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Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1890, p. 2

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TEE O'SBEA SCANDAL Serious Chargn Brought Against Mr. Paraell AID CAPT. O'SHEA'S WIFE, tatniriiU ejr Mr Kd ward rUrk l.t- 1 1 lit.. ., . , Mr . lilli. k i. I Ik* in. i. leeder to If ate, !>! Bin i ht-.'. Fraetlc-al o,.l~.l,,n l>eie net Appear. Bir Edward Clark, OM of Cent. O'Bbea'i OODUMI, in opening he O 8he oivoroe MM in wmoh Mr. Piruell i* oo-re*poiideul. aui Ihtl ID Ih* interest of hll client and in view of ibe nmerkebl* pleadings, it would be necessary to provu the pvlllluner'i ease by luftiuienl evidence. The petition (or a d:voroe, bo Mid, wae filed in Ueoem ber ! Mr. Parcell bad tbtn pal in a simple deuitl o( the charge of adallery Mr*. O bh*a did DOI content beretlf with > denial, but uitde counter charge* again*! br buibend, alleging that be had com- milled adallery with a number of diffarenl peroL, including her own niter, Mm Bled*. Bbe ileo charged him wilb cruelty, aud witb having oonnivad at ber eduJltr > for i period extending over nerin of y eer. The plea ilmoet amounted to a eonjiwiion of adallery. The baiband w oraeily annoyed it the defendant's obargei, but be (Clark) woaid be able absolutely to dieprox, every poeeible loggeetion againit him. He ooald ibow that tbe charge of connivance wai groundless ; that wben O'Bbee firm heard of tbe inlimaoy between hie wife and I'irueJl be challenged Pernell to fibi a duel on tbe oonunenl. Tbat oontmuoui aoM of adallery bad been committed by tbe respondent and oo reepondent would be pieced beyond aoabt. Witnee* would prove tbat while Ibe respondent wee vi*iung in Bedford bqaere be wae vieited by Parn*U, wbo went aoder the Dame of Smith. At anolber booae be iitd her a* Mr. Blaan. On one oooaiion he bed to eeoape by tbe baioony to avoid detection by O'Bhea. ouuou* CHABOB Aiunsr lite reepoodeot *n* Mr. I'.rnell, Sir Edward maintained, bed actually lived toother at Eaetbooroe and Brooklcy. Mr. Pernell, he Mid, could not faoe tbe evi- dence. He allowed judgment to go by de- fault beoauei be dared not go into tbe it- neee box. Tbe orimioal law bad lerrori for some people whom tbe moral law ooald not bind. He did not wonder at Mr. I'arnell rf aeal to anewer tbe charge* of faithles*nee* and taieebood and betrayal ol friendship o' the man wbo we* iruin : him. Cept. U'Hnea nood for Parliemeu* in IMHO. He wa* then lolrodooed to Mr. Parnell, wbo dined with htm and Mr*. O'Bbea, Mr*. Bte*te bung one of the party. NutiiiiiK rxoitod Oepl. O'Bbea'* lotpioioo until 18N1. wben Mr. I'erurll fluted tb* reeponueiit al Kubem. Hi* aoooyano* over Mr. Parnell'* approach** to hi* wife led Cept. O Hhea to (end a oballeutf* to Mr. PernelL Mr*. BMele *aw Parnell, wbo mured her tbat there wa* no ground for jeeloa* n- pioioo. O Bhee wrote to i'aruill aod tbe latter replied tbel he bad au.wered throogb the aMaranoe* be had Riven Mr*. Btetl*. Afterward* efleotionet* reialioo* between OS bee and hie wile were eon- tinned end Parnrll wa* again invited to Eltbam. In IXMit, afu r Peroell bad been released from Kilmainham jell, he renewed and telef raphed to h i. wife Af Mr tbat aekiug br IM mt-emng. H r reply, which wa* oooahed in effeatiouate term*, eaid ' I heve not Ihe lightest Idea of what it mean*, nlat* It U Intended to (at a run oat of yea. Il ha* been mad* op by Healy A Oo. Iti* better not to retaliate, for It U a* rirfhtuiit with a *Wf*p you are *ar* to gel dirty." Bbe eiao wot her bniband a Utter which ha alleged (be had received from Perndl, which wae fale* aod invented That letter wa* concocted portly for ibe purposs of bring ihown to O'Bhea. In il Pernell wrote that be had a ooaple of bone* at Bexlre oat al graai, and tbat he we* aorry if *ny annoyance bad been oaoaed by tbe par* graph. It would b* ibowa that Parnell lepl at Ellham tbat night. He wa* in a brougham wben tb* aooident occurred. Afterward* tb* respondent and I'rudl went to the itablee and removed the boric* and haroaai loll O'bhea ihould oome horn* and *ee them. A HCIHB AT CABL'&ID. Bir Edward next told of a toene tht oooorrnd at OerUbad while O'Shea wa* laying then. A lady wbo wa* reading a peper began to read a paragraph in which O'Bbea'i nam* appeared, when mddcnly be (lammered and wa* onabl* to proceed, and tvcrybodjr, of oourat, beoeme ourioui The paragraph referred to Ibe immoral relation* of the respondent and Parnell daring the ebeenoe of berbaibend. O'Bha wrote to hit wife mentioning tbe inci- dent and telling bow the paprr narrated tbe ilory of PeroelT* inburben retreat with hi* Aiptiia at Eltbam and bow b* bad put tb* bet faoe on tbingi by exclaim- ing again*! the introduction of the wont feature* of American politic* into Engliib public Ufa. FOB THIIB CHILDBIN'* uii. parrphi eppeared la IB)*) ptpere abuut Mr. ParoaU'l vilit* to Ellbam, and I wrote txpraaeing annoy aoan t tbe oiroamiUare. I over knew that Parnell had bora** al Kllham until I wa* told eo by my aoo. There waa a ooovar**- tion aboelt taking; oriminal prooeediag* Kin th Mwwpaptr*, bat a* it Wa* tboogbt th*t would only m*ke tbe oandtl wone idea wae abandoned. I limply wrote to tbe editor* about tbe matter. After that I wn.t to OerUbad. I believed Mr*. O Snea wa* living at the Queen'* Hotel, EM! boorne. After I returned from CarUbad I got a letter from my wife in reference to ibe paragraph wbioh had appeartd in the newipapvr*. I Q t >t>>-ied tbat ih choold ooniult Bir E**lyn Wood and wrote that fa* aboold direotly or inriireo'ly take DO REtRIBOTION OVERTOOK HIM. A Biisiu .diiiiirintiTi Iffiw KiW kj Poisoned Ballet. hi* tint* to Kiilum and aluioel habitually lept there. Perncll owd to drive f rum Parliameul to Eitham and Mr*. O'Bbea would gu down tlair* to meet bim wtmu be arrived. Bometune* *h alepl away from lit* houae when 1'aroell wa* not there. Cept. O'Hbea wrote to hi* wife ramonelrai- ing agiotl tin He vi. 11* end deolaring hi* intention of vaotting hi* **at in i'arli* nieni Kurlon* torn** occurred betwreii him and hi* wife. On one oooaiion ha had found portmauteaa belonging to Mr. l'r nell at hi* houae and carried it off, throw- ing il out of a railway nation. < IIALLBNOK rROM O'kllu. Hir Kilward Clark further laid Dial th* am* night an angry aoen* occurred between O'Bbea and hi* wife, and tb* former leav- ing Waohenl Lodge, where they were tay ing, walked to London. The following day h* went to Mr*. Bleale'i houee and told her of what had happened. It wa* then b* challenged Parnell, bat the ijaarrel wa* arranged through Mr*. Blael*'* ur anoe*. In April, 1NH3, Mr*. O Shea and her family went to railde in Bedford Hqoarv, Brighton. Her huiband un- 1 to go lh*r* from time to time. When he wa* not there a ilrang* vnoil-rnan w*< a con Kir Edward ben read a ierie* of letter* which paaead between O'Bhea and bin wif* reipecting tb* terms cf Ibe arrangement they desired to make for ths ask* of their children. OS bee advited hi* wi'e to con all ber brothers. Bir Evelyn Wood aod Charles wood, and txpresssd a desire to avoid anything unpleaeant in order not to harm the children. He demanded, how evrr, thai ibe ihoold not *ee I'arnell Another paragraph appearing in a Brighton local paper to Ibe effect tbat Parneil was laying with Mrs. O'Shsa al EeOboarne with her buiband'* knowledge, O'Bbea wrote to hi* wife concerning the story. She replied that abs knew nothing of ParnrU'* movement!. O'Sbea alwayi received soemno deniili of thi* kind. Soon afterward O'Bbea returned to London, and met his eon, who, unwilling to oaate trouble, told hii father tbat Parnoll was not al Kllham. I be too himself, although making tbi* itatemenl, took action with the reeolt that tbe respondent gave ber son an understanding not to have 1'trnrll al Kltuam. How utterly anlrne were ber d- uiaraiiors to ber hasband that iha knew nothing <>f Parneh'a movement*. For nine- teen week* in 18M they occupied a home tokether in Ki. John'* Road, E**tboorn*. After Ibie they occupied another boaae in Htevelv road, Ka*tbournr, at whiob ('.amp- bell, 1'araell'i senretery, was a visitor. Tbiioooarred before November, 1886, after 'hs re*pondenl'i promi** to ber ion that a new course would be adopted. A gentle man nailing hiinaalf Fot went to the cffiue of a hooea agent and engaged a boose on Trevillioo itreel, Brookley. The gentlt mn afterwards changed hii name to Olenunl Preelon. Thi* man wa* Paraell. Mr*. O'Bbea was frequently at Ihe h'Hiee, oallmg herenlf Ibe *i*t*r of lb oooo pant. 1 he bone* wa* within ***t dictance of Kltham. In* nut notice wai takn by Mr*. O Hhe* al York lerrace. Ragente opportonity of aretng Mr. Parnell Aftrr ward I law a paragraph lo Ibe iff-ct that Parnell bad been sta)iag at Ecitbooroe with Mrs. O'Bhea. I immediately wrote ber. I had no notion my wife bad taken a hoase ai Eanboarne. Borne tim* after th*t my eon (bowed me a paragraph dating tbat Parnell had been al Ellham. I ibowed iim paragraph to Parnell. H* wa* ma. h annoyed. Tb* editor* of one or two papen were written to and oontradiiion* wen ioierted. In April, 1887, 1 received a letter from my son OeraJd. On April Uih I saw Mri. O'Bbea and had a long and painful interview with ber. I showed her my IOD'I Istter." Tbe letter rfferred to was then read by Mr. Inderwiek. It communicated matter* relative to th* vieit of Parnell to Mra O'Bbea. Th* writer (aid be had beard tb* VOID* of "thai awfnl eoooodrel Parnell" talking to tb* dog. H* farther said b* honld bavs liked to knock him down, but ha did not with to ap**l bis mother, wbo had told him Parnell had only coma lo dinner and would soonbegons. "Psrbaps," tbe letter oontinoed, " I ought to have kicked him. Yon, however, know more about these things than I do. Bal if r a wish m* to kiok him it (bail be done on tb* rtrn opportunity." Witneas con tinned I knew nothing about Parnell'i horses being placed in Ibe table*. I did not know of my wif* living in Reginf* Park. Afii-r that I heard Par- nell had ben living with Mrs. O'Bhea at Brighton. I thsn tiled a petition for di- vorce. Mr. Inderwiek There I* a serioas charge again*! >ou * rscardi Mrs. Hieele. Is there *ny troth in thai charge, or is it a* abeolotrly and entirely untre a* are th* other charge* againat you T Witness Yes, certainly, they are all falw. There was no ore** examination, and f'epi O'Bhea lift the witness box. Two photographs of Mr. Parnell and Mri. OShea were then handed in as svideno*. OTBKB wmnmit rriTirr. Harriet Boll, formerly in the service of Mri. Dawaon, of Bodford aqoare, Brighton, wae Ihe next wilnes*. Bbe remembered Mri. o Shra ilayioKlhsr* five or lix yean ago. u Hbea oanie there, M did alec another I'ark. Kb* gave ai reference Clrueol Preiton, cf Brockley (laughter) and Mr. I'urmll, of the Duua* of Com- nicini-iwo tfeulleiura In one. The proved thai Ihe pair concealed li. ir iimn, any lo the tail aad elere<i O'Bhea of Ih- ohare cf connivance. The raipoadenl *n<l Parnvll n-d Ihi.h inec logethfr from IKM7 unlit IHHW, ihr oallinn h-rn-if Ihe niter uf Clement I'mion. All hi* wuold be provrd in *videooe and would 11 rely enable the jar* to return venial that weald liberate 0*pl. O'Rbra from a mm*K tb*i he now looked npon ai hamefnl bondage. stanl vimtor. Mrs. Dawaon, wbo kepi the booss, and two servants would tell the jury who the .traoger wai, and would prove that tbs pair were sometimes looKed in Mn. O'Bbea'i bedroom together. Al aooih.r hooee Parnell also visited ths reepoodenl. Hi was cental always to keep out of the way of O'Hhea, eeoaplng by way of a back baioony to avoid the captain, and afterwards going to Ihe front of the house and preeeutlng himsslf an having just arrived. O Hbea went abroad 111 and daring hit absence Parndl lived al Eltbam. Humori reached O'Hhea about hli wife and Parnell, and hs wrote to Mr*. O'Hbia for an explanation. He also wrote to Parnell, eying : Yon bavs bsbavtd vnry badly to can** icandal by your continued vlilts." To Ibli Parnill replied : I don't know any reason or any oaoss for scandal." I AliXKI.l. AND Hll HOIUBI. Mrs. O'Bbea wrote to ber hniband. pointing ool that the ohildren'i ohano* of inheriting thi property of their aunt, Mn. Wood*, would be dimaged by a icandal. Thi* occurred In 1MM4. O'Hbea'* iniploioni were lulled adeep, and ih* pair >em*d more confident ai to what th*y could do al Kllham. In 1W1S three borsss, President, Dlctstor and Home Hale, were bought. Ths tint WM Parnell's hack, the second wa* Ihe respondent's, and Ihe lait WM sn old bank for common ass " about Ibs fat* of which." added Hir Edward with malicious hiiinor, " I don't know any- thing." After thai a nsw room was built for 1'arnell. with aooee* to th* r**pond*nt'i room. In IMM paragraph In Ibe paperi described a carriage eooidsot thai hip penid to Parnell si Kltham. O'Hbsa ... Al the ooooluiion uf Bir Edward Clark'. adiirew. Captain O'Hbea took Ih* witneo land and wa* eiamintd by Mr. Inderwick He *aid : " I married Mi** Ktherine Wood on Ih* '1 1 h of January, 1C7. There were litre* children of the marriage. After my election to Parliament I wa* inlrodnoed to Mr. Parnell by Mr. O'Oorman Mahon. After that I in v it., I Parnell to ths Thomas Hotel and introdaord him lo Mr*. O'Bhea. I had an angry quarrel wilb Mr*. O'Bhea on account of tb* vi. il< of I'arnell to Kllham, of whloh I knew nothing until I found It gentleman whom ib* identified by a photo- graph M Parcel!. H* woulJ com* every dav tnri at all times. g. What happened when h* oame ? A. Th* children ueeu lo go oat for drive*. Nnhodv else would be In tbe boa**. Q. How long would they be together ? A. For bean. He uraelly eteyed till 11 o'clock at nuhl. Thi* wa* a fr.. r n m oocorreuce. On one ccoadon Mrg. went onl lain with the gentleman. y -Did thet gentleman ever deep in the houi* ? A. Ye*, on* night. J. - Wa* Mr. O'Bhea in Ih A Mo. THE ASSASSIN ESCAPES. A Pan* cable a*y* : Oeneral Beliver uff ii dead. Tbe woond eorreeily de eoribed a* ilitht, proved fil. for imall as it we* ana comparatively barmlee* to look upon, it wae ii flicted b> a poieooed bullet. Both prcjtctilis bow no mercy. Nihilist i* stamped on tbe face of tbe crime; tnl Nihilism which prating politician* bav*(or montbi pact dncribrd a* b- ing dead'. Tbe following particular* completely deionbe Ibe mode of perpetration of the potion, aaaaaiin and tb* motive* wbi< h dictated it They rn oomrnanioeted to your oorrei pondenl by an < fficial holding a r uh poii- tion in tbe Runian diplomatic eervioe, per- tonally fimiliar with tbe whole public lit* of th* Oeneral. Tbe fact* an thai at noon yeiterday tb* concierge at tb* Hotel Bade wa* acooeted by a man attired in th* typical ooel arae cf a Rnieien, or rather Polub, emigrant. He *aid , 1 have a letter for Oeneral Beliventoff. wben an bis rooms '"' Being told where to find tbe apartment, the man continued : How are Ibe room* iinated ?" H* wa* told which number wa* tbs bedroom and wbioh tbs parlor. He thsn wsnt opitairs ; tb* IOWSMV** ui pioion, itrangely enoOKb, not being aroused by tbe doss interrogatory of tbs foreigner. Tbe Pole went up to Oen. Beliverstcft'i room. H* wa* admitted after explaining bis errand, and tbe valel withdrew H* then handed tbe general a Utter, and pn- nmably iho* bim while reading il, ai Ib* document, an invitation to a soiree at th* Franco- Proesian ('lab, wai found on Ih* floor. Tb* man was seen descending the itaire in great haste by tb* Oeneral'* ssr- vent, wbo shortly afterward* knocked al bis msiter's door and received no aniwer. H* returned a second tims and opened tbe door, when be found ths Oeneral seated at his deik, pen in band, and dripping with blood. An alarm wai at one* given, and Dr Porlarlier we* quickly on h*nd, and iniptte of all his efforts Oeneral' never regained oonsotouueei bit died yesterday. Ths litter brought by Ibessiasiin quickly led to hi* identification, but unfortunately not to hi* arreel. Information gamed al the Franco- Hnatian Bank ibow* that b* ii a Poliih Hebrew named Pidlewsky, wbo wa* employed by tbe club as messenger. He is 36 yean of age. An mveiligalion of hi* lodging* wa* immediately carried out. and document* were found tbat con- datively proved Pedlewiky to be a Nihi- list. Moil important of all, however, wa* Ih* disoovsry of a number of bullsts of the sams oalibrs as tbat found in tbs wounri, and a basly analytical examination proved Psdlewsky, my hs* undoubtedly and tb* polios them lo bs poisoned, informant tell* m*, teceped to England, ''Hhea in Ihe house on thai Q - Did Mri O'Bhea and the gentleman dnvn onl together A. Tea. <, How did the) gentleman enter th* hoi.**? A. Heuswd rale* I O, Do you rr collect on one out myself. I wrote I'.m-ll afterward, on July Uih, 1HH1. Mn. O Hhea gave m* assurances loiuch an extent that there wai a reconciliation. I wai convinced by Mri. Hleele that then we* nothing wrong. Th* arreet and confinement of Mr. Paruell look place after thai. " A* on hi* releaee b* wa* nol In good health I invited him to Kllham. Mn. O'Hhea after that went to Bedford aqua re. Brighton. 1 did not know Mr. Paroeli visited her there. I bed a house some time fter In the Medina terrace, Brighton, bat I certainly did not know that Mr. Parnell visited or ilept In thai house. la 1NH4 I wa* In Lisbon. On my return I heard vague rumor* that 1'ernsll had been corn In Klthstn. I wrote to 1'sinell, who answered denying that there wa* any ground for tbe icandal that thin existed. On the same day 1 got a Utter from Mr*. O'Hhea. She denied absolutely that then *e* any truth In tb* rumors then pnvailing. In the pring of 1HN6 I was in Bpa,,, and In the aolnmn of thai year 1 and my wife wen at Margate. After that I went to Ireland and saw Parnell. Then followed thsgeniral election. I tint Hood fnr tbe exchange dlvliion of Liverpool and afterward* for Utlway. I wai oppo*d bv Mr. HaaUy and Mr. Illggar. I hoard statement* about Mr. Parnell and Mri. O Hhea during Ihe runt**!. I roinon- ilraled with my wile, but ih* i*ul her acquaintance wilh Parndl WM for |><.iuioil |1U" W1- " f in. oooaiion tioiugioMr*. O'Bbva'i to iprak t-ih-r? A Ya. 1 he*rd VOJUM. I tried the door and found} it looked. <:rolina Peihar*, widow residing in Criflionham. we.* Ih* nrxl wilnee*. Bbe t.-etifled iht toward* the end of 18H3 ehe wa* cant*l.4r of a hooM *t We*l BrUhtt.n, which ihe lei to Mr. and Mn. O'Hhra. Two or three dyi after tbe family arrived a K<-ntlnman appeartd, whom ihi isenliflwt Mr. l'*rn*ll. He went by lh name of Oharlei Kiew*rl. H* oni*tim** called when O'Hhea wai there. He need to drle out Mra. O'Hbea in the night time. They were together in tbe dining room for aeveral honri on one oonaiioo, with the door looked. They wrn in other room* with the doori looked. The young ladlei laid thiir mother did not want lo b* disturbed when the had anybody with her. l'*rnoll dept fre i|aently at the hcaee when O Shea was not there. He w*i m IM drawing room one lime with Mra. O'Hbea. with tbe door looked, wben O'Hha> rang the front door hell. Parnall teoapad from Ihe home and then went to tb* front door, rang the bell and aiked to MO O Shea. He did not soap* by tb* lUir*. 1 hern wa* a baioony ontiide the window and there were two rop* fire noape* in the hooM. (Langbter i Wit. no** *aw Mra. O'Hhea ono go upeUire. pall down Ih* blind aod go Into Parnell'i bd. room. Mrs. O'Rheei oarrlad up hoi water to I'arneir* bed loom. tuthoritle* have oommnnioated with their Mlleagoe* in London. It i* (eared, however, tbat owiiu to tb* large number of Nihiliil* wbo inhaiiil th* worst and moat intricate ilnm* of London the criminal will find an impenetrable biding place. lien. Seliveritcff bad betrayed great fear a* to hi* p*r*on*l **fety, allowed no one to approach bim before hii servant had ascertained hi* bn*mee*. and kepi a loaded revolver constantly at hand on hi* deck. Tbe deceased iniiited on hi* lervanl deep. ing ontiide the bed room door, so that no admuiion ooald be obtained exoepl overbi* body, and frequently the Oeneral would Hart op from nil bed, leine bin revolver and make a ol< H inipeclton of the apartment. No wonder h* wai nervoui, for Gineral SeliveriK IT. who t one time wa* obief of ihe dn'%,1: d thud erotion or political polio* >>f KUMI*. wieldod all Ihe terrible power* known ai Ihe adminietraliveprooee*,othrr. wiee Siberia for life without trial. He wai rt moved from tbi* imporianl poet in order lo take char** th* perion of of the foro* lurroanding Ihe Csar, and wai held theoJoifly reipounele for tbe eafely of ire overeign. T* b* Sqaeeirtl Into a Cooaia*. A Chlos4ro deipaloh sayi : Th* TViouiw ay* th* Ohioago, Rook Iiland A Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee <t Bl. Paul Rallroadi have formed a traffic alliance with thi Union I'aoifln ilmllar lo that sx. tiling between Ihe Union Pacific and Chicago A Northwestern. The nsw agree menl ii svidenlly part of the Ooald- Tanderbllt lohem* to fore* all th* Wntero iradi into their propoeed big combine The Burlington baa showa a iplril it in- dependence, and to foro* It to ttrmi the arrangement! with th* Rook Idand and other road* wen made. THI-4 UUN WAS UIADKD. t a Oemratle Wae a* Ihe Wroac ( Whea II Weal Off. An Exeter despatch says: A serious accident but, fortunately not a fatal one, occurred in tbe swamp on Ihe Lake road near Eieter on Wednesday. Several men, among them on* young man named Davy nd another by th* oame of Unffln, Ih* latter carrying a doable barrelled gun loaded wilh No. 4 shot, wen going to their work in tbe iwamp, when in com* an- known manner Ih* weapon exploded linos! the whole charge sinking young Devy in Ihe back of the had. The dii lance wai under 100 feet, fortunately too (real for Ihe ihot lo do more than enter the *calp and perforate the right ear. Tbe whole parly returned at once lo town, KOUOH ATLAiriO EZPEUEICSB. Tlr* Lake Hnron Amve* After a Thnlii"< ElthteeD-Dayt' Voyage l.soo BB0 Of OATTL* A Montieal despatch says : Another terrible ocean txpennue ws reported by ib* Beaver L>u Lak* Huron, which rrivtd in port oo Tuesday wilh a big bole in ber larboard bow ana other damages. Tbe plaM-K on tbe itarboerd bow tor a length of fifteen feet are imatbed in, and two plaU* eft cf tr.e hawae bole are itove to. The Lake Huron lift Liverpool on October 3M, and eiperienced a *oooe**ioa of itrong gU with oravy head sea* till near Belle l-l* A horrioaiie blew on the s>b and attain on th llth. At 4 o'clock on tbe morning cf tbe lltb a very beavy ea itrack tbe chip, damening tb* bow*. Water c.tue into ihe forepeak, and tbe veetel wa* detained twenty-four boon epairing damage and (bitting tbe oarito. which bed to be moved aft to prevent the water coming on board. While aMiniog in Ihe hitting o( tb* cargo, tbe doctor, Mr. McKee, was kDOoked down by *om* of Ibe hatches and at verely icjured. H* wa* laid up for several day* but ii now aboat. Nearly all hand* had to axiil in tb* work of (bitting tb* cargo. Tb* for*pe*k was filled with water wben the boat arrived at Qaebtc, bat it was pumped out on the way up. The detention to the boat was not caoat d by the captain leking a aoutberly ooarae, bat il was limply a fight agatnit wind and waves all ih* way over. Borne oay* the engine* would be kepi at fall peed, and tbs ve***l only progressed abool thirty miles. Up ihe golf a strong northwest gale blew with high sea*, but no farther damage wma don*. Be*idei the d*mage to tbe bows, a great deal cf woodwork on the upper deck was iwept away. Tbe wbesl-booss wae itarted and ths chief iteward'i oabin WM bars! In and Ih* panelling broken. Captain Morrey, of the Lake Huron, ilatei tbat this has been bis wont experience on tbe 81. Lawrence route. Of tbe fitly -four bone* thai were on board, (even died during the pauige, and, wilh Ihe exception of two the remainder were landed in good oondi tion. Temporary repair* will be made bare and It U the intention to gel tbe vessel swaj by Friday. CATTLI b08S>*. Mors cattle lossss are reported from the other lid*. Following Ik* lo*ass t* tk Linda and Ibs Btrait* of Magellan, new* wa* received to-day that the steaoubip Circs, of Ib* Reford line, bed arrived at Gl**gow with a large nomber of oattle lost, tb* loss probably amounting to over IOC bead. Thi* makes a loss of over 600 head in the past week, tbs Linda losing 354 head and ths Biraiti of Magellan 161 head Among the ihippen by in* Giro* was J Eakins, of Port Hope, 900 head. Tbeee an tenon* loiin to live Hook exporter* coming attbssndof an unprofitable aea son. Fortbsr advices from Aberdeen to- day report very beavy cattle loases. Oat of tbo Cirri-' i cargo of 419 cattle 900 head were loci, and of these 187 bead belonged to Jae. Eakini A Co., of Port Hope. 1 he steam- hip Brica had a cargo of o30 head. hipped by Jai. Eakin* A Co . and every one was lotl. Tb* ve*ssls arrived al Aberdeen today. Th* loises of the Eng- li*h companies daring the past week are reported to be over So-' 000. Tin CACIXI or uws. Cettlfl ICMCI op to thi* lime bad been so light that the cattle wen not ininred to thrir full extent, ibipper* generally oarrv ing one quarter them*elve. and they will not only have lo rtand thil lo**. bat the oetile which do not pcruh on the voyage are Undd in inch a poor condition thai they real)/ only very low price*. A* one nipper laid, we do noi know where thi* thing ii going to end. There are a nomber o' boati oat, and juditing by Ihe experience* cf tbrne that have landed their cattle il u v, ry unlikely we will eeoape farther loss.'' Another gentlemen connected with ibip ping *id : " If the insurance OQcopaniee would not al Ihii *ea*on of the year take ritk. on cattle that are placed on the upper deck* the** losses would not occur. In pile of th- terrible weather that has been experienced, ihipperi still permit in ship- ping oattle oo the deck*, protected only by sjki icanlling*. which tbe first great wavr would sweep away." Griffin feeling wounded man. much Gun. wone than the axe* and wedges were led on Ibe ipol, and a doctor al once ent for. He ureceed the injured man'* -oand.,*nd it I* iipMled hcwill be around i a f*w day*. Both th* partiti are Kngluhmen from Devonihira, and cam* to Exeter about two years ago. in rpo Mr. Inderwlok -DM Mr*. O'Bbs* tell yon anything about Mr. Pirnrll r Wltneu V ,.., ihe lold ms that ih* knew that hs had been aeoratly married. At that time I had no Ide* that Par- nell was a oonitanl vl*ltor al Kltham. The Kirl of Derby ha* labeorlbrd 1,000 tor (loll. Itoolh'i ichemi of social regenera- tion. The Marquis of (juteniberry mmdi 100(0 the Halvation Army leader, and )>roml*** yearly donation for Ih* o*a*e He aiki an interview with Oen. Booth laying that be belieTei ths Oenral I* engaged la ih* b*l work that a man It to b* opposes va OI.J . , i . U H.r u.hMtl . Will. A New York despatoh sayi : Tbii being Ibe relnru day of Ihe cilatlon* la th* meltar of Ib* probat* of th* will of Hobert Ky Hamilton, ooun**l for K.vaogeline L. lUiinllon, itft Mann, appeared in court and filed objeolion* lo Ihe ioilrnmenl beinn probated. Mra. Hamilton allege* on infor atation and belitf that Hamilton wa* not lonnd In mind whin h* exeonted Ihe will nd thai be wai influenced end coerced into making It. THE KKNTaUlUB 19 MX M.IMTHV O'Hrlen aiul Dillon round Qallly t tkr Oloenirl aceau of rUllour. A London oabl* say* : In the court at Clonmel to-day a verdict of guilty was reudtrvd againit William O'Brien, Dillon Patrick O'Brien, all of whom were mem ben of Parliament, JohnCnllinan, Thomai \\ klih. I'atno* Mookler and W. Bolton. who were charged with oonipiring lo induce tbe tenants on tbe Bmilh Berry wlale not to pay real. William O'Britn and Dillon wen each atntenosd to two term* of imprisonment of six monlhi each, but the *ntenoe* an to run oononrrently 1 *trtok O'Brien and Callinan wets each sentenced to lix month*' impri*onm*nt and WaUb. Mookler and Bolton lo four month, each. All Ihs sentences wen wilh - out labor. Father Humphrey*. Thomas J. (.ondon. M. I'.. UanJ.I Kelly and David Sheeny, M. P.. wbo wen indicted on the iarg**. wen found not guilty and lay hi* band to, bo* h* desires distinctly understood tbat h* OhrlilUnity, which, he says, ha* filled to help Ihs poor. lie oondudes hv laying hat he tend* hit mite as a " K.v.rml Agnostic." Other dopMlons of 1 100 and mailer mine oonilsjwe to irrive. It i ilaled lhal a new Krenoh loan mounting to 700,000.000fr. will be mue January lit. The London Company of Dnpera will canoel arreara of rent on it* eitatee in Ire- land to th* amoanl of t: 17.000. The iteime Braillian will be the la*t T*ssl to leave tbe Ht. Lawrence Ibii ssason. Bhe will depart to morrow. Th* election to fill tbe vaoanoy in Ihs Common, tor South Victoria hi. been fixed for Wednesday. Deo. 10th. nomination a week earlier. 1%* Frootonao election trial ha* been ad journed till Use, Win. The Medico ChirurgioaJ Society of Mont -1 will send two of it* momoera to Berlin to study ih* Koch process for Ihs con of ooninmptlon. -When a man goes upitaira late at nigh! and skip* svery other stair in an ideevcr to keep quiet he alwayi sesmi lo skip the stops thai don't creek. A vilvet factory at Lyons, France, WM burned oo Saturday. Loss, J160.000. II ii settled thai Senhor Naojhba will b* erne ihe accredited Minister of Brasil at He.a,i Hssssl. bee weou L ib* German KMI Africa Biarn keeps un with tbe prcoewion. Bhe o have an electric railroad thirty mile*

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