1'HE KLESHERIUN ADVANCE. Just Almost eceiving, Daily, Large Consignments of Fancy & Staple Goods, SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, OK i'H'Sll -I.V/> LKATIIEK GOODS Ol- ALL I'EItt'l'MES, TOILET UOOItS. L. Hi IKS' .I.V/J f,'/-:vr.S DRKSS- i\c r.i.s/ s. M .i.virr 'i; /:. ti IUTIM: in-:si\s, f/.n/^s. xx.ts 4'ARHS, BOOKLETS. BOOKS. B/BLKS. I'OETS. r<iY BOOKS Tor.S Or ALL K/.VO.S, EVOLVES 111. IT Kl \ TilKHSELl'ES. CL'PS A VI* SJ.l't'KK.'i, yASES,(AveryjiiieliHt.) BE SURE And See the MUSICAL SHIP in Full Sail on the wave and the largest Stcck of Xmas Goods ever shown in Flesherton. Auto and Photo, ALL kl\lh WM. RICHARDSON. Vicinity Chips. 4 h:ira i. n>i ir> of Hit- Past Week Carefully fulled for th Curious. liiss Belle Chnstoe was a visitor with frtends at Oweu Sound last week. Mr. Robt. Wright has secured an en- ageoieut as teacher iu the Brougham, tint, county, school. We notice that Mr. S. Damude was a caller at The Streeta-ille Review sanc- tum one day last week. Beautiful weather during the past week, and fair sleighing, have rendered business good. Mr. Wm. Richardson has. we firmly believe, the tiiiMt selection of Chriatmas cards in the County of Grey. Just fo uU take a peep at them. You know where, but ma not fwl satutied wbeii tu gut your ordered clothing. Just try C. J. Leiteh in his new department. The beat and cheapest liae of family Bibles we hav ever seen may be pur- chased at Win. Uichardsoi* a. A larjte stuck of theae and pocket i.blea oil hai.d. Two weeks from to-day will ho Christ - maa. Remember the poor printer at this joyous season ye who are in arrears, and pay up. The only mrrehant tailorluc rslltbli.shliirilt i" wn 11 at c.w. C'ol Imgwood and Peter a., opposite Medical | Mills, president of Out. Ag'l oollega ; N. Awrey, M. r. P., Prof. J. Hoyea Pauton. D. E. Smith, of St. Catharines, and A. Pettit, of Grimsby. There may be some change in the list of speakers, but the above are expected to be present at one or both of thesx meetings. Christinas Pudding should be made with fine fresh fruits such an Richardstn A Co. are offeriug. Raisins one dollar per box. Wanted. Soft elm stave bolts, from 11.76 to f!. 25 per cord. '8. Damude. Mr F. \V F Tottenham lauded his sawmill machinery at Flesherton station on Monday. It will be a source of grati- fication to the stationites to have the cdd gristmill piping up a^ain and a sawmill added. Mr. Tottenham is a young man of enterprise and enemy, and The Ad- vance wishes him success iu his under- taking. Overcoat*. The cold st-ap reduced the pile* of overcoats at Hichardson A Co's., but the stock is still assorted, and from this date customers will tiud terms and prices to mw.-t their views. Wanted, 2<X)oorda of wnod and 25,000 feet of lurader at Wilson's now planing mills. Dickens' complete works, twelve ol- umes, when taken with the Advance, for otily 75 cent*. Enauuh readme matter to la-t you a year. Order early as they are going, going. Mr. P. H.'lman is agent if Flesherton f.ir The daily and weekly Vail. Parties desiring to subscribe for the publication* c.in save pstag and trouble, Jby handing their subacriptons to Mr. Huliuau. I. IV Lucas, barrister, of the firm Bishop A Lucan, Oweu Sound, is at the office of Wm. Lucas Jt Co., in Markdale. every Friday, and in Duudalk ever>' Saturday. After the "Shoddys." From the (*.S. Tunes report of County Council wo clip the following : Mr Irwin, Snd Deputy Reeve of C'olhngwood, asked leave to iiitplui-e By-law No. 409 to amend by law No. 'Ml, s*> as to 111- I crease the license fee tu pedlars from $Tx. to !?100. By-law received its first and second rca.liius. I: seems thst the "shoddy" pedlar U still at larye, carrying on his nefarious calling, and Mr. Irwin would like to "nip him in .lie bui." Trades and Occupation. Tho Youth's Companion for 1891 wil give au instructive and helpful series ol papers, each of which describes the character of some leading trade for boys or occupation for g'rls. Tney give in- formation a) to the apprenticeship re- quired to learn each, the wages to bo ex pected, the Dualities needed in order t enter, and the prospects of success. f< uew subscribers who send $1.75 at ottoo the paper Mill be sent freo to Jan 1, IS'JL, and for a full year from that date. Addrens. The Youth's CompaiMen, Bos- ton. Maw. Gift books for the holidays. A large tock ou hand at Wu> RichaixlsOH's. Cha|Hiess is no name fur some of the lined he has on hand. A resolution was carried at the County Council la-st week by a vote of >'.> to 25, reconiuiendinvt the ratablishment ot e> county poorhoiue. Action will be takM tne matter at the January session. A can-salmon and oyster festival will be held at the Buckingham ap|>intmcnt, near Fevershain. on Thursday #ec. 1& A tt<>od time. Usual prices. Our corres^Hindenla will oliluje by send in* in their communications ~u early as poesible next week, s municipal printing will so occupy our minds that corres- pondence which eomjs in late may have to lay over. Qroy Flannel*. A job lot at 10. 12. 15 and 20 cents per yd. Extra value nt Richard*. n A Co's. The Advance paiH its taxes on Satur- day last like a littltt man, and at the same time learned a little about the variation of teni-s in Mr. Wright's divis- ion. It is interesting to learn that the lartrcMt amount of taxes paid by one man is 4106.8Q, -while the smallest amount is 15 cents. 'Mr. Wriuht informed us that the money is coniin ; in "fairly well." The new 3d cent tea introduced last week by Richardson & Cn. U in demand. Have you had a sample ? Mr. J. I. t.'raKam has kindly furnished us with the following dates of Fanners' luatitute meetings. Thorubury, on the Vth Jan. Markdale, ou Jan. 13th. Vpeakert at theae meeting* will be J. Fall as a Baloon. A tall individual living near the station kicked up tiuite a racket out there the other ni^ht. Me got full as a baloon am showed tight in McTnnise's hutel ai talked bad. Ch.rk-y, the bar ten-ler (about ha): l>c warrior's size, ur loss stood it as long as ho could and then pu up his sails and navigated right throng) tin) big fellow, leaving him with two blackened port holes and scuttling liin coniplvttfly The bi7 fellow theu wen out-and expliHlod hia vengauce un tin IKW r, inottVimvi- niJrwalk railing be I wwn the hotel a:ul railway. He after wards came ba.-k and fixed the railing Hnd had tho ile;.ic tlile iiieannvu to h.iii Chai 'ley up for assault. A public sub- scription s'.iould have been takeu up rximbiirae Charley for any losses he was :<ut t<>. Why will mull make such blamei fools of themselves, anyway i But e\ cue us ; they are not men, only travesty on the name. Farmers, Look. Get your new sleigh* or repairing don at Wilson's. Flesherton, in exchange f<> wood or lumber. Pigs. Mr. Jaa. Best, lot 177, con. 1, we T. & S. 1! . Arteuiesia, hat a tin thoroughbred Knglish Yorkshire pig fo service on his premises. Mr. Jonathan Hickiin?. lot 39, eon. > Artemeoia. is the proprietor of a tin Suffolk hoar which he olfera for servie*. Mr. Jos. Fenwick, lot 2,">, con. 7, ArU mesia, hat a intgnitu-ent Berkshire pig. Farmers interested shouM take oute. One of the Sights. Visitors to Montreal tiud the printin <>stahlish<nent of the Family Hvarld am Weekly Star to be one of the moat in terraiin^ sights of the town. On publ ca'iu^ dav*, Tueailays and Say! Bay tho . irl- iin.l Boys a li.tii'Ni i^li " the rii-lnTioii furniture Ware. room-. .7 III 1.3.5 li- tS 2-r =i IS J day IOHL' there is the hum of the gi- auuc Ittjhtniu^ p rouses turning out umptate copies of the Family Herald ud Weekly Star at tho rate of twenty- wo thousand copies au boor, printed, at and folded by automatic machinery, without being touched by band. Then lere is an army of men and wouieu peratiug the machines tliat put on the addrvss labels, following which they are urned over to gangs '' uiailors preparing be papers for the delivery to the post (See by mammoth expresses. One of lie busiest places in this country is the rhce of the Family Herald and Weekly iur, Montreal. The Council of 91. We have now something definite with regard to municipal politics. The mil uicipal thermometer took a jump of about 99 degrees during the past week. D other words it awoke from a slumber ng condition to a prize tighter attitude. ''or reeve it U definitely announced that if. Richardson and J. Bolaiid are in the ield, with s prospect that Mr. J. Me- \rtliur will also take a spurt in the race. Tor councillors for No. '- ward there are several names mentioned. Mr. Thoa, illioit, Mr. Jaa. Brodie and Mr. Thos. veils. It will be an interesting compe- ituni iu that ward. In wards Nos. 3 and 4 the present oouncilmen will prob- ably be elected. With regard to who will till the shoos at present worn by Mr. HcArthur there is nothing definite as yet. lust as we go to pr-w we learn that Mr. Thorp Wriitht has about decided to enter the contest fur the reeveahip once, more. The ttojr Wright. Mr. J. P. Griffiths, inspector for Dr. ttaruaido 9 home, arrived in Flesherton [roni Toronto on Thursday evening last and returned on the evening following taking the boy Wright back with him tu the home. In a lengthy conversation with Mr. I'intiiths we discovered very little with reference to the boy that was uew. There is one point, however, winch, has au important bearing 011 the case, and that is that the boy has had two masters besides Mr. Brtt since com ing to this country, and in both casec has he been relumed to the home, nn>< marked upon their books a a bad boy. This fact when known will go a long way toward quieting public sentiment agairat Mr. Best, and it is a hard matter to say just uow how much or how little he should be blamed. Mr. Griffith's, while believing that the youngster had been hardly dealt with, was of tho opinion tint there might Us a certain amount of exa_ r i;er:ithiii in >.hu boy's charges. It is the object of the home to submit the buy for a thorough medical examination to see how far the injuries ^if auy> have ex- tended As fur Mr. Beat's hue of defence The AdvancA knows nothing excepting what has come to our earn as rumor*. lie has nut submitted a statement of his case to us, and we are ih.-rel'ore unable as yet to publish hia vemn of the atfair. We understand that he claims the boy was simulating illness, and that he had a faculty ( falling into a fit > whenever hu so deaireJ. In reply to this we have to lay that the magistrate who attended the little fvllow to ftMcuru Ins dopoaitiou was Mr. M. Richardson. .<( Fleahvrtou, and a in- re c.i i!i ms, iib.tei .-ant and unbiased man could net have been found to in- vestigate the case. Mr. Richardson is a sharp judge of human na'ure, and to say that he could have been fooled into be- ving a cinue of this nature had been CKinmited when none had been savors of uf absurdity iu oar mind. Added to Mr. Kicliiirusou'c testimony, too, is that t Ur. Halstead, wh > attended the invalid. We have his report in writing before us, whiu'i reads as follows : "The boy hag iiiin.orous marks on hia Uxly and Ice* like scars and bruises. They have no appearance of eruption or skin disease i o maiks of that kind ou his body. Found feet in open sores festering from neglect. AUlojucn swollen and very tender tn touch ; tongue dry and coau-d; very thirsty ; stupor, and talk sometimes incoherent." Dr. Halstead behoved the boy to be in a critical condition, and spent one whole night at his bedside, re- turning again the next day. While en- tertaining au abhorrence of injuring an innocent man, The Advance feels that in this c.ise it had good and sufficient grounds to bring the matter before the public. While tho boy might not luo been what he should - while he might even have been a veiy bad U-\ it aa not just cause wkjf he should bo physically injured. If in t wia'actory he should have been returned vo the honm. The exeotue ia offered that the home authorities gave a letter sanctioning chastisement, but we fall to tin, I that they sanctioned an unnatural ci>r|x<itl p-inlhiniit. which, from alt the evidence we can gather, appears U> have been ad- miuisterod. Three important qualities combined in our make of Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- ing the next few mouths we would say that you cannot do better, either in Factory made or home made Boots, than to try CLAYTON'S. A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. \lso a lot of Mena' Boots (home madei, Best Material and Workmanship, on band. diatom \Vork and Repairing to Order. The Tournament. This new and novel (entertainment gotten up by the EL T. of T of this place, came off as advertised on Tuesday evening. The character of the entertain- ment was such as to be worthy of a fuller house than it had, and we were surprised to and that a number, from whom better things would be expected, took no in- terest whatever in it. The atfair was gotten up with a benevolent object iu view, viz., of creating a deeper interest j in elocution, and in this object him it been most successful. Financially, too, it was successful, in that it paid all ex- penses. M. Kicharuson, Esq., occupied the chair most acceptably. The com- mittee appointed by the meeting to ad- judicate upon the merits of the various readers consisted of Rev. Mr. Tonge.Miss Chnstoe, Mr. A. Reid, teacher, Mr Thorpe Wright, and Mr McDonald. Their deliberations were acceptable to the j audience, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered them at the close. Part 1. of the program consisted of music by the Royal choir, song by Mr. Kd. Richard- sou, selection of committee and readings by tho juniors. In this class the little folk acouitted themselves remarkably well, anil made the competition keen and interesting. The prizes of 2, $1, and 50 cents were distributed as follows Miss Maggie Sinclair 1st, Miss Mamie Beattie 2nd, and MUs Flora Powell 3rd. Mr. Evans and Miss Damude favored the audience with solos, and Mrs. W. Trimble with a recitation. In the -cond part Miss Millie Vandusen and Miss Belle Christ >e rendered two ol' in an excellent manner. The read- ing were mostly old favorites, and the competition was very clone. The prize winners were Miss Annie Richardson lit. Mr*. W. hwm '.'lid, Miss Slack and Mr. Alf Thurston ties, for one of which .t fourth prize was given, owing to the gen- erally of Mr. R:ch<trdsoii. A solo by Mrs. Irwin ai.d IIIUMC by the royal choir* completed the program. The eiitertaiu- inrni was a most interesting une. and, as the chairman remarked, we have seen the Town Hall packed to thu doors to hear a much inferior program. A movement is on foot to secure a hospital for Owen Sound. CAME _ASTRAY- Cim to tb* prrniitM of the und*r*iin>c'(l. ,. ( 1, con. , Kupbrsr i. about Oct. 1st, S y*rllr heifer*. Tbownr is reqOMtsd to prove prop- erty psy expeDMS and take U>am> SWST Ja*. BTKWART nmmi LOOK; T. BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells the best fanning implements manu- factured, including Brantford Lit/lit Stttl Binder and Jfutar. JJosou Dintblc-Geand Drill ami Spriit) Tooth Steil'r The Wottrluo Plw and Tkretkert. Serby and iMtrtaufi Hayfork. The good qualities of these implemsnts are softoiently kouou now tu apeak fur th*ms*lvs, without any extra words froci me. Anybody retjuirng implements in this line would do wtll to eiNuine m.n* f not alreadv scqoaintod with them. Call ou ; ma and I will bo happv to exhibit the -oo4 qualities ol these machines. T. A. BLARELY, Flesherton. Note Lost. A proir.iwary not* for 411 sH mtd* by Dani*! Whyt*. of lots Hand W. COUVOMIOU 1st. N. O.K.. Artuuiaoia, in favor of K. Knowlton.tnd ]>ay*blii on i.r about tbcflnt of November. IfM). Any - - nndiutt or having said nut aru forbidden kUUK SA1UO a* p> UK-lit ! Kt'i|-|H-.l. B. KNOWLTON Came Astray. Cam* to th pmuiBM of the uinlorkigiieJ. lot 10. oon. i, N UK. Artviniwia. on* mail bull auiuial. sbout one year oltl. jn or u*r the 1st Oitobrlai. The owner to reainsssj to prove property, pajr expcuxwuid ULko thaiame w> I'ricuvill* P. 0. Joseph Smith, FLESHERTON, Dmlr* to eiprewhis thauka to bin num*rout ouMuman for their vwr iibural iuon s^e extoadoil to bmi in iho pact, and wo;ili' call sitciif.-.ii rbafact that no i> hare still an.! itiiuly to fill all orlr< with prostpSMu, and snaraoteoA atiitfii . tiuiw. An<i l>v kvi-pmi: ih l>f-t st,-k in Ibs inackat ami \ttfi . he haa won fr Mlf a plae among lh <x**>t >h winnkrv* IB tlivroiiutry Ln > ,! w^rk Hj.oci . petatw oosne asd 0M bootod at J. SjJlTH'S. Fleahertoa. AUCTION SALE n PrUav Xb iatt. e o(Tbo. !..!.. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm Lands -IN- The Township of Osprey I'n-Ur ftiid bv virtue i-f tUo puwur ^f -i. . A to tho certain mortgage from SMnQwO i. ciuiur vi-iiaor* wbioB will 'M- pi > fue*- ' u'. Unit] n-i.( u >1 (milt Nii)|{ ma Iu in i>AMii'>iiC ' uiauuy thereby hecurvd. thtr* will l>. oiTvre I for %! b> imbito auctiuu by AS. Vauduw.n. Ml >SU\M S HOTEL. IN THS MI.I./UK or Ki.ii.aan! 'x. .-s KRIKAY THJI IMh u*i OF L>>, ix. mil. 1 - . p.m., tile foUuwuitt pri|ivrtv. r.an,.,, Tuo asthaM of 10lnumbttbre In tho u uh con oMftion of ih- *Hii1 iownht]> of o^pi niK At ACIIM. in.'iw or ]M., about v of w .> h sru 44ld tO tHJ cl-'AlOJ All luUitlVH' ('I,- tninwi are Haul to be s lo( huusi*. l.i.n ..ii lohle. also an archar.l. r..rui 10 IHT out, at tune vl ,*! .. Iwlaucu tor.s will be libwral, suJ ml) '. matlo kuown at time <<f t*l*. For funher pui uo.iim* apply to \V. J. Bellamy. Eaq , r'lesbertoa, ou TO Moss, Barwick & Frauks, Vuitlor'i ixiliiitur, 7 / : onto DaUd 4U> day of December UU). STRAYED. Stray,- t>rrti,iii of the "n.Ji- i ~, K'.i'liraflu i>n or fcl,nil ^ .'. t 1 . .,.i ..),IH. .1 li.-iUr an. I a bull. nli II lias A H.llTu i -I TiTiiitt* it'll UH to tbsir wlicr . Ihaiikfnlly received. T II 1 Kimborluy. Nov. 3V. UW. K.n.L.... I I i j ! H 1 bj I . P. O Durham Bull for Service. IF is The Tovmsbip of i'wllinswood. I'.nlor n.| >>v virtue of tl-o |)n.'r of >-'.. . MIII in. t^Ntf I 'Mil l.o| h l.ou;bed to Mi* v.t ..lor*, which will hi- ]>ii',iiu ed ai time ol *ai*e and on default boint^ made in |> M., I.L v-.i tLo BMv* tbervby seoond, MM>I will h n0i.nl for lo l>v public auoiion Iw Cleorga Mltchel, anotlonMr. at Mailer's hotl in tlu> villnua o Ciarkubnril. on T:t day thu.Wtb ,!\ ( .f |Wi,n ber. ixuu. at ^ i>'c UH. k p ui . tin- lollowlafl |0- l^Tty. nitualy : Tlio <i ith w< *t quarwtr a*> Ms Boith baft of MM soiitb *at qaarwx of !o niimbor tfft iu t)i> u>nth itxu'^fmion of tb town . Hlup of l'i>lliKoo<l. ' ,.<iniiinipg together 7. I ore* moroor )U.H. On t>ii pr<<nn^i>4 art* taiil V I b a toane batn aa4 bonsv aad %b piopvitv utustwl In cue of tbo bet ftu-niing dint, l.'ta n tbeconnty Trni 10 vr C"iit. nt ":un> of ], and ' r th Imlriiic* Mrnn will boliboraJ, kutl will b. ui.uto knowi!t Innvof *!. For furt bur partioulivr* apply to C. \V HAH TV AN. EMI., Clarktburg, or t. MOM, Bar i, k A Franks. Vendoi i aollol'.ori, Toro. t< Dat,l 3rd day of DwwmWr 18CO. FOR SALE OR TO I. NT. Store and dwelling >:*< t tati >n. noiiiiou given about 'JO iwollliia houM ultiibl> foi n la r p >r (>,.. liui hniine. will I.,, lot M|>< i aiiired, buto barti and roft tui V ,,lr, W H tMCburch - NOT M. 1HW. ertou Th v o.- If !t liour ion 10 Tenders Waul For Repairs to >chor ' i :i lr will bo r iv,, | .i,, t . - ,. t j) ue *, for r-iiiiiliu|<, fluorine, sn.i I ' out >idanf -ahov. bu luwt-n n s Umia. For full partloiilanau 5 K mu. Vaxwei'.P.O.. Xov.l*. u*g