FLES iDVANC UK FORE *\-iron."-" PRINCIPLES. MOI VOL. TX., NO 480. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1890. W. H. THURSTON, WATCfliS FOR THE MILLIONS, BROS "> Fltwuerton Jeweler*, have wrtablulied a teoord wr ,f a .iiiaiity :IM<I t a price win. h duties tuu<-.>iiiprtitu>u of couctry a* well We dniTt si'll p'i:v..,| nut liixiikriipt utook. WV .ire ui.t luuikrupting oni We .MI. cliarte H wurk.UK profit ui.l y-l five ..iir .tutuiiu'rs VMMW value. Oar : ur workitiK expenses 'are libt. \V,- i.uy tliu bunt uowU l.-r on.h.nd w .Titb eur |>htr..ii. Tiiin is bow wt aro beuehtua and how >nrlt thoe who bny from o. Tliew r the cbio< rrrtou why we MU 'iVftU'hw "in J.'wi'lrv.o'ir W-,i.iitiKn.l Kii-wni.-nt tifiu Uin-it.it rook kwUMP pnoeaar ivt- Hbliwita Blu-. Onr\ ,lc-l).. are alwuyn pbfnu.nenmlly oh.-p. Koo4 niatonal anU "ptaMJUd timwrv \\ - kevpall the moremratii, Elgin. Walthani, Columbia, . iit. TiMUiU in.t .itiif r famous movt mnt. Frvni 'in, lint. Had it not li. lie unfavorable weather last week the harvest ol' is'.HI in this section, with .inu or two ex- ceptions, would have butu a thiug of tin 1 \ni-H. Flesherton is not the only pliu-e that is infested with plum thirds. Wo have heard of thu sauiu busiuesa here in this liuinK t. .Mr. \Varluii4 "* away at his mad ' contract. Mr. Usbuni is oat with his thresh- ing out lit. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. THIXMHW. URHBSB \ViJHU WOHK. FIRST PRIZE WHEKK V Kit 6? H OWN. ' H, SHINGLES' J011 WORK. FOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURED AT If card's Carriage Works. FLESHERTON, ONT. vlCK'HLAND IWLI.v MOWKUli. MM, 1 l>r Kaijjies tho Bust. Our -;|i II-IIB tlio lieat. Our I'uft.Ts thu Host. Our !in|iMXi-i! H:rr<'Wa t!io Beat. itur I'uuiit Cntu Tlio Beat. I ^iinni; Toitli H ui..w tlio Umt. STliAVV CI'T' Sri.KKl.KHS, I't'ltNII 1 PRII.hS. UAXti IMXJWK A New Department McDonald & Evans never be- hind the tin-.es. This time we come to the front with a well as- sorted stock of Ready Made Clothing consisting of Men's Youths' and r.i>ys' suits, all manufactured from genuine all wool stock, per- fect in make -and .1 liit guaranteed every time. Overcoats in large variety, from the best dress coat to lon^ worm ulster. No need to mention prices as our name is a guarantee that the price will be right. The necessary thing is to EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing elsewhere f and if the stock in not as we u present \ve will not ask you to buy. FALL GOODS ARRIVING For every department, Dress Goods, Cloakings, Mantlings, Tweeds, J^lannels, Underwear, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT IN* HIGH TOP BOOTS for the muddy weather. GLEAK CUT BACON ON HAND. McDoiiald & Evans. /Vom our OIPH Currtpmnlet. Tlio harvest in this vicinity is a good one, hut it kepi long uu ihe Held irviii;; to tho unfavorable weather. The frost of Sunday night, the 31st nit., did not do much dama^i.- to vogi tation. Mr. John Moore, who 1ms been nick with typhoid fevcr.is r:ipidly ing. Mr. John Johnt.ou is yet on ilir sick list, ichuin.m. in i ihr ironblu. Miss (,'. Moore has gonu to Owen SoUllll to ill' |" . llrr l"):! 1 -! u , uf Ow'-ii >> mud. 111. . 1 !lltO, i who have been viMiing Mr. Guo. Acheson, returned lioino on Thursday jfat. Mr. Geo. Moore and Mr. Carom ; Jonlon have pitrshused a I'at tenon binder ouch. 'The IVitUirsnn binder is tukmg tho ouku in thin section. Mr. Thomas Ltidluw s barn was ruined on Friday evening last. Mr. Wm. Morrow and Mr. Geo Johnson were the best uieu of thu evening, Sorrow's side was the winner. Mr. Joseph Blakely is tho happy man, lie has got both a son am* 1 daughter to call him daddy. , Mr. John Hmohin*on. uf Victoiia Harbor, who has in-en visiting ins luaiiy friends in this locality, returned homo on Saturday last. Thu Hev. Mr. Husband, of Price- ville, preached thu educational ser- mon here on Sunday last. It was an awful way, Mr. Editor. in which that (,'reenioro doctor was , bundled by Bro. Spurr. It's not often that doctors arc so roughly handled whilo attending to piilicnts. Wo will have to bid adieu to our fellow correspondents, tho readers of Thu Advance, and \v, Editor, a s we are about to remove our placo of rotidvucu and will not be in a sitna- ation to act as correspondent, for Ini- stiaga any longnr. \Vishing Tho Ad- vance and its editor prosperity and happiness I remain yoms truly JOUN F. HUTCIilNSON. Iniatiogo. September 8th, 1890. Pricevill.-. from our .IK/I (.'i.nrti;iuNt/rii(. The harvest is about ended, and the whistle of tho stuaui thresher is heard to right and left of us. Mr. H. McDonald has purchased a new engine and separator from a London fine-, which, it is said, works very uicely. A few days a#o Mr. Ed. Patterson wan reaping a Held ol ;;i :un for Mr. J. Mcliowai). On finishing tho Held he proceeded to cross tho Durham Itoad street bridge (which is an exceedingly uunuw, fr.nl btructure, being one of those "econouiical" bridges that spun some of our township streams. \Vell, no, not ;u omul Flesheitom and wlien upon tho bridge the horses became nervous at having to pass a holo in m the spot where the old man had lain. Mr. M. lieily and several .other i/cns rushed to tho scene, waded into the water, and with (,'ieat diffi- culty. extricated the horses. One of tho horses was badly cut by tho guards of tho reaper, but Mr. Moln- tyre, our V. S.,will, in all probability, save its life. Mr. PatU-rson will likely collect damages from the municipality. And now wo are pleased to tell of another wedding thut took pluco here on the 3rd, at Bquiro Forgusou's resi- lience. His daughter Minnie and Mr. W. A. Parker, of Lion's Head, wore the contracting parties. Only the nearest relatives were present at the ceremony. Rev. A. J. Parker, of Hepworth, father of tho groom, lied the knot. Wo were somewhat sur- prised on seeing tho couple drivo off to oatch the train, damo gossip not having Lfiven us even a hint of the approaching event. Wo wish the young couple, suscest. Mr. K. J. Ferguson, of Manito- waniiig. who has been visiting friends horo.ltft on Monday to take in Toron .'liluiii'ii before returning home. Mr. -I. I'laiiiler hafa been taking a holuluy i up smong his fricnda iu Hamilton and other places. K.. Toronto, On. lli>"k- sail Heart disease, tilt- synu faint Kfifll), purple lip*. imn:l IK. ~. ti.ill. skip lif.il-. hut tlutl.es. t!-li to llm Iirad, .lull (i.un in tin' htAu wi. bcati strong, rapid auJ irn-Ki-'ui . Jieart U't quieter than tbe tint. p.i:u the breastbone, etc., can iK'iti>fl> i..- Noi-urp, no pay. Send for ho.il.. \. M. v LTJBON, 00 Frout Sv onto, i 'lit. THE M ASSETS FLESIIEBTON. Cartful In C'oi'reetfil Kin-It II ..... Kail \Vlioat Sprlnc Wh.'ut Harl<.y ..... Oat Pea. ............ HuUr ...... I Kfgt. trach Pouto. buh A Demal. The Adranc*. Tit the SIR, I have seen in your second list ifvtM an advertisement that it is sup(>oeil Cluu le- Ilitles put in re- ferring to some person that had been slandering his ei<arnctcr. 1 have boeu told that this referred to me. Now, I deny positively that I over landop-d him, and I am willing to take affidavit to it. I could inform Mr. Units where tho minor was started did I so desire, but it was not through me. GEORGE BEST. On Saturday Mr. Jiutiru Rote de- iivi<nl jtulKtiiuiit on the finding* of the jury iu tho fainnui St. fiuurt." uoculinit lane*. Thf I nan u! juUito tiiuli in stib- ntance that the jury have disagreed, Mid unloe* this liiulint: revenml <ui appeal, there will IM second trial bfnra a new jury. TO MOTH mi- Am you .lltiirh.l M night uil In iikan of your ret l>y a tick child uncrlnii ami crying with painntCiuttiiKTevtb. If MIL 1 ftt.inr* aniUvi th>ttl<. "Mm. Wln- low Houtlnnx H|irtiii fgr rhil.ln.n Tnothloi:. ltd vain* is iiirnloulal>Ui. It will relieve thw Jtmir little -"lITi'rMr Miiir.pillKtrlv I>r|x>ni| tt|H>n U, mother* ; tliora I* no mistake nix. HI It. It cure* Uvniery mitl Diarrhtr*. r^tulates the Htomaob Mul Dowel*, curm Wind Colic. M.(I<-II theduiu*. radurM IlilUiuatlon.tml ulvn toi.r ninl "Horny to thn wh"'- system 'Urn. Win HlowHK>tlnin: syrup" for chililrnu teollilni, I* pluawtnt to thu '.a*t> ||<1 in tllii }r>crlptloii of tin* of the oldest and boat fo*ule puyifitn~ nil iior... In th ' tntt.l HtAloi.iutU In for lal by all ilniflgwiitH throMk'h.mt the worltl. 1'rit lwnty-nv<-utii alxittle. He sure ninl Mk fni "Mm. WiNHi.uWSTirr,"ud take no utber kind. Htrnythl ftom tho pri'im-, ^ snn,.<%y noon, IIK Hftt.. on> IJKlit l>ulli IIM) hoiM7 vt*rm old ntll wllltw |K.l DII Inrh<uul. wu MN>II ill lilt ul4[htH>rliiHl i>( L>*vr t mjint- re nlH.ut Jn*k <>( uiulAy. Information tut tu llifl H'IPI. will b thai. kfnlly rmwirrd ninl au> uxpcox iu urred i>i(l .1 K Miii'lt. Kliwliurton Knrniturx \Vnmrooiin Kruiu the pri'iniM^A ttf thn mulorplinit^l. n**r Mkxwrll, nn ll(lit r,-.l hoifi-r, lu.i nr -Horitlv neU onl At jKiintH , HiitAjl liiiu|H nn toft mini fruni hock ilown. Infniuiaiion i- to hri wnr*boute wlllbulliaiikfiilly reevlTtHl. RICHARD Ui:ims. Muw,.ltP.O. tin- earth wheu upon work, the tbo plunk UCXt lUOUHmt covering, the wheel struck the railing, .fright- ening the horses again, oausiug them to plunge backward and away went thu railing, and machine, driver and horses fell over tlio bridge, some 12 or 14 feel dowu into tho river beneath. Mr. P. narrowly escaped being crushed beneath the inaolnno, and i Mr. J. McUowun had the presvuoe of ' mind to swiftly Hiialc.li tho poor old ; man away just iu time to save him from beinf ornshed by one uf the j horses which clung a jew seconds to the budge, then cuiue cnislnug d.owu , olil, i>r middle agc<l, who find them ftclvpi nerTous, wenk and exhausted, who arc liroksa dowu (rum exoewMMi or ofer work, n>- lilting In innny of the following syinptoni>: Menul dpjirrnsion, premature old age, IOM <>( Wtlity, low "f iiii>iin.r\ . bail itreiuni, Jimne88 of i|-)it. i>alpitation of thu heart, uiBMviouf. iMk uf nnwmr, )IM in tbe k:d- nff, baadaohr.pimplM on the feu or body, itctwox or ucoulikr Miiutiou ftbout the Mm. tarn, wMling of the orpuii, dliunu,p*cks hdarr the ejtra, twitching of tho rotwoleii, ye Hdi and elMiwher*, baihfnlneM, depocitv IK the nnne, lou of will power, tnderne*> >/ Uw Mlp and K|iin\ weKK an. I (Ubbv nuclM, dtwirn to ftloep, (ilur< lo be retW.l by ticaf , onnttipation, (inllneei o( hring, IOH uf roiee, ilmim fnr nolitadc, cxoitobllltr of temper, uiikcn oyea aarroauded with 1.K4MKN ciHoi.it, oily looking fkui, ftp . we all ymptoma of m-rvi.un debility that load to iimauity iid death uulee* oared. The prin or vital foraa havutK loit it* tmalon every fonotion wane* iu cuneeqnene. Thou who llir.'ii^h ibuMi oomiuitted in iimuranoe may U permaimntly cored. S*nd yov ad- dreaa (or book on all dtaaaiM pMaMar ta . V. LUBON.SOFro^ . Hay |n Rldta . ton ... . ShM|MUlU 13 (00 s SO SO UH Turkey* ......" ..."..."...""..' QU i 'luckt>nv |ir tir (I 40 . Dnrkuwr |.r , .070 Wool , ..4 75 to S DO .. IB : .. OB 40 .. o a . J .14 .. U 11 14 U 11 I' 11 :i .. I .'I II I . LOOK! LOOK ! Milk Cans ! Call and M my inilkruf !*.. iMWbuv, and \\>a will l>uy uo A Urge &> Hllk Pans anil PaiN. r<-um <-;niv All kinds of old metal tnk ^nt;e. alto wind picking, braiu anil co] SULLIVAN r rh Tinsmith. COMS 1 INSPECT SELECT Stock Larg*(^ WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. ESTMLIbHED NEARLY SEVEN YEAKS Warrants Personally Signe-? and kept good. OPTICALLY FITTED. 1 YcJuft lit FINE On all Grades of Watcht PERSONALLY DONE. Charges W, A, BROWN SIGN OP THE "BIG SPEX MARKUALK