FLESHERTON ADVANCE, 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOI VOL. IX., NO 482. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1890. W. H. THURSTON, "'^V TOR WATCHES FUR THE MILLIONS. iR>ISTROX(i BROS.. The Flesherton Jewelers, have established a record icr cUing Watehtl of a <|iiality ;ind at a price which denes the competition of country aa wall .-. dlv dealers. We don't sell played out baukrupt mock. We are not hankruptinR our- -eive \\> i-nn cbari/e a working profit and yet give our enstomurs splendid value. 0ur s muall and our working expanse are lit-bt. We buy the bent goods for cab>nd we , ,ir e\c.-pti<mal Hilvnutsgm with our patron*. Thm is how we are bouetitted ond Imw beuedt those who buy torn us. These an the eliinf reasons why we sell our Y.'atcbra, our Jewelry .our Wedding and Engagement Own Rings at rock bottom prices and HITS splendid Tlue. Our Wnlchna aru always phenomeuially cbesp, good material and <'pi,.,,,lid tiraern. We ktwp all the movements, Elgin, Waltham, Columbia, IlUnois.Spnug -i:ij. St. Thomas and ether famous movement!. EAST GREY F4IR. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. row, TillJIMIN'i, nonsKsiio::iNc;. WOOD WO1CK. FIRST PRIZE W H E R E V K U * H O \V N, I.fMHKIl. L.ATII, MlIMil.r.S JUII WOltK FOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURED AT ITcard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. DICK 8 LAND JU>LLEIt \|M\\ f,H> HINDKH8, 1'LOWH. Our KugRies the Best. Our Sleighs the Best. Our Cutters the Best Our Improxed Harrows tho Dost. Our Patent Oata The Kent. Si.-veiiM Improved Spring Tooth Harrow the 8TBAW CUTTKHS, 6CUPKLKRH, XUHNIP DIULL8, i \M. PLOWS a 3 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! A LIVELY TIME AT McDONALD & EVANS' < r<\vls of t:n .. rs with the YsMortmcnt Shown : ! Cases of Clothing in Overcoats, Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suites. Pants in all sizes, uncqualed in Quality, per- fect in fit, at prices to suit the closest buyer. Cases ol Dry Goods. In Dress Goods, Cbakings, Mantlings, Flannels, Underwear, Cardigans, Flannel Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Gents' Furnishings Goods, Etc., in large varieties. Newest Styles ; Neat Patterns. Cases of Boots and Shoes, from the best Split to the finest Kip. TJ1 RESH FRESH STI TJ1KE8H SI'K'KS, -C" CANNED GOODS, Vinegar nntl all Groceries. Money saved by dealing at the CASH STORE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL LINES AT MCDONALD & EVANS. Two butter <lays fur thu East (Jrey fall fair could scarcely havr.if n ilrsired. The ftir w:is soiiii'ivliiii r ml, hut the sun nliono brightly ami thu elements w iv ]ini|iitim. Our fair lias count :uni L-"in-. and it lias lie en a urt-at success. Theru hai Ixieu an uphill struggle ilurini; the past few yearn, from thu fact of our county beintj so cut up with other shows, > hutftliis 1 1. in now beuii nverc'iinu and tht> East i iiw Agricultural sociuty is once more upon its feet. Tins year the prizes were slightly otilarved, anil next year they will be made still larger. It if the quality i.f the prizes which tells in the malting of a show, and the 4in*cU>ra are fully cognizant of that fact. The show was a success last year, but it han been a muii greater succesN this. Thu uuiuner of Hiitries weru far in excess of last year, and 'the <|uulity and >|uantity of thu in- side exhibit was realty thu )>est we have ever Hoen at n county allow, with the ex- ception perhaps of ladies' work. The ladies did Uot cumu forward as tin v should with tlii'ir fancy wurk, although thu display WM very fair. In K 1 "- route and fruit the display was siiiiirtliini: enormous. \Vo dnlluiiuii mv t-ounty oxhihifiun in Ontario to sh.iw a bettor display of fruits than \va .ihowii at our , own tight hen- in KU-<litMtii. The | excellence of this was gem-rally com- mented ii|Hin, and ces to t how that although we are "high ami >lry'' in tin- Townihip of Arteuifsta we can more than hold our own with the rest of ih- provinou in apples and other fruits. Wu saw the exhibit of apples at Toronto, ami pronounce ours to compare most favor ably therewith. Now that farmers are finding a good market for their apples, no doubt even more attention will be paid to the raising of good shipping fruits^ Owing to the time we a<> to preas we are unable to do full justice to the exhibi- tion and have only apace to mention a I few of the most prominent features. In cattle Mr. K. Oliver showed hi* magniti cent lirnl of Devon cattle, among which was the mother of the fine bull "Emtign" ! which took lint prize at the Toronto exhibition this year. Mr. Oliver sold this animal to .1. Rudd, of Eden Mills, an d is now probably sorry that he parted with him. Mr. Henry Krook showed two splendid Durham animals. Mr. Jos. Cairns showed a hen) of handsome Ayrshire!*, and Mr. Goo. Stewart a 4- year-old Aynthire bull. Mr. J. I. Gra- ham .-.how IM| an extremely pretty Durham heifer in the year old class, whose weight we did not note, but she ia a beauty. Mr. Joel Wurts and Mr. Wm. Caswell each showed two wonderfully lanjo Berk- shire boars. The sheep wore mostly good and in considerable variety, but we did not learn who uiy of the exhibitors were. In sheep and stock thti judging had not been done at time o.f writing. The complete prize list will bo /iven noxt week. Inside, the attraction which drew the largest amount of attention waa the ex- hibit of Indian relics, ao kindly loanud by Mr. R. Uaskervilln, of Mauitowauing, who also came down and opei-saw the placing of them on exhibition. The strange utensils of thu ro.il man of bygone ages wore placed there before the won- dering eyes.-- strange moniontoa of an al- most extinct race, and things of which the successors of the present day know scarcely tho nso. Then there was in connection with this 1 the Ontario mineral exhibit, made by Mr. Martin, of Proton Station, and tho Manitoba exhibit of cereals. It was slightly after 1 p.m. when N. Clarke Wallace, M. P., arrived "ii the ground, in company with tho president, Mr. Stewart.and Dr. Sproulo, M. P. The directors, accompanied by the Kloshorton band, had met him at tho station. After viewing tho exhibits in- side Mr. Wallace waa introduced to the audieno* by tho president, Mr. Geo. Stewart. Mr. Wallace on arising, said he was not inclined to make a lengthy speech, and then proceeded to make one af (lie nearest little speeches we have ever hoard compressed into so sboit a space of time. Ho had nut known tho county of Grey, only by having passed tlirou'.'h :l by rail, but what he saw to- day was a very agreeable surprise indeed. After ] laying exceedingly high compli- ments to what he bail seen Mr. Wallace ptoueetiod to i|iittstion> ->f more moment. He spoke of his connection with the '('uuiliinea Bill," and said that though tho senate had badly pruned the measure as it was | waned in the House of Com- mons, still the members uf tliv House are not discouraged ami would mako the Senate to underatand that the people of this country rule the country. [Cheers.] Proceeding from this question the speak- er aaid that considerable had been heard of a bill under discuaiiou on the other side called the McKinley bill, and fears had been expressed that it would injure the Canadian fanner. He showed that this could not be, for tho Americans could not possibly raise as good a quality of barloy aa we, and they were obliged to buy our barley for their use, therefore they would have to pay the duty them- MI Tins Mi-Kinley Bill was framed with the view of bringing Canada to its Kncee-. A similar method had liei-n :nln;iti'.l in l.Hiiii, iiml met with disastrous ii-ults to themselves. This attempt wuiild be an equally humiliating ;itt':ur. Canada was a country of magnificent re- source*. A few yearn ago we wore a country of iliminited provinces without any well-defined fiscal policy. To-day wo were a united l>mmion stretching from ocean to ocean. Great railways had been built, man ul'actures introduced, the northwest and British Columbia de- veloped. Years ago, when wo were a young country, if we oould resist the do mauds uf the I'nitod States that wn should unite with them, huw much more should wo refust to do so new. We are a northern nation, and history has proven that the nortlinien can subdue tin- south. Thuir vigor is greater than the southerners. The speaker then thanked thu people for their kind atten tn'ii, and after declaring the inhibition open resumed his seat. Throe hearty choerti were givon for the speaker, which he gracefully acknowlndged and invited everybody to be prosuiit at the fall fair to be held at Woodbridgu. K.. Toronto. On. Hooka sent V Heart iliwnse, the symptnmBof which r- i faint spell*, ptirplu lip*. muul>i--<, i'-. . I ttsjsi, sjdp beats, hot flashes, nub <>i M< : to tin- iiend, dnll |-aiii in thu heart wiin I beats .-trnug, rapid and irregular, tl i heart heat quioKpr than the first, ]>:iin a!>om } the breastbone, eto., can positively In. i-urt". 'Noourc.no pay. Send fur book. A.i ; M. V. bUBOM, .'id Kront Street Bast. | onto, (int. THE MABKEIS FLESIiEHTON. Carefully Corrected Each H'< , I. ''??* 75 to .106 i KM \;t W to 1 W Spr; I Hurley . 10 o: Peu ) ,%4 lluttw " o il KM:*. frU o H I'otato* bih o K 1'ork j 75 Hay )x>r ton 8 00 HtdM ... -. 3 SO aeST*'"*..." '..."...'"..."... ":.. '.:. o Turkey* oii Chu-keui |>r (.air 040 Dtrakipirpr o 70 \Vi.i.l .. n 19 i ;i5 i' te, u n u u e t . r.t., 3 50 1 ll Ul o r.' o <' 7(1 LOOK! LOOK ! Milk Cans Miirrird. Kl.l.IS STKW \11T At the Hrtllmllut l'l muiiuje, Kii^enia, i'ii \\ wlueiula y . HtU tutt.. by HevTj. H. \Vntti.. Mi \s ni. Bllin tu Mlu Klla Slit, IK. Hi ul hltuburUj. ADVICE TO MOTHF.H. - Ar yon ilMurUM >t niuht antl broken of your r*t by ft nick child minrriiii! auilvryiiid with p*iD of Outline T**tb. If miMilxl ntuuco mi. I nit Until' Mr. Win- low'* SooUilsj Spr ap' tut Chililron Teething. It* value if iuolculaoln. It will relieve the ]>".'i iittli- -.iiiri.iri iniiiii'illatoly. Iii'i'i'iiil upon it, uiothui-H ; Jjlitro in nu uiiHtake About it. It -. ntrry ami Dinrrliu-a. rAKiilkto* the [luiiiuniH. roitiifii* IiitUniiitiiiii.ikUil 'in-* tone unl uiii'rKv t-i thu w hole aystmti. "Mm. \\in- iJow'iSoothiiiii Syi ii|>" for childran toothing .p plt^nAut to thu ta*tu aiuli* the pronci i|itiou >f niiu of theuldeit anil biwt female ptiysiciaiir ui l IIIIIM.H in tlii< I'niiiiii staum, tuiil ill for Kalu "jy all druKK***tK tlimunliout the world. Price Vinty flvi centu a Ixitt h>. He ure aud a*k for MMI.. \Vi.Nm.oWi Bxuur,"aiiJ tako no other Liud. All Men young, old, or middle aged, who mul them- selves uerToun, weak andflxbaonted, who are inikrii down from excesses or over work, re- iilting in ninny of the following symptomi: .i' III.M dt!|iit^>.ii>ii, premature old age, loss .( vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, omiuions, lock of enorgv, pain in the kid- neys, headncbn.pitnples on the taco or body, itching or peculiar iwunstion aboqt the sero- tum, wasting of the organs, dUunes*.&|>CAS In Int.- tho eyrs, twitching of tho munelcs, eye lid* and elsewhere, liashfulin'm, Ji>|n<Mls in the luiue, lou of will powei, trudum-^ of the scalp and Hpine, weak and flabby miiBclns, ilt.Mii' to sleep, failure to ua r< si. .i by sleep, oi>nstipstion, dullneee of bearing, loss of voice, drain) for solitude, i-xcitahilit \ of tfinprr, sunken uyes surronoiod with I.RAHKN CIRCLE, oily lookiug kiu, eto.. are all symptoms of nervous dnJulity that lead to insanity and death uulesa ourvj. The spring or vital frcu having k*l its tonsion every fnnotiou wanes in conse^upe. Those who tbroiiffh sku* ooaunitted iu iiruoranoe may be urrtaaaoutly cun<l. Head jmir ad- 1 I rent for book ou all distseea pasuliar to man. AddreM M V. I.UBON, 30 Front bt. Call and MO uiy milkenim before Isvwhvro, and you will liuy n A Isrxn iw^ Milk Pans :inil 1'ails. r<>m cans All kinds Dt" old metttl taken in exrli:.: idso wool picking*, braxs and cupper. SULLIVAN The Tinwmitli. COMB ! NSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. ESTBALMED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Warrants Personally Signe-i and kept good. OPTICALLY FITTED, 'at t\\e FINE WORK On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONE. Charges Moderate W. A. BROAVN, Jeweller, etc.. SIGN OF THE "BIG SPEX'' MARKDALK. A-| M i L