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Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1890, p. 5

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HE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. Almost Daily, L&rge Consignments of Fancy & Staple Goods, SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Just Receiving, wen delivered by Dr. Sproele, K. Mr. Bra 7 . k Mr DeTrY, R*v fetter Mileaty aad W. J. McFar- i. Ben- Uias Hoary, whuei t* the Ba>psiepnBaaj(ferthsi " the bom* of huaMsat. the dag la* ha* one* $7,000 awd a J O:\s-41KTi: \G OF 1 AS!) LEATHER GOODS O* JtL I>ESCRirT/O\S, 7* A: /;n ./>. roiLETVO.01**. L.ilHKS- .!>/> t:E\T~S DKt'**- I\C I .l.S/S. >*.! VKTI.-K.s. IJ K/n.Vf; DKSKS. ;.CV/'v WIN < !/>. lionKI.KTS. BOOKS, BIBLES. fOKTS, TOY ROOK* TOYS 0F.IL/. A* I. >'/>'. t:\HI\K* 1H.IT Itl \ /"/// U N/. / I > ^ . I No Uwe Talking Ho aaBoeai of it will convince >ou Wat tea, j.. MUSI taau it,trj it Rich- ani*. n 4 Co. eoaileasja ike Doesuuoe wuk their new 9ft onu left. fcw the BE SURE and the largest Stock Flesherton." And See the MUSICAL SHIP in Full Sail en the wave cf Xmas foods ever sh:wn in - Auto and Photo, _I ALL KIXDS WM. RICHARDSON. Vicinity Chips. li a r;i.- 1 nl K- - f 1 h . Past W < k arriulh uNril for lb- G>antv Couucd u in session at ta*a week. Owen The last shipastnt of chores WM *! ru the Fleeherton factory on Teeeaaj. X out saws, oetUrr. coal oil, sett, tea*. M. Kichardsun A Co. There was skating gaWe FVaher's in ill poaet dunoc most of but wrek, but h snow of Monday gentry knocked it i u vbe hrsd. Ye knew warre, bat mav not f*ei aaiMfld wbrre to uet yoar orJreJ clothing. Just u> C. J. Lfruh in bti new dpartmi. Joe. T. Ckrk was banquet*! by kia Pwkerius frit u>ls on Satuniny evening. AIUIII! time* p russet was the Hon. John L'rydiii. Thr Mab I'li;^ HdL **ly ssMTetuuil taileriug '-"" > " <' c - sad I'OWr *t.. opposite MrJieal will DO doubt eir* them with credit to thenuelre*. Music of a high order will b* nmlich*d in between t that there will be nothing tediooa. Oh it u going fc>b* the afikir u( the e<n. and the adittMion u only ton and fifteen ccata. U'oa't yo go T Hare you Men the CHnslinaa Number of Torvuto Saturday Ni^ht I It U the m><t boautifu] %ud attractive holiday number erer published in Canada. For ale by all the newd<len or ean be had postpaid frvm The Shf>pard publishing cowipmny. (limited). Toronto, fnr 90 eta. Salt. Salt. Arrived at last, no mistake this time. and icoing fast at M. Richardson A Co's. Church News. M.s Mary Pearson, wbe hat past two yean been etadynf ia fur a missionary, is nw at ho her v-aretu. If r. aad Mrs Thoa. Poar near Fleheru,u. Miss Peanoa will leave fur the China auasioe *-H in January, where she goes mader the aespsces oi the Pretbylenaa church, aad will receive a farewell fjvan the Erakiae church, Toroeao. Mr. Davidson, of Mt Forest, a clever youosj student of the Presbyterian chorch, occupied the pulpit in Fleahertuo oe Sunday aherauou last. At a euevregetiaaal te*risy of the preebrterm. ca jreh on Friday hat Mr o Demwde was appointed a delegate lu the ateetiiic of Prwabytery. which asset* at Oraa*eville on Tuesday neit, to eon- fer with reference U Mr/Emea aa. Lot. Strayed or Stolen FrvHB Fleahertod about three weeks ago, one pair dark brown turkey*. To any person rerurnmt the*'. aaitahU I ward W W. Tnmble. at Dickens' o>nplete wvrki. |telre 'ol- ^inie, whn taken with Th Avi>ance, f.T ouly 75 cnu. Euou^h rvading matier t<> Ut you a y*r. Order trly AS they are fatag, retail. Cr Cll MW1U A larjt rang* o < > aiiJ |>hae> at M. Rkhanison Jt Co*a. )' or* rifkc R*r. T. Watann ha* ao^pteJ a call to i!ir Cisnuheand Fenclla ohurvhr* ai'd_ .:.^ uii th field nnt week. His new 6<id I'.l hv alx.ut 15 mile* from CVbur,, m Niirthuuiberland county. A new postoffioe will be opened corner, 7th cou . Euphrasia, f>n the l.i of Jan. next. !> be called Wode- houae. Mr. \V. Carruthera, who is erecting a store there, will be the post- master. The people of that vicinity were badly in need of (xk<lfioe acoom- kodatixa, as for many yean they have been billed to travel down and climb the bi moantain for al! their mail mat- ter, and they will no doubt be duly grate- ful t.' IV Spn-ule for his efforts tu their behalf A more appropriate name saiht hare been attached t.> the new office, however. New England, for instance. Fer t'hritlaaas trade .'ost in. the tiuMt Imeot pure toa (or Uotnts, peril ]ius al M. R.cuarJson * Co's. ]et trial saaspsr. 1 B. Lucas, barrister, of the firm itishop A Lucas, OWAII Sound, :% at the . iti.v > I W in Lucas A Co.. m Markdale, very Friday, aud 111 Duudalk every Mr. F. W. K. T^tiouhaja has pur- chased Mr. Lever's old null at the tiati.-n and is |>utuu< in a aawmiU in cx'iii.ivti >n i herewith. Me ill do choppiu< and sawiait. See bills fur his announcement. Cutlery . A IM.W stuck of packet and table c-it Irrj , foil rang* of prices and Sue attort- iiie'nt 11 Rn-harda.^ * Ce. No 1. v.O. I of The 0-MigNvitK.nslist. .uUislieJ at \\hidne. Ind . by Kv. > A tioliuan. hn twen reoeivetl. It is mvatly printed little twelve pace thlv. \\V diwvt attention to the artKk> pub. lihtl elsewhere on Dr. XViihrow's History. The work is the only rvally tixiiU history of our cvujtlrr, and should be in tlie runds ..f orerjr l'ai.alt an. Mr. Will Heard M llw :ifii At a funeral held lately, ot many miles froov Fleaherton, there was a theft COSB- mittod ola [>vuiiar!y diagustias: uaturv. To tell all the facts.' it was at Mr. Stam- U r^k i funeral. TSt family had storwi a small quautity of h; iiaii com their whole slock -in the barn, ami axpectod U- have a tiio* httlf crist of crnmeal aa a luxury. O.i the day of the f-.inpral this little t-vk of cv<ru was suJen by x>me miserable wretch. F.T downright duty. suakiot aisannee* commend us t UM apolo^ry for a man h did tha' act. Tins paper last week had twaaioo t > re- mark that we werti u>>t ht^uhens m this country, but we wUl now have to amend that by admitting that some of us are. It an Eye Opener. And v\*ril admit if you once taste Ktchards >n .t .'' new bcaud of 35 rent There are a lot of ritrontely funny people in vvnuection with Markdale Enf- lih church. We are informed that they Itot up a farce the other day at the netorjr. depicting the troubles of certain yen people, and claimed that these trials jvtenvd so some of Flesherton 's young ladiea. Thv<ee h know say toe thuii: was chuck full of mree all faro and r.v> fun. No li.-ubt those akin^ )>art in it th'u;jht they were very cieter and upr>n >sly funny siu! all that, but we doubt if the ni.t rehned ivrtion of the aiuiu-iH-e aMeml'Uxi would appreciate the intended hu-.sior. We notice that the sftur wa not tMporte^l .u the Markdale paiHT. Was ,texlecte4 fr\uu a seuae of shame f u. laveamats this mstler. TV itine in this section of oouiitry is protected -u f..ll. w IV-er in ual not be >liot bt^twtvn SOth Xovenil<er I'^t.-U-r of tlu> follow um> ear ; Irom lit Jan. t 1st S|it.'inbfr , Uarv, I .'ill Mar. li i.. 1st September. We not hoard a *!iUry hint with rvtVrsic* to umnieipai istattors in this toviMhip. with the e\>v|<tnm : Mr. M, Vrtliur's ivtueni.-iit. 1V> -ir r(e|\- ers inixine that tlio htUw bit f fun which e were trvatvd t\> lost January was auftioient to Ust a c 'iM^o of years I Yea. vertl) It V^ like it * That 35 g*ut tea. Now dunj't foryet it, for it's worth loK- iiiil aftrr. We are talking about it IH>W but the whole country will b* talking S..ut it Iwf'-rv Christmas. trial .iiple at M Kti hantsiMi .* >' Kelt Tuewday eveninr ! W,.||. hat of It t Why llit new fa-ijnl i-i.tei'ain h.riit will take plaoti in the Town Hall <>i. that MVMIII^. It i>roiiuss V> be an in- ere-nnx sAVur. T>M read^ra have h.l a*m-lo time ^y .:-' ,!' W>'.a piece* ai'J Salt Your Pork. A car of tine salt just arrived for K I* -or "IVnes " i il .!. llonea waa a floor walker fiiip'.oye>l by MclVuaKi A K\ ins. of this place. lie was very diligent in hi* line ot bitvucs* and ei- vleltce-l si cat acumen and th--u\;lilfulnes in scentnii; out ou^tomera. He was cute. He euiU; teil a cut.>mer froiu a K<afer a< s.x>n as lliry c^jvri-.l t!ie door, and roaMited the latter, in an emphatic way, *>ni< time* e>ou ,*" < so far as to take them by the "s-ru^ of the ne-k am! lead them out. H* waa fooling around Mr Whitten wap>n on FrMUy last, and i: ot his hed be~ twowii the whe^-l s;>'kes When h* tol < ui <>f the rix h-s na\> pointed toward tho n. nh Ur and hi) far* drai^e\l on tlie krund. Alt i a half hour's nem ulati.m of iiattne from ilna taiul t >o!iit the >t.>ii c-iiicliiiiii that lile w.tanol . it'i IIVIIK anil resigned his lenurv. I'mJ old Ml Otrl Wanted Ti> do erneral house w Mrs. John lUrd. tV-r-n Affly Markdale* Scbool. Uarkdal*'* new p-^Kc achyol was opeuvd "i M'HiJay wiih^ EXECUTORS' HOTICE. ie them. It is feara. that the bo-' endeace will not have the valve that it lU have plated apoa it by his caardi- whoa brecai to waiah afaiast that of Mr. sad Mrs. Beet aad Pave*, h ia la. ...> of aa r , WU* alto causaed by the ceatiesaea who watted *h tsyorf esWI isssiitlsiitr slv ta> ss-j |fM asw ^H*t Mr BsHA AsVsCsUWi tj^aal ^HTsssVssssft ^^^ J*^^* " ^ws> ttaW ufaeoease*stnafs*to the too such truth in waose essmi or ilnsi^ aeuo* oam - -- , . ... *T ?**''. *-^L^<s:--r ii..r *tj j Of UM GBsM BMJsTK .w- tis.."* e%>f ^aa>>>V iksMa^ neTr ha K*V=, :: i tsote we hear shout it the ante we believe oar act to have beea The assair has created ia- i cmorr We await the rroolt of Mr Wa.ell , report y father .poo Salt. salt. salt. Just reoeiTed.ooe hoadred salt. R. Tnmhie. LOOK! -- T.BLAKELY, IV (it XaUer -ti n* That Case of Hardship. The disclosures whid^eaiae to Ucht in The Advance las: ws%k with rtfaieam to the boy Wriehi aave created a decsdes. sensation, aud we have had saaay in- dividual enquiries as to whether any thmc is hkehr tn he ttcoe ia the matter. So far as The Advance is concerned we with it distinctly aaderetaod that it has made no charcos a_-ainst the s*an Best. hit wif* or auy .<ue eUe eoosecteJ with the affair. It simply ave the buy's story at taken fria his lips by a B%axi*tTat on Sunday of last week. That story the boy still adheres to. Tb* taasTutrate in question, after heanajc this Kory, eotmtiajMcatad with the home aatfearitwe in Teroaao^ad they immediately vat a geatlesaan ap to iaresu^stc. This <eatteesan went out u> tee the bvy on Fr. lay last, and retunied with the apparent cxnvtetion that the story was somewhat eia^rn>U>d H ever, a nunber.of gentlemen bum that aesaThborhood waited uaee The Advance on Monday and captained that the rep- neentatire of the hoiae had aot cuodect- ed the mveatiaUoa ia a proper and thoroefh ssaaser. aQsfiaf that Mr W sTell-thLgeatletsan referred to -had partaken of Mr. Best's hospitality, and at the outstdo had only t.-*nt f,rty miuutee :ih the S-y and had n->t even th.-t.'athly examined him. This coai- mittee, ^-mixeed at Mr. Irwia Fa Mr Jv>e Shetw.sxl and Mr. John Ivu'.oy. all mspectable farmers of the nauhbor- hixKi. fear that Mr. YYaU s twj-.-it will oot be favors We t a th,>r\<ttiih tavesti- , (piuoa, aud on Mop.'ay l.tat attempted to etiter the case before a bench of ssfia- tratee if f*leherton. but were unable to Jo s< from reasons unexplained to as. No doubt it was thought w.ll to await the ivault of Mr. Wavell's report. The ceiitlemen who wailed up>n us on M.<n- day said the story was correct in t\tr\ narii<.uAr with the eicvptioa that it waa Best, a^l ryn-, who threato<<d to murder the boy on the ooaaaK when it waa supposed be took the money. On this .>*asion, UK\ it u allevd a ck>ilies- liue was put ar\<uml the N>y s neck and he was drawn uv to a beam with the b- jtvt of making him ci-infesa. During the tuiunier t!ie Sy oUuns to have beea used f.xirly well and up until harrvet time lMs]tthaa| then saw the lad pull in* thistles from the cram * i*.h Kare haiul* snd in hu har. 1 feet, an J. <>n Nov. 15 he was sfeii ^<m< a\> ut u. his bar* (eel. Mr Sherw.vxl itifon> .1 us thai he himself lu-ard tlie boy be,u ; thrashed one day from a distance ot thirty rod* away ami U<ld his wife at the time that if something was not done the Ix'vy w\>uld be killrtl. The** details are bHHSJwM ia the extreme to relate, aiul if the , :> t >>ii.-e were all thore waa t.- up.ui this i<*(x % r would IKH tuako tS > de tails public, but heu s number of tfvntleuion rveuliiiic iu tho < . com- bine in Iwiifviiii; the l%d to ha..\ been badly u-M-J. aud di<eire MI ui rcarii^ltioii . we t\xl juslined in U>lie\in<; that ihc matter shouUt b- th . >rouc hlj sifted. \\ o have taken creat | aina to t\<ure iho facts, so far as kn<>wn. and Save iiidal^ed in notliuiff f a h -ary chamrter. such evidence as the K\v i^viMxthe nia<*i>trte aiul what the netthN>n actu-Ulr saw auO will swe*r to. Thf K>y - ir Hiij>r\-viin; and i* now <>ut of hil. i>n Frdy. when seen by Mr >Vs\ell. hi* pulse :.-,-4 at UV. v t u is Mr \V\>'.l own :t,-inrvt t us>,w!.i.-h was a remarkably h.^h p>int. even fur a by. and iiidieateJ s btsh (ever It s-aa in this stale that he was interviewed by the repreentiT. snd it ts d>u'<tful i.- nir in IK! if hs waa thvn in a fit ( ti >ii to l<e mtrvi*.xt Kv srnvrr ' Mr. Wave'l infnnxl 1 ' AUCv ! that the- I- >'a st'ry t. him o>-t> ' tK"ted in s. vv-.-^i, p-'iats With thkt j fit en tu the u>a*>strt. bt if > could it nl bo aooiunttfd IT in the low sUte .which we r\ fer I >lrv Pawcett a: i! hs*. Sherwmd *,r\s- after the I'.^tfet.'tentan h*>l Ivft, the K \ n-meiiiN-rfVt tli.t he K>1 not i iei *>uie I'lirc* c\rr*tl and cried binent . '> about u NV think oertvlvfe. that Mr \V..U,lu>ul4h.ra had a.^Mwse f S. T . Flesherton, V.J -Vesiy east .DwaW* TW food eaaliOe All nwss saet wsn a*w aad iHisji s aw tsysa. I *" *>Wy kaewa soar as. speak toe ews assay -Tilt r-salisasiis awes ikea ' 1 *">I** witaoat aay txtra wras be* H ii 1 1 nl ) trm sstolae nliv* n ew siswe. ' "** * m - Tko y r^airaj iBiplswisali at SOM kav (OM v> etWr KOSMS aad sher '** If*. I?** *."'?* "waias aua* it assfist sUPBBSsssVT sW*afl sV! a\ &^kJ ^re*k fetW^asta a^saJB A IWstslsV ftstM sftMM wC tssHsft kOU%s9 IsTVssV Va^i VVB stsaMsM. VWbl C B ^v^ree^^a^srt^^a^^t^.-^^^M^k^yte-^k**-- *** t esjahtsM ef these T. A. BLAKELV. F.esherton. A t' P. R. eufiaeer weal cnuy i v while cutsiat; up the Oalsdoa atoun^ tain and deserted his eafiae. FOR SALE. Fr -!.?*.; n -r .: r r bn t U IM. se I N i > *PeJj w 1 BIl 1 AMI mm, Three important qualities combined in oiir make cf Boots. To those wLo expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- ing the next few mouths we wou W say that you cannot do better, either in Factory made or tome made Boots, than to try CLAYTON'S. A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. \^4 a lot of Mens' Boots liome made. lW-*t Ms ferial aud Worktoanthip ov. 1 a-.ul. nntl 1 1 *-);t i r: M u to > i- STOVES AT COST I li.ivc an oiuM-m>>.:> 'k ct stoves.-. which, (or l\ 'ov \\ooki5, \\ '! bp otT^rcJ K-r sale AT THEIR ORIGINAL CCi'T Which Means t'lat yo.i c.r.i set stoves from t < . prict> iu\c: hcA-.vl o: W:>MY. 1 desire to* reducjj r. an>! take this method ot'i'oino, so. C*H rlv .and - chou-o. I soil itoves ni viuit.icii^cJ ly a!! th siovr turns in OnUuo, .I'ul you canuot, tail to get s.u-;; >n. I havo mi lo jvoiii'. gtiAn^cn^ceUSilur the benefit p| \ > toiucrs, F. G.

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