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Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -THE- LITTLE MILL. HavlDi entirely renovited my mill during the peet year, puttlUK in * lar*a amouit of new UMBlnery, I am now iTi'rnl to Krlud flour la a wanner second to au uiillor lu Outarlo, and 01 tbe *hort**t nolle*. OLD TERMS : Every twelfth buhel. Seven cents pr bog of twu bushels for chopping. Done i-vjry day. P. LOUCK8, Proprietor. GOOD STABLINO FOB HORSES TO ATTEND Vr'rs l!..r.: College, Sound, Out- DBBIRI To GET A GOOD EDUCATION. of yoanf men and womun have keu a t>uiiue cxmrHe during tbe pe*t ten ar* who are now incceMful in bii*ine* or fill- , lucrative poeitlon*. The builuaH courma study in by far th* uioet tlioruutfh and coin- ate in CuiaiU. There li a much In the mor departlUAnt at fn the entire court* of IN, ' 'th *o-called busineat colleen The lortbaud cnurte li thorough and complete fend for a copy of the Annual Announcement ull particular*. It IH scot free to C. A. FLEMING. Principal. FLESHERTON PLAXIVB MILLS Having purchased the Fleiberton I'laninf Milli Iron K. ,1. Sj ri/iile, Kq., I uow aenin the work, PUBLIC that I am in portion to do ALL KINDS or- General planing mill inch 11 BASH, DOORS, DOOR FRAMES Planing and Matching, re sawing, etc Ceod Workmanship Ciunrantrrd. Al argb quntity of good dry pin Jnintx T on hand. W. J. Row* OP, HcHliorton. Sale Offer* will be reeelved by theunJeniKned fo tbe purchaee of Lot* 6 ana 6, Con. 14 O*pr*y CootainiiiK 30U acrm nnirf or le**. lh- bain CODtUtiliR inr>st valuable j.r. |.. tin th farm I* erected a largo conifortilil, ilwnllln U*UM. larnfrain* barn an.) o'her oiitlnnhlliiR The fan* U well watered Almut luu an, rleared and under cultivation, ami all IM-IU tb***tate of th* late Jaa Crawfor.i. wlm-h nun be anld to wind up eJTalri of decraoed. Pi further |>artlcular* Inuuding pm. I v *uould apply to Hai well. Jan , law. JGBUH (1AMKY. lla sell P O. You A Child s Uri-nni. (When I awaktln Thy llkeneri I anall be MtU- Bed. PM. XVU-lftv.) It wan tht* eilent midnight hoar, Ami sweetly like a euiumer flower My daughter ifeeplng lay ; She looked so calm and peaceful tb ire, Ai if u" tlaugar wight come near To driveller reet away. But inddenly to chnge ihe aeemed. And itartwl lu her aleep and eereauied As if in dreadful pain. lom dangur ieeioed ao threatening near, That whoa I strove to tnoolb ber fear My effort* all teemed vain "What alia my child ? " I gently aald What Oil* her thue with uervooe dread f Can 1 t)ie reanou find '' ' ' It wa> a ilrvain that cne>l her fright-* A tmuliled vir-i.iiifif the nlgkt Wai pa>iMiing through her inind. She thought dark cloudi o er ipreexl tbe iky, Aud far out on the water* high Hho rorle the foaming wave . Each moment fteeineil an age of woe ; Hue emi*9.l about to plunge below Into a watery grave. Hut when ihe heard her parent')* voice Her fean were tune . li could rejoice. And acarce nor joy ceuld tell , Her In miilanc! dauKnn all were o'er, Hue rHlj upon the wave nu more, Bui knew that all we* well. And then I thought, 'tli ever ao. Our uinrtnl life throughout I know !i like a trouble*! dream ; We load with anuou* care< our breut. And much afflicted, aore upprem t. In our own eyee we aeeui. Put when the voice Divine we bear, Wlnrh ipeaJii the Father i preeeooe near, We glaxlly trait our guide , AnJ when the heavenly day aball break We In Hit llkeneualiall awake, Ami theu be latlefled. for Infants and Children. D. McTavish, HORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collinpwood Street. FLESHERTON, - ONT. Mennfarturlnt ol Wacom, lelgh*. Haggles Democratt, etc Hore*hoeiug prompt); a tended to Hpnclal attention given to contract- d or tender feet COB- LvKKing and I'low Htaiitl; on hand. A Urge quantity of tiood Shingles MY OWN MANUFACTURE Fleahertoo. Oct. lith, 1X00 T WATSON tesowens4aawMloch<Urantba*| OoBe. Ooslr|iattiii. Ill So. Oxtoca t*. UraafetjB, M. T. I Wttdi'uijmrioui Turn CeJTirm Court ft 77 Momv 8 tree*. N. T. Photos, Photos, IIIWK.H CASH FOR AXD KHCEPNUINM. FLKSHKRTON. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT TILLS I'urifr the Dlood, correct all Llixirderi of I^iver, Htomucli, Iv m*.\ - nntl 1 tr \\ .. Tbeylnvigorateanl reetore to linalth Uubllitated Conetltutlont, and are invaluable in plain ti incidental t<> Keuialui of all ages. Kor Clilldreu and the aged they are pricelete THh 1 OINTMENT anlnfalllble remedy for Had hcgi. Bad lirmnti. old Woundi. Sore, and Ulcer* It la fanoui f Oout and Hheuinatlim. For dlordri of the C'liet It hae no equa ForSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLD& OlandelarB welllngt.and all Bkln DleeaM> it hae no rival; and for ~ mtracted *>" ointe It aet* like a charm lUJ Honor KollH for Orlobrr EUGENIA. Tb* name* In each cla** arranged according to the ueuiber of mark* ohtaiued for the month IV ir .- H J. Johncon, MiMil* Glllilud. Maud Carr IV Jr , Allwrt Wtt*. Marlon Bell. Mary Ma- dill. III.- Emily Turner. W J. Latimer.Willle Can. II >r . Frank Pedler, Kobert Pedler, Lev! Bett*. II jr., Robert IJell, Richard Turner, Alice Gordon. bt.--PranceiO*noe, Itertba Miller. FL1-;SHEUTON STATION. dr. Uh. Jaine* Acbduwa (MS, Mloni* Siuclalr 7S.1. Jr. Uh.-Jaul* lUmphill HDH, Millie Cook 7W br.Srd. Mary A. Cook M, Tboma* Lawrence f*'. Jr 3rd, Tborau Cook TO. Freddie RuniMy m Kr tad, Willis Meli* tin. Maggie Hempbill 407. MAXWELL. Br. h, Qeorg* Preeton 90H, Charle* Heron 1!W, MagKle McCallum ISO. Felicia llruwurldgu 14.1. Alice Field . Howard Hproule do Jr Uh. Srlj Kernniu l.'j-l. Uary Heron 113, Katie Hi-iKiiniuan I u. Mary Bruwnridg* H7. Harry inl cla**, Julia Guy 141. Nellie MrCullum 1*. Edna llerru li.. Milton 8pruule 1IU. LIVII.I* in. iiii-eln'.'j. WTII h> henlinauW. Win. (lay W. Milll* Hen u M, Ulrdie Kmereon 41. JalitM Ki-n virk 37. Stanley C'onroa M, Albert Heruu 30. Albert LoutfiU Br .Ind-lilaKan'ienon 131. Lizile Little 89. Harry Mc<:alluiu M, Cha* F*rgu*on U, Frank Krrton .11. l.lni* Uuy U. Jr Dd. kUierdylFteld TO, Root Phillip* SI, Uanhal Kerton M. Ueorge Browaride tl. Walter Keitun U. Harry Hproule 111, Cha*. Fan- wick U. K1MKERLEY. roan I Claa* 4. -John Howell 2e9. Jam Wallace 238. John lUilililonil VJK. Kttiel Huril 140. flaw 3 ar ,-Maoitle Howell 134. Fannie Hat trick l.W. Jeul* Uilbert W ( !.* .1 Jr.. Lily UllbertUO. Clara Hard 104 May Kill* 6ft Ctaae I *r .-Minnie Battrick 1*. Ande Wallace 111 AlfrediHIll 41. Average attendance Id. r"im n '2ti'1 rlaee, Heckle Hainiuond UB. Rob. Faw ortt IUU. alary Knott 179. Part 1. 11,-nrv Wallace 117, Mary McKenil 107, John Wiekenn 104 Aclaa*, ItU Jolinitou 130.N C. Abercrombl UXt, \ tna Thouuieon 06. Hcla**, - Banfurd Knott *7, Sarah Thompson 40, Frtnl Thom)mon w). C claae. Jaipor Uilbert 78, Ben Knott M, Men. McKenil* 46. Average attendance IB. Photos. He arc now turning on/ work fur superior i ttyle durtd in Fleihtrtun. > COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTUBE FRAMING done in all it$ branchet. A good itork of FRAMES and MOl'I.D/XttX tepl conitantlif on hand. Will alto introduce the neir BROMIDE rnKTKMT. >* picturt that i* gir/ing entire intufaction whertrrr intr*<hced. KAMPIiKX mm it teen at my Gallery tchere all particular* at to Pria, Style Ac., tan '/ attrr- ained. MffS. BULMER, FLBSHEKTON. Manufactured only at Profeemr HOI.I .,WAI KitaMlaliment. T8. Xcw Oxford Mrrrt ( latr 533. Oxford M r. <( >. London. and are eold at U IJd.,2* M., * M.. Ill . 9SU . and :<3e. rarh Hoi r Tot. and way be had of all M*d elm Vendor* throughout th< World. Pwehaten ihould ImJi ti. thr Labrl im Hit l't.i ami ttora. 6S.1, Orfvnl Ntrert, hnuitti, Utey are // Ou addrm ii not CUT FLOWERS. MK JAS BEECROFT WM be glad to Jilt ordtri /or Bridal, Cornye or ]ttt,m JtuU Boiufnet*, alto Funeral drtiynt, vr cut fluvMtt of any kind in ttork. Roiti a ipteatlty. Orders by mall promptly uitnul- <l to. A good tvpply of Ajtplet and Frah Vegetublet on hand. FlrHhrrton drrebousr TOVKTY AND KlsTKU r Wind <JKT Yen & FEED FOM JKFKKKY AIITI.EY. Mfgr. of Wind Mllln and Pump.,. Markdle, nut . If yon need a i .' I* of any kind, and will favor me with yonr I ill iinarautee tnglve natlafactlon i-vrry time. I can mil ><i in cithnr Irou, Itraw, Porcelain, or (ialvaulr.e4 Iron TERM* lleyatrinajeajsbi new work iliort dat* appinvud nntt*K if doHlred. Helnw 1 giv* a few testimonial* : ii.-ni sit Thx two imiiipa yon putln form* on. kivinu inn |ilen<ll<l .tifi-tl"ti inuo of them * ft iteop. tbe other *>. I am well tilMMtd with tln'in JOHH PoaTuou*. Heauerton. MIL J, li. m -Mr In r|il r to your'* of the IMh unit, I wmil. I nay tiiai the pump you put In for in lit* piuved very Mil-fa- lory It lieliiK durable mid very eewr to work. Knrlnwd itleate find V bAlautu for pump JAMK* feSDTSTOw, Kletherton. SATHFArTIo* AT I.AUT - Thl* In tnrrrtif\ that 1 liv.' had treat trrrtirile and eipen** witb my well (W ftt curb' in rnfard U> pimi|m until I ot Mr. J * 1 1.. i" v : liau! it , Mnmthfii I havn W I I'M 'in' .iii-r,>. by little Imy, >lx yuan .11 |intn|> with it nlroly A n i in a JoHxrroN, Vandeleur. June HUli 180U. Dear HI r Your fa.vr t<> hand niiqiiiiinn hnw w* pot aloiw illi the V\ mil Mill I liili(ht Mr we bad no olBetlt) In putting U togetbar, Itli worklnr upl, n .inl Th,<|. i. d. .. it. work all light I lik. .Hi* wnrklBK of tlt<i \nii.t \\nnl Mill vrrv iniirh It nvi>rnii itlf nicely In a hi|ih wliid.nii'l 1 think It fur morn .Intnl. I,- limn a woodvii mill N. DrxHVHV. Ueaford. To JtrniBT ABTRT. M*rk<lala : Sir Tin i'iini|i I |inichafid frnmvooforW IM well rives complete atUfaotlon It wnrkil with thenieaiMt ia. for tlio c|ti*ntity of water 'llve'ed, of anv |iiiin|> I have v*r Uietud. I, believe It i* eonitrMteid mi a >hnple and dur- nliie prlnnlpal ai. I not liahlr to wet ul f t>l< ' I could not wlh (or a liotlur ]iiiui|), anil can, with i III* utnioit (iiiifl<ln< > MI nun uinl It WuhiiiK you .very n.-oe I remain, your* e..' A. J W hi'Koi.i.M <laikual. JuneCl IMO PEDLAR, Hi's tlir boy that keeps the best and al*aya lots on hand. Also k good line of CONFECTIONERY. ALL KlNtM OF Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rolled Wheat, Graham Flour, etc. Also Vinegar. All kinds of Bis- cuits, Cured Meats. Farm for Sale, SHOT nt door to M. Ilicliardeon A Co i. R. PEDLAR FLESHERTON. WM.BARNHOU8E, BOOT AND SHOE MAKE!!, PLEoMIKUTON, ONT. Diphtheria ii prevalent in Beetin, and the public and Sabbath school* have boon cluaed to prevent it* ipreading. The Wiartnn Echo advooatea the for- matiitn of a new county of the prrneut county of Bruce. Owen Sound Sun : "There WM a big jam in the pott office on Thankag.viiiK day." Wai it plum, apple, or K r *P* ' Or perhapi the editor waa on a jim jam ? The Beeton World waa aurely laboring under difflcultiea lait week. This it what it aayi about it. Thii office hai bt>en in a rather aad itate the paat week nr two, between lickneaa and break- downa. Fint laaao O'Brien took aick, and waa laid off ; then Alf. Maynani fol- lowed with a ihiveriui( apell. The "Wharfdale'' nmai became a subject of "irrip," r rather it rnfueed to gnp, and this neceMiUUxi the aervico of a re- pairer from Toronto. While thit waa all U'liiu- on Armouth Uray took down with tliplitheria, and to add to the complica- ti.'iis Mr. Bennett found himaelf the aubject of an attack of fevnr, reaultinK from a cold, and he too went to bed. We've had a nice time, taking all in all, but will come out on top, if We're on) pivrn half a chance. Fleaae excuae short-coming* for this week. Qeiieral News. -CHE THE CELEBRATED- "B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOB ALL DEFECTS OF VISIOH. RICHARDSON $ CO., HOLE AOENTIS FL.BSHBRTON. MayMly illy all for the very liberal patronag* *itndi>d lu the le*UeiMiD,0<t.l4k, IWO. On Sunday tbe Prince of Wales en- tered upon In* half-century year. A maniac ntmed Kumival fatally cut tin wife's throat on Saturday with a razor at Clarencevitle, Quebec. Thursday, November 27, will be a day of thanksgiving in the United States Upwards of 20,000 bushels of wheat was marketed at Brandon on Friday* and 16,900 on Smiiir.Uy As high as 82 cents was paul. The American committee for the relief of famine in Ireland has issued a circular withdrawing requests for Amaricaii money and vlothing, as Great Britain h* ttractfcally prumiawil u> *wa thai no famine aUall i iii WIL80N' 1NEW PLANING MILL - AND - CARRIAGE :-: WORKS. To our old customers and the public generally : Our new Planing Mill and Carriage Worki having been completed, we arc now in a position to do your work in either the building or carriage wood work line, in a first class manner. Get your wagon, sleigb or buggy repairs done at WILSON'S. Also PLAftINO, MATCHING, BAND RAWING, SHAPING, Tl RHINOS, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, ETC. FRAMES, Price of Repairs Reduced MJUH BN4U1BB AT TH1 VACTOBY : .wd 81 7lMb.rton

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