THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. OftH K OF EO. MITCHELL, FIi3SHER-'ON. A c .ir1 kanki'ig b'.isiii**-! Drift iK'nxl *n<t eketj'iei cashml at nnneJ ratu* Moitov al:y available tor legitimate kuiiuvM ixit. v 1*0 itoam north of RitnaMccMi A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. iiur.u l.TNIi.-s ul Hi.- Past W>* Cart-fully Culled f*>r Hie Thanksgiving Day I.or.1 hwrth too*** riafml praise \Vli icli frwu oar heart* to Thou wo r&iae On tin. Thukivi* Day ; K :.l! tho merciee ef thu yr, An I tor Thv preattee er neai Thv |<--.-miM! U Main fulfilled, Tli- :; ..i with patient lasr tilled Havo yt-iMixl aijil<i rtoro, And ' "..' wrt >o wall si For a. I our taiMeniR* natiaBmi. Wo dj Tf uam adore. Tlie Mautroue Aowon hnt "niileil arfairv Th liavu Wnvsil wrtfc Rolilun (rain Hy Thv pmtocnnii car* Anil HHI-K aud fruit ami all tiling inmil. Ki>r > miiliirt. fod ami fraftrmucu swutil, Tby cutiMluMlavi declare. No pontilunce with .l.a.Oi hand. No war lo desolate our lrnl, Di.lnf 1 KMI upon U* neeil. AII. I 101 Thv Rifttof halth an . Kur xtuiuly growth autliiuh me Slutll jiraiM ( The* ajceuU. For _"<nwl blaswingi scattered wide, For llKht and lovu on uvery Hide An 1 iioly KabMlli 4avn, For happy himn a>it f rivndnhip* dear. And ritthteoTut laws, with !iealt> rlavera We jo.u in (rateful praiie. FVsAeiton, Oct. 29th, 1 T. WATION. Get yncr winter's supply of honey now. Too cuntH par Ib. Thu office. Tke honor lolU for Oetwber are held over until iixt imut. niii i,', men's children's booti in variety, che|> and guod at Clay- to* '. Council mtt on Monday last. Tho minutes are crowded out thin week but will appear in next issue. tnotlK-r Frrsh Supply <>< new good* to baad at U. J. Ltutcu'i Oo not fail to iuvpvet them. Mr. Xirbobon occupied the Mothodiit pulpit "ii Sunday morning 1'ut, Kev. Mr. Ti>tiL, ln'iii)f in Markdale. Clothe* line thieve* stripped every clotlu'H line for a distance of two and a half nulei on thu town Hue Carrick and Culms*. Notwithstanding all the reports about the advance in price of boot* and leather, all comers can bu supplied at old prices at Clayton's. Tho Hanover I'.xtt ha* been enlarged. It is now a 48-oolumn paper and shows evident signs of prosperity. May it con- tinue to prosper. Dr. Sinclair, the well known specialist, will be at Munshaw's hotel on Friday next, Nov. 14th. See teatmouials, etc., in another column. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Horning'* Mills, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last, Rev. Mr. Eiues being ab- aent at a re-opening of a church at I'riiuruao. I. 4B. Lucas, barrister, of the firm lti.ih.>|> .V Lucas, Owen Soiniil, j* at the i.lfici- "t Win. Lucas A i '>., in Markdale, very Friday, and HI Dundallc every Saturday. A credit auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held at Sproule's curiier, Kleiherton, on Monday, Nov. 10, cattle fair day. S<><- I. ill for particulars. R. J. Sj.rnulf, auctioneer. Mr. Alex. Stuart, back line west, is a tauncli friend of the printer. Ho do- nated a b*K of tine table turnips on Kri day last towards tickling the epicurean tastes of ye editor. Thanks. The Pickering News celebrated last week tho completion of i* nineth annual t<iur. The New* i* our most spicey ex clian-.v. Long life aud prosperity con- tinued, Mftrs. Clark Bros. Remember the service in the Motho- dint chun-h this (Thim-day) afternoun. Tea in the evenini;. Thorough arrange- ments havo been made and a extra go time may be expvctod. Here i a brotherly swipe given by the Pivkurinu News : I. Hunt, l<?cul >"- tributor without salary U> the rVirt Perry Standard, reminds us of an old man and the ass with the -.Id man omitted, and apologiei to the quadruped. There i* no necessity for arguing the question of whether advertisinsj pay* or not. If you think it don't take in your signs and puM down the blinds. Keep |int the goose uiay lay gx-l.deii egg iu your woudshed. Ex. 8. Damude has eommenced buying stave tiuibor acain. He iut*nds buying a large quantity this seasoji. principally oft elm. Those having MMth timber will do well tu make a note of this, a* he always pays cash. Call on him early and get price* aud directions fur phtting. endeavoring tu defend their own cuo- iluct. In uiir opiiMoii tVey had betttr let ikv niiir di-n|>, s they did what was c!-nriy lilcunl, ud iiu^Ut m't tln-iu- elve into tr<>ul)lr. We (in vi> received the annual a ment nr the Northern HusmeHH ii- ( ..i x,,u,,,i Kr mi its paea we learn that the institution is fast nmwii.',' 1:1 favir wiili tliu |>f"i>le. It could not bu rthcrwine witli a yentlemanly prroclpal iko Mr. C. A. t'lrniiint at the lii'ul Seiwl fur a copy of the latent publlusitiua if you lire Mitt-restuil in a ' education, iicu clutn-^u elsewhere. We rommend th U-ttcr published else- !n>ix in this ISMII- Aiitwu by Mr. Julm Ili-Artlicr, to the earnest iittviitiou of every ratejjayyr in tliih township. 'I !ii> VkVanoe beltevea that the ward systi/in shonki Iw donu :i*ay with, ami that, Mr. McArtlmr's ar'/uineiitH mi that score aru sound. Mr. McArthtir informed u.s OM Monday Hiat it is not his inti-ution to seek ro-eK-ction f<T tliu cmniuu year. This we think a i;r>at pity, an ho has td a j^wid ntxi uHiciuiit itk-rr mi tho ci'imctl Ixjai !, and it will not ba an easy uiattur to secure his nature. A crowd nf funny little boys went around marauding, taking off gales, throwing peas at windows, runiiinu wagons down to the Borne, etc., ami a linnd of silly uiaidttiiH i'iunc;ul'il L)r. Carter's ortici- door. Tlie I>r. will n.> ilimbi get rvi'ii with some c,r :ill uf ^irlst yet N they die. It la understood that i girls wvrn [irul.-itiiis' :i^uiust the rlir's contiriiii-d liai-iiulorhoud. Tlie st reprelieiiHililo trick wu have heanl wan tho sinking of Kivil Kuratedt's box in Kleahvr'i mill pond. It was cold lislnii',' ami .Mr. Karstedt had to mrk a long wliil before the box would lite. It eventually took hold and was 'nuked out, only, however, tobednmped ii a;;aiii while Fred w.-nt for his horse. MU-'.I nit-ail tiicks as these nro ivally arryingaU Ballowe'enjoketvk little dm .11-. Them was a saur kraut social .it Miinaliaw'.t hotel in the evening. It was l'r Five -rvli;uu Tuilorinu goeaC. I !. in-li, an he ban the mat.i.u! ami faciiiUfu fur turuiug out tirst class work. A swnw dnipi !! into t'>wu on Tuesday of last week without any advance ailver- tisrnz of any kind. They held forth in the Town Hall, and we believe about made enough to cU-ar expenses, They were in a big streak of luck tu do thai. It was a ten-cent nlmw, and tn cents was about nine and ninety-nine one- hundrfdths of a cent more than it was worth. You can pretty generally con elude that when a company drops into a place as this did, without the aid of ad- vance advertising, with the intention of surprising thu na'.ives, that it is not up to much. The show came in on a wa^ rack and went out by train next morning before breakfast. They went with the intention of stunning Dundalk. The manager is a gentleman on the wrong side of his face as we have reason to know. Publishers will do well to beware of him. Boy Wanted. A good smart boy, about xixteen years of age, lo learn thu mercantile business. R. THIMBLE. Notice. At tho request of Win. Bradlcy.inilli-r, of Klesherton, 1 have carefully examined the flouring mill, and throughout tin- mill, in thu most suspicious corners. havu not found under a magiuner any trace of moths or their product. Tin mill is clean from top to bottom, and th. Hour pure. Any reports to the contrary nevertheless are : \V.S. CURIXTOE, St. D. Personals. Mr II. N. Henderson, son >f J. W. Hi-mleis"ti. Kn|.. h;is I MMI removed from the office of the Wbithy Duiuinii'ii kiank branch to that i.f Oahawa. Mrs. R. J. Hrowsj, of Owen Sound, is a guest of her sister, Mrs W. 11. Thurs ton. Miss Mabel Bruiulrrtt, of Port Hope. has been a guest at the Methodist parson- age during the past two weeks. for for Sale. A good .ttroii^- work hone, cheap cosh. R. Trimble. Mini, Boots, Koots, Mud, Boots, Boots, Mud, boots, just the thing to keep your feet comfort- able this kind of weather at Clayton's. Dr. Sinclair Coining. Dr. Sinclair, the well known and popu lar specialist, "f Toronto, will bu at Mmishaw hotel, Flosherton, on Kridav. Nov. 14th. Run.cnibcr the day anil date. Jonathan Musi-hart, Listowrtl. says : I spent all my money and pro- perty on medical men for what they termed' conHiniipt ion and Dr. Sinclair cured mo. (Jeo. Rowed. I'.lvthe, says : Dr. Sinclair cured me f heart disease ami dropsy when all others failed. D, RroWUoii, Carlton I A Solution. Fnl lowing is a solution of thu> which appcaivil in our columns three weeks ago. It was handed us by Mr. U. VaiiKaut of this place : 11 I 3 3 1 21 We have received a communication. from some of the boy* who were accused / attending a ahariv'ati at DfaxweU and Capl. Andrews. \Vu had a pleasant call on Xal .inlay Inst from Cant. Andrews, of Tomtit. . The captain has in the neighborhood of forty medals for life-saving hcroUm. The book, giving a record of his <i and illustrations of thu various medals is welt worth the prica asked. Perhaps the must interesting of all his medals is that given by Kalakaun, king of Hawai laxt year. It ift a beautiful piece of work manship exact miniature uf the crown set in ruby* and emeralds. It is very valuable. Captain Andrews was much pleased with thu reception he got while here, and said ho had met with only one refusal to purchase his tvuli. Wonder who one person was ? Hallorwe'eii. Uan^we'en passed off with the UKua 'eclat in. thi* village. Tlie fun was "faai and furious,'' but of. rajber innocent . by a '.'ondly number ol "skrou , who thoroiiifhly enjoyed them- selves, more asjieeially thu ono who g'>t struck in tin- yr with a '."-oil solid jiiece " knut. I'erhaps we d<> not look at it . thu right hj:ht, Imt it does appear t./ us that tin- wond would he in a sad con- iiiiuition ii Hallowe'en were relegated to In- barbaric ai-os. It would be a yreat ,jity indeed if poor humanity were de- jrivud of tin- pnvilago of making, once [>r annum, jackaases aud junuyassu* of themselves, They are Taasuig Away. The general i|iiiet and security that usually prevails in tho Meafor<l Road section of our < n .tuin-nry havu been very solemnly disturbed, had news al- i-ys spreads rapidly. Before theso col- umns see the light most of our readers will have heard thu death km-ll telling thu sad truth that Mr. Thomas SI.I.M borskie is no mnrit. Last *>uturilay tu >rn ing he rose in about his usual health. AH was his custom he went to thu barn and stable, and in a short time returned ami sat to the table to breakfast. Be- fore he began to i-at, his wife noticed a change in his look-,, and as he appoared unusually thoughtful, she asked hint if anything was troubling him. With his usual eon.Hi'l. i it. iH'ss ha replied : "I wa<* just woi.diTiiii; what is to become of you and the cluldi -en. ' la another mo ineiit In* chair was empty. Death had dmiu his W'nk, .ui.l "Tim 1 1 nan but ouca beavcd and forever grow till." The deceased, was in his 50th year. He camo to Canada very early in life. He . ."i- i time in the Queen'i valley, and later purchatud tho farm of his tailiei -in-law, Mr. Win. K night, where bu w:ts at the tune of Ins death. Through- 'iit 'h'' community he is known, and will bu reinemlH!re<l aa an atfectionato hus- band, a kind father, a good neighbor and i steady industri ms man. A widow, four sons and one cUii'.'hti-i are li-ft be- hind and very keenly toil the loss they have sustained. The interment tonk place mi Monday at tho Orange Valley icry. A Iar_;i> number of sympa- thising friends assembled. Rev. T. \\ at HOII ciimlueted a short service at tho house and Rev. Mr. Kini-s utKciatcd i the grave. Lonl. h MW iiiv.t*rinni nro Tliy ways I Thv dealings, whu ,;itu iimli'i-i mnl ' Thi'ii ninnl'itn^t nil nur mortal ilavs Km lili- and dealli nro In Tby liauil. Our lifoon uai-tb in but a fpan. And full ofoareoacli hour apiwart . WM iH.-nd our days to toil anil plan. Aud to provide for future yean. Our pi -Hi'inti nuuilad soru. Anil lnviid oniMluan ui>"n our arm, An.liJiit , pr>Rt.^ morn And more ; w,want toilnuM our liouion from barm. And yet, how vniu is every boast. Atiil.'vt't plua to urK <li-ln\ , sued iiiflut 1 li.'ii u Mi::i .U'.iLli i.-allH linn away. And wifo, nml frlnmls and children dear Are flllwl with lorrow. urn-t ami pain : Oil, KIHI l"ii- i i ..i ... , htMi uj'l'i'Hi Aud liual lliuir lii'iikun liuarts agaiu. A oil trmv Thv t,-inl"r i-%ro divine Atl"i<i t}iein Hiiccor and roll* f. \ia>l tiir'juijh liii'ir darkuaiM swuully hie> And thiii RMuitijo ilit.r bUndintj griuf. For Thou art UOD and to Tby will \>> i how in luwly, ruvurout triiKt. Oorn-liifod.u'on now. I'hnu doent fulfil A |ii|>oho kind, and i^roal, iid juit. T. WATSOX. riualierton, NUT. 1st, 1X80. Kjiilway < ollisiun. OWB.V SOI-NII, Nov. 5. Tho down paasenucr train which lenvos I >wen Soiinc st 5.45 a.m. collided with light engine, WS, aUiiit "."ill this morning near Own Soiiml. Kn^iiiedriver Jas. Kyl<>, n i'h. ii o,. u f engine .'!!is. was killod, and his lireiiian. named Smith, badly wounded. I'loth engines were ditched. Th* ac .ul, 'lit was caused by the dead man. N< oilidrs, aa far as known went wounded. Full particulars of the accident have not yet been received. T7nn qhy was alok, we g*n bfr Csitorla. When abe wiw a Child, ahe crled/or Oastorla. When ihn became Ml**, the c!ug lo Castorlav Wbea sh* bad Children, she |av Uiem Castorla. to MOTBRR. Are yon rtliitiirl>*<1 u.olit and bmkun of your mil, l^y a nick child lulterlog ud IT '.ing with pain of Cutting T. . th If ao snnd At once and not s bottle "Mm. Win low'i SoothiiiK Spruu"for Chililren Taethlim Iti vrtliii? in incnluiilaolo. It will n;Iiuve th poor ItMIn <tulfarr Iniruudiittuly Depend ii|>i it. mothii. H . there IH nn nustukn nh >ut It. I euros Dynotilorv and Diarrhipa, reftulates tin HCoiuacii and buwuls, ourm \Vm,l r<iin .often the Uunn. roduoon luflaiuatlon. and ulvnn Von anil onuri^y to th'i wbolo syHtem. "Mm. Win low's Southing Svrup" for children toethin i. |>].iaant Ul the taste ami Is tha pi.*' ilption of on of theoldent and Ix-it (nal )>hyslolaiit and inirxiM In the United Htatcnaj.and In for sale brail druiMavtii through. ...t U;e> world. Price twenty-five cent* a bottlw. Be tpisft* auil ak for 'Man. Wi.iu.uw* Suur, .iJ taJM nn othor CASTORIA for Infants and Children. t recom intend Itasmtperiortoanrpracnntiua I * onr SUaoaoh. Liuurliaa, Irael ._ some." H. A. Aa-OBCK, M. D.. | Kills W,,ra^ gives sU>-ap, s4 prow**-* V IX^^uun, Wittioui iujunous msKuOssstwssV TUB CMHTADB COHTAXT. 77 Murray Blrsel, X. , THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boots. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if ycu cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the ptoce, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos. n tart now turning out workfujr tuferior in t/yle and Jinith to any ever pro // in Ftcshcrton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HATES,. PICTURE FRAMING *>ne n all id branch,*. A good ilock of FRAMES ami MOl'LDIMiS krpt conitantly on hand. Will alte introduce the nru> BROMIDE I\)I:TIIA1T. <* [iiciurertlutt u gluing tniire tutisfactw* whertrtr introduced.. SA MI'LES cnn b let* at my Gallery where all ptirtitular* a; to Price, i)tyle Ac., can he nicer- tained. MMS. SV&.UJBK, FLESHEKTON. Three Important qualities combined in our make 01 Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- ing the next few months we would say that you cannot do better, either in Factory made or home matte Boots, than to try CLAYTON'S. j A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. Mao* lot of Meus' Books (home madei, Beat Material and Wtorktmnsbip. on baud. Ciitoui >Vork and Repairing . to Ordejtr?