THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. DA\KtXO OFUCE Of GEO. MITCHELL, PLBSHBRVOM. \ ?-, : kinkl'iq i..|,i>|. trmc-t<'il l it -n'l'il rt<- .liable (ar lagitiuiald busman fK iv . ..ehar.tsou A Co'. Vic'nity Chips. <'harai-!<T;sti-s of I he Pal Week 4'are - :illy <'!le<l for the I iirisiiis. - found. (V.1 lit Th "Advance." The .. t. a at :(."> ei>nU in a . itiy fr./ru liiclmr i;., ,. . .n pUca fur balo'iii*. but : sulmtaptitl in ordered loll. '' ! I.' Oa; i !i :. > * ...ii ^ -fit.- coring at tin.lf I I. l: , r, of the lirin '.in-ai, < Iwi -n Soiiiui. it at the ..f \N ,n. i | -.. in Mai - and in Dundoik ev.-r\ Saturday. ! .: .iiiii.'iini-ii,..' th:t the i .-nciil- .-.. -ty will he held in til': T. .wn Hall. I'. -MI. I-I..M. ,,n Wednesday. .I.m. .1 i: 1 ..VI. .ok p. in A full attendance i.f liifllilieni in re.|lieted i.'iitrance rxawinati m n"uilu tave haiul. For N'.rtn <!rey they wer 1 last week in Hie Owen - !>.. . \ i miners .<r tn i!mik we have no rialus in tl.u ry. It in tin- same thin'.' .1 ty year. Air- ii [ml ir.ti' , c.( wr nr.l- .n A their iiiiu' and learn whei . lar clothing made th for : YOU cm l iy diiij.oiii.; iiit" vv ;l woul i -I. - . if VLSI li.i'k..! in at what . , '. cl .ir >if ; - \\ n, -iiti..!! t.. the incut i.f the Rural ratiadbn, ' t.ildi*hed. tirst olam journal wh.c'i should 'in; in flic lia:ids i.f every f.inuur in tlie The bonk premium* offered to fuWribori are this year unusually valuable. Write for list. Mr. .Ixv M. li.mind occupied the pulpit ..;' ihe Baptist church hete 1 nt SiM.vh with much aceci'taiiet!. Mr. MclMannid in ay. ".in.- man of promise. Win:; a:i _aiU' -t aii. I ll'.ient j taker. '''!'. same tftiileroan will preach a^-iin n.-\t Sun- du.andwo understand that arran,'e- in. nit ;;i-,' l'i-.u_' in. i.!.' to secure Ins iniuistry fr the winter iiMiiths. Th. - - . nocial held in tho 1 'iape.1 hole la>t Tu.'-.l.iy evening week w.i-> ill .-very res] ect * marled suc- cv*\ This the ynuiui-st S. S. in our villa :e. both as r.' tho tune it has been t?i i-sintttiice (haviim heoii i.rm n'.y i littk- ner t.> nd a half y M itUo tin; uvei 'f tho sclu.lar, ^itl) 1 ir.'t- majority of wh't-h are.jiiite V.IIM_', it inakinj Mti'.nly ..'-itl ;T The i i"^rin, vliirh was i|ui:.' lDgthly, was fairly well rmderi'd >>y all who pirt, and wo thii k every one ].; M k n.|it .1 [.lea-i-int .u-niiiu'. Tho distrihut- ing i'f [iri/.es from the tree, brought leveial pleasaut sur|>risc^ nt tc i received reiueiiil.i-inr. ti 'in tln-ir !an which h:d becii .jn ].rocurJ and piao .1 ":i ' them. There wa IM cha- , IP id.-, l.ut a freewill o'ierini! taken u,. i .ii.u.niited to al-ut litl.'en I'.iUrt, which will be applied to library t Ov'rn>at.. \ ' '- ' 1;io1 :.l !>'ll A t'.i's. Ii > want i. lie i-ll. a). LOW i>y<nir chanre. Out tll.'V lli'l.i Notice. Ciif ;,'(>iHl mare co!t ^i^i!l.r I'tm y.-ar <dd for sale. Apply to Joseph Smith, must be straight, for which guod price* will be paid. Wm. liradley. Tea Meetings. A teameetiiiif will be held at Kimber- ley on Friday, Jan. 23, in aid uf the ('in.. n church. A good time is expected. See bills. The minimi tea meeting in connection with Eugenia I'nion Sunday school will IK- held in .he Orange hall <.n Tuesday next, Jan. ^0. A very interesting pro- See bills. A Charming Publication. The .'tiiniary iiuinher '.f \\'ive and D.iu^ht. is, a journal wn;t.-n fur women iiii-n conducted ly .Mis..)..l.u Cam-, assihtcd !> -Iwyu \Vether- ahl i.t. perkipi, the bn^litest iiumbor : Aiii'M, 1 ,' tin; friendly ir.i.i is a warmly d.imneinUti.ry nutt; fruu the 1 Aberdeen, rtv.-ntiy in i '.mada. I-'nr sprcimen C'.piL's. ail'ii-.'sn \\r,.s and I ' i i.! ' . -. London. ' 'ntarin. Not Coining. \V.- !!.',,.,! some time a? that a . band working under tho au|/ices of the II. T. . f T. would arrive in Klesh- about thu llith of this month to hold temperance revival services. Word has teen received that they are tint coin- ni'.'. The ''baiid" has been disbanded. It is probable, however, that another band may be becured within a couple of Euphrasia Election. Follo'.Tu. <ult of the inuui- ci'iit>"t in iCuphrasia. Reeve -(iilray rx*. \ Kr>'in 14'i. K.r~t i..put\ I. ut 17:1, F.iw- cett 171. VcKtii'.'iit It'rti, Jas. Knikiiii- li'.l'. Second IVptity Kee\e 1'atterson ^I.A u^laii L'l 4. t'.iui.cillurs -L)a\u Klliott 'Jr. lilai-'i 1. 1. I'.iterson l:'.l. Winter l'i>. C.].!i .--. i':i,,ii 54. M tbe f'lag. \\ . tri ;;l:id t'i notice that hv patri. ' ; and . in shet-t m l t..i an.: til,- i 1 it the .;.oint. It mi^lit to i .: LHV..MI int.. . in the schools with "The Ma|<le by .Mr. K. <i. N.'lton, of St. .),.hn, N I 1 .., in connection with the in -n extent for n^ i!io Canadian ila: K iiool the. Dominion. In ordur to p. it it within tl. . , - iie Empire. i: ID cts . and has put '. ,ai.' by all ne<d.Mler. Ag'l Society The annual met 1 society was held in I'ricevillu n Thurs- day. t!ie Sth u!t. , f..r the purpose. .f tc- o. mi. 4 'and l.-,'...*nu "1 tllo auditors' re|H.rt, election ..f of'i.-.trs, e'o. The auditors' nport showed the teccipts f.'r tlie u-ar t.. l>e $:>74..~.7.'urwincnts t:'.l:'...")4, leaving a laUuce ii hand t>f lil 1 1.".. The followinn are the otiiciri elected f..r !>!'! : A. St.-wait. [.re.tulent; J. Xichol. vi.-e president . difr. tod ^1 Uil.-y. T. C'onkey. 1). M.Millen. A. Mc- Leod J l!ro.iie, \V. ^ -: L .w- art, .1. Sullivan. 1>. M, < '.Titiiclv : J. Mc- Arthui-, F. Feri-usoii, auditors. \lt< r lie ! .lie aniiuai m.-i tnii; wan tinis'ii-d tlie ilni : and .:.-.! I. I'lli-die seen t.ll \ tli-.HUlef. man who had imported a cplendid herd of Berkshire pijjs and exhibited them at a fair. The other pigs on exhibition were what are known down south as razor backs long, tall, lean and lank pigs while his were fat, plump, perfect Berkshire)*. The farmers passed the Berkshire* by with scarcely a glance, but examined minutely the stock of razor back* on exhibition, (poll asking a farmer why this was, he wa told that Berkshire piL't were no _'i,nd in ihe south. A pi. 1 that couldn't run faster 'han a wn.ildn't be own. M! more than two RtvonM*. from "'a- "ir,, i Sirah Ann ' >str; mler is home on n visit from where she hits l..-en worktii'.' all --'iinmer. Miss Almira P.. v.i, ..f Prot..n, and .Mr. Uner.-.f Luther, w !.. muted m the holy bands of matrimony ..n the .''lit of uber by the Rev. H .J Hiubiind, at the .M.-tl: I'ncevillo. \\'e hear a few ..t tho b'.ys and were out t . visit ;it tin- one ni.'ht hist week, but I don't think anv of them '.'..t bin. mi,' a plrasaot evfi.inv; they t. k tlieir departure We hi-ar tl..i* Mr A i '--.- mder has purchased an r.-an. in i :. <' quit" an attraction up tin vmr. sill.'.- >.-li".'l ha.< .Minin.'nciMl ai;ain. We are L.'lad to ..- ^ll li.ak.'-'.n yoiii^ lir.'lllld :inioiii{ the aci . .. .1 looking fain, ^1 ; John Kii..^ is lured t.. ti-m-h in the .:h.H.I down at Veiitry. Well d..n you John. Mr. I '. iii-^al K.T.MI-.. n is ( Iwi'ii Sound ,.r Mt I uly. \\ ,. he will do well M' I! . T. r.. nt... -!i Itii. i -u. Th . wedding coin- :1 wheu ti . -. winu' 'v i ha* said Hothin.' ..[' K GET A FLAG I >: Vui u Farmers' luatitute. Tho Kannui.t' Imtitute of Grey met in Mark dale on Tuesday of this week. 1'rof. I'antoti. .Mr. Snath, and Mr. IVttit, of (!i-in,sl-y, wore *.lie |>eak- ers. A full rv[xirt H crwdod out tln.t Persor Mr. M., tun.key at the county jail, i ^.vler :it The. Adtauve uthec l...<t week. Mis Ada Sjiroulo in visiting with her aunt ;it \\oodl ridire Mr. It. I'owell, with T. E.iton,T. : . n nt lioino on u h.'liday. Mr. .1. \V. lloatli, uf St. Viiu-ent, was 1 eailir .it The Advance olliee ml Mon- day. Mi- I.. .-.-. - Strain, Mi* Mury Sirsif. Miss Mail Wright, .\ir. K.I. \\n^l.t, and Mr. K. I'^kerville all left f..M> S. Colle-i.ito on M..II.!I\ inornii,,' Mr. .John M.irlin, of Owen S.,uiul, w: ;i visitor at The Advance "Hue on Monday iiiornin,-. M^r .Martin says there w a lari^e ainoun', ol dentitution in tho Canadian Liverpool tin* winter, iiwni!? to m-aieity of labor. He. says there are men walking around the street* vrlio do not know where their next meal u comiug from. Jritr (Empire :.<Jon.i Its shnre in helpir.jon -Ins n-n'-eincnt. by awarding ! t<( .. unt> * -h.... 1 * in nt-ti eounty of Ontario, but thn numb.-r "I , ouirii.< fruni nil port* of the Dominion u la how fl.imi an b rtbijiinod by .' hits .1 -!.-nm.i...i the publisher* ol THE ctirittEto ones a h,4nil^)ni,. CANADIAN FLAG of bct hunting. Ii fno; long (r-Ku'nr i.n.'" fl.M. * prr-'iinin .1" nrw yearly nubwribrr* 'o the Wi t:\ti I'lriKK t ?i or i-j^ht n- yearly a.|i,,TihiT to THt U III.) LNPIKK t pr-r annum, or a propi>ni..u .if .-.u-h mMcrlptlon to Daily .uiiir.n.u fur roiu Weeklle*. KV.T> .H-hix.l in Ihe L>oniinion otiicht to harn a nAti.miil Iliur. ami pri'M'nu an op- portanJty for eaea obuUnlna Ii without conu and with liitl.- 1 nibble. IAM . ihow who r in- termte.1 in ({."tinu a flB for thririteh ..; houw join in ici-liliiK un a cmb, an I while sub- I ecribcri net full viilue fur their nuiiii-y in thn boil new*pni>"r in thr |i..iii.ninn, ihe school >lnain "n Glut fUKt. Of l. The WKlkLI KMflEK rM-oiiilr bran ^nlararo ii> twelYV rn*:. nl is now. with. nit Jouhu the brMtwi-.-^i in- \ it>.ii...r m Cfumil*. 1 while tho reputation of I'HK Illl r.nriEl as ihe IviulinK mnrniuK juurnui u( ihe Domin- ion is well known. Send for Minpln copies i\nd specinl dubbing Uala. i*d ga in for a MHK for ynnr whiHil. AUUIUMI mt KM flKt. Torwnto. Logs, Logs, Logs. Wanted at the Kl<taherrn **w mill. 100,000 fe-t of sc-ft elm logs and 50,000 fet of Wwood logs 12 feet lomj. Lot;s with hkey ends will not be Uk^p and Racing Pigs. IVof Smith told a ;.'d anecdote at the Muk.ial.. Fanner's Imtitute meeting on Tucaday. In order to illustrate thu ez- |iedinoy of brtfdintt proper stock to sup- ply the demand, he said (hat once wheu down *'Uth he cA>iiV"rsed,jMth a ){autle- EXEGUfOaS NOTICE. I\ tocini ..f i... ! .1 . 4, mi.| to arc ' WUh . mnl HH ; mi i fault th !> "i n'i ' "liql III.' will. -It ;i"t U'.' -.1 :lll h:i . ' tin ..! L pl -, H.I. -.."' -i> '.^7 will not bu liable for tin . ..r ny part . I i\ ". . -..'11 "t wll..H. iHilil- -!mll n. 'I Imve luM-ii l-Hi'vivvil b) him t the I. mi " "-;i il uLioll. J >s:\n .. \\i-.-.\-. i t.-L'iitor. M.xwi'll P 0. /KM! -in $3000 . - - \ T f. A t I amVHahr leu. h >> m i ii < r-j. ni i-*r'.ti i.f nth- r Ml, rwj mn r,,t niiij wril*. Mm! who. fttr lMru. l>i>. Hill work n, 1 )<,n.)y, M rmrti Tfcrt* Ttn.u*H thi||*r n whrf- 'r tl.'i ll*<> I *tll la,, Tli*h VVm.Clayton, Boot and Shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, Arc. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade boots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. THE POPULAR PEARL STOVES. SCHOOLHOUSE The movonii-nt for h.iiat.lnv tho Canndiaii flan on ihe aafaoolnoiue* <M aralvrMi n-.ieil crrnt in oar history Uproa<lintr r . throughout tin) Dominion nn.l .-i .;,- the hourly approval of all patri.ji . Al \'J CALL AT. 00 And see the J?12 Cook Stove, sl'7 with Furnjture. IURAL CAMBLIK L :S i cultural Jovrn^l in C"-.ida. f\ei~-'~? v : ^\.L:.C.,:.^C LIST ^ ._?AST- R . ' ' : J *V ' Orchard. H f ; The Pairvi:ai, La ~._ . --as and C'a. . . ^d , ,,' ' ,' *" ^ Sai -ss RURAL CANADIAN.5 JordanSL.TORONTO .C'^l.~> . - n Jrjirt.ntut fton-rmn* iMritinc . 1 1 -H t 1 1 1 '^n -r -rr*. . 1 SSS; TIIL ITLLBR.VTED "15. LAl'UKNCK'V SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION. r # GO-, ' nd m..rn[1i* 1 . Xi> f HI I t.i.l '. ri , r l , ukK. TI : .^ i u . .. Jr - i.fn* t*> h .*hn Tt. !I>ilrr, ... i ..n If rm *& 10 IU - *" B * n, H !>, . In nn . i . ( l|int>. f i - .' "I hh t, , . i'AUl h M AH 1 * riilK. A44f*M)oi FLESH BRTON. Kn)tanJ Durham Bull for Service. The un.lersinne.1 h.< ii'.iK'ofteenl TOI-': ; thoroughbred. pe'Mn'u.'.t. Durban Hull, "Ur,<v Wllltr St. H-kl.l~. f"l MTTICO at lot lil, v'llj weet S li.H to the ).... prtotor i 6. ADAMS. o>. iti, iH(0. rtMtMr%OB, o