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Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1890, p. 3

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THM 80PBBIOR COUK.T8. Autumn Ajul IN Bad Autumn uhanoery Opn OB th* Oat** Below. AUTUMN ASSIZES, 18W. ARMOUR, C. J. " Criminal ......... Monday. Oat. 13. Milton .......................... WwliiwiUf. Oct. ffl. Bnmpton ................. ... Wodneaday, Got. 99. St. Catharine* .............. Tuday, NUT. 4. Orangvill ..................... Tuesday. Now. 11. BOM, J. Welland ............ ---------- Monday, Oct. a OulpU ........................... Monday, Oct. 13. Bimcoa ........................... Monday. Oct. 90. Cayofa. .......................... Thursday. Oct 23. Berlin ........................... Monday. Oct. 87. Brantf.ird ..................... Monday, NOT. 3. Pembroke ..................... Wednesday. Oct. 1. L Origual ....................... Tuesday, Oct. 7. Perth ............................ Monday. O t. 13. Ommi Sound. ..... _ ......... Monday, Oct. 90. Pcurborj' ..................... Wednesday. Oct. 99. Iiinday ............... ...... _.. Tuesday, NOT. i. STBKKT.J. Plotoa ........................ _ Monday, Oct. 8. Napanoe. _ ............. ...Monday. "ut 13. Cohourg ......................... Monday, Oct. 90. Whitby ... _ ............. _.... Monday. Oct. 91. Mil MiUOS . J. Oodcricb .......... .. ...... ____ Monday, Oct. 8. Barnia ..... _ ................... Monday, Oct. 13. Bandwiob ..................... Monday, Oct. 90. Chatham ...... ..._ .......... Monday, Oct. 97. St. Thouiai .............. Wdn*day, NOT. .1. AUTUMN CHANCERY SITTINGS. 1B90. KUUKBTHON, J. Toronto... ............... Monday, Nov. 17. BO YD. C. St Tbonuu.. .................. Wednesday. Got 1. London ........................ ...Monday, Oct. 6. Barrio ........ - ............ Monday. Oct. 13. Wnlkcrtou ............. - ...... Monday, NOT. 10. Godaricb ............. ...... Friday. NOT. U. Baroia ........................... Tuesday. NOT. la Handwicli _______ ............ Friday, NOT. 91. Cbathaiu .......... .. ............ Wedudav. Nov. V. Wuitby .................. ......... Monday, Doe. a FUOUHOM, J. Ottawa ............ - ......... Monday, Oct. 90. Brockviilu ...... _ .......... .Monday. Oct. 27. Cornwall .................. ----- Friday, Oct. a. Balicville .................. .... Tuesday. NOT. i, Jungitou ...... ......... _____ Monday, L)c. 1. KOUKBTHON, J. St. CaLbarlnw ......... Monday, Oct. S. Stratford _____ ............ ---- Monday, Oct. 13. Hamilton ........................ Monday. Oct 30. Woodstock ..................... Monday, NUT. S. Monday, NOT. 10. It Ton Ara> Invited. Formerly a bride only received presents from her immediate relatives and most in timate friends ; now, every acquaintance is expected to contribute aoma token of re gard, and very seldom fails to do so Everyone invited to the wedding U ex peeled, as a matter of coarse, to send i present. Formerly, everyone who sent i present thought it requisite that it abouk be accompanied by a note of oongratal lion and good wishes, bat now it has be- oome very usual meroly to send with the gift a visiting card, on whioh is written above the printed name " with," and be- low it, congratulations acd btst wishes.' Of coarse, oear relatives generally write notes. Wedding presents may be made either to the bride or to the bridegroom ; general!; the nearest relatives give presents b jth to him and to the bride. Presents may be sent at any time, from the day of the an noaucement of the wedding up to the eve of the ceremony. It is well, however, no to be too precipitate, as in the event ol th wedding not taking plaoe, it is always awk ward aud unpleasant for the lady to have to retnrn her presents, which, of oosrse she mast do under saoh circumstances. Domtnic Monthly. A Good sTennnl The Aberdeen Journal says : " Very few men, yoaog or old, peer or peasant, hav crowded ao many important events iut saoh a abort space of time as has the youn Earl of Rosalyu. Daring the current yea he has <|ulined for a commission in thi army ; been gezatted to one of the regi ments of Guards ; engaged to Misa Viole Vyner, daughter of that well-known sports man, Mr R. O. Vyner, although at first th parent* of both were strongly opposed t ths betrothal . resinned his commission without ever having joined hi* regiment married hia nanoee, the joint axes of brid and bridegroom being under 40, regiaterec his racing color* . and finally, on Batarda last, through the lamented death ! hi father, auooeed to the anoeslral title an estates." rll B.Y (JET TUB BKST. ommcrrlal Travellers Should Hot Orowl a* Their Hotel r'avlr. Let me give the travelling man who kioks gainst paying 114 a week for the same the regular boarder pays 93 for, some healthy dvn- .-. For twenty years I have been a ravelling man, says G. O. Ball in the Hotel Id, and have learned long sinoa not to lick against hotel prices. If yoa don't iike go to some other hoase next time. Don't ou know that the regular boarder ia to a utel what the awine ia to the slaughter nou .' The hog knows not what he eats no yet he gets (at, and the batcher saves) in whioh bat for ths bog would be wanted, and in turn he receives from the wine many dollars ; so with landlord and ..galar boarders. Then again, a regular boarder gets on e good aide of a bright- faced waiter girl ; e sees she is attentive to her duties, neat, nitlageni and attractive, and she finds in im jualities which she admires and an flection springs up between them ; engage- meat follows, when along oomea aome unsophisticated dude of a travelling man " knocks his eye out," and than hackles over the victory ! Then, again, he travelling man has a nice warm room o retire in, where the r. b. goes to bed in a room twenty degrees below zero. The ravelling man's room ia awept every morn- ng, when the regular boarder's room getaa ick and " that's good enough " ones a week ; he same date his towel and abeeta are hanged. The t. m. gels a porterhouse teak, while the r. b. gets anywhere from be neck to the horns. The t. m. can lean op against the counter or ait on the desk and enjoy the amoke of cob pipes and two- or five cigars in the mouths of town oafers who occupy ail the available seats, here the r. b. most seek shelter on dry ;oods boxes on the streets. The t. m. oan i met at the office door in the morning with a whisp broom in the hands of the Kirter, and receive a lashing over the back >ml a behind the back voluntary cussing or not ' scaling the porter." Why, yoa ioor, miserable, grumbling, fault- lading, orabid dade, don't yoa know that the eyes of the whole fraternity f the patrons of industry are onto yea ? Jon't yoa know that yon are classed as ny bummers?" If yon don't I do. I naed to be josl foolish enoagh to think 1 could dictate the hotel business and attend o my business as well aa everybody's else. . have licked landlords, cossed waiters, 'oand fault with the oook, thrown porters ihroagh windows, paid finta for assault with intent to kill, and what does it all amount to ? I have fetched up baldbeaded, one eye gone, minus three dugora, ani doomed to gel around on crotches the re- mainder of my life, and all for telling a Texas widow landlady that she didn't mow how to ran a hotel. M.IKTIAI. MUSIC The luUaauo* of a Brass Band and the Bag- pipes la Warfare. There is a popular idea that a military band accom panies i ta regiment wherever it goes, and plays in front of the line in the charge, or at the assault of the breach or entrenchments of the enemy. Althoug h, however, our bandsmun have other duties, as stretcher bearers and sick attendants, to perform, and our fine regimental bands are not called upon to inspire oar soldiers in this fashion, any soldier who has cam- paigned in the field, or performed arduous marches with his corps, will be able to testify to the good effacl of martial music when men are oslled apan to perform some- thing beyond their ordinary danger or fatigue. Man and music ara indeed old allies, and, if the lT<>ot of a dram, a fife, a trumpet, a bugle, or a bagpipe, upon the lired or overmatched soldier, has been at times a revival and renewal of vigor and increased oourage, how mnoh greater, it may be aaked, would be the inspiration afforded by the blended harmony of many instruments, pouring forth some air that appeals to the traditional glories of the regiment. Mueio," we are told, "hath charms to aoothe the savage bream." Yet, there oan be no doubt, this essentially peaceful art has power to exoite, in an equal degree, man's fiercest passions, and white the effect of music upon the maaj of a battalion, or even an entire army, is wholesome and beneficial, the result is arrived at through each indi- vidual soldier in all possible variations of degree and manner. One man has heard the air in bis childhood, and it brin^a back the fondest memories of a happy home , aome associate tbu tune with success in lormer days, others with a sad regret, but played by the band of the regiment, with every comrade as e n audience, ia instinct of clan and kindship. ot aelt- sacrifice for A Horrible lu.ll(Dlly. Spokesman (of strikers' committee fift years heno) We have decided to go on on strike. President of Railroad Company Why, What is the trouble ? Spokesman Well, we don't propose 1,0 work for a man wbo wears a cutaway coat before 12 o'clock. Life. n listed. " I understand you are engaged to Miss Long?" " Yes ; my first engagement. 14 Your first. " Yes ; I never smelled powder before." 8*>sjloa With a " W." Oh, what is her name ? I know it just as well as I do my own. Begins with a W." Henderson ? Yes, that's it. Junt Llk HU Impertinence ! Old woman presents herself at the book- ing office, and asks for a third-class ticket. " Where for ? " inquires the olerk. That's my basinese ?" was the reply. The Tariff Conference report was adopted by the U. B. House on Saturday by a vote of yeas 151. nays 79, and a reso- lution was then passed for the final ad journment of Congress to-morrow. A petition bearing several thousand sig- nature* has been received at the Depart ment of the Secretary ot State, from Hani toba, asking that the Acts passed by the Provincial Legislature last session abolish ing Separate schools and the dual language system be disallowed. The petition will be referred to Sir John Thompaon. B. O. Cox, in Denver, Col., jail for the murder of George Thomas, out his throat vealerday and will die. Cox's wife died the other day from grief because her hus- band wai confined in jail for the killing of Tbomaa, whom he slew in a quarrel over a settlement in whioh the sum in diapute was lo 4S than a dollar. After her husband was killKl Mrs. Thomas was taken ill and is not expected to recover. a\a Aarcdoto ol Mapolooa. The editor of ';; Bliu in his last issue vouches for the troth ot this story : Napo- leon 1. was entertaining the Czar Alex- ander aud the f rassian king at breakfast in Tilsit, when the conversation turned ou loyalty. My aoldiort obey me blindly," said the Czar. And mine are anxious to die for me," added Napoleon. At the suggestion of the Prussian king a test of devotion was agreed upon. The royal party waa breakfasting in ths fifth story of a building that (aoed a paved street. Each member waa to call one of his soldiers and command him to jump from the window. Napoleon made the first test. Call the Oardiste Marcau," be com- manded, and Mroau appeared. Will yoa obey any order I give you ."' asked Napoleon. Yes, sire." Blindly, whatever it is?" Blindly, sire." Then jump oat of that window." But 1 have a wife and two children, sir." " I will oare for them. Forward !" And the Gardiste Maroan, with a military salute, walked to the window and leaped oat. "Call a private of the body-guard,' or- dered the C/.r, whose turn oame next. The soldier oame. " What's yuur name ?" "Ivan Ivanovitoh." "Well, Ivan, jast throw yourself oat ot that window." " Yes father," answered the guardsman, tnd be did it. Command the braveat of my soldiers to come here," said the Prussian king to his servant. A six-foot uhlan, with a row of orders aorouj his breast and a soar apon bis forehead, entered. My friend," explained the king, " to show their loyally a French and a Russian guardsman have jumped at command from that window. Have yoa the pluck to do the name?" " Is it tor the fatherland ?" "No." - Then 1 refuse to do it." Gil Bias thinks this anecdote contains a fine lesson for German army ollioera of the preaent. New York Sun. Wise In HI, Way. Managing Editor I don't see why we had so many unsold copies returned to-day. With three bank cashiers skipped, two murders and a doable suicide, not to men- tion the leader on the tariff, I thought it was a very good number. Sporting Editor But yoa musi remem- ber it rained yesterday and there wax no ball game. Society. Joseph Koberge, 13 years of age, was accidentally drowned at New Liverpool, gaob., last night by his akin* upsetting. John Joyce was killed on the O. T. B. some days ago near Lanadowne. He was a resident of Montreal. The causes lead- ing up to bis death are unknown. It is reported the Spanish Government is placing a oordon of troops along the frontier ot Portugal in consequence of apprehen- sions of a revolution in that country. The Court of Inquiry into the wrecking of the steamer Ulunda baa decided to sus- pend the certificate of the master of the steamer, Capt. Clark, for three months. Daring the morning service at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, yesterday a man named Easton, wbo was in the congregation, com- mitted snioids by shooting himself twioe with a revolver. the oommon weal, all are united in the revolve to do or die ! A bagpipe to the uneducated or Saxon ear ia not altogether ' a thing of beauty and a joy for ever." Still, that loatrument, to the Keltiah warrior, be be Sooioh or Irish, ia banner and a war ory combined. Neither the dram nor fife, by itself, would commend itself to the sympathy or sensibility of the layman in his peaceful hoars of atady or meditation, yet the roll of the one and the ahrill note of the other, heard at the right moment, have won many a rampart, and 9 wept the deck of many an enemy's war- ship ! Military music is certainly as old civilisation, vhicb, in man, they say, began with fire. If, in the pre-bistoric ages, oar forefathers were diatingoitued from the brute creation by their know- ledge of fire and their instinct to cook something to eat, we may be tolerably well assured that one of their earliest pastimes the imitation of song uttered forth by the birds as they worshipped the light of Heaven. Pan, deiiled by the Greeks, oame originally from Enypt, bis birthplace being Uendes, wbioh signifies " goat." On the other band. L'oh i :iu makes him become a general ot Baoohoa, and attributes to him the invention of the order of battle and the distribution of an army into right and left wings, enabling him to strike terror into the minds of the enemy, henoe the expres- sion pant:-. The Greeks, wbo took much ot their civilization aa well aa their mythol- ogy, from the Egyptians adopted also *ume oonaiderable amount of their muiic. Any average Eaton boy could tell us concerning the P'ilrmi"i, bluff and sonorioos, the <ir</ii.'i, al.arp and staccato, and other Spartan airs, played when the phalanx was about to charge, while the same young gentleman wonld parbaps be very dubious in regard to the traditional air or luickstep belonging to any particular regiment in Her Ms; -sty' Service. And yet, in its tradi- tional aspect, the British army is rich in music, while of military music and mili- tary composers there are no end. Naval and Military Argiu. VIHTIMG MANN K1U. A.I vlrt- that Should be B**d*d by Old as Well as You* People. Many of as who pride oareelves on oar good breeding are singularly blind to what is due to friends who are vieiling people onknowo to us, or who are entertaining gueata whom we have never met. Nor are we more aimred au to some of the points of utum'jite toward oar own guests and to our own hostu when we make an occasional flitting from home. It is useless to deory elicjuette by styiog that the best manners in all cases are those whioh hurt no one, says >'<>ut/i Companion. This) is true as a general law, bui there are always some points which leave no room for experiments aa to what will hurt another, and whioh yet may be settled once for all by a few ruiea. If yoa have an acquaintance who is en- tertaining frienda wnom she wishes you to meet it in your duty to call promptly, and if possible offer aome hospitality to both KUeata and hosts. If the position is re- versed, and your friend is visiting people unknown to yon, never go to aee your friead without leaving a card for the hoatesi. If you give any entertainment for the friend, be anre to invite her hosts also. It does not follow that your invitation will be accepted, but if it is, the hostess must be treated as the guest ot honor and shown every deference. If, for instance, the en- tertainment is a luncheon for young ladies, she mav be asked to take th seat at the end of the table opposite to your own. If the mutual friend is your guest, yon may be sure that, if she is a woman of good breeding, she. in turn, will accept no in vita- lion which doea not include you, although yon may think best to decline it and insist upon her going ulone. Nor will she receive visitors without asking you to join them in the parlor should her friends be rude enough to have sent yon no uarda. Here, too, you may excuse yourself, or, at moat, join them with such delay aa to give them a short interview alone. These same rulee hold pood for yon when yon are the gueet. Before you go to make the visit, send word to your friends where and with whom you are to slay, so that there may be no idea that yon are in a boarding house, and therefore miatrees of your time and surroundings. This constant deference to your hoHtess should lead yon to order all letters and paokagea to be addreaaed to her care. As to the disposal of your time, when yoa are visiting, no etiquette requires you to aooept all the plans of your hostess, if yoa feel unable to do so ; but oare is ueedea to show that refusal means laok ot strength, not lack of interest and inclination. With a little tac on both sides, yon will have manv hours for your own. Indeed, a skillful hostess will manage to secure you this privilege, and not make tbu misttke of working too hard to amuse yon, and no absorb every moment ot your visit into her idea of what ia pleasure for yon. No greater compliment ie possible than the imot acceptance of your presence in the i-jtimacy of family lite. HU BUOY WAJ* IJTOLBB. iroiu it* Last Fo: The body of the late Dr. Ebarson, drowned in Portland Lake last week, was stolen from the Portland cemetery on Saturday last. The ooitin waa found kicked in and otherwise damaged. For several years the deceased bad been living rather an irregular life, about the lake. Duriug the summer be lived on a small island about three miles from Portland. He had erected a small shanty OB the island, and there he was seen by passengers on the boats. Last Wednes- day he went to Portland, got provisions and after placing them in bis boat he went to get aome tobacco and while doing so a oow came along and eat ap his provisions and as be bad no means left to get more he started for home quite disheartened on ac- count of hia loss. Later that evening be was found drowned in about five feet ot water and about ten feet from shore. His arm waa entangled in the anchor line and his head was about half a, foot under water. It u supposed by many that be committed suicide. His wife and son live in Montreal. Hia brother-in law paid all expenses of his burial. On Saturday nuiht his body waa stolen from the grave. De- ceased waa a dentist, and at one time practised around here. We understand de- ceased was buried without religious monies. Newborn' Standard. It is stated that the officers of the Irish National League in America intend resign- ing as soon aa practicable after the arrival of the Irish members of Parliament who intend making a tour of the United State*. Bxibert Greer, of Kiogston.attempted su*- oide yesterday by cutting bis throat from ear toear with a pen knife. The doctors stitched up the wonnds and hope be will live, though he ia very weak from loss of blood. Eighty laoe factories at Calais have been closed in consequence) ot the strike. At a meeting of 3 000 laoe- workers to-day it was) unanimously resolved to continue the strike until the manufacturers aooept the terms) of the strikers. Much as a man admires the troth ha prefers to have it told about aome other 'ellow. A Dispensation of Pruwldsmoo The rail way accident had been a terrible one and one ot the men wbo were carrying the thirty- seventh victim op the embank ment aaid with ttrong feeling : " Somebody will have to pay dearly for all this '" The mangled paaunxer opened his eyes and glared at the speaker. The company is not to blame," be said, fetbly : This is a diupenaation of Prov Hence !" Hu was attorney for the road. D O M I. 41. A NEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. FULLY ABREAST WITH THE TIMES. (modi, tho raster. Gior Jani Succi, the little Italian, who has easily proven himself to be the world's champion faster, having fasted 30 days in Lisbon, :ij daya in Brussels and 40 days in London, has arrived at Now York. With a mysterious air he produoed a small phial of darkiab brown iluid. " Here," he said, is the secret ot fasting. This elixir con- tains all the properties of nourishment necessary to support the human frame through periods of fasting. I took two ounces of it just before my 40 days' fast, and I was as well after the fast as before, although I lost over thirty pounds in weight." According to the modern Elijah, this wonderful elixir contains all the nutritive properties ot a six-course dinner, with a small bottle coffee and liquor added, lie is trying to induce the Italian Govern- ment to use it in the army as a substitute for the bread made of sawdust and the shadow aonp now served out to the Italian aoldier. Appointment* Gazetted. The following appointments) will be an- nounced in to-day's Ontario Gazette : Kobert A. Lyon, of Michael's Bay, Mani- tonlin, to be registrar of deeds for the District of Algoma in the place ot Cbas. J. Damptoo, deceased ; Wm. C. Cnrrie ot Port Arthur, to be police magistrate in and for the said town in the place of A. W. Thompson, resigned ; Alex. C. F. Bonlton, Toronto, to be a notary public for the Province ot Ontario ; J. W. Clarke, ot the village of Wellington, Prinoe Edward county, to be olerk in the Fifth Division Court of the said county in place of J. B. Oarrott, resigned ; Wm. Niel, of Alberton, Rainy River district, to be bailiff ot the Second Division Court of the said district in plaos of Wm. Lindsay, resigned. John Temisle waa killed at Petrolea by a derrick falling on him. Essex Centre wants the Canadian Paaifio to run a spar to that town. Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain is expected in Ottawa shortly. The body of a man named Samuels was found on the road near Miami, Man., yes- terday. The population of Ban Franoiaoo is 297,- 990, an increase of 64,031, or 27 per oent., sinoe 1880. An unknown tog sank with all bauds about three and a half miles from Racine Wis., yesterday. A despatch from Igdyr says 20 Armen- ians were recently killed In a fight there. The village is in a ferment. A Hack Muaibor. Buffalo .V. ici | Miss Passjee (examining the meoal of a reoent graduate)! have a medal, too. Young Friend You have ? Why on earth don't yon wear it ? Mias Psxsee (with a sigh) I would, bat I oan't get the date off it. O!aaa can bo cut with iciseora by holding it under water and by people who know how. Jane Dett*nridge, an orphan of Jamaica, has refused 37 offers of marriage. Miss Detteoridge haa good sense and 11,000.000, especially the latter. I'htlatltlpliia Ledger. Le Qauloit savs that the English Oov- eminent has purchased a large building at Port Haiti and is transforming it into a barrack fortress, which they will soon oo- onpy with British troops. This will give England possession of both ends of the Hut/. Canal. The Western express train whioh left Montreal at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning ran off the track near Coteau Landing, and the engine, two baggage oars, and the postal oar were wrecked. The passengers escaped injury, but ths mail olerk was badly hurt. All boys under l<> will be discharged from the Edgar Thomson and the Home- stead steel works. This order is an idea ot Mr. Andrew Carnegis, who has alwaya opposed youth labor. The order will affect many widows who dopend upon their sons for support. Even the laaiest of men oan usually aee some work that some other fellow ought to do. Between two thousand and three thou- sand of the policemen of London, are total abstainers. Some time ago they held a meeting in Blenheim Hall to protest against the custom ot " allowing " liquor for police- men. They say they are better off without it. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY IPMltxol IM.4. Tia;i-l -I, ' ->|'VriK'l" I j,n>|*Tly ,III,|I-I-IKIII'I|, In li"W Thunxiajllly tt*>- !M-I| .in, i Knlargvd. ami bear* th,> muiif ! Webster's International Dictionary. ! 1 1 1,, mil wi-rk MI . isioii haa l^n in pri[n i --M I'-r <vrr lo Vi-itr*. .--. lliun < llumlrvtl inuil olitorial m Inivi- l~'.-n .ii^ap-il ll|*iii il. T. r *.MI.IMH> M mil, i in lu pirparessss i '.!,,[. III" !lr~t i-upy prinU-il. , l ,'unipai i- v -lliiT I'irtionary I. KT THK IIKST. G. * C. MKKKIAM * CO.. PublUhrrm. Sprinirtlvld, Mass. V. H. A. Sold hyiill Booksellers. Illiistralod pamphtalCniB. PHo'u BempuT (or Catarrh Is tbo Bast, Uaalt-st lo Uso ami Ch> u4*u CATARRH Suld bjr drug|dU or napt by m;iil,Vc.| K, T. llaseltlno. Warren. Pa, U 8. A. I CHRONIC COUGH Now! For If y <!o not It mny b<wo!n e<n- Fur (<>IIMIII;I'IM. .Vro/i''". iililu ail. I !/ IH*fOr*, tliirpi IB nulblDg Ilka SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pare Cod Liver Oil and MYPOPH08PHITE8 <- >t I_ji.. ,>,.! SStcvclA- It Is almost M paJntabln milk. Far bettor than oihor ao-oollod Kmulslima. A wonderful tteeb i>nnluoer. SCOTT'S EMULSION i* ;>M< |) i a unlnton no/or . .mil />< till' irniiiiii: ftuM t>H atl Itralan at OOr. anil fl.'M. SCOTT * BOWXK. llollMUl*. I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Cure 1 do n.->t messt merely to >top them for a time, and then I MIAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the ilUeue of Ft% pilepay or Falling sMcknova) a life-long study. I warrant ray remedy to Cur* the worst cases. Because others have Bailed is oo reason for not now receiving a cur'. Send at once for a treatis* and a Pr SJcttl* of my lnfa>llibl Remedy. Gie Bxarer naasl Post Office. It coils you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Addreaa -, O. O.OOT* M.O. rauch omi, ISS wkpT ADSTLAIO* THT. VoROMTO. bsave them return t PI TO T1IK KK1TOII:- Please infotm ynur readers thai I hare a positive remedy forts) above named disease. By its timely use. Iti.iu: ,i....s ul IK..H- cr.s c.*es --awe bn o*nuan*tly cnreo, 1 shall be giad to siul two bottle* of my remedy to any o, your reader* who bav sumption If they will nd m their E*pc . <mi I'ost O*o Addrssa. Respectfully, T. A. tUX****, L IM West MolaxMa, C*., -.OKOMro. ONTASUO.

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