wifu Flora, aud he swon-d aaa he would fote for the ferv mail me and my wife Flora '11 soiicht wan the r'cht mu, uml no you'll aee Muntr flrup, Unit tbe Mwnmi'i would be giving three mdiul (otes f T our own muu, and That ira more loo, wliHtrfcr. whi'ii my wife Flora he'll go to the kirk on the Sabbath, she'll whimper tu Kn-sty McNair not to told nobody that ine anil IDT wins, M Ucolm niid Rorr, both of the llii.-e uf tin wns all going to fote for the other man altogether entirely, aud wbat , th WM . an ofctallll lhe MoNairg Wlll MaPbwi an.l (lie M,-TgBrtb, *ud the Me- Kiiio P ,. u a ,, M.-Aipiue, .bat the Mac visited us, I" 0neer8 taking f ll " H Diamond rings from $10. up to $60. 11- selling 40 These goods we are dealer in this county. Remember for the NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY. Qr __,,f per cent this discount fhin nnv t sale lasts ARMSTRONG BROS. VAIXTINO, TRIUUINQ, HOU8KHOKIXC., WOOD WOBK. FIRST PRIZE \V H E R E V E H SHOW N, I.I MJIKK. LATH, bHIKOLES JOD WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard's Carriage AVorks, FLESBERTON, ONT. who has been ailing for some tune , and (gradually growiiiu waki'r, passed ,|uieU'iv iiwav to his loiitf home on ' Monday 2nd hist. Tlio deceased liu.s been long known and highly mpeo tod iu thirf township, having been assessor 1 and treasurer for S. S, So. *2, Ouprey, for a Ion;,' time. Despite tin; severity of tlio weather tlui remaiux were ibllowi-d to tlio Uad)>eroe'fl cemetery on Wednesday by a large concourse of friends. Sandy Dell is still no better and is gradually i^riting weaker. His f itlier, Malcolm l> 11, has cumc home from Saulte St. Marie where he has bt-t-n engaged since last fall. >li 1'uncan Mi-Inlyri! lias arrived home from the north shores where he has been engaged during tlio winter. J lidding from his looks we would ftay tlio northeru climate has agreed \vit:i Duncan. ilis. Tlios. Scott and family are sick with a severe cold, DICK'S LAND UOLLEUS BtNDKRS. PLOWS. Our Kuu!(iei the Hvit. Our Slciiiha tho iJcst. Our Cutters tliu Beat. Our Improved Harruws the Ik-nt Our I'.-itent Cnte Thr Hc-at. a Improved Spring Timt!. ll.iiruw the Uvat. STIl.VW CL'TTKllS, SCL'KKLERS, TUUMP DRILLS, ti VNCi PLOWS It,, I. !{> THERE IS NO PATENT ON IT. There is no patent on McDonald & Evans' me thud of doing business. Anybody can do as we ate doing give the most and best for the money but it knocks the profits ) and that is the reason we have no followers, hut stand alone in holding out inducements and giving the biggest bargains possible, which cannot fail to tempt those who appreciate our extraordinary efforts in giving the best goods for the least money. Credit pays the dealer more money cash, so he clings to the credit system, but CASH saves the customer more money. Look out for self and you will look in on us. Our prices s?ve your pocket. Our profits save your purse. Our goods are the best ym can buy, or that can be sold for cash. THE DYAIAMITI" we use to shake things up with is Condensed Prices and Small Profits. Now is the time to save money while we are giving away oui profi;s. I( you do .not appreciate what we are do- ing now, we hope you will live to sec your mistake. MCDONALD & EVANS. t'nnn ur oiru Tin- weather still continues line and the excitement occasioned by tlie elec- tion has subsided. The cntertainuieut given under tho auspices of thu I. O. of U. Tcniplurs pr.iveda grand success. Mr. Cook, tlio Worthy Chief, occupied the chair. The chairman's speech outlined tlio developments of tbe order M HIM place, but he expressed sincere regret at the fact that several uf the heads of families still hold aloof from the ! temperance movement. The speech I hy thu blind man was very pointed i and iuU resting. Mr. Guliawny, who ' by tho way is a very suceesMul vocal | music teacher, not only in thin vicini- 1 ty but iu several utighburing villages, constituted not a little tu the eupy- tneiitofthe evening, not only by sev- eral good songs but ulso by a temper- ance speech. MucnHl'* Difficulty. MVHTRII uiiLT,- When I would write to Mtegtt an DM* 1 would i>,> mk- i fill, lit nil, (or l>ier iv. n ,l i lii,|i- 111.111 or , wiuir.n In,,, mi, m '/IT, In tho Conner of Snlit-fpii and thu towiibhip ol Pmoe lliAt I would cure fur tn skips , I a lonne mil ; 11,1. .-I no. Si, 1 U sochl I wuuiil ohoott pn telling you how uie :m,l my wife Klura we wonUI arrainch to fotn on tiin Marc-h ,lay of tlm Kitth, to wo would. Woll, you oo, Malcolm, he wan* u 1. 1 v t-tnu.^ liciil-pigtit liul ims nut-sunn- lo want l:iss own way ton inn, s out of mm'. wliuKM, nit-piuchtll.v A In n ho sinks me anil my 'if'' Flora wass ,'( ii tinVn nt opinion Ii'liilly altogether ; si, \\lint inu auil uiv wife Flora 'U <1i> but we'll try lo < ,,.IM linn Dial hu wuuM votu for tin- <>t!i> -I yuii Ri-u '.' \Vrll.Muhtur llrun, -i, ur am. yon waa u living muu lie would p> 0|>)><,S 10 (0 till- CollllHIV ultlllK IlllJ till* for tho fory innii me and uiv w,!i> Flora . nits, so wu ilo, nml u-t for all that there ia :i,,t in tin- county uf the \vhulo uf .x. ill),,, n it niure sliiijM nor iiloughiniin n.snin\ c^ii sou. lunii-i,:, i. Malcolm Kinneth .\Ucucil, aud ho ,'t>nlil killed un,l ciillit upa IMK ><i, quirk .it,Byun could tnki! a ilo/.eu or Iwolf uiuiuh es of muff oil :\ fory cold day. 1'ut l!,.r\ WIIHH .1 toliilly altogotliLM Iff cl- ou tkiuii 61 :i mini : 1 --ink ho wanH a muuii - tri iiili-iil. I lo | , for be I* not noret Ilia I 1 .ml nil ill,: fui in. or any other whrru rite, :ni. I waa I'VVH f-iy tiugular in his oooiprn- III MMi'liri, Ifhides too ; (01 lei nil) tell ViHI in! ixfei.v fon, I of tiyiiijttn halo mo and Inn iin'tlirr. m> wife Flora, ill n ouintpuu ajiont uoaniK ol All. (to he oau took the MI uf her. Kin! uike uie uiau look like of fool they rrqnirvil a frw eatth< iiml mureofrr. I -av wbat they'll do, i put they'll hold a iiii-i-tiii^ of tin HO pour creatures, and would uiakii u motion "That whrreaM Kimiy McPhre or McNinr bans Ix-i'ii maorcduloualy and macluinl'-Ktini-ly infornioil hy Flora MacDonald or 1 that thaaiid bloody Marneira.,,,f Kileruaoh, in the af'irotutid cnunty of SahK*'U mid township ,f I'rnor, i tuleiniint to fote aK oua man on the one tide iu laid election, we, iht* nnilrracribvrs, golomonlT prmuira and ' wpr to fotu UH nut- man mi tin- ot'inr aide. DI'NI'AN MoKn.LuP (f/i"1, Chuirmaii. HKCTOH MI-ALPINR, Sforciury. 80 run wnll | n-civi-, MuHtor (Imp. tbat oar man would !, _-i Unit; ,1:1 Tliiiihilav. two and thirty fotog he'll mil got only for me and ray wife Flor.i. IVrlmp-; I would limy IMI told von of it aoinu day bow wo wa .ill ' tbe petk-r of it, morujfer. ANOI-H MAI M:II . Kilornach P. O., Cimopaaiun 14, Townthip of Truce, Lot 17. n, ;,,. Foultry KniHinc HOW \NI) WHEN TO BKUlN. There are always some parties who are "waitiii"; for something to turn up." Hiirdly anything butter than the poultry business can "turn np" to one who is really waiting one who is ambitions iu the right direction >vheu something does "turn up." Tho poultry ranks are not yet full. Every one in it who exercises proper management is making something, but, liku all other businesses, it n- nuires tact and capacity lo turn it in- to profitable cash. The market is not oversuppliod with cither fowls or <#,.-, | and uow the ihMMM in this direction I are tinci.untgiii^ly in favor of embark- i ing in the poultry business. Grant- ing, then, there are such who \vi*-'h lo start in this linu, 11 few words uii how to bf-'^in may not he amiss. The proper time to begin is in the ! fall or winter. It is then that a choice selection of fowls id at com- mand. For various irasous, 1 would recommend one to start with fowls rather than cggx. It is not buying tbe cat in the bag, as it -.ere one can see what he buys. Do not infer from this, however, Unit 1 reflect dm- honesty upon those advertising egsiH. Not at all. 1 'ut if you do start with eggs, remember it must be an extra- ordinary strain that will produce all, or even a good percentage of, such hrceilcis as one would wish to have for a start. Then having decid- ed to start, prepare quarters with the best possible view to comfort for the hnds. Subscribe for some join mil, and bear in mind there is always something new to Itarn. Then select your breed or breeds, hut let n)c say liere, do not stall with too many varieties. This is where the most failures come in. Of course 1 would say, by no means sUrt with anything bill thoroughbie Js. If your aim is to icai fowls for eggs, then the laying i breed.-, should hi- selected. Leghorn* are undoubtedly tho best, of which I there arc three varieties, White, Black, ! aud Hi own. each ono having their ' own admirers. If ami lift fowls with i a liberal supply ol eggs aro the object, then the heavier breeds can be select- ed from. My fancy, and I think for ' good IVHSUIIS, is the Plymouth Uoeks, | barred or white ; Wyandottes, four : varieties, White, Black, Silver, and ( Golden ; and Li.u'lii. Hrahnnis, 1:1 the order named ; and I think for guner- : al pin poses they cannot be excel led. bill thru there is abundance of othuis [hoosu from. Go out among the i H and make yourself acquaint- their wnys and principles. As i a rule, they are a cheerful honest lot ; aud by giving tbe poultry a show on the farm, you will find that nothing else gives von as quick and as great .v return for tho money invcHted. W.i\ <\n-kliurn in The Canadian Live Stoi'/t and farm Journal for March. Mr. Coole, of CVilbonie, Out., ha* shipped 15,000 borrali of Canadian to the British market thin year. BULL FOR SALE. ( bull, 2 y Mur.iii.i old. W. T. C . Flecbertuu Properties for Sale 1 N ABTEMESIA. Lota 105 and IK. :inl rniiuii N. K r ., Artoinuiia. luiitcrtifc. friMiiu liarn HIK! ilwellu., till lliu IMKIIIIM-K . Wi-ll lullvtnl anil ivt. 1 1 Win b* MM aliMp, Uit 170. iHt S W . T * S. II., .' ,11- - fraiun tiwullinii tlii-nm. anJ utulmil. Will Uu Mjlcl rlni*|> ami "tl ttlin- Ix>t 176. lint N i: , T ,v .-,. U.. about 'JO iicrw. ' clearwl. balftiicti ^ood liardwotfil bukli. Tt*t i - of |i> nu'iii easy. Vlllaur >'r..|>. r( i. x Several very .Itmir&blo villni;.- i>i..|.urtit>i wi.l be illniKMed of, one of which, known ti ti . Hniwnuiti )iro|N>rty. in particularly valtiin. Thm lot cunuiim about 2J murm A culllfui tablu ruaitluuuti is erm-tU tuuruuu. Any penon .lcn nit baruini in farm or villal* property klloiililraiiiiniiMirKte with JOHN W. AKMSiUOXO. r Floil SOCIETIES. SONS OF TKMPKKANl-K.- Tin. tiuH't*. in Dr. t'ltritftov'* Hull u\rrv Wotlut iii ill uuunecliou. ROY.V1- TKMI'LAKH OR TKMrKIIAXI'K UoKular Cuuiifil iiiiKit* every l*iie><la\ -i- i UK in Hprtinlv's block ut N p.m. SU>ct .It* iiiiiumiuf, niuvt* muiillily. HID Wodnwdtt i; thu -Jilnl of each niuutll. PUSCK ARTHUR LOD(iK NO :ui, A. F * A M . ui.n't in tho Miwunio Hill, tm l>lf,ck. KliiHlii'iton. nvt-rv Kritifty ,n <>r bulore ti t f ,ill iiiooi.. \V .1 lli-llamy. M. M.. !! J 8|-, V. "Holiday Time Is Gift Time." WILL SHOW FOR YOUR I.V SPliCTlON A Beautiful Assortment u mill?* SII.VI:KW.UK *N . .KM;K\I. JK r. . $18 TO ?35. lisa 1 m W :: 10 AND 14K.. $20 TO S:!S. WAI; HANTS COVKHINi; INCIl'KN TAL HUKAKAiiKS 2 TO 4 YKS. CLOCKS, IN Mt'KKL AND WAI.N $1.50 TO 88.r>0. Fine * Repairing I'ersonally attended to. <.'!"?' spcctioii of Ciood*, 1'ric'cH and Melbuds il Host \VishcS to -fVll I W, A. BUO\VN, Jenveller, MAKKDALE.

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