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Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1890, p. 5

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HE FLESH ERIC N ADVANCE. B.I.VA/.VC /: OF <JEO. M1TCBELL, FRESHER. ON. \ :nj>.l iii :! transacted. . ' . I<M| at timi.i tl*yn T-inM 1 ir K-^ittauatu bmluoiB r..rtto uf Richardson t Co's. Vicinity Chips. 4 IiaractrrKtirH of the Past Week TartfJly Culled fr the Curious. Dundalk fall fair wu held yesterday < NVedne>ay). Mr. F.. YaBzant is p at Wiartun this pUiciBtc A luomwmeiit. <>f \\iinv desli wax ahead of anything wa taw eliwlier. Thia yr it promises to In- fully up txi, if not in advance of last yi'ur, iu every rtsptct. Remember the date, Tbmdfcy and Wednesday oi next , Oct. 14 and 15. HOY WANTED A IJDO* stout boy to make ImiiMlf necwrally useful. Apply to H Mr. .Mm Stewmrt offers a c'l 100 -u-re farm for sal*. It is a bargain fr jt'UM! ulic. Set- a'veri;Ku<iin<t elsewhere. Bo>V Koott. all latjRT and not .ii.Htilv UK kind yom waut for your boy,at M. Kkliarikou & CVa. lUv. Mr. Tons;* will, on Sunday eren- in.; next, prcatfc a sermon fr the special l'!it of young men. His subject in : il l.iiihts from Bibl* History. ' S. J. 1'ixun, the rope- walking pho- t, .ni;.'.RT c f T'>miiti>, will walk the ti^ht i 'I>c 111 Owen Souud on Wednesday next, <>,.t. l.Vh. Mrs. Jnhn Chard, of Tomnto, who The Advance notMml a few weeks a^o as l.m iiiij been seri<Mljr ill, lias recovered mid is visitin;,' her relative* iu this \ iciiiity. I H. Lucas, barrister, of the linn lii*h<>ptt Lucas, OWKII Sound, is at the Ih'oe of Win. Lucas t Co.. in Markdale, v. TV Friday, aiitl in Duiidulk every "Whiter Is CAMing. prepare for it by Mtiag u overouat from U. J. Leitclj.uieruh- Mr. Wiu. Sproulo, of Maxwell, left for Winnipeg the latter part of last week to attend the sick bed of his James, v (in hits been fcau<(rously ill of ty|Ji *d fever. Since Mr. Sproule left we luam that his sun is slightly unproved. Three or .four yuuui; men frxiui Flesher- ton are down in Proton tkii. woelc rabbit Thu weather has Seen mo- i tUmp fr this spurt and wu <1 n. t ii:iii-ip.ito that th-y will have a supur- of fun. Mr. 1>. McTavish, blacksmith, has taken in a partner, and will c.irry on the viiy..n making; business. This is nut ~-ltii-ial, however, and is not to be con- sidered as au aUvor'.iiuuirut. We simply to l> -tbv case. Childrou '* UooU that will u t \\ilh wear iu uiuddy roails ; just the kind>r ci.ildreu XI Ricli&rilnoii Jt Co's Kev. C,. II i .. M A , }.. 1)., lied the fluent lunal seruton* in the Methodist church here on Babbath lust. Oirinx to iiieUimmt weather the cougre. _Mtinn* wvre nut <|U te so lari(e ai usual. Mr. Culibledick's sennons were listened to with tuucli interest. Ho isayouug man of great promts*. Mr. Au|{Ui >K l.f'itl, of Klehrt<iii -station has secured the contract for rmiltl- iii a frame barn f>7x(J.S feet with an ell yOx^O, fr Mr. .1 ,!ui Riuliardaini, 19th ton., Pivtoii. This, we Wliwe, will whon tvuupleted be the l;ir(;.U Iwni iu the township. Tim stone foundation id now in courae uf erection. Mr. Mt<'ullo','h is n< w: l buying at the station. Ifc) Suti^-il*y last ho pur- vhased eighteen lu.v O^U went up to .(V. Itut dropped to W>c. 4 liiyh as 58c. was paid for ytfif. That was t!ie rvsult m^tition and farmers arc happy. It will bo f41y for any oit to ipi tn a i..ri'iii uiaiket this fall \th vho expecta- tioi. of irettin;; betUr pricos vhan are |id at tis point. * A friend writing from Pmton Station tit ni:v us t insert the following notice. 'If the parties who were caught in a curtain cellar at I'rot-n Station, about 3 o'clock on the MiomuJi; of Oct. 2, I'M not come and apolouu* ami make it light they will bo bron^ht before the c >urts to an.wvr ( ti9 aaine." Tl i. hove is plainly statetl and the partka i..lerosted uili VIM>W exactly what is wanted. Keneuibvr th;0, Jie Arteinesia fall ho will be held iu Urioevtlle on Tuea- <Uy and Wednesday next, Oct. 14 and 15 Thia show hat beou )n|pruviiix year by year, until teat yer .it alm.wt rivalled g iu the county, and in ill* ca*c ' Personal. Dr. Iiolan4 and wife, of Atlanta, On., have been visiting with Councillor Bo- land, their cousin. Dr. Qoland in practically an American, having li fed on the other side for the past 28 or 30 years. He is the proprietor of a suigical insti- tute in Georgia. Boot aud Shoe tuuimfacturss have hat' to aJvanoe their priors 'JO to '-'.I per ci-nt owini; to risi) iu lnHthrr. M. Richard - HOII & Co purehased a Tery lam stock be- fore utiv.iiic'- Went on. Customers will yrt the brat-lit while stock last*. Tall Corn. Mr. (i. Math?wson, of Eppiug, brought in some corn stalks last week which were 10 ft. G inches iu height. The*-, how- ever, did not come up to some grown by Mr. John Osborne, who live* in this village. We measured some of his corn stalks, aud they panned out 11 ft. 1 inch. Big Potatoes. Mrs R. 1 teiithaiu brought to this oltice one day last week a basket containing twenty potatoes of the white elephant variety, the total weight of which was *26j Ibs. Fifteen of the murphys weighed -1J Ibs. One weii/ed an even two pounds. Mrs. Bentliain says their yield of potatoes is something abnormal they never saw such a crop. It beat every- thing we evt-r sat eye* on, and we rather think our potato story can u uvu anything going the rounds this full. Fur fine ordrred clothing try c; J. l.eifcch. Style and workuiiuinhip guor sutved. Timothy. A correspondent from Fcveratiam itendd us a budget of new.t, and signs himself Tiiiioihy. Now the news U all right, and we would bo moat happy to uau it d:il the writer u correct naniu accom;>t ny it, but he Las forgotten to send that. The Advance will publisa nothing when the writer does not furnish Ins correct name, not of course for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. We have explained this something loss than a thousand times heretofore, but still aomu people appear to for,-.-'. Teachers' Convention. The teacher* of the South Riding of Grey uicl i:i convention here to-day and t- morrow (Thursday aud Friday), and are aided in their work by Dr. McLelUn wko is recognized throughout the prov- incu as one <*f the leaders of educational thought. A public lecture will b de- livered iu the Town Hall tt.-night (Thurs- day) beginning at half past seven. We are unable to definitely announce the topic, but as the Dr. has the faculty of making both interesting aud prolitaule the dryest of subject*, no fear may be eiitertaintxl ou tli.-tt scute, moreover he is so well ktiown here that an exteuded reference t< liu ability would be out of securing tlw iiHwt popular man they could possibly select auU trust that they may be rewarded by a large audience. A number of musical selections and readings arv also to be give)!. Women's Bi>oU. suitable fur wet weather ; Just tuetlun^ fer fll aad winter. \ ^ kt M. Kv,.n A Co's. Artemesia Council. The Artvuieau township fathers met in conclave vii Monday, the reeve in the chair. There was very little business to bo done, auti two hours was about the extant of the session. Two or three bills f ir payment were presented and ordered to bo paid, as follow* : Wm. Wutson, jr., for expotuies ui coancction with funeral of Neil Kennedy, $11.00 ; Win. DAVIS, I'-i Jo^daof -r..el, :.-JO; \\.li] Thuntvn, printing, $0.50 ; and W. .1 1'ullaniy, yuaru-r's salary aa clerk, $:!7.30. Thu following uiotious were carried : Moved by Mr. U.iland, secoiidud by Mr. Sharp, that Councillor Thompson and the reuvu be a ct>uiuiittee to examine Miller's bridge aud report ua)eus immedi- ate, danger exists, iu such case to n'x it, if possible, temporarily. Also Morey s bridge. Moved b] Measrs. Thompson and Sharp, that telugiauh couipanies Laving poles iuterfeiinx with new deviatitui now Uuing conslt^icted be notiliud to ha>s tlioni i.-ino\ t-.i iinniedilvly. This constituted alt the business it wivsauoff moduli aud the coimcillors returned tu their ic*|vctike homes shortly after liinner. !!' LoH K<Ut<. solid whole stovk, hauuuiadi;, wariantrd to wpar and kep lent dry'. M. Kiobardnou A Oo. arc at i'i.< al whiou they la : ThrMhera can Rtt the Cold Test LubritiatuiK Oil at M. Riabsrdson <& Co's. Special low price per 5 gallon lots. A Poor Unfortunate. On Tuesday afternoon of this week, while Mr. J. H. Campaign was driving along the road leading north n .in Loucka' mill, his dog began making a fuus. Upon dismounting and entering the uuih to tind the cause, he discovered lying between two cedar treeii tlio emaci- ;ited body "f a yuuns; woman, probably lJ5 years of age. At first impression he thought her dead, and went for Mr. Loucka' assistance. Upon return, and after considerable etiort, they succeeded in awaking her, when it was found that she wa* unable to walk. She was aasiat- ed to the buggy and uwven to Mr. Loucks' residence and taken care of. It is supposed that she lay out ill the storm all night on Monday, an her clothing was completely saturated. Shu gave her name as Maria Irwiu, of Walter's Folia, aud explained the cause of her terrible condition by saying that she lost her way, took sick aud was uuable to go further. Dr. Christou U waiting upon her. A Car Load <jf coal oil just arrived for M. Uiubardsou & Co. Aiiotuor to lullow Uaxt week. MITCMI.J.-III Klwlittrtuii, 'in Thursday, Oct. i, tli wila of JIT. uoo. Juiiuivn, 0*ukai. ol a uau^hur. Mooaa Iu Fluohartoii, ou Thursday, ix-l. -. tbu wifu oi J. k. .Vouie. i>i a MIU. MaLKou-At Klouhartoii stutiun, on Friday Sopt IV, iha wilu al Jir. AIIJJUB . HORSESHOKK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH Cullinswood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MMinf'H'turiiii' of WatfoiiK. leijfhu. !>HI ..... ') u <J o*- ternlur fet and Flow Chain* con- staully oil baud. LOOK! LOOK ! Milk Cans! Call ony luilkcsns Inifore p ulHuwhuiu, and you will buy uo othurn. A IUKU umortuiuut of Milk Tans and Pails, ream CIIIIM All kinds of old metal taken in exchange, also wool pickings, brass and cp'>tT. SULLIYAN r Fhe Tinsmith. CKTIIO to the proyni>s ou lot 3, ooli. 1-J. OHprey, QUO H|]L-O|>. < nuvii sainu bvi'iovunj iiru|iity :ir.l i.*)ia(( un>"--- JOHN fOOLK. LaJy :ik P.O. 100 Acre Farm for Sale. '3800 will mirchnsu that ^xrellont farm, blnfi '3800 will mirchnsu that ^xrellont f nuiubt'i'i) ;iuiH aii'i nine \*, !'i in tin- - M or raiif{o north uf ili Pui townnhi|> of A i f< i.j.-^.a, , t. l n- . .uct 70acr-H, morti or lutw, uf saJtl farm i . tore* uf cotlnr. Th dwel brick. 1*iK *ud onmmodi sim-r luiiit. iui huiis. M Aiid partly ft unit; uf Gt*jv , u. . Miut two houno ifl built of oulv woven vear mill riH-iuy. built <HKK| water alna\H on *hti fftru). A good uoMinii <-t < i ; ii]!ii-\ ti my lay iinpaiil at nix pur cunt, ii ..iK-'iintK t,h HIVIIHI by uicrtuiuu. Kor furtlju. ,i HHi^ilv to JOHN HTKV. Artcniciia, Oth Ootobsr. 1XM. Kroprletor. * .).. On. TIIK TYPE JWEITEB. #:O will i.uv the OUDLL TYPE WRI- TICK W'tll i"S -.1 .1 I r,.Th. Hlld $15 fn| tin- Single 4'as- Odd!. .i> nimi-j lo Jo better w r tlmn auy niHchiiii 1 nsftdo. It cuuibinr* si.Mi'LiciTv with M.-JIAKILITT. HPKKH, EAMK or opKKATiuN, woars lousier it'i uutoont uf repairs tliaii auv u:liur uiuohiue. .. ink rilibtm to bother the opn It UXKAT, sm<iAri.ii., niokleplut -4, p rfmt anti aJaptvtl to all kinds of type wrtiug. ike it iiriiitiiix preHH. u pioilii<us s'narp. olvan, lu^ible uiauiiscriptN. Two or tm ropixH c.111 be madu at 0110 wiitii^. Any iiitrllixi-nt piTm.ii oau btK>t>ini- HU upmator in two divs. We offer 9I.OOV to ftiiv upera- i,,r !u> '!> mpial tii woik o/ the UoubU' as- 0ill Ktliublf \guU ami Suluxiuoi. wauteU. Sp. i>u.i luiluoeoieuto to Ueiil<-i>< For I'liaiuphlwi fiviUjj luJomtiueots, Ae., addtwss RLL TYPE WKITKK CO., and S7 y.h.i,. ilftli lt, 114.. CASTORIA for Infants and Children. Xsowoll adapted toehOdnntbai I Cswtaria earn CoHe. as)BUDnortoaar unaHViDUoa I Sour tMommch. Lnarrtias*, n. A. Aacua. *". I *"*"" . | 10 11.1 Turn OUTTAL** COMPANY, 77 Murmy 3UmX, N. Y THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boots. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if ycu cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure an<l guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the ptoce, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos, He art note turning out tcork/ar luperior in ityle and finith f* any ever pro ducetl in t'lcsherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMIJS1 G done in all Jfc brunche*. A good ttock of FRAMES ami MOL'L DL\CS ktpt conntantly oi, hand. Will alia introduce the neio BROMIDE 1'OKTIIAIT. u />i<:ture that it gini<j entire uitif'<tction whtrrrer introduced. SAMPLES en* be teen at my (J'.illery ichyre all jxirticulurt at to Price, Sty/e Ac., can bt ascer- tained. Threo 'important qualities oombioed in our make of Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- iug the next few mouths we wouk! say that you cannot do better, either iu Factory made or home made Boots, thaii to try CLAYfON'S. A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. Also a lot of MCUJ! Daots (home uvil", I'^st Material and on hand. an<l FOB Pack lot of -H cre within a mile of Ktmh*r*n heniiHnrti>f Loi IM. tiid N. K., Artoni T*rws liberal. Apply W. J, 1VULLAMY, Property for Sale or lo Rent. HOIHI* and two loU uii CulMnuifaod ttrtrt in Klwhaclou. (ioviJ wntor t the door lar-'<, Ublto Will b sold ou fa> Kniin apply M K J SI'BOUUB. Klimhron oro '

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