1* H E F L E S H E R T N A I> V A JC C E. TEE ADVANCE. Ii r Kvery Tlnn-wdny, FBOM TUB Orru-K ""' TTIlM- i r --t'H''' ''""' '' ., p.r a,,-, in, wl,--., |..t'l ri>-tly iu advuc . .,!,. .11, I '' \|l. - 1-V'l ''-' if r.,1. ,ln , r , .,,,,,,. t'-T KNtll.lMl li"Y 1MMK.UANTS. r.v" over I'"' 1'iiniiiiK an editon- ;. U.IH-.I ii|.|- iii.-d intliiscoluinn lu.-t NX,, k. i. t. 1111.1- to ODC l'< --i. who .urdci i" Mic-l.ii.-aii. . :-,ii,-i I ',,.,1,1.11.- up v:ith.-r frc.iu.Htly no." Tl..- iUn to a!-" n-. .1 tin- plirasc. TitT-ni: imj-oitut,... 'I-'*' ' I"' 1 " M ,.,. . w.irm MMptoOO. ill his /.ill to d.i.-nd a 1 dra'A f.-on. tin tun,. NVIi- ii w v;ii- ' i-i.n.n .. '- ; ' l"''' 1 ''"^ "!' 1-atl.ii 6qU Dtlj, ' >' ''"i BO) nirludi- thf- Vlwl : "'" ""' to t I - : I in u. r jj,l - .is any whit.- . ' ;,,.,! nobodj in o'll' -'i' 1 ! I nut. Miinv Mr of ill" socal!il "iM.i;- < 'iinadians , ini.ny of il.- in kn "h !-' : inn !), million." hut as a whole the f.ict re !: v .|., I.-', h. i-iin.- worthy Th.-y frm <; " "' cinni think an imjmrtial critic will uphold us when we .ay tliowo cam-H are obhiiis,' up rutlii r frequently now," Dotwitbttandiog l^nglish Boy's at- ti inpt to "(Mil ustlown Tlii> |i:ii>rr lii-lii'Vfs it may he a iii \nli ut net to send this*- cliilihvn out hi in \>1. nt t<i tli* r'niMivn tin in ' IMS and also to thane who way wish them out of the way hut it is (ur fif,:n chaiity tu tin- "[i', ,f Can:ula. In the lau^iui^c of the did fahle. "it inuy In- fim for th<- IHI;. s, lnit H i- ( '.i ittii to tin- frogs." The (). S. Tllin-S do. Tint very iiecm.it,. ri-|iort of the I Conservative cuii\enti.,n held ut M:rkilale on Friday lu.'t. It I>r. Sjiron!*-, M 1'.. th-livi-n ,1 I i the iHilitic.il Mtiiation. which w;i it, !'ir two hours with int. i t. ,l with h. arty eh., is at .acli tilling |)int." i ,.- . I i| . .Sproille did not .--| :ik ,.\. i tvv. nty minutes. l'eihaj'--,tli"ii -li, the 'I llll, s in. .lilt In say that the Dr. iiiiul.- :i two- hour .^|>..oii inside of f.v. nty ininutt s. If that i.s the case Imil i'- truth. ditTcreiit name. Your correspondent -l.iniM be advisee to look up the meaning of the word "farce" before fhowiie- his compound i<,-iiorair.-e to an nit, lli^'ont public. "The volnn- t, ,inl foreign vocal aid tliat had to be eiidure.l" lias appi .ii.il In-fore an.lieiiees iii plac* .s c,jually as 1 ir--.- as Inislio./e. and have invari.-.l.ly I" en well received and appreciated, hut b.-- h. Mir.' tin- sen tun. iii i- \ i in --e 1. t i In- tnat of your prelentii,u.s,.-ritira! c.irr.s pondent ouly.ancl knowing th. . \c"ed- ini,' .hni.-iilty of sin^iiii; in a cloud of .-ni'i!..- iit'ler tne exliil)itinii of a ui. no attention s.ioiiM h>- paid to Mich nonsense. Now. Mr. I'.iiit ir.iu e-iii.-1-i- ion, I may say that tin- cu'ir- u by your i-urrespmid- ent is in hi- i \],n ssion of ihanl. you I'm- "the sp.u-e in your c'lluinns." I l>n i.i:.., linw.-ver, ti.at ev. n this wa- in. in- fonnal thuli r- ;il,as it . orthodox manner of clo.-in^. 1'.-. linx that tin- pui)lic si-o no \\ro- 1-,' in the report .,-iv. n in your issuo of ti:' .i5th ult., I leiuain your-, (< , IGNOMINIOUa 1'l.KHKlAN. flesherton furniture r areroom's Announcement for |an. iSgi. FOK i.i i very r*-"ect. iini.y of tin m drawn thf r.iuiinal ' f I ' lin and inherit tho nal instinct. ()th< M an' |">.,i- nii- f M 111.111.!" '< h" 1-ikVI- l|e\l-r lil.OWIl al-ll i will l.ii'.vv tli. ir I'ur. Btl ; and .Mill ., till is th.-fe are, the or[>haiiH of diunl.ardi and ^anilili rs iniid sonn- "I t'lO i' i to tl i i who have no doubt trail- nut 1, il to tli. ir o.T.-|i.in--; th' ill i.i . .An .ill tin -. a d."-nal'le rlass of iniiiii'-nints. Mi . l-'.n-li Ii I'-oy ' An II,. ;. ,i :.i .-i (the miijni i:y, r. -in* mix i i \\ln.-livvi- wn'ild , iinil.it.- with our iritiv. i ',, in. nt and hienni'- u put of us? 'I ii j.iit it still more j- lintcdly, w.nil.1 you iiiih'-itiitiii'.,-ly !-iv*- one of yoiii d:iii.;ht' i - i ,1 V ,u have I" >-!i as |,;ll lilei' to ;i naliii h I -li bo\ who i.iiiy . N. n he rlllili. -nllv I ahle in hiinnc-11 '.' And if >ou would not. wl \ 'i I ' 'Utiih immi^ranU fir this muni rv '.' \V iiiia-.-inti that U is more iiatrioti*. lir* t'l.in I'llcnt.il wi.dom whieh has Con- ,-, u, i ul i HI-- -'llii^llhli IIP, \V. .lid not refer to "iitiiiu runs out- ng*f," bnt Mid tbJ w.i-e hienlni I., i ,. nt 'II,. i-iiminal uct of 1'osai was ll'e inini- cliate cntmc of this n- h -ill. in. 11. w;is i in* -ii:i'-i- to jii-:.,- iu tin- I'.i-.mty ,f Coriiwi.ll oud left foi Mii-hi^an mill, r a clond, acr-udin" i the dully |,ni>e,H. \\ith repaid to I . uiie, vv<- iiii-,'ht nay tliivt w. have I., :ud of an Kn^-li.iliinan mini, .1 DiHracli ; oiioth.-r 1'aul J'..l>u Chalieu ; and an IrMbmun rallt-,1 l>ion UMIU-I- t-ault. I )o tin so natnex prove that tliit I., .11. fa wciv not, Mn^-liih or Irish- ill, n ? Tho Owen, bound Timet of a UN- d.ite K-tvo another instance where an Knglixli in.iui.-iiiiii. boy had com- ini .ud a criminal act, and not many wo. k< ago The Advance had occasion to how up the doings of one of tlum HI anj thing b -it a uvory light. \Te lmniiurun(> T" tl,. /.I In tome : in \lli-lii- Jmt '' i M .,nt |.> tl.' \!. it. -I, n, .1.1 I ' . u-uy, tin |!;i.li-iii n.it Kn-'lUli. Y.III . -T iin-i K ,-. I.. .-..III.' v, II an. I .' i. 'I Ii- ii. I. r .' Il 1 liV 111 V. ' ' ! tin' 111.. . .1 c i-Tim; tin - In vrliirli : . . i. ..( I).. '. . f i-r'H I nr^li-i-l meli UK ...|M II.IM -iianii'l n rrs|,i c-lulili- iiUv.-lii,',! r.'.l. it .. : . II I]. Ill . -II llll.V mil' * I it n. I il (..'I tint III lu.i-i!' ! UK y ,-. mi 1 in- fror- ii.lv nitli any nf "iir (i. , rti in Illlll, 1. 1, , .!. illiM-m.-. - , ..ilillj; Ill rll..- i of tboM obiUrta to in. <..!. .nii in till llll npi-Il ,|llrk:i.-li Ii it ,"ir I .-i .|,,t .11 : iln-)- an- a l tii r rliii i.f i mi ' - lilil'l till- thl-'l. Ill ':' f |.l I/' rliifll. M . 1 1 nr nii.l il i I | ! : Inn .!! "|" nt tli lii < , I i.: .ii, ' I.MI i.ll.-li ..! 1 II ... .: I.. l|>i-il nut In mi I tin- M.iti , :n f. rin i M-uri*. If uiir i i.uutry 1. 1| i. .-.' ti..- T,-III,,-I i tiny r. in tin' lii-tt. r I.. i ..nr fut ..... i. . uliiy. I In-Uiir. jroa woaU not willlnf ly do - IT n. L\i I'i il. an. I ;" till' ll"lt alt ' nvi-x iiii|.n -...ii- nirt inli n I .1 aii'l : I'.iin nr IHvilMi?" You wouKl reply .> t<> till* qiR-fttinli, <>f coum?, if you liail nl- ri-a.lv i.. < -: - i - i li...'. ' i. I ..-M: .1 ,ut. .*,.. . wliv u.-.i >.li<>iilil nut Kvi-rjr il-jtall <.f ,.> tlm'-M tv DHIICW" Ii no rlrai i I in tin- aitn'lt- <m that sul>ji-et i>\ Mr. i '. u '. i, k - ^'M-ati'st ilaiu'int; ti u. i.n . and u . ..,' i n. ..LI... - < .f tin- - BO fully illutraU-,l in I>, i.. 1 .1-1.1.. }l ,<VH. in.- f..r Ki'lirunry. thai a rtuM ran Irani to .ltn-i. without a n.n-t. r. A at lUiirtiik' ' 'ti""t i- r\|-fl!M\i'. l.ut ;. .. i , ii n t . iiim-iT, mitli n. <>nll.iy, l.v .111! iii iiinrt.-il in tin--*- liluxtrattx) ini-li uct.oiin. It wan wllili'.lalu IIIK tiiitt won t put:- ) in furrow. n-> "howli In tin- \ Ilii-.iiii ..'-l...\.- tliu wecoii'l f. H "laiaty Viil.iitino i(ri ni k > : ml in : ..( li.uny Ix-alitlful ami ..i-t I Hi.- till- ll'U 1,'-:: . . i-l ln-r <lHti;.-M>-i -. ftii'l I in!.. i . '!>" ^''u' ll-im. . fur it . ?*im.y iu ' 1 . . i l llth tr.-t. V w *itli -. ..ur i-li.trit.-t- r ,m I In n- vnl ;i. I. '.i. I. |S|| U In Position tyle AND QUALITY ( )t '- >ods as w: 11 as the of business we are we claun to be up, i (or hulk i"i,', but \Vc have bc^uii the year ri;,iit down LOW, SOCIETIES. S. OK TI MI-UIAN* i-: -Tiii x-ity i.ij|'r i'!irii-t..'i> HA!) IAI rv W'mlliMi ,!y u-i>niiiKt H p.ii, \i-.tm_; l.rt-.i.i-m ibiiM'l Itii-uranc.- m DOIkDe(ion. R'>\ \\. Tl MI-I.A::S IK: Cl r I . i * \ f\< ek ai - i i -..--. e . * . 4 of . i. i] n until. John W. ArnTstpcnj, II . ..' Y. ntvisioN . -i.i -K r .1 ^- i u i. , al H)I .i. c i .. .MOM'V TO LOA.N. Tho Ui.'il* i . rued has a Lar^a Am. -ney to LoKn '-<_< < I'M. 1 \. - \Ml Ui:. I i. \V. J. BKLLAMY TttP. CI.IKK .1KTI VI.MA. ";. i ;.\<'/;/.'. ''".'./ .w/s.^/M.v A'/., i \M'/.M.\r>: .!- D ::i:: ' f ,- 1 ^^.i , ..iii|iaiiu.->. ^luin\ TO ; DR. CAIITER. .M r.P. ,V s . < riivsi(i\\. SIIM.I:O\. &c. .' . KSitKkToN. O.RDMI'* In f:\ct we arc touchi::^' hot- tot, i in prices for :tnd th<- ji.'oplc arc a tlirt<-.ill>.iT--'..in>\- i \\'-- ni.iUi- I...-M to say th.it there riiver iia niucli furniture sold in th. time here . during tl.i - . Th< -..Hi is tin: people luive the monej- and we have the mm They need and at prices to suit. \Ve carry a very !ar;e stock Well Assorted !.>:. " - - t-i ."IT cant ol i,iirr'k(".- And ri)veri I'lcct fnnn. lines consist of :;o.i-.l v.iMt-ty Cur leading TUB OF FOR- 1 K-pl> lo 12. ii T" <!, t'Mnr :( 7Ve I / I M;AK SIK, Yoin li.i |, in, I. lit Hi-ems to lie troiiided with . /. '/,,! irrtliiiiili US Well IIM thf halhieiiialMn- i n.. mating fi,,in u dis- iM,'iie,l iniu^'iiiatioii, or ffby ibooU he ir.ititute a in. ni- tin- wiiter i.f u Im-al ii ei "[.en- i'l^' dl the 111 \\ .-eliool lions,- there Oil the r.Hh llll. 'I'll .11 Hell I.I ,|:-i 'Mil doi -1 Dot coi, tain a smu'le w.ud intended to re- ll.i-t diM-i,.,ht,tlily upon thi- t.-.i, the [,,-i.|.le. or the el.arai-1,'1 of the < liter t n i ii men t, yet tl H iejHi>itory of wii-dom, IhiM modern Solnin. in, this intillii- lilal inoliSlli Mtv .1 the niueti-eiitll i-entliry, U'cH lintlillii,' hut ill.-l. s|n i-l fill n teieiire to the \\li..!< aliair The seliteliee let, III,!-,' to the ]u< - M-ntalion, that troilhle-i l!ie |ioor en aline MI miii-li nil. I which shows u lack of "(,'raminatiral edm-aiion," is j;iiiiiiniatirally coned. To liulu il more plain, however, two commas miL-hl he mseiti .1 to aid I, a.l, is ot Kucli uienlal calihro oa your corroa- (Miii.leiu. Nev. rthi;les,it would take a Krtifit many comma.s tucumpensutt- fur a lack ot common sense. With refeiencv to tho "dinloi-ue entitled Fortunu Hunter" that wan BO "impotuously enjoyed," no objuc- tioii WAS made un.l t-von tho IMIUiOliiilPlllMi Every -AM) Position is Everything. n. mmi <iAI^I^Klt V Is Itilly t'(|iii|)j>rd with re- <juis tcs for turning out ^ j i i- feet class of work. All kinds of pictures taken .nul finished in ,t style t'ljtial to any city work, while the prices aie lower. plebeiau" bolicveH it to bave one ot the boit of the evening, yet tl -ire ctiu mnely b no iq eal'i^u tl|e production by a done In all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to e,et taken on the saae day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulrner. Description From 55 c-arh to J?iS.oo each, T.vt'.l.l'.S from Si to 14, L( >'.' N( i i '.> linin ^5.00 up, H!-,Al)S'l"r:.\l)S lr..In | ;. t. ollars, l:KI>K<.i)M suits h'; :J Jj 5,(.,, 1'. \KLOU suits ; 845. oo,SIDE BOARDS frotu $7.50, .uid -vft-y thing at pi.'] ittiou.ite Low locludini CRS. !:?SOUL" a EGO . \ ', > \ : K OKI Oflirc : -M:tiil<->' c/. P. OTTEWELL, VKTl !il.\ A!iV .-I ' (i rail null- ,.f >nt u . . \ . . .-. - ftrt il.mr "i ulli . . tail, t hop. Kl.KSIIKltTi'X Jlcntiotvu. J. \\ M All SI! HI, !..!>. S.. II. OS. DK'rMST, r .M M.irk,lu! t - the 1st and : rd \\ O.TI,M- day f each month, rti-n i-.ii.-li tri,. mi tin- ,|.-n I'ollowiu.-. jr. w. I'i .111 1:1., N UKJ-U-*. M:\T p. T Orn.r Si-u 'i i 'BtrOMBO, ,,.N Ti.' UDAl - ' "i-KKr. i ; . nlNl , P- McCULLODGH, /,V(/'/-/.v,Vr. Solid tni; <\c. onicf. fr MrFarliiiMi's Storr llarkilalc. .Money i,> rices, the celt luvtv d At lioin *?(>. oo f.-ii h. J. E. MOORE, Furniture dealer and U IN I > 1-2 U'L'^YlvKIt, ST., Fl.KSMERTON. Picture framing as usual in all styles and popular prices. WANTED- soft elm, 20 m. 30 m. of black feet ash and any quantity of baswood. Lumber taken in exchange for furniture. H.I J. Spvou e, l>i'siMAsn:u, K;,^,,,t,,n.r..,,,M,iH i-r in is. K ' , , c on v.-vnu,-, , .IJ.-M.I. . i ,unl ,M, n, 1.,-nder. Ki-ul i'.^Mte |>||J liiHin.e. \. |i,.,-,l >l " rl - ' ' an up anj tliOM lill.li- mi >' \ ni . 1 t.. Ill , f t l,, rmiiiu. Mnn,-r to I. mil ! 1. -A,,I n,te.,{ ti> will) l'r..inptneK and ilespalcii. l,,w. \ '.f.,1 tllP IV.llllnii.il S(, m ,^l '|, rt:e I]- 1 ,-U.-^ (u.ii, 1-'1,>1,,,|, ,, t ,, | i, 1*1 I - "1 " i r HIIV ,..' il,. iiriti-.li ,>ru. l-.irti.s iiituji.t lanj^ Scotlanil or I.-i-liinil, will |i!,. HS i- a-l, rt*be- eir ticMi. elsc-li,.re. Flesherton Livery Stai les. D. CLAYTN, Ftrti ola NMMMH honm anil Trblrle* Inr h,, v 9Ubl 0)>|>nit .MnnkK.wa aioa) |>aid to eouittrnta .