CANADA TO HEK OOOUB. *b OMB Cf brawn tb* arml** truly bold. At* burn la olimas comparatively cold. Botne ID bar glorv fell by northern Huns ; iTraae* left bur tarn* in ttoMia and bar sons. Albion admonl*t.*d Prance In sultry Spain ; eotisnd. tho' itrong, 014 scarce dl, pares the Due: *bv Northern hoti diswvered slaver; s chain, AM mm. viet irloiu. wre at Lnndy'i Laa* Thenlhoa 'gauist peaceful neighbor, and all auk* thveelf a foe wit )<ti ' th* wolfs sophiad* faded ax. To blame UM l.mb how.'er tb* river run thought to wrench it wai thy only WhiU Alb on battled with iafnrlau Franc* Thu brightest gem in her ur Ian*. Bat couM DO maud *elor a British charge. Yea. wbila Hi* rixbu to whieb than art name Wan bought bv bar fur that at Waterloo. Who cam the* vein, th-ir vigor to in rove A laud WD..O Mammon'- god. all gods above? 1* Uaal thy iir> ? ,.r s ( >a n " r 6y bit baaltb Did th* BUM rock thj crib ? Wbu can the birth Great Bri lanlfrom bar blood imperial rolled The power thin* envy htes, an once of old Baab Brutal eimed Cw-ar. nor eoald bear One equal the wde world of BOOM to than. Wbj carved iby coruer itonea ? Who framed the nil* thy proud cilia*? Many a Baa who Dili A grve more htmoted here tbao m thai land. Boil', tb. flnt fn tuy Pm.oay !vai>la< planned. From bich iby treaion furcud them here to nee, Leaving their Und*. thsir looms, their hnsBsa- to thy never paid. ai.d r e er intend to pay that woicb a tbjr boast, tbT puwi pny Thro art tnat tabled tree wboee branches higt corn the it roug roots that bold them in tb*akv Bn let it pace ; perchance 'u by God's will Bncland should aid the* thm. as we do eUll. Uy law* more free. b loyally unfeigned ; For all republics are by thrones eni'aioad It Oeorge toe First did err. provee tbat a right For thee to rob wb^e'er refiuad to oght F.eedo . i ibrune. which, too 1 tnat in tan I wrong. ' the world and helped to nuke thee turn* thy That tun* thy revolutionists awoke. And, as they phrase It. brake u. rtritlih yoke, Three time* a thousand !>> al subject! left The land rebelliuus 'gainst its kin. and cleft Their way thru' tyrant y by swords aflame. ' want fur which no history has a name; by hungering wolves, by hi wronf r lorg UM war, how tlow th* march along ! Till in the hb*ra shelter of three bills They hewed them horn** begirt by wo* i wont 111* And subsequently tbat vile war which roe* Twixt nau na wbo ar* nut. nor should be foe*, Bed Held* ware fouh. aioog Niaarara flood, Jsysd grief rh*d tears ; thair eon s, more lrely Aad *t tho' oft ill clad, an hungered, eold. Uocurbed by the*. naeonu,u*r*d. nnoonuroll*d . HUH true to Freedom's Hag they heaped th* slaiu Of tTfn Atgneeloa high on Lundy's Lane, ball we to wbvin they left thi- goodly lax J Bright, iho' blood-purchased, with Its record grand. Jl w* all weakly yield without a blow Q Ids *u wuo in glorious war** ah. no. e's a huge gulf ol hindrance, aad, of late Thy acts hv uiau fl, -I it into fate. Oome am witb auueiation to repay That wl tch thy Fraiaa raid*rs niched away. Thine Alabama survlu* reimbmrae Br* it be history s ay-word aad thy curs*. Or doat tbou m*aa to purchase all the** scene* With that >aiu surplus which is still the Thy bu it is to be free we too revere All that is irnly iucb. bit find it here. Annex ii. not. r:,.r with aggression woo, Or b the Hauling oloud tnat still throb* thro' Our veiui from theirs who honorably bled A living mi ss from tbe deathless rlead Th u shalt not owe this laud they grandly gave Till each true ton adds to their gin a grave. Mamaay, K. r. Tour Choice of CHrls. Wilmington Kent There's tbe pretty girl And tbe wi ty Kirl. Aad Ibe ci>l tbat baiign her hair ; Tbe girl thfs a flin. And tbe girl tbat 1s psrt. And tbe girl with the baby stare. Them's the dowdv girl And tbe rowdy gtrl. Aad th* air 1 iht is al avs late There's the girl of stvle. Aad tbe girl of wile. ' Aod th* gul un tbe muicmg grit. There's th* tender girl, And tbi* sludr gin. Aad the girl that sto her prayer* . Theie tbe haughty girl. And tbe naunbiy girl, Aad tbe girl that put* ou air*. Th*re'* the tolu giri. aad th* " f<>ol you ' girl. Aad the girl >ha be-, oa raoa* ; There s the candy girl. And 'be b* dy girl, Acd tbe girl thai has two faces. There s tb* well-bred girl. And tb* well-read gill. Aad the girl with the reuse of dot; ; There tbedaiatv girl, Acd 'he ' faiuty " nirl. And th* kill tbat bat no oeaul /. There are many others, Ob, men anJ brothers. Than are u med In this narration ; There ate girls ami mrls. And they're all * f them pearl*, Tb*|'r* tb* beet thing m creation. The Uu*er HOT. W. U. S in XI Sick lot . Be doean't like study. "It weaken* hi* eye*. Bat the"ilgi>teori" of hook will insure a sur Bate* Let it b* about ludiain. piratee or hear* Aad he's lost for the day to all tuuudai afl. Irs. By suuligbt or gailivhtbU vision U clear. No* isu t that q>i*ar ? At thought of aa errand he's " tired a* v"*ry wrary of life and of "tramping around. Bat If there'n a band or a ciroaa in sight. B* will follow it gladly from uiurning tij MM The id , man will captnm him som* day. I fear For b* Is so queer. there's wmk in the garden, hi* head "aches to split Aad hi* back i* so lame tbat he "can't dig a bit. Bat ueuuou ba>*oall and be'* cured ver oon AadbVlldigtor a woodchook th* whole after DOOtl Do you thiok b* "olaya 'poa*aot"f B sum quite tnueie : But tm I be queer lh l wo ays. Maucbr iwr (jrocer'i Rcvuto : Man to the plow. Wife to the row. Hoy to tb* uiow. Olrl to be sow, And >our rents will b* n*tt*d. slan tally-ho, Wife piano. Boy Ur*ek and Latin, Oirlailk aad sail n. And you'll soou b* Clued Word fi.r the Widow. Ood Iltm : U you marry a maid And exiwol to find bliss. You'll ooufbse, I'm afraid, That you've married amis*. But I'm certain of this. If to ma ry you're led, You w n't wedamsH If a widow you wed. THE OH08T OAIOE- WarrionudBquwi Tread CiroJe Until Thy Fall. A WEIRD SCENE. A WotnrDKD K Caui.TiaPin*) Rid*- <> B.D., to Ruafavillo, Nb., M)i | .ooompanied by Buckskin Jack Boteeii. le sooat Major Barke, and a half breed m- d Half ;*, a reporter witnessed one f lb (arnoo* Kbo*t daoce* of tbe 81001 Mounted on oayate poniei, the party laried early lam evening for tbe Wounded .nee. The trail lay over a rough, rolling joaniry where the buffalo graea u now ellow and nhort and where mow lie* in le depression* in the earth. Half Eve* waa in the lead. Th* travelling wae hard ad *ztnm> ly painfol, and it was nearly ay break wneo tbe low, moaciog chant of Sioax and the anarling of ihur doge were beard in the distance Tbe oamp of tbe .anatio* ooold not be en until tbe ridge of the low chain of laitoa win reeahea. From thi* elevation oe ooaid tea toe flrc* burning The tnp w* baaardoo*, owing to the frenzy of the oat il Indian* and Ibeir knowledge of tbe arrival o( the troop*. Half Eyea tethered lie ponies near the ridge, and the red of lie trip was made on foot. The sky wa* mi floating wish the dawn when the expe- ition reached a clnicp of young OOIIOQ wood* which akirted the back* of the Voanded Knee. From tbi* point an exoei- ent view could be had of the dance), which wa* at it* mo*t exciting stagf A* near a* Half Eyti could eelimal*. 182 tack* and aqaaw* were in she dance. A tree itood in tbe middle of the circle of ndiana. Sqaatted on the ground within a radio* of sixty yards were 400 other ndiau*. who were chanting with Ibe anocr*. Many of tbe red* were in war laint. Some of them were naked to the ips, and aoroee their big, moioalar breast* iire*kof rod and yellow paint. Bead* eu from their porcupine fringed leg* and eagle (eathen bang from tbe orowni of iheir (lowy bead* (Some of th* dancer* were robed in while cotton cloth, which 'a* pinned al the breast and drawn over the bawd in th* form of a hood. Five medicine men sat on the ground cuiside of the circle. They were old men, with wrinkled, skinny face*, and a* the chant and fall, according to tbe vigor of the [ramming, they waved medicine tuck* atove thrir beads. Tb*)** sucks were painted green, with handle* (athioned after the shape of make*. The danoeri held on* another * hauce aud moved alowly aroaud he tree. They did not raise their feel a* iigh a* they do in the san dance. Mo** the time it looked a* though their ragged moccasin* did not leave the ground, and me only resemblance to dancing wa* the weary nding of the knee*. Roond and round the dancer* went, with tneir eye* cloeed and their bead* btnl toward the groaed. The chant wa* incet ant and mooolonooj. " I see my father, ne my mother. I M* my brother, I * my lister, " wa* Half Eye*' translation ol he chant, M the sqaaw* and warrior* moved abotiooaly abont the tree. Half Eye* laid be dance bad been going on all night. Stretched u,on the ground oloae to It* a were two warrior* aad on* tqaaw. They wan in a fit of a oataleptio nature. Their faoM ware turned to the sky, and heir bands clutched Ibe yellow grass One of th* warrior* wa* a tromendone fellow who** bread wa* scarred and painted, anc whoee ear* were pieroad with ring*. Tb* dancer* paid no attention to them. Their eye* were olowed. Suddenly one of he warrior* on tb* ground leaped to hi* eet and sxoUimed : I have aaan in* 3rai Father bat he will not talk to B*.' Then tbe other warrior got op and cried : I have tern tbe Urat Father bat be wil col talk to me because I have DO ponies Th* tqiaw wa* the lail to gel op oo her leet. She wa* a young woman with bel on her blanket, and a red ochre slresk marked the line where her raven bla k hair wa* parted. In a ehrill voioe tbe oriel oat : I have seen tb* Greet Father. He *en< an eagle, wbiob picked m* up and oarriK me to a far away mountain The Grta Father told me that tbe white* woold be driven from Ibe ooontry ; that the Indian would rale the land, and the buffalo and deer would retain." Tbe Indian* now danoad with great* vigor, and ibeir orieewere loader and more vehement, bat they kt pi ibeir eye* Roond and ronna they danoed, them so fatigued thai they pitched forwarc 90 their face* on the graa*. Their face war* distorted with pain, bat there wa* n stop for food, drink or nit One ,by on Kinaw and warrior fell ooconioioa* apo the ground, and a* they did so they bta their beads s k ainel the tree and on ihe aan outs nutil the blood sqairted teow their wooed* One big Indian, whom Hal Eye* rvoogniseo a* Big Hoed, rolled an tumbled on Ibe ground until hi* ipleud taoe wa* a mate of ooti and iwellinv*. A tech dancer fell the circle wa* reformed and the dance reaomed. Nearly all th danoeri wen covered with wound* fro previous exertion*. Oa* of the books) wore a white hood and cloak smeared with blood and be danoed in hi* ban feet. Th* sun bad been op two hoar* wbe the dance closed from ihver exhaoetion Ib* Indiani. 1 bey Ml in all kind* petition*, and many of them wen in oat* leplio fin. Tbe tire* horned dimly and th medicine men nodded over their wanJi The dance wa* ovtr for an hoar at least III8H LAID BILL r. BaUfoar lattrvelaee* th* ewawje IB Fartiaiaeat mm. raru.ll Vet** With, the) Gvvemaaeaa. London cable aay< : In the Houae of Common* ye*trday Mr. Balfoor intro Qoed tbe Iriah Land BUI. Be aaid tb* Government' i policy wa* the same aa in a8, but for limpiiciiy the bill had been inl in two. Both portion*, however, wer* j radically tbe aame a* in th* oil! of 1809 }ne variation of the nreatnt bill from thai if last year w** that u met in some degree Mr. Paraell's view*. Mr Parnell bad ing. e*ted tbat pnvilege of parohaie ba con i <M to tenant* whose holding! ware under 50 valuation. Though he (Baifoar) could not scoect exactly thai limitation, he had altered the scope of the bill by excluding all lorely grazing farmi and farm* enant* did not reaide on them. Amongst other change* embodied in the new bill one lad reference to the objection taken at the ait nation to a limit ot twenty year*' par- ch**etnen propoeed. That limit did not appear in the new bill. (Crie* of " Hear, lear !") Farther power would be given tbe r'loeroy to extend tbe period of five yean, luring which u per oenl. of the pnrchaa* money wa* payable. In regard to increte* ng the powers of local aotboritiei.Mr. Bal- our laid be considered that the original iropoiala in the bill were th* beat that could be devised. Land purchase in Ire and waa not local question at all. Th* lovernmant Wag o*ing the British credit o oarry oral thi* vital rtfonn not primarily or thi* ooantry or that, but for the benefit of tbe empire aa a whole. ( Conservative cheer* ) Another ccaiideraiun wa* th* act that the land question in Inland wa* argely need for politioal object*. It would : absurd, therefore, to leave tbe com mini- ie* under the incitement of agitator* to determine whether they ihoold adopt a remedy going to the toot of agrarian dis- content. ( Punellite laughter ) If they wen given a local control in any form it ooghi to be by a plebiscite of ratepayers, enabling them under the safeguard of the illot to vote upon Ibe question of grant og a contingent portion of the guarantee B d for aaoh county. Mr. Lab luchera moved an amendment kgainst pledging the imperial credit Vr the parrhaaa ot land anlil Ihe country shoal i have given it* oonaent at a jenerai aiaotion. The amendment wa< rejected 868 to 117. Mr. Gladstone. Bir William Vsrnon Har court and Mr. Uorley wslked out befori tbe rote wa* taken Mr FarotU and ail the Parnellite member* voted witb tbe Govern meet. The BUI wai thea given it* drsl reading amid tba oheen of tbe Government supporter*. Whec the Parneililes were flocking into the division lobby to vole on tb* amendment then wa* a ladden inusaaU movement -emingly instigated by Mr. Bealy, who itb Mr. Bexton and a largo conling*ot lorned book and abatained frcm voting, bile Parnell, Mr Power and about 3d other* inppcrted the Government. MlUB BO C0.1VBMIOM. kethaaa, ***, n Mrt | HirehAU 1 * Talk w ith Be*. r . Wad*. <* Se. A Montreal dagpatah says : Mr. Arthur jeetbam, Birohall'i old ooilrg* chum, ra- orned home from Wooditock to-day. Wing aaked regarding Birchell'i alleged fe**ion. Mr. I eelhsni aaid : " I do not dink tbat Biroball ever made any eon- aasion to Mr. Wad*. Ha may. indeed, av* recounted what be knew of the crime to Mr. Wad : a little man accurately or ex tensively than he did in hi* autobiograpby, at that he made a Bonfaaiion that ba wan he actual perpetrator of the deed I do not or a moment believe, nor do tba prison fficial* nor the wife and niter -in law of Urcnall believe that be made a oonf**>*ion. 'or my part, I thoroughly believe that tirchall did not do the actual silling him aelf , and thi*, I may *ay, i* the view of the ail cffioial* and many of the people of Wooditock. If BirohaU bad made any oafession to Rev. Mr. Wad*, the prison uthoritie* woold know of it, a* they were alwayi within bearing of what wa* Mid between Birchall and Rev. Mr. Wad*. On he Friday before tbe execution I heard tbe conversation between Rev. Mr. Wade and Jirchall. and Birchall made no cufeauoa t that time. The remark mad* by Mr. Wad* to aTeporter that he might be called upon to make Birohall'i etalement* public, do not take to mean that be ha* any oonfe**ioo from Birchall. I think that Mr. Wade meant that in case any on* else wai accused of being implicated in the crime, lib evidence would be of value." GOVBBMBlsVMT AID FOB BOOH. He Will b* Re*>an*rmted Havndaunselv a4 be alalBid In his Discovert**. A Berlin cable say* : Dr. Bergmano, in a lecture last ni.h t, declared that tb* secret of the com poult oa of Prof Koch's curative v mph wan th* exclusive property of Prof. S. x.-h. Dr. Bergmann LUaatrated tbe Jr grees of fever after each injection, and si plained the quantity of lymph required in the various aassi. Tb* number of physici- ans coming to Berlin to study Koch's method ha* not leeeeasd. There were IS* arrival* yesterday. Tbe Government ol Prussia will shortly introduce) a bill io the Diet providing for the establishment of aa n*litnl* of bacteriology at which Prof Koch may pursue hi* studies). Connected lib the insulate will be five infirmaries containing 150 bed*. After allotting to Prof. Kooh aa adequate grant for hi* die oovery tbe Government will undertake the work of producing the Km ph. Ur. John Dr. Psrowne, l>e>n of I'eiere borough, ha* accepted the bishoprio of Worcester. The new dean wa* educated tt Corpus Christ college. Cambridge, where he bad a very distinguished career, being Bell's unrver sity scholar, aod carrying rff tbe Croeee scholarship, tb* Tynwbill Hebrew i-h .lar ship, and the membet'i prize. He wa* admitted to tbe deeoonete in 1847, an advanced to the priesthood a year later. I 180'2 be went to Wale* si lioe principal o St David'* Collrge. Lampeter, and it wae probably owing to hi* ten >ee>rs in Wale that early last year he wae i fff red tb bishop no of Bangor. In 1874 be reiomet to Cambridge, holding in succession th* office* of p>K'>cior in theology in Trinit college, cf Lad/ Margaret profeeeor, and o Hainan profeesor. In 1373 he tack hi* D. D. degree, and in 1874 wa* appoint** Cambridge preacher al Whitebait. In 187 the earl of Beaconsfield appointed him dee ot Peterborough, when be bej great! improved tbe service*, and aoeoeeded ii restoring the oetbeH ral under circumstance of onparallBled difBcoJty. He has been proliflo and successful author. The eov*ra\SBMl Slu.t ray. A St. John'*, N B., deipetoh says : Tb* oaae of Robert B. Homprey v*. Tb* Q leen wee flniibed in the Excbtqaer Court to- day. The planing claimed $5. 000 damage from tbe Dominion Government for wlung a contract for steamer eervioe* between St. John, Dinby and Annapoli A ttu.her. WitVt Sport: "Clara," said old Mr Bnmmet, "wbo i* that fellow tbat ia ban| ing around yoo every night lately T" "I don't think yon care to have moob to do with him, father." replied the youtg lady, with the air ol n |- >*e which comes from perfect troet. "He i* on* of the rusher* on a football team." Oold i* worth 1809 06 a pound ; platinum, 1W 63 ; (liver, |19 S3 ; alominom, |1 8J mantaneee, 57 cent* ; nickel, S4 oenlg ; tin, i oenlt , copper, 13} cent* ; oast steel, 3 oenlg ; iron, i cent*. This ie from a table prepared by a French scientific journal Hot thediesovery of new nroaaass* bas cheapened aluminum to about bait th* figure* given ia tbe list. "I can't Hand the strain,' remarked A who ! ' xp'iision cf Niailist* trcsnl th* nervous man aa b* threw a brick at th* baud-organ (rinder. Buffalo Liprtti. after be bad gone to great expm-e in ing and refilling a veeeel tor th* service Judge Burbidge decided that the Govern menl bad mad* a breach of contract, an< left it to A. C. Fair weather to aseees damages. 1lr*d of Ber CUilrial aflM*. A Brooklyn despatch sty* : Maria Mo Quire, wit* of Rev. Hugh MoOnire. noto of Christ Episcopal Cboroh in this oity ha* brought an action (or a ssparatio against her husband oa th* ground cruelty and inhuman treatment. Bb aenerts tbat be bsi twice placed her in insane ai\ lam for tbe porpoee of gettin her out ot tbe wav. and on several occasions struck her. Tbe couple were married in 1876. When a man goaa Tpmairs late at aight and skip* very other stair in an endeavor to keep |oiet be tlwayg raesne to kip tbe stspe thai don't oreek! THeJ COBOBKB WAJJ IB A HUBBT. e DelayeaCowrt to Oet a> In<|mea> aad laeais the JaOge a Wratli. A Halifax despatch says : It i* now ledmtely known tbat tb* lilt of killed in leaterday'g accident will number eight. >nd hill* hop** ar* *ntertaioed for the ig m*u Adam Armstrong, of Carietcn. wa* so Mrribly scalded. Three men lied to-day Hayes. Lynch and Gait, oroner Robinson i* now holding an in- quaet. A number of those connected with he mill say that when Ihe water wai very ow in the boiler the pompe were torned on, and the cold water coming iu contact with the red- bet iron canned tbe boiler* lo rant. Coroner Robinaon, wbo U coroner in the ccalily when tbe accident occurred, wae serving on a Circuit Court jury, aad hi* absence from court caused the delay of a aa*. The judge became highly indignant nd adjourned CDUTI. Tbi* afternoon &jbin*on put in an appearance and the ulge delivered hi* charge. After the ver- dict had been given the judge a roe* and demanded aa explanation Robinson offend an apology, but th* judg* refused to aocepi it. He *iaid : " I will venture to say that yon went to prevent any other c:roner lolding the mqu**t. Tour action i* a com plete contempt of court and an outrage of he wont kind. ' Rjbmson wa* then dis misawd from tbe panel and fined tb* foil A Priae for Drankesuset*. Montreal Herald : The correspondent of La Prrur wbo accompanies our real tstat* en in their sojourn in Chicago, send* the Mtper be represents an amusing account if what he calls a " Price for Drunken neee," which is being oompeied for in a saloon on West Randolph street. He sayi A large sign board placed over tbe eztrance ire tbe words : " A gold watch is given every month to the customer having tbe argtst number of tickets. On* ticket i* riven with every glass of whiskey or other iquor. ' Willie's Qewation. Washington P'*t . " Pop," said Willis, our joggerfy lay* then ain't noibiu' bat now and io* at tb* north pole. Ig that *o 7" Y*e," 11 And ii it the earn* way tt ib* south pole?" Ye*." Well, then, tbat'* why these meo. yea rend about an constantly talking aboal being frozen out at th* poll*, ain't it T" T eating the Young Lawyer. Insurance Mao I don't know whether to pay tbi* policy or not. Young Lawyer What is tbe difBcnlty 1. M The only proof ot death I bavi received is a Utter from tbe man himsel saving tbat he died ten day* ago. Y. M. (impnaaively) H'm. That doe seem suspicion*. What is tbe de< reputation for veracity T B* Wa* But-aged. Brooklyn Li/< Managing Editor 8< yoo'n a distinguished Yale graduate, an you? Applicant Yea, I wa* champion of vb* football team. Managing Editor Ba hat can you do in a newspaper office ? Applicant I cab kick poet* down-iteiri The tadv or th* Bltt*a Jack Hoitle Will you marry m* ? Rita Hustle This i* so sodden giv* m* time. Jack Hustle You can't afford to wast* any more time. Yoo most be M now Say yes, Kite.-Pi**. City Dinctory Man (to boarding bouet mistress) How many men boarders have you. madam, that an steady biarden ? Boarding Miilreee Well. I've ten meo thai board with me right along, but there's only one ot them that I call steady. Ik* Bight Blag-. row* Crier . Hi I love you paeaionately y darling '. She Ah ! That nmark ba* tbe genuine engagement ring. The " Aonond" and " Roee" gold mine* at Montague, N. B., are yielding very riol ore at prevent. Mr. Annond Cross of th* Halifax Clsreescfg. wbo i* th* owner of th* A inord mine, showed a Oleto npneenta live some very valuable specimen* thi week. A scraggy lump held in the palm o the band wae worth MOO. Mr A. Mo (Jrjerris, tbe manager at th mines, pro- dooed a small brick worth 1500 The extensive silk mills of Btmfor< Broe and tbe residence* of Jo*epb tni Walter Bamford al Patenon. N. J . w, re burned on Saturday. Loss, MOO, 000. THLJB GRAPHIC BUMMA.RY. Ball dt Co.'i private bank at Dolotn *oe- pended on Saturday. Tbe council of the Board ot Trade at Toronto will visit Sadbary. There ha* been a great boom Nova Booua ooaU shipment* th* ptvst season. Th* November grand jury m Chicago oond 137 true bill* against pool seller*. Th* Northwest Assembly prorogued en atarflay without parsing the Sappiy BilL Several earthquake shocks wsn fait at Oannendorf. Lower Austria, on SaMtT- lay. The Northwest Answmbiy ha* been prs> rogued after ret uaing to paaw the Supply Bill. Five persons have so far died m Berlin while being treated with ihe Koah ore. Navigation on the River Weaver etween Bremer and Bnmerhaven ha* been oloeed iy ice. The street railway arbitration in Toronto is) costing tbe city over 350 a ion. Tbe writ for Booth Victoria baa been laiued. Nomination, Dec. 1 1th ; polling. week later. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company about to erect twenty grain warenoaassl hroaghoat Manitoba,. Mtjor-Oenenl Herbert, tbe new coin- man Jcr of the Canadian militia, arrived al Halifax by in* Sardinian y8i*rdey. Jay Gould ha* bought fie works of tbe iuiuhuieon. gsnsa*. Salt Company, whoaw nan i is said to te ttae largest in ths United (tales. Blanchard. who lie* under sentence ot leatb, wa* baptized into the Rnmasi atholic Church in bherbrcokc jail OB Friday. Col. Tiadala and Henry A. Harmon havej en appointed receivers for tbe PotwJ .umber dt Salt Ccmpany estate in iichigan. The fond to plaoe Ms, or WUsntann'* teamr oa the Victoria Nyanza amoonwa o JOO.OOO marks. The nun nqoired tfl 00,000 mark*. Eighty-seven bodies htvs been found tn tbe dxxled Anna pit of the Brnex Mining Co.. Uermavny. Seventy -eight miners wen recovered alive, The Michigan Central hag finished double-tracking the roexi net ween Walland and Oltarclifle, and tbe train* will run on t regularly henceforth. A compejjv is being formed In Munioh under Prof, "iiiniiiieaen witb a capital at J 000,000 mark* to eatablish a Keen angaV tanum in tb* old Gumpban palace. Th* steel mill cf th* Betblehun Iran Jomfanv ba* shot down, throwug l.Me) lands out of employmsol. Official* aay tbe shot dowo is neoeaaitated Dy lack of order*. Thin ar* 1,350 member*; of UM EUilway Condooton' Matual Am and Benefit Aieooialion, and during tbe pee* rear 141,000 was paid in olaimi for 101 deaths. Ksnyon. tb* young man wbo I tab bed Longhead at Comber a week ago, ha* bean rainstiil the matter having been tsttled by Ken yon assuming all ooeti snd payment for time lost. Saturday evening a banquet wai given in honor of Jo* T. Clark, retiring editor of the Pickering .NVin, on the eve ot hfe departure to become editor of th* Dotfa; TViouru in Weit Toronto. A Chicago paper gays Ibe threehinaj machine manufeolnren of tbi I'm tea State* are busily engaged in forming trust, which will equal in magoilade tbe recently formed barveeter combine. A Windsor despatch gays: The oatlle- stealing fiend* ol Colchester Sooth now take revenge cu their enemies bv poisoning hone* belonging to Ibe latter. Wm. Parker, wbo i* prosecuting Todd Quiok, ia tbt latest victim. Tbe German Reichstag will be asked for fifty million mark* for the army, par* ot wbiob i* to provide new munitions and part to alter th* color of the uniforms, in order to render the movement* of tb* troonaj let* distinct when in action. At tbe annual meeting of the St. Aa draw's Society ia Montreal on Saturday night Mr. MacKtnn* presented tb* society with a wicker trunk covered with black leather, which was in Ibe po**eesion of Prino* Charlie al tb* battle of Cnllod*n. It is Italy i in Berlin that Lord Saliev bury is expected to vi*ii thai oity ihortty on Ibe invitation ot Emperor William to meet Chancellor von Caprtvi aad Count Kalnoky, to bring aooul a oloeer adhesion of England to tho policy ot tbe Dreibund. A veteran of ihe war of 1S13 and one of tbe oldest residents of th* oouatry, in the person of Mr. Clendening, has just oiedl near Welland at tbe rips old age uf 7 yean. Deceased had drawn a pension rot? a greet many year* for hi* sihan of the of 1812. " Ab. Douglas, a Ouelph yonog man while out shooting Saturday afternoon nearly loot hi* life by tb* accidental die- obarge of hi* goo. He placed tbe nun on ' loe while lighting nil pipe, when it) lipped and went off, tbe charge striking him on tbe top of tbe forehead, carrying away a portion ot tbe skull bone. Laat night between 7 and * o'clock about $4,000 wa* stolen daring Ihe absence of Mr. Ouillmette, guardian ot tbe Cbsrle- voix, sjae., court boaee, who wae oat with big family for the evening. Tbe door and sals of tb* registrar an said to have) been opened by false k*;i. Up to tba preeent boor thin i* no traoa ot the) robber*. Tbe first bill to come before the Reich- stag on Tueeday will be one providing tot? raieirg tbe nvcnoe from segar from 60,000 000 to 'IS 000.000 mark* Ibis in- creaee in revenae ie to be esTeetsd ey abolishing tbe tariff on raw snd inonaaing; the duty on refined sugar. The preamble) to tbe bill state* that tbe export bonntw system bas ooet Qsrrnan consumer* 3U.OOO mark* annually, 195 000 marks being -rash paid in bounties and ihe remainder being reckoned ag tbe additional coat to con- sumer*. Martin D. Lappy, a New York wifs mor- derer. bss been -sntsnoaxl to die by eJetv trioitv during Its week beginning Jana- try IS.