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Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1891, p. 6

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DEVOURED BT WOLVES. Four Boh.nilim. rruien to Drain Mauy Foopto Uyln( From Kxpoaurv Heavy MMOW Ku la Belgium und Italy. A London oable leys: The iolenieoold wbiob bn beep prevailing in Belgium ha somewhat moderated and heavy mow ha* set in causing ^rml interruption to rail way traffic. In Itaiy the snow fall hai been enormon od tbe ground ii covered to a depth ot in inches. The immense mass of *oow had caused many accident*. At Cepprano, tbn roof o( the station hai been oraibed in tad the railway lino (ram Homo to Naple* ban be-r blocked, 'i'he people are offering terribly from tbe rigoroni weather aud many daalbt from exposure are reported In Vienna the oold ban causiderably abated, bat in the eastern provinces o Auilria the temperaiare ie still very low Four pertoai have been frozen to death in Bohemia. A Gallioian peasant wai attacked by a pack of wolves yesterday and after a terrible olru>xle wan devoured Railroad and telegraphic communications have been nitored in Rneais. Ill KIM- UEATUH AMU MARRIAOKB Or*** iiriiini Interesting He>iuru !!..-. % . n( fgr the Put Year. The RKUtre.r-Oeneral has jaat inaed hii 52mi annual report concerning tbe birth*, deatbi mi marriage* of Kiiglan and Wale*, aod il furnishei, as usual, i mo*t intereiling volume. Heeilimaieslb population of tbe country, at tbe middlt ,! last year, al something over '-".i,000,0"U. The marriage! regiilered were 213,*- corresponding to a rate of 14 7 periune enarne.l per 1.000 living. This ie bibber than in aoy year sinoo 1884, when it was 15.0. There is a tendency for church mar liases to decline, and for them at reentry offioe* oinoree>M. 01 previously divorced persons there are 160 who re-entered tbe married Hate 75 of each sex. Taking the inalee first. 6'J married npinster 14 widows, and 1 divorced women. Taking the females, 61 married bachelors, 11 widowe, and -' divorced man. Then is a steady riae la the ages at which people now marry, tbe average for men being i8 33. and (or women !i&.6. There IB also sin improvement in their educational qualification, * fewer poulu now UK" the remitter with a orosa. With ragard to births, tb* Dumber is given Ml 944 the lowest rate recorded in any of the last 50 years, and a further itep in i)> Uoe which has gone on continuously 1 1H7U. Comprised in tbe total wer 4u '>.', children born nut of wedlock, thi loweel on record. Th* deaths wsre 618,3:1, or a i-ri pjrlion of IT '> to 1,000 of lie estimated population Only 23 dc*IOi were attributed to umallpox and 137 to typhus fiver. As) to soar It t (ever, llwr were 6.C9M victims, uieailea 14,732, whfop ing cough ll,'2'15, diphtheria 6,888, diarlfcii'i 18,431, and canocr lH,i;.'>4. Of death* from violence, there were 17,41)7, among*) Ibn amber being - 170 laioide*. 12 eiscuted oriminals and 172 murdered people. |-i. i In Uuewr Plar*. That was a very prttiy incident that oocurred at lh Newaik 1'olioe lUadqusr- ten recent)) Psirr and Frank are yonogilsrs of 14 and li. wbu have lost tbsir parents. Thoy atarled on foot (or Florida, where they have an uncle. Worn and w**ry after a long day's tramp, and bavin; no money, they applied to the police fof a place to Bleep. Captain Corbstl, whoMV* them a couple of now, thought it v.sjl to keep an eye on tbe lads. He noticed that before they turned in tbev went town on tbeir knee*. It was a verj remarkible proceed- ing and bad probably never oottrreid before in that place. Ho the next horning he iked tbem in a geitle tone what they knell (or and they replied tith timid modesty, "O-ir mother taught usto pray!" That isn't Ihs kind of people he police generally come in contact with .nd they enjcyel new and somewhat startling enealion. But tbe upshot ot it -as that money enough wa* rai*ed to y the youngster*' way to ; 'In . f. anii ty> more ICrateful or happier (ellows havsseldom been a< en. A' (ii J>* Herald. out. or lit* M.dlnuri n. HII,. n,, i A Brockton. VaM.,d*patob leysU-'.ililh Anderson diurl list night from the fToots of the morphia alministered b her mother. The <sber two children! in a preoarioit oondition and tlf il tiprcted f die. Mr. (J plritnaliat roflum who told Mr wai unfailhf ilv, was arrested efore the fact to Fuiolde. The prison George is well op I astrology for a I In jail in default PRINCE BAIHIN'S DEATD Strup Slant. Told Btf irdnj! the Ute Heir lo the Btkiau Throne. BOBEOWFDL END OF HIS OAgLEH buil her oantrd tbe i- n aoceseor) the orlmn not ituilty and ha* He wa* 1 1 Wariu li... I.M..,, Hock, Ark, dtipatoh t a i'i>en white men w mi Blackburn, colored, son*) dis- nth* oily, took him from bed him KII.II a terrible flogging that r a phyiioian'i cam. The mob Ited th* house of Rlcbard Brown, a roan of some prominence, and bat- the doora As they attempted r the nigro flred into th crowd with barreled ahotgnn, killing Jim iy and severely woundlnK another of .arty. n ho Drown mir rendered. 1 1 is the trouble originated. not > ii.- Vat MU n. . Hoohareit rable sayi : t.( a major In tbs ni Thu headless Uonmanlan army found yesterday In the bathroom lo tb* Oir,il Hotel, I'nttriid/i. Two orderlies, who w*re detailed a* the major'* body **r- Tent*, wern arrailed to day on auipiolon of baviri; niurd. n.l Ihe officer. One of the sternal < nfeurd, and said they had bnrieil Ibe dead man'* hsad In t lie eand not far from Ihn hulel. R*vsng* for III Iraat- ant-nt rsueivnd by Ihsorderllisal thenmjor'i hand* ii mppoaid to b* th* nans* of th* murder. ___ Kapoetlif Do** Ul. *tcKhamton Isa,ttr . " nrathrsn," said M sninliter, "1*1 u* now offer up a heart- lell prav.r for Ih* oouvirtlon of th* oholr." Hit ParenU Wild with Orief-OftOM of Hit Death -The New Heir- A Brussels cable sayi : Prince Bandooin nephew ol Km Leopold and heir to th throne of Bil.iuoi, i* dead. He died ii tois city al .! o'clock thi* morning. Th cause of hi* death ii alleged lo have been an attack of bronchitis Tke death cf th prince ban caused a tremendous seutali jn aud create* consternation in all olssse* iu Brmsel*. There are all sort* of rumor circulating, as tbe public was; unaware tbat tb prince was ill. Princi Bandcain Leopold Phulippe Marie Charles Anloino Joseph Uoun wa* the son of Ihe Coont of Flaudrri, brother of Kini Leopld. Priooo Bandouin was birn in thii city on Jane Srd, 1869. He wss a captain o! the Belgian Carbiniers and 0*|>tiin ol the Prussian oavalry, beiuj, attached to Ihe eeoond regiment of Uano nan Dragoons. luten*e excitement prevail* in Braasel and throoghant the Provinces. Crowd* o popleare parading tbe streets or gatherei in knot* at atraet oorneri eagerl; discussing tbe situation. On all sides the wsrnieal expresaions ot sympathy wilt the royal family in this their freeb tri* are heard. Prinoe Bsndooin'i popularity and brilliant talent*, and the bright hopei centred by tbe Belgian* on his (utn'e career, make them feel the Prince's losi in tbe keenest manner. The ne 1 of Ihe Prinoe'* death wa* with* neld from hi* sister, th* Princess Hi nr.ttte, a beautif ul girl of about 20 yean of age, who ie dangerously sick from iutltmmation of the lungs. Tb* palace of the Count of Flanders, when tbe prinos** reiidei, i* surrounded by s strong force of police, who are domt their utmost lo prevent the unusual noiie in Ihe streets from aron*ing the suspicions of the suffering prince**. A Bruasel* cable say* : The death ol I'rincn Bandonin has plunged the whole jonutrv. and Mpeoially thi* city, into mourning. Crape, black flags and other emblem* of grief are being displayed every where through the oily It i* said in official circles that Prince Baulonin had for to time been sufftring from influenza, bat in spite of tbe remonitranoes of bis physicians >e insisted npoo pa**ing hi* nights recently at ths bedside of bis sister. Princess Hen rietle. Un Monday last tb* Prinoe insisted upon going for s drive, or, a* some say, for ride on boriebaok. His foolnerdiness and him to catch a fresh cold, and on .VednetJay he wa* forced to lake to bed I'tsterday the Prinoe's condition bad wcoms more serious, bat it docs not icm to have caused alarm, as his iidiiposition wa* cot known to the jublic. Yesterday afternoon an an a\ arable change wa* noticed in tbe 'rince and hi* oondition oaosed great ppreheniions. Towards night the last sacrament* ot the Roman Catholic Church ware administered. The Prinoe was later attacked by high fevsr, and was in daug< r if lapsing into delirium. King Leopold and (^ueen Maris were inmmoned to the rince'i bedside. They did tbeir nlmost o coniole thi offerer, though both King nd Queen were overcome wilh grief. 'mally the Ministers and chiefs of the royal household were stut for. They were n attendance during all the latter part f the night. At 10 o'clock tbe Prinoe was objected to tbe operation of cupping, but witb no ruBiilt. Shortly before midnight ha attending phyeioiaui pronounced the 'rince to be dying, and Ihe worst was ex eoled at any moment. Gradually the 'rince'i respiration* became weaker and eaker, until a sodden flow of blood from I* lungs euffooated tbe infferer. Ha died t 1.45 a. m , not 8 a. m., as at first stated The lati HI and moil probable version of e came of Prinoe Bandonin's death is at il wa* due lo a complication of small x>x, bronohilii and r-mmalnria. Th* mpnlaos are enraged at what they term the ilnndering of uninspeoting (looter*. 1'rinoe liandonin was upon the point of Ming betrothed to his cousin, Princess 'Iniieiitina, the third and youngest dangb er of his uncle, King Leopold. \ M ii,., ii,,4 ...,i nnhlio institutions ed until ke plaon in South llruistils. I. be worse taudonin slarday, klit IIP) e. Prinoe's ne with i*sn waa unoe of toe tried u i. .......... ..... _. _._ _. ...__, ...ymg : I shall be better in morrow." The ptmioian* were still hopeful till 10 p. m , when the patient wa* nipped. At midnlghl the Prinoe motion* il Dr.* In approach bis , and thanknd him for hi* ktndnrs* Hi* voioe wsis then almost inaudible. At 1 o'clock lie motioned to htipirtnla to come closer lo hi* bed. He raited himself with rllffioulty, and embraoed th. in in farewell, lioth were weeping. The brother aiu< tiller of Ihe dying man then knelt at hU bedaide. Th* Prinoe reouKiiuml them and feebly reached onl bia hand and tounhnd their forehead*. Boon af l*r he had a f rreh hemorrhage, and dlnl at 1 4fi a m. The physiuian* in attendance are hon .ipalh 1st*. The Hoyal family have full con- fldence In them. The body of Ihe Trine* ha* been em- balmed. A WOMAN IN TH* CAS*) A BrniMle oeblssays : The sudden itealh Prinoe Itai douin baa uatiml ih-i mosi slarming na>* to be oinmlateil on all tide*, aii'l tLe rumor* grow In import * Ih* day | r, , r*'Hi',l U wai openly auerled that thn t!naVi of the popular Belgian 1'rlnne wai a nnfiiin.ii of Ih* *ad olroam- " iiirronnoing th* death ot th* Arch- dnke Hudolph, ths heir to the Austria- 1 throne, who met ^isiU*tb in snob a my/- _ .,..., Isrlou* ininnar on January Wlh, 1R8U. |* Irrltndf" "She 1 * all riot I" wa* add* 1 thai a beautiful German govern*** who bad been recently banishe< from the Belgian court by order of K Leopold had been in some way connecter with tbe death of Prinoe Bandouin Humor also bad it tbat there ha( been an intrigue lasting a loni lima between the govern*** and Ibe Prinoe, and tbe recall of their liaison said to have been the birth of a ohild. In any cate tbe death of tbe Prince is sar rounded with mystery and speculation Tbe oonrt physician* in th* dealh oerlifl oate announce that tbe Prino* 1 * death wa* caused by hemorrhage following a severe attack of bronchitis. The physician* slso asaerl that tbe Prinoe caught a chill while watching at the bedside of hi* inter, thi Princess Henrielte, who ha* been ill for some time past. Bat tbs statements are far from convincing the people tbat th real oause ot tbe death of Prino* Bandonin ha* been given to the public, and tbe etart ling rumor* already referred to are popn larly believed to be founded on a solid basis of fact of some description. tin: SEW utlB. Tbe brother of Prinoe Bandooin, Prinoe Albert Leopold Clement Marie Minrad who wa* born April Slh, 1875, i* now heir lo the throne of Belgium, Prince Albert i B t ad > ing under tbe direction of a number of tutors in preparation for pasting bis . nn. mation previous to entering on a mill tary career. THE rarticixKB' UPOBT. Jan. 23. The official bulletin of the Court phyiioian* Hale* that Prince Baudouin died of oocKCition of th* lungs caused by a chill contracted while watohini at tbe bedside of his tiller, the Prinoesi llenriette. The remains of tbe Prinoe now ia in state on the bed in which he died King Leopold visited the dying Prince's bedside at midnight and the Ministers were also present. The striking spinners at Clark's Thread Mills, in East Nswark, N. J., are now contemplating with some amazement it "n true another phase of tbe system which 'protects" the American workingman. The protected firm intends to beat the ilrikeri if it can be done, and for a begin ing bai established agencies at Cohoes, Valatia and Willimantio for the reoraiiiug of hands lo take the plaoes of the strikers Canadians are preferred for obwoue reasons, and the agency at Willimantio has wen established because that class of labor flock* there. Tbs firm is prepared for a siege. Provisions and other neoeisaries lave been delivered in large quantities at the mill*, and the new hands s they arrive are told tht they will not be allowed to go outside a:-i until fnrthsr nolioe, for fear of being ierinn/.ud by the striken. Thus doth the protection wing of tbe eagle bird 'protect" th* nroleoted wnrkingmen." MIII-MIII. ID the Hii>r ! 1 111 weary with work" the food wife igh*d , Hut after all.' aheaaid. It'i awei't t,< labor (,,r thoe* w* love- No wonder that maiden* will wed." A wise hooBiwifs lightens her toil and gladdens the home circle by her cheerful- ies*. Bat health ls th* first requisite, and icr josl prerogative. Health follows tbe nee ot Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription, which repair* tbe ravage* caused by Ihoea xcnliar diiee>ee* which afflict womankind. it enriches the blood, cures tbs cough, in aaes tb* flssb, prevent* hysteria, ner vonsoesi and low spirits, and is a veritable \iuntain of health to women, yonnii and old. Satisfaction, or tbe priee (tl 00) re nnded. Uf druggists.'n TOD* In Ten Hoars. A powerful steam crane, recently built by a firm in Scotland, is to be need in ooalin* ilsamer* by a decidedly novel method. Ordinary railway coal oars, wilh their nil load, are run op in a large table near iha orane. Th* table, with tb* loaded oar securely fastened on il, is then hoisted to he whaif and is lowered directly over the latch way ol tbe ship. By an ingenious arrangement the oar is ilted and il* content* empted into the hold. With this aparatns the work of loading 'eisels i* greatly facilitated, il being MMcible with it loload 1,000 ton* of ooal in en hoar*. (or Ml. k The rags for black underwear among romen is the moil tremendous thing we lave," said the buyer in a large emporium up town to me yesterday. " It has com ely revolnlioniaej our entire trad*, llaok underwear oan be made of wool, ootton and silk, but looks belt when there s *ilk oombined with the other fabrics All silk is the best, of oonrae. But silk is ex- pensive, and yet every woman who oan gel money enough has bought blark lilk under wi ar. We have run out of stock time and again this winter, owing to Ihs great d*. mand and the difficulty of securing new goods. Ths old style* of colors ar* simply unialable." Ne York Prtti. Mettled. N*w York //Vrj.,1 Mamma (a w**k l(t i tin- nuptials) Are yon nicely settled t Klhel? K.thel -(ieorge think* so, but I don't. Mamma - Kecilly I What does Oeorge av '.' Kihel Thii morning he got np and got hi* own breakfast ; 1 heard biro say, Well, thii ieltl<s ill" A tle.l(c. Jury : " I'm something nt a free-trader," aid Johnny, a* he. stole a bnihel of apple* rom his father's neighbor's orchard, but." he added, tapping the seat of hi* ronaers. within which he had placed three owals and a sheet of tin. " I believe in the iroiective principle* when protection i* sedsd." __ _ A II mi, -li i Chicago Htnld . Miss Nomer What is Mlrl Charlie Horse A *irl who tako< ilisper- te '.ncr* of being ai> old maid. Vvrjr Hear It. Vsn lndr (indignantly) I am not iiaile fool, Mix Amy ! Amy No not quite. Bliltll.a. or A DCKB. Bedford'* UUi Cu*d by a Ballet rir by HI. Own Hi ad. A London cable say* : Ths coroner's jur which investigated tbe death of the Duke ot Bedford formally rendered a vordict t Ibe (fleet that tbe doki died from a bolle wound through b s heart, and that h committed suicide while suffering from temporary insanity during an attack o pneumonia. The whole affair is shrouded in mystery. Five days elapned before lh duke'i death wa* registered, and th newipspers join in otninring the attempt of the various public officials concerned t hush the mailer up. To such an exten was the policy of secrecy followed that even tome of tbe membeii of tbe duke'* famil were not aware of tbe real cause of bis death until the faots were published in thi newspapers. At Ibe inquest it was learned that thi duke wa* entirely alone when he commit tt d soicide, having diimisied bis nurse jus a moment btfore firing the fatal ballet Tb* coroner states that tbe inqueat wai held at tbe late residence of tbe duke, ant tbat nothing oat cf the usual course cc onrred. Tbe jury wa* chosen in Ihe regola: manner, and Ihe bouse was open to tbi public. Tbe ooiooer added tbat he did no know whether reporters were present a the inqnMl or not. A Pathetic SCM. A pathetio scene was witneued in fron of the post office Wednesday afternoon Ihe divorced wife of a well known Port Huron citizen was walking down the street with her newly-wedded hutband. A littl daughter accompanied tbe mother. Up the street came husband No. 1, with your n lady companion. Tbe parties never poke ti they paised by, but the little gir caught light of her father, and leaving the lide of her mother, she rushed np to him and throwing her arms around his neck kissed him several limes. Finally the father bid tbe little one good-bye, and told her to ran along wilh her mother. Tbe affair was witnessed by a number of ths ac quaintenoea of both paniei. Il is evident that the little girl knows no divoros law and that her affection for her father anc mother is a* great as svsr. Port Huron Timtt. Mak> Borne a School Make home an inetilotion of learning Provide books tor the centre table, and for the library cf the family. Bee that all tbe younger children attend the beat schcoli, and interest yourselves in their studies. If they have the taite for thorough cultivation, but not the means to panne il, if possible, provide for a higher education. Daniel Webster taught in the intervals of bit college course, to aid an elder brother in the pursuit of classical education, and a volume of r-n work* is dedicated lo the daughters of that brother, who early closed a brilliant career. Keel tbat an ignorant brother 01 sister will be a ditgraoe to ) our family, and trust not to the casual iifluenoe of tbe preii, existing institutions and tb* kind cffices of strangers. If the family beoomee a* il may be, an institution of learning, Ibe whole land will be educated. Hoasjh OD th Lawyer. An Ottawa despatch says : Un* of tbe ornelest things ever said from the btnch, whether intentional or not, was heard yesterday in tbe Supreme Court. Connie] for the appellant in a oae from tbs west had been tor a Hood half hour stating his oate lo the court Mr. Jnitioe Btrori; had been talking fretly wilh tbe counsel, a* is bis wont, and wai apparently helping the timid pleader oul, when be started at something the lawyer said and asked "Are yon for the appellant ?" "Yes, my Lord." 'Ob," said the judge, bluntly, "I thought you were on the other *ide." Th* feeling* of tbe counsel, who bad been stating hi* oaie for :0 minute*, only to find that be had viven thi* impression lo one of the clearest-headed jurists on the brncb, may imagined. Imi'i . >, i.icui. |a < Travel. It is authoritatively stated that the directors of the Cnnard Steamship Line pmpoie to take the present compound <ncmes out ot their steameri I'mbria and Kiruria and replace tbem witb triple- expansion enicines, lo be constructed by ~'lyde engine em. This change, which will involve Ihe disappearance of Ihe compound engine and single screw, ie significant a* marking a radical departure o the propalaive machinery ot tir*l clan ocean steamships. That machinery "* only about seven year* old; and the act that it has been alrea iy found neoes sary to supersede it for purely bntines* reaion* tells the whole story ot tb* won- derful development cf modem ocean travel. treatable IMri. Detroit tret fini: Joues -That's all nonsense about ealinii meat being injuiion* o health. My ancestors for hundreds of rear* ate meat Vegetarian \n, and where are they now ? Dead, ain't they T i* prrhapa Ihe richest lace. her. fortune being MIH* Abbott woman on the ____ _ ______ ___ stimaled at $1,000.000. She ie a member if a acore of charitable or.:nuiion hrooghont the country, and last spring, hen a good part of Louisville was blown down, she wa* tlu< Ar*t porson to *nnd her cheok for 11,000 on behalf of th* cofferers. Mrs. H.>evee, tbe noveliel, is oiieof th iterary oelebritiee of London. She is of Iruli parrntani' and wa* one of twelve hililrt- n. She i* a iwod horsewoman, and in excellent hat " at cricket and a fair nnnsr. It is an old ajiri; that a Scotchman ni.'er goes back KIM " t v i ih land of his rlh. And in the case nf David Jacks, ths 'lifornia millionaire, one oan easily under- tand why il nhonM bw *o when he oan ride twenty miles on a sltaiiiht line on his M.intin v Mtate and b worth a round >7.000,OdO. Go " back again/' indeed Un* of Mrs. l<angtry'n latest achieve- menu is a pearl colored lilk witb rote- colored lilk train. The low cat oorsaifc I* Oiled in partially on one *ldi> with whiti laoe, and on the other shanlder iu>.U * biinoh of rose colored oetrioh feather*. The *kirt I* edged with a deep laoe flonooe looped with pink ostrich feather*. four O\m Ireland. Chicago ,Wj_,; "What's ths matter wilK . Hon. David Mills will addresi a meeting pf th* electors of Himoce at Colliugwood en Friday, January Mta THAI. SKI) CAT! AUD K*T-> Wonderfel Hxulu Bvrnrwl By daeattoai mm* aiioeUlluB W Ith Uu. A u.tkrr. There is a renurxable show at tbe Crys- tal Palaos, London, wbiob represent* tbe milleciom on a small scale, saya tbe Chi- oago Poit. The lion aot* not lie down with tbe lamb, but th* oat and tbe rat, tb*) mouse aod tbe canary all live in peace an-* harmony togethtrand enjoy tbe benefits of a KCO l education. The educator of tbe animaJs is Mis* Tina, who has taught them some remark- able feat*. The cats walk the tight rope, which has white rats and mice and chirp- ing oanariei s'rew all over il. The tts pick tbeir way carefully among tbeir natural prey without molesting them, and will even carry some of tbem on their backs without being once t*mpted to gobble them up. They walk over the top* of chain, pick thtir way among a mass cf champagne bottles without diiplacicg a single oce of them, aod jump through riogs of fire with- out tbe iligbtest hesitation Mis* Tina trains her caw. rats, mice and birds from a very early age. Bbe begin* with a kitten when il is about four months old and manages them by kizdnes. She never beats them, and says they oan be trained to almost anything by persever- ance. Tbe rat* and mice become accus- tomed to the oat* and lose all fear of tbem. All are well fed and seem to enjoy their life. lh* PbytlcUa'a Bore Bell. A phyiioian, who wa* confidential, told a visitor that all physicians witb any practice bad a bore tell. " And what ma> a 'bore bell' bo ?" asked his visitor. " A bore bell," said ths doctor, " is an invisible bell arranged scmswnere in tbe room, though generally in the floor near the chair here a physician is generally sealed at tbe time he recives his patient*. Wh tol feel that I have given the last comer enough of my time I quietly put my fool on the secret spot in the floor, and before any one oan say Jack Robinson ' my man has appeared aui announced that I have a telegram, or that icmeone wishes to see me immediately. Ths patient naturally bows herself out yon see it is generally a woman and by means of mv little subter- fuge I am free. Of course, I do not mean to say thai I am obliged to use the bell every time I receive a woman patient. Bat I tell yon I have found it a lucky escape sometimei. It is all very well to listen to an account of the ailment and give the required amount of lympstthy to the patient before yon, but when she drags in all her relatives there has to b* a stopping pla therefore, the 'bore bell ' ' Bow to Waia the Haada. Now about your hands. Wash tbem in lot water, using almond meal instead of oap, just before you (O to bed, and during tbe day don't waab them too much in cold water. A woman who has vary beautiful bane a told me that during the day time she wiped eff aoy stain that might be upon them with a pieoa of kid. on which was a little vaatline. However, I am a bit old- fashioned, and prefer water to this. Tnsn, when you have the lime, sit with you finger tip* in a bowl of hot water, and, after they have soaked well, dry tbem and trim the nails, keepiug the skin at the base of each down in its place. Posh it down either with the end of a scf i ivory tile or a bit of wood, but do not cut il off. Do not point yonrnsi s, and .'o not polish them too much. The first makes the *kin snparsea- nive and causes il to grow quicker, while the eeocnd and third are counted vulgar Tte Laditt' liomf Jatntl. Hawker* <! rv.l.lirrv What ear ipitting crit* we htar daily in the itreet* of every large oilv ! But these itinerant dealers who hawk their wane about arr. when under proper restrictions, a nsef nl j o-iion of the community, and not inch nuisances a* the catarrh hawkers. Thi* is a mnbborn disease to eorqucr. bat Dr. Sage'* Catarrh Remedy doe* it. Il i* mild, *tx'ihin and antiarptic, unlike muff* that irrii*if>, or aolotijne that burn. It correct* effusive breath, and rettor** taste, smell and hearing Nasal Catarrh cflea sod* in consumption. Apply the only cur* n time. Price 50 oeotc. by all druggists. A Mia* M,.i,ih. Map. A Dixon, III., despatch *ay* : Miss Oraoe O. Ridle>, of Arnboy, III., who wmt to leep at'ouinin* month*' ag >, awoke yr*ter- day aflen ,:, for the flrt time. 8be wan- dered about the bonsr, but did not epk a word. Ai t< time eh- took htr aoout> tinned at at the taM,-, but could eat nolh- Dg, and when some of the family attempted 10 aesist her he motioned ihera away with a guttural toned, but no die- inct word was spoken. fell I Inn Id \>\ >! n. A remarkable petition is on it* mat from India to Q i .'11 Victoria It i* mor* than sixty feet in length, an i i* ni^ned bv more ban 10.000 women in India who ar* anxious to have the legal matriave at; for Ktrli rai*r.i from its \ret-. nt limit of 10 to '4 year*. He ttMta " l>r. r Chicago 1/ji/ Sill. 1 1 Id I', i* (till quit* dead, but hi* ponv U v.r > much aliv.-. H* now on exhibition in the dim* mu*um* of eleven it i tl rn t Blate*. Tli* ropve Thin*;. Teacher -What did the ancient Kgyp ian do with their can? Htiijhl Pupil They embalmed them and aid their bodie* in oatacombe. An Awhwartl rtrvak. 1 Well. 1 called on Mis* Bobbett Ittl night auii broke the uy." 1 How nn( irtuuat* when ice is to bard o replace," 1hl> .,. i-.-n i . Buffalo < '..iinrr : i h evening newspaper s a querr n uinticn. On holiday*, when he pi. ; ih most time tortad, it aspenas publioation. Wra C Duncan, aei 19. a elty man for llie diamond house of L*we*ohn A io., of New York, has liisapptared with 30.000 worth ol diamond* aud pearl*. H* ook trie gixxli from th* (lore on preteaes of *slling them lo uptown firms. Duncan oams Iu hi* employer* w*JI rroommeneMI, and hit habili were ppOMet lo b* gcod. ' &

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