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Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESI1ERTON ADVANCE. w HE ADVANCE. livery FBOH TUB Orrin vi in Utrrtt, FleihertvH, <>n<. TKKMS OK BUBKCKirriO*: 1 |>.T annum when puM ttrlrtly in mJtmc* l.XI |wr *tiuuiii wliun mn o i-m 1 AUVKUTIHINO HATCH. Ou column. 1 \-tmr.fn. hull col., da. *97 <|.lkltl I'ul 'l".lj. TrniMit dvatUanrat* ebuMd t the r>tc ol lets mirhiii- lui in-t . i - inn ud Jut*. IHT llU l'*4.1i HUlr*-l|IU!Ut 111-' M.. tl W.H. THURSTON. - .1,1 f /' FAUMK11S 1 Mll.I.S. Farmer H UH u rule, an a tlirifty, cautious people. If it wiT< not so many u QIK- would be Kw;ui)(> ,1 in tin- madiuroui of couipttiiiuu which u continually whirling in tn-.- coin- UKicuil world. Low pricis far grail), dctorioratiiin of lantl value, high j :i\- imiit for ncfi-Miiii-.-. 'vlucli must bo cable, however, to e:.i:iiil elector, in default of nnKonablu ex- cuse, toca.-t it lullol. Thin, if nun. of the candidates suited him, he mi^lit drop hii hallot in hlank, > r with such admonitory nr olTensive remarks as might occur to him. Tho contem- plation ol tlicnc ballots would lie \. ty instructive to the candidates and their friendn. Globe. Another llotrl |mn:liasi <1 an- all tilings whirh loud to grind I be poor fa run r down to tin- luwtst living notch, ami not nifrc- qut'Utly grind liuu under foot. A fiw years ago the. Gran^f was iiiHtituted for the purpose of obtaining jjoods at wlioli ulr cost,, but it was wry BOOU fuuul out that the iniddlr-iiiaii was a mo-ssity lo so lup n i- a majority of tin. Gunii in that it s impossible to operate the sclitnie HUcei'.ssfitlly and to-day it it) a tliiup uf the pas-t. Lately another plan has bti-ii M ton foot for li(,'ht;iniiK tin burden and affording him IK -tti-r for his grain, by donif,' away with th miller's pi I'lit. Farnu-rs aro banding tin 'lust-lveH together, forming joint stock companies, pwrfMtef null sites and manufacturing thuir own "i:uii into flour. Tins plun may re- .iiilt in (ucccHg, but we fear that in ma..; rasm it will pruvr a Had fail- !.! . Theru are grave obhtaclrB in the way of bringing thrnu xchuiua to a hUCUesufill U8UeK. IllfXJH riellCO 18 H owful Uiing and cast many a man over the precipice of ruin. In the in v.U i of tin-so mills taiinei a are at- t< iiiptni'.; Hoinething which they do not fully underaland. The oftciaU of sucli companieH are apt to ho negli- gent, and a very little M^hfHNI upon the irt of a iiianuger will in many m. Uii.-i.s inalku ihsut-t.T whcru siirccas could bo Hecnred by pruptT if.'iliiiitv. lu many OMM tlii--t nulls lioiiM, and no doubt will, prove a moderate buceeufl, but ^reat can 1 v ill In- required by the share holders in tin- u]i|K>iiiting of director)!, luanu;.'' i . > U'.. and Mueing that none but inwllifrat, rumpi i. nt men aru I'ln-i.lii! iHMitionii of n spiiiihilulny. For uii!>. I . -. i- would not ailvi*- l.uii.'i ' uiidi'ilalu- uii) tlnn^ of the I. mil. Our ;nl\nv :.i tin-in \volllil be, 1 1 ,i\ , I > i ue 1 1 who have In, nl' -tin! busi i lit.' Htndy the grinding of ;l mi, and lunl, ill). nil In find otli. r . ! 1 in: i\ in! tin- uiotlicuui \\lurli \\niild i"' lea ..iiiahly lo.iked for in i!nit wnv, hy r\tra tillage of the farm I .1 iheiv me few faruu but r.ol.l IT liunlr l.> prmhii-e limn: than ihry ut pivM-nl iln, and yield ll.i n (HUM i" a ;;i.-iU'i- profit. To thf KUornf n. . Hit, Now that a praiseworthy effort is being inaik- to b:-tu.-r tlit- con- dition of this tora, and a permanent committee lian h- ' n :ipi' 'inted to further these interests, I suppose an effort will be made to secure more hotel accommodation fur the village. While tin- present acconmnxlatiou is the very best to be fuunJ m any country village in Canada, and while Mr. Muni-haw's spacious 6Ubl>-s aie seldom overflowing, there ure still a 1 iri-i' class of pvoplc who never rc- liiain I >!!'.; -:i'isti. il to ili-al wi'll ODC liusiiu-s in. in or put up with one hotel, ;n ul are always looking for fancie'i .1 ,"i nuine neglect and for some ticuse to distribute their pal- ruiiaj. 1 ' . \Vhere the busu.ess place*, or liDtt-1 accommodation are limned In one. these individuals hie them- selves off to another town upon some real or fancied pretext, nnd every business man iu the town which he leaves suffers to a certain degree. Supping there were two hoteli m l-'li .ilu-rton, a certain proportion of buiincss would be retained which now our sister towns share. This in thoroughly understood by Mr. MUM shuw, who, as he announced at one of the meetings, would votw for a second hotel if a vote was required. Suffici- ent extra business would U brought to the place to make it profitable to hint to have opposition. Then if this In- true it is also as true that every business man in the place would share in tln extra prosperity. Kvrry person, with one or two exceptions, to whom 1 have broached this subject, concur in all the ubo\e 1-tnteinrnn. ami very many of UIPIO were people who belonged to the two temperance societii-s and hold that a second hotel is an absolute necessity here if we hopo to have a lively market. Thin, then, being the case, I lme much curiosity to I. urn m what spirit our temperance friends will U'ettt the quixti'Hi. Will they ('WIT, knowing the facts to he as they aru, stultify their oT/n interests ifor many nt tlwm have large interest* at stke in this village) and the interests- of those who have the interests of our village most at heart, by wurring agair*t something which then own interests tell them is fur tin *ood of the conmiunily ? They have done so in the |mst. hut 1 trust their goad sense has taught them that that war- fare was scarcely HO meritorious as thcv di-i-nii d it at the lime, and that they will sec it their duty to gracefully accede this time to the public require- ments, and wage their honorable war- fm at other points w here victory will not in. in injury to nuwiy of tht'iuse'.vrs and all of tlu-i fellow- towiiMiien. TliHiiking yon for space occupu -d, Mr. 1-ahtor, I remain KXCEL8IOR. i,.e ol the Ontano jonriialu am gainiit dir.eiin>in<; compulsory voting, \vlni !i . a i u.'i lie lupic in drouthr seasons. Tn eDinpiiliiory voting thero is a rather fnriuulablu list of objec- ii .n . Kit of all, the free nomi- nation i4\-,t.|ii is mil in fount m Cau ada ; and usually tup elector must \ote fiu ouu or two caudidaU'H, iioiiu nutted by, the two political parties. Jf ho di t i uot like either of theui lui may i. n !. I/ contend for the liberty, to i . fi in. i i- -ii voting. Lidi'iN-iideiit v jiithil.iti >i may, of courae, b iiomi- tiaUd ; I 'it in^ l>yuiimun oleetiwui run a I'n^ .chaiioo .of lotiity .. f .'W i | M' , U maj 1. i-r .1 RirniturE Durham St., FLESHERTON. Our Special Inducements for AUGUST. Bird Cages, Camp Stools, Boys' Wagons, Baby Car- ria^es.Orfian & Piano Stools, Pictnref, Mirrors, Cabinet l-'rames, Potato & Vegetable Slicers, and a large variety ol picture moulding. I N - BEDROOM FURNITURE & "Thr Old ...|>. i 7\> the Klitor f Th<- Aitratttf. I 'i ui Silt, Muniii; my u .-. i ( hull. l,l> tll|> I" l''le>liell,lll, 1 hail tl-' pleasure of listeiiiir-j to four delivered hv the iu w |<astor uf tl. Methodist i'hmvh. l!<-v. Mr. Tungo. 1 was very deeply uii|n used !>T tlie eai iii'stiie.-s au.l ei.i i':v winch oh: -i acteris' -d the litt, oiiii-es of the i \eivnd gtnUMSAD. lie S|Hike. Ht> .11.' iiis|.in-il. und \.-rv M-riium liud iKe m>d old ^'s|H-l ring aUittt it. And while his seiliHHls bore evidt liee of ft strwig and vignri'iw intellect, the kwi net tit divinu truth wat not en- M !i>t-d and hidden from public view- hy a niAis ot glittering generalities, a too common fmlt in the ministers of tin- present day. Sermons, ucli as those preached by the Hev. Mr. Tonyo in our lieaiinx. are calculated to in pi. ss the lu'iin i with tliebt-aiitiesol'the religion of Jesus Christ and lead thnu to study uiorii closely than evor the pagoi of uli.-tt grand old Hooli, that IIH.H oiiilivjtl the HtoriiH and channel of c.-rim i. n. and which to- day ij the oopnfort and eontolation of of detout worthippera of the fu mi; ii. d. Faithfolly youra, A. B. FAWCETT. , Au. Ittth, !890. 1 !,.. l>in .'i l.-.ltrv I .>|*ni rr.-ent U t '-i fca'inc rv> r 1 i>(U4*U. \Ve never could serve you better. Having on hiuul now 9 distinct designs in bedroom suites, varying in prices trom 1^.00 to $30.00. MixcJ, wool and seagrass mattresses at $3.50 each, c'jid woven wire spriag be\U at from 2.00. These aie all good value well bought, andolkTed at smallest possible margins. SOT OUR NEW EXTENSION DINING TABLES Something entirely new in this line, prelect in action and- finish and beautiful iu Jcsigns, combined with mo. deration in prices. CHAIRS, CHAIRS, CHAIRS lu rvfiy shape, style and size Ivibic's h.iiis, Misses' chairs l'..)vs' cli. nt s, Ladle's chnas, (inns' chairs, dining chairs, kitchen chairs, bedroom chairs, parlor chairs, chairs with wheels, ?nd chairs with rockers, and ch.urs with tables attached. Also commode chairs for the sick room. J. E. MOORE. U undertaker, dealer in furni- ture and musical instru- ments, FLESHERTON. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHuE DEALER. FLESHSRTON. ,ARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPRES, RUBBERS, TRUNKS, ETC. SEASONABLE GOODS. REASONABLE PRICES. Custom Work Made to Order." We are opening up an assortment in DressGoods, Mus!m<. Victoria Lawns, Shirtings and C'jttona^es. CROCKERY. just received : A. few. cases beautiful Tea Setts Ji Flowered and, StoJije China, new patterns and . price. \V low GLASSWARE. Ten Cacs Self Sealers, in J gallons, quarts and pints. G-EOCERIES. Sugars, Teas, Raisins, Currants. A fresh supply atu' prices right. SALT. A car lie Barrel Salt, also imported Dairy Salt for butter. R. T B I M B L E. THREE OF 1 I I l > M . V M ' rlji ttcii Organs on hand now to 1-C4 sold^^ver^ ver^ cheap and on tt^ms to suit you.. FARMS! IIJIIK: 5 T. Ftesherton, J*clU tnt" I'Ot ffiriiiin^ inr '.riiu-ht* in.*:i:i factunxi. iucln 1 : . \ irl Lh-iil > i TIIK ODF.L.L, TYPE WRITER. #->0 -ill I'uv th. ODKLL TV PE W Kl- 'I'KK '"' > i-liroi.r. u.l I5 (or tli Mlliile 'Hr Olf II. wrnuliHl to Jo l.itii'r w.rk tluiii n> luKOlnur It .-I'llil-uiri HIMI-LK-ITY With DCHA1I1I.ITT. rKKu, tint: or .Mn.vrii's, .r lont;cr with out ix-tl >>f rap<ur thu uv other niachiiMt HIM < ink riubou to Uithi-r the i>priu>r. ItiiMiti. iVHiTit riAi.. uirklepUted, I'l-rfts-i wi'l J.i|'i'-d to all Viudi uf type writing. ike |>riDtil>X i'rv U |,i.'.|ii>'i> nlmr)', el-n. !<->ihle mtuMeripU. Two or teu Oupin* can b uuJe l on* writing. AIT intelligt-iit ('.T-ieii cmn become u ept- rti>r in .. av, \Vt> .'fli-r VI.M9 to I l<.r who ran cqiukl the work at the < n.r ,!,- II Hfhul'lt' Agi-nti nJ S.l 1'himphlet ,-i> in ,< n< M'.,'. -^. / , \ .1 , . The ^....,1 iin.ililirs cf tl.i-s.' iniplev 'fifunnv ku'ii i. t,. j., .1.^ lb*m-. :it ,LV . \ ; , in.'. rr.niit n, i-ni'lcliion' tlii< l.iie ..iil>l do ..|| t.. ,x .,.,,.. i,,;,,,. ,i nctilhe<lv wqiluniti-J Mil Hi, in iu na I will >K! liappv t. exhiuit Mi,' , I qiu!iti,-s ,.( t!,. . 'I 4 SJ. 4. , i - IP 1 1 I I\ I', I j I MMtLL TYfK WCITBI ' k

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