THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. B.4. VA/.VG nFPK'E OF OEO. MITCHELL. FLESHERION nfcim bii3**4 tnnucted. . isiUMS , - -,urr.- . :* , ' , r north o< Kich*rdon * Co i. Vicinity Chips. CharartrrMir* ofihr Fat Week Carefully < ullrd fur the Curiuuv VlMa tr..t ec'.miB fretf oar tv, At: .-.- (.-.; coauctt w scan. At tie weeks i'U* f wiftly by BtM*aria03t oar lif< > brie? spa. Msay r* :;." thoughts ths n. Cbuigcl il !*cling< com* an ! o ; : tr uminer Mailing C'\4 i - :r*rr uow. Hue u* g-tl* ram of li*ht, Tbtre r.- i:iUe of (loom or sadnas* ; ..ct tt*r*r darken n.- X glM2IU Of ClalUIS* Go- Or -U -.-:- u q*ick!v , btiDt, ..... ru*. ry rant ...--- Mr Hwrd. r. , u seriously ill. P.. - .-. . V . Jay next. At . :. . tor sale at The \ hi:. :'. -.-. a teu cent* per Ib. M . -!t>de and Irwmareex- .jlaud this week. Th* " : i school requirements t the USIUU price*. >!:- MC Juue session of County C.-utx-i! hive beeu received from the The M .. i. H*U U the ;-Uce : . - . M a reasonable .0 Medical Hill pay* cash, .ves discount and gun tu customer-) Mr. Mi- key. barber, u away tending :' ceks holiday*. In hit atweixe the sh p u cl-ed. The rcrular monthly cattle fair was heit-. . | Vll the cattle i tftred f.-r - -Termed : .-.-. I: \ . :i\t- friends at distance- to M>K hive not time to write. scg i then. u*ce balance of the for ^> oents. It u an aMurd fact that Flehert_m will :uii- a second gram buyer this seas- .in. Tfci* l>.: of newt w.'.l be learned with tratit.o :.. >u by farmers fur tnany arvur. 1. M- ' - nilhvan, tinsmith, hat pur- chase- 1 froin IV. Christoe the premise* lte. . Mr Tread sold, and will mi:: 'fdiAtely remove hu business to that - Union Sabbath Sch-.vl gave unariia.-ui expression to a feeling of .yi!iv.:!iy with the rvlationt of the Mr Akitt in th* great sorrow U*t hat come uj-oti them. The h iv crxip lu this vu-imtf it so abund.i:)! that ordinary uieth >ds of tacking are in tome cased f >und too slow. Mr Thorp Wright hat been um^ the )>aten: hay fork, and that nutiu^ the stark l'\ lu>re The i; t<xi of Mr. \V. died in O*eu Sound Saturday, a^ei ove weeks. .Miss A^^ie .n,l (.'liarles Leitoh. <-f Kleahert >u,altended the fuueral wh.J; 'laoe oi. M >i'iU\ last. Mr. IV McTarish ha* just delivered to .very arm of Putulalk another hand- wun of his own manufacture. Mr. McTarish is acquiring an euriablo reputation by the excellent work, he turns out. Mr .'as. Brvnlu-, of Vamieleur. starts tli;i wevk U;H'H what will n,. il ubt j- a very pleasant trip to th.- tl.s dotiny u St. J*hu, X. IV. whore ii-nd the O'anie lir.nul ; :: c.'!s 111 thfrv. Kail bulbs shoyM uow bo n-UvttHl and > u>i Jurnii; SepU'iubvr and iVtober ;-r xluoe th*se h.%nds>-ni beds of Tu- \'.\<t, llv.i.-inths. Crocuses. Ac., that de- thu eye sv> much 111 s|inn>; Send f<T cx>|'V of the Stele Br\<s. Co., Tor\>oto. \.it-.ri. i New fall whtviU. We notice that th Stwlr Hrv>s. Co.. seedsmen, Toronto, are otfuriti^ the f<ili.i<iiui: new Canadian Velvet Chaff, Gold Early Bid Clawsoti, Jocea Winter FytV and American Bronze. Send icr a copy uf their ci'cuiar. it will pay you. PUnts and fi"r in great quantity to be ald cheap at the Fleshertun hoiite. LOST Un Elizabeth ttreet, betwen Methodist church and residence of Mr*. BUkely. sr.. a small . tinder will f lease leare tarn- at the Fleah- erton Furtuture Wwetx-jms th<y w;Il be rawanled aud at the anie time will con fer a fiv r J E M T* -x-.-ed Fiesh- rt'jn with tbeir :.-re*oce durin4 the past week. Mr. J. L> Clark, of the L i Advert. s,.:. u tending bis racation at J. W. Ar::,s!r.nj s, and A. R Fi > Streetiti.le. U visiting his parents here. Mrs. FiW>.-tt aocumvanied him. Mr ; ..:. !..: v. sr.. who has lied .- ^ratel read eact, abu: <ii last ir*ek ai.d wvi bar:-. - .rlay. >.i-J was 77 yean :' a^e, and his remains w - rite by - M- ' :. ind wi:'- . friends a: Mr ,\ . ' ina^rarut of Lttca*' ._ time. Mr \l v - we .IT - . that h ^ - \- ^ of the T . special es- ercisv - j of These exercises consisted ^atin^ ioe creaai, had -1 by th. . . - was pMMtl by who : .. k part in the \ new tin and store firm will be startevl in Fieaherton ab>. . ^ptember. to be knowiw Stmu <& RumUtlL Mr. Kumlll was he<re a few wee-.- ' .\od, and . - n that he main :Djviny with 51r. \Vm. Strain. wh..e busineaa qualities every n U M u . '. ;* to see the n- :eed. i UJT evening tjo Fleshef- :.;vranco inJul^ed them- with the ru ~Iera:e. luxury' cream. This U the . year that all hat ;he Yankees call "a atate cf languish- mint. ' However, alter out door txer- cisea have had their mutnic* and fall and winter evening* cooie r\>und i-.n, there will be as much interest as ever in the work fur which Tempi-ratio* exist. Wo hare received acv-py . f The M Dak.. Journal, ann^onciiu the arr. F.H. ..i.iterat that place. The paper. after >iuotin>r a persona! which we published fsjpldini; ht* de'.vtrtarv. says : About returum.; hiui to> his eastern home *vn. :l it not to be thought of. f >r during his short arrival herv. he h demonstrated the fact that he u a perfect gentleiuau, a genial all-ar>und i;<^^i tellow. and withil a ci'tupetent and efficient clerk and one who thoroughly understands his business. The welcomes hiui t > Mm.-t - the boom city in the sunlit Valley of the Mouse, Girl Wanted- To do treneral house work. Apply to Mrs. J. H. Heard. Flesherton. >'W t arix-ls A special line to .Itr will wrrih seeing. Fine T&!O*. -a A Notice. \V H Hall, of the firm of Bull A Si>n, pump nianufacturvrs, Thornbury, w:ll be at FWherton, Auu. U and lo. Ki>airs f.>r all kinds of pumps. Satisfaction guaranteed or IK |^ay. 1. B. l.vic.ts. barrister, of the t'rn Huhop -V t>wen S>u^J, is at the iftice of Wui. l.u.-.c*. A I'.i.. in MarV ei v -i\ Frulity. and in I'uiualk Saturday ,', All kiiidt of custom wearing. Tweed.*, tlauiu :h and blanket.-.. K.i: carpet a specialty. Next h< uw to the l*rvbtenan church Flealicrton. Out. J. BARCLAY, -r B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Melville, an old couple well ki u ill Arteniesia.who hare lived for many years ui th* viciuuy of Eu left for British Colombia n Mon- day of last week, where ihey wtJl their nephew. Mr. J. M. Webater, at Port Uaney. Mr. and Mrs.^ are. over SOyears cf t$e. and the jvumey would be a f aligning one for people have armed at their time himself and t-j he. :oo*idered Mr. C-. n,- .hena-xaded him. W e understand Mr. Cornfield intends to Mr Kr. f. . .. . i sue Returned Home. Mr. Andrew beatty ret - fr-im Bnt> Mr. Beatty has don? - : animals which he ! .-: bavins disr>.ed of b- .-.ires beside* booking a good x . ne : them. Dunn< 'Je past few weeks serenl in petition in f r . -t 13 -hi* village. The :.a:- wu A- . --rvng Bros . . fynn of a Maltese cr.*s. It is r e ry . :^Jeed. and wu Jtr. W. H Fle*her. Hajry u an artj: f I 3 :o<M2 : Et < ..-w ad. and take advacu. tome of th immenM b*rsa.^s he is .Ser- : w and elegant H . iv. - - The Fl*benoa Furniture ^ > are bcond to lesvi .ndle. Pleasant reanions of the nceot camper* Uke toc-k place in Markdale OB -?iay erening and in Fit* Tuesday last. The ho*t acd h'j*teu in -t instance wr '!- ' - J l.Fariane.i M R.ckard*oe. The roong peopl* . --laiaeiTe* isnc. with r.j partner while the snnsa t d w-i rayi that wvoid melt a ball tl merrory. There were four row buats en th.- .coien. and UMM werew. . .jed duhag the dav. vd oeder erergreen -. -.. -ticw to by - .. - -xst '-*L'i .aaracter. .ht dullard *x< ' .- - . -.-.< must hare been - - ) an i k ittmadtd tats pi.- I .ill - ed W:: M - : : . - L : Pncce Arthur L :.-. A A A M . of Canada, had a ; - were prrr.- Eai .n i.'Jand ^4 ai lirhTi.'ii. Srpt . . . a. M Pr. . the ^munds, ::t*d it. when . .- had bee ci'led that i: wa an . -icmMnt The had :i and bear th l-.s.and the a:? : " M P. B A. -en me:. -- :' Dundalk Y M F. B. A veninv; of jst we pi ' . sion here. Th-. . _ comp<.*e the or 1 . -. I'.r . \\ v; A r r . W M . !> - : M i-- t.Wt Bru. T u. ; v Certmor. .3 . I'.ru. ( K. Mister : Cervmotue* ; Br . J M.-- M. M.Mi ~ r.. --: C ':n i. . " - }'. M \ - ~ <n : M >i I was tendered a hearty cr-t w -N -^u wi-rv - \ --*t-.s w c r\- rr.aic ty W r ' : M .: - v - - r. and - Cnllou*- v .- ' -'.rtherton i ^.ir ^\.-:i: .. : . : : ^ break had been n. > - Nevtr Potatoes, Old Potatoes, 3d ; FI u: Feed. - L . KIM H. C LEGARD ' i\:. : ..- --. acaisunt ; m. . ntuiaW from h - vu \irday last. Miss A.. .-. *l : is^ her brother in Fleshcrt :.. >lr Marrow. Mrs Win. Trimble and children and Miss Ua. > for an extended visit to the Maui: Mis* Hannah, who ha* cveu % - with fneuds hens f.-r some time, re- turned t.> her home in Torvnt. day Mrs. Ansiie and daughter been risitini; ith Mrs. W. K. F'.esher - ~tii weeks, returned to their home in Tarry Svuud u Monday Messrs. E. Vanzant, mar- . . - and;. . ^1 !<:ikcr >: Fle*her- ton. spent a few hours in Shelbur 1 .. Tueada;. : way frr-m AJisUja. Mrs. Gibb returned last Fnday to hone in Sea: - -. few weeks very ;>le,v- >Ir. and Mrs. McOr ^ -" esherton Court at Th^rnbury. The Thorubury Standard t following, which will no doubt interest a number of our reader*. "His \\'rh-.-. < . May <r Raymond, aat on a c.xsc ef Mr John Coruneld against Mr J.ts. f Euphraaia. on Saturday )a: in the .iwn Hall Mr. Knott. it teems, delib- erste'y threw down Mr. Cornfield s fence .d let cattle into the crop. The Mar r t>x>k a merciful view of the cj*e M Mr Knott pleaded cuilty, and t. -. o-a.-a costs amounted to only 119.75. Thow was a second case of a similar nature, and hJ Mr (.'ornneld pneecuted. the (enaltr is three months in ca. 1. However Mr. Knotl got off V*: i".d it ' I - - . which I - v. - * v \ .-- . .- - scarce. The nuns':- '* ari- d srn -a^ - , a dis- -i Cassir. Mt Three member* meet ctaced the occas : . Dr Lar H H- . r M r F . i ^ ' M. P Th-. - - :nan prevent - - --/.ves wu M- v and he was amply repaid I - " - win- . whic - .' were placed \ - * ,. V? wa.< : -ed acd rvju-. - draw . ne ticket. Th* . . Father N 1 ; \\ x t an an-.cle \' | turky he leortied his cv> u fvrtuue. and was n property behico. stay an.' f the crowd who wanted him - '.:;. How- ! ever, his natural bull-dog c- .nuo caai* x '..* ai>; and the latter alternative > i 'iWly wrestled We ar* gcin^ out some day to see Hrother Mitchell tikiug his jrymnastic exercise in the back yard of the Chronicle offi.-e where he will no doubt pl*y hore with hiajreity machine and at the same time -yty at (i bind forever all the weed* ^rvwin; in his lot It will be intdiisstiiv; to see him prancing ari-uad in harness, keepiui; step with the uiusic of the wheel. But this is tffttnu quite away from the roper. The next best ptesvved H Hunter. was brim full of anecdote. o\ , with remin- isinces. rather freer than usual with his dune*. n>d s'.tiv^'he' tried to i time he had had since his last t > th t palled. Mr. Hut.ter is s ,-. n >!-. r. onljr ra tune of ar, when RV n( h. u!d ijo. IV L..- . :>*t rvfr-. - . ee t5u c\.-u . irvuud thdi: . . . > v - S -.Mill's Block, F N H\- lesiiertOL. ATTENTION ;. . . -.-. U^t , ; ._.i TAILOR SflOI 1 in Armstrong's B!oc( 1VTCXT -* DOOR TO THE JEWELT.Y M M is u i i I i it mil. ^ t i i ,111 Your nuwrial i^a wd : D - -.- up aud teach him a !e*son. Mr. K-iott {ave a excus-.-s for his ,vv.du-t that "Muthii-- ** J - M -vies was an > ar ;he M- ** l> >f Durham. and havi kicked his ^rundiathec I over '.'le "r-.n.v 1 tw--:ty years ajo and that there .u . - r<.<ad which bothered him "wim dnrtnri:- 1 ra-vr. H * W -rship tr jh did n.-t seem to be much impressed with. but acted in that siocial s*yW ch*racter.fc of his t*jtoh ancx-*try. The key to th whole "dncc afa.r is t'lat Mr. Cornfield bought the faru front a loan cvmpai-y sad Mr. Kr .:. > -cd u ( { ru.vt; DO.VI: n> F. A. BAKER. Practical Tailor Cow Strayed. Fnxv tK'rreo iMVofR IttttYnn Pcrtribtm ooow n. pur**hs 1 to -j iiu 4 - LSI wbrfMtvuks wiU b th*;