THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE. /; I YK/.VO OFFICE OF EO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. A s.-ii'Ti! ha'ikltlK b.ininnm tranactl. J&rf - -- .-J\n -iifl at imual rated. Hum < kvaJlable for legitimate butiMei - i two itoor* north of Richardion * Go's. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Pm>t W>'k arrfully rulh-.l fur the Curiou*. Artemeiia Council meets on Monday ueit. Go to Ariiutrijni( lirtw. for eye iml pocUcle anil gtst pro|jrly littud.^ \V,. h: a small quantity of nice comb honoy sale at iOc per Ib. First come first served. Any quantity of strained hi iimy at IOc per Ib. This is first ].rue honey. The Advance office. A beautiful stock of silver-plated ware just ip, jiric.'S away dnwn at Armstrong Bros. I. '<'. LiiCiii, barrister, of the firm Biaho;, A Lucas, Owi'ii Sound, is at tlit office -f \\'m. Lucaa & Co., in Markiliilr. every Friday, aud in Dundalk every Saturday. Mr. Ja. Ulackburnu's numerous friend* wore made '^lad at hit appearance <in the Htruet* on Tuesday for the tirat time since his illuess beifan last winter, lie is as yet far from beinu fully re- covered, but we trust that he will rapidly ,'.-iin in strength now that he has taken 10 the opeu air. Our fall stock of watches is now com- plete. Tlierg nev<r were such bargains llerc-1 as we are giving n<w. The forosts now are dressing in their vari-colored coats, the atmnapheie is jettin-.' diul, .iml frost around us floats. V harvt'Ht lijiintiful has ^iven every one a chance to spend a floating dollar by buying The Advance. One dollar from now until the end of '91. We ^ive :i complete set of Dicken't works and |>.i,'cr as above for 5 1 .'>. N<> such ulfer lias ver been made you before, and never will be attain, in all probability. \V U are losing money by it, but are willing t.. lose .1 littli- for the sake of proving t you that The Advance i* worthy of your sup- port. Don't put off subscribing until the itR:r it withdrawn. The Tfc*ei>n, published ai Lansing, Mich., tolls of Rev. D. A. Uolman' suc- .ess in the following terms : "The Whiting 1'lynitiuth 0MfNfMioMl church in erecting a new bouse of wor- ahip- tho first church of any denoniiiia- tion in the town, which has a t! |i"|.>i!:iti"ii of about 2,500. The nw church M -Xv^i trot in size and is ! in a beautiful grnio. It is expccti-il thu church will be ready for occupancr ab>.ut Oct. 13. Rev. D. A. Dolman conducted the first English service m tin- town in. I organized the first Sunday school alxiut April 1. 1890. He is pastor of the new church which is unking rapid pnigru-.* in the midst of many saloons and other hindrances." A New Industry. A car load t,f fall and winter apples left FleshiTton station on Tuesday for the outside markets. The shipment of r.'lM) barrels was made by Mr. T. Kells, and will leave somewhere in the neighbor- hood of 12000 with farmers in this sec- tion. Heretofore the apple industry has not been a paying one in Urey, but no doubt now that an outside market has been .Tiired it will receive an ini|>etus that will place it amo;ii{ the important in- dustries of our county. Mr. rCells as the initial shipper deserves commendation. If your watch or clock needs repniriug take it -i. \ Mroi. and they wi!( put it in perfect running order, Church News. A church anniversary tsameetins; will be hold in the Meafotd roa-1 church on Tuesday, Oct. U. A splendid time is anticipated.. Bills giving particular will be issued this week. R.v. O. II. Cobbledick, M. \ I'.. P.. of I'nmlalU, will preach the educational .iiiniversary sermons in the Mrtlimlist church on Sabbath next, Oct. 5, morning and evening. Collections will bo taken u;> for the educational interests of the church. A week from Sunday noxt Rev. Mr. Ttiniju will preach a sermon specially t yuuii^ men, the subject ot which will bo: "Signal lights? front Bible history. The t'resbyterian congregation of Lake Megantic, ^ue., he'J ,\opi(re'^ith n il meeting lately and unanimously deculi-d to 11 the Rir. John McNil!, of l>prey. BJ U v Mr. McNeil was there as a missionary one summer during hia college course. Sunday last an election of elders for the Presbyterian church roaulb' 1 in the appointment of Mr. Damude, .<Ir. Ban non aud Mr. 8. Thompson. Show Notes. lUirhain took in 8.TOO of gate receipts at their fall fair. Klesherton about $200. D. Clayton took second prize at the Eajit Orey fall shojr for carriage horses. and tirst at the Oaprey show. Of interest to young men : M - Annie Stewart took tirst prize fur home mail- bread at Flesherton fair. Mrs. Buhner, of Flesherton, downed all comers with her splendid cabbage three varieties. She showed a ma^niti cent collection of photographs this year which was the admiration of all eyes. \Ye would like to note here that Mrs. lUilmer as an artist cannot be outdone outside the city of Toronto, and her wurk is even superior to much that U do no there. Mr. Robt. Fatton, of Proton, showed a magnificent specimen of brood mare, which deservedly took first prize. The animal was purchased by Mr. Patton in the county of Waterloo. Personal. Miss Leitch has returned from her visit to Owen Sound. Mr. Fred Thuraton, .lental student of Stayner, wan a ^uest of The Advance on Sunday. J. \V. Armstrong, E<|.. returned home on Monday from the Meiliodist General ConferL'iict), held at Montreal. Miss Lou Armstrong returned home '"n in Cullririute Institute on Saturday, having K-.-n obliged to abandon study for a fnw woek* owing to illness. Mr. II. M. Bowennan, of Eugenia, who has bee4 spending the *urmm>r at H.r City, returned home on Mon- day. Old Folks* Concert. Tlie mi st successful concert ever held in Flo.tlicit'Mi (barring th Queen K-ttlirr proiltii-ti'in some years ago) was that held in the Town Hill on Wednesday evening last. It was something new, it was for church purposes, and tlis people re- s[Hinded right nobly, the sum of $6I>.50 being taken at the door. Mr. M Rich ardson m:cupied the chair, and introduced those "uld people ? " who took part iheiein. The performers were dre.ssed in antique fashion, befnlid. bepowiU-red. p-riwigged, etc., and created consider. able amusement at the figures they ; n- sented. The concert opened by a chorus of thirteen singers. Miss Slack, as i lytalkor, gave a reading which was well received. Angelina Jo rusha Hopkins (Miss Christoe) san Annie Laurie in her usual excellent man- ner. The \Tid..w Bed-:' (Mrs. W. Irwm) gave a rr.ii.ri n which brought down tlie house. Mrs. Irwin has talent ef a hiyh order. Other performers, which wo liavo not space to particularize, were : t'oinolatimi Broadi-a-t 'Mi,< Pamude). Xii-liodemus S'andstraight (Mr. Ed. ii). Xaelianah Scrnpealittl- M , > >.i;i|:o|-..|ie >tiral)out ( Miss \tu:ie Richardson), old Aunt Betsy (Miss Van. dusen). lle;>/.eilith Sounliiioimt ami Captain liilman. In t!io musical pait Mr. BarnlioiiHo, Mrs. Blackburne, M Chiistoe. M^ss t).uiriile. Mi>n Vaiitlusen, Mr. Kv;uin and Mr. Ed. "iJiaruMMi were ail up to tlitir usual merit, and all the |>orformanees were tin roughly en joyed by tile large audiein-e. \V- con gratulate thu 'old people'' upon the success of Jieir Concert, and hope to hoar them all again before they become tin) decrcpiu t ' n; pear l>efmv ;in audience. Our tliibbiiii; List The time of year has arrived when all choose their reading m.Vter for th next tweKu months. We have an attractive clubbing list from which to make a selection. These clubbing rates will not interfere with the grand premium offers which we are anuouncing. Heru is tin: list : Toronto Weekly Cllobo and Advance <1.RO Empire anil " l.PO Coino|iolltan mataiina and Advance Advance anil American Farmer l.I.'i Advance an I \Ycukly Star. Montreal 1.70 Uiuberley. Mr. F. Thurston, of SUyner, paid hi* parents a living visit here last week. Mrs. ami Miss |!m-ritt, 'if (ioilotich, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity for some timo past, returned home or\ Monday last. (juito a number from this vicinity at- tended the industrial exhibition at Tor- onto this year and expressed themselves n-L-lliatialieil with what they saw. M John Ferris, of ^las-Vs Bay, Nip- pissing.was here on a visit for a few days. He returned last week. The brick work of Mr. Hammond's house, is now completed and it presents a very beautiful appearance. We hope more of our citizens will take a pattern. Mrs. Plewin, of lns place, has been visiiiiri friends in Osliawa. Mr \\iihain Si.-Wiirt, J. P., intends spending a tew weuks in Muskoku shortly. Mr. Win. Kills and Miss E. J. Stewart wer. united in holy Uinds of matriujoiiy on tlK; 17th inst. Mr. Ales Carruthers was grooinsin; n and Miss <!arrut brides- maid. Your oormpondant wishes them every success in theu- uuw sphere of life. .."/ n mi < 'nr F.irmen in this vicinity are busily en- gaged in threshing opeialions. The yield of gram tins } ear is in most ruses con- sinerably in advance of other years. Mr. T. Crowe has returued home after having completed the contract which he was employed to complete. Mr. Crowe is as bale as ever. 'ouncillor Thompson has caused a number of improvements to be made on the roods in this part of thu ward, and we believe ho makes his contracts be completed according to the agreement, for which he deserves tlie praises of all. Mr. Will and .Vissiiurtio Watts have gone to Walkerton to pursue their studies sjt the high school m that town. OLIVIA. Whta Baby was tick, we gav her OsMiuls. Whn atie wan a Child, alie cried (or CaMoria. Whc ahe bacam MUM. ab elunsj to CoAona. Wtwo she oaJ Clal Jreu, she gave Uwm Casturia I l.'s.'i, r,,,.i S .ill..,, /'/ i<r We regret to aunoimeo the illness of our friend Mr. W. H. U-id, who, on his return from thu exhibition, was taken with a severe attacu of pleurisy and intla- ination on the lungs, but at the present writing is in a fair way to soon iiv..v r his accustoiiied gond hualth and jovial spirits miller tin- careful treatment of l>r. Mutton, Priceville. .Mrs. A. Mclnnes.who hoi been spend- ing a few days in the city, returned this ag. Mrs Wilson and family left last for Cleveland, Ohio, to rejoin her rtus- !mnd where he in employed as a boiler maker. Mr. Si'lnenhi Itz and wife arrivuil from I'roton Stili 'ii on Monday, and are looking after Mr. Uuid s healili. Mrs. M.-1'lialter and l:imii_. l-.iv.' for i iwen Sound in : tow days, where they intend in the future t" n side. We have a new blacksmith in town now. Wonder what Mr. Hemphi,! would give him in the way of a bonus to leave again. Two mixed car loads of stock were ship|jd this week to Toronto cattle market l.y Messrs. Conk A Pickell.Flush- ertoji, inii Mr. Stewait, Kimlierley. i.Miitc a nuiiilier of shipments weie uiiK; l;ijt week ill eedar poles and pih S to th Shippers apparently wish to n.h f'.rward .is many shipments as lissible Iwforo I'nclo Sam's McK. Bill lakes ell...-: There is one thing we especially feil the need "I here, and that is a rrrst class Ink ry waggoii that customers could look for riigularly, say twice a week at least. Any Laker Hiipplving lirst class breiid should be able to wor'i up a good trade and get enough customers here to make it worth their while to deliver here. At present we are subject tn great inconveni- ence in tins respect. The stall' of life .it present supplied hern at tin 1 station is nt i ,-M so stale an article that it would mnkn a fir lietter foot ball, and wou'd last a remarkable length of time in that capacity. IliistioKC. 'mi- Corretpondriit. Th linrvest N pai(. tho autumn IN hero ami the li-\ei on th truuH aru 1 u^tuiung to Here ; Tho hum of the thrchhor rcuuinlH through i lie air While iii" fanner's resource* are recboueJ H ith ciilt'. Tlio majority of tliose who inti-ndi J in VIM:. t!ie Toronto exhibition wen- detainoil on accotiut of tho busy tune at that season. M\* Mary<I:n, Mrs. T. Talbul. and !'. M ii'M', who have boen ill arc again conv:i!rs-o n:. Tlie now school house whicl. com , ni' I'l-rcimii is Dealing tion r.'.id presents a very nice Miss Crawrinl, of Oninjjovillc, \v!m has been visiting friends in this vicinity, lias return el home. Anvirie TH M. ri, :u Aru von ilisturbe.l at i:i.l lirnken nl vour ri'>' erlufl and Ib pain of Cultlng Teeth . tfiOK i:i 1 t!-)t alxittln ".Mrs. \Nin llow'l Boothillf Spruu for I'hil. lien 'I'mitlllliK. Its MI liable. It will n.'liuvu Ihu *onr little NiilTurer hiiiiielint. ly. IVpt nil ii|>u:i -< is Tin mistake nhiiiit il. It ' > nil. I lli.irrlin-a, ri'i;ii!ittes Mm (toniacn andltoWeln. ouresWlui) I'ulir. snftiin thu (luiiin. re<lnoea Inllaination.atiil ulves tono and onergv to the wbol s>ntni. Mr*, \vtn- ilow's Southing Syrup" for children teething spleaaaot to ue MJM uidjs the ^i.Mcni'ii. n of on* of the oldcHt MII| bmt ( M.I |.iiy. n. I ii-n st-s in thu t BiMtl KUtttiK. itn I is for sal* )y all ilruggents throusDOU* the ..iM lrico .wnnty flvfl cents a buttle. He mire anil atk for MB*. WistLOW>8TL>,"aDd take uo otbur kind. CASTORIA >W-. for Infants and Children. "C>jrtorta imwrll adapted to ehUdmath&t | QeHwhl llli flull Sour Stomach, Diarrhea*, 1 Wiirmi, yivu* aloxp, and pruuiutes i ome." aA.Am.M.D., Uiao.Qxta*.,Bneti r a,v.l. | wS' injurious tnedioatko. Tom CnrrAtra ConpijiT. 77 Murraj atroot, N. Y. THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boots. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the pl?ce, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos. art now turning ouf work far tuperior in /./,. ,,,,,1 fmith ta j ,. r pro ' in t'ttttirrliin. CO/>K/W? a/?flf ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in nil it* Ijr'tnchis. A g<m<l utmk '</ t'lt.\ .VA'.V ,in,l Mut'l, lUMfiS ';,/, ,-f>ntnnt!ffonh,,n<l. Will <il*i hitmducethe . HliOMIUK !'UT1!MT. /11,-tiif,' tlinf it jiuiiiii entire t,ttitf'icli<m tehrrfnr intrmiuctd. S .\ .Ml'!. A'.V ,-,i n be teen at my (jalUry mtfn^ltpaniaiim ".i to /Vice, Style ic.. .-', / >t . tained. FLBSHEKTON COMFORT Three important qualities combined in <<ur make of Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots aiut shoes dur- ing the next few mouths we would say that you c.umot d'.i better, either in Factory made or home made Boutr to try CLAYTON'S. A good stock on hand fr i the best manufactures Visa a 1st ui Mec%' Boots I homo ni i,!r , IVst Material a:ul on liaiul. "Work txntl K ' FOR SALE. iSik totoffllMrM within a being part of Lot IM, in.I N i , \ i ..,,, e,& TuruiB lilwral Apjily \V.JHI1.I.A\IY. Mvcb 2S, 1890. Property for Sa o Rent BOOM tad two lot >: Klf-lii'it-'fi. ' : tllhlPOtc. Will !> . Ajifilr (o X 1 ortn Floeliertoo, Vi.k.lal