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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-' PRINCIPLES, J\ 02 J/A'.V." VOL IX, NO 493. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 1891. W. H. THURSTOF, PROFR.ETCR XMAS GOODS The Defence of Boyue Water. How thi Doctor Had a Famous Nitrht'a t'un During the Fenian Raid. CH.IPTKR 1. I kl|, I t. il th.' lali- n.s ' Tln> little villa-,'!' of I'.oyiie Wain- is The important tiling in jewelry is quality. \Ve keep he finest quality <>t Col ! ami Silveiphte. lor the holi- day* we havt made special preparation and otTer beautiful ix'.J.s in Marring, Scan' 1'ins, Brooches, Lace Pins, and aneitnt Borne, fceing built on Cuf! I'-att.'iis. Novelties in American jewel ery. picturesquely situated ai the crosm-,' of the two main country ._ ravel (in y. mill I spared in which flows DIAMOND, GEM AND WEDDING RINGS S| len.iiil value \Ve have some special bar^ins in Sadies' GOLD & "ILVEE WATCHED Our prices cannot be touched, quality considered. For all defects of the vision our eyeglasses ami spectacle* are the best. We still lead in watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Our repair trade is steadily increasing ARMSTRONG BROS. UN TKI.MMINC.. . i INI:. .) WoUK. FIRST PR! \\ II ERE V ER ! M <>\VX. I.I Ml LA ' JOB WOUK. hills. lioyne WK: throii^'li a di i'[i '!''. cleaving tin village in twain, is ciossed 1>\ a wooden hrid','e ill constant, N l>ear to the mi'iiiories of the iren who played about, it is the liitle river. with its ]iiiut llow of hrown y had follow, d it in all : 'in the :! ,.i mill to tin woolltn mill. named all its islands and peninsulas, and sailed boa's in its trainpiil lakes. It was m the fall of the year 1 - just lifter the Fi !:..!!! ::.\;i-.i'ti of d n . I'.'Vi r in a'. *hole eouiitrv >va- . thai ''.n-liled ii; i v, r\ '.o.vii a'i 1 v;ll:i,'" in t.l .: ! >, com ; VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. Ill K S LAS!) UUl.I.KKS MO* OOMM, PLOW*. Our l?iis.'eii's the Our ^1. i_rh.t tin- r..-*t. Our t'utt'T* tin' I;. Our Imprtivi-il Harmw* th Our Patent I l;i!i- ill'- I'. Steven* liiiprnveil S|ii-nis; Tootl. II irrnw the ! (TTTKUS. - KKI.KHS, II' 1'KM.I.s. i, \SG I'l.oWS 2-i<- ; r.i'. M '- MI.- '/i.'" *..V '. . JANUARY, 1891. v. ; my. W'L. i . noon I to lie drilled in the opOSHe the corner : , . left 1,13 btisillt > to lie I . .i,md f mi tip lit,..-. \ il;-cli i acted as drill ioavrnetar, and ;d of his little company us any < wn.'kly *i-!n wii.-r nnni in-; country, to watch witu admit the tiuirclimi,' and coiinti ruiarc!.. t evening i,f the -Jiili of '. tin' rill i 'lnw, but full nf fun wlieu noL n;.r .sto. hmisril a-, iiMial on t lie con. iir.en.l into conversation with fi WMt:leis who liuil come in to hear The doctor always Lbillg to add to all Hie wild minors tloutin-; about, and soon at,- MI:.; that . \. i-'l wagons h:. . >r, ;i na'iircil and on a I :*!'-. We are starting the first month of the New : with a determination to make our sales double the previous year. There is no standing still in business, it is either go ahead, or go behind, and \ve arc bound to go ahead. In order to accomplish our purpose, we have to make our stock so attr.ic- ti\e that both new and old customers will find it worth their while t<> deal with us. The cheapest Is are no: always the best to buy, but we shall endeavor to give you quality as well as cheapness. This month we shall show Full and Special Lines in Every Department, And shall invite an inspection of our stock before purchasing elsewhere Thanking our many customers for their liberal patronage during the past twelve months, and so- liciting a share for the coming twelve, we wish each and every one a prosperous and Happy New Year. McDonald & Svans. JAXUiRY, 1891. ;. :,mii ; 1-ui ; pu .! to he lilied with l" wi ;! ID ti:e |n-h I: ind w. re rs : for only y. sterday . - 't an iiiViidi'd Femin up; :n* all lhrii:i.'l: >;:', tin.- country. Inin^; all i ii :ui','tiiii -n. Ins listeners had not a doiih:, nl ui' their tVd low-conn try men. V. . : > Ili.^ll till' li slip|>edoiit. l)ii; 001, n turned with the iMither .lews tliat one o| the ]',\\u can boys of the south line had found r tuat very day liddrt s:-cd to O'Ually tolling him to warn all hut Thursday at mnl' wa.> tlie hour, and 1 .a timer's Ilil! thing mon tarioni, began to The stre:il>s i.f pproaohiog s as to liow many f-in s cml id day had .-ea n:,;. d the slcy win n i in tin- village, ill.. . r tiixd his u''in and cried ill a ^er" s>nt to summon as nuiiy of the ' ll>!1 ''-- t! whisper. roiiiiiif,'." voliinteors us lived within two miies Quickly tho news w is tie around. 'f the volmitiers at a double tiist iirnii'd iua:i : ,..(.,1 qniek msrah euaa ronnd tins corner. was old one- eyed Ynrkshiiv Toiiinknis, The doctor \va .il.i/.inu' a'vay in the ' I:ulv ; -houtini,', - 1Vl ' " " The IIKMI ha : v time to hi hind tlie hiin-n-a.i . \vi.i n rapid with a loll;,' hiirn ll.-d iii' asiiriii'4 ten ; stock; the m xl was Tim with -in old tlinlloi-li ihat would not piece, i,'o otl". and 1'iniilv nil. u -,, % OM |y ' '' -I"'' 1 ' Tol!ll)kilJS I. mil on lads, we'll lir- % ted i>f !' jieg, ingwi : from the point they lint in his ap|K :; iw-btr. l just left, and some of the men. Mi. OTIiire had a kind i'i ,,ilt without waiting for orders,'.l hea IM walked, lifting one left M if ''' u>1 ' ; l ' ; '^ lf ' li'''"-' ; ~t.'li|iid on a taok. 11. .s ' tle enemy did not wore i uon of diagtut, and the ~i.".'. lutle knob m tlio inuiiUe ..I' Ins lace liosy tints wer- crc.'iiiu^ up the w-lncU served for a nu.-e w:u .uin .'n sky and lifting i with a dozeu or nioic stiif Lairs. winch 1 to brisil.; up with moru than ordinary tii - . would "put a howl in iiry a Fenian dat comes wulia rache <.f me ;ivj\v bar." Two men were then sent to I' was . viden: tint the enemy bad withdrawn. A rani- rise from '" west re-ecln ed from the east. north south, and everybody declare I itwasf:.. Tlie doe 1 . ed hi.s practical wake joke, and often said it was tlie who al,\ vd night's fun In ever had. ( 'I I K 1ST1NA IMCIf AKDSi i.N . Apvi' . u..'l!t mill llf'iK, g ' ^l.,w - - I'.inr i Mount . rlllM nii; Ti'i-tn. m Peter I'ipi r advice on all i - \\ lien they lied m wiikin;,' hi: , oked ii^'ht-cap^ d 1. 1 ad out of the window ai:d i . had ' > coin- 1 priwlnii; aromul bis house this timo of ni^lit ; but the answer In- '_">t was "l'\n..: ' nlit-d there would .D dead Fenians if they didn't i out, and went back to bed. Another in. . In in\' held ill Morrison magistral. - air' others . i-u.-.>inv; w!ia' di !'< nee they had and | how best to usi- i 1 . Morrisoii will ' Luglj ofbredall t : . )iitch-, or aiiytln. ,al could little stock. ' ' i '" [] \V,n ' tiunij It. It t)n.. Win I i>v all i linttl ITBL'P, ami I'tlll'l 1 \|. aiiwlnle. his wile wa.; hii y pi m^ coll'ee and sandwich, italla \ niiiliii^ht up- oi'd the - M-I DU n!. I'ti'v in- .i. i -. d. A;' 1 , r i ii-' i . inanition wa- all ^.i .pianiity of pnwili tho shot or ball. The taken from the lea boxes in tiiecuriu r i tho blacksmith - shop to be made int.i hull. 'is ; while' ever; ir of iron was bein, 1 made into pik The oldest tin n with the buys wei. to le lii-i I hla/iiu- ; with the niium^ of the blacUsmith ' anvil, tin, 1 barking of th. nnor li.uiiilil .MuLM>4. ; pl.u-e. and to be ready to do or die Oiild Ireland. ( !HAFTI a 1 1 for .1:, .[ 1 ' of tVi^liteind fowl, and lights in i- very 1 sion nover to be foremen. which side would flitting an "Holiday Time Is Gift Time. be the attifV WILL ' ? from the north over tlio SHOW FOR YOUK S I' KIT 10. \ A IN - ^Beautiful Assortment hriilj,'i', or from the ' si tlivough id of the mill Sentries were .piickly posted at t! pom's. Volunteers wire uouuii:; |^ -^j i ai.d ripnrtilif,' lluli. selv.-satM '#:. As th W.lTfHKH. KI1.VEEWAKB AXD armed force would be v^v small it] t*KKAL JkWfcLKV LIAKS. was decided lo haiTii'itil* km:- hy toe bridge wlneii wa.s [<-t# iiL.dy to .1! lack afiA ^i\T all at- tention to III! Wi Si i;l'!l i.nU'U .Meanwhile ir, umv about from |'lo* i<> i AIW. i.m every spur!; of i - - fids' FiM This lati st l:e\v : erei'tid the wildest oxctteniiiit and ll.'W !ile wil'llire fioni e to house lor this was Thins- and evi n now the enemy niu^t lie i,'atherii",'. As ii was now pasl ten o'clock :i council of v, >; :iiniU'diate|y called, an-i i to adjourn to tho Jl.iyne \VutiMr hot'.l. The jolly fat landlord Ind - the ni^ht, when , uv ; . l violeli: hiill.eiins tin- door. At tirst he did not hoed it. nst Kt,,V. ' " !iO . I. H*ii L. . . ,. . d til" rua-llknd lu.ii 1 hu c :i. afler h ' ^o (. ground, cl..i '.WiifJ '-I ' ,-iv, n. air! :V ' ' 'IN -.., *l. I- . ' . boii>d,''iii K: irii h) t,hi. \vstAlri) <u, , i^ or 'he.; I Tuaii'o iuiiy \kiu ha' .. i >J I th onctu v : but bottiru wot? in iilarJU TO : VAI I N- iiH|-,AKAi: i l YKS \- . TO - Epai v: ng but the boisterous crowd rowd weiv ilctcr thii- . i . b.u., . \\iucb mined t,i get in. so mi^ht do some more :idcil ilie led to the upper story, an 1 nil Ins . yes with Ins littly tit kuUeMcs K. let the crowd in. Well, whose treat w> A,' 1 fttid ke, "a>id for how many '.'" Hut they, informing him tbat thry L aJ not come for ucuts but for some hki th Hi puiut,. Th ILji-ainis. Iu .., . ,I , . .'". Anil D.Hil Ulr Thf ' l- A <Vin >>mu i WillH AJI.I ki'i' U-' 1 !:! :'; tn iiuldly IA ( : to. iiiiiil tLi. 4IOUII *U* * *:* Wv*Ktr nd u hu. "I will n Aud UulU tin: l'l li '.lioo. " I W. A. 1U50V, ;, t Jewel- 31AKKIV-.LK.

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