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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jun 1890, p. 4

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THE I-LESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. 1* Kvery FBOM TUZ OFFICE ty!.',,ham Strret, - ri'+trto*, Ont. TEKMS ot nunscmi'Tioii: .,r airemi WIBII |> >ur nuuiu wbu uo ' n <> ADVEKTIHINO HATF.S. OH. crtuian. .*. UU col . 4o. 2I <1 .1 l.-r oil. il'i . *15. * lv.-rtl'tn.'iit <-l!We<"l *t ih. rta erf wti . iMir HIM lr lu-t ini'iti"ii nrt vt.. i>t>r liuv icU kubiw'i ' .'.I'" W.H. THURSTON, liLACK KNOT ON PU MS. W ( devote our editorial pnc.; thin \v, , k to the following interesting ai- iicl- on tlie above subject by 1'rof. lloyes.ofthe OuUrio Ajj'l College. Jt will be timely jiwt now, aud drain with u branch of the subjects dis- . ; in these column- l;it week. In u late bnllrtiu issued from the I'.IIILUU of industries my attention was rilled to the fact that tlic black knot upon plum trees is very pn vnlent and :i|>liti.s to be Pjireatlin-' rapidly. Thi;, I.-' easily ucconmi-d Pit when u, ini'lcrsUiiid the nature of the I'liint thai causes it, ami n number how little is done to ehetk its progrens by upon v-hof* twos it apwsrK. 'I u. writer lias on several orriuionK nt l-'nniiir' Institute referred to this trouble and endeavored U) iiiow lhe meeshity ol uuited actiou being taken to cxtirj>ate it, or ai lcat to somo cx- luit lesBun its distribution With u \n w to extend information regarding tl R . cause and nature of this trouble lo a large number of readers tins Hul- 1> tin i-i written. An examination of the kttot in its tadiest BtaifM allows innumerable itmall. tiiiiinpareni tlnead.', only s. en l<v aid of thn microscope. They briuirli niuoUK tl.t ccll-i which CUIH pone th liMue of tltu inuwr baik of tl.e n,c, and form tho so -called UN/.. HHHI or ve'-'i-tabltf purl of th" fun- UIH. Tin tliri!id become veiy in- lin-:iti 1} tttisti-l In-, l!i, I III bundle* ait il. w lo|M-iueiil proceed*, hexiuuiiiK '" the I'l'iuiiii' liiyer of .ho bark and i.uliuiiuu; outwanl.s. An upruix ad- vai.o ^.tlie thread* inrrriiso and renali a more matured condition*. Art growth , .! the knot asmim n \elv*ty n|>iearanru ; tbw i thu result, uf the .liinidhU' s'aiic'ui, i i. tuliiu,' 'ilTiimny I. .il-|i>mti<d liliiiiii-nts on itnila i>f wl.irh arc boruc rj-s-shtptd spm.:* knuwn ai .i.HiiAV/wrr*. The*. ru vi- ry Hiniill. iei|iiiiiii the aid of the iii!<T<>(ii-i>pe to WJ- tliuin. \Vln-n rip*, tl.i-y an i"idily disturbed, may IK- \.\*i\ l>y (he wmU iMid UIIIM i < it-li n< v, .stui tin,- jioiut'; HOIIH t.) j-ivf n | l . knoU Miiinlar lu llwt upon wlurh tliey \vt ic Jcvelojied. This mode 'rf 1 i. i.i'iu in the "knot " conlni'i' I.. I i i. :-iii'.iuiei-in well mlvnncid.wlien i el i . ..f ] I MIIH to d'l- vi lop, ii.lii.n-li luiiluiity about. V '> 1 i ! H- - I tin- knot ilni .MI -., i UMI i - i-hni e in i"- il.i- I i y ; llles.- (>|M If mid L'llVIlK -it. oil ill'' vx.illrt I'f uhirli i\VD J.lUiU i-f -irurturi'K, niii' roil ,i4in/ of nlullil'.'i III inn lit -I I' i r j;.'iv<"' .! \vlm-h H nut known ; tin 1 r'-.ili ,ii i|., ,1 ..... 1 i tin- '. \Valil* til- rli.-i- M( v.i ./i > illy i I ;lil in eiirh i . .. Hi I'l ^lilf.l (.In r' ;|HIII .* I' Mile llll ,M|,1 , I . i |.. tfciliw l|, HV s'.J ', , .; (HlilllS f the |tnriiiuiii' ]liut, \vli,-n t'n y ii'ihi i riimU'i 'iirt fill' de\.'-'|i i liliri f lYilii'H nlio mv foiiiul tll'"i With the IMI (', -.!,.. very luinnlu ovnl |i >i. * <li- vidud ! oroiu imiUUmiH into thu. |l ... kJjl bollll! llll hll-iuli'l htilkn. Th.-w an- ci\IK4 /y^.;.. lli" UM of wliMtt u n.i! known, lint they are neutrally belitvuil I > bo concfrned m Vim per- pctiuiti m of the s|K'L-ies. Still other exint eoiiiuiiiiiu; slen<ler lihi ifirnniitim wlnh also n*cm to bo c.jiici i in d in reiirodiictinn. the cavities referred to, some- time! xpaces more flattened than thesu and in some cases showing a triangular form appear ; they aiv lined w:ih ehort, delicate filaments that i uJ iu a minute oval holy. These b'xlics are produced irr great numbers and an? diselmrjed in mass- es, being in Id to-.-' ili. r by a sort of jelly. They have been called 7'yriM- diii/mrct, nnd al?o seem to be con- nectnl \MI!I the perpetuation of the fungus. In the C.IHC of thin parasitic plant wr have tlien five kinds of repro- ductive nr^ano, viz : conidiospores, ;i'ou .(, stylosporot), Bperiimlia aud pores, all more or less con- nected with the spread of the fungus. Vntil the tree nature of this fnngn.s iMicaiiK' known it wati gunerally be- lieved that the "knots" were cas"d by insect?, but since the life hidlory of the I'hur. lias bouti made out the in- sect tliejr, has been nbatidoac-d. The following ubji-clinii : icay be inado a-';iin-,t it : 'll The knoU do not rc- sciuble nails made by iu^.ct-. v! Inserts may be foimd in old knots, but seldom, if over, in youn Tht-iiiMi-ts .itv of Tiiri'iiii "jH-rie-i, Kome of which arc found on t.ii* where knot i m-vor ocrnr. i I \\ In r. evur tin knot is fo md th- f .: ] ii'\.iriKbly is prt-senl, and i-< n, ,n . :; but u ndafa i with the kn >l and c:in In- olis. i-\i-d m tin- stein In 1 ,i" anything like a kivt i- vi-'iliie. II KM Kill I I, 1. Hitin r I i M') -t 'ii'diiirdists have fiiund the ln-Ht tbini; tn ili> n to cut nil iilTn-tud limbs and destroy tln.-m. \Vin.x a tree i." bndly attack, d, do- -%i iv tli'.' v.hol* tne. '2. Somu exjxjrinn'iits in app'; liineod nil to the knu'i \vit!i a snail so as to galuni!'- the knnt !i*ve I ci ti i-flVctive. This i-i dune thr. four linn, during the siiiai.i< . . ns thi? kmi uppoir. !l. Coal oil may b<' it it must he applied carefully. If it nun o\rtlie hi.i'ieb i' will kill it. 1 \ViM ch')ke-c!ieny tns mar i)irh:iriN >!iii'ild h> I. I' I imfurtnnati' tint *< If'i. i.-M.d i-t |,.ii.l tO till 1 iv,- \v'i ' nlTi-P in ti ' d'-struX' !. 'I'!" arc | milli'iiis of yi.uh. .-kiid tlnw spreailm.; tiujii u ull |'..r. of tlie I' ll'i . - ; t.Ulil a. I 111 Ot) the iTitlideiici' and ixnoranro of t' ahiiiil.l e i -npi-rutu in l a conmion for. llll. 111,. Ill ^fr. Kilitor, j^rrpiiinx tlmt ymir euro pundei fromthw |>f.n'c n > .nn wlul iiii tin* dmilinc.l! will imw risk the hrt/jinli'in ilnly inym-lf "I ' '" ""inc tlllllX I" ' "'' 'I'll'll I'lV telll'W VMI.' I till' III llllU OllU llf till* illl IIIIJ. ll.L'lt Ml- Idlfi'. Mr I! T ^fl' ; lrt 1 ai ! n ir^ nt ll .1111. fi.r Ihr lut c ..i|i| of Wi'i'kl. llcv. Mr. Clnsliiiliii |>.iiil H)I'IT' l.i nlir till. i ,! li'l-flllll I! '!! till' I'l v.lui. of Itnll'll r.illlinl'l I. Tin- j.ul'lu- hi'li.-.-l niH'M i-li.r |.:iul . ill nil f!:. i il \ i t ' , ' \\ . i llli- s !l' i-l .1 \ i IV ! i 1 "I 'I'lm , liiel l"|'h- f lll!i-li ! -it I' i linn l tin- .- innl.-i :n !; |ili-llii; ii.lU in \fi ll.irt'U.'ii '-;ie I null \ 1'nl' 1 ' I ' ii-. v\ i.t rnUi'l "ii OKI IM'I in-: n' ' (In' IM|I->' .-HI n-> tl i'l> tl.s. il.ii i! i'\ II..' i i .iii.l i>i!i"i >.f Ukiiix mi -ul-i ri|'ii.'ii . ! '!i. II . I, m, nlul.. i.- i. r :ir.' I. > r il.lo t.. tin- fiirini M l-uv.n n' l!.e -.1 ' i ; 1 1, n ..III >il<-. *i ! ] ' M III i Ivri, Vy f.'rimn ^ n ito \ e.Hiipiinv. ' '" !'' '"". "" I ' m.i i. ..i h: iitiitil u iih tin' ..ii. .'.. Iliein !>' mill" :ti I'M! mil! Hid r ill!- I. iiiiin.'.l t .1 i. IIH Jy tlii'> it. i'.' .<> IIH fnr nn ]u.Mil>lr. At pren-nt lli. \ KIM- iiollnn,; lull tho sti>::, whl.-ll mi- n .w .nit el iUl.\ ami "" liiuik nn t.i .M' i-iiuid bo lnil> with m-iro wtifi'H"ii tlmu tliu pniciiriiiK (if* tint C!M mill ri^lit li'umt. Thri' i K limt clt *iitT I'imrr, ml it ii i-Mitro place fur furiiur*. nnd tUi>r*fiir w hv vrcry ri"ii ti> brhovo that mi: 1 1 with rill, prupvrlr run m thii place unmiot tint In- a intisfactimi but a gruat benefit to ih whole com- munity. >\"e t! I!L f:irniera vrill k to thtu- inturcnta in tins iuattt-r,;.ii't iii^ tli.iir bead* together ao M to five f..ii. in their tii .u.'htn nn the matter. Anottit-r inpotiiia is n> IK- ln-ld m Fever- ain mi Krnlay tin- _'7t!i nut., wln-n it i* cx|it-cli-U nuinul'imu' Mill IK ilmie t'.war-U thia imjM ftnut i-inl, :ind cvrry "in- ui* rested nuishfto strain a fioint, if )>iwilili-, and l- |ift!>>viit. Mr. (ieo. I'.nn-t- liiu left the village, hi re lie- )IM IMH-II in the eninloy of Ins brother, Mr. F. f. flruce CenrL'c will In- ininHcJ cinaiji.-rubly aiium^ the Duntroon club succei-Jed m our cluli in a frit-ndly ^nint 1 of i week aKo la-it Saturday. Tlie Dutnx n Stars are a pmid tluli i>f Will l'h:iv I v .me.' men. F.M'tlwill h.-w be. n or.'atii* J )y tin- boys nut in thu country. Mr*. K. Mi Mr. nn i-r,- her hut bund with a IMIJ- on the lt init. l\irrr)HHvl- > t. 'VYrll, Mr K'lit- r, Keveishara u in the same pl:iee yet, .ilth iii^li y. u linvc imt hi-arl fr -in thia |.l;u-e l.itely. We nn- still alive :iiid feeling Well, oniii', 1 t-> the grand n|.o.-ar.uiei- uf an abuiiiLint li ir\. -t Mr. M. 1'niil n rapidly coini>lu!inL' new li"ii" When he h:w it liniilie.1 it will In- a decided improvetiiei't t.. tin- Tillage. l.i|.!. Itlaelc, of the Salvati'.n Army hero, hai been r'-uMVed t.> \ni..r- nnd thu hea<l'|Uartctu h.ivc sent us two lady tl:. . M I think lho\ '>ill have .i pnlti li.ird tune in tln< |'l:n-.- I 'tin,- h.v< beu the ordor of the f.irsoine tnn-. I imlio-il \\ . Mc'inr ihowing dp A ' '' other day ln>li in- ati:r. -i 1-' ini-llev Milt MIM I M L 1... u ;i .. .1 ii in ll[i |U siie (wall the an) "f I'a. ) eciir,.| a j^uvLle fellow jut-jus- tir.HL; l'.\:i i lichen. Mi .1. Un IMOWII had the miafortuiiv In- k:ie,- willl .1 i-.l* Ho ha been ilium tlie tain- thii last erl.. \\e |I"|H' t" Noun nuo I. nn around Mr. Brett, . ur Ua.-ln r, | mJ King- hnni|.t'iii a mil ln^t Fnday. Saturday inn! S'linUy. I>iJ ynu avu tho wolvui, .Inn ' Mi< <i. ... Mitrlii-'.l. of Fleh-itoii. is I'aui'-.- her parent* a shott visit her. M '. A \. ...i. li-.j , u tailing a mw ! ''.e "tlier day when I hold _-.i"' iy iisnl Mn'ihew fvll into lit.- . . . I'.iii.-ly ** t'.ii * >.\.'l In. Ir. ui -li. *i .- A 1. > f -: batlin V . u cuttiii',' .|iiite a :.|iin.- la-it S in. if. >-\i'iiiii.,' with hm i" i/X: I v. ..iid'T win. tl.i' -. l.uly v Mr. I'.irkt lins dinponed of hi* tr .ittinu man-, l.uly I'uzzler, tn Mr. Ir- win, n I Itei! Win;;, cult If dealer, for a UIHM! ' ,: Mr liwin Witiitu her fnr drivin; |-iirfi*e. and !u- will juit (ill thv bill t" n nicety. .I.Vi U 1.00 k! I.OOk ! WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER.. FL.ESHSRTON. LAlUiE ASSOKTMKXT i^r BOOTS, SHOES, SLiPPRES, . RUBBERS, TRUNKS, ETC. SEASONABLE GOODS. REASONABLE PRICK.-. Any <(uan(it> of Fr-h EKX^ liiUen In i:\rhun)t>. Milk Cans! < 111 i:.l .' inv i.iilki-mii Imfnrr i in. l! Wl.Vtf. ail I VUII Ytlll 'l ' A trrg 'i" < i-t if Mill. Pillls illld I'.ilU. i . .nil .. in. All I it ! metal taken in exchange, .il*. u.., i riickmvv brat> and t-opin-r. SULLIVAN 'I l4 '1 in^inlth. NKW ADVKIITISKMKNTS. NOTICE! Custom Work Made to Order. The Town's Talk IT IS That wr !>rc lioin^ the Clothing Tra lc of l*le>heiton, and uow we have a (ileiiuiiie l>onan/a To offi-r- you iu M. i . mi Yontks' CtotUing at prices tint will force you to buy if iv.uiu ill-,' anything in that line. THIS WEEK AUl. ()FFKliIX(r IHit PIMVKS IN (JI.OVES,- PAiU<.>SS. HoSir.KV. (ilNdHAMS. KTf. IN Tins nr.i'Ar:TMi'.NT \vi: AKI MO.sT 1>AILV. I'- viNt; xi-:\v uoons AI. i- i li:i n evef. TRESH ARRIVALS/ This week we tinnomieo tin- uirival of a new stock of General Dry Oo.xij .1* ' CoUonadcM, SLi'itiiu''. <-ir. :ii.tPi. Print*. IVnim*. Bloacliod and I'u Cottons, Hosiery, Htc., Kto. (.'aqn-t \\ :irn in Urowu, liiT*u, NVlnlo, Uranveutid lU-d, all of t!io be<t inanufactiirc. Hurrah for Haying! Just I- l.iv .1 l.u ;i stock of Haying and HarTMtnfl tojl-- r"n-i- ofM \ill! > A vNAMIS. BAKES, HAY and I'.AIM.KV FulCK^ FfclLK JAMM.L;*. SKVt.:.S. '>* - : . TC. BOOTS & SHOES. In this lint- we make upeeinhii^ '" M>'" "" and Hoys' Kip and Sp!. !'. v In Ladies' ami I 'hiliU\n 's S'.ir. s u, Iwive ;i I.H^M- stock tluu ever ai in which will u-iti'iiish von. EGGS. EGGS. EGGS 2 ear liuds of e^c ! *utid fi>r tho >v TIIK l'i->T M N.rk M-^i-ket by ti:c 'Oih of |J '\ !--l Pi:ii I AID. HDIBLK TO OUR CUSTOMERS FAIIMERX! LOIIM \VK tnkc thi-i opportunity oft': .-> in;; yn;i f <r \niir s'ipp.>rt i:i tin- i . - i'i I !..'!' I'.n .i iviilliitiiinrr nf ' --in pil ' I'nlKU'e. Tli.s \riir We have . I \ M i -\ ,'f (H.'elllii'il-ii' I-!-. !' 'l.lin : :nul f It < J. ili n. T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, rvli V W-l :.'i> l \t i ,, . ri'ol . .1 ii..- hi 1 . \, j ' .. \ i\ i i Sealed Tenders ! Will I 1 * 1 rri*,'. VIM! Iftr 1'iulAi nt 1 . .' m- I VIcK.!..!.- IIHI.*lMl I... ..- \\.--t I \*. " i. Ill tMtin.Ut tl... .-'Il "f .' in Pft K|'.'t lft.-Atl.MI* III.IS I l "'. I* l'h'l- too i. III. .' ill. Ill Jilln- :! fi i .! tl I'.t alvrli i-IIU-v Vbc lo.'l l.' nnOl*rll b . l'\. -Ii'i X . . . Cauliliovwr. Celery, Tomato, CiUMimbor, Peppt-r Plants In 'I'lu-ir S All . nl.-r i prompt '.;, ntt.iul.d to. I h :ve t!i James Bccaroft, H.r.:>lll Ki'l'N (illKKNMUl SK . April S. 'I 1 & I .it S'ili; ike Ut fanin:iv iinploineMa maun f.Wi'.l' n.. \l..,r fr . .U i . . . ,. - - 'I 1 . . v '' i, ' * (l ' ' ' ' MI f il . - , ! . ' -iV"sV'i*-' FRFP m .....,..-. . .. rrikC. . Ihr v>orld ' '... < '".,. ,^r i. * >. ', ktftK*** .'nl. It. .'>!, M n>* wi rll * r.iikl- l* 4 ifcr* tn>Mil fam Th, *> flMKln| "f II. , I. ..'<... ! , III* ."..II *nl ' b. .,:. I' ^ I - - t..U.I .- ,1 . *l ; i " Ik* w ^ i .-..*^.r " > f hint.ttg .. . I Ik Utli** J < Mii . p ' *> - * ' ... i KM* * .1. - u . - w ., . fir*, h.t ,tt, -ir Ur- 1 ' ll*.*-hl I ' i ...... j

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