THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. -K.l.VA'/.VG OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERiON. V 'I m 'f\\ b-iiikim* h IHHHMS trn***'te(t n-iv't-* i 4* i*| to I . UM| at uau*4 raUsH M ;>"*> Always av*iih!e for lt*KL'u*t*j bsiue.^ ntor K two doora nnrtli of lUcbtr'Uoa A Go's. Vicinity Chips. <harartTitirs wftke Past Week Carefully Called for the 100 cords <tf green wood* wanted at C. I. Leitch's. l)iviniou Court meets in Dundalk tm- iiiorrow (Friday). A well trained collie dot; is offered for S|ilcndnl farm doc, good fitr shaep and cattle. Apply at this oftii-e. The first meeting of the m-w coUTicil M- IH'.ll ill U ; held 1 the Town Hall "II Mniiiiu?, I'.ltH lint. 100 pieret <if sheet music juat nt- c.-ivfil at \\m. Ku-Iianlson ilru-.: turo. All the old and new favorite*. It wa* a stormy Jay mi Friday last anil antuiiuy null!, bnt iwverlhuleis a of youna liioplt! drove- u;> to Markdale to cnji.y the hufpitality of Mr. Iliil. The PariDKni Advocate ;iuuli*hed its a MlppllllltHlt til IIS .lull. IIUUllMT & iplt'lldlll p,.rtrut of the Hon. John Carlin^, of Agriculture. I. B. Luea.s, barrister, of the tirm Itishop A Luca, Owen S>.innl. n at the of \\ in. Lui-as Jk (.'".. in Markdale. Friday, and in Dundalk every The annual meeting! of East (irey \. rk-ultura! Soc-iety will be held on the _'lit int. , for the pur|H i,e of electing < 'Dicers fur the current year and (rauaact- 11 - uiht-r liusiueM. The annual ineetini; of the Liber*!- Ci'tiservative .\HSociatioii of S.nitn t!rey will !) held in the Town Hall. Uarhaii'. at nne o'clock on the afternoon of Jy, Jaiuary ll'th. 1811. Mr Henry Mathewwm lost a roll of bill* ni'Mr Flesherton one day last wi-ik containing fl"0. Mr .Jan. Holley fouiiii f it and returned it to the own. r The balance hvt not IM'IMI recovered I look liironuli C. J. Lrilrli '.IK will convince y.-u l>arjao.are l be li.-td. "The Taking oi Riyne Water" is the title of an mt.T.v-itiiri n-iiiiiii-n-i-iice pub- lished in the Montreal \Vitne a coii|iie of week* ". It was written by Mis Chrislena ltichard*m of thii place, and necur.'d A county pnz- in tho \Vitnuss omi|i<*tition. We intend to r^finxluce it shortly fur the U-in-tit of oi.r Haulers. A social was held in tho UiKMMiient of the Methodist church nn M.mnsy even- in;.' fur the benefit of tho Sunday school. V lar'e number were, present and enjoved clieinselven. The proceed-* smounted to uftccii dollars. The program was nuwtly .. r'-|>etitiii of pieces which had I at the anuivertary. Clif farniiTiL- community of this wnole tToiiiinion will learn with reivl that Mr. William Weld, fouii.K-r and editor of the Kariner's Advuaate, of London, Out., full into a water tank at hi* rvidi'ii. - e and was ui-o ..... 1, on Saturday. He wa* "i. in iu Kn^UnU in l>V-'i. and was a son nf Rev ..I. -icph Weld, M A. rector "f O'hrist church. Telitr<leii, Kent. He leave* a wife and ten children. Our reiuleni will be p!ea.wl to hear that D. >'. M.-ldrinn. son of Henrv NI -lilrum, and ex-assistnnt |H.Htiuaster of -.bis village, is iiow a full Hedged.' druy- He paHiI with iiaii.-rs at the recent examination of tni> Ontaiiu col- U-ne f I'liannacy at Toronto, where, he lias Wen studying with K. T. l!urxe, dru'^ist, Quten St. en^t, the Insl live yeurs, and stood first OIL tlxs. lint unions tin- new candidate*. ^> " cnngrfttulat* Mr. Meldrum on his woiuierful miccess. IIH he '4"t lin diploma on hr first at tempt. Church News. Mr. Jiilni Stalford oi-.-npied the pulpit of the I'.iiptint church on Sunday last. Mr Mi.-l>i(irmid. of B^ntinck, w.ill prc side on this circuit until a regular incuni- bont h;i In en secured. Fleshurtoii eemetery on Monday last. A funeral wnuon will be preached from the Methodist pulpit on Sunday next. A SOCM! tea and entertainment watt held in the Baptist church on Tuesday evening. Kepurt held over untd next week. 1, Neil McClean, hereby declare that die Htatenient that a buffalo n>lie had IH-IMI stoleii from my premises the inuht of my hall, Dec 17th, 1*'.K), by (iwr% Burk is false. Si^nod by NElLMoCLEAX. Mclntyre, Jan. 5th, 181. Presbyterian Church News. l!i v. McCall, of Proton, preached in the I'resl.yterum church Klusherton lasc Sunday and read the edict declaring ihu pulpit vacant. At the annual meeting of the Preshy- terian Salilmth school Mr. J. Black- burn was ru-elec-ied 8Uperintenileiit and Mr. (iilwon aiwistant. A unaniiiiouit voteof siin|iathy with Mr. Blackburn in his protracted illness wiw pawed and an earnest desire expressed that lie iiiny . n l>e restored to his usual health and vi^or. The annual voiiL'ri'viution meeting wa held on :M)ih ult. T! systi-m "t paying collections by envelope was fouiui satisfactory and abolished Dr. McKob'oie.P.H. D ,..f Rid^-ot. wn, will pleach on Sunday neit, and follow ini! Sunday. The members of tho Presbyteriim church will loam with n-uret that He^. T. J. pastor of Knox church, Shelbunie, is detuL Flsherton M. S- S. s * Year's Day w.x j. veiy p""r sample of weather to sprint; upon a'4 utfcriii^ 'luople for the, first day "f tliu year. It rauied steadily all il;ty ami blew great un. Him disagreeable state .if uttiairs iliil not, however, prevent the annual Method) si. .uimv.-i-.irv si-mcus mill Inn ft. >ni 1-,H4 held, imr dul it pre- vi nt it fi..ii. i t SUL-CC.SH. A bounti- ful tea was, as usval, served in the base- ment. 1'pstair* thorn wt>re only two motto* by way of decoration ( :.'d blnm .HIT" ami "A Happy New 1 Tli iiiildreii ac<|iiitti .1 themselves well, sumo nf tin.- piei- s inii-^ really excellent. Tin* Sunday school n in a il.iiiri-li.r^ Condition, there IH-III.; nviT 1.1K) mi tho r.ill, according to the secretary's report, with an :iv.-r.i_> ,.4'cnd.uirc of l:i.i. Thorn have been tiii deaths fr.mi tliu noli. HI! durinj; tho put year. Verses ciiinniitreil to memory during tliu yuar, girl* iW-HJ, boys w.i, total l'-',r.or,. in this number one U-r Ni.holas ' irahaw recited 1241. Tlicrt' are 440 book* in the lihraiy. Tho treasurer'* nUti'im-nt hoed the school to be in a healthy state liiiaiu-tallv. On this ncciiaimi thuru was something like Hfty Julian added to the funds. H(X!l! In Artemisia, on Suturda;-. .fan. 3, Mrs. Jane HOCK, ajjed 75 year*. pfcoft'cd was an old resident ot t' <* townslii] , :uid was a sifter nf Sir. .Mm VV'rijtht. Tl>'.> remains worn iutorred i'. Personals. Mr. Win. M Clark lias returned from Tin-out" tu reside in l4Mherlon. Tliu Advance in glad to welcome .Mr. Clark and, family .1111111.^ us once. IIHTC. Miss Slaek returned from her holiday trip on Saturday last. The public school opened on Monday. Mr. r':vd Lvitch occupied the pulpit of tin- Methodist church .Hi Sunday mum in-' .-xnil evening. Miss Luke, of Tui-oiito, was a guest .if Miss Edith Richardson during the dy. MIKS Kraniv. P..-ocnift rel.nriied from CollingWKiMi fur a visit to lii'V during the hohdiVH. Rev. Mr. T.itigu has IH-'IMI suffering M' 1 ; a severe cold during tliu post week and wan unable to attend to Ilia duties m Similay laht. Mr. "v Y.-inziint and family spent tliu holidays with frieiiu.s ill n.| near To- tylllo. Mr IV r.vaiis returned on Monday fri'in his visit t.i Michigan. Mr. \Vi'l Armstrong ami Mr. .John were visiting up the peninsula. Mr Armstrong combined busimiss with pleasure Joseph Smith, FLESH KKTON. |>etl-' tn <>xiir<>nliln thniiki to >iis ' i. lli'-ir M. Richardson, Reeve. The Result in. this and Surround- ing Municipalities. It is many a year since a more interest- ing municipul context wan eni(at;ed in in thin township than that which was brought tu a termination on Monday last. Four candidates for tho reeveship and a councillor to ! elected in three of the wards, wan bound to make things interest- im;. After the poll had closed, and up until a late hour of th evening, there wan a very lar^e crowd of people in the 8t.irs and hotel await nm full returns and diKcussins; the situation. It was not un til '.( o'clock that Pricevillo ward was heard from, ownm to llie wires not being in working order, ifter lieann^ from the other three ward- Mr. Richardson's friends felt certain of his election, and the full returns nave him a moat hand- gome majority all and more, than his friend* anticipated. The campaign, we believe, wat -fought wah an entire ab- sence of bitterness. Mr. (inland was placet! at a disadvantage- by some of his sued friends, and ill his ward the content was desperately keen. Notwith- standing thin h" came in a fairly good second. The Vote cast was a larye .me. larxer than that cant in any election for at least fifteen years past. Here are the figures for the reeveship : Richardson . ..................... 244 ............................... ISO WriKhi ............................... 177 M.-Arthur .......................... I"*) Richardson's majority over Uo.and is thus 54. By wards the vote stood thus : No. 1 .V,._' N.-:; No. 4 RichanUon 11 51 110 7-' UoUnd 10 91 2li til' \Vrmh i .' lo 101 ::i McArthur - ll':t ' 10 1?-; > "I Ml I. I.I IKS. The perviiel ..f Art i inen;. conn ii this year will b ; M. Riehaids. 'ii,r. evi ; \\.u.i N 1. Donald McMillan : Ward No.'.'. Tin,-. Kelts . Ward No. :!. W. Shai;i . Wanl N. . I, 'so. Thompson. TA-O of the old c ...... eiiloix. it will In- -. n, have been returned to initiate tin- new men in tin- mysteries of toiihlnp matters. Of OOBTM thk WM not m sary, but it wa thought tin; new i^hl In- .-loinewlial rusty from ilicir lona residence ..n land In \\ard No. 1 the contest i.i-twi'en Mr. .Miarand Mr. Mc- Millan was very clone, its they are Loth popular Mr Muir would have maili- ^111 excellent councilman, and Mr. Me.Millan will make an excellent olio. Followini; is the result of tlie vote for councillors : \v Mill No. 1 McMillan ............................. '>: Muir ................................. ^ Majority for McMillan .............. 11 W.VHII NO. t Kells ................................ '4 (irahaiu ........................... ' '> Majority for Kells .................... I'.' WAiill .NO. 4 Thompson ........................ 108 McKee ........................ 7-' Majority for Thiuiipsnii KV 'niis KNrwherr. OM'UKV. Reeve- Thos. C.amey ........... :>!'!) J. R. Sinn Wm. Clay ton, Boot and Shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, fcc. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade hoots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. I THE POPULAR | PEARL STOVES. A* c 3= CALL AT o And see the $12.0O Cook Stove, 17.00 with Furniture. dn \ivi! tt-J*. ' if lii in ill ill.. |iii-t anil would C:l hit.' ' iy/ f tile fCt tll.ll III' IK Il.T't Ullll uti'l ri.i iv/fo till n't >r.l.'iH \virli |n.'ni|'t n. -. slid fci'if Mif '* ntlftf%4itlnn i-vorv tiin. Ami I.. K> . i *< ,lhe l>"^t -.t.-. X in th. inui K-'t. ft-i'l Uni. '-\ ;"H iellv t" li'i -on-- lie IIRM w..n for " inv.iiy tlii 1 lift liiii-nuK"! ^ in f K*.lis' Mirl Ri'litn' Hewi-d worK n , Flesljerton. , Maj nity for (janu-y ............. 247 KO||OWIII is the vote for councillors. the lirst three IHJIII^ elected : \V . Moimt-h>ui .................... 2'' .J,,s. Tn.yU-1- ..................... ...'-'7"> .lo.s. Brown ....................... -'!' joim Sp.-.-is ......................... -':; Thus. Hiiwt.on ....................... U. 1 * .Ins. Sl.uaun ...................... lUi It wii! In- ..euthai Mr. Hfown is tho only in iv nmii in tins O.sprcy Council for tins year. Thi:. is Mr. (ianiey's iJOth yi-.ii as reeve aud Ml ill the OnUfMtL VMBMMi K,.ne Oilray. First deputy \\" Stiiiirl Se,-i HI! K-piiTV A- I'ultcr.-e.m. C.iiio. -.'ni'-n Klliott and J. M. D.IVIH. \\e ;iave n\. -ived. t,hruo reports from Kiipluasnt, two of which uivu Sijiin* Stewart the tintt. depntysliivk Tim thud snys Mr. Kawoott i oli-ctml. Wuarun- al.h- to learn which u MAKKMAI.K. W. .1. MeKilainl, reeve. Councillors A. l'lewe, J. Lyoin.. 5*. Hill, \\m. Brown. Mr. liiiinia, reeve, majority -. Cour- IVvtoii, M..-K:iddcii, t.'. Sjllivan. II. '1.1 \NI). Mr. Norton, nine. Shut.', deputy rwve. C,,uncul..rH HauipJen, Willis- croft, k'ostur. I'KOToX. RI-IVI- K'-:"r-> , l>op. Ileovc V t v Councillors McArdle, CurlM-tt, B! - Thos. WyviH, Su-ain'u block, him Flour and Feed always on han.k Apples at !M) cent* per bai;. rolled "heat No. I. rolled oats and L 'rH!im Hour and ImeM. firm niidlinu, eonffctionary. \Villwll rheap and ui- reniiiinili^ in !''leshertoii. You will lin.l me here :it .'ill hours. iiL'ht or day. I also intend ^um-aiumii'j'X tuy ><u. 1 lo'ilcr M ur at V - EXECUTOR S NOTICE. IN ilia matter of MM osta'aof .inui ^)' late .'( till' t.i-<l>-tli|' M| O"|'l' > in tliu. uf <irey, tariiior. .IIM-M-IK! Thi-. ..IIIIIM- Sjn-D'ilc. latr ill tlii t.'Wlo.ll.|l .'I I >l>lt - ... nil i.t-iern llnviii,; rliiiiu- iit4niliHt 1u OI B - hiiifliv notinii.l lo svllil by II.'-T iiio;-io i. otberwiMi <lt!ii\'m tu Uie uu.l.t. .. ... . ii tiltt mtate aud effuots f t with Joslah OaifSc) :i( In* :u-i I. > . or bafan> Ml* Mh <!*> of .Im. .m IHII. t! . .llMM.UB 'lllil SIIIUItlllHI.. '1 1 II. - lUll ti.'ll. r..l. 1 k. I )>H, tluullUs of Lh.'l. linn .11 -I.. 1 ill of I'll Ir.i.-L, uti.l |i., f I *..'.'IJ : Kil'^ . tf nvl. Ill-Ill '.IV tin III .010 ;.| -I.' (Mill til. M . ..i mill! Jiilh.lHv "I .IHIIUVI-V i'.. . M S|iroiilt , .l.-i-uUTil. >\..' n . Tilt' I'ltrt '. .'Mt'll. ' . to I-UHOH <'f V*IMI ., .illuo. li.-i IH-II.L' .;i\t>-. Ull.lui tiU- |'i Oin.irj... , hr , . t .,i,1 IK i.r (In. KI. Jl tUKIlV pl'l^oll i.I . 'I IM . IftlM. .hull ii"l mi . . . ...i fin . I li> loin ( tho t'l.n.. uf li.str:: . ..inu. .ti-s; Mi tlAM; N Maxwell f. ii. ii!! yu for VIHIT ^ months u*t.>Bi. slid hoping yon will call and sue me <uirs tru'y, Thos. FLE6HERTON, Durham Bull for Service. Oct. 18, i Tenders Wanted. T.'H 'or wil! In- voci>i v ' '-I..*'i . t > J".'um) '"' '>. -.iipp ill ft't-'Oorl of trorli 'V.'ml. 1 '. -li .mil . forlFleiiliorton wliuul. \\ . ov, , .In ing lh winti-r anil t. In J xili' fi>. t U-aii .UK I, iw. r-l ... , HOP.-,.! ' . ijft i .Mil A T \ H. 1 .!. Lilly lt,t-ll.. liv . ... M -.1 i I.. IK.. II The mi'lnmi ;n,. I ii^^ A mAnninrmit vonnp ' I'hTtiiaai^'ii .r.'V.^i". m*. .V. ' tbornttiihbrwl, pvtiRTvwd. Durham Hull, "Or*- *.... farm*. m......... i (...' \Vlilt.sinokl,i. for oertlm t l..t I.M. -.'ml ''"""' ' '' '- ''-' i. .is U.K. F". -lrui, < t,, n... pro- .I;,',.,",'" l' k "',',, ,';', ,i '.'. [ii |. -t. n J ( MUM* ....I HOI.II>. , ...i ,., . . , . II - < . \ ! I I .%. UUK >V". \ $3000: ifsuily Tie**. ..... I vl , - I ..,.- Ml. N I \.