THE FLESHER10X ADVANCE. It. I \KI\G OF/ H r (>r !. GEO. MITCHELL FLE3EERTON. overtaken skaH not be i required to brave more than one half the 1 rd free." Thi* A :t came into fora on ^ t 4oor north of ! Vicinity Chips. 'iiar:irlrrMii' f the Pa*t H tarrfullv ull.-.l for the The ii- ( -[" Division Court wfll ><e held in Flesherton on Thursday, Sept. 11. HT you read M:lv-M.-\U Jt EVMI' Matrimonial advertisement ? Just reau fun. TuwUay was a very wee day and not y liealthly f--r '.averting opwf- atiowtv Mr. Jauies >i..'.v!i ha* removed his tin shnp to his new premise*, next door IK Dr. CV - u' sl-T*. T'.ere .it k noticeable fro*t here on S i!:.iay night, but ait susicient to in- jure the ran** tender vines. We have been shown some f 'he new two-r>wed barley. The sample* ere very Ii:ni"Uii and will yield well. The jinx list of the Artemeaia Agri- cultural S'jciety it now in the han<U of the for distribution. J. D. CUrke. the jolly and f I talented L - '1 Adverti***, who ha* bevD /xirninj araonir us f'-r ' the past two w?k. returned to his duties ' vlay but. Mr*. Clarke, who ha* : been ill, st ill remain* with her Brents' hre ootii her recovery wi!! admit of a | { return lr >nio. Rer. Mr. T'>n,'e preached two mo*t nt sermon* in th Methodist i uhuro. S . iy TasL The excellence ih *ertuu* wa* a matter of general comment by the conifreirations. Mr nidere<l an exce'leiit minister | by the people of tais district, and ha* ad himself very popular daring hia hurt residence amou % us. An elderly couple living not three mil-* frvm FUsherton had stolen out of their house lately during their temporary absence a wuollen blanket. The party who took it i* well known aad they had better b* terr careful in interfering w;-.h th* old coup!* aza.n. r they :.! and thenselrea in the hand* <>f those who will trat them to a dose their da*tardly meaa conduct ao richly menu. meet, and the bu^pr badly demolished. bjt the y-.ur* meu themaelrea *u*uun.-u no m.ury The icotdent occurred dark, and i: -u r,>-t nnttl next moruir.jf -ry M made that the hone hal received in acme manner a nt !>){ eii^ht inche* I>r. Ottew-U was immediately called. He placed a number of stitches in the cut. hot tears that the lex '" wars reiiiA-.i iaiewhat Miff. A Danger Spot. Ther is n oM h<?le on the hill in Fl*her' Park, abuc: !iften feet in depth, and partially covered with board*. W j.j not know the history of this hole, but preaume it U a relic of aume fever in by^une uiys. We d> know. how- ever, that it should be tilled in and cot left in the ttate in which it now is, a* .". is a very inn.-erou*) spot Perhaps after some child has fallen in and broken it* Deck or suffocated itself, the wue- r thuae who should do so, will be stricken with remorse and till it in. Let this be done be:- re such an accident occurs. Rvv K.J Husband, of Price* iV.e. will ccupy the Methodist pulpit in Fleher- tun Sunday moniing an ev^-cin; rest. The annual sermon to the Royal Templar* of Temperance will be preached I y Ui*v. Mr. Tun;e oue week from Sun- day next. If you have friends at distance to whuiu you have not time to write, seed them Th.- Advance balance of the fMsT for 30 cents. Mr F. <. Kirte-i: will remove to hi* new stand. M'<ures block, about t: I of September. Mr. Kantedt will enlarge the premise* and will be in a powtion to to do a more extensive businea* than he has her*'.- { >re u >ne. He ha* a ran^e of st ves which it i* impv*ibie to beat for t:id excellence. Do not purchase .: i! him and hu ' Dyke, who favored Fle*h*rton with hi* pretence UM winter, i* at prceent lecturiu; in sfealurd. The Monitor c*lU him "Rr. C. A. Dykt Mr .J .Sullivan attended the I.O.O.F. convention in Toronto las: wk. a* dele- cate fn<ui Flesherton lodge. He returned home u Saturday. I. B. Lucan, hamster, of the tinrn lt:sho[< \ Lucas, Owen SouuJ. is at the ftice of Win. Luciw, <& Co., in Markdale, every Friday, and in DunJaik every S-aturday. We liavx received from the Secretary a cv>py of the prize list of Gbiiels; Ag'l S, H-IO*\ full exhibition. It wu printed at the Stan i^rO. office, and it* mechanical work reflects much credit upon that es- tablishment. Mr. J >hn Howard, who ha* been ill fp>m malarial fever, died at hu rvrdt>n<.-? here on Monday last. The funeral lonk pUce on Wednesday at 1 p.m. >ir Howard wa* K-rn i the twmhiprf Vaughan and wa* atiee) 4!* ver. Xeaan. D.imade and Irwin teturned last week fr.m their trip '. England, looking a* thoj-th. the ocemn brac had itiven them renewed vi^or. The> paasa^e over wa* b*mutl. bat ur. the return voyage c- nsiderable r-ujh weather wa* eiperieticeJ. One of the two was sick two days each wav. but the other never missed a meal. If you want to know which one it was tlsat suffered you will have i" ask the parties themselves), < as w do >t wish to underyo the anathema* f our jenuil friend. Mr Irwin. Saved tha Horse. M- Mtr-.m Phillips had a valisaM* h<>rse which vs.* w rth at least 9130 The animal took sick t few we*k >. and > :-r duties in conoectiun with building a new bam, etc.. Mr Phillip* wa* unable to give :ne a:umal > uch was necesoary and it gradually grvw wurse until the day r Mr. Phillip*' ra.<in,' some two week- when Mr '>t:ewei!. F'.esherton's popular veiericary sunceon. wa* called in t> the animal. The >wner. '.'ii the i i his barn raising. *--: t<> seil '.he ani- mal for $10, bot uo no wouM buy. T iiv -h.u sick horse is iiestriy a* well as . > ike skill -f Mr. l!. \Ve have theee facts fr-.<a Mr. him*v4/, w'.i-. i* fully pru*kleU that he -wi-s iSe horse's life t > Flesb^r- - tkillfisl pnctictoner. aud he de*>ire t-> aim- iuc th: fact pabiicly. Ur. P. fftstM the alue -i hi* horse wday at 1140. It pays t etuplov a skilU'ul vet. dispiayed upon the crown ui *)t|la*>d. The 'uamiaid* in th cruwn were ' 'f special attract: ri. ' >ne bi^ feK;W the K- hi Xor wa* larger than any kept in VhssBswton by Anustnmi; Br*. . and must have ooa* osors) than the oo worn by We* himself. The ^enlleiasm put up at Charter House Square wh.. 1. ^ud found it a good oentre : around. The trip wa* a very pieajatj'- .rooxh"Ut. eapeciaily ru Mr. Irwin. who enjoyed the ocean fare so much that he could :i-.t wait upon the ordinary ch method of dicesjsion, but al- ways diagorjed for the porp<>- >:ely tilling up as^ain. and thu.1 the whel ^oinif round. They > v< arrive sa.'.-iy home auaii.. .- . irtuh, w.j ii! w-iv tos*e them retjm. W^ requested - geotlemeo had sutSoeu: -..:a- -i. pa) intrrd t and have carried oat the : be*t 'A our *b>. '-In riwborton. on ai : *h the : of r > *Unt-j-. . :..%JT-U FtehCTtOB. a Mind.- * Beiiam W;irn-d. - SBA, ! .: H . .U ot Colts Strayed. Job Let The contract of making a new r- *J around Adaias hill between thia village and ihe station was lei oil Saturday last to Mr. Warluii;. ( UM> Meaford road, for the sum i Weaving All kinds of custom weaving. Tweed*, tUnnvU. full cloth and blankeM. Rat carpet a specialty. Next hoiitt to the Presbyterian church Flesherti.*. J. BARCLAY, weaver Fall bulb* should DOW be se4ctsd and |>!nte\! >.': jrin^ S:j>teniber -"o ' l t<i produce thov 'ii'soine be*ls of Tu lips. H\\.-;!i'>.'. C- .a*es!. Jic. , that de- liaht the eye so much in spring. SonJ for ci'py of the Steele Bros. Co.. T r Autumn cnu!ov;u(>. New fall wheats. We notice that the J cle Hn>s. Co, seedsmen. T - ar pffeniii: t'u- f-'i'.own>i: new van Canadian Velvet t'h.ilf. ' Early Red CUwsnis. J,me Wr.ter :ind American Hr>aze. Setul fur a oipf "f their cilcuiar. it wu> jw> X'Jlar iiieeCitiz _* Coun- i-il. R. T. i'f I'.. >}} Tuev.<pj- evvujii)| Ust. was of more thMi ordinary ituK- ' I number of o,u*)tiona beinn dicued which bore- uirxvi'y dpon the welfarw of the onler. All !i > oieinhers shouid have 1-eeu prwsi ' '.here be ^v.vJ turn out at next rvzuiir uiwtm.- NVc ii-.reot attention t a communica- tion elsewhere, in tlii* issue u',*-n the <pi<*tio[i of a second huel for Fluaherton. The writer has the g.- v> J of thia vil'ave at heart, snd e.tnio*tly mean* wh^t he >. The subject ia a live .* and should be di*cu**ed tn a spi/it of faime** t > or- selves and our ni,-l\iV>r W r iuvtk opinions from other Sosines men. The law of the ruat^ ha* be*>n amended by a<Wi*)f tW fiJsowipg Any |<enou s overtaking aitother vehicle <>r hors iun -lui! turn ut tn the left M far as My be necoiary to avoid o^luion with the vehios* or boT**ss*n s> . For Norway House Mr. S. D. Uaudio, bcother-in-law tl ve editor, paid The Advance a vuut on Friday last. He wa* on his way to Nor- way H'-.ue,tinvi> hundred miles north of Winnipeg, where he ip-es as miasionary sli<-Kil uacher to the Indians, having been v-nt under the auspice* i>i the Methodist missionary board. Bear Mr. Vause. Durham Road, ha* a nice * -ck of sheep. One day last week * bear discovered this fact and selected two ,.f them for mutton. Ml. Ja*. Vaua* lay in wait for the bear on the f.AlUaruu- eneninx ai'd secured an lUtrudwctMMl. Ihi Kriday a tine laiye bear skin wa* shipped to To! OJ to Wa%exUx>. IV Ctitytou. J. RutisUdtler. B. J. auJ. W. J. Uellaiiiv left on Tues day to take in the pleasure* of the \\--r!o- vion^rrfest. They will be ahetmt about a *' - ::-e the S'v- waa written we leam that Mer E. Vanzant, IV C' Wey aiiJ Ueo. Hawk also acconipaiiied the party. The b->ys ill no doubt have a i-o. >d t A, Good Definition. On Sunday last while the ent of the Mothodiat Sunday sch ol wa ca'v'hi*inif the little folk he had occasion to ask if any one could tell him what leprosy was. There was silence for a lime, and then a little fellow piped up "If >ou please it s Soiuethm' y-<u can t (it over." A general and noisy si*)ile around the *chool. Accident. .Ki tveni*M{ last wevk, while Wilt, ArmstioUK and T Cbtyton, jr., were [driving down McKafuio s hill on trW hack hne the. brht|*y strap trke, l*t- I uitf the buir<y " the bns) s heel*. Tkw 1 aujmal wa* rulW dwn the tsubajijk HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR WOOL AT THE Flesherton Woollen Mills. Personal Mr. A K. Pawcvtt and family returned ; >:rUville on Monday. Mi*aM. C. lianton has secured a ps> ;i the St utfville public school. Miss Lena Gjerdruui left on M -uday Ur a lengthy vsiit to her uncle in La F \ Wi*. Mr. O-orge Le^ard. -jf T'-roato. paid hi* parvDt* here a visit during the pact wek. M. fUhswdson. E*i .. and MM* EJith Richards>>ii left on Friday last to en;>-y the ?Cackibac trip. A younx ladr whMo-aame w*hav not learned arrived it Mt F. (j. Karstedt's on Saturday la*t fioin heaven. Rev. Mr Tor.^*>anJ~ Mr. Tnu^e are s'-tfiid-jsj; aahoft h-iiiday visitiu^ with friends at Tori'iiM and (.tnmsby. Pvev. J. 'A^ Sava^e.of K-i.d Head. Mr*. Savage, and Mr. Robt Sa,-e. f Liver p.>ol,weregu<MU of M. Richardson. E|.. :**t week. Mr. E. M. Meehan, . f the T r Empire, and Mr. Cha*. Lettau. f '.he < >rn<e Sentinel, werv guests u( The Ad- vance for a few day* during the week. PMC Baby was iiw. w* enn Bar rastcrls. w/basi wu s ."b.. :. so* 7M(2 f'.r ','sMcr.A. ~hc sb* bssaas* Him. itta ?lun to Canon*. Wbso sc* bs>l Jbi^lroa. sbe (aw UMCI C**ona tt aated A tAiloress and :w > apprentiosja, -' A Ba.-i-r. Fleabertvn. vlount /i. .u. From /" .4 -no order ol at pre*e:/ . ".'.o^ tt;-. of the binders ami reapers ea;i ix- he&r-l. Mr. K Mews h*vs . -: Mr. T:. ised a new diuuer bvil and pi.. r top of Lii*<invM Lous* so s .: will not ' . borhcKxl. Mi*-* Mi^u'ie MeMuri is vsitJD< irieu i - 'irt Miw Annw UodJs. o{ Torjuio, re- '.urooJ Liotne after a sLor: v.sti m tins E:ir ftr-> at Flr^brrtun. New Potatoes, Old Potatoes. Get your Flour, Feed, \ etables. L ---ctions. etc. From H. C. LBGARD assssl leaslB. root- .. .:y. Mr. Tbo*. TykT. .- lppi. o man at oar bdmict. H- ing ail ovr Lis face about a tiue babv iji* wu'e ,-iVt birtu U ou v - Hams, an >4d man over 90 yeara "I ags, diwi .u >>weii S> jiid gaol on ^wauay week. . . iar r.tkiiL*. M ii.iy uyht s tram '<r-<U'_- r stable Carsvo, f Hs: v t r. h.iv.n,- in <u*t- .:y Thos, Chanibers. f Hirn*<>ii. wh-' ww arreeleil at the Haii^vtr race i ea Monday, wh.l? Hi.i.::..' .'aine known a* the sueil Chambers is c'iiini!Uil u- >'m-: h. before the County Jud-e. tMc'.i suui- !ii*r>- trx-atmen: is the .in of ridding the country . ICE ChK.VM \LWATl> C\N H-SD. Strain's Block, Fleshertcn. ATTENTION. A Good Time Mr. S. D-unude and Mr W. Irwin. who returned home from England last week. eri'")i-.l themselves very much nn the tnp. While in the "Id land they ho t:me :n LiverpoJ and Lwiidxu. viewing the wonderful in thee metropolitan citieiv ' their lip* we vrather that L ik.l>n i* con- siderably larger than P.thertun (of ->urse it is a few months uder), aiiU that Liverp--. I v docks of no mean magnitude. They s^viit two a:ul a half days n> Lndi<u, ami coyid have spent another h3( dvr vnrh ;.Jour aiui U it hadn't been ; they aft ^ bwuu arrvsleo. \ >u see they went fooling around ln'ndou t"er nj of (tone at of the uia*'iir\ : 1114 h.4iM a* a rvuc. Fuar of arrvsi for this pu-ce of vandalism acceterated their hmeward movement. They took a walk through Reiteui s Park. Kensiu^ton Gardtn*. (ireeu l'*r, tha Loyjon /., tc. . all .if.Kich ulacs they stjpak <tt as fcenng higfc'.y iMas*u^j, Ths< ia*nwc>M.i the place *W Queu Viet hsvi her jewelry on ax^htbiuon for -.'< adtsurin^ gaae nf her WW subject*, and vpe^k in iithsjaiaatic prus* of thjl THI .'orSTY ^ The ga-'l i* ra; . C"Uli' . .- iS - -Ttv, wh- . ^! Wu, ^l . . *. # a vagrant, and ir oosBluitied him to &) dnys . n ^acl himself and I Ltve**.vi!y be a dependent on the public. ie mvuucipsUity- 1<- wi>H,h he belongs should *av ; runu..-d for hinv Time*. va *>s:s WATT sryjt. tetm uht about midnight th AKlr- svu wa* returning :> :.i the Miniruuliu Island, ami when the L '.,-.-, ' mot the tuj Annie Wa'?, .>i x- ;.rt. H.K.) tteainer blew her vwUtle r utke its (T- i side, but the Vatt at:em^ed to or"** the b>>vv of the A YICIS ui. and a o<llisioii ccurrw', sU'ing .:- the u side ' badly that the veftael s.n ^ -te*. We hsv< n. t rv- . the detiiils of : v- J:saster. but the tvr >r. says that there Here soost .'xard the mjurvd, >*-'.. all of w'. Issk ar<ard tht U-lersx<n and lanJwu at L I Jeiiie tO Jl'lW U.* public - i uon to ib* fict ;ht I haTe oponeJ p - : ' >^ TAILOR SHOP in Armstrong's -Block NEXT DOOR TUTUL .TWEUIY ST Clotliiag Your own material maJe > a.l style and fit guaratu.. The cvnsu* otBce on Situnl.iy prc;i- le'.--! the count wf the popu- '. -.he t'nut l^tatea. The c"un i* "uit hoM an aj-;rv^ate . f W.CPft.^.'v. and whfj^ie entire c< uiit is populati ^u according to Mr. P.*t -.:; jsxiiuat*. w II >* Km 44,000,. F. A, BAKER, Practwal Tailor. Cow Strayed. rrr-m th t>rrl at n. Mi*T<i r*T^> r h>i ^ o*w. siu*Jl.ywi* wait* L'>k>. ' v >AI !iw whrbnss will b* vawiil*BllT -o.i**,. | : L