A HIM if. BLOWN UP. Yhr** IV i-i.i,- Killed In the Wreck of a Harauuah Boarding HOUM. A Savannah, (>., deapatoh givei the Cicnlare o( an explosion reported yester- : W. J. llullard'i boarding boats, a three e lory brick dwelling at J03 Congreaa ajtreel. was blown up n 1.20 o'clock tbii morning. Three perioni were killed and aii injured, two cf whom will probably die. There were eighteen people in the bonne. The exploaion ihattercd the walli, which oollapMca in an inalanl, a mats of mini. Moil o! the occupants of the home were asleep and were hurled from their bedi, nd either baried ander the falling debrii or thrown on top of it. The killed are : Mr.. W. J. liullard, Mr. l.'jckley and Uui Uobie. The wounded re : John Roberta. right ankle fractured mi concussion of the brain from the bock ; I. J. Tate, contusion of face and cheat . Meedon liy wood (colored), shoulder dislocated and brained ; J. A. Itivei, lightly bruited , Kdward B. Event!, lightly brniied ; Mrt. Edward 8. Everitt, Bluntly bruiaed , Kam Knit; (colored), badly broiled about body. The nrut perion taken out of the mini wai I. J. Tale, collector for the Cili/n'a Bank, who wai deeping on the lecond tloor nd wan pinned down by falling timberi. A few minima later the mangled body cf Mm. Itullard waa found ci^hi feet under a pile of bricki beneath the room where the wai sleeping. Kobie'e body wan taken out I 3 o'clock and wai laid in Franklin Square on a mattreii. Kobie came here from Net* York a month ago, and wan employed by McDonoghue .V Co. ai icroll man. He ilept in tin front hall room on iwcond :l jor and wai found nnder a iheet in the bed, where he bad evidently been killed an he iltpt. He hai a wife in New York from whom be received a letter a day or two ago. lie wai about 40 years old. The body of Lockley wan found boat I o'clock. It was the lait taken oat of the building. J. A. Himes, who wai alt- -|.ii;ij in the front room on the third il r with Roberta, wai hurled to the seuoiid floor, and v,ai pinned be- tween the bed and ll iOr until he wai pulled oat by the nrenitn. Lie did not tee Hoberta tier the exploai'm occurred. The flrit he beard waa a grinding noise, and then came the craih. and thru a blank. The next he know wai being taken oat from under th" debrii. lie wan slightly bruned. Mr. and Mrs. Kvcritt who were ileepiug in the front room on the lecond tloor, wt-ru polled out from under the t:uiling above, which bald them fait. Mn. John 1'aign and b*by, who were sleeping in the room back of Mr. and Mr. lv.>-riti. racaped unhurt nd wcra lifted out by the firemen. Al (at aa the injured paople were taken out they were carried n.tn tlio rear of Andrew Jackaon'i reiidrnoe, just eaat of the fall- i. building. Jack Koberti, who alept will. i. A. Kimei on the third door, uatair.ed evrrc injuriei about the body and bead. Mr. Unllard, who wai sleeping with bia wife, had a marvellous is :a|,e. and received bat a few alight braiiea. Mn. Bullard was dead when taken out. She WAI fearfully craahed. The. canst- of the xplosion ii a mystery There are many rumori of an ugly nature, but ncbotly will take the responsibility of makinc a dirrct salt mi-nt < >ne man insinuated that there hail in.-1'ii a n w m th home toward the end of the j )Uin :atiun in which the imnali bad bit-ii indulging. The Irnldinj,' wad a three itory tenement, hi. ill in the French tlat itfle, and faned north and lonth. The two top doors were uat-d aa aletpii g apart menta. The expioaion blew tl.e . nun biiildin,; to the norlhwarl. Knnn- of the farniture waa blown acroai Hi. Julian strt.t into splinters, while the (lying bricka went in an far Hay atreet. '1 he entire truKtnre oollapied inward on Congreiu air, . t llcfeiK rl*tw \ i met, ion- slii u litei. ,1. A (,'ontantino|ili- cable aayi : The fol- lowing are the dttnln of tin- n-cent riots at Kr/orouui On June '-'Dili the aoldiery were ordered to diaperae the Armeniana, who wero boMunj a meeting in a church yard. The aoldiere began a massacre of the Armeniana, and the Turkish populace joined in the attack The ihopa and houaei Of the Arrner tans were pillagt d The aack lasl'-d four bnura. The Itntinh i-onmilate, t which on the aamu night a fi-te waa being given for the benefit of the poor Armenian!, wai atoned and ila gatt-a and windowi broken. The oonaul ai.il the mem- ber! of hia family took n-fii(,o in the oellara of the buiMing and the fete waa abandoned. Thu Amerii-an miasinn a<-rv>- 1 aa a refuge for .".0 funitivi H. Nurnbera of Armeniana, relying on the prorontea of Turki to Mfjor them to placed of safety, wrrc murdered in the utroeta. l-'ifly bodit-ii have been found, raoitly of persons who wrre bayoneted ; 350 periona were woumlod, ami 1UU are miiHing (III llaillt r.,ii(ln. A Ban .Salvador deipatch layi : Newi haa bean r*oaivil confirming the reports of the luaoeai of tin 1 Han (Salvador forroa be- mid the frontier lu (inateina'aii territorv. Th Hajvador army haa now gained six battle*. ca|>turinR a large <inantily of arms and ammuiiilion. Many HIT.- killed and wounded on both aidua. Tlie Halvad,,r foruea are now pushing their way into the intern r of (iuatlinala, and are meeting with anooeai at every HI. | Ureal enthusiasm prevail*, and tl.e intenti, n M to overthrow the Oovernmi nt n[ 1'reaident llarnlloa before niming to any agreement. Halvador in determined to free itaelf from the yoke of Guatemala and to aiaure tta liberty and independence. Ill* l.irNati<l l>> a II. .7. A I'ortland, Me., ilaapatch aaya : Yester- day a wealthy Montreal man attempted to boanl a train at OKI Orchard after il had etarted. He ran to the rear mil of the bagga^i , r and rau^lit the railing, but loit hia fooling Aa he wai hangini< to the rail ing he awiing between the rarn anil waa loeing hiiitirip when I rank I.. Kelly, of Houlh Ili-rwii-k, a boy pedlar, aaw him ami managed to pull him or hoard the tram. When h had rei-overed he aaknl the boy'H name, and aaid he had lavod hii life, and pronuaed to aend him a ohr.|ii for 16.000 when he reached home. I. a<1y Howard di Walden haa rxpreaaed bar intention of endowing, at a float of 60.000. a ward at thi Weet Knit Uoepltal. ai a thank offering for her recent recovery from a aeriuui illnen. A KATUKK J TaUHUBLB DEBO. II. Kllla HI* Tl.rre I hlUll.u with !. At* and i i.ni guioldra. A Ualifai deipatoh aa>i : Newi hai juat reached St. John'i Ntld., from Labra- dor of a fearful crime committed at Big Brook, Htag Bay, on the 4ih of May laat. At liig Brook lived a man named Thomai Olr.er, witL hii wife and five children. On Sunday be told hii ion that he law some partridgta acrou the river and that be bad better go and bunt for them, and if tbey were not there he could go farther on. Oliver then took oft bia ihirt and gave it to the lad, laying it wai better than the one he bad on. lie alao lent hia wife and daughter in the tame direction to pick wild tea. Oliver then took hii Bible and lay down n the bed. liefore leaving, hia wife took her infant boy of aix months and placed it on the bed to aleep along with her husband. When on the ice about half way acrots the brook ahe heard the report of a gon, and looking around abe saw the doga running from the door, bat thinking nothing was wrong she continued her , ourucy. After ihe and her daugh ter bad gathered all the tea repaired they returned bcme. Here the poor mother and daughter beheld a aickeningaitiht. O.i the tbcr wai the baby abe had left peace- fully sleeping with ita father. There seemed to be a little life in it, but on taking it up she diicovered that the little head waa l.itti red almoit in pieoei. The nt\\ light that i:: i her borrilied ga/.e wai tbe body of her daughter, a girl of 11 years, in a titling posturt on the door, with her head fear- fully mtti.^led, in faot literally beaten to pieces, while acroaa her lega lay a boy aged -rj. with hia head almoat aplil open but Btill aliveand moaning. Tbe poor fel low lived till aunit-t. She next diioovered tbe body of her hueband itretohed on the tloor behind tbe d.jr. with a gun graapod in both hands in the grip of death. A bal- let hoi- tliroagbhia head and one eye hang ing 01. hii cheek told tbe tale of hia death The aiitracted mother after wailing till the boy died, ran to Seal Cove Point, a diitar. ,,-e of three milt a, where her neareat neigbkori, a family named Cove*, lived, and told her awfnlatory. They buried the victim* near the bcuae in which tbe crime waa i ' n.i.-'itteil, placing the gun inlbemur- derer'sccl.'in. Tbe children were killed with IIIKNKU tTHKA. ix I . .1 i.>. -ix..i bjr il.. till I.. i Mauhaltan. A London cable aaya: The steamer Manhattan aighted the, Kgypt in full bia. in lal. iU 'JS north, ion. ;. west, but belli;; laden with oil dartd not ^> near the burn .-,(!. She lowered her boats, how- i vt r. and Haved all on board the Egypt. ('a)t Hobinaon, of tbe Manhattan, who merly sailed in ihe National Line, in- me i the rescued oflieera ho had only enough provision! for 40 persons, and a dis- cui>n.i>:i waa had aa to whether or not to . u>. \/ jres, 'I'M miles distant. It waa lioally decided to proceed fur Dover, and everyone wai placed on abort rations. There wero (.10 head t f cattle on the Kgypt, and all were burned to death, or, breaking ise and plunging overboard, were drown . I. For a time there waa much con- fiiaion t n the Kgypt, but im panic 'Ihe National Company chartered a tug at Dover 1 1 meet the Manhattan nndmi||l\ her witli provimoui. Kbo atartcd at ti o'clock ll.n evening with a full aupplv of provisions and other necessaries tur u.. rescind people, ('apt. James riumnii...,' Ibu lijyiii. is the c ifiiinodori! of the Na lional Line. '1 In < ni|, any do not insure tin .r .efi 1st, but put the amount which they would have to pay ai premiums into a npeul fuud on account of their veasels. II. |. . . . 4 I . ,,.! lint - 1 . A \Vedneaday i Denver deipaluh aay* : At midnight laat night ocournd n cataatrophe that baa temporarily nolaii a the towns -jp Clear ('rei K Canon from the world An immenav cloud burat near the forks of a creek pound a deluyt* of water within tho narrnw walla of the canon. It completely demolished the two iron rail way brnlgea at Ihe forka, and, aa far at can be learned, annihilated all the atruclurea in the vicinity. Thu reitaurant. the depot and the uuttiousea were iwept aa>. It la behrved no livea were loal. The immenae rolumn (if water, laden with wreckage, went tearing duwn the. canon. with thii rcaull that (nun tin- forka to Golden there ii icarouly a veatige of tbe railroad I, (i. The greater portion of the road-bed in dealroyed and all moan* of communication are gone A t'llr'a llrallli IliiprrllltMl. A Canton, O., despatrh aa)i : There n a nercu war being wagtil agatnat the owneri of nlaughter houiea in mis city. Home time a>." the Hoard of Health taauud an edict that they ahould go oat of the oily The owi.eiH ref inn ,1 II. memberi of the Hoard of Health made an invealigation . ! the alanglitt r |ximi yeatrrday, Hading mat- teri in horrible ahape. At one plaoe where bologna aaiuagva are made they found mil- Ii- im of inaKgola i lawling over the meat to be uaed in the maniifauture,. Other alaugh- ttir hoiiaen were found in a ximilar (uniti tion. The water along the isreek whernthe honaea nre situated H tilled with tilth for a mile. Thf Hoard ( Health aayithey mint go and the owneri Hay nay. a i > . i..n. \ - t>tin. At 6 A Marshall, Minn .|,eoil aa>a 'clock yeaterday H black rlond ruaemhlin^ a great nerpent leanhnd downward fi. m the dente black maian of atorin cli n IH that had formed dniing Ihe afternoon and moving in a aoutheasterly direction. It df mnli dud the buildingM of three fame-m living im, n milea northweat of here. A child of I'ehx l>earan had ila leg broken, another had ill head nruihed and iln,i during the night, and Mra l>aran wad aeriouely hrniaed. Mra. A. M. Opdall and child were blown by the oyolone , , a wire fence and aerioualy hruiaed. Two of Opdall'H hnrsei were carried troin tln> barn to a paitnrti near by without injury. MIHH Mav Kogeri, an Iowa girl, hai oompiled a Waverly dictionary in which more than thirteen hundred eharartera of Hoott'i noveli are duoribed with illnatra- live eitrai is from the text. He, feeling hia way An honorable man hould marry only for love. Ahe Cer- tainly, O, certainly ! -if be oan afford it. THE IU8UKA.CBD OUAKDrt. .i at Their l)f|,.riu-. Tho Ulrl 1 1 (i Htlilud for Afrlca Me." A London catii^ram aays Tbe ecenei connected with the exile of the accent battalion of the (.renadier were ix>tb in tereitiog and at time* touching. The men were paraded at daybreak, and were marched along the Victoria embankment t the Victoria station. hariy as wan tbe hoar the alreeti were orov.ded, and at leas 20, COO people accompanied them, the men cheering, the women and children c.yini and lobbing. The arrest of tbe 11- Greoa dien and thuir trial by oourt martial ha< tended to cast a gloom over tbe whole bat talicn When icntemceb were pronoancet at tbe parade yeiterday aocio painfa srenea cccarred. Tbe oldest wldieri of tbe companies icem to have beeo telected for trial. Bv a itrange miifortoue a veteran named I'erren was one of tbe nnlacky prisoner! An older man nii:ied liiggi, belonging to tbe lime company, bad been transferred to the reserve the day before. Later in tbe day the priaoneri exchanged their rf mental for prieon garb. The prcciae boor of their removal to tin UrixtOD uiiiitary priion was well-coardcd secret, while their tranafer to the ambulance waggon wai 10 ijoietly cfiected that ooly a few aoldiera law them. When tta men emerged the ipectatorn railed a load iboat They were bandcafied in paire and escorted by non-commiiaioned cfti:ers They appeared dfjecied and hazard. One soldier in the regiment shouted, " 1'at your heart comradea.' Several prisoners burst out crying after the departure cf tbe men. The itory of their fare- well parting witb their wivd and hil.ln.li spread tliroc t i. tke bar- racki. Wives, children, iweothearu and comrades crowded into the spacions yard. 1'ainful meetingi took place ID in yard and in the canteen. Oatiide itood u great crowd of aightieere, who ga. )d curiouily and lympalhetioally between tbe railicga. The couples separated, the wcmua harry ing away with their friendi and children, taking a farewell kiia from their father. While there pathetic aoenea were going on in tbe yard different onea were being enacted in the canteen Youot; women iv ho seemed to have plenty o! money were there treating their iavt r*. The tapi were continually running, an i the flowing bowl npparertly lightened tho harden of the men for the time. They forgot their mil fjrinue and indulged in jig dancing and amging. At the aoand of tho bugle women rushed oataide. At " o'clock tbe men were drawn up in double line, and l,j miautei later tbe colonel gave the order to march. Tbe greet gatea at the Buckinghai . 1'ala - --nd of the yard were thrown open, and wbile tbe band played tbe ipint itirrm liritiih Grinad- i-rs the battaluii matched uat and wire gritted by the ahoutd and cheeri of an enormous throes A number of policemen formid in three line* to open the way In tbe soldier*. After the police came aappen and miner, and behind thi in a baud and Col. Eatoo i the bead uf the ie(,:ineiil. AII the Lattaliou appeared in Ihe road a mighty deafening cheer wn.t np from the aisembled thoaaar.ds. The column was repeatedly broken, in, nd by uoinen .- n-kn^ tliuir hua- baud*, with whom, when found, they marched aome time. Several men kept pace with their aunr It ia laid that at the nikpcition yealerday by the. Duke of Cambridge u waa noticed that the men shouldered their arms in a slovenly manner, there appearing to U an inclina- tion on their part not to obey orden. Subaeijuent imjoiriei have elicited the fact that an undemanding txisttd that on Ihe unli r to ahouldtr armi beini; given Ibey ahould remain motioleia. Forlunatt-ly the nun altered their minda at the laat moment on swing that stunt 1 of their com- panions were obeying the or lira. A re- porter interviewed a soltlu-r of the Urcna- diera, who aaya that hia companions were entirely maympiilhy with th. men of the aeciind battalion, and that there will cer- tainly be trouble iml<<t certain reforms are made. Tn ll*m|>-i lh* l,tittrle. A Waahiiii|ton despalub saya: Thu lions.. I'oitottuv Committre in day agreed ii|>ou a iiibalilute Hill in Ii. u of a number of peud ink! Hilli adverae to lotlnrie*. and ordered U to be reported to the House. The aubili Intl. prclubiti lottery circulars and ticketa, hala uf drawing*, money or dralla for j r ohaae i>f lottery tickets, or newspaper* con la.ning lottery advertis 1 inents or drawinta from being carried m mails or dt-livi r carriers, and a penally not exoeedinK r OdO tineand impriionment not ticeudiug one year is to be imposed ni m any perion de- ( Kiimn aui-h matter in tin- uiaila. Tbe Postmaster General ii alao to beauthoii/.ed upon evidence of the existence of a lottery or gift enterprise to came regiilared letteia directed to Ihe company to be stamped fraudulent" and returned i the aendvia, and be may alao forbid the pay niei.t o( money orderiaddreaaed to lottery or Kill enterprise. A M.ln .n - l>. . .1 A Lockporl, N . Y , deapatch say s : At \\ulcollville, a Uerman village ten unit's aoulheant .! Ihia i itv. .< Kterday aftrrnoon a Innalic named Yag) beat TiKirniaaler Sohull/. 10 Mvenly wiin a ahovel nd an axe that Kohult dn-d in the e\i-nui|; \ ato had been inanaaylum two or three years, btit wat reoenlly permitted to return home apparently n .tort .I to reason, lie aonn, Ii iwc\i-r, became i violin t thai I'oormaaler Schnll , arooni panted by a constable, went to Yarn's hooce tt< take him and r, turn him tu the asylum, lie attacked Hohult witb a shovel and an axe, and aoon beat him into Inatnaibility. He tin n tied, and bai not been captured. Mra. llojaok John, dear, the doctor layi vnii'll have to live on oatmeal fur a vruok Hi'jack (deapairingly ): dh. this is gruel tln-al preparationi am being made al Lima to retwivi the romauiH of the IVru vian her -ea who ).>dt tluir uvea during the late war willi Chili. Tbey are being brought from different point* by Peruvian MI. niil war, and will be reititurret! at Luina. The Peruvian man f war Lima brought tn l|iii.,.ie the remaina of VIM Admiral Orau and otheri. She wai eioorted from Valparaiso by the Clnlian man -of war Ksnieralda balls. Ice cream a la lawn tennii ia lerved i HKHAHKABLB OfEKATIOMS. tome oflbr I>IOIenltThlo(a Uone avrcru- fntlv bjr Kar(ona. The lirst bonori ot mrgery are awarded to th, ... who are the first to perform diffi- cult operations. Judged by thii standard. Dr. Valentine Molt, the diitinguiihed e.\ ponent of surgical science, ia entitled tc tbe firm rank amon^ tbe surgeona of tbe world, lays the New York Ledger. In his Jitrd year be placed a ligature round arteries within two incbea of the heart an operation sufficient of iUeif to plact him at tbe summit cf bil profession. In l-in he performed what ia univeraally allowed to be the meat di&kult feat ever altem[ited in lorgtry. A clergyman waa atiiicted wnb an enor moui tumor in tbe Deck, in which were imbedded and twiiud many of the great arteries. In removitg thii tumor it was necessary to tak oat entire one of the collar bones, to lay bare tue membrane in doling the lungn, to diwect around arleriea displaced by tbe tumor and imbedded in it, to apply 40 ligaturci and remove an immense, niaea of diieaaed matter. All tbil wan done without tbe aid cf chloro- form. The patient survived the operation. and aabaeijoently uncharged the datiei of bil profeaiion. i>t. Molt was the uret to operate too- cejifully for immovability of tho lower jaw and tbe firitlo entirely remove the lower jaw. He waa tbe tint to succeed in tewing up a ilit in a large vein, and be did this in aome caaes where a pcrticn cf tha vein bad been ilioed away an operation of incon- ceivable delicacy. Hi once cut away two inobea of tuc deep jugular ven.. .hich wai imbedded in a tumor, and tied both enda of it. In tbe coarie of bis long profeieional life be tied the cototid artery 4>i timeaacd amputated nearly l.COO hiiibi. Sir Aalley Cooper traly remarked : "Dr. Molt h&j performed more ot the great operationi than any man living or that ever did live." A great surgeon u frt<|Oently tempted, by tbe mere love of hia art, to perform an operation cot itriclly neeeitary. L>r. Mott held this practice in abhorrence, lie u-ei to relate an anecdote of bia last visit to 1'aria, which shows that tome aurgeona are net ao icropuloaf. A celebrated 1'arii lurgeon aiked him on" day f he would like to SBC him parform bia original operation. " Nothing would give me more plcainrr," replied 1'r. Mott. The Frenchman mused a moment, and then aaid : " H.iwcvcr, now I think uf il, there n ii'j patient in the hospital who haa that malady, '.o matter, my dear friend, there i* a i r devil in ward No. , who U of BO nae 13 himaelf or anybody eise . and if yea ccme io-rcorrow I'll operate beaatifally on bin" It need nut be laid that Dr. Molt declined to wit- ness tbe perpetration c f it crime so atrocious. Nol Ini, n.lr.l M i WariilDf;. A New Jeraey woman attempted to nil au oil utove yeattrday while one of the burnerij wai lighted. She wai horribly burned and ia now dying. Of course Ihia ii not mentioned hero as a warning to Ilrcoklyo wcmto. Tbey know a thing or two belter than thit, acd wht-n they desire to txpe ricnce the aeniatioa of iceing bow near they can come to killing themselves and yet live, they light Ibe fire with kero- lene, eat ice cream bought ot an Italian treet peddler, or try to croia Ilia rapid transit tracks on Allanli- avenue. Itrook- fi/rl /M,<" . He Ko u i,.l Hia Maw. A I n -I-... Cal., deapatoh saya : John 1 '. Kiske, a lawxrrand opera bouae manager, wi-. shot an d killed lait night by JoiephT. Uillman, an inventor >iilliium had been Bunting for Fiske all day, and found him at laal in front of the Cirand I'uion Hotel Sii'.man ulainn tbe sbcoling _rew oat nf n attempt of I'uke to blackmail him. He ay* Fiakf hai been demanding half inter- est in certain patents of his, -.:'. threaten ng that unlet .Kiillman gave liimaiii-h in i'ifsl he would it 11 Mrs. Htillruan of an alleged intimacy with another woman. iiillman declana he wai driven to deepen tiou by FiaK,' a threats A Kico Lake, \Vif., despatch lays : Iwmly one persona are in danger of ciying From eating supposedly poisoned meal, a i > veral of the case* are vt ry critical. Slalu i 'airy and l-'ood ('umminioner Thomb waa gammoned yesterday to inveitigate. The meal, to Ii, amount ot 75 pouudi, waa >lard on sale at a local market. Thf city jhyaidan cavithal t he liokcessia posit i\>lv due to inline this meal. Tho persons liok were taken with violent vomiting and cramps. Jrli> Leads lu Munlri. A New York deipatch lays : 1'alchello Itoucheltc. an Italian, mardered 1'ianoitco -rank, aged 30, at New Koohelle to-day. I 'rank waa married aevtn months ago to an Italian girl, and Uouahetto haa been infatuated with Mrs. 1'rai.k for aamo time. Thia aftt rruun Iloacholli went to Frank's louar. and advised Mra. Frank to leave tier husband and go and live with him. : 'rank attempted to put Bouohette out of the houae, when the latter drew a revolver nd llnd fuuraholi, killing Frank instantly* :' ncheite waa arrested. II..- ...!! I erl t , ,.,||., A (Irafltn, \V ya , deipatoh layi : V>'m. iolden, hi* wift> and three children itarted ii orooa the main line of tbe Baltimore A >ln K ia.t near the roilroad bt>lel, but see- ii); the yard engine comirg up the road they slopped to Ii i it rasa. Mr. Golden waa holding his 'j year-old boy in hia arms and hii wile a incut Ii old baby. While. atuhiiit; the engine a pasaeuger train came long and atrnok the family, instantly kill n^ the hnaband, wife, and two children and fatally injuring the boy who wan in hia ather'a arms. Tbe little fellow died in an hour. ' 1 don't object to your rates," said tbe nimmer boarder to the farmer, but I kick against yonr moai|aitoca' till." And now oomea Unln-her who knows .'rinoe lleotn j , to remark that Ilia Koyal l^himss Imkis fuis and parade, detesti eoepliuna, likes to mingle with good ellowa, imoke and swap itories, and will nake bil itay ihorl at Newport if be il not et aJonr. An advertiser offers "mixed genii' ho- aiery " for aale. We preiome all kindi of men have to wear hosiery, but why this in- vidioua distinction between men who are uber and men who are mixed ? ONTARIO OrriCIALW. Tin x laapoci the Concord Kt f.>r u.l Bevlew th* Sfetlioda. The Ontario Priioa Comminion. wbi ii now on a vitit to this city, has been greatly impreised by the system* adopted by the State of Maiiactaietti for the paniebmeot and reclamation of the crim- inal claisei. Tbe commiiiicn wai occupied all the forenoon and evenicg yesterday in btaring the evidence of Mr. Fred U. I'etti- grove, secretary and executive cfiioer rf th Prison Commissioners. Mr. Petti- grove,'! 24 yeara' experience in priion affairs emiently qnahtied him to iptak upon the nature of tbe work ihit ii beint; done, as well aa anon the retain that have attended it. He described in a comprth-u. live and graphic way the whole ccur of treatment to which tin prisoner ii tub jected, from tbe momect he tint forfeits bis liberty to tbe time he completed his enitccp. Tbe commcn jails hern are con- ducted apon pretty much tke same principle -eof Ontario, <xapt that tbe latter are used more largely for lentenced prie- oc< ia than the former. The koucei of cor- rection which form to iar^e a feature of the pmal coJc of Macaacbuartti Dave not btien introduced to any great extent into the premier province ot Canada. The memberi ot tbe comrsioicn were greatly interested in the thorough and ijitematic method of treatment of juvenile offenders adopted by the Slate, and apparently work- icg with anch exctllent tiled. The proba- tional treatment of the erticg orcbini who fall for tbe firat time wai new to them, and. the =y -item cf primary acbcoli, of which Monacn ii BO excellent an . xample, haa no parallel in tbe Domimor. But, above all and boyond all were tbe visitors at rack with the reformatory at Ccncord, *> they w<>re shown over by Col. Gardner Tufte m tbe afternoon. Bon.ecf the mimbtra of the ct ramiasion have visited tbe jriaoni and reformatories of almcil evtry country, but L'J vhere have tbey seen gach an tnsli- Intiou ai exuti at Con.-jrd. Tbey beheld with a<toniabment the whcleacme atmoi- pbere that pervaded tbe place, the uniijae arrangementi tbat mutt operate tucceaa- fully if any arrangements can operii !ucoei-fnjly in the reformation cf tbe criminal, the wonderful enrrounding*. the : r>. thj <i.-iijoU, u:.- ; H'.. j . ; paper*. The comouuiicn will visit some fiber institution* tn-day, and will afterward! prccuod to New York, returning to Toronto by way of tlmira. .' ll -i J About Cut ui,!irr. Many people are under the imprciaiun thai t!:i- cucumber i- V-T;. :[..:i,,iat.olo, aud wbL-n tiii-v eat it they do to ander protest nd wi:h apprehensions cf poteitly dire conKijuencen. ilow thu ctelasiciican have aristti it ii difficult to aay, -.icleu il t< t M thec'ictimberis often eatt-uwith lalmjn and other i idi-;t'Slible table frieudi. Il ia cot the cucumber, however, cut the salmon that ;iti 10 heavily npia oar itomach'i thror.. . Cucumber, in (act, ia very i ible when eaten properly. It cannot, in- deed, )<-.' otherwise when il ia remembered at :'. consists mainly of water, and those parts which are not water are almost exclu.ively cells of a very rapid growth. In eatin cucumber it ia well 13 cut 11 into thin .ix* and to inanimate them . oughK K%t*n the vinegar and lh | that * . i often added 10 u are of - to di)ii-iiion if not taken in exoeil. The cacumbtr. a every one known, be.'ongi to tbe n".! -i tribe, but IP oar iomewhi old count:, it Hofci not grow to aov > ihtnfore il ii armor ana looki loss i1it.esuble thau ilu . . the uielcu. it. After I i'. ll cannot be. that earth is man's only abidin, [lace. It cannot bd that our life is a bubble rial upon the ivean of etrrnity. to float a moment upon it- >nrface and then into nothuigueas and darkness forever. t'.lte why ia it that the high and tl.'rioae aspirations ) 4p like ang.U from the tem- ples of onr heart! and forever wander ibroad, unsatisfied .' Why 11 it tbat the rambo.v and the cloud cooie over with a Mau:y that u col of earth and then pass oil and J.au. in to muse on their faded, oveliii' - .' Why ii it tbat the liars whi.-h nold their feitival aroutd the ru.'i i,ht ibrouo ar<> aui above the, xrasp of onr lire- tatl taoulties, forever mocking ua witli th-.ir anappr-.-ii-hftble glory ' And, nnalK . why u it tt.ai bright forms of n irnau bcatny are present i lu tho view aivi thtti taken from ua, leaviu.; the thoujan, streams of the s into tlow back m Alpine torients upon our b.iaria .' We are c >-n for a higher destiuv thin t artb. Ther>> in a realm where the atara will be spread out before 11-. like the islands that slumber on the ocean . and where tiie b, auiitul bti:.- ihat here paas before ni like visions will .lay in our pre- lenos forever. Otorge I'. I'rtniiife. Ihe Ht.i Kallrnail At-rltlvut. The Aral ^reat railron t accident occur- red on the (ireat Western icul of liix'aud in l->ll. A train was ruahiug along when a ma; i ..! earth and itorr-i fell frcm tbe embankment and obstructed tbe way. r.iht I'.'rtuna were killed at:.i mauy wountied. The coroner's |uiy retained verdict "t "accidental atitih in all i-*aes and a.l-Miiand of i! 1.000, an engine, Under n t L vrna^es " Tbe old con, man law pro- vided that whou any per* >aal chattel aa the t-aii-,' t:f death it iboald be forfeited to the king. 1'ari of thii a. i ai not enforc- ed in !aler y.-ara, but a h>'vy nue wai ni- . . .M the owners ol any chattel .1111^ persona! ii.jary to th- king'i lubjivi*. This law wa obiervetl as late aa HIT, when parliitment abolisli--.! Ihe praclioe 1 rte fr, -t. II..M.I > M., .'. Wurk. In lli matter of the daintiest handi- work, think of a face wi ul i inmo.<iu\ in which 1,700,000 piet-ea eie osed, the lari^ual of whiuh waa 1"<J in si/.a than a millet seed ! Such a trophy of patient labor iii recorded uf an artisan wh ' in aui'h miiuite detail, haa L-ivm the jiir-rail of l'nl \ ., who lived in ihe Sixteen. lury. Tbe aaaeased valuation of real ojtate in DrookUn ihii. vi,r, for purposes if t>a tion, iijm.O-JT, 141, an mcreaas cf a;i,- i. U'!' over lait year. Advu-eafroni X.anziUar state ihat all ihe foreigners there except tin- lieriuans vtol- come the eitablisbment of a British pro- tectorate.