FITZSUUIUNS LICKS DHPSEl'J Ik rvptrtl Bit M Ckun itust the Atk wiri ivlniiu Stafpr. MFUT1D IN TH1RTILN ROUNDS . A New Orkac* dajpatah aayi : Th* grail , which all the pugili*tio world ha* bctn ( about lor w*ekt and which tporung M everywhere were intonated in, came [ latt night nd wa* won by the Aoatre Bob Fiu*immcn. ThoM who aland the opinioo that Filuimmoct knock l>rnif*ey oat ia dona etidcnily kcw wnei they w*r* teak lux boat. at bat a baker'* dona were reqairrd to iie the Noo^ bi ja.eiat. BiiuM ha wou the till* of middle weight ahampiOD ol ihe world teven year* ago. Lfempxy ha* *U3oe**fnll> i-eJenird the hoiijr *ni thu* woo the ooiijaet ol the Hooper* u. L Blanche, ihe Mtnce.tif teen Btocilb* ago cafeated D*atB*ey, bat the wietory we* due to an accident. Damp**> if a very *iok mao. Oe'rat to him m^ea abrnlnii rum, aad hu heart M broken. The arrangement* for the ftghl ooold hardly have baeo improved on. Ail along he path* and aide* there wen tiroo* (arc:! at polioe. The amphitheatre ha* a kble roof. The toroewhat csilh er if late led to the place being well 1 to- night. Under a tqaeraof taattio light Mood the ting. It wa* 14 feet fejoare. of tart and ol river eand. and JOM loo*e enough to b tpringy. The rope* and take* war* padded. Four f *et from the ring wa* another eooioeore with barbed wire in*tea<1 ol rope*. Between the two ring* were chair* lor ihe wire f.nj* *o tared tb- from ouuid* interf erenow Bt Jack l tmtm. and temeie body blow witb rtabt. Deat|>eey Kipped al the at> and Fit*- left la rtemiet) Iil|i|ii1 n thi MMtaoedoaV U*eanwy hettomeeb aad aUajhe IOE-BOUID EUROPE. literally played with hi* omly m Mioo ol the Attberoandi utiit badly oatd-np : the BOM. 'at limply beat opoo tally by ,tUB f iiiblotbai early w-o body wiabedwoaM be the laat te end ihe Uree Pitaptty wool* now and then rally tad do MM of hie old tune work, bat lor tilth* apper eat taat barely Be then afiBiirml went down tad gave him en*.~t*. ihrre witb the ML .a ann. Twenty to on* we* tranter witboat a laker, ttaktd murh < D Dmpny biea. in their cfferta le hedge. The W kel* Cmtttaewt wept br Ctaejl*d bw r* FrmM ia-WeUw. la Franeeareof a UCM in the TMtaity ot 'MM at any apot b* liked, bat BaakUy waaeaf i bcvadnatkri, M* on every avail- y . Be haated Fiutuunone halt ... tned * HI m&rk rti- ataiBMa* aroand tae lee*. On ing very po-jrly. Ftta- ri le lru and cevt hi* ecHoaeat tc the crooad. B- repeated tfce kaeek-dowo. then let the poor tallow fain ha wud and laaitd a terrible right and letL 1 be towel comer. *teialagly hi token at yl ir.- L>a- it . , didn tfu Dempaey wa down, and at McAalife dtd not upeot the tea* he threw up the towel. bat w ben the coof loandedhe had one toot Dnceey would try la roa d twelve O rweet to and ctendi wa* a aort ol txoavalioo in it to gratt tbne*. hi* Uator* and Finally Dcmany tell twiee to trd latt nt**iauaoa* wa* rriamUy urrdW foolmc. ead. a* D*mp>*y ap- peand loth to leav* bj* eoracr on the eaU of - unw.- be went over. Th* N. apantl tried te BM away, bat IB* Aattrauan rvMalleetly por- en*d bun. atiawg ia wqathM with tb* ngnt awl left alnou at will What Daaipey w** tryiag to do a body *oaM aain.ittt f. land* wen placed. No wire* were allowed into th* ground*, to the aorrrtpondent* fared alike. Th* tarn* impartiality wat thown io_tbe dinaioa ol atait, and club meiaanger* latt th* (land* at titled interval*, and club oabt carried all copy direct to the telegraph cffio*. FiiMitamoo* wa* th* tirtt ooniettant to reach the olub. Il wa* a part ol hi* pro- gramme to reaoh the groaoci before any af Damneey't folloaert eooid get a light of him. Carroll bed to arranged it, expect- iag that the giant lik*. long boned, onutoal annxmimit of th* New Zaaianoer aria* terror into tb n< rt of th* American peon. KiUeimmoo* appeared ia fine lit* tkin at ol*ar, hi* *y** bright, and hi* good nature nrpriting. Dempeey arrived later and bar* a *eriou* look, with an oooational knitting of browt and a grim imil*. which thcwed that be bad mad* up bi* mind fcr duap*rt* work. l>cm(.*ey wa* trained down a* floe a* a raee-nora*. Hi* moaol** were atrong, p>iant, apple and wU developed. He did ver> little work to-day ao a* to pick up a f*w pound* by night Although Dempaey looked perfection for hi* inohe* b* wa* markedly overvhedowed by th* ungainly, awkward locking giant with IWIOKILK arm*. TBB ITTttPlSCB tSD TBB BO* IT In Ih* Am^hilhaatr* ot th* Olymp c Club tonight wer* atcembled 4000 lead tag OIIIX-D* with a larg* iprtokling of the Wat laortunrn ever *.<ea in New Orlreut at oa* urn*. Tbe tight wa* for the Inter- aannnil middle-waMiht ohamptoothip of Auttrtli* ai d Amni-a and a pan* of 12000, Ill.OiO to go to Ibe wiener and 1.000 lo the lo*r Th- bailie wat foonbl aodrr the Manjui* ot Qa^-n. berry rnlit. aad with gtovr* weighii>g five oanot*. One hundred aud tifiy ol the cil>'< b afloat* wer* on band. Fit aigbiil 150^ pound. . while Dvmptey Jaaad tbe beam at 147} pound* at 6 o'clock bit evening. Filatimmoe* wa* oo* pound ovrr weight, bat wa* *etil out in oompaay with Carroll to woik down. Demp**y'* aMood* were Jaok McAaliff*. Oa* Tauiill aod Mike Oooley. Ibe Ithaca icinl. while Jimmy Oarroil and Doo O Coo ml looked after FilSiimmoo*' ioiereet*. TBB IIUBT. Time wai called protrptly at 15. with Altx. Brewtter, out of Ihe abla*t an.l meet reepeoltd ciiii-r* ot Ni> n- aria. The cfn.-ial timr ker|-er Prvif. John Ih ff.. and matter ot i-r> . ci, >x- Mayor J. V Unillotte. The men ctme inlo Ih* tintf t 8 i5 p. m. navy cffered to wa*r $1 000. which I aoorpir>d by Mj T Frank Mcl.iu'. in. > muli <n*ir*> dirtetrr cf >h Ca .|li<ruia Cab. but >h* O>m(i Club cfli iU u ' . : >o llo* the bet to go oo, aad il wa* oalled cff. away. Pnataaaa tried, and the i an S jrt to idiBllteHl hen he wa* eqeamly I hm ><fc **>Mi*ni lie H*i hit hua hard ea the janlar. i lik* a man thot. H* praekil Ik* back andaU wa* OTT. 1MMXCUTTI.T ATTU TBX FtilBT. Tb* bailie latt -d jutl 4!) minott and when Referee Brrw**r awarded U to FII i limiana* Jimmy Carroll, hi* trainer aad mead, jumped at hi* prole** and kiatirl him time and again. Dempery wa* badly poniibad. A twollen faoe. cut lip* and near, and a bad mark or two on hi* body war* plainly vUibl* Fitz tim moot wa* not icralcbed. Toe AnMralitn won in a walk. Damp**) i* tfc* hero of hall a hundred battlrt. rVxiimmoo* bt* an QD broken reoord of 1? wiut The dob'* outlay iaoloir* tb* pan* and S 000 tor txpt-ci* makm* 115.000 in all. The receipt* al th* gate wen JOOOO D*mp**y baton th* ftjtht wai th* f avorile La*l ni<bt the eentitnent v**r*i aroand to Fitx*immoo*. hat when Ibe latter to-day wa* found to be thin and wan. Pern pee y again bastm* tbe favorite at 5 to 4. WBAT it THocem or rrrx, Jak* Kilrain aty* Fituimmon* U trnly a wonder. U a* clever a* they mak- them, and hi* hitting nowtr i* immec**- Thar* nv*r wai a middle- weu'ht lik* him Muldoon, the wrntlcr, *ay Fttxiimmoa* i* a whirlwin-. a terrific hiltar, a two- handed fighter and a great general. I never law at fair a fUhter in my life. H* tboold have baea aerarjed Ibe fi<hl two round* bclora." When tbe battle wa* over Fuuimmoni wo* a* fall cf fan a* a eolt. H* *pan*d with CairoU. and tapped him on the nc*e pla> fully. H* *rok* highly ot Demptt) a* a KOI. gam* fi<her rrnaautom BOOH ia uouuin. Robert Fitxaimmoo* wa* born in Helttoo, Cornwall. Eogland. June 4lh, 1861, and i* ooaaeqaently aboat th* *%m* g* at Danptar. Hi* ant appearance ia tbe ring wa* wb*o h* won Jem Mao*'* middleweight tournament al Timarm. New /.lau>'. d- f-tlmg five men. He d- fealal Jtmo* Cnvford, bar* koacklea, three round* ; Jaok Murphy, ban knuckle*. *uht round*, and won Jem Mtit- toarnao>*r.t a teooed tim*. defeat i-i, f.ior m*p Hit MSI appearance wa* at S>on*> . N. S. W . when be defeated Pick Stndail. amawar champion of New Itnd. in fear round*; defeated Jim Ull in flv rou.ia* for tbe middle- weight cbarapi->Pthip (4 Australia ; d*f*aling Starlight. colored middle- wright ohampion ol gaeenaland. in i 11 e ivon , t'roti ator Wr*t in two minute* : E 'gar. of Melbourne, in three ronnd* ; Dick Elli\ champion middla wri<ht of New Z >alud, in three round* ; Bill S.HVHI. tix (cu-u't ; Pablo Frank, two round* ; Jack Riddle, thra* roandt ; Brinvmrad, two round*, and Jack Ureen tree, three round* He aleo flopped **v*ral avaarJag heat to leave town or p-e kad for ufe. feat he paid to ataaal Uwaf tamed lit* We trail to b* fcrkivaa thi* parody ot hoe* from Longfellow * imxnortal " Pealm of Lit*." Hath* BUI who ar* thoughtful, kcow that ihe li>|i|iiiii ol the daptcd* larf-lr on tba htalia af th* f Ibe borne. Many are tha taekt daily eoalroot her. How can oaotand agatnii th* trial* ao<J worn** of hoantai-ptng. if abab* aBaT*nn from tboM diMn>aing inairalariuea. ail menu and waaka*x*e* peculiar to bar eT Ur Pierce t Favorite Prtaoriptbae for thaae dieorder*. Tba only eld by droggi***. oadar a positive gatrantM from u> macufaotunr*. bn factioa yminateai ia every rWunded. 8tj* pnaled wrappK IB RAT-I1 t at a*Waaa*l*l I ly lajarvd. Tibbie*' ("Bright By** ) Ridg* tetter IB Omaha Verfd Major BaUar had bam oa BM taet all i T.llltg mt ta* feaat keCklUiwa of Moaday. aad whan aha ^^^ ^M^^^ t>ft<% t*im tf^^MA i^B re given, aawj vua ejawtaw ^w lecit pot up for i for tbe aw of th* wa* cheerfully into the w*r*ull up. bay <B \j tba woaadad lying oa tb* bay h%rt hten BO t^a* to g*l pillowt at vet Then- wa* a worn** attting am th* flxrr with a we an tied baby oa bar lap aod lor or five ehil^rea aroand bar, all bar (rand okilJren. Th*ir father aad; mother ware kulea. Tb*r* wa* a wiani ihot throah both thigh* aad bar wriat wai broken. Mr. Tibbta* ha* bad to f pair of wban to gat bar riaa oC. Tber* wai a Uitle hoy with hi* throat appanni.v *a they UM u* >ut ia PatM with aa *a*ja*t i ipiaoaa. Afriecc fnandly Siocx bad ana* aroand giviog an*, and thii liiilt boy He waitborrihUiUht. blank**, lookad pitifol Tbay war* al liiiry. aad wbam ae fad thi* "little boy wa foand b* ocald iwaUow W* gav* him *a*a* graal. aad be gtabbad with aoah kii htait a dapper ol water. When I taw him J day aftarnjca be b* day baton, and whea vil.'aie* or a Scotch hilltide to a bar* farm hco*> on a vati, graaty plain, on which il ttaodt oat iterlf 4 tb* oaly fee tare to b* teen en tb* landeoep*. and when it* po*tal adcr i* Lot S. Section III . W.. matt bt at fint trying. Mo trea*. ao htt'g**. no fljwert. nothiag that make* heena look homelike. ABdeverything ha* to be began: th* Itn J ha* to b* oaltivatad. tbe ban* to be bci i. the intaleaaaati to b* hoagbt. and all depend* oo whether it will b* a good woeat jear or aoi. or whether a frott may c im* aod go far to ipoil tbe year' work *'nder the*.- oavamttanoe*, ewa with the oope ot prosperity in the ead. wnald it b* wonderful u tb* deair* for higher tr ion* than th* m*r*ly material ihonld alowly b* ornthed oat. and i* there no* a danger af a purely money making, mieerly. **lf abaorbrd typ*of Uf* being ri**apiJ. an- tea* Uuaaaaat of another and more elwvat- ing kind are introdnaad T Ldy ^errdevaia Ik* Rrritw ff eVrtnr*. oat at aw* ltd* Of hat aack. When trti in the wnaiin. who wai attting witb a dad baby ia bar lap, atked my oon panion in Stcoz : - What are they goiaf; to do to o*?' My aoataaaina aaid : - Th*y ar* ucioi to b* good to you and tak* ear* of you i; yea da all they want yea to do. 8b* Mid : W* will be good ; w* wul do what they want at to do.' Oaa yoong giri who had a fboat tbirt oa am atib bar aiothe*. *aid - They told m* if I pot thi* on th* ballet* would not go through, tail belUvavi ibatn. S where w* arc. ' aad then ah* cned. Oa* little girl wa* woucfied in *-.r*ral place* aad bar leg wa* brakaa. and bar mother wat woaiili in th* Ug. Th* litU* girl, who did Bat atam to bt men ih year* old, lay tb*r* taj ing over and ovar ol ocbra* in Stoox : > Tha tcldien an bad. I aw them ki. my father. Tbay killed my tall A little bov wa* tbot thrco.h tb* temple tok ol oa* *y*. aid tba bullet cam* oal of otaar *y*. Th* woman who a*k*d m* what gaiag to b* doe* to them amid thai torn had been left alive on tba field of belli*. npooard all wen brought away thai il wa* " would livt. It wa* oo Moadaj that tba ftiht wa*. ToMtday (Wedaa* y i marninu. while it wa* narmirg whit* trav*a*r aaaw aeraa* tb* field ia ;nrney. and h* *aid that oa* bad ud bat an hoar before, at tba dead man ov*d hit f joi, *onping th* anow away. H* eaii there were three aitting trox-n tuff with their arm* trcund each oibtr THI kind of people who lake note cf tb*e thing* te u it no loag*r the oornot thing in oentre* of faahion for a eentl, mn to lift hi* bat on mevung a lady triaad the ttrwt. H* raeraly iodiaatee by *hi g**ior* of th* right hand aad a graceful inclination ol th* head that h* i* aware ol her preeeooa and wiabea to acquaint her with tb* tact that ha hold* bar in great retard and i* at her xrvior. Toil, however, i* generally taken for whal it it worth. Thi* n*w ml* of amlatatun itrr-terabie to the cU one at tbi< avaeon of Ih* year apeeitlly. It i* taid that tba woman o! Mtricnharv. Praatia, (woantly held a pablic BMating at which they received to permit and advi** th* other **x no longer to greet them by inmimlag their hetdt in bad wwathar. and Mproially itnring Ihe winter eeioo. Th* ha*, ii i* *aid. tprad to citi**. and aeeooiation* hav* been forme* wbi'h. with th>* proverbial timpbcttT ol tb* German toagaa. ar* oalled " niobthui I Th. Mt*-uu i thook baodt and niujon- rrooi apr unit DMupwy Th* tuamd. oeMTrdiriv *ftwxl >UH*d. Jack Bob cr>. IrJ niiu ia a corner. e-uel-rU ~~ brak* Tb* N *.l%udf fiaiewed Jtrk all awot tb* tin*. Hob lanilvd he*y wun th tmht Jack *- on the 4*fen*iv* uJ ruoun i; JaeklliihhMMtaDa niMMd. H* tiwa led an.l lainlnl > ih* Moaoach. DeatpMy Wd aad iieml. !daai.. and roanwrad with tb* l*fl. Th* rvun.i e*ti wuh ih hi m-rt atv>ut >vea. Hu >l * r i umi mot > i-tuii> up eauiixutly aa t i-r>' . . .1 IViu M>. !'.!> l*d richl on Jark't bea>l U* led tgain an.l miteeil. aad ih.n eeewTMO iviupwy Into tb* euraer and Bowed. * ll wuh >b> u!:i hM Now. w*> follownl r|M.l;v by an *iehaaga fUliiii>K vat KT*U J*ek got awty. ibvu aiiit mi*>l. K t*-iniuiout taniWi ii^ht atiil I on th* lae*. and IViniwrv iin>ln*il Tn* rihi a Jack'* bMd. A ind ih* (Mi renMTrd a I oa inr l>*aJ \iunli*r clinch, an.l IVnuwvy ed on KitSMUiuMD*' head. Tb Aiwlnlian I in en Ja*a t mo* Dtaiptty coanwml ou _ e>^t head. Fittstuiatoat rathed tb* Nw Tork*r. who -lo* i in and eUnehed. Tb* round WUd in rtitelniu.ta*' favor BVu- d >-Thiu^n oin* uptmiliag- F1lt-im Baa* at once Mukfil iu uiii D*ai|iTvatorowdd t in* urur. K>Ui tu*n -pp*an>d i<l**uit wd iulm*d to -: ,-\ y KI u uintoBt leraiHsi ,- ! i i. uiioiKHl l*(i-haniirr. tud tb* rvtult *! D*mt>**y c *an to *ra*t with lb* right KiiKiniuioui ainio*t rp*atJ with hi* ftocj Jark'. IM* tVa^i(<**y c inched to tave he lan.l Tn Toronto Later Jtrtut, fallow* th* I action ot tba TIMS* in deooanctng tbe pri I v*t* detectiv* bocneet. a haine* which i* I n*ed at c f ten to thi-ld a* to expo** a arim oth*ti al iparrinv rxnibiiion* ir.tide of four round*. rrv:out to hi* deparlnre for Ameiica he it-o-o a challenge to fl^ht aay middlcwvigrit in Anttralia for the charopionthip and a (take ol 30 open to 500 a aide. Be arrived al San Frtncueo or eight month* *go. and fourteen dai* afttr hit arrival knocked oil Billy McCarthy at 8tn Franoitoo ia nine roaod*. and later defeawd Arthur I'ptcn in Bve round* at New Orleans. Before ooating to Amaiioa Fiiximmor* alway* fooght at 14* pound*, or a liitl* lea* H* htt fattenisi ap, bowtver, oooiiderably oo thi* continent. ical. Our >-orturl*ly l.-r ran* hu no* *tt have no Pinheru not yet powertal tea. Hut we have be nuke it aVxir I ib* private JeaMtrve in w.-m form W* a* the ptatorracT v e iBtrodae* th* ty tiliillitt reliow* ofeitl bunevll. Hre^tu* tway ' >Wd with alt toft an th* Antipodean 'i u*ak. DMii|<e*y watfrocgy BtMl k*i<i ixit !! react; True wu olearly Kiiuiiu lVmi<*Y came to tb* It. frintril >ui1 Wd eenlr* *aa- ero*H*J i >l t'uttuol hun all otrr the up**y turn*.! u>d t*nl In a iwiuwr Wtu> ItM right KiiMtinuiout wu checked lor th* Ii n'ani. but t*e->v*ring hliutell tout* in- (tluaw.t tolk>wl bv a clinch At they artist VMu pee y *MII In a vielowt left bander in k* ttoateebT rtmteunoat rerH*d wuh hie rkjbl. followed Dur*yaadbMkiai oalhehead. M>**lii'l on th* BOM with th* right A alineh wa* l..ilowt by filitimoiont luMXlag rapidly Ikwudii AT* aail fit w*r* virvaall* a r*|<*ti- tt*a c< tb* fourth. Kituiiniuoet havlag tl tb* fatt rlt aad U*op**i timely prote<ltn bini *M awaad t rtmtwiatnai lanl*J two Wtitoa I>IBT*T aoax n John r>*mp**y wat born al Currag. Ire- Un.l, 18 jear*" ago. 8ino* hi pagilittto or**r opered he hat fought M baltlea, tix of whioh wer* draw* aad on* a defeat Among th* notable victoria* ol " Th* Non- pareil " may be mentioned thoe* over Billy Dacey. Otore Fulljaroet. Tom Clears. Jack' Fogartv, Pete MoCoy, Dominick McCaffrey, IHve Campbell and Denny Kdleher. l>empev alto defaatad La Blanche on March 14th, 1886. after a IS round go which latted alrootl an hoar. Hi* drawn bttl** were with Barry Force, Bob Tarnhnll. Jimmy Ryan. O*org WU too. Jaok Bark* and Ruddy Gallagher Hit tingl* d*f*al wa* by ' George La Hlanoha. " Tbe Marina." on AngoM i7ih. 1M9, in SI round*. Itttiog i hr*. 7 min* . at San Franoiaro. Cal. Dampatv wewheii 161 Ib* and La Blanoh* 161 Ib*. Four onnce glove* were uted and th* itak* wa* 4,eOO. ____> Th* Nw Tork Court of Appeal* ht* grtnlad a new trial to ex Bheri* Jam** A. FUok aad William Flaok, oonviottd of oootpinoy to ateor* a dlroro* tor tb* for I y *pon th* i-rivat* Itwe and ttia* of . i- . .t ib. betdiag of aavoat who will pay tbe Inf'rwti, u tha* obtained - or tb* taort lrantp*d ap by Ibe i*ttUiti Thv* It BO *f>rt of lejpuniet* ratoa foe tb* 11-11*11 ol f w la*i el p*.r*it aad the whnte boeiaee* each lo k* pat t *tor to by law. The regolar poflet and dttttUve foreele aatplr .nmcMot tor liatttaoa of tbe Hve* and proterty ol th Blalidio* tbow that on* fifth ol nativ* manifd wjmen cf Maa ar* ohildleaa. Il U aaid that in no ooantrr tav* Fnnca nan a timilar coa-iitioB e tffairt be foand. It i* laid to b* th* fond hop* of th Hawaiian* that King Ktlakana may be lo*t on hi* way home from tb* Unite* State*. H* i* v*ry unpopular, notwith ttandiBg hi* tocial qoalitia*. Bom* *oolhiv*r ha* taid that at 80 we know, at 90 w* think w* know and at 40 w* giv* it np II might b* added that loo before 50 w* refer all diipated qaeMion* t oar children New Tork Slat* ha* 1 844 596 childrei ottbeMhcol ag*. aad of tb**e 1.04-J ir attended the common *chool* daring 18S Th* French ar* a reading aad wrltin people. Pariiiant *end each year S5.000. 000 letter., l.t 000,000 portal amrdi aid K5 000.000 nw*papMa. Never croe* a bridge till you coat* to it, and even then il i* cf tan wudcm to May thii lid*. It **tmi to b* pratty wall Mtabliahed that tbe man arrMted al Olol, in Spain, to not Padrtwaki. Th* annual m**tivg ol th* Canadian Society of Civil Knginaw* wai held yeatar day IB Montreal. Mr. Gamtt By rn*. National i*D. of Ib* Hrnith Parliament for W*at Wick- jjakt* aad doing *v*iythiBg low, hat bten declared a bankrop*. kaansify tb* Mtata, II k* ool) o.>oi4 inject a ooUe Ufc nuehia Flttatoa.tU CwtaVrea. Tb*> m of *mooth hair dreatiog hai y. Tb* braid u no iongar attyalatt; it w rack a oa* ai .wax* of. from which the ringhw mty ha blown, ao curled aad arwaad an of which it i* braided. Not that than it aayUingreer^bin^nakampi- ia th* modem aaffure-far froea it. Tbe hair a*t teak a* if hmrnkwad, lik* hair it a b*aatifoJ alaattc thread of '_ il may bearraatadM y M the mo** artiatat Mtra. If th* hair i* iacbaed to net* it U plaited up finely for I or waved with an iron, aad tbaa it i* fit to tinhUr twin it farm t let it A* mll I CUUie rfnl the !- Ant* are tarribl* fighter*. They hav* vvrr powerful jawt. cvniiderirg theai** of Wiihoat bring drawn too twin tb*> hair at th* arowr. aad aft loo** coil arcund tba thw hair at tba top of tb* head and jin abcv* th* nape with a taw dxtroa* ra'l* with a ooara* eoatb. and ate tba anil **tly down with aball pin*. Tb* treat hair i* arranred in a eortad tod atialtJ bang. A variation of thi* Bator* i* arraogad betew the crown and forward of it. and in thie eaa* tb* front hair i* cftra arraagad ia Poaaaaaar atyla. Tbii *t vie of oo ffar* it that made popalar by th* beaitifnl wit* of Fialotn Staatey. who waan bar lowaly hair arranged ia tba iiiiriartaeeerihad. Wuh ibe hat or boaaH varioat vtyle* cf hair arreaug an wan. frequently aratttii of loo** braii* al tbt neck, aad many rtill aoh-r* to tba Piych* kBot and th* Igor* 8 twit* OB tba top cf th- bead, both of of heir bodie*. and therefore the" of tUMirg i* by biting, *ay* Ib* New Tork Tbey will bile one another aad boU oa ith a wocderfal grip of the jaw*, even after their ha have baea bitten c" bv olh*r ant*. Sometime* *tx or eight ant* will he olioging with a death grip to oa* another, making a peculiar rpteucl*. tern* with a lag gone aad tcrae with half the body rone. One tirnlar fact i* that tbe grip of an aaf* jaw i* retained t ven after tb* hadv ha* been bitten cff and nothing bat Ihe head remain*. Thit kn-w!*dit* ia ina**a**d by a oartain tribe ol Indian! in Mil. who pot tbe ant* to a verv peculiar Wbwa aa Indian get* a gaab oat la ot having hi* hand tewed '. aa nbyttoian* do in tbit eoootry. bVomcarv* five or tix larg* bl--k antt. and. holdin* their heads near th* gatb. th*v bring their jaw* togatoar in bitir.*. lh* fle*h. and tba* pnll th* two tide* ol the together. Then tb*> Indian pinahe* off the bodie* of tb* actt and leave* their olinging to th* a*h. which i* bald together no til it i* perfectly healed <*< Charca. Sunday eveaing lervior* in tbe Church ol J**n* in Montreal are remarkable for Ihe beauty ol the mutioal programm* and tlway* attract Urge congregation*. Yonnj Proleatant* hav* mad* a habit of efcortirs their beet girl* tbar* altar Waving their own ohnroh** to hear the mntio. and tb* eevioM have dagaaerated int.-> *t>*>* thing lik* a proaneitd* coooert. Con- toinenUy tb* rector, R*v. Father Orammcni. latt Sueday itaurd tn ediot ihtt penont *ntrtn< the church after half pact 8 o'clock thai) pav an admi**icn fr* of *i cent*. IB txpeaWac hi* r*a*oa for re*orting to ta*h drattic mrature* the rector (aid thai the Itto Tit iton ditlnrbed tb* mtoUr wonhipert B**ide* Ib* loud talking Ftther Dram mood taid b* had been iafp'med tbar* wa* oon*id*rahl* flirting indoUed in tad that young men had even been <ii*c<ov*r*d with' their arm* around their ftir com panion'i waitt*. Thi* w** *candtiiinn to the regular worablprr* aod W*B aerere top* war* aeoaraary to hav* It tlupa^i, any u*n aaj B**d alerala. W* hav* to fall aatk at latt for th* tacdard *f gccd manner* aad good I ot apae th* few. bat upon tb* Th* mat*** of the p*opl art My moneritioal a* to morality I xanaiwa airal* ; aad a* to the aw 91 ih* nnnvaaiiaaaHttM e her an lo be foond more atcarely among th many loan tb* few. W* hav* tha high aathorily of Mr. Howard for cavtag that a Bowery aaditno* i* far <;au-krr than a f aah iooahl* Sew Tork aadieno* to frown OB Bay thintf real T immoral in t play. Uor* than oo* EafHak oMaaaan ha* been fcrtivan ia AaMrioaa in wing rooroi for ooadtot which wwaU hav* oaactd him. if known, to b* timtaarily ejected from * Rooky Moortaia mining camp. Howallt. with hi* i areagl The lat*i invention in haberdaahery i* the boltonl**- ehirt. It i* the i.:-a of a Canadian. U i* not iaigti1 to take thr law of th* tall drew abirt. hoi i* likelr to b* a ttrong every -day favorite with the thort- armed fat man. who feel* lift* empiixM when h* trie* to reach the hat- ton at the back ol hi* neck. It i* aaid that il fit* well, and i* the eaaieat ^trtnent tc gel in and oat of thai wa* ever invantod.- \nr Tort SM. Ueorg* YanderbUt hat expended 400. 000 OB th* foundation and Ant ttory cf hit North Carolina oactte. H* empJu. t M itantly a large fora* ol men. who an at work macadam' ng the road*, kmng out . planiinK tre*. baildieg artincial poetihl* to the ladiea. An on pr oeieted rirl may travel bv rail from it* Atlantic * the Paoiflc, aod m*et with let* of real radanee* or ankindn*e* than aha michi eocooBitr in a tingl* *vautg. even from her own t x al tome varv txdaeiv* ball. The little aoaial cirelee' hav* their vain*, aad a vary great rain* : they fnroiab a part of th* edocaticn and experieoo* ol ocial lif*. Wher* they happen tc b* ojtc'er th* leaderahip of cnltivated aad ttinh minded woman like the late Mr*. John Jacob Aitor for inttancc they afford not mecwlv a tohool ol deportmwnt. bat ol lif*. Wher* they ar* a* ia qail* a* liktlv and*r i tvle of l*xier*hip. th* malt* H* d**r'*** m*," *aid Bei Jootoc. b*- caate I live in an all**. Tell him hi* aoal live* in an alley " In all part* W the world there ar* women wboee form* ar* covered with diamond.-, ha* h* **! arr* the h>>iM cf the ally in their ton)* In th* long ran th* **'rty cf cur aaiioa*! moral* aad manaer* dor* not lie in any of tb*Uaw eocikl cirri**, hci in the average treat and breeding rf ihe va*4 pqblio from which tb>o*o circlo* are bin(ccn>tanilv recraited. T k riir ITtarrarlh HiffUttoet. i Utrprr'i lawaf . n t beer received ol the irvwricg cf Pr. E. R- Simpeoe. formerly of Winnipeg, with two companion while crueminii Lake rnd d'Ortill*. 1 *ho Tba hodie* haT* not ye bten iworvrrd. Dr. Simpton wa* practicing in Hop-. Idaho, for abrnt two jtart. when h* b t i taken ap hi* ratidaooa. Arokbiabop Taoh*. who i* op a viait to Montreal, i* very ill at th* Qr*v Xonnarv Mr*. O'Shea ha* been ([really anaoyad r-y reporter* and other* tinoe her arrival in Tarn She it followed iboot every wbaca, and oan't take t walk ia Ihe *tre*l wiihonl having in*lantaneoa* camera* leveled at bar. BOM EPWIID Built hat given tM .(M) to th* Toroato UniT<rily o h* applied to ihe tailuvJimal of DBatrionlation tohcJar hip*, the hoMtrt of which ahall be *tee*pt from tee* daring the ten are ol thoiri " A Willow* (Cal ) mtn ha* a at-Uphon* tram hi* hoaw to hi* by oting thn* mile* of win fenciig. V