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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jun 1890, p. 5

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-s II FLESHER10N ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. which, we are sure, will be easerly looked f >r by our readers. Remember the garden party on Mr. M. | Richarcboa's beautiful ground* on T irs- _ . ~" , '.av evening iu-\t, Efc mini* n dav. Fleh- Department of Railways and Can- M onus band wilJ be present. Gates i-5 u ^ n 4 u<it * lf - refwahmente *erred fr '"" ' >> o clock. Bring a.. Mr. L. D. Diou. a |>rpniinenl official of tit above depattiueu'. Ottawa, writes -I am very dad v, iv. y,.u t,, day ;hr friends. r* T:lhU for liti:u*t biirt*. i uitiui'.ny that Nasal Balui li.u com- j.l-t.-iv cured ray catarrh, from w.. suffered nearly three years. V urnrB two cio'-rt aorta o( Richar l*oe . Vicinity Chips. ( h:ira<-iiTiti- oi (h. Pa.-l Week Carrfnlly Tnll^d for thr Oinou* 1' ..mioii Day on Tuesday next.* Paris .rr-B t Eihard-n-i Dm* - W ool Wanted :Vr cash or t-k : .- M The best value :u ex- . _ The next sitting of Divisii.-n Court w-.ll * held in Kleahertoii i.n Thursday, .Tuly 17. Mr K. I.e'.tch, "f occupied (he Melhouist pulpit on Sunday evening Ret. J. W. Shilton. B. A.. wi'.l rreacli I. is farewell sermon hero on Sa Ill'Xt. Personal Mi.-s H. M.xire. of osren Sound, ii the i(Urat >[' Mr. 1 ,!*. LcitcK Mrs. Tudd, of OnlHa, M visiting fneuiU iu the vicinity of Fieshi-rtoii. M, ..;< W. .! M ><?. Sr . an! M. .enuan an<l W. Nu'.l.n. . f Actots. were camninj in the vicinity of Knu- beriev list week, but did n"t find the neighborhood congenial and m >ved west- ward toward* Markdale. here ou Wedueaday. 18th inat. Quiu number wre preaot and were well sat- iDrd with the way the Ker. gentleman handled hii subject. Mr. Joe Browu ha* re*hina!eO and re- fitted hi* c'wellin^ h. use. Who i* going t be m ide. bap(-y ttu* UOM 1 The Viet- T:I ..o*< iact -ry . doinj a ruhin j buaiueu. P.aOO lb*. of milk were eU at the facuty am Monday, loch I'.lSt. Mr i - <; tt had the frame .x Mr. Samuel Waikley's harn raie<l i f*Mur- day last. The usual excitemvut v-.>in- CO Keep Thom Together. y r ome time Flesl.ertoti bra** band has K-en hovering between life an.; i. but we : -i to note that the former ha* prevailed and the Wo have received from the Acton Free lar^it Douiuiion Day p. tcr printed iu four color*, which i. a credit .accident. The building "i. ! -. ... < :>d has a batemeut of S f- even to that creditable office. The rrve TKtV Mm ^ ^ jjw muryMi ferer Prea* itauli, nd iu job department ai*o, here. On Wednesday the I'kh i ti-t. .Mr have an almost proriucial reputation for Xicholl'i daughter, Luzie, took a? hi r turnup ..ut artutic work in even- branch ( PJ rt ? er '" vth ** of , llfe - Mr '" -.ey Lonaway.and hersuter J. Carried, The R..V Mr M.a. of Dundalk. tied the !.;* A'.', the contracting partie* are well and favorably known in this i vicinity. We wish them every 9'icvei* A garden party was held under U* | and ha^piiies* wh'.le pa*r ife tirass Hryihes acd . hay ml Liirf*t i i .3 oun IM LAU a: l at Uicnaru- . /i >tore. .e* 'f the R. T. uf T. . on the public - i Bros Mr u Friday Ul $300 ' f t Tnetv i* a bridge over Paint*. Iry nl in o.l, for carriag* o .rem-rsl as* 1 at Win.Hieuar\lii'*. .1 \V. Armstrong U*u valuable - y injured on a the other day. C"W | The crowd wu touiewhat *uiall.Sut th jo who were thore ai>; card t.> th^r. u^hly - . . ; hive ere r*cti is acain bein- pr -.uenuelves. TUe relreshmeuta > ' --^eti !w a:., i with. It wuuU bj . . v indeed , an d suj ... h-<.. - " :' ; ' were onr baud to be anaffed out of ii- pa*si , :i:, Leech ha pu-chased the , f an incident which i woiul ' --oicaali. It c .. . , .ore*. \v 1;, cimnection with thi we would ,, th ,, om citu/eus ^* t!,,, band :i little ni-^rc eucouraaviuent than thi l>rb-wiru feuce have iu the |^*t. \Vhy ci'uld n..t aiuiaH , wha: t... subscription be rawed to defray tho \ on our village ' Arteme... Council u doiiu much ^ ^ ; ^ , ^ ^ ^ needed i-H'n.venient. ou lh. surr | ^ u.jj n*d* thi. pnu-f. j thu kiiij mm , )t . u , a ill kllHU of Varnishe* and Pai:.'- cement our band t -ether nd ivrfect i: M. .if.T.I K...I.I. at \\iu. The contract for tlia "f the than all the wir.. I in- ;-. . . Kilay. ! WiU our citueii* th: - .mestioni new Markdale school h-is been let t.i i . Kicaards for the sum of *" " | Fisting aiid Hu: aud Dr. CHriato*. K M: Sh:vn-e Mr. Thuinpfcin. Deputy wovk in Owen Sound attending County Council. Center Urey Fanucrs' ln*titute hold a piouio t Kimberley t.<-dty (Thir lr. Sproule. A '. McMillan and K. \\ I'luiip* are the speaker*. Her. Mr. WiUon. late past.-r dale and Flesherton rrvs\.yterian Churches, will preach the anniversary . rnion here on the tint Sunday m July. \\ IXTF.D IMMF.IH ATKI.Y An ap- prentice, o^er M >esr, to learn tin- U.n . tiini and .-.1 t.- socu- - ' Fislkiuii . i Shoot. al l*Mener IVpur- : the I Canadian 1'acific Railway. f.<r t' '.si. It is bi'und . . .tins a vast an uible inf. .rina' U'*t l.icalitit* for pa- prut in cv*. i I'nUn '. v}'eli'c. >lai V-- ;iil>..i, AlU'rta and Hritnh I bia, and the states of Main.-. M and Wisco nsiu . t'. I with numerous handsome illustr j Covvrin j is it doe* tiio haants of and fish :'r 'in t \ . Bargain l*Lj* Cost I u.aUdta. . ..-! .in i . r > . . ..i. M i*.^bAT-ii n Ji i MMtaL \^ . Miss M. i . . .. i. tl ; teacher, and \V. J SCCl.: . iati are toi . KVa Bat>r WM tick. - ^i brr Cwtona. Whn * was a CfciW. Hw emd far Cutoria. When ihr bream; M she chnf to Oastona. When sa UaJ tli rvu >Lc g ir Uioi CasSana, " it raiu iaulr ^nd crops trt f i .uly . Lav . . '!.-- l.i i. ' IT; . | I Mr A ...'.. uj Pnet'.anaa r wmv. M- -. i Tvuat'lr >. tiue too ai-iiv. I Roicud ,t svT^ral - ' - tbe Our Book. T mll to : i r*o year* vncrr iu New \ orw - forty-one habit*. jrli n. I H Luoa*. lrri*tiT, o/ the firm r.i.ho;) A Luca*. Owen SnuuJ, i* at tho hoe of Win. t.jcn. & Co.. in Markdale. every Friday, and m Pun.'.. - >:,turdar. Must bo >to.i.iy and of good it should Apply to F. U. Kantedt, Flch ;r o; >'uurod a furnished fii'o U|HIH . \V H. Kins !v We*:. I' N l N Pawenc ^l treal. ist i... .fd i'. R l i -^ ' with ..... ... r year, ana i st.'lwi money to . w'aerv he -'.y and in ntrary to the anaounceinent in last woek Advance there will bo 11.1 itvmon- . ...i\ in Priiwule 011 Dominion Pay. rooevMiius liAvin; C"Uie to a doadl.K'k for some roa*i.r unelplained to us. A garden party will W held on the ^r\ undi. Vmidoleur. on FriJa> , viMimg. Ju-ly 4lh. Club swinjRi, watul t drill and umxic by Kleaherton Hras ' I'.aiid i!l It 1 tlio pociil Httraoti.ui*. "ue car 1. '' . W* Observe 1 It i* .i: -nn!i4in{ what h*rdkip* a nun ,:.!:.. under crrtaui con, I .1.1 :aeiu fuu. Now there art- canT)<in>; out and rNhinc oxcun - I itohed in sooie vl . wlier^ UK.|UiU>* aU'uud, wlu'ra :' every knomi specie* bua around and dr<>n :!i. i your drink and eat- atJv*. and other ills too nur.u mention, as sale bill* SAT. 11 " \ . ^ ' '.'. for which i . . . tin i I > F'.eihert m bras* ban.! will be render mu: \ : i llOIJI ,i ; o i at 4 : in . rv in. \ -"* >""r own nctuali and .um not h.iiior the i I prophets o{ their own .vmitry. snd cl.<*- ' llu-ir Church when IOI-A! " s;-plie ' are | -wn ,!..:. : you make y.,ur own 1^1 ,,,,.,, and ho .vi .. . -< ' iw arvund ' -o..|ii ( I >the dark in a ram seich after a few 1 i tivo million ni'>|Uit' which arv acarchoij; f T your n>'re. No it a man's own lawful wife *houU ask him to uuder .jmrer of thi< f.-r her sake he dinted at. In many in: l'ailoy it would be the d, noti.-l Th> two l'undr. mhich U*t week a hvuii i\v.-;t> I year* sentnoi\ o<>~' ^ police cells, whvrv t'.i. l..i \'in WVU.ii .4 IC'N.UIII for A berth ant her in. in the lunat > Hut sue'. over iii^ht prejnri'''-> ' I - - - f the mace nature in the ptiiitoir.i.-u-y, atul l.avo :.: .HI-: \\ . . yalla IM - >ovor, is iho aw- recaptured. 1 I* 1 ' >' mankind will lie the |vtry ( rtiiii on his ndiirt'ii* Iv.l of boughs A new C I* M t.>'.- t*S! hiv- iMiie. 1 .. A: r"'e<*'.oi ton the l aiui dv;.r;te ai\- ** : ' " >.!* am.. :i:'rTn ... train ." Or! pin, m, nun; trl ' ' '- a.m., i.,4iit trn-.M :'."> ] Party at Maxwell \ . .: . -v w:'.; be hold on the I . i\ M*ihodit pa ^ A . tnd ' : bu< ai. i '.. and ti: . om hi.n, aud v.ian. > . " urh ' tiere > - . . .,-..: ..nother in *uo'-. way* M N cur- ^ . i-- - , cr new:'* land* . i.r. .% i. VV hB hour noaday ot de:V. ruui.iu; ,Aay. ith ' :hi'ir . >n 1 wo .: n.t a!a* i arrct > .. . . - ar- tho . their i-nuto by ..inon. ... ti-:ii ' w..rkmo i* attended with . io Vlif time Is not disunt when th* p\>lioe in New York or !' u able T arrest a man m A.i<trslia jut eily. ijtiiclily and cheaply as if h* were ii tho next sit-. I om I , - General News. V v (' madian nuirdoivrs were on Friday Iswt-lVtvn at ' the shooting Ouv'.v. wife in a ! . : an . r The population of f William f. r O O H co u. O "F ALL KIND*: AT THE Furniture ^\ - - . : . . I it <Vf . 4 . 11 '1 lu-: v re. . *tiiin>! - ;. r rail i > i;o is placod by t'le now ceiMus at l.J.~Mi.OOO. A isentTpmaii in Montreal risitiv* up the cost of ornnient v^-t r\ and piv.' "' ^.'ebecproMnce at SilO.lKX^ u ' - in a ti:st i-Vif-i Funiisl.- COBONTO n ill . RIH! , .... M . on lie i-hurcli ' tin- ..'e-'.onous iiMtniii!; at i ^phore and |i.itur..< -4 '.ad swaWnnif. ' wl , not ex on mention tl. - inc. n\vin undcr;"i !'' ur n..n i !.'.*> . ( a h.'Wiiiv;, l . - < <ihoiiKt . Ul M -a*' . , . ,' lor :nMn. \ x -out thrvo day* in K -' mstl Rid 1 v\ i Annnoi wry 83 > .-. o-Mintr- ti.-n ith t ; 1 " it!.. < :ti ,',.'.. i' K-\ V \* l he former ).; -r. wiii presoh at 1 ' I t V\ l ,-lro ' . . . ~ \\ . inttfiui to rvMrii some day whoi: : ' I 1 i- . 4 A lott.'l 'I Ml \\ I , I ." v .-I , ,. ,.|, tint I It 11,41 : K \V T . eiu'l.*'' a Ii id .: I-*: .. v . >: yoar or t .-. ' ut . > ; 1\- n > I i v. l head of buiic! 1 . ...r... a!l ! more (aco t!u me 1 .'. * pulled on Juno t : . Thi* wouli! ,liow |,, r ..^r *r wli..;.. v '* -l' 10 yi'ar t , : Scol fell fr "n .1 ,:r>. ;. in' <>eii Sound K A. Lvon. the iielete<i ' oai'.ii is;.' in ! .>, was it up on iho i . . ' ' M iv Mv . i... [th i has bttm to hi* ail\' t K itrar, wot .i . .' ' > ' S u- or ne ilr ry xi^vtdti.iu t* We * u a Ii'-.ror 'i Ht'y SlllM'H ' > Ml HOI'Ilt f.'' \M .: lor i.V .iv . . U B : v '>* : e'.i. RrT. Ja.( rni i 0:1 At JM.I-.: qum'.M.i bi : f'.AiINC - WE I! AYE ANOTHER ME NT OK liarrel Churns. - So. 3. wlach arc - at for the ' : A M.. Bit*tv.a. CUT. . _ -uc . 1 isy to tlic TV..-' i N, . \vi;ii r r-. I'ully >Vavtau'.i .'. . 1 H.Jo oo

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