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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jun 1890, p. 3

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V UBOR REFORM i.\D lEMPERi.NCE. Their Advocates Have Indeed a Common Object. DPWABD BTEP8 DE:OaiBED- Mui WUlard in the Daily L'niua Msniel) The colossal Labor t^aestion loom* op more and more. It* cc-rt.tions with the Temperance , nest. on are being candidly considered, and M the two armies approach nearer lo each other they discover ihtl uniform and weapons ire curiously alike Ho voice has rung oat dearer (or the pro- hibition of the Sunday saloon than that of V. Powderly, that leader of the e-worken, whofe fame ii burnished by every blow that falls on him from foes within and foei without the labor camp. It M being proved that intemperance it moil prevalent where the boors of til are long, becaase overwork drivee men to drinking, hence the eixni hour law cadi iteadiiy more favor with oar temperance people. The fate of factory girl* ii being thought abODt. and " the slavish evtrwork thai duvet them into the lalooa at eight " when "they came oat o tired, thirity and ex- hausted from working iteadiiy 10 long and breathing the noxioos ti;'.avi from the grease and other ingredients n**d in the mills." Thii if especially tra of eastern laotorita, and temperance people m:;hi witcly clasp bands with the labor reform- an who in Chicago and elsewhere are e- curie,; the appointment of women iospec- tori, whoee ld shoald extend to all placet where women are employed. Richee and rich people are naturally ex- dative. Geniae i- hotpitable in mir.t at well at heart ; it it universal in ill lympa- thie, a type and a forerunner of wbat average humanity tball yet become. De- livered from the everlasting tirade for life'* three necessities, food, clothe* and belter (for if it a significant (act that the fourth necessity, somsthici: to drink, hat full and free natural supply ' > human beingt tiill enjoy their CTSI opponaniiy (or individual development, for (he culture of their bett and highest gift*. Nobody bat the tmallett conception of what mankind ahall grow to be wben the first question ii never. "How (ball I live?" but alwy "How can I beat develop my highest pot- ibililie*? " Tbil will come only when all avenue* of training are freely open to ai all. and every opportunity of growth U at ibe beck of each. That th aimi of the new labor reformer! called Nalionalilt* " may b- more clearly teen, 1 publish them intkwirown langna&e : Society it awakening to new light open social problem *. \Ve do not tee all light. We know no sadden panacea that will care all aocial ill; we do not believe thai u i< yet day ; bat do believe that il le dawn. that we may M at leatl in what direction the day will break. Thither we point, gladly communicating to other* what inint we have, more gladly welcoming all fnrtoer light from any who may tee more. Tbe following are the potitioni in which we ee the light : First. Tbe bating of all social, political and indattrial relation* on the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood cf mac, in the pint and according to the teaching* cf JtK.i* Chritt. Second. Beginning with the inner and working toward the onter. We see imall bop in limple system. The ipiril fcivoih life. System* are important aid, but only aidt. National life mutt be educated. character must be developed, before any ysttiu can bear good fruit. \Ve wouU remember this : wt would begin with the inner life. We would nl teek to *y*tem- ali/.< humanity a:ito perfection, but to Christianize tociety into brotherhood. Third. Molding the *ocial onier. Christianity doe3 cot concern the individual aloce. Chtitt preacned a tocial gospel. There i a social law of God. Men u-oay forget tbit. At individuals they strive to spplv their Chnstianity in bonne**, and largely fail. Buiinete iteelf to-day it wrong. It ret* upon a negation of the social law. Each man i* for himself, each company for itaelf. It i* bated on compet- itive itrife (or profits. Tbit i* the eict oppotite of Chrittianity. Christianity ay*. "Let no man *ek hi* own, bat each bis neighbor'* good " To attempt, therefore, u apply Chrittianity to modern busiuets i* to at4*BBpt to be Chrittitn in an un Christian waj . it it to build obtdi nee to Chrict on the land* of disobedience. II can not be done. We molt change the system We mutt found busin*i cpoo aocial law. Combination must take the place of competition ; we mutt have a system in which botinee* shall be carried on, not fcr private profit*, bat for the pub- lic good. We matt apply oar Cbrutiauity to the tocial order. Fourth We view the lack of tocial order M the main cause of present tocial ill*. We find here the maiu caate of tb evil* that to-day threaten society and the Church, plutocracy. Mammon worihip, Deupvrism, poverty, unbelief. Immorality, intemperance, prottitation, crime. Re- form* upon theee special line* can there- fore only alleviate, not cure, the cause being left untouched. Fifth. The development of Chriitiao Socialism onr need to day. We mean by this no died cet iron *>*temo( any naiore, oo magic panacea of any description no tuition transformation of any sort, but (I) contentment to proceed one slop at a lime , IS) leaving to science and experience the exact form that society should adopt, yet (3) ever gradually und thoughtful!) , Deeding toward* the general goal cf associa- tion . an association , 1 ) fraternal and not paternal, <4) democratic and not tyranni- oal (It) developing true individuality, and not ignoring it . (4) land and all resource* of the earth to be held under seme system M the gift of God equally lo all Hit chil dren . (M capital and all mean* of industry to be held and controlled in tome way by the community at a whole, and operated for the benefit of tbe community equitably in all in parts . Ihus realising at the last the ideal o( Christian Socialism, the Father- hood of Ciod. ths Brotherhood of Man, the rit of Jssu Christ. now ro iA.\v*rusM THIS. Individually. let. Live up lo your own creed, (a) Regulate you life to limple and ui (c) Sacrifice time, money, position, for your belief. Jnd. Educate, agitate, organize. (a) Get people to read " Looking Back- ward, or tome inch literature, to arouse interest. id Ask them to subecribe for tbe .'aim (36 Bromntid sttet. Bottom, to set them studying. (o Organise economic classes. id i Use the prase, lecture, argue, preach. (e) Form Christian Socialist, or national societies. if i Point oat tspec:*lly that Ike present *) stem, or lack of system, in the conduct of baii nets i aot individual men or things) it largely to blam* for the ills all recognise to-day, and therefore (g) bhow that what we need to do U to do away with this systtm of every man for himself, and gradually to bmg in a demo- cratic system of combination for the good of all, as taogbt by primitive Christianity. Let no man seek his own, bat each hit neighbor'* good." TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. 1st. Stop letting Capitalists ani saloon- keepers ran" your politic*. Look oat for the Caucus. Snd. Advocate gradual tcientisa. Socialis- tic Legislation. a Where not already done, adopt ths Australian Ballot Syttem. A Free Ballot only will preserve Liberty. (bi Let tbe State, city or town provide Relief Works for this uctirployed. Set these unemployed, as far as possible, to building, under competent sapervitioo, dwellings, cr fittings for dwellings, according to the sea on., to be (old to ths artisans at ootjl cf production. If any man bat no trade that he can use, teach him one. Every man willing to work should have the oppor- tunity . to see that he has this it the first necessity of society. Good home* and steady work will do more to empty jail* and destroy intemperance than anytning else. (c) Concentrate taxation more and more Chief Aahfield, for 50 yean connected with the Toronto Fire Brigade, is dead. Wm. Anderson, a carpenter, was killed by falling from a barn near St. Thomas. France will shortly declare her recogni- tion cf the Brazilian Provisional Govern- ment. Tbe nnt sod of the Kincardine A. Teen- water Railway was tarred at Tesswster on Saturday by Mayor Bacid*. Emperor William will attend the Aus- trian macivuvTM in Transylvania and will then tpend a week in Hungary. It U stated Gen. Roberts will become Adjutant-General of tbe British army on tbe retirement cf Lord Wolseley. Prince** Victoria of Prussia U betrothed to the Prince cf Anhalt- Dessau. The mar- riage will take place at an early date. Tbe Portuguese Cortes Saturday, in the presence of the king, formally declared ths King's son, Lcaii Philippe, the heir to the throne. From the reports so far received the Rcbeon Government in British Columbia appears to nave been (attained, though its majority is reduoed. For using defamatory language towards a neighbor. A. Woohead, a farmer near Emerson, has been served with a writ claiming J5.CCO damage*. Tbos. Heran was si rock by a train Sat- urday night while walking on the Grand Trunk track in Brockville, and so badly hart that hi* recovery i* doubtful. The Czar relate* to recognize Prinoe Ferdinand M ruler of Bulgaria, bat woald favor either the Duke of Lenchtenberg or Prince Karl, son cf ihe King of bwaden. Peter Davis' friend* are endeavoring to help him by circulating a report to the ("eel thai Lawrence, the Marmora tuicidt. confessed to being the murderer of William on rental valoes cf lands, mines and all natural resource*, especially on lands held for speculation. Declare all mines here- after opened the property of the nation. idi Enforre an eight-hour day. a Satur- day bait-holiday, a day of rest for all. () Enfranchise women, remove ice poll tax. reform the Civil Service radically and thoroughly. (fi Institute free technical education, raise the school age. provide a midday meal for every scholar, supervise poblic schools. (it P'o not license the saloon, suppress it hen possible. .hi tilend governmental control over railroads, telegraphs, furnishing cf light and bett, manufactories, etc . preparatory to their gradcal municipalization. or nation- all, t, lion." Invention double* the manufacturing power of the civilised world every seven year*. For example, a type setting machine has just been invented which will rrdace tbe demand for compoiilnrtj nfty per cent. Anarchist* say they will destroy machinery, but thai would be idioti:, not to say iendish. Instead cf that, we mast reduce the bocrs of labor, and at monopo- li* multiply, humanity will in tome tutor* age be very likely to declare j oil one huge monopoly, and that will be humanity ittelf. We shall then have simply swnoi; around to tbe New Testament basis, and reached tbe day when all men't weal is mads to be each man's care, by tbe very construction of tociety and constitution of government. Tbe community of the early Cbristiani as) dstcribed in the beck of Act* was, I suppose. ' said James Freeman Clarke, that great student of religions, "tbe best society the world hat ever teen, the highest iocial condition yet attaint i by human being*. That was the divine compensation which they had for their poverty, persecution and danger." All this will come, not in our day, bat slowly and surely, as Christianity leavens the lamp of poor old human nature ; and the wish I have for you, a* for yelf. it thai we may put a shoulder lo it c heavy and unwilling wheel. The wage worker* have this year given a fresh demonstration of what total abstin- ence can do to tone down the terror* of the greatest strike yet known that of the London dcckmec. There was ro violence worth mentioning, and yet the linker* were in want of bread. Bui their great leader. John Burct. it like Mr. I'owdarly, totally free frcm the dnck habit. *nd he urged the men to keep clear cf the gin bop*. They even secured 1. '.KM signatures to ibe pledge wh:l ths strike was gcing oo, and pleaded the men lo be con- tiderale toward* their wives and children, and lo lead pure lives. I sometimes think it looks < if modern chivalry wa* threat- ening to make it* home with tb.' leaders of the modern labor movement. Tn* most significant word that we, as temperance experts, can send to onr future llif - of the labor camp is this Voa say that yen mutt Combine to con- trol legislation in your interest . but meac while- yon support tbe saloon, and that controls legislation in its own interest, which i* opposed to your*. Come with ui and let ut pal down the saloon an tbe initial step in tbe mighty labor movement. Emory. A IVminion Me*enger Figecn Associa- tion i* being formed. Amongst others tbe following have signified their appreciation of inch an association and the object which it hat in view, namely, to extend an organ- ised *y stem of messenger pigeon service all over Canada, from sea to sea. Sir John A. Macdonald, the Lieutenant Governor* of Ontario, (jaebec. New Brunswick. V-va Scotia and Manitoba . Sir Adolpbe Caron, Minister of Mililia and IWer.ce . -ir i . U. Topper, Minister of Marine - 1 Fisheriss . Hon. K. Pewdney. Minister . i Interior' the Peputy Ministers of the Dominion Govern v.enl, I.ienl.-Gen. Sir Fred K. Mid dlelon. and Lieut.-Col. Herchmer, Com- missioner of Northwest Mounted Police. A committee has now a prospectus in hand. Mr. H. B. Ponovan. 58 Bay street. Toronto, is secretary of the association. It is claimed that M. Buriaal, the French electrician. U the rtal inventor of the telephone, having di^xvered an.: applied the principle twenty years in advance of ehner Edison or Bell. An explosion of ove tons of uitro &l>o*r- ine cccuirtd at Findlay, Ohio, on Saturday morning, excavated a hole in the srouuo large enough lo bury a four- story house. and reduced tbe factory to matchwood. A.t the Toronto Criminal Assists Joseph Maroney, convicted of assault en a ;ur> man who had served on a jury that re- turned a venlut ot which the pcuoner did net approve, wat sent to the Central Prison for eigbteen months. Ai if to pal at rett tbe rumor* of increat ing friction between Germany and Kusiia. the Emperor bat requested tbe Czar to allow him to command in perscn tbe Viborg Kefcimeni. of which he u honcrary colonel, daring the coming UaMien mar.- uiavrei. Tbs body of Tbos. Ma.-kie. captain cf the schooner Jessie Brack, which was wrecked c:T Nine-mile Point four weeks ago, was found yesterday uoalmg a jaarter cf a mile below Cedar Island. It was very much decomposed. It was taken lo V, ,.:e Island for banal. In a recent conversation with a member of tbe Italian Cnamber of Pepnue*. Prem- ier Cr.spi Jtclau-d that Italy's relations with Francj and Kussia bad bejcine cor- dial, and that tbe epoch of European diffi- culties baa pMsed. and a long period cf pee>ce was guaranteed. A monument to the Puke of Brunswick, on the spot where be (ell al Attain Bras, was unveiled >tsierday in the presence of the German Minuter ai Brnisels and dele- gates from Brunswick and Belgium. A memorial plate wa* also aflixeu to tbe house in which the Puke expired. Archibald U. McPherton. Principal of the Victoria Ward School, Gait, for tbe past yean, who was in hi* customary health and apparently a man of vigorous constitution, died within half an hour after being attacked with a convulsive it. which came upon him without the slightest warning en Friday morning. H* was 54 yeartof ), A meeting held in Pans yester lay to extre** lympaihy with the amsted Nihilui* was disturbed by Anarchist*, who tutored into a free light. Tbe i,i...v com- mented sevtrely upon the action of tbe Anarchists, tnd m revenge thirty of them made an attack upon the ctice of tbe news- paper Sunday and demolished everything m sight. Jeff Mtreer. a negro gambler, ot Argen- tine, Kanea*. dragged his wife from the house ot a friend Saturday evening, and upon her refusal to return to their horn* be fired (our shots at her as she lay on the ground. Tbs tira* ihol broke her neck aad the three others entered her body, each wound being sufficient lo produo* death. Men-r escaped. The body of a young man wa* found on the Grand Trunk Railway track between Waubuno and London early Sunday morn ing. with the head severed therefrom and terribly m Jiiiated. It u supposed that he was ttealiog a rue. that he fell off and was run over by ths cars. Tbe remains wen brought to Kilgour't morgue, bat have not as yet been identified ihe Brazilian Government has agreed to TEA TABLE GOSSIP t neezwvurr BMCOJC 1 v ncuccd. *b*n I've passed :ne plaw aroanJ. Th* t:r! !o> . M iWMta* socking loves : 1 T* s>>o nuiicd coppers always fall Prom bands done op in tw-:.ty-shil.ifif gloves. Everything is going to r.earw in jewelry. -Lamb ehcpe want to be served with toasted rolls. The toughen ball player* chew gum as amducuily ai any dude. Mutton chops fried in bread crumb*, like oystert, are a in* thing. Some of the summer girl* will wear mate-lice blaiert witb lhe;r linen ihirti. There an tocce people is this world * to take (T<t peiui* To make their f*llow-m*s believe Teal lancsan braics. -Do you ever take good black pepper on your strawberries ? If s the latest gastro- nomic fad. The enumerator (lornLag backi Ons question more. Mr. Blank. WeU. oat with it '." " Are you iingls or bald- headed P Tbe big, big nib, itory and the newt- paper circulation liar gel in their work on a luffering public with the advent not weather. A New York. Sew Havtn I Hanfcrd Railway policeman used his club on a man wbote language had emended h.i::. and a jury taxed tbe road *6.'-00 damage* iherefcr. Mr. Uaisted (Stopping al doer cf itatc&ry room. Muteom of Art) I wonder what s in here? Mr? Hayseed ihastilyi Hush : Come on: They ain't got them >;als ready for exhibition yet. Johnny Mamma, what i the use of keeping the whip you use on me behind the mctto. ip u:i bless car home?' Mamma Can yea suggest a better place? Johnny Yes : pat it behind the mctto " I need thee every bcur. ' A lady patient it under treatment in a New York hospital fcr acromtgaly." This n:*an* that tb* bone* never cease to grow, and tbe victim become* distended to an enormous si^e. She now weigh; Ibs. and is very spare in iesh. A Rockvrood Janice fined a man $10 for violating tbe Hawkeri and Fedlar* by-law by taking order* for clothes to be mads to measure. Judge Drew, of Gaelpb has quashed the conviction and saddled the complainant with all the costs. A Philadelphia magistrate keeps his cellar 'led with ctickers t? ao -camwdate Chinamen who twear on the blood cf a freshlv slain bird. Tboc. ^ - :2g to wed ' wcn'J i sy :nt Constlsu.s ::-ocuog trace have .t -,rck. jldnt sar tea: -ea to-day ara lea* u* frieooi 1 tratli Jeca :'** tiir seem - - ' - m tao 1 Tboa* esanmsnt* : nfose u maka they a*d to b.-. we mar be heir l.eru and bands wen honest and their lives held little fail*. :d :no* eld-fashioned peofle now so neatly yl We re wiser than weaker too. AsJ rood eld t -tr.sepaa bonesty may lee* oor Loans imbue. beee later dart wes-1 an bent on getting nen so fast. r* hares t time to '*'"* ot thincs they tie aght I in in* pest, w* n wildly after eosd we rush and rash aci crowd. And after wbil* w* U *aen be wandng rocks** ic his -nr ' at none of a c>a e eroatrec*. w.uin :_< an*r- SBeBt* vert u tJ>- ititt was perad*. - - .ej.i.ti mt* ;-. :rt u . They cov kea co \ r. * .ji And to wed ;.: a canitc among ihe sttts \V- rsit.; ;~t L. - Th* beentiful women cf tbe world an requeued. . .'ircular. to tend their photographs to the Baroness Klara von ie al Tid-.s. These will be examined by a of artists, and thc*< selected will be put in an album with th nils : " Types cf Female Beauty ot tb Lad Yeats ot the Nineteenth Century Then the aibam will be sect to the Moscow Haseum. The cheapest way would be I tend tbe album to Hamilton to be ulied. Awtk- IT <.- pan.<n < la thunder . o*s. Which :*!*.! from h:s liaaiber* Ths ; Illbt Jowu \ ! 1 ... : ..ere*. The May fire losses in the ' S. an Canada are reported at *?..^,100. Tb total (or tbe fint five month* c' *4. 15.J:>-ovr 114.000.000 less than fo tbs tame term last year. x . Th* datllnc ciiittl!atu-:: O( the s:;:r 4sr> .> An J the lair.- tt-*t lights tb opal i evil > .- )'>.< l-vudttbe .-ore*. > Ot that itmi.l .:i :m - The boMlclora witb a diamond ui hi* :.t Mis* Sara Jeaneite Duncan, -v known to Canadian cewspaper reader wa* oee of <ho*e presented to Her Majcst by Lady Kuutsford at a recent drawm room. The lady il better known in CanaJ M "Garth Graftcn A tteamer ; ut arrived at Halifa patted a procesnon ct icebrgt 1"0 mil long. Time* are s hot on the Nova. S.vtia coast juit now that tbe nimble- fooled bergs doubtless thcctht it the part cf isdc:-. to lake counsel ->f discretion and kin. The Kicgston Canadian Order ;.' Foresters ahartered a boat lo take viliting delegates for a trip among the Thonte>nd Islands She was an American bottom and doated tbe British dag at her bows and tbe I'. 8. dag at her stern. Lieut Col. Cotton refused to allow the band to go on board unlee* the I'. S. :!ag wt* rolled down. This was, of course, refused, tbe Forester* joining in saying the flag must stay up. and Hi* Mightiness and bis band was left on *hore. 1 Lose Gaol Old-rahloerd Folk. etjw me poople of to-ay aia t asithey used t acy rat. I m rr"T sure ttty r -ot :te same * tnoM 1 'r < n, ao<i icore* among insiu thai am only so and *o. .., isedf to always teJi. a man exactly as b* M ' ^^ - :ts taf? tc take him ;a*t tL oUi*rjjty MBivi>n ;ut lots 't good to meet^nee c=- ; ' tr'si'* - i .-.J-'astloned foU so nearly world in honesty Is slipping but ti:is I freely say. :oe people please u- . i:U u wU aoet to-lev rxxi }. o( iij'.e '. !a>bion4 popl* so nearly OUI L*e U Kaonxh-A n* frocc: wa* tbe bride was (air r ere* me; hi* with a wttcbiB*; air t wa* >r ier aad nuk a* a uie.i -ccM ':, -1 snehaJ so mora sense than a babe ol thre*. V ? -rtntT bewan the old men said W* . - -.r. : thf pa** -I at be (book n,i UeaJ He shook that heed oracular T Lore u enough, \ loth he. reakfast at home. He w tLraa< and sweet st tci:.ihint was wroni with th< 'hmtjs M eat. ct^rOiiet .' iasr:n ocS^ and lea Nay. five :i. a kies io*t*i. said be. '.3= i i: .-me t ot h* aould not sax i rawuh r > :n<d meat' Yon *e left oat tbo tin ;ast* :t.--_. t--. 1 soap ' . .. '. 1 11 oak* .1 all nn: w:-.ii a i. js smUd she. : rr : -= and re f ;. ! : i !. U<>riitv mnb of wbeat ! ) sl;3J< plct.oS' O te Of U41 t* ro frca tc* table a star^-j : man btt aiVth lha: bn.lacroon: DCV H* stamp* aad roan a* h kseta lu brow .; . y <-it mojier -.i say (tea me Ttt :.-ve j =ot nearly oogt . sjSNtkka, WHO'S WHO * The resolution* cf ih Niagara and Mon- irtal Methodist Ccnfannoes. protecting againit the precedence c! Catholic ana Anglican Bishop* aver Methodist Saperin- lendenu and Presbyterian Moderator* iT* awakened some interest. The follow- ing i* the order of precedence al present established in the Dominion 1 Tie ,lcwrT! r On n i'- oommaediac the r >*al Icrce*. A Li*a:>nact -Governor c ' ' . lovetnor cf i^uebf- rolMovat! etsaaaa-Ooveraet of N*w Hrxc comru ot law acJ - Member* f tee Cabinet. . Sivakir .-f tb* 6. . 10 ct-.ei adwe* ot the . M r, sjsjftrvrOi : in*r:< anf admirals u.: ~ :- .' sol .B::a eomma -.roop* aaJ saral off . ruik in comniaail .-i : Commons. . 14 Mtmt<n .'f Senate. -,ak<r o( it<r H. 'us 16. FvisB* ; jJ<. r - . Commons. \ - T Kv WUQ;:: \- re.r ( :.eulaUve Cconci! witt FTC vmet. *r-.:\in of L(islat:ve Cc-ncils within . r nuw il Speki-r of l^isla:ive Assembly within his She Had Him Tkero. She (daring a slight tiff) Von never can keep a secret, anyway. He 1 can't ! tapposje 1 bad told that 1 had biased yon before we were en^axe i I She (calmly) -Well, I thooM eav you wen col the ovly one. (al (b) 'irtat all maakind M brother!. Censns I'ollcctor Wbal relation ats yon to the hoad of the hoaee .' Little man inthedoorwt> I'm hr hatband. submit to arbitration the .{uestion of the frontier between French liuineeand Pr* .1 to relax tbe export duty on rubber and to zempl French subject* from the applica- tion of Ihe -It TI-* that everyone who was in Bnr.ilisn territory 0:1 tbs day the Republic wa* proclaimed should be re- garded M a . .1- t-u ot Ihero were mo* deaths from cholera in ruebla de Kugat on Saturday. Seven fresh cases were reported. Two-thirds of the inhabitant* have tied from the town. The Oral caws appeared a month ago, ibe vic- tim* all beini; residents ot a street which bad been opened op (cr caving. Seven deaths have occurred al Montioheloo, a village near i ..obla de U.xv. and seven freelt ease* are reported there. Il i< rumored that two regiment* of in- fantry, a battery of artillsry and IM) marine* will be sent to Hocambiiae. v^uilhr.iani advice* say that the governor and a committee of the r habitants bave decided to organise a colonial marine Mr- vice and irregular force* for tbe ^tunbeei. also lo sapprar* English coin, and to adopt other eesure* to boycott ths Kng'.ito, Th* British vios consul was compelled to ;u.i his resiJencs and to <ak refuge at the Italian consulate Fallnre of rioUa( ihlblti.'O. 1 That, at least, has been :>( those who sent out a law > x . r - ': rovmee. The above table ii:Ten somewhat from Ibe table of colonial precedence genera.. y and also from that c( India. In tnott British colonies * the bishop ' come* third in order, that i*. immediately after th* governor i the general or admiral in command. la India, the Bishop -f Cal- culi*. Metropolitan ct India, is placed eighth in the table of preoedenoe and im med-.ately after the Chief Justice of Bengal. In England the crder of precedsn e among men after the iQfereign proceeds as follow*: ill Prince cf Wales: (9k younger sens of the sovereign.: i3i (rand- sons c' the sovereign t brothers of tbe sovereign. (') ancles cf thj sovereign: (6) nephews of the sovereign'^ ("' Archbishop c! ' Canterbury. Stale will not permit repealing toe table down to i* 8 * " bishops. ' or th ge-.tisnsn. A similar table of namben regulates and defines the precedence of women v fand ends wlin ' you ever think what your meal in the newspaper* is doing for you ' you close your store in the evening go home to your fireside and family, thinking about your bctinss* al all, The plan of sending a dotting exhibition I then it i* that the paper is being pored over to the ports of the world it said net to have - v been a success. the experience steamer, formerly British, but now under Ihe $(anish dag. which was loaded with samples of Spanish goods and product* with a view to obtain:-; order* in South America. Her movement*, both in Spanish and American ports, were attended with delays and ai:Vioalties. which are lupposed to have been owing partly to bad manage- vent and partly to want of funds." AlnxMt a Hint. Gentleman Visitor -It seems to me that I have forgotten tomething. Lady Yes. yon have forgotten lo go home. NVhet: and not in hundreds ot homes tbe home* from which your trade is drawn And there U your advertisement doing its work, silently but surely, and it y.-i have taken pains to make it attractive' its work nill be all the more effective. This ha* been repeated over and over again, and is no doibt what inspired tome writer to call newspaper ad- vertising a " silent drummer. Some people teem to think that life is in- tended to be a perpetual holiday : and when they have played themselves into liokatJM by 'self indulgence and all sorts ol wilful, reckless behavior, they cry or complain b*. cans* they mast suffer the consequences. Mist Constance rV-.r.-.or* \Voolson. tbe novelist, is the idol of tbe novel publishers. Sam Small, the evangtaat, ha* been I All the prod actions of her pen are eagerly elected President cf the Meihodiil univer , bought by the-i and easily disposed" of. sily of Ogden. I'tah. He will remove bi* i She i* now living in Italy. She is a dainty little woman and very particular in her dress. Tbe Pope's resident physician follow* hi* H.-'.iree* about almoet tike hi* shadow. Tbe P* Reeko brothers, Jtan tbe tenor, j and i* forever going to and fro with a and Edward tbe basso, demand high prices. , thermonuter in his band, looking on\ (or Tbe former want* 10.000 trance per night. ' the sligbtrM breath of an introeav- draught family thsre and make CVden bit future home, severing his connection with the Southren M.-thodist Conference and ling witb tbe Northern Methodilt*. and the latter 6,000 lo tirg in America. that rnigb 1 vtutux* to blow rudely.

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