BUI .I..B. . Complains. It 'pear* t' uii tbet other folaikinelluiilng an Mf. W'lU muieh'.w ruther larmen never Mem t have a cbanoe I've tilled th .,ii with sweat an' moll fer uioren forty year An ll that 1 kin show fer't li a lot o' worn out I reel. m w c-u I started in tbet 1 wut jest' em spry Ki any uito thet ever bitched a buss er cradlec re. An w>n it eoiuti t tradio' w'y, I got o ibarp folk! aaid " You oner kn. a store. Hill June*, fer you've lot ih bead " lay crops win a.lui ev'rtdge left twui dry er ralueil I.H, much . I sell- .-i >i. .1 others' fields er bore iny ueigh l.-.r grutrh , but. duru it a I 1 'teal other things thet In my gullet ituolt An' wade me think tbot I wui bora t' b* down -n tuy iu. k A red lia.r.-t mu oo talked Jos' like a preach* ayiu' (race .Id me >me.lighnla'-rodsau' luck a mortgage ii tli place. Wen 1<I i'i<l liim an another uu thet bad a patent churn W lob ii.- aii.it>.- 1 wui wulli more coin an twenty mule* cuil earn Jee kept right on a-talkln' he itayed with me ail tin" inn t Till I ftwapped all my lire stock with im for a euunty nitht An' bow it would churn water! Wen he'd got off wit ( i my team I loan' th a|>yrlui wuuldu't work w en I trl ream. I gueu twui two yean after wen a man tbet wnre a weed Hold nu< thrvt. baits o' million l.lllluu trillion turni|i seed. B* (aid a |MWk if planted right ud make me ric by fell I matt e-iinei*d direction* them eeed dldn grow el -ll ' One year 1 hail louie likely hope th' errp wui ity short An 1 j.- k.l.i.a-.eJ tbet with 'em I'd hold th I jr- Tb priee jumpel up -right up 'way up) but 1 held ou t.-r <i. -r. J lost three ttiuti4ii il /liar* Hecli things make a tutu feel tore II pears t ui thet other folki kin a!lui ling an dauoe, Hat farmers euuiebow raUi.-r, never aeem t' gtt a cliance. J. A 11.1 ll.l.ol 11,1 1 Al.mg the itreete like eyclone ren Tim ambulance with one <Nad man. Wlin had too freely rushed the can . And all WIM law the car adrancu Cned " Ambulauoe 1 ' An 'round the corner fast it flew. Another man it overthrew, And hi- was carried in II, t.t ; Then smarter still did ouwarJ dance Tde amhulauee. One ancient lady, pe>alng by, rtcaroe eaw it ttu her eagle eye. When, lo : it lifted her eky btgn. u i at good to be*, b*r eagle glance '.' S lie auibulaM* t Bow quirk U made the people drop ' U r T tne dead x-aree aeemed to stop nurt Juit tu take them oo the bop ' f r..u> Hi- i> ir tuau it lore the pauU, That ambulance. It killed a aoore of men liefura ll ri-ac' ed Ibe buepltal'i iritu door. Five uii'u It bore whoe< de>i were o'er, The IN-.. HI watched with gluouiv glauce Tuat ambulance. It kept the good work going well, It wii.ily rung Ite li..rri.l bell. The kn.-ii ! f-.lk !.-. lorn I. fell. It maun tin. crowd disport* like auti, That auittulaoee. When at tho hospital It " A lot "I .! I. me drirur - n ii H'.-i' : it > Hi iif.-uf t... ny watchod, at in a trauoe, Toal auibu.auce. Bufato.\'iiri * tmli/ Ha* a Ion h Tln.re are nmny mighty iiitr-st I *! UN IN ItllM lift*. Itailriiadj to li'iil.l an. I town* to booui. Make bnaluee* strung ami rife. Hia in all Ibe fuel and buitlu of imil. He age and youth Tin-no little wonli will itop u* ihorl, " The baby'i got a tooth." We taku the lirlghteet illver i|ioon And itn-k It In lie uiuutli. \nil fnei around from east to west Anil to Ibe north and loutb. At IMI Ure COIOBB a rattle. Though a little one fonooth, That Indicates etactly where " The baliy'e got a tooth. luit t little peg of Ivory, Until like a grain of rice, feeki up abovu the ruey gume Ho very cute and nice. Its very IliHu you may tay Hut uiiKhty Gig In truth The |ir|.|- an. I wander of tne day, L)eer uahy'i got a tooth. II aui Hi-dinid to figures. There ii an Kni(lih literary man who at the end of eaon yar penetralia into the published Uition and extract* therefrom very of .en eome exceedingly interesting ngurei. The resulti of hit researohe* into Ian >ear'i notion are entertaining. Of the heroine! portrayed la novel* he flndg 372 were described a* blonde*, while I'.'O were. brunMti Of me fii'.-j heroines, 437 were bMOtifnl, 271 were married to men of their oboion, while. 30 were unfortunate enoutjb to b* bound iu wedlook to the wrong man. The heruitiM of flition, tbii literary itaiii tioian claim*, are K'eatly improvuiK in health and do not die ai early ai la previ oae yean, although ooniamption il Hill in the lead among; fatal maladie* to which they mi limb. Karly marriaKee, however, are on th inoreaee. The penonal oharmi of the heroino* included 9HO " cxpreaiive yM" and "7'.i'. ihell like eart " Of the *y, 643 had a dreamy look, :tyO tlaihed Bre, while the remamier had no ipeoial attribute. Kyet of brown and bin* are in tb* aeoru iant. Then wa* found to be a lare iooieaae in the nnmbor of heroinei who poeiaeand dimplei ; 50'J were bleueil with niteri and 842 had brother*. ID 47 oaeee mother* fl^urnl a* harolne*, with H'2 children between them. O(the*e71 ohil- dren were monad from watery grave*. KiKlur n of the huiband* of the** horoinei ware found to be buaimiti, while ieven hoiband* had note* found in their pookelu expound " everylhinn " And thai I* th* romanu* of a year reduced to figure*. TEA TABLE GOSSIP Philadelphia ha* 198 female phyii- oian*. Item* of interest pawnbroker*' Pure limpli :ity i* the ideal now in not paper Black night ihirl* for men have been announced. The lilile town of Albion, Mich., claim* 260 widows. Il i* the dentil! who oan do tooth thing* at onoe. A letter need not have much informa lion in il lo be well posted. 1'ul a lazy man on a hoi griddle and he would want time to turn himself. Furnace shaking la now a fashiooable after breakfact exaroise for gentlemen. Tbe man diligent in bit business ihal Hand before kings, when h* bold* aces. They polled tbe town to awertaln Tbedrmkeii o d and cage, And learned that men wbo drink old rys Had reached a rye-polled age. Advemty I* not without comfort vour enemy may be in harder luck than you. A womin will rail againit bora* races, ind yt keep her own tongue running all day long. If you at first do not suocsed And fail in life tu rue, Do not depir. bui witb all speed Ciofortu audalvertis . Tbe lougur a man live* Ibe mire be convinced of Ibe unfailing ftieud ship of a dollar. " This i* a votive off iring," said h, a* he put a dollar bill iu u e baud o( trie vacillating vutor. Mailing will alway* l<x>k bright il wiped off wuh a cloth dampened witb salt water after *we> p.ng. Tbe collar* and tie* seen on Ih" pic- tare* of dignified elderly gentlemen of fifty year* ago are being revived. Did yon *ey b* wen a vegetarian ?' " No ; I laid he wn a vegetable." " What do you mean ? ' "A beat." * M siov. Now proudly Mrute with royal sway Tb* lordly turkey tall , \Mnle nearer draws Thanksgiving day Trlde goeth before a fall." Japanese pillow* are laid to be an dewed wuh beauty prtserving qualities The virtue i* iu the color -black. Keep your tronblt* to yooreelf. When you ttll them you are taking up tb* time ul th* man wbo u waiting to tell hi* An absent-minded man in a bar room the other day drank somebody's drink am then put hi* band out to be paid for il. Bmit* wrinkle* at her temple* betray w .mau s^. Evfry long one re pro its un )eart, and imall orea*** Hand for one. " The winter," saUh ths goose. With aa/Iue*s io lier tone, " Wi I Im i.,u, IMIIK an I i.-.j|J ; I feel It la uiy I.UH ' "Financial fatigue" is i new word in Stook Exchange parlance. It's an illnees following in the wake of Qnfor luuile in- vedlnu nil. Tbe wholesome prejudice that hi* been aroused againit Ihe letii.hu-r of bird* for let decorating pnrpoari ba* led to ttie uaniifai'turi. of arlili lei biros. There i* lomelhing wrong with the electric lamp at Ihe corner of Kmrrald and liarton ilreel*. For some night* pail ill 'ight ha* been very intermittent. I rather commend th* McK'nley Bill, aid tbe Church Treasurer. " 1 do not find rly so many pearl button* in Ihe plate aa I used to." - .V. York Herald. When at night we te> to bed, I'oor old baclielofn t When at night we go to bed. No curtain lecture* s'sr are ran), Mo widows left when we are dead. Poor old bachelors 1 Th* fifty lariieit libraries in Germany ISSSM about 12.700,000 volume*, against England with about r>. 450,000, and North America witb about 0,001,000 volume*. Father Ignatin*, th* evangelitt monk if Ibe English Church, ii now at th* Hotel Inntingtoo, Bo*lon. H* will deliver a course of leolnra* in that oily tbil week. ' Th* moil deiperate creature oc earth," said the clerk of an up- town hotel o a New York Sun writer, " is a woman rom oat of town in a hotel bedroom on a wet Hmiilay." A blind old soldier liking for alms at Manchester, England, church door had a ward 00114 around hi* neck inioribed a* ollow* : " Engagement*, H . wounds, 10 ; bildren, (i ; tolal, '21." Mary hail I little lamb. lie fleece was whit* as snow. Hut mist ul ui have heard of It All that we want to know. Mi- Shouldn't il.ii i* a l'... Man. When Mi** Debutante Hon* a dainty ooHtume made for her in New York thi* all she will represent an expenditure of xaotly .r.'U, whioh may b* divided as fol- ow* : lalil* trimmed dross ........ $:W1 00 .Lin t.H|iin MS 00 Iri.nie l,...iis, hnught In Kogland S 00 'Ilk un<1nrw*er ___ 9.100 attlcoat of liniutii changeable silk 1A 00 atiu i-iiraul , TII , _... 8 00 trown kid gloves I go Hrowu silk stockings _ _ 9 go Total Boot* women look a* if they had been born clothed, come a* If they had achieved clothing, namely, bought it ready made, and other* a* if they had had their clothes thru*! upon them. It i* thil difference io the manner of droning, and not the differ- ence in dollar* and cent*, that oonitilulei tb* wide variation there i* in the appear- ance of different women. A fanny oeee we* that of th* badly dii treeced bridegroom who itared blankl\ it tb* minliler until aiked if he look " thil woman to be hi* lawful, wedded wife," when ha itarted loddenly, and in Ilia blajt'leil manner Hint : " Ah, beg, par. Ion we)p you ipeaklng to me ?" A man never realir.e* tb* fall extent of big depravity until b* ran* for office. Oolil Flganxi Aboat the Fair. Th* average reinlti of the phyiioal uia*vementi of BS6 New York girl* and women averaging I'M year* of age i* a* follow* : Weight _.... 117.5 Inohee. Inches Knight MO Olrth-lilns ia tlirtli riu.st Wt Kull .u j Ninth rib .._ Mil Kull ...... ._..._. 97 U Wi'.it.. l'ppr arm r .frvarm P.'ptli of cheat. . I'. 'I'll, of ali.l., men aa.7 Teiu Oap. lunge la 0.9 H.T 5.11 8.1 l.iil Th* hereditary Prince of Waldeok Tyrmont, only brother of the Duohei* of Albany, and I'rinoe Hiximillian Baden, nephew and heir preeumptive of the grand duke, will aeek bride* in England. Bo, at le*Hl It I* reported I* \ n-nna. Field Marshal von Hollka live* in a plain, |uar* boo** of two itonei, near Hnhwiidnlt/., In Hileiia. The entrance 1* uuarded by two great gun* from Mount Valerian that ware pneinted Io Ibe Count by Ih* late Emperor William DB.TALIK.OsTI ritutr OIOA How it Ta led mad How He Felt After Kuiuklug it. Th* time bad com* in our bo> hood which we tboogot demanded of us a capacity to moke, say* tb* Rv. Dr. Talmage in the Litdiei' ilvmeJiiurrnl. Ths old people of toe household could abide neither the light nor ihe mi -II of tbe Virginia weed. When rumiiters oam* there, not by positive in junction, tui by a sort of instinct as to whit would be Bated, they whiffed their pipe on ir>- back step. If tbe home oould not Hand *a ictified smoke, you may know bow little uuauue then was fur idoleaoem . uar-iiulling. By some rare xxl fortune whioh put in oar hands 3 cents we foun 1 access to a tobacco store. As tbe lid of tbe long, nar row fragrant box opened, and for tba flnl time we owned a cigar, our fix ling* of ela- tion, manliutu. uperiority eud entioipi tion oan aoaroeiy be imagimd, save by tboM wbo have had the same sensation. Our first ride on horseback, thoogb we fell off before we got to the barn, in I our fini pair of new boot* (real xjueaken) we bad thought could never DO surpassed in interest , bui when we pot tbe oigar to our lipe end stuck tbe luuifer milch io the eud of the wied and commenced to poll witb an energy that brought every faoul moicltf to ill utmost teniion, oar satisfac- tion with tt.ii world was *o nn-at oar temptation was never to want to leave il. Tbe oigar did not born well ; il required ao einuoui of suction that tasked oar deter ruination to the almost. YJO tee that our worloly meaue had limited us lo a .juln> mat cost o:i;y 3 oeuis. But we bail b-en lau*ht tbeinuthiugKreei was accomplished without tuSrt, and so we puff -d away indeed, we bad heard our ol Jir brothers iu ihur L>aliu Irasoi.s say, omoia Vinoet labor ; which translated means. If >ou waul to luaka anything go, )OU DJOit lalrli for ll. With tbtae senlioieuu, we piMxd down the village oin-et ami out <i*ar I oar aoau- try iiuni -. Our head Uld not leel cjLaull) rinhl, and the itreel tegau lo rock from side tu eitle, ID that il e* U'lCertatu lo us which *i Ji of the uriet we were on Bo we crovied o v r, but found ourittlf ou ihe laoje side that we were on Oof ore we crossed ovrr. ludied, we imagined that we were uu botu *id*e at the same inn*-, and leveral fast team* driving between. We met another boy whoatked usb> we looked a pale, aud We loll him we Old Lot look pale, but that be wai pale hm.solf . We sal down under Ihe bridge and began to ritl.-ot ou the prospect c f early disease aud ou the uaoertainly of all earthly expectation!. We had determined to imike the cigar all up and thai get ibe worth of our mot e,. bu. we were compelled lo throw three fuartni of it away, )et knew just when we threw u in oeee we lilt better ihe uexi das . >. ttinghome, the olJ puplew,re fright- oed, and demanded that we state wbil kept u* so late, and what was the mailer with a*. Not fueling that we were oalitd logo into partiualars, aud not wishing to inoreaee our parents' apprrhutitiou, thai we ware going to turn cut baul), we urum -d up Ihe case with this neKmeut that we lelt n.iscrable at the pit of tbe iiomaob. We bed mustsrj ple.ttrs administered, aud tan f il waicntiirf for soone houn, waeu we tell aaleep ami forgot oar ditippoinlmrnl and humiliation iu being ob,i^l to thro* i ay time-/ lurllii of our fir<l cigar. The All of BO.I-I.I..III.. Whilit Ihe imporlauoe of keeping pare ibe air of living rooini during toe dij is rtcoguiaed by a Urge mepriiy of the eduoated claiee* at Ihe prevent liruu, il is 10 be feared that there are mil very many wbo by preference sleep at night in closely that bed rooms. The conviction that night air is unwholesome and should be rigidly excluded, onoe so prevalent, probably now only survives amougil the unlettered and gnoranl. It doubtless bad its origin in iimes when undrained swamps and malaria- ireeding mist*, arising al nightfall, were characteristic of large tracts of rural ting aod, and i* thai mrvivil of a b.-ln-f ounded more or less on the mulls of observation and experience ; bat t tb* preeenl day it cannot be too strongly asserted Ihal for those who eoj >y reasonably good health ni^ht air is a* wholesome as that of the day, and may even be laid to be purer, ai il i* mon frte rom don and ipores railed from the [round by winds, human traffic and ivaporation. In town*, no doubt, many icople sleep with their windows ihal to leaden the noise of tbe treeti, which io miv oitiei like London are riraly wilhoot ratlio of some sort except in the early moruing hour*, rather than to avoi.l in baling night air. That tb practice is xoeeoingly common amongil the working les i* shown by an observer at Lssds, wbo on leveral oooasioni in July ami August has counted the number of open and shot bedroom windows in a workman's luarter of that oily, and foun. I only about 3 per cant, of the windowi lo be pnnully pen, thi remaining t!7 per cant, being ightly closed. If auy one will take he trouble to return to hi* ihot up bed- com after spending ten minute* In the resh morning air outside hs will be inr- irised how close and disagreeable ii the Imoiphere in which be bai slept the laet ight or nine honri. All hygienieti hivs) dvocated sleeping in pun air, and the tfaots of camping out in a iintable climate n pins woods, ai a our* fur the early tageaof consumption, are well known to medical men. W would than recommend all who are in health Ihi adoption of pen bed room windows al night. If oold 1 experienced th* bedclothes should be noreaisd ; even a nighioap ii preferable to close and stuffy bed -room. The effect of us purer air will soon be ucartained in noreaeed health and epiriti, and a Urger capacity for bearing Ibe toils and troubles f tbs d*y. Hritiili ittdic ill Journal. They Make Usjhl K. ..! n. Rochester //<rald . Canadian portal ards of late issue are vsry ilimpsy. They re almost too Ihin." lightly Helated. Nsw Tcsfk Sun: " Ii Deborah related o < 'harlay Henderson ?" Ta|. . 9ne 1* hi* enter by a rsjanl of marriaV" . women In proportion to population .re. em'jiloyed in induatriil oooanalions in ',ii gland tbmn in any othsr Earopean jpunlry twelve per osni^if tbs) indutrial iri fsmalis. I>KV OOOD8 CLBHKS. some Tblngja They Mieald Kaow aad fnmtlse lo He gueeeteafe.1. It would be a good plan to B-U 1 clerks oat (bopping now and then that they mirfht Item from ezperiencs bow pleaaant or disagreeable thil buiinei* may become according ae th* salesmen or saleswomen make it, lay* th* "Dry Goods Economist." We are not going to diaoau the onitoo this time, bal wish lo point oat some glaring defecti in tbe lyitem of sslli to oasiomer*. Clerks seem to be divided into two classes the know-all and Ihe indifferent or know-nothing. Tbe first one impresses yoa from the moment yoa Hop at the counter with the idea that he knowi oetier than you do what you want, or rather knows what yoa should wuh. II tries to sell either a color, style or quality that you do not want, and iiogmalicelly announce* that inch and ao is tbe correct thing, all of which does not make a shopper incline to return to thai store, a* the greateet fool on earth dots not car* to be told that be doe* not know what OB want*. The lordly air ai lamed u aa irritating as it i* often amniing, and so is the manner that is inppoeed to impress yon witb the idea that ii ii a favor to wait on )00. Never make thi* mistake. ; tbe merchant solicits ths cuitomer, not tbe oaitonmr the merchant. The indifferent clerk never snes yon, only half h-are, doe* not know whether tht>> have that color or goods, il slow and gene rally stupid, until a cailooier feels like doing witboal tbe article rather than be waihd ou in loch a manner. Tbe clerk trial rieee to be a buyer, manager or merchant fcai mffijieot interest his nock to have it, figuratively ~l r.kintf, ai his flngi-r ends. Ii is well to keep pelted in regard to Ihe oarroi (unions, as shoppers often aak. " Uu the) *rrar inie aod that togelhrr ? " Study the nature of the goods yoa handle that > on may become a j uige. of their quality and the relation they Lear to tbe iprcial trade of toe si. .re. be ablt to converse intellt Knily upon the stock from the foundation . f Us manufacture and thu* raise jour elindard from an ordinary clerk to a well vred boiines* man. It beooinii an in if renting *indy lo the mind eager for in formitton to dive deep into the iccrnt* of the tilt, wool, ootioo, trimming, ribbon, to , trade ; bow designed, made, um-d, etc Hhoppera an apt to consult a clerk as to whether they think such a piece of goods a good match, accord! well c r lo. ki *t)lub. When it u proven that your "hoioe is really good yoa will eeoare a good ouetom-r, but onoe perioade her I buy a color or design unfit for her pnrpo*i and DO power oan ioduce that shopper to bay ol yon i.im. Il ii your ouiy to please tbe coitomtr and to satisfy the merchant, and thu is pt siible to efi. ct, bat not if indifferent to tbe mulls Politene** does not mean to be familiar, neither does dignity riajcif) "don't care whether you buy or not." Yoa mail care, fir every purchase is to your or. ilit aud advances your commercial w me. Have ambition and enrg> inffi- UIHIII to aim it mounting the bixbtsi round of ibe ladder, even though yoa only reach the middle, for that round would still rerniiu beyond your grasp if the aim were uoi il the top. lli. n.iiiil ..f ih. I i.ni irrlril. The London Sptctator lha* iomi up ihe ret-out correspondence, in the l>jtly Irit graph on the subject of " Matrimouy ami .U iiriiiiomal Agcnoiei " which he* been rnuning in Ihal journal : The whole oou Iroveny u very vulgar, very sordid and very disagreeable ; and il would be ridion- loot enough if it were not so utterly pitiful. 'hi reading such letleri as these, there rises before one'* eye* a dumal vision of tbe London suburbs , of mile upon mile of lilile ituooo bouiei, a dreary desert of drab-colored dwelling! wherein people pan a dreary and drab-colored life. Tne man go to their daily work, aod, when that i* over, seek their evening pleasure abroad also, while the unfortunate women remain at home, and day after day engage in the monotonoui and heart-rending struggle of keeping up appearance*. For the moil part the young girl* have no nionroe* In themielves; they are only inffloieotly duelled to read second-rale novels, which they devour greedily, cramming th ir imsgiualioni with ill kindi of tawdry romanoe, and vain dreams of buaoiifol young heroes riding to thmr rescua. They, too, grow sick of hadowi, and hanger for lome more substantial cbangn io ihfir meagre existence . to many of j them thil mental nervation ii mduitely ' more distressing and dilli uilt to bear tban actual phyncal want. Who oau wo uli r thai they ruse a voice of despairing revolt *giin*t their inrroundingi, ai year after year panoi and bringi no hope of eecpa, and the fate of perpetual apmiterhoaj in- exorably close* in upon them ? After all, the natural life of a woman ii that of a wife and mother, and m %uy of these poor Kirli are absolutely untl.tet In auy oiUer lifi that compel* them lo tao* the world alone and unsupported. Their oaae is the mere pitiful bjoiuM it i* *} hopelen, ai absolutely without remedy, ai far so mirriage ii oonoernsd. The large pre- ponderanc* of women over men in England renders it inevitable that a grait number of the former should go unmarried, and il would be difficult for them to oross tbe *eai in search of huibandi. A* for tneir live*, they might well be made brighter and more useful, it il were not for the appearance of piiniul gentility which they struggle to preserve. The grinding tyranny that ihim reiiwolability exercise* over the lower middle dim iia thing grievoui to oontem- plate . and, unfortunately, thi* Moloch thit devonri young girl*' live* i* an idol that appaan unbreakable. .08.010 AM OOMOB. The CoeUleet Drmai la tbe World'! ereat Pfcannaeopinla. Here i* a lid of scare* and costly drugs Thres-poond bottle of alkaloid of aeon- iline, I4i 60 ; quarter onno* phial of chelidonine alkaloid, a new drag used in skin disease*, ecrofola and dropsy. 948 ; oocain*. about 1120 per pound. A five- canoe bottle of " trae ootoin" will oo*t about 1350, or about 170 per ounce. Cry*- tals of elaterm, a poison need in case* of bydiophobia aod lookjiw, { r -pirod from a plant called Booth American Indian arrow, 11 worth about 1 145 per ounce. Among other costly drugs we might mention the following and tbe different ized bottle* and phial* in whioh they are old : Agtriuio, 4J canoe*, $43.75 , oolo- ointhin, 6} ounce*, S 114 75. Beside* tbe above there are varioui preparation* made from the Calabar bean, ihe cost of whioh an amazing. Ihey ar* chiefly o*ed in diseees* of the eya. The costliest of these preparation* from the Calabar ii phyaouigmine lalioylat* crystals, an aristocratic drug that i* fur- nished to the cuitomer who i* able to buy at ths reasonable chart* of tl.810.OM for a 3 ounce phial ! St Louis Rtyuilu. Hlare Gladstone Was M Young Man. Mr. Gladstone concluded hi* Midlothian speech as followi : Oar path u straight- forward to the eud. We ware never dis- heartened fcr a moment in the day of advrniiy, and I hope we shall see tbe neotaitt/ of care and moderation in the day of prosperity. We look forward, a* Lord Roaebery has aaid, to attack in this great tjueetinn tbe lait fortrri* of bigotry and of prejudice. Why. when I wa* a oung man tne British Empire wa* full of theee ltd and painful cases. The Ktale was at nine witb Ihe people. For India w had done nothing. A million of negro** we h -Id by the degrading yvk of slavery. At th Cape of Oood Hope the colonists, who were then in a great majority , were every man of them hostile to tbe British Government In the Ionian Island! we had kept down a Orek population anxiooi to be aieooialed with their own blood, and in Canada we ao managed mailers that two rebellions were ueoveeary to bring a* to oar senses. Ev-ry one of the** items ha* been removed. Every one of thuja change* has been marie with honor, and with benefit, and witb inor* aae of itrength. The causa of Ireland aloae remain* our reproach before the world, a oaoee and witnea* of perpetual disunion aruong cnraelve* at home. It keep* Ihe country in a perpetual fever. Never in my whole life, until within tbe lait five >ein, have I known ao in- lance when every by-eleotion a* it occur* formed the great inbjeot of public interest from one eiid of tbe country to the other. And il i* not unnatural or unj'itt, becauis we know that the entire welfare of tbe Empire i* at preient bound up with the wttli inent of ibe Iiisb qavition. That settlement i* what we have in view : that M-tiliiuent i* tbe object with, whioh w* ought not to permit, if we are rational men, any inbj-jot whatever, bj it great or he it small, to interfere. The settlement t i* which 1* likely, a* I believe, to rid the K dipt re at once of an intolerable nuisance and of a deep disgrace, and which ii likely also to gild with a brighter glow even than any former period the closing year* of a glorious reign. ftliakesaliesire, Bomerville Journal . " Ay, there's the rob," laid the girl in the kitchen *adly, ai ihe looked al tbe wash- board on Monday morning. Bright military scarlet ii to play an important part in the autumn and winter drees. Il goes wall with all ihade* of brown ; bat, on th* other hand, it i* io hard t tint a* to b* emtnmrly trying to tbe oom- plf xum. In Paris paint plnki, blues, lemons and greeni are in vogae for evening dresses In Iks vis dr. chateau. rout ciftioe Inspsotor French, of Ottawa, died very taddanly ysgtarday. Face. waih my f*oe." Mme. Ruppert said to a New York World man, " twioe a day the last thing al night and the nrit thing n tb* morning. Then I am facially don*) 'or tbe day. Before retiring I lather my land* witb a good unsoented soap and rub t into my face with friction enough to make the ikin crimson, and wash il off witb oold water. That cleanses. In ths morning a wash in clear, oold water r*. 'reshe*. During the day if my face look* gray or greaiy I wips it cant ally with a oft cloth. Tbs complexion U a delicate affair and requires nice treatment. Hot water I consider bad, for thil reaion : Then i* a natural oil in th* ikin, whioh hot water washes out ov ths pores or removes, juit a* hot water will clean greaiy dishes. With cold water the oil ihioken*. It i* juit io on the face. Tb* oil preiervri the ikio, keep* il fresh look- ng and soft. Ihe lirltUh Lion'* lllg Hlte. Th* territory of Ihe fierce Barolse, wbo range over 325.000 s juare mile* of land above the famous Victoria Falls, oo th* M rih li.le of the /mbeii Hiver, has fallen iiii.i-r Britiih governmental protec- tion. The King of thi Bar one has solemnly promised to abolish the killing of alleged witohe* and the terrible onitom of human aorii'ue*. Nothing of importance is dons among the Barolse without a Daman lion DM, iu moit oaeei a child. First tb* nnger* and toe* are out of and Ihe blood i* nprmk.fi oo the boan, drum, hoate, or whatever my ba tin object in view. Tb* M tun Uthin killed and thrown into ths river. Tbe burning of men for witch rraft ii carried on to a terrible extent. Nat a day pusei but *om* one i* tried and burne.1. Ax interjiting article entiilad " How London i* Oov*rned" in this month'* CtRlury magezin* give* icm i partiralar* a* to ths way in which Ihe great metropolis of the world I* run. It say* : London's new government rests upon a fran- chise so popular thai practically nobody who wuul.l care to vote Is excluded. In tbe first place all houseboldera are enfranchised ; and this Includes ever* man who rents a place for his family, even If It be only a small t mm In i Im uarret or the cellar of a tenement bouse. It also includes those wbo live within fifteen miles of thu wstropoliH, but own or oocupy metropol- itan quarters, fur any purpose, worth a certain very Iliultod rental Ovuers ot frehold pro- perly In 1., union, no matter where they live, if British subjwu. are entitled to vote. Widows and unmarried women who are householders OCSBBitn or owners of property, are also author tied to vote, for count; councillors. The print! pal basis of the. fraiu-hise is the household; and the chief disqualifications are rwelpt of public alms an, I failure lo pay taws that have fallen due. any resident of the metropolis or vicinity who Is entitled to vote Is eligible to election Kurihruior. auy Kritlsb tukject who owns laud in Lsssjea, or wbo Is posaa**d of a limited amount of property, no matter where hi lives way be choaou a oouuoillor of the Bounty of London The fact of raaldeuce iu one district does not dixioallfy, eiiaer In law or la the popular judo-went, for candidacy in anothsr district. Mr. S. J. Kilobit., of Akron, Ohio, who is at present in Ottawa, say* he ii oonti dent of the value of the niokel d*posit* in Sudbury.