HE KLESHER10N ADVANCE. Almost Daily, Large Consignments of Fancy & Staple Goods, SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Just Receiviug, PJ.l'SII ASn I. EITHER GOOD* Of ALL DESCBIPTIO.18, i'Eltl-'I'MES. TOILETOOODS, L.I I HE*' .1 M> < I V ; - s />/;/YvS- j\ i- 1>> s. ii.i.v/rrifrv.s. H /;/r/.v*v />/%>/ v. *. i /f:v \ /.is <'JK/. BOOKLETS. BOOKS. BIBLE*, POETS, m\ /{>.*> TOTS OF ALL KtXUS, K\GI.\E* I II I T Kl'X TIIE.VSEl.l ' v I \/> SAl'CEKS, r.l.S/V.S. .1 m-i/jlitr lin< . BET Q I I D CT And 3ys th- MTHKAL SHIP Q O U It Ll in Full Sail en the way: and the largest Stock of Xm:s 3::is ev:r shown in Flesherton. I Auto and Photo, - ALL KI\I)S WM. RICHARDSON. Vicinity Chips. of the Past <. k Carefully Culled for the Curious. Christmas one week from to-Jay. Mr*. J. \V. Armstrong u vuittii* her daughter in Toronto YOB know when, bat mar not fei *atineJ wbeT to get your ordered clothing. Just try C. J. Lnteh in bit new department. Flesherton public sch.ol clus Christmas h. iidayt to-mom>w. > for the Mr and Mrs Root Fawcett left lut week to sj-euel the winter with thvir son- iii Jaw in Detroit. Entrance examinations will be held in Flesherton ud Kimberley on Moudav, Tuesday and Wednesday of neit week. There waa no mail from Owen Sour.d c.n Tuesday morning wing to the mail carrier of that enterprising burg over- sleeping himaelf. Parties having doa akina to dispose of, <>r those desiring akina manufactured in- to uuu. would do well to call ou Wm. llarnhouae, Kleshertou. There haa beeu more business dnne in Klesherton during the yat two week* than in any two week* for many yean. A good market haa much in do with U. The rooming train from Owen Sound wan delayed *i>vral hours on Saturday, owing to a denlment near Berkeley \ vreat damage waa done, and no one iu- jurvd. R. J. Sj>roule, EM ., haa been ap- j- uited ai{ent for the trand Trunk rail- way at Fleaherton. The annouucvmeut f holiday fare* will be found in another column. I. B. Lucas, barrister, of the firm Bishop it Lucan, Owen Sound, is at the i.ftice i Win Lucas A Co., in Markdale, every Friday, and in Duudalk every Saturday. Dickena' complete work*, twelve "ol- timea, when taken with The Advance, for only 75 cents. Emin^h reading aiatier to lat you a year. Order early aa they are going, goinx. The annual cheese meeting ot Flesher- tou cheese factory patrons waa held in the Town H.ill on Saturday last. A re- l-ort will be furnished by the secretary in time f.T neit week's Advance. The IWUm World s.tv the number of tleatht which have occurred in that . village during the last two months have Wen iilmost unprecedented in history. We always understood tnat Keetou was a healthy place to stay away from. Misa Ford, teacher of the Meaford Road public schixil, will have an enter- tainment in her chool h.>ust> '.] Tuesday, next, IVc. S3. There will be a cantata, club swinging, etc. Miss Ford always provides a first cUsa entertainiurnt. llo and enj"T yourself. The new SC)HH>| house in No. 4 section will be opened on KruUy evening (to- morrow) l>y an entertainment of an ev i-ellent character. Mr R. Wright, the enervetic yount: teacher, is putting forth hit beat efforts to make the iftiiir a "howling" success. Aduiiasion 25 and .15 cent*. Bill* are out f.-r the K>th of Fleaheiton Preabvterian vunday S.-ho<>l, to be held on the evening of L>ec. 25(Ohris(ma*evenuik!V A splendid program is bemt arranged, (iood music aa*ure<l. Adnnwion 'Jo and 16 cents. Tea serv.nl in the basement tV>m 4 t 7 m. Program to commence at ~.'M Miaa Doiuddson. teacher at Fleaherton sUtK>n, mill close her avhool for thu year by giving an entertainment in the school houno to-morrow (Friday) evn ing. The entettaiument will consist of reading*, recitations and muaic. A hrt cta*a chairman ha* Seen vngaced for tb occasion. Admisaino 15 cents, entertain it t<> commence M 7 o'clock p.iw. Rev. W. F WadJuil is published over the | r i:n..-e a* a temperauce Fraud. He did sxoie shady wi>rk down around Inii- tioge. If the (uple. let' -re entruatinz their money b> him. had applied t us for inforniatin we could have eawily persuaded them that it was aafect t han< on to their money. There are more charters than theirs which will never be forthcoming. He should be jjiled. The Advance had a call on Wednesday, of but week. triM Mr. J. C. liruudy. of the nnn Uruudy Bros. , stuve oiauwfac- tarea, Kincardine. H* informed oa that his hrui are disposing uf a Urge number of stove* m this section, and that their business is extending very fast, now averaging half a hundred storoa per week. Mr. Uruudy, while here, made special arnuutomenta witii Mr. F. ii. Karetedt to sell hia goods aa a special hue. The ttovea are gnod one*, and we feel nafe in reconimetiduu them. Call and inspect at Mr. Karstedt'a. Church News. Rev. Mr. Erne*' resignation waa he*rd at the meeting of Presbytery m Oran^e- ville last Tueoday. and accepted, to take effect on the 1st Jan. uext. Rev. Mr M >'..ll of Proton Station haa been ap- pointed moderator. Rev. Mr. Ernea will address the Sun day school children of the Presbyterian church here, and preach hi* Krewell ser- moo on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Tnge exchanged pulpit* with Rev. Mr. Euies on Sunday evening The only DM- reliant lailorlus rstnblishral in town is at cor. CM liu.-w.ioii aod Ptier St., oppoait* Medical dL It was False. An it(B apiwared ia the Toronto Mail of a couple of weeks ago, which no doubt many of our reader* noticed, stating that a seizure had been made upon the jewelry stock of Mr. J U. Kussell We have taken th pain* to enquire into the matter and find there was no truth in it. Mr. Russell's stock was not seized, aod what is more our old friend J. U. is .loin.: a most excellent business in Parkhill and u IB no way likely to come to grief. The Advance is happy to itive ita readers this information. AS many expreaaious f sympathy were made when the itent re- ferred to waa noticed. Ospiey Matters. The Advance had a pleasant call from Mr. Tho. Scott, the popular clerk of O;>rfy township, on Tueadiy last. Mr Scit* informs us that the old councillors will a!l agaiu be m the field this vear.and other uame spoken of aa possible candi- dates are : Thoo. Haughton.John Hud- sou, An^us Cameron, J. D. Christie and Joe, Brown. Th township of Oaprer wa* incorporated in the year ISJi, and never a year has paa*d without an elec tioii. The sturdy yeoiuaory of that townhip do not believe in your acclauia- ti"n eleciiiiiia. Since iiKvrporation Mr. Thoa, ii.tmey has bwen reeve of the 'own- ship for i.".' years, and next year will he> hia 3l>th. for h is sure to secure it, and probably without opposition. TJiis is a reiuarkaule recorvl, but Mr. Gamey is a man wh.. holds the strictest confidence of the electorate, and is well deserving of it. A Favorite Paper. The publishers of Youth's Companion have issued a beautiful calender for 1891. unitjurt and convenient, which contains also the a-in >ui<ceintiita for next year. Among the new nainea which will grace this UKHlel VOUIIL f 'Iks' weekly (taper are (tie Lord I'hief Justice of England- Col- ft. H .'ii. Seth Low, the venerable HDiiibal Hauilin, Caaule Ftammarton, Sir Norman lnvkyer, Gen. O O. How- ' ard. Rev. Lyman AbU<tt, Jules Verne. MAX OKell.' Julia Ward Howe. Walter Keaant, Ben*n J. Loaaing, the eminent historian, and Carl Lumholti. Truly a host of name in tliemwlTea, suflkient to wnrrunt lh lucceaa of a paper Five ern\l stories are promiaed, bv Molly K. Seawall, Rebf-v* Harding tMvm, Julie M Lippinsn. H H. Boyeeon and Klita- beth W BeiUiny. A popular seriu* on the latent discovrries in acience will treat of the start, the sun, the moon, the earth, the iK-esiD, and the (Julf Stream Tiirre will he another popular K*hea on miwic by Mine Albani, Emma Juch, Me. Nrdica, Mane Van Zandt, and Emma Nevada, while Amelia E Barr, Mary A LiTenuore, Jenny June and Marv Harland will tell what a jrirl of siiteec can do when thr>wn on her uwn resour- ces. Full prospectus and specimen copies sent free on application. New subscriber* who send |1.75 now sill re- vive the paper tu January 1. 1891, and a full year rival that dale. Literary Note*. The American uia/azine* have come to he rsovmzvd the w.jrld ..ver aa the beet illuatratrd anil m-t ably conducted : iu fact, it is aaid that lanter editions are sold in Kutdand uf at least two uf uor magazines than uf any uf the monthlies This condition haa resulted triu the fact that the Amen.\ui magazine* he:Ute at no expense., either f- >r the purchase f manuscript or illua- tration. f-jti OU) ha* been paid by one uiK.'azine fr a tingle series. Millions are invested in the business, aod they can well aff. .id t... pay any price for an article of uuusua! interest. Probably no sin.'Ie cauar is having tuch an eftwct in the education ..f both old and yowBf Aicenca a* these magazines. They are ;--uetrti!!j into every household. Their bvautiful riiraviu:i serve aa instructors even ti> those unable or too busy to read. The most popular authors recognue that they can obtain otore m.<ney from the magazine^ than by pablttbma in book r rui. In proportion to bound volume*, the magazine k-ives as four to one. Take for instance the Coamopilitan, which contains annually 1536 pa<e* by the lead ina writers > f tbe world, aiid more than 1'JOO illustration* by clever artuta. That would make foar volumes of nearly 400 paKea each, yet it i furnished to the subscriber at only 12.40 a year. The four bound volumes which it would make w. uld be worth on the book stands not less than f!2 00. It seems impossi- ble that so much should be furnished for s little, and it is only when the num- ber reaches 100,000 or upward* that tuch wrk can be turned out at a profit t the publisher. Formerly it wat con- sidered impossible to place tuch a maga- zine before the public for less than (4 00 per annum, and the prediction* were numerous, when the price of the Cosmo- politan wat tiled at $2 40. that it would DM impossible for it to survive at such a ti ;ure. The publisher believed that a first-class magazine at the low price of fcj. 40 w.. old be quickly appreciated wy the puMic. Hi* expectations have been more than fulfilled, and the December issue of the Cosmopolitan reached the 100.000 mark. With a view to the introduction of the Cosmopolitan to the reader* of thia journal, we propose to do even better than the very low price of the magance. To those who have never been aubscnb- er* to tbe Cosmopolitan, we will furnish The Advance and that magazine at for the two. "Go tnowshoeiiig *" Yet, my dame, why not ? rrov.Jed tin heavens be propitious and furn.*h the (new, and there is everv prapect of plentr this winter. nWiwiliiulim is a* easy as IiJtu; down hill. alter yoa know how. acJ yon wiil know how. azi bow to f.-rto a club, sad what w wear, anil all about it. aitor realujglb* breezy article on "SDOwshoeing" in Demo- real's Family Magazine (or January . and if voa don't become rathasiasuc about th abject, we are mistaken. Or if your taste* are artutio rather ttisn atbl<4i. yon fill W delight*! with tho excellent paper on Modeling for Sculpture." witn its naoitrooa and beaatiiul iUostrttiocu. itoluuw^ a super* fall-page Bortrait of ih* enimeDl Aoterieau sculptor Hartley ; and if yoe have oevvr wiod*ld in clay, the soggeatioci lor amatnrs* and txyiucers will t* 01 frrat tMistance. 'Safe Maidena ot Cornell I'ni- vtrsity" is another h*oJ.>mo illostrsted article, written by on* of thn. telhu, >'f tome 01 the trials air1 may of th* pleasures o( UM> U(e ot a "co-ed" at that n.-tei trat of learning : the illustrated Chinese story is particularly interesting : the other < lories r* all gond ; the Sanitarian" hits *ea*oti- able article* about th -Kdects of Cold." and how to tako sill, foot. sn4 other baths, ' <r remeiHeJ parpoees : "Chat" and "Tlie World's I'rog^r**" ar specially sttractive : tod all th other departments are brimful e: ^ ^.1 tb'ngs. Indeed, ti>r beauty, rariiy and rompletraeaa. Demorest's Kamily Mags- line matt b* awarded the palm of lupenorilj M Ike Familv Magazine, and should be in every honMfeoid. Publubed by W. Jo rnngs IVuiorsst. 13 East 14th ttrwt, New Tori. WHITE At Mar. Brae* Co.. on Tnorl.v. D<K- *. after s tbort UlnsM, Katoatio* ' MM, OAUDIX-At Pwt Vsshinctoa. L. I . on TuUy. Dec. 1 the wif.of H V lisudin. ,! * \V W. lUanchard waa iunsed at Sher- r-r.iv.ke. Ijue. Friday for the shooting of Char lee A. Calkiua about a year *jo. THE MARKETS. FLESHKUTON. Corrrrrnl A\ir)t WVe-Jk VU>ur Kill Wh.t 8i-riug Wheat Harlry Hinttr r,fr PoUtos r.-rt Hv ivr tOB Hi.!** Bhseaskliu Tutt*y* .. Chik<n> |>*r pair Duoki i-or |u . t40 to } to w w s* * e) U B 13 IT IT a> to 5 IK t V (00 w w IN M f It el OBJ Wm. Clay ton, Boot and Shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, &c. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade boots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. TO THE RATEPAYERS I Hotice to Creditors. Of the Tewasbip of Art OB taw ant If oaday IB January you wilt be hw w ably Ulsd ewrtaf tae feat Ms ssaitleatss mj ewa aaste ass SSMS orsslr ossd. I ham bese. nBsatsdly atzwi bjr SIT (me* t publKly aauooass m j tetsiirtaa oi In Ike mat trr of tke rt*le of lluuraai 4.crt^ Brr**, lair of ih- township ( Osprry In tke? rounty nl . rt- . d^. -ard. OTICB IS RKKKBT GIYMt THAT ALL so I will may b* eoasid- __r I ban bea for tb* law* itt >san a mesa bar of tbe Council rxpna*atla Wart N. I 1 bar, ssrvtl Ihrse >an Jcpaty r*rt. at the pi", i ot lay eolleatBss ia eooscil Tb* ipn lass I ban (auted doria the etjcbt >ear* of say msaieipal servic* ahosJJ b* of sosae besMtl . . . .'.. I i.-- V C.T- 4. 4 . . aictpal oswasr STbeBges TOO and will la sosss to^3i.of styataeestK fans aa estimate of sty UM Jtj*s devoivis* oa s tNssttiatsaaly ist lisa. SBtBtf i taa the Ili of tb seeavtty K sayi nskfay tfcsstiiii iitivw atHlitv to pe HewaTswaVB ssm 40 y -. v ; . tewwsnif. I eta osaaVttanaUy apptal to an nttparsrs tor luppust. srstaisic to work ia th r.iur. u I h svtrcai to eo IB th psM. to* la* bee* istsrasa at ttv* wwvsaip. aad j to tbe ( of my ability. witaoin tsar or tavcr. AppealiBf to aUtor yowr FritnUU. Dw. 1Mb. HMl J. McAKTHVkV To the Electors mesia. of Arte- Ladiet and Gtnt I I have contented to accept the nomi- nation for the reeveship o Artemeaia. and am m the field at a candidate for your suffrage*. I wa* elected deputv reeve two yean successively before the ward tysten was adopted, and since that time have not been a candidate for mu- nicipal office. Believing that I can serve the municipality of which I have been Ion.; a resident. tt th>* important junc- ture. I respectfully solicit yur voioe at tin) commit municipeJ election. M. RICHARDSON ot tas ittats ot tho said leas Dotes* nsia HcroB.oa or bsstts tax Ua day of January^ D IBM. ksdsoK*heraey (irae that afMr tb saidUtaeajr ot Jaasarv. 1.1X. MM Wuliam ta tsid sdtaiaiMrator. wUl *w*sil tu ets the assets ot taw saM laws Doaeaa .. said an4 tea* be wtll sot be babUfar tbe sot aae bssa *>va. sad r-n ftiiasal to tae aWvtoed of Oatario MK. easaasr Us. *esstoa DM si Toronto It*. Xh day of Dwwintwr MILLtm a PUSCAS eUsMsn (or WUliaai Bsrea. FARMERS! 100k! T.BLAKELY, To the Municipal Electors OfWarti NO Towiukip of L*i*t and 1 beg moe< mpectfully to state, that at the rw}iMSt oi cacier >us electors I have Je cided to be s oandidale for Us oflse of Councillor for you ward far the year 1M)1 Should 1 hav* oppoatiua I kindlj solicit your vote and mfluene* at the corniaf election. Your obedient isrvant, THcW. KELLS. DecJSJin To the Ratepayers of Arte- me^ia. Flesherton, Sell* the best fanning implements man a- factured. including BrmtM L^kt &W Barter tnd Jfvtnr. Jft AnkV6sarW Drill <W Tfu fTtttrtw PltmewMf T&rsaisr*. The cool qualities of these iaplentntt are tafieieatiy knowa wow to tpeal for thetastlvM. without aay extra words fro-i me. Aay body reuairag iaupkaienu in this Un would do well W ezMuae mine it ac4 alrsadv aeqnainted with tb. m. Call oa BM and I will b bappy to exhibit tae goes* qualities, of these T. A. Hi. IK I:M , I Usl< rion. Allow BM> to say that I ttt a caixliJate for :be rsevvahip of .Vrtezoesia'fcr the yar IS91 My past municipal record, manioc ov%r SOBW* nine or tra xean. u tu* beat guarantee I oai> give voa that vour interest wul bn safe in my hands, should you see nt to elect me, lou Tots and interest rea^eetfuLv solicited. Tours truly . TUOKP WR1C.HT. AUCTION SALE or- To the Ratepayers of Arte- mesia. Lo-ltts. and I wish t intimate that I Mi hi tb* fieai for It* rsevsahip of ArtetBesia against a!! comers. Your vote and influence are re- spectfully requested. .'OILS BOLAM\ Christinas II O New Yew Valuable Farm Lands r>- The Township of Osprey I* adr an J by virtue of tbe po wv of *al ia a cvrt&ia uonieaftt from 8a*MM4 Coaooe to th n,>r wbicb wil! be prwJiKv *: -.;ui of ial aadostdsfaalt bstatatadein .t.invni of tb< moay*ibnt>vweard.tasni!l W Ivr sale by public sstllia b) BOTKL. re TW VIUJUB or FLasBwaifi. . x TW liNh t>av or DBcK^ma*. ..<*.. o ,. u o'clecs P.- fv>k>wa prosvrt) u*i.-l Tbo saM ball of lot aaaibsrthre* In ;h ninth con I usia ot tae said towwsbtp . .' ing W sxrtt mvr or Vesa, abo wid to tw ol4rt an-J esltivsi ,. S^T "l?* > Vx bo^ ba, -. . . stable, alao aa orcbard. TwBta 10 per cnv at time ot . u .< r -w tb* b*Jsjtste<iu*wUlbKbwal.aDl , . koowa at time of sal*. For further panicalart apply *> W. J. BeUamy. Bq , OK Tv.> Moss, Barwick & Fmuks. , I DsteJ th day of Dmatbw M\ . >i.j//t fiirt It.kftn to all f M> tut* om Dec. 24th & 25th Oooxt tw ntnrw until DKC. trUSMO.anJ oa !>. :;i-t Jt .i:*i\. IMI Qoodtoretsra WBtH Jannarr 2nd. I*! Far* and <>n third * Dseouibet Htb to )\n 1st. Good for retsn BBtU Jan Mh. ISBI Far 1. 1 (\.rftMlio n ajr*) Ii. k.-l. M K. J. STRAYED. Btraved fvoui the preu - n !o*.coa T. K. 4 1 year heUsrs au.l . N.1!. .: better whK-h ba fonustJoa a> to tbair wbt . 1 b< taaakfally r*Mivsd. Knabsrley. MOT , lew Durham Bull for f er?lce. K Th * "J*"'*g'*j** "tfiB<^Bt *own ihorowabnd. psiltassil. Doraaat HaM. *e , WbivTf^^tTl&^sivtsVar lotui. tJl < M tDJt rwrtsnt..s..,s4-ilY v tb. pT !>"'' J C Ots3lV \ ^ ' * Usabettsa r O-